February 2013 Shevat/Adar 5773
Temple Sinai of Roslyn, 425 Roslyn Rd., Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 516/621-6800
Celebrate Purim at Temple Sinai Monday, February 25
Annual Purim Carnival followed by our Purim Megillah Reading and Shpiel
See pages 2 & 3 for details.
For details and ticket information see inside.
See inside for exciting programming and other important information. February Service Schedule and weather related cancellation information on back page.
Save the date! Plan your Purim costumes!
All children in costume will receive 5 extra prize tickets. All adults in costume will receive 10 extra prize tickets. Admission is $10 per child. Adults FREE. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Raffle tickets are $5 each or three for $10.
****Calling all Teens**** Volunteering at the carnival is a great opportunity for community service. Email alisonstamm@gmail.com. Temple Sinai’s Purim Carnival is a charity event that benefits teen scholarships for SORTY events and trips. Every dollar we make helps our Temple youth build Jewish identity and community. We appreciate your support!
We Need Your Help! Your company can provide items to raffle off at the Purim Carnival. In return, we are happy to provide a donation acknowledgement for tax purposes and display your company name at our carnival! Our annual Purim Carnival is a much anticipated event for Temple Sinai’s families. It’s a great opportunity to publicize your company to a large audience. Please help us by donating: New Toys & Games, Event Tickets, Fashion Items, Gift Certificates, Gift Baskets and other fun items! Temple Sinai is a non-profit 501C3 organization. All proceeds from this event will support our Youth Activities Fund which provides scholarship monies for our teens. For more information, please contact Alison Schulman at alisonstamm@gmail.com or (516) 621-6800 ex. 116
Following the Purim Carnival
Get Ready to Celebrate Purim!! Join your congregation for a fun filled Purim, full of great music, great costumes and participation by the Temple Sinai players, choirs and high school students. Bring kosher pasta in a box or whole grain cereal in a box to use as a “grogger”. Your “groggers” will be donated to a food pantry after Purim. Come dressed in your best Purim costume. *Our Purim Shpiel is dedicated to the memory of Andrew Moisoff.
Join Us at Another Wonderful Temple Sinai Adult Retreat at the
Montauk Yacht Club - March 8-10, 2013 Join us for an exciting, fun-filled and educational weekend at a wonderful resort, with golf, tennis and indoor swimming, with health club and spa services available. Rabbi Gordon will be leading Shabbat Services and Rabbi White and Cantor Schwartz will be joining us on Shabbat afternoon through Sunday morning. Includes breakfast, lunch and dinner with wine service from a delicious menu. Price is $399 per person (double occupancy) for the entire weekend, including service charges (single supplement $52). (This is the same price as the 2011 Retreat!) Make your reservations early. This special package is strictly limited to 40 members. Please complete the form below and return with your check payable to Temple Sinai of Roslyn. Reservations must include your check.
Temple Sinai Adult Religious Retreat - March 8-10, 2013 Reservation Form Name(s): ________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________ ___ Single @ $451 ___ Couple @ $798 Please make check payable to Temple Sinai of Roslyn and return to: Temple Sinai, 425 Roslyn Road, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 Attn: Adult Retreat
We Need You! Make 2013 the Year You Commit to Helping Others
Please join the Brotherhood, Caring and Friend of a Friend/Chaverot Committees for a brainstorming meeting on Thursday, February 28 at 7:30 pm. Please RSVP to the Temple office: templeoffice@mysinai.org.
Adult Education with Rabbi Michael White
Why Reform Judaism? February 12, March 12, April 16, May 14 at 10:00 am Monday Evenings, April 22, April 29 at 7:30 pm and May 6 at 8:00 pm We will study the history, the philosophy and customs of Reform Judaism, how Reform Judaism differs from its Conservative and Orthodox counterparts and some of the fundamental rubrics of Reform Jewish worship. Come and learn about the unique identity of Temple Sinai's Reform Judaism. You don't need to come to all the sessions. Come as you can! All are welcome.
