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book revIeW IntensIFIed PLan needed to Counter C

The World is becoming hazardous day by day. Toxic materials are proliferating. In the post cold war era, a large stockpile of WMD materials may have exchanged hands with rogue and out-of-job scientists and nonstate actors. Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) threats are increasing. India is not yet fully prepared to respond to a terrorist attack that uses CBRN material. An intensified national programme should be put in place to address the CBRN threat. In his book ‘Toxic Portents’, Col (Dr) Athavale analyses India’s preparedness and urges all stakeholders to act on the gaps with urgency


By Sri kriShna

Toxic Portents: CBRN Incident Management in India Author: Col (dr) Ram V Athavale (Retd) Publisher: Vij Books India Pvt ltd language: english Pages: 238

Price: `995.00

the earth is turning into a huge heap of toxic waste. A lot has been done to control this rot, but there are huge gaps in awareness and preparedness to deal with the threat from the hazardous material. The amount of toxicity surrounding us in daily life is compounded by increasing population, growing industrialization, depleting natural resources and burgeoning waste. India is among many countries that face threats from the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) material. This threat has been highlighted in a book titled ‘Toxic Portents’, written by Col (Dr) Ram Athavale. An Indian Army veteran from the 1981 batch and a specialist in the CBRN Security, Risk Mitigation and Incident Management, Col Athavale holds a PhD degree in the CBRN counter-terrorism. He says that in the post cold war era, large stockpiles of CBRN material may have been procured by rogue out-of-job scientists and non state actors. This clandestine proliferation of CBRN material can lead to disastrous CBRN terror incidents.

Col (Dr) Athavale’s book focuses on CBRN Incident Management in India. He writes in the book that India is not yet fully prepared to respond to a terrorist attack that uses CBRN material. “Of all the threats that could inflict major damage to the country, terrorists using CBRN materials is the threat for which the nation is least prepared. Although the existing capabilities work well for natural disasters such as the Gujarat earthquake and Tsunami, no integrated system is in place to deal with a threat of the magnitude, complexity and severity of WMD terrorism or CBRN incidents,” he says.

The Main sOURCe OF a nUCLeaRTeRRORisT ThReaT TO india sTeMs FROM The Jihadi GROUPs sUCh as haRkaT-ULMUJahideen, The Jaish-eMOhaMMed, LashkaR-eTaiBa, indian MUJahideen and TheiR aFFiLiaTes

Higher priority

Col (Dr) Athavale goes on to say that the government should give a higher priority to the threat of WMD terrorism in the national security policy. What he says is indeed very significant in the contemporary scenario when there is an increasing number of non-state actors who are one of the major players in terrorist activities as was seen in the November 2008 Mumbai attack. He suggests that an accelerated and intensified national programme should be put in place to address comprehensively the CBRN threat, including CBRN terrorism. It should be integrated across the entire nation and managed as a structured programme,

Painting a grim picture, the author says that WMD poses

an needed to Counter Cbrn threat

a horrifying threat to society. In the Post-Cold War period, a large stockpile of WMD and agents and materials suitable for the production of WMD were rendered ‘available’ for those who sought these. Rogue and jobless scientists and abandoned facilities were going to the best bidder. This has led to a greater proliferation of CBRN and associated material and expertise in the hands of non-state actors.

During the last few decades, the perceived threats from WMD have become a significant issue in the foreign policy and national security agendas of many NationStates. The main source of a CBRN terrorist-terrorist threat to India, therefore, stems from the jihadi groups that have taken up arms in Kashmir, such as the Harkat-ul-Mujahideen (HuM), the Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM), Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), Indian Mujahideen (IM) and their affiliates. All of them have a commitment to jihad as well as links to Al Qaeda, and all are ideologically and operationally intertwined with Al Qaeda. They have all made it very clear that India is a target.

Larger threat

In India, the threat of Biological and Chemical terrorism is larger than the Nuclear or radiological threat. CBRN threats can arise from : 1. Large quantities of toxic chemicals in storage, transit, industries and wastes. 2. Pilferage from or sabotage of research facilities handling toxic chemicals or lethal pathogen. desPiTe a hiGh LeveL OF seCURiTY and inheRenT saFeTY FeaTURes, TheRe aRe seveRaL seCURiTY Risks FOR indian nUCLeaR POWeR PLanTs FROM TeRRORisTs

3. Clandestine trade in CBRN

Materials. 4. Sewage and toxic waste disposal 5. Over the counter availability of dangerous chemicals, drugs and other hazardous material

The author notes that it is necessary that India takes note of the changing nature of terrorism – from a means to attain political goals to terror for the sake of terror. Chemical agents taken control by ISIS and Al Qaeda can easily find their way to India’s borders. He goes on to say that the threat of terrorists trying to attack our Nuclear establishments or Nuclear Power Plants (NPP) is high. While the NPP are very well guarded and technologically secure in all respects, a rouge attack to target the nuclear material cannot be ruled out.

Huge amounts of toxic chemicals abound the industrial areas, ports and dry storage warehouses. Security is minimal and pilferages are a common feature. Ease of production, procurement and clandestine processing have raised the threat levels. Similar is the case with biological agents. Pathological labs have mushroomed along with health infrastructure, both public and private. Most of these have rudimentary security systems in place. Samples and cultures can be easily obtained. Many terrorist organisations are aware of these matters. However, they lack the training to weaponise and use these agents.

There is a need to prepare and develop coordinated preparedness plans and response protocols and encourage and support applied

research to develop innovative tools and strategies to prevent or mitigate illness and injury caused by WMD terrorism.

nature of terrorism

India urgently needs to take note of the changing nature of terrorism – CBRN Terrorism and there is a need for a coordinated approach by the Central Government and State Administration with support from the Armed Forces and NGOs.

Col (Dr) Athavale says that India needs an integrated CBRN Crisis and Consequence Management structure with adequate wherewithal and expertise to tackle CBRN Terrorism Disasters and hone responses. He feels that India is not fully ready to address systematically the consequences of a WMD event. Detection capabilities are limited, integrated analytical and planning efforts are proclaimed but not fully understood, and the domestic use of military forces needs to be purposefully re-examined. He says that in an analysis of various aspects of CBRN Disasters and the steps taken by various nations and India in particular, one question looms large and that is how well prepared are State and Municipal administrations in India to deal with CBRN Disasters or acts of terrorism.

