RAK magazine June 2021

Page 8



What to do if a child gets stung, bitten or impaled by thorns


plants and animals. If your child is bitten,

critters — many of whom are more active

stung or injured, here’s what parents need

during the summer months. It’s also filled

to know about getting treatment.

with sharp cactus spines and all manner

someone was stung. Arizona and Mexico are home to the infamous bark scorpion, which can make scorpion stings scarier. Their venom

of flora that isn’t soft and leafy. So, how

What types of Arizona wildlife cause the most

can cause neurologic changes; most

can Arizona parents keep kids safe from

concern for parents in the summer?

commonly this is the “pins and needles”

potential snake bites, scorpion stings and

Rattlesnakes, scorpions and gila monsters …

sensation at and around the sting, which

all kinds of unpleasant run-ins?

oh, my! Well, maybe not gila monsters, but

can last for several days to weeks. In

I couldn’t really choose between the other

children, and infrequently in adults, we

two, as I get so many questions about both.

can see the venom cause other changes:

Jon McGreevy, MD, associate program director for the pediatric residency program at Phoenix Children’s

irritability, twitching muscles in the arms

Hospital, specializes in pediatric

What should a parent do when a child is

and legs, roving eye movements, drooling,

emergency medicine, and has treated

stung by a scorpion? In what instance

or tongue muscles moving in a wave-like

all types of summer accidents. He says

should they seek medical attention? For all

fashion. [Stings in] smaller children, as

rattlesnake bites in kids are (thankfully)

scorpions, there is pain at the site where

well as stings that are closer to the head

very rare, and supervision is key to

you were stung. Know that commonly

and neck, are more likely to cause severe

keeping kids away from dangerous desert

there is no identifiable mark where

symptoms. Typically, symptoms escalate

6 June 2021 RaisingARIZONAKids.com

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