Friday Morning Mussar Study with Rabbi Andrew Gordon February 8, March 8, April 12, May 10, June 14 at 11:00 am Mussar is a medieval and Chasidic study that focuses on Tikkun Middot, the refining of our soul’s traits. Together, we will use the Torah, ancient Mussar texts, and the modern commentary of Alan Morinis to focus on our own character development. Each month we will study a different Middah - a quality of our heart - such as patience, generosity, humility, compassion and simplicity. All are welcome.
From the President’s Desk On Monday, January 21, I stayed up into the wee hours watching and analyzing every detail of Inauguration Day, from the Inauguration Ceremony to the Balls. All of the customary ceremonies, from the procession to The Capitol to the Inaugural Parade, are actually a codification of traditions started by new administrations over the past 214 years. The Inaugural Parade dates back to April 30, 1789, when President George Washington took the oath of office in New York City. That day, he began his journey in Mount Vernon and local militias joined him along the way; hence, the Inaugural Parade was born. The traditional Inaugural Luncheon hosted by a joint Senate/ Congressional committee dates back to 1897 when the Senate hosted a luncheon for President McKinley. The location of the lunch fluctuated between the White House to the Capitol until a permanent home was found in the Capitol. The tradition I love the most is the ceremonial departure of the outgoing President. In present times, the newly elected President and his/her spouse walks the departing President to the east lawn of the Capitol after the Inauguration ceremony on the west lawn, through a military cordon to a waiting helicopter to begin their journey home. This, along with the ceremony, represents the peaceful transfer of power and it is wonderful to watch this process. This tradition began with President Ford. Before his Presidency, the process of Presidential departure seemed to change every four years. President Reagan moved the location of the Inaugural Address from the east lawn of the Capitol to the west front terrace to accommodate the largest possible audience. With over one million people crowding the Mall to see the swearing in of President Obama, the extra room on the west side was a needed change. Abraham Lincoln stated in his second inaugural speech on March 4, 1865, “With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to
bind up the nation's wounds..." Although so much has changed since 1865, there have been so many similar themes since that speech. Although I would have liked to hear more in President Obama’s speech about putting America back to work, lowering the 8% unemployment rate, working to get 46 million Americans off of food stamps and back to earning a decent wage, yesterday was not about politics, but a celebration of our democracy. I, like so many others, was closely watching the first family. In four years, Sasha and Malia have matured and it seems that a family that is constantly under the spotlight seems so normal. Moments like Malia trying to take a picture of her parents kissing and Sasha jumping into the picture making a face seemed so natural. And finally, social media went wild when Michelle Obama showed up to the ball with a striking ruby colored chiffon and velvet dress custom made by Jason Wu. Perhaps one could say that Jason Wu was also reelected after designing the First Lady’s gown four years ago too. The Inauguration of the 45th President of the United States, is yet another reminder that we are welcoming Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States, to Temple Sinai on April 16th. The return of our Distinguished Lecturer Series has created such excitement and you can feel the energy in the air. Our Temple leadership is committed to bringing programming that fulfills the needs of our diverse Temple Sinai community. It is because of the great democracy that we live in, as exemplified by the glorious tradition of presidential inaugurations, that we at Temple Sinai can be the vibrant, caring and connecting pillar in our community. L’ shalom, David Schwartz
COMING SOON.... Temple Sinai's Adult Learning and Community Connection Survey. Participate. Respond to the Survey. Help us make our Sinai the best it can be. Temple Sinai has a Phone-In Service for Friday evening and Saturday morning services held in the Sanctuary. All you need to do is dial 516-740-3400 and you can listen to the entire service.
From the Corridors of the Religious School We need your help!
Temple Sinai is excited to be a part of the cutting-edge grant initiative Camp Connect, bringing powerful camp-like experiences to our congregation. As part of the Camp Connect program, we are asking all parents of children in grades K-12 (regardless of whether or not they are enrolled in religious school) to respond to a survey about camp. Participation in this survey is extremely important as we plan for next year. Please help us continue to be one of New York’s Innovating Congregations! Please respond to the Camp Connect Survey, coming January 28, 2013 to your email inbox. If you have any questions, please contact: LResnikoff@MySinai.org.