The answer is - Yes and No. Yes, because these laws will, and do help in preventing the proliferation of CBRN materials and their falling into the wrong hands. And No, as the implementation of the procedures, coordination between agencies and grassroots level understanding of the gravity of such incidents is yet grossly lacking. The Mumbai attacks of 2008 brought to hUGe aMOUnTs OF TOxiC CheMiCaLs aBOUnd The indUsTRiaL aReas, PORTs and dRY sTORaGe WaRehOUses. seCURiTY is MiniMaL and PiLFeRaGes aRe a COMMOn FeaTURe

fore some glaring lessons and major shortcomings to understand and act upon. He feels that media needs to play a mature and responsible role – Fake news and hyping uncorroborated inputs can build crowd passion, paranoia and send wrong messages to the public.

Stated that India has some of the best laws and legislations to manage CBRN issues but there is poor understanding of these among lawyers, lawmakers, governing councils and oversight agencies. Due to such a lack of understanding, oversight and enforcement is suffering. There is a need to have regular orientation workshops and courses for all concerned stakeholders to acquaint them with all laws and legislative provisions for CBRN incident prevention and risk mitigation. Various agencies, ministries and departments and even private stakeholders need to be made aware. A clear understanding of these laws and their implementation advantages will help strengthen CBRN material management and reduce the probability of accidents and other CBRN incidents.

As a beginning toward optimal CBRN resilience, there is a need to have a clear and comprehensive CBRN strategy at the National level. This should be aligned and drawn from the National Security Strategy. To correctly work on what we are aiming for, there is a need to understand the wide range of CBRN threats facing India. This Threat Analysis and Risk Assessment (TARA) is the first important step towards developing the National CBRN Strategy, says Athavale.

Major problem

Dumping and unprocessed disposal of industrial waste have been a major problem in India. Most industries have been accustomed to disposing of their toxic wastes in local unoccupied plots of land as uncharted landfills and release of effluents in streams, rivers, and municipal sewage drains. Such practices have led to gross environmental pollution causing short and long-term medical illnesses in the local population. Even though the government has enacted many regulations and laws to prevent such waste disposal and to streamline proper controlled waste management, there is a need for the industries to institute strict measures with adequate oversight to ensure proper disposal of waste.

A National CBRN Response Plan must be developed to cater to all contingencies. This Plan should flow from the National CBRN Strategy. The Response Plan must be exercised for all contingencies. Col (Dr) Athavale emphasises that there is a need to be extra vigilant and fully prepared to prevent and deter, and if faced with, respond effectively to CBRN terrorism incidents.

The book “Toxic Portents” comes at a time when we have already witnessed the effects of Covid-19, a biological disaster. The book is a must read by all administrators, Industry HSE managers, first response agencies, students of industrial hazard management and NGOs working in related fields. The book can be bought from the publishers, Vij Books India Pvt Ltd, Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi or from amazon.in.

Unravelling civil AviATiON

WInGs IndIa 2022 IndIa shoWCases Its GroWth PotentIaL at the asIa’s LarGest CIvIL avIatIon event

The four-day biennial event showcased the best in the aviation industry having on display innovative technology and aircraft machinery on commercial, general and business aviation. The theme “India@75: New Horizon for Aviation Industry” focused on new business acquisition, investments, policy formation and regional connectivity

By Sri kriShna


he aviation extravaganza Wings India 2022 held over four days from March 23 to 27 at Begumpet Airport, Hyderabad as part of the ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’, with the theme “India@75: New Horizon for Aviation Industry” focused on new business acquisition, investments, policy formation and regional connectivity and was Asia’s largest event on civil aviation. The four-day biennial event organised jointly by the Ministry of Civil Aviation and Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Indian Industry (FICCI) showcased the best in the aviation industry having on display innovative technology and aircraft machinery on commercial, general and business aviation.

Wings India brought together buyers, sellers, investors and other stakeholders on a common platform to discuss various aspects of the aviation industry.

The show came at a time when the aviation sector was recovering from the slump due to the Covid which had led to almost two years of most airlines becoming non-operational or functioning

Our new helicopter Policy, Drone Policy, MRO Policy and Flying Training Organisation Policy stand as testimony towards our commitment to streamline and promote the entry of Indian industry into opportunities that the civil aviation sector has to offer”

Jyotiraditya scindia

Minister for Civil Aviation

more as cargo carriers with passenger traffic almost coming to a standstill.

While the aircraft on display attracted visitors, the exhibit area where both private and government aviation stalls were set up too was popular. The air show performed by Team Sarang from the Indian Air Force was the highlight, and what gave a personal touch to the show was the added attraction of the crew of the Sarang team willing to pose for selfies with the visitors.

The memorabilia stall was the most popular with people queuing up to buy t-shirts, badges, miniature helicopters and masks. Model aeroplanes and toy planes too were in high demand. While the first two days were for business discussions, the remaining two days was for the general public.

As the Minister for Civil Aviation, Jyotiraditya Scindia said it was a historic time for Civil Aviation in India.

“I am confident that the forum that Wings India provides, will serve to synchronise policy formation, with concerns of the stakeholders in the civil aviation sector. Hence, it will consequentially bring unprecedented investment and business acquisition opportunities, thereby creating millions of jobs for those looking to enter this industry,” he said.

“Our new Helicopter Policy, Drone Policy, MRO Policy and Flying Training Organisation

The A350 offers the greatest range capability combined with the lowest fuel burn, and is the strategic enabler for Indian airlines to regain market share in the lucrative long-haul segment and to profitably grow their operations. We believe the A350 will shape the future of long-range travel. so we are delighted to be showcasing the A350 aircraft at Wings India 2022.”

WinGs india BROUGhT TOGeTheR BUYeRs, seLLeRs, invesTORs and OTheR sTakehOLdeRs On a COMMOn PLaTFORM TO disCUss vaRiOUs asPeCTs OF The aviaTiOn indUsTRY

india’s CiviL aviaTiOn is aMOnG The FasTesTGROWinG aviaTiOn MaRkeTs GLOBaLLY and WiLL Be a MaJOR GROWTh enGine TO Make india a Us$5 TRiLLiOn eCOnOMY BY 2024

Policy stand as testimony towards our commitment to streamline and promote the entry of Indian industry into opportunities that the civil aviation sector has to offer,” the Minister said.

Minister of State for Civil Aviation V.K. Singh noted that the aviation sector acts as a growth multiplier including economic output, jobs and trade enabled through better connectivity and has proved to be one of the largest contributors to the ‘Make in India’ initiative.

Aircraft maker Airbus showcased Airbus A350 at the event along with its portfolio of world-class products and services that are fostering the growth of commercial aviation in India. Airbus also put on display a scale model of its single aisle A220 aircraft, purpose-built for the 100160 seat market that can prove to be a game changer for regional connectivity in India.

