Reading Tracker Online

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Reading Tracker Online

• Evaluated & Approved by NYSED as a Measure of Academic Growth for Schools and Districts. (2013) • Approved by NYSED for Teacher & Principal Evaluations

Reading Tracker ONLINE

Reading Tracker ONLINE

for iPads, Tablets, Laptops, Any Computer

Track & Monitor Your Students’ Reading Progress Throughout the Year Reading Tracker Online Aligned to Common Core Standards 1

This slide serves as an explanation for the slide to the right.

Reading Tracker Online is simple and easy to use ongoing Formative Assessment!       

  

Teachers access the password-protected website and assign lessons for each student. Students take the assessments online Teachers receive instant online skill analysis to monitor student progress Reports are aligned to the Common Core Standards - available by Class, Grade, School, and District

Evaluated and Approved for the NYSED as a Measure for Academic Growth! Approved by NYSED for Teacher & Principal Evaluations 

Click this link to see the NYSED list of approved assessments 

The list is alphabetical order. Look for RALLY! Education.


Reading Tracker Online

Evaluated & Approved by NYS Education Department as a Measure of Academic Growth for Schools and Districts. (2013)

Reading Tracker ONLINE

Reading Tracker ONLINE

for iPads, Tablets, Laptops, Any Computer

Track & Monitor Your Students’ Reading Progress Throughout the Year Reading Tracker Online Aligned to Common Core Standards 3

Reading Tracker ONLINE

How Reading Tracker Online Works •  Teachers Access Password-Protected Website •  Teacher Assigns Assessments (Comprehensive Tests 1 & 2 plus 5 Progress Tests) •  Student goes to secure home page and selects the assigned test. •  When Student is Finished, clicks the “Done” button. •  Teacher Accesses Online Reports to Monitor Progress & Differentiate Instruction – all aligned to the Common Core Standards


Reading Tracker Online Use it anytime, anywhere, on any computer via the Internet   Online 

Formative Assessment

Instant Scoring & Immediate Reports

  Reading 

Tracker Tests

7 quick assessments aligned to the Common Core Reading Standards. 

Two Comprehensive Tests (Pretest & Posttest)

Five Progress Tests (Monitor & Track Progress)

35-45 Minute Assessments

Reading Tracker Online

Evaluated & Approved by NYS Education Department as a Measure of Academic Growth for Schools and Districts. (2013)

Assessments include Literary & Informational passages


This slide serves as an explanation for the slide to the right.

  

    

This is an Instructional Timeline that describes how to use Reading Tracker Online. The Pretest, also known as the Benchmark Assessment, is administered first, followed by five Progress Tests. Administration of all 5 progress tests is optional. The progress tests are administered at different points during the Instructional Cycle. Finally, the time line ends with the administration of the posttest or the mastery assessment. Teachers can easily track a student’s growth over time.



Reading Tracker ONLINE

How do you use Reading Tracker Online? Instructional Time Line Comprehensive Test 1 Pretest Benchmark Assessment 45 minutes

Progress Tests Five 35-minute assessments

Comprehensive Test 2

Progress Monitoring during the Instructional Cycle

Posttest Mastery Assessment 45 minutes

This slide serves as an explanation for the slide to the right.


Reading Tracker Online is Research Based, aligned to the Common Core Standards and Built on a Vertical Scale VERTICAL SCALE EXAMPLE: 

Here, we can see that Tyrell is reading on target for the 3rd grade level on the Reading Tracker’s vertical scale. On October 31st his reading score is 345. Third grade scores are within the 300 point range.   The two charts indicate where Tyrell scores as a third grader and where his score places him on the overall vertical scale. This report indicates that Tyrell is tracking on grade level for this time of year. If his vertical scale score was below 300, the teacher needs to remediate him to increase reading comprehension skills.

Tracker Online Scale

Reading Tracker ONLINE

3rd grade student as an example

Name: Tyrell

Vertical Scale


3 Date: Oct. 31, 20... Test: PT-D2 Grade:

Score: 345


1000 900

Gr 9



Gr 8


Gr 7

600 500

Gr 6


Gr 4


Gr 3


Gr 2


Your score

330 300 270

Gr 5



This slide serves as an explanation for the slide to the right.