Dates to Remember
Friday, February 1 Grade 6 Milestone 6:30 pm Monday, February 4 Grades 11/12 Meet 6:40-8:00 pm Tuesday/Wednesday, February 5/6 Grade 5 Family Program 7:00-8:30 pm (No Gr 5 Class) Wednesday, February 6 STTF 6:00 pm Thursday, February 7 SORTY Board 7:00 pm Saturday, February 9 Hevra 9:00-11:30 am Wednesday, February 13 STTF 6:00 pm Wednesday, February 13 Madrichim 6:15 pm Thursday, February 14 Generation Equality 7:00 pm Friday-Tuesday, February 15-19 NFTY Convention Monday-Friday, February 18-22 No Religious School Monday, February 25 No School-Purim Carnival 5:00 pm Monday, February 25 Kesher 4:30-6:15 pm Monday, February 25 Hevra & Purim Carnival 5:00-7:30 pm Monday, February 25 Megillah Reading & Purim Shpiel 7:00 pm Monday, February 25 Grade 9-12 6:30 pm Tuesday, February 26 No Classes Grades 8-10 Thursday, February 28 Generation Equality 7:00 pm
Our sixth grade students researched Jewish politicians as part of Temple Sinai’s Heroes Project. The students did a wonderful job on their presentations.
Pack It Up for Purim In the spirit of Purim, please join Temple Sinai in collecting healthy, kosher food to help fight hunger on Long Island and to create mishloach manot packages for the Hatzilu kosher food pantry in Baldwin, NY. Temple Sinai will be collecting whole grain cereal and oatmeal until March 1. Please deposit the cereal in the collection bins in the lobby. Other members of the Tikkun Alliance of the North Shore (“TANS”) will be collecting other healthy kosher food items. The collections by the member organizations of TANS will be used to make mishloach manot packages for people in need. The Tikkun Alliance of the North Shore (TANS) is a collaborative community effort formed to address issues affecting our world today. Our focus on tikkun olam, repairing the world, includes tackling problems such as hunger, poverty and the environment. This event is sponsored by TANS in conjunction with UJA, MetCouncil, and Americorps. We also need volunteers to drive the food to the Sid Jacobsen JCC at 300 Forest Drive, East Hills, New York, to make the mishloach manot packages on March 3, 2013 at the JCC between the hours of 2:00 pm and 5:00 pm and to take the food packages to the Food Pantry. If you want to volunteer or if you have any questions, please contact Nancy Schreiber at nansky#@gmail.com, or Jay Litzman, the AmeriCorps Coordinator at 516-484-1545 extension 116 or jlitzman@sjjcc.org.
Youth Corner
Sinai Teen Tzedakah Foundation
Generation Equality
On Sunday January 6th, we kicked off our newest teen program, Sinai Teen Tzedakah Foundation. Eight 10th 12th graders joined forces to create a teen philanthropy where they will donate thousands of dollars to local organizations in Long Island. The teens will learn about local issues, decide as a group which issues they wish to work on, interview organizations and decide as a group where to send their money to better our world. At our kickoff retreat, we learned about Jewish values and together baked four pasta trays that were delivered to the INN to help feed those who are hungry. If your teen is interested in the Tzedakah Foundation or any of our other programs, please feel free to contact Rabbi Gordon or Ali Stamm.
Since September 2012, a group of teens has been gathering in the youth lounge every other week to discuss issues that are very important to them. This group is called Generation Equality. One of their main focuses this year is LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer) Rights. The mission of Generation Equality is to “create a safe environment for every human being, as well to advocate and share our voices on issues that are important to us and our community.� The students who are participating are a very enthusiastic and passionate group and look forward to Albany Advocacy Day where they will lobby their state representatives on equal rights, among other things. To find out more about this club or to join, please contact alisonstamm@gmail.com.