“Air travel in India is at an inflection point with a growing middle class, an increasing propensity to travel and a geographical advantage all conducive to opening up the longhaul potential. It is the time for the renaissance of international travel solutions in and out of India,” said Rémi Maillard, President and MD of Airbus India & South Asia.

Rémi Maillard pointed out that with low fuel burn, A350 can enable Indian airlines to regain market share in the lucrative long-haul segment and grow their operations.

“The A350 offers the greatest range capability combined with the lowest fuel burn, and is the strategic enabler for Indian airlines to regain market share in the lucrative long-haul segment and to profitably grow their operations. We believe the A350 will shape the future of long-range travel. So we are delighted to be showcasing the A350 aircraft at Wings India 2022.”

Boeing at Wings India-2022, shared its annual South Asia and India Commercial Market Outlook (CMO). According to Boeing, South Asia’s air travel sector is dominated by the Indian market, which accounts for about 90 per cent of the region’s passenger traffic. India’s continued economic growth and its expanding middleclass will fuel demand across South Asia for 2,400 new commercial jets valued at nearly $375 billion during the 20-year forecast period.

“We project robust demand for air travel in South Asia with carriers increasing services, and passengers feeling confident about travel to see family and friends and do business, as well

We project robust demand for air travel in south Asia with carriers increasing services, and passengers feeling confident about travel to see family and friends and do business, as well as from air cargo”

Dave schulte

Managing Director, Regional Marketing, Boeing Commercial Airplanes

as from air cargo,” said Dave Schulte, managing director, regional marketing, Boeing Commercial Airplanes.

According to Boeing’s outlook, single-aisle aeroplanes such as the 737 family will continue to serve growth in domestic and regional markets, including flights from India to the Middle East and the Asia Pacific regions and Indian operators will need just over 2,000 new single-aisle aeroplanes to meet demand during the forecast period.

Indian carriers will need 240 new wide body aeroplanes such as the 787 Dreamliner to meet long-haul demand. Boeing forecasts demand for more than 75 freighters, including 10 wide bodies and 737 Boeing Converted Freighters. India’s civil aviation industry will require close to 1, 00,000 new pilots, technicians and cabin crew personnel, with an increasing number of women pursuing aviation careers, according to Boeing insights.

Brazilian aircraft manufacturer, Embraer, put on display its largest commercial aircraft, the Embraer E195-E2, its largest commercial aircraft as part of its demonstration tour around India. Showcasing a stunning ‘Tech Lion’ livery that covers the entire aircraft’s fuselage, this aircraft is the largest member of the new generation E-Jets family, the E-Jets E2, and is designed to seat up to 146 passengers in its signature two by two seating.

“India’s aviation scene is at a turning point and now is the moment for airlines to reposition themselves for sustainable growth,” said Raul Villaron, Asia Pacific Vice-President for Embraer Commercial Aviation.

The E195-E2 offers a low cost per seat, making it very competitive with large narrow-body aircraft that are prevalent in India. It is the perfect aircraft for airlines to tap for the next frontier of growth - connectivity to Tier-II and Tier-III cities”

Raul Villaron

Asia Pacific Vice-President for Embraer Commercial Aviation

“The E195-E2 offers a low cost per seat, making it very competitive with large narrowbody aircraft that are prevalent in India. It is the perfect aircraft for airlines to tap for the next frontier of growth - connectivity to Tier-II and Tier-III cities,” he said.

The show was in synergy with India’s commitment to transform the country into World’s top aviation hub. It sought to provide a congenial forum catering to the rapidly changing dynamics of the sector, focusing on new business acquisition, investments, policy formation and regional connectivity. During the Wings India 2022event, Pawan Hans Limited signed agreements for the leasing of six Sikorsky S-76D™ helicopters from The Milestone Aviation Group Limited, the global leader in helicopter leasing.

The aircraft will support Pawan Hans’ onshore and offshore helicopter operations in India with Pawan Hans contracted to operate two S-76D helicopters for the Government of India’s Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC). In addition to the six helicopters, of which five have already delivered, Milestone and Sikorsky, a Lockheed Martin company are also providing Pawan Hans with comprehensive value and sustainment packages to support the phasing-in of this new helicopter type into its fleet.

Speaking at Wings India, Sanjeev Razdan, Chairman and Managing Director of Pawan Hans said, “Pawan Hans is the market leader and is very selective in bringing the ideal technology relevant for the Indian market. In the medium twin category, the S-76D is the ideal aircraft to support our offshore operations in South Asia. The helicopter has been launched with a completely

With agreements in place with several OEMs, and the introduction of the technologically advanced s-76D helicopter, Pawan hans is playing a pivotal role in bringing nextgeneration helicopter operations to the Indian market”

sanjeev Razdan

Chairman and Managing Director, Pawan Hans

new maintenance and support philosophy by Pawan Hans.

With agreements in place with several OEMs, and the introduction of the technologically advanced S-76D helicopter, Pawan Hans is playing a pivotal role in bringing next-generation helicopter operations to the Indian market.”

Another highlight of the event was Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) and Airports Authority of India (AAI), entering into an agreement for the joint, indigenous development of systems for air traffic management and surface movement of aircraft at airports in the country which were hitherto being imported.

Under this Agreement, BEL and AAI will jointly develop Civil Air Traffic Management System (ATMS) with AdvancedSurface Movement Guidance and Control System (ASMGCS), a complex ground surveillance system that manages air traffic at airports and in Indian Civil Airspace for safe operation of flights from take-off to landing. Showcasing its work at the event, Airports Authority of India (AAI) highlighted the development of airport infrastructure with world-class facilities, the UDAN (Ude Desh ka Aam Naagrik) scheme, and other works done to make the Indian Civil Aviation Industry better and affordable for the people.

The show assumed immense significance considering that India’s Civil Aviation is among the fastest-growing aviation markets globally and will be a major growth engine to make India a US$5 trillion economy by 2024.

According to figures, passenger traffic in India is the third largest for domestic air passenger which stood at 274.05 million in FY20. It grew at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 12.91% during FY16-FY20.

The country saw 75 airports opened in 75 years of Civil Aviation in India while under the aegis of Ude Desh Ka Aam Naagrik (UDAN), within 3 years, work has been initiated to provide scheduled connectivity to 76 unserved / 20 underserved airports, 31 heliports and 10 water aerodromes.

Among the major changes made in the Indian aviation market was 100% Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) allowed under Automatic route for Ground Handling Services and Maintenance Repair and Overhaul Services (MRO) and both green and brownfield projects. The Indian civil Aviation MRO market, at present, stands at around US$ 900 million and is anticipated to grow to US$ 4.33 billion by 2025 increasing at a CAGR of about 1415%. The nation’s airplane fleet is projected to quadruple in size to approximately 2500 airplanes by 2038.