Reading Tracker ONLINE

The Student Experience •  Student goes to secure home page and selects the test assigned. •  When finished, clicks “Done” button. •  Student Tests are comprised of literary and informational passages. •  Informational passages include social studies and science content. •  All passages are complex and are followed by several comprehension questions. •  Note that the question is always in view. It “follows” the reader as he or she scrolls to read the entire selection.


The Student Experience

Students read passages online and answers reading comprehension questions.

Students can easily navigate using the arrows or question numbers to check their work before finishing the assessment.


Reading Tracker ONLINE

The Teacher Experience •  Teacher goes to secure home page •  Assigns tests and/or lessons •  Reviews Student Report and Common Core Reports for results



A Variety of Teacher Reports

for Progress Monitoring Throughout the School Year Class Report

Student Report

Progress Report

480 450 430

Color-Coded by Levels of Proficiency

This slide serves as an explanation for the slide to the right.   Teachers

receive a variety of clear and concise reports by skill and grade level. 

They are color-coded for easy interpretation.

  The

Student Report identifies exactly where the student is on the vertical scale and identifies a student’s strengths and weaknesses based on the results of this test. 

The Student Report also allows the teacher to create Personalized Lessons for each student based on test scores. This instructional connection allows for immediate differentiation of instruction by skills and grade level.


Teacher receives Student Report


Can also be used as Report for parents

Reading Tracker ONLINE 4

Immediate STUDENT Report Color Coded Levels 1, 2, 3, 4

Scale Score 442

Identifies SKILL NEEDS by Level Target Instruction based on REAL Data

Link to Personalized Lessons for differentiated learning‌

Percent Score

This slide serves as an explanation for the slide to the right.

  The

Personalized Lessons are determined by the teacher based on the student’s test scores.   The teacher prints and distributes the personalized instructional booklet to each student.   Differentiated instruction is made easy.


Personalized Lessons for Differentiated Instruction Personalized Lessons Based on the Student Report Levels 1,2,3,4 = Group 1,2,3,4

…………. Group 1 Main Idea Vocabulary Prediction Etc. …………….

Teacher prints out personalized instructional booklets.


This slide serves as an explanation for the slide to the right. 

The Student Progress Report is automatically generated each time a student completes an assessment. 

First Graph (top one) tracks OVERALL scores. 

Tracks students’ progress over time. These points track the student from Sept 2nd to Sept 21st to Oct 11th to the last test taken on Nov 2 – showing overall improvement.

The shaded boxes indicate the class average for each of the tests taken. 

For this report, Lawarence scored at the upper end of the class average in Sept. and then surpassed his class average in Oct. and Nov.


Reading Tracker ONLINE

Student Progress Report Progress Monitoring Track progress throughout the year

480 450 430

Progress Tracking Dates

Line Graph = Student Progress …………………..

Scale Scores

Bar Graph = Class Progress

Percent Score


This slide serves as an explanation for the slide to the right.

  The

Class Common Core Report shows where your students are excelling or struggling according to the Common Core Standards.   All of the scores on this report are color-coded for easy identification of student achievement.


Reading Tracker ONLINE

Common Core Standards CLASS Report Color Coded Levels 1, 2, 3, 4 Identifies SKILL NEEDS for Each Student in a Class Target Instruction & Group Students based on REAL Data

Scale Scores

Percent Score


This slide serves as an explanation for the slide to the right.

  The

Class Common Core Skills and Standards Report identifies the skills associated with each of the Common Core Standards.   This report is perfect for identifying instructional needs.   The color-coding allows for easy grouping of students.


Common Core Skills & Standards Class Report

Reading Tracker ONLINE

Color Coded Levels 1, 2, 3, 4

Identifies Skill Needs for Each Student in a Class Target Instruction & Group Students Based on REAL Data

Scale Scores

Percent Score 23

Click here for Free Trial

for iPads, Tablets, Laptops, Any Computer

Reading Tracker Online Pricing Grades 3-8 with a Vertical Scale that goes from grades 2-9 Price: $1.99 per student unlimited access for one year; minimum 100 students • 7 assessments per grade level Available for any type of computer: Desktop, laptop, tablet, “smart” phones

• Use anywhere • Use any time - just be connected to the Internet

Reading Tracker Online Aligned to Common Core Standards Reading Tracker Online

• Evaluated & Approved by NYS Education Department as a Measure of Academic Growth for Schools and Districts. (2013) • Approved by NYSED for Teacher & Principal Evaluations

RALLY! Education 888.99.RALLY


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