Direct Phone Numbers Save You Time Use these numbers for direct access to the Religious School and Nursery School before you call the main Temple office.
Nursery 621-8708 Religious School 621-8016
A Multi-Generation Temple Sinai Family Are you from a multi-generation Temple Sinai family? Were your parents members? Did you grow up in Temple Sinai? Are your grown children now members? Please let us know and we will publish your family history in a future issue of the Scribe.
Hallie’s Mitzvah Project - Please Save Your Chip & Candy Wrappers
Hallie ArbitalJacoby’s mitzvah project offers multiple benefits. Through TerraCycle, she is collecting hard-to-recycle waste, such as candy wrappers and Frito-Lay chip bags. TerraCycle will turn them into cool upcycled products, such as bags, school supplies and gifts. For each piece of garbage collected, TerraCycle will contribute money that will be donated to a variety of charities. They include those that serve meals to hungry Americans, build wells for clean drinking water throughout the world, protect the environment, end poverty and provide education. Hallie will become a Bat Mitzvah on March 9, 2013.
Temple Sinai 18th Annual Second Night Seder
Sponsored by the Chai Society
Tuesday, March 26, 2013 at 6:00 pm Services conducted by
Rabbi Michael White and Cantor Sergei Schwartz
Traditional Catered Passover Seder Catered by V & Z Caterers
Featuring: Gefilte Fish, Chicken Soup with Matzoh Balls, Tossed Salad, Brisket with Gravy, Chicken on the Bone, String Beans, Potato Kugel, Tsimmes Passover Desserts
Cost: Adults $52, Children 5-12 $25 Children age 4 and under are free Reservations are required and must be accompanied by your payment in full. No reservations will be accepted after March 5. For further information, please call the Temple office at 516-621-6800.
Temple Sinai 18th Annual Second Night Seder, March 26, 2013 Reservation Form Number of Adults
_____ @ $52 = $ __________
Number of Children 5-12
_____ @ $25= $ __________
Number of Children 4 & Under _____ Total in Your Party
Total Enclosed $ __________
Name: ___________________________________________________ Phone:______________________________ Please seat us with:_________________________________________________________________________ Please complete and return by March 5 along with your check payable to Temple Sinai to: Temple Sinai, 425 Roslyn Road, Roslyn Heights, NY I 1577 Attn: Second Night Seder
If you missed President Bill Clinton at the Golden Globes, don’t miss him at Temple Sinai!
Temple Sinai Distinguished Lecture Series President Bill Clinton Tuesday, April 16, 2013 Tickets went on sale to Temple Sinai members on Monday, January 7. Approximately 40% of the tickets available for the event were sold on that first morning alone - unprecedented demand for a Temple event! Thanks to the organization and efforts of the Temple staff, the ticket process went smoothly. The camaraderie of the volunteers and Temple members was evident throughout the morning, with faces not seen at the Temple since the High Holidays embracing the upcoming event with fervor. There are still seats available at all but the Patron level. Congregants will continue to receive priority access to tickets through February 6. Tickets are limited to two per family membership and one for a single membership; however, additional family members can be placed on a waiting list. Between February 7 and March 7, tickets will be assigned to family members who are on the waiting list. On March 8, tickets will be made available to the general public. You must purchase tickets in person at Temple Sinai and include a copy of your photo ID with your ticket order. The ticket purchase form is available at the Temple office, or can be downloaded from the website at mysinai.org. Please see the order form for information pertinent to the general public. Please note that no bags or pocketbooks of any kind will be allowed into the building and attendees must submit to a screening process when they enter the building, dictated by President Clinton’s security team. Attendees will be notified in future Temple communications about their required time of arrival at the event and any other administrative guidelines. For more information about ticket purchase, President Clinton’s visit, or any of Temple Sinai’s other services or our religious or nursery schools, please contact Ethel Liebeskind at eliebeskind@mysinai.org, 516-621-6800 or visit our website at www.mysinai.org.