The government aims to develop 100 airports by 2024 (under the UDAN Scheme) and create world-class civil aviation infrastructure to be at par with global standards.

The show saw the CEOs forum providing an ideal platform for leading companies of Aviation Sector to engage, explore and grasp the opportunities for expansion and garner the sector in the presence of the Minister for Civil Aviation.

- The writer is a senior journalist and media consultant. The views expressed are of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of Raksha Anirveda The indian CiviL aviaTiOn MRO MaRkeT, aT PResenT, sTands aT aROUnd Us$ 900 MiLLiOn and is anTiCiPaTed TO GROW TO Us$ 4.33 BiLLiOn BY 2025 inCReasinG aT a CaGR OF aBOUT 14-15%. The naTiOn’s aiRPLane FLeeT is PROJeCTed TO QUadRUPLe in siZe TO aPPROxiMaTeLY 2500 aiRPLanes BY 2038

CIvIL avIatIon neWs Pratt & WhItney WIns ‘best avIatIon sustaInabLe teChnoLoGy ProvIder 2021’ aWard FroM assoChaM and the MInIstry oF CIvIL avIatIon n

ew Delhi: With the government giving a boost to the civil aviation and infrastructure development like airports, Indian civil aviation sector has tremendous potential to become backbone of transportation in the country, said Civil Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia giving away the ASSOCHAM Awards on Civil Aviation and Cargo.

Leading aviation company Pratt and Whitney received the award as the “Best Aviation Sustainable Technology Provider 2021,” from the Minister who said, this sector not only presents huge potential for domestic requirements, but for the global aviation industry.

Addressing the 13th International Conference cum Awards on Civil Aviation Cargo with theme ‘Driving Post-COVID Growth’ in the capital, the Minister said, several positive measures have been taken by the government to address the challenges faced by the Indian aviation industry, including GST on Aviation

Turbine Fuel ATF, new Airports and capacity at existing airports, streamlining of freight management and others. Talking about the tremendous growth industry has achieved in terms of numbers of airports from 74 to 140 in last eight years, he expressed confidence that aviation industry in the country may be having 1000 to 2000 fleet of aircraft in next 10 to 15 years which could well boost the aviation sector considering that it had gone through a lean patch at the time of the pandemic which had affected the nation’s economy which now was picking up. The government is working on a policy for regional airlines and helicopter operators so as to boost last mile connectivity, Scindia said. He emphasized that there was need for smaller town airports as well as regional connectivity in India.

The growth opportunity is coming from smaller cities like Jharsuguda in Odisha and Rupsi in Assam, he said. “We have to provide the last mile connectivity,” the minister said.

Receiving the award on behalf of Pratt & Whitney, at 13th Annual International Conference-cumAwards on Civil Aviation and Cargo, Ms Ashmita Sethi who is President and Country Head of the company said “Pratt & Whitney is committed to supporting our Indian airline customers in making flying more sustainable and efficient through innovations like our GTF engine, our Hybrid Electric demonstrator and our focus on SAFs as a ‘drop-in’ solution.”

We have a big opportunity in form of MRO. MRO will contribute greatly to our #GDP & which we haven’t been able to monetize for India, she tweeted.

The company has a long and proud history in India. From the Wasp-powered Douglas DC-3 in the 1940s to the JT3D-powered Boeing 707 in the 1960s, Pratt and Whitney has long been the engines behind the nation’s airlines, defence, medical services and a growing number of locations. These include business and technical offices, a world-class customer training centre, engine maintenance facilities and a large team of field service representatives. The Pratt & Whitney India Training Centre in Hyderabad provides state-of-the-art engine maintenance and performance training.

On the occasion, Scindia also gave away excellence awards in various categories to the airports, freight management agencies, ground handling agencies, training institutes and others. The aim of the conference was to outline the prominent pain points that the industry is facing – pre or post pandemic – and find specific solutions to relieve stress from Civil Aviation Sector, make it self-sustainable and economically viable.

etIhad aIrWays adoPts boeInG dIGItaL soLutIon to Further oPtIMIze 787 FLeet eFFICIenCy d

UBAI. Boeing has been selected to provide Etihad Airways with the Jeppesen FliteDeck Advisor digital solution for the carrier’s 787 Dreamliner fleet to optimize operational efficiency and reduce fuel consumption. Etihad has already found benefits from the use of FliteDeck Advisor. During a trial on several of its 787 Dreamliners, the airline found that the digital solution delivered cruise fuel savings of 1.4%, saving an average of 350 kilograms of fuel and 1,100 kilograms of CO2 per flight.

Since 2019, Boeing and Etihad have collaborated on sustainability efforts centred on the airline’s 787 Dreamliner fleet, including on Etihad’s participation in Boeing’s ecoDemonstrator program, where the FliteDeck Advisor solution was initially trialled. In 2021, the two companies renewed and expanded their sustainability alliance to focus on enhancing the efficiency of navigation and flight operations, airframe technologies and sustainable practices to reduce emissions.

Jeppesen FliteDeck Advisor analyses airplane-specific performance metrics for all Boeing aircraft, including changes over time with aircraft age and maintenance action. The tool enables flight crews to make small, real-time adjustments to their course, altitude, and speed to optimize fuel use and minimize the carbon footprint of each flight.

Boeing provides several other digital solutions and services to Etihad’s 787 fleet including Jeppesen FliteDeck Pro, Jeppesen Crew Rostering and Boeing Wind Updates, which provide crew scheduling, charting, navigation, and flight efficiency capabilities.

With 39 Boeing Dreamliner airplanes currently in operation, Etihad is the largest operator in the Middle East of the 787, a family of airplanes designed with superior efficiency which allows airlines to profitably open new routes to fly people directly where they’d like to go in exceptional comfort. Boeing’s strategy to decarbonise aerospace is focused on four key areas, spanning fleet renewal, operational efficiency, renewable energy and advanced technology. Within the operational efficiency strategy, Boeing Global Services provides a portfolio of services including data analytics tools to help customers uncover cost or efficiency savings that reduce fuel consumption.

boeInG and ethIoPIan aIrLInes sIGn MeMoranduM oF understandInG For neW 777-8 FreIGhter

seaTTLe. Boeing and ethiopian airlines announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with the intent to purchase five 777-8 Freighters, the industry’s newest, most capable and most fuel-efficient twin-engine freighter. The MoU to order the 777-8 Freighter will enable ethiopian airlines to meet expanding global cargo demand from its hub in addis ababa and position the carrier for long-term sustainable growth. Boeing launched the new 777-8 Freighter in January and has already booked 34 firm orders for the model, which features the advanced technology from the new 777x family and proven performance of the market-leading 777 Freighter. With payload capacity nearly identical to the 747-400 Freighter and a 30% improvement in fuel efficiency, emissions and operating costs, the 777-8 Freighter will enable a more sustainable and profitable business for operators. ethiopian airlines currently operates nine 777 Freighters, connecting africa with more than 40 cargo centres throughout asia, europe, the Middle east and americas. The carrier’s fleet also includes three 737-800 Boeing Converted Freighters and a combined commercial fleet of more than 80 Boeing jets including 737s, 767s, 787s and 777s.

CIvIL avIatIon neWs aIr Canada orders sIx aIrbus a321xLr to sustaInabLy suPPort netWork exPansIon FroM Canada t

oulouse. Air Canada has confirmed an order with Airbus for six A321XLR aircraft, previously listed as undisclosed in the Airbus order book. With this commitment Air Canada’s A321XLR fleet will comprise 26 aircraft including 20 additional A321XLRs the carrier is acquiring through lessors.

The A321XLR is a perfect fit for Air Canada’s fleet, given its history of operating the entire A320-Family as well as Airbus’ long-range A330-300 wide body and more recently, Airbus’ latestgeneration single-aisle aircraft, the A220.The new Airbus A321XLR aircraft is an ideal replacement for older and less fuel-efficient aircraft. The latest generation Single Aisle jet will allow Air Canada to add new destinations in the most sustainable way.

The A321XLR is the next evolutionary step in the A320neo Family of aircraft, meeting market requirements for increased range and payload in a single-aisle aircraft, and creating more value for airlines by enabling economically viable service on longer routes than any comparable aircraft model. It will allow services from Eastern Canada to a much larger selection of European destinations.

The A321XLR will deliver an unprecedented single-aisle aircraft range of up to 4,700nm, with 30% lower fuel consumption per seat compared to previousgeneration aircraft as well as reduced NOx emissions and noise. The aircraft will feature the Airbus Airspace cabin, offering a next level of long-haul comfort to passengers.

stat MedevaC orders 10 neW aIrbus h135 heLICoPters

dallas. sTaT Medevac, an airbus customer for nearly 40 years, has committed to ordering 10 new h135 helicopters as part of a fleet renewal initiative for its air medical operations. sTaT’s total airbus fleet, a mix of h135 and h145 family aircraft, operates out of 18 bases.sTaT Medevac has flown airbus helicopters since commencing operations in 1985 and has a longstanding history with the h135 family – it was the first air ambulance program in north america to operate the eC135 in 1997, the first single-pilot iFR program with an eC135 in U.s. helicopter emergency Medical services (heMs), the launch customer of the latest h135 variant in north america and the launch customer of the helionix-equipped version in 2019. The Pennsylvania-based critical care transport provider is the clinical arm for the Centre for emergency Medicine of Western Pennsylvania, and is also the largest single branded, non-profit medical transport system in the eastern United states.The h135 is the market leader in emergency medical services (eMs) worldwide and can be fitted with a wide range of eMs configurations, providing direct access and ample room for patient care. With the lowest operating and maintenance costs of any twin-engine, the proven h135 family of aircraft include airbus’ helionix avionics suite and has recently received an alternate gross weight increase for an additional 265lbs of useful load.

atr: MakInG reGIonaL aIr MobILIty More aFFordabLe In IndIa

hyderabad: Leading regional aircraft manufacturer aTR showcased its latest products and services at Wings india 2022. The manufacturer has recently launched a new engine variant – the PW127xT, which will bring down fuel burn and engine maintenance costs even further – respectively by 3% and 20%, reinforcing aTR’s position as the most economical and sustainable aircraft on the market. With 61 aircraft flying in india, operated by four airlines, which served 90 destinations and opened 39 new routes in 2021, aTR turboprops have been supporting socioeconomic growth in the country since 1999, serving both large metro airports and small regional airfields, and providing essential connectivity to thousands of communities. aTR is the world number one regional aircraft manufacturer with its aTR 42 and 72 aircraft the best- selling aircraft in the less than 90-seat market segment. aTR aircraft open more than 100 new routes on average every year, burn up to 40% less fuel and emit up to 40% less CO2 than regional jets. aTR aircraft have been chosen by some 200 companies in 100 countries around the world. aTR is a joint-venture between airbus and Leonardo.

PaWan hans to Lease sIx sIkorsky s-76d™ heLICoPters FroM MILestone avIatIon

haL brInGs 19-seater CIvIL aIrCraFt – hIndustan 228

Hyderabad. Pawan Hans Limited (“Pawan Hans”), a Government of India company under Ministry of Civil Aviation signed agreements for the leasing of six Sikorsky S-76D™ helicopters from The Milestone Aviation Group Limited (“Milestone”), the global leader in helicopter leasing. The announcement was made during the Wings India event in Hyderabad, India. The aircraft will support Pawan Hans’ onshore and offshore helicopter operations in India with Pawan Hans contracted to operate two S-76D helicopters for the Government of India’s Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (“ONGC”). In addition to the six helicopters, of which five have already delivered, Milestone and Sikorsky, a Lockheed Martin company are also providing Pawan Hans with comprehensive value and sustainment packages to support the phasing-in of this new helicopter type into its fleet. The legendary S-76® helicopter operates successfully in more than 40 countries on six continents, fulfilling its many missions in varied environmental conditions. Sikorsky, a Lockheed Martin Company has delivered more than 875 S-76 helicopters to customers globally since 1977, contributing daily to a growing total of more than 7.5 million flight hours. The S-76D helicopter, through its application of modern technologies, is designed to provide a substantial increase in performance, power and value.

Hyderabad. Defence Public Sector Undertaking (DPSU) Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) has in a major step forward developed a small civil transport aircraft, Hindustan 228, a 19-seater that can be operated even in semi-prepared and unpaved airstrips. Apurba Roy, General Manager, HAL told a news agency that, “in Hindustan 228, the design has been transferred to us from Dornier GmbH. This particular aircraft is under type certification and will have it in the name of Hindustan 228. All the testing parameters have been completed. “There is a huge potential for these kinds of aircraft in the market. There are few aircraft in India and across the world that are designed for short-haul travel and can operate on a semi-prepared runway. This aircraft can have many utilities. They can be used as an ambulance, cargo, parajam or paradrop, etc. It is a multi-utility aircraft,” he said. Roy said HAL is making six more such aircraft. The 19-seater aircraft has no toilet. And if the toilet is added then seating capacity will be 17. The engine of the aircraft is not made in India. “There is a lot of interest shown from the state governments as well as private parties to make it deployable in the Udaan scheme,” he added.

Pratt & WhItney announCes neW CaPabILItIes Centre In benGaLuru

neW DeLHI. Pratt & Whitney has announced its plans to open a worldclass global supply chain support centre in Bengaluru, India. The India Capability Centre (ICC) will employ hundreds of analysts and data scientists to augment Pratt & Whitney’s global supply chain, focused on digital capabilities.

“We are proud to announce our Supply Chain Support Centre in Bengaluru – a first-of-its-kind investment for Pratt & Whitney in India,” said Jim Hamakiotis, vice president, supply management, Pratt & Whitney Canada. “As we build upon our digital transformation efforts at Pratt & Whitney, the India centre will play a crucial role in creating an advanced and integrated global supply chain for us.”

The centre began recruiting for its first tranche of 160 aerospace analysts and data scientists and is expected to begin initial operations by April 2022. The centre will be co-located at Collins Aerospace’s campus in Yelahanka, Bengaluru.

“India provides the perfect ecosystem of aerospace talent, innovation and capabilities for us,” said Ashmita Sethi, president and country head, Pratt & Whitney. “Over the years we have made significant investments, including our state-of-the-art India Customer Training Centre in Hyderabad and our advanced R&D centre in Bengaluru. Our new centre is a great example of our continued commitment to India, and we aim to grow our in-country capabilities further.”

The India Capability Centre will collaborate with teams across Pratt & Whitney’s global supply chain, and will focus on supply chain operations, procurement, and digital analytics.

“India’s ICC will deliver seamless international collaboration. We look forward to building a team that is curious, innovative and aligned to Pratt & Whitney’s mission – and Bengaluru serves as the perfect talent hub,” said Sandeep Sharma, director, India operations, supply chain, Pratt & Whitney Canada.

Pratt & Whitney already has a strong, decade-old Research & Development (R&D) presence in Bengaluru. The company’s world-class R&D centre at Indian Institute of Sciences (IISc), Bengaluru focuses on cutting-edge materials and propulsion technologies research. With over 1700 engines and APUs (Auxiliary Power Units) powering more than 900 aircraft, Pratt & Whitney has the largest footprint of any engine maker in the country, and nearly one in every two people flying in India, fly on planes powered by Pratt & Whitney engines.

boeing, spiceJet, CsIr-Indian Institute of Petroleum Join hands to Lead the Way in sustainable aviation Fuel for the Indian aviation Industry

hyderabad. Boeing, spiceJet, and CsiR-indian institute of Petroleum (iiP) recently announced that they are working together to explore opportunities for the use of sustainable aviation Fuel (saF) in the indian aviation industry, as part of the organisations’ commitment to help reduce carbon emissions, contributing to the indian Government’s environmental goals.

The companies will work together to leverage saF supply from CsiRiiP and its production partners and licensees to help spiceJet decarbonize its fleet. saF can reduce CO2 emissions by as much as 65% over the fuel’s life cycle with the potential to reach 100% in the future. it is recognized as offering the most immediate and greatest potential to decarbonize aviation over the next 20 to 30 years. Made from several feedstocks, saF is certified for commercial use and can be blended with traditional jet fuel without modifications to airplanes, engines, or fuelling infrastructure. in 2021, Boeing committed to deliver its commercial airplanes capable and certified to fly on 100% saF by 2030.

This announcement builds on Boeing’s long-term industry leadership and investment to develop saF around the world, partnering with airlines, fuel companies, governments and research institutions to expand saF supply and reduce its cost. This announcement builds on Boeing’s long-term industry leadership and investment to develop saF around the world, partnering with airlines, fuel companies, governments and research institutions to expand saF supply and reduce its cost.

beL and aaI JoIn hands to deveLoP IndIGenous aIr traFFIC ManaGeMent systeMs

Hyderabad. In a major boost to its own diversification drive into nondefence and the Government’s ‘Make in India’ programme, Defence PSU Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) and Airports Authority of India (AAI), under its R&D initiative, at Wings India- 2022, entered into an agreement for the joint, indigenous development of systems for air traffic management and surface movement of aircraft at airports in the country which were hitherto being imported.

Under this Agreement, BEL and AAI will jointly develop Civil Air Traffic Management System (ATMS) with Advanced-Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (ASMGCS), a complex ground surveillance system that manages air traffic at airports and in Indian Civil Airspace for safe operation of flights from take-off to landing.

The agreement was signed by Mr M V Raja Sekhar, Director (R&D), BEL, and Mr M Suresh, Member (ANS), on behalf of BEL and AAI, respectively, in the presence of Mr Sanjeev Kumar, Chairman AAI, at Wings India- 2022 in Hyderabad.

The dual purpose of air traffic control is to ensure safety, maintaining separation between multiple aircraft, and efficient management of operations at the airport and Indian airspace. ASMGCS provides routing, guidance and surveillance services to aircraft and vehicles, on the ground, in order to maintain safe surface movement in all weather conditions at the airport. The aim of ATMS with ASMGCS is to provide the air traffic controller with the complete air traffic picture of the coverage area while interacting with Primary/Secondary Radar, Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B), Multi-lateration System (MLATs), and navigational equipment such as GPS, Instrument Landing System (ILS) and Doppler Very High Frequency Omni Range (DVOR). It also interfaces with multiple subsystems including Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunications Network (AFTN), Airport Operational Database (AODB), Airport Collaborative Decision Making (ACDM) and Centralised Air Traffic Flow Management system (CATFM). The system is used in congested airports and airspaces to serve large volume of air traffic, including military flights.

The system comprises multiple, in-house developed technologies, such as Situation Display for Air traffic controller, Surveillance Data Processing (SDP), Flight Data Processing (FDP), Safety Net and Decision Support (SNET), Control & Monitoring Display (CMD), Advanced ASMGCS, etc. It helps in increasing capacity with improved safety by reducing controller workload, improving air traffic flow and minimising flight delays. Enhanced system reliability and availability are provided through redundant and distributed architecture, safeguarding ATM operations.

IndIa Leads south asIa aIr traFFIC GroWth For the next tWo deCades

HYDERABAD. Boeing shared its annual South Asia and India Commercial Market Outlook (CMO) at Wings India 2022, anticipating resilient long-term demand for commercial airplanes and services following the COVID-19 pandemic. South Asia’s air travel sector is dominated by the Indian market, which accounts for about 90% of the region’s passenger traffic. India’s continued economic growth and its expanding middle class will fuel demand across South Asia for 2,400 new commercial jets valued at nearly $375 billion during the 20-year forecast period, according to Boeing. Single-aisle airplanes will increase their share of total airplane demand to serve India’s vast domestic market and competitive regional market, which includes established carriers as well as start-up airlines. To improve and expand long-haul connectivity – especially routes from India to North America and Europe – carriers will continue to invest in versatile, fuel-efficient widebody airplanes. Other insights from Boeing’s CMO forecast through 2040 include: Indian operators will need just over 2,000 new single-aisle airplanes to meet demand during the forecast period. Single-aisle airplanes such as the 737 family will continue to serve growth in domestic and regional markets, including flights from India to the Middle East and Asia Pacific regions. Indian carriers will need 240 new widebody airplanes such as the 787 Dreamliner to meet long-haul demand.

India’s air cargo growth is expected to average 6.3% annually, driven by the country’s manufacturing and e-commerce sectors, including its Make in India initiative.

CIvIL avIatIon neWs boeInG and IGrua exPLore CoLLaboratIon oPPortunItIes to enhanCe earLy Career FLIGht traInInG In IndIa n

ew Delhi. Boeing recently announced plans to explore strategic collaboration opportunities to enhance safety and quality in early career flight training with Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Uran Akademi (IGRUA), a premier flight training organization under the Indian Ministry of Civil Aviation (MoCA).

Boeing’s strategic collaboration with IGRUA is an important step in advancing aviation training in the country through collaboration with flight training and development organizations to enhance capabilities and safety. “IGRUA has always set the bar for training in Indian aviation. The collaboration with Boeing will help IGRUA set the bar even higher to achieve global standards.

The collaboration will not just benefit the next generation of Indian pilots, but the entire aviation ecosystem of the country will benefit from Boeing’s experience in safety and quality. IGRUA is proud to be associated with Boeing,” said Krishnendu Gupta, Director, IGRUA. IGRUA’s experience in India and the surrounding region will provide key insights into identifying opportunities for the organizations to work together in the early career flight training field.

“Boeing is committed to supporting and investing in the Indian Government’s Aatmanirbhar Bharat vision of continuing to develop India as an aviation hub,” said Salil Gupte, president, Boeing India. “Our strategic collaboration with IGRUA will look at ways to further emphasize safety and quality to aspiring airline cadets in training and throughout their careers,” added Gupte. Boeing intends to further focus on developing both early career and professional flight training in India through collaborations, scholarships, experiential learning, innovation and technology.

boeInG deveLoPs CoMMunICatIon, navIGatIon, and surveILLanCe/aIr traFFIC ManaGeMent ModernIzatIon roadMaP For aIrPorts authorIty oF IndIa

new Delhi. Boeing has announced the completion of its milestone project for airports authority of india (aai), to develop a comprehensive 10-year Communication, navigation and surveillance/air Traffic Management (Cns/aTM) modernization roadmap, undertaken with a grant from the Us Trade and development agency (UsTda). Boeing, with aai, conducted a comprehensive analysis across operational, environmental, regulatory, technological, safety, and financial factors to develop and present a roadmap that aai can use as guidance to modernize the indian national airspace system across communication, navigation, surveillance, and capacity and traffic management – aligned with global best standards. in 2019, Boeing and aai signed an agreement to jointly develop a comprehensive 10-year roadmap for modernizing air Traffic Management in india, backed by the UsTda. as part of the project, Boeing worked closely with the directorate General of Civil aviation (dGCa), airlines operating in india, airport operators, and other airspace stakeholders under the Us-india aviation Cooperation Program (aCP). Partnerships of this scale increase further opportunities and deepen collaboration between the Us and india, and in the aviation ecosystem locally, enabling exchange and leverage of expertise and technology for local as well as global customers.

aIr FranCe-kLM ConFIrMs order For Four a350F

toulouse. air France-kLM has finalised its order with airbus for four new generation a350F freighters, following the earlier commitment announced in december 2021. The freighters are destined to increase air France’s cargo capacity with the most efficient and sustainable cargo aircraft available in the market. The a350F is based on the world’s most modern long range leader, the a350. The aircraft will feature a large main deck cargo door and a fuselage length optimised for cargo operations. Over 70% of the airframe is made of advanced materials resulting in a 30 tonnes lighter take-off weight, which together with efficient Rolls-Royce engines generate an advantage of at least 20% lower fuel burn and CO2 over its current closest competitor. With a 109 tonnes payload capability (+3t payload / 11% more volume than its competition), the a350F serves all cargo markets (express, general cargo, special cargo…) and is in the large freighter category the only new generation freighter aircraft ready for the enhanced iCaO CO₂ emissions standards. Launched in 2021, the a350F recorded 29 orders and commitments from five customers.

LILIuM beGIns FLIGht testInG In sPaIn, PLans to IntroduCe an addItIonaL deMonstrator aIrCraFt

euroWInGs reCeIves Its FIrst a320neo

VILLACARRILLo / MUnICH: Lilium n.V. (“Lilium”), developer of the first allelectric vertical take-off and landing (“eVTOL”) jet, announced that it has begun the next phase of flight testing in Spain with its 5th generation technology demonstrator, Phoenix 2. Over the coming months at the ATLAS Flight Test Centre, Lilium plans to extend the flight envelope through full transition and high-speed flight. These developments come after successful flight testing with the same aircraft in southern Germany last year. Lilium also plans to introduce an additional demonstrator aircraft, Phoenix 3, which is scheduled to arrive in Spain for first flight this summer. This aircraft is expected to significantly accelerate the flight test campaign, allowing Lilium to increase learnings and reduce program risks. Together with excellent weather conditions, the ATLAS Flight Test Centre provides optimal infrastructure and enables aircraft to fly over a large, unpopulated area while transitioning fully to high-speed wing-borne flight. The modern facilities and support from the Andalusian Foundation for Aerospace Development (“FADA”) and Centre for Advanced Aerospace Technologies (“CATEC”) have been instrumental in setting Lilium up for a successful flight test campaign. Lilium, founded in 2015 – is creating a sustainable and accessible mode of high-speed, regional transportation for people and goods. Accelerating the decarbonisation of air travel using the Lilium Jet, an all-electric vertical take-off and landing jet, offering leading capacity, low noise and high performance with zero operating emissions, Lilium is working with aerospace, technology and infrastructure leaders, and with planned launch networks announced in Germany, the United States and Brazil.

Toulouse. Eurowings has taken delivery of its first Airbus A320neo aircraft featuring the new Airspace cabin design. Eurowings is a long standing all Airbus operator with 75 Airbus A320 Family Aircraft on its European network. The Airbus Airspace cabin brings the award-winning widebody passenger experience to the single-aisle market, elevating comfort, ambience and services to the next level. Unique and customizable lighting sets the right ambience throughout all phases of flight, optimizing passenger relaxation in the quietest cabin in its class. Airspace XL bins for 60% more bags, redesigned sidewall panels maximize personal space. Airspace also offers hygienic space and antimicrobial surfaces in all lavatories. The A320neo Family is the most successful aircraft family ever with an operational reliability at 99.7 %. The A320neo provides operators with a 20% reduction in fuel consumption and CO2 emissions, thanks to latest technologies as new generation engines and Sharklet wing tip devices. The Airbus’ A320neo Family offers unmatched comfort in all classes and Airbus’ 18-inch wide seats in economy as standard. At the end of February 2022, the A320neo Family had received nearly 7,900 orders from over 125 customers worldwide.

CIvIL avIatIon neWs tIdCo & Ge to estabLIsh Centre oF exCeLLenCe For avIatIon researCh In taMIL nadu n

ew Delhi. GE Aviation, a world leader in aircraft engines and technology development, has partnered with Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation Ltd. (TIDCO) to set up a Centre of Excellence (CoE) in emerging technologies. Governed by the special purpose entity (SPV) of TIDCO, the CoE aims to create an ecosystem of advanced research and development using additive technologies. The CoE comes after both organizations signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) in 2021. An investment of about ₹141.26 crores over five years was proposed to be funded by TIDCO and GE in two phases.

The CoE will work towards technology development of aviation engine parts such as compressor heat exchangers, combustor components, casing, frames, gears, and splines. It will also take up projects in development of predictive analytical solutions for additive manufacturing (AM) for industry 4.0. The CoE will aim to develop Indian intellectual property for the AM technologies including materials, machines, and design software to provide specific technology solutions.

Recently the India’s Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology rolled out a national strategy for Additive Manufacturing (AM) to encourage collaboration between government, industry, and academia with the goal of making India a global hub for design, development and deployment of 3D printing.

Additive Manufacturing (AM), also known as 3D printing, is a manufacturing technology whose adoption is increasing at rapid pace in industries like aerospace, automotive and healthcare. Unlike conventional manufacturing, AM can enable complex designs without additional cost burden. It offers unprecedented geometrical freedom and can, therefore, not only enable significant design innovation but also produce an assembly of several different parts as a single unit.

aIrbus, tata strIve CoLLaborate WIth aassC to skILL IndIa’s youth For avIatIon Jobs

Mumbai. Airbus signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Tata STRIVE, a skill development initiative of Tata Trusts, and the Aerospace and Aviation Sector Skill Council (AASSC) to train young Indians for aviation and aerospace jobs.

AASSC is the apex body in skill development in aerospace and aviation sector under the aegis of National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC).

The MoU was signed by Rémi Maillard, President and Managing Director, Airbus India & South Asia, Anita Rajan, CEO – Tata STRIVE and Wg Cdr Rachit Bhatnagar CEO, AASSC in the presence of Christian Scherer, Chief Commercial Officer and Head of Airbus International, Sandeep Patnaik, Director, AASSC and Chetan S, Head Operations, AASSC. Under the partnership, Airbus, Tata STRIVE and and AASSC with support of NSDC & Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE) will work together to build a pipeline of talent in the aerospace sector, focusing on providing opportunities to the youth. The three entities will form a joint working group to explore skilling in areas such as airport operations, flight training, engineering and maintenance as well as for workforce requirements for safety of aircraft and airports. The organisations will leverage their existing flagship centres to deliver available courses and also look at updating required curriculum. In addition, the three partners will also look for synergies with other aviation companies to explore their support on skilling in drones operation and MROs.

FIrst a380 PoWered by 100% sustaInabLe avIatIon FueL takes to the skIes

Toulouse. Airbus has performed a first A380 flight powered by 100% Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF). Airbus’ A380 test aircraft MSN 1 took off from Blagnac Airport, Toulouse, France on March 25. The flight lasted about three hours, operating one Rolls-Royce Trent 900 engine on 100% SAF. 27 tonnes of unblended SAF were provided by Total Energies for this flight. The SAF produced in Normandy, close to Le Havre, France, was made from Hydroprocessed Esters and Fatty Acids (HEFA), free of aromatics and sulphur, and primarily consisting of used cooking oil, as well as other waste fats.

This is the third Airbus aircraft type to fly on 100% SAF over the course of 12 months; the first was an Airbus A350 in March 2021 followed by an A319neo single-aisle aircraft in October 2021.

Increasing the use of SAF remains a key pathway to achieving the industry’s ambition of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. Key statistics outlined in the Waypoint 2050 report indicate that SAF could contribute between 53% and 71% of required carbon reductions. All Airbus aircraft are currently certified to fly with up to a 50% blend of SAF mixed with kerosene. The aim is to achieve certification of 100% SAF by the end of this decade. The A380 aircraft used during the test is the same aircraft recently revealed as Airbus’ ZEROe Demonstrator – a flying testbed for future technologies instrumental to bringing the world’s first zero-emission aircraft to market by 2035.

‘Made-In-IndIa’ dornIer 228 takes FIrst CoMMerCIaL FLIGht

New Delhi: With Civil aviation Minister Jyotiraditya scindia on board, alliance air’s made-in-india dornier 228 aircraft took its first commercial flight on dibrugarh-Pasighat route on april 12. With this alliance air became india’s first commercial airline to fly indianmade aircraft for civil operations. in February, state run alliance air had signed an agreement with hindustan aeronautics Limited to lease two 17-seater dornier 228 aircraft. The dornier 228 is based on do-228 being operated by the indian air Force and manufactured by haL in india. alliance air is the regional division of air india operating flights under the government’s RCs-Udan scheme. alliance air’s first flight between dibrugarh in assam and Pasighat in arunachal Pradesh will boost connectivity in the north-eastern states. Regular flight operations are slated to start from april 18 on the dibrugarhPasighat-Lilabari-dibrugarh route. The services will be further expanded to Tezu, Mechuka, Ziro and Tuting in arunachal Pradesh with the dibrugarh airport as the hub station. aviation Minister Jyotiraditya scindia, arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema khandu and assam Chief Minister himanta Biswa sarma were present on the occasion of dornier 228’s first flight and the flying training organisation’s opening. Till date, dornier 228 planes are used by the armed forces only. according to haL, the versatile aircraft has the capabilities of short take-off and landing, ability to land and take-off from semi-prepared runways. The aircrafts will be deployed under the government’s ambitious Regional Connectivity scheme (RCs) in the region called Udan.

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