first person
8 By Sheri Smith
LIFE LESSONS from the pandemic
“HELLO WORLD!” I say, as I step outside,
where you can find comfort, where you
bring. Five years from now? That might
blinking into the glare of a world turned
feel safe, and where you can find simple
not be possible. If you really want to do it,
upside down by COVID-19, a world that is
joys and happiness.
don’t wait!
As someone who had truly created a
Whether we like it or not, we are all in
Remember that little lie we used to tell
CDC-approved life for the past year or
this together, and our success or failure
ourselves? The one about all the things we
more, I find myself feeling a bit like Rip
depends on everyone doing his or her part.
would do “if we just had time?” Well, you
Van Winkle waking from his 20-year
The words “essential workers,” became the
had time. Did you write that novel? Did
slumber and asking: “What did I miss?”
phrase of the day during lock-downs and
you lose 20 pounds? If not, that’s okay.
COVID surges. I hope we never forget how
Now you can quit beating yourself up over
part, feels wonderfully familiar and even
much we depend on grocery clerks, truck
it and just admit it was never about time.
more beautiful than I’d remembered. A
drivers, factory workers, public service
It just wasn’t worth the effort to you, not
hug feels more life-affirming. A smile,
employees, teachers and one another.
right now anyway.
more heart-warming. I’ve been pleasantly
When one part of the system breaks down,
surprised. I expected things to seem more
we all suffer. It’s important that we all work
different. Instead, the biggest changes, I’ve
for the greater good.
A big question that was answered for me
finally realigning itself to something more closely resembling “normal.”
Funny thing is, the world, for the most
discovered, are within myself.
was whether I was truly doing things MAKE HEALTH THE PRIORITY. It should be
for myself or to impress others. In the
person I was pre-2020. I suppose you
obvious by now that without good health,
beginning of my sequestered life, I learned
don’t go through something like a global
nothing else is possible. We can’t travel,
that cleaning was definitely for myself. No
pandemic without a few life lessons along
we can’t work, we can’t take care of our
one was coming over, but I wanted things
the way. It’s also true that it’s probably
children or grandparents. Hopefully, we
tidy and clean. I just like things that way.
worth reflecting on what those life lessons
will focus on our health and never take it
Dressing up? At least in the beginning,
might be. Here’s some of what I’ve learned:
for granted again.
not so much. I spent most days living in
I have realized I will never be the same
pajamas, only to shower and change into HOME SHOULD BE RESPITE. Whatever
DO IT NOW! If there’s something you really
— more pajamas. But after a few months
is going on outside, make your home a
want to do, make it happen. Don’t wait.
like that, I did start getting dressed and
place you enjoy being. It should be a place
You never know what tomorrow will
even putting on makeup, and some days
42 June 2021