Will your question be answered by President Clinton? Attendees are encouraged to submit their questions for President Clinton in advance of the event. He will be answering a select number of submitted questions. The questions will be posed by Rabbi Michael White. You may submit your question to the Temple office in person, or by emailing to templeoffice@mysinai.org.
January 7 Was a Busy Morning
Temple Sinai’s Distinguished Lecture Series Tuesday, April 16, 2013 Ticket Purchase Form – January 7-February 7, 2013 Date: _____________________ Name of Purchaser: ___________________________________________ Phone: ______________________
Email: ________________________________
I would like to purchase the following ticket(s) – You are limited to two (2) tickets for a family membership, one (1) ticket for a single membership. If you would like to purchase additional tickets for family members, please add their names to the waiting list at the bottom of this page. _____ Patron _____ Benefactor _____ Sponsor _____ Friend _____ Donor _____ Supporter
@ $900 per ticket = $ __________ @ $180 per ticket = $__________ @ $ 72 per ticket = $ __________ @ $ 54 per ticket = $ __________ @ $ 36 per ticket = $ __________ @ $ 18 per ticket = $ __________
Name(s) on ticket(s) – Please print full name(s) clearly: ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Tickets will be available for purchase in the Temple office. You must present a current photo ID to purchase a ticket for each person attending and bring a copy of the photo ID for our files. Photo ID’s must match the name on the ticket and will be required for admittance. Tickets are non-transferrable. There will be security. No bags will be permitted into the building. There will be no opportunity for autographs. Waiting List: If available, I would like to purchase additional tickets for my immediate family members whose names appear below (please print clearly): Name: _______________________________ Relationship: ___________________ Category: ____________ Name: _______________________________ Relationship: ___________________ Category: ____________ Name: _______________________________ Relationship: ___________________ Category: ____________ Name: _______________________________ Relationship: ___________________ Category: ____________ Name: _______________________________ Relationship: ___________________ Category: ____________ If you have additional names, please attach separate sheet with the above information. Payment must be made at time of purchase. Checks should be made payable to: Temple Sinai of Roslyn. All tickets are sold on a first come, first served basis. Priority is given to Temple members. If there are any tickets available for sale after the Temple membership and their families have been given the opportunity to obtain tickets, the prices for the general public will be double the amounts shown above.
The Women of Temple Sinai
Our membership is growing! Thank you for all your support. Mark Your Calendars! Friday, February 8 at 9:30 am Friend of a Friend Meeting…ALL are welcome! Thursday, February 28 at 7:30 pm Meeting with Caring Committee and Brotherhood see page 4 Friday, March 1 at 9:30 am Friend of a Friend Meeting…ALL are welcome! Thursday, March 14 Annual Intergenerational Passover Seder Tuesday, March 19 at 7:30 pm Sinai Stitches For more information about any of these events, contact Michelle Golden at: foftemplesinai@gmail.com or 516-650-6690
Join Hands, Join Generations
Celebrate an Intergenerational Women's Seder Led by: Cantor Elena Schwartz, Ethel Liebeskind,
Lauren Resnikoff, Doreen Cohen, Alison Stamm , Debbie Zamoiski
Thursday, March 14, 2013 at 7:00 pm
Doors Open 6:45pm—Seder starts promptly at 7:00 pm
Event Location
Temple Sinai of Roslyn 425 Roslyn Rd Roslyn, NY 11577 516-621-6800
Full Sit Down Dinner Catered by Temple Sinai’s V&Z Caterers
Beautiful Seder Dinner Tickets are Limited First Come-First Served Children 4th Grade and Up Welcome
Share the love and bring non-perishable food kosher items (no matzoh, no glass), to be donated to a local Jewish relief agency for the holiday.
Intergenerational Women's Seder - March 14, 2013 Reservation Form Name(s) ____________________________________________________________________________ Phone ______________________________ E-mail _________________________________________ No. attending _____ @ $54 per person = Total Enclosed $ __________ We will seat you with care. Please list your preference: ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Return this form by March 2, 2013 with your check payable to Friend of a Friend/Chaverot to: Temple Sinai, 425 Roslyn Road, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 Attn: Women's Seder Share the love and bring non-perishable food items (no matzoh, no glass), to be donated to a local Jewish relief agency for the holiday.
The Women of Temple Sinai
Our Community Connection In Our Second Season at the Community Synagogue Bringing You Live Via Satellite The 92nd Street Y Lecture Series!!! First Lecture is February 5 – Sign Up Now, Don’t Miss Sonia Sotomayor. The 92nd Street Y famous lecture series is broadcast live via satellite to the Community Synagogue, 160 Middleneck Road, Port Washington. We are pleased to announce the programs for the Winter-Spring season of 2013. 92Y Live has become one of Long Island’s premier events. The second half of our year brings another outstanding list of speakers with five programs. Advance orders for the series of five programs are only $45; advance orders for individual tickets only $10. Tickets are being sold through Friend of a Friend to all congregants, family and friends! Arrive early at Community Synagogue for fellowship and nosh! See details below. LECTURE #1 - Tuesday, February 5 at 8:00 pm Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor with Thane Rosenbaum The appointment of Sonia Sotomayor to the United States Supreme Court electrified the nation. The first Hispanic Justice on the high court, and a Latina with a compelling life story—raised in a Bronx housing project, educated at Princeton and Yale, worked as a Manhattan prosecutor and then a federal judge—she already possessed a sterling legal career before becoming perhaps the most recognizable face on the Supreme Court. And now she is the author of a memoir, My Beloved World, a revealing book about the personal values and important influences that propelled this fascinating American success story. Join us for this most special occasion— the celebration of a New York life. LECTURE #2 - Tuesday, March 12 at 7:30 pm Joy Behar with Judy Gold Enjoy an evening of irreverence and hilarity as Judy Gold sits down with Joy Behar, the award winning talk show host, comedian, writer and actress. Hear anecdotes and highlights from her life and career, as well as behind-the-scenes stories from her new TV show, “Joy Behar: Say Anything!” LECTURE #3 - Sunday, April 14 at 8:15 pm Andrew Zolli and David Eagleman: The Future of God - Merging of Science & Religion Must science and religion always be opposing and irreconcilable forces? Looking at recent trends in theoretical physics and the response of contemporary theologians to scientific theories, this panel discusses whether science and religion can, in fact, be seen as complementary ways of understanding
our world. Dr. Reza Aslan, the founder of AslanMedia.com, is a Wallerstein professor at Drew University’s Center on Religion, Culture and Conflict. Andrew Zolli is the co-author of the new book Resilience: The Science of Why Things Bounce Back. David Eagleman is a neuroscientist and writer at Baylor College of Medicine, where he directs the Laboratory for Perception and Action and the Initiative on Neuroscience and Law and a New York Times bestselling author published in 27 languages LECTURE #4 - Sunday, May 5 at 8:00 pm Brian Williams with Jonathan Tisch Join Brian Williams as he talks to Jonathan Tisch about journalism and politics and the future of America. Brian Williams is the George Foster Peabody awardwinning anchor and managing editor of NBC Nightly News and host of “Rock Center with Brian Williams.” Jonathan Tisch is co-Chairman of the Board of Loews Corporation and Chairman of its subsidiary, Loews Hotels & Resorts. This lecture is endowed by The Edythe Kenner Foundation. LECTURE #5 - Monday, June 10 at 8:15 pm Jeffrey Sachs; Global Issues with Claudia Dreifus "Probably the most important economist in the world” (—New York Times) joins Claudia Dreifus to explore the biggest obstacles to getting the very basics —food, shelter, medicine—to the world’s neediest. Jeffrey Sachs is director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University. The author of The Price of Civilization, he is Special Advisor to the United Nations Secretary-General and co-founder of the Millennium Village Project. His work on ending poverty has taken him to more than 125 countries that have more than 90% of the world’s population.
Community Connection 92nd Street Y – Lecture Order Form Date: ____________ Name: ________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________ *Email: ____________________________________________________ *an email confirmation will be sent to you, this is your receipt for your ticket order. Upon arrival at the Community Synagogue, check in at registration desk under Temple Sinai and your Name. ENJOY the show. All Lectures (5) in This Series Lecture #1 Sonia Sotomayor, Feb. 5 Lecture #2 Joy Behar, Mar. 12 Lecture #3 Andrew Zolli, Apr. 14
# _____ @ $45 = $______ Lecture #4 Brain Williams, May 5 # _____ @ $10 = $______ # _____ @ $10 = $______ Lecture #5 Jeffrey Sachs, June 10 # _____ @ $10 = $______ # _____ @ $10 = $______ # _____ @ $10 = $______ Total Enclosed $____________
Please make check payable to Friend of a Friend/Chaverot and write: 92nd Street Y on the memo line. Return this form along with your payment to: Temple Sinai, 425 Roslyn Road, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 Attention: Friend of a Friend/Chaverot For more information contact Friend of a Friend at: foftemplesinai@gmail.com or 516-650-6690.
Brotherhood News and Events Brotherhood is a group of welcoming, caring and socially conscious men, dedicated to working with and supporting every arm of Temple Sinai. Our endeavor is to enrich the spirit of participation with our Temple Youth and the other Committees to build a vital Temple community through meaningful and fun activities. We are always looking for new members and future leaders. Please mark your calendars for upcoming meetings and events: Tuesday, February 7 at 7:30 pm Brotherhood Movie Night (see below) Monday, February 11 at 7:30 pm Scotch and Sacred Text (see below) Tuesday, February 19 at 8:00 pm Monthly Meeting Thursday, February 28 at 7:30 pm Meeting with Caring Committee and Friend of a Friend/Chaverot see page 4 Wednesday, March 13 at 7:30 pm Men’s Seder with Rabbi Gordon (see below) Tuesday, March 19 at 8:00 pm Monthly Meeting We welcome your participation and encourage new members to get involved. Annual Brotherhood dues may be paid along with your Temple membership, or at any time. For more information, please contact the Temple Office, or Andy Kraus (516-318-4325 / adkraus@verizon.net).
We welcome old friends and new. Please support your Brotherhood, so that we may, in turn, support Temple Sinai!
Brotherhood Movie Night Thursday, February 7 at 7:30 pm
Brotherhood looks forward to hosting Thursday Night at the Movies and is pleased to present “The Frisco Kid”. It’s 1850 and new Rabbi Avram Belinski sets out from Philadelphia toward San Francisco. Cowpoke bandit Tom Lillard hasn’t seen a rabbi before. But he knows when one needs a heap of help. And getting this tenderfoot to Frisco in one piece will cause a heap of trouble - with the law, Native Americans and a bunch of killers. Gene Wilder and Harrison Ford are one feisty team as Rabbi and rescuer in this rough-’n’-ready romp. All are invited. Refreshments will be served. RSVP to Temple office or Andy Kraus (516-318-4325 / adkraus@verizon.net).
Brotherhood and Rabbi White are pleased to present:
Scotch and Sacred Text Please join Brotherhood and Rabbi White on Monday, February 11 at 7:30 pm for the third of this season’s popular and meaningful evenings with Rabbi White. We know that you will find the discussion and camaraderie most worthwhile. Our host for the evening will be Mark Kessler. Scotch (and non-alcoholic drinks) and snacks to be served. All men (over age 21 please) are welcome. Questions and RSVP’s, contact Andy Kraus, Brotherhood President (516318-4325 / adkraus@verizon.net).
Join the Facebook group Temple Sinai of Roslyn, NY For more details, sign up for Facebook and join the group. Please go to: http://www.facebook.com and follow the easy instructions. 14
Join Us at the Seventh Annual Temple Sinai
Men’s Seder Wednesday, March 13 at 7:30 pm Our Men’s Seder will be a wonderful opportunity for fathers and sons, grandfathers and grandsons to celebrate the holiday of Passover together. Join Rabbi Andrew Gordon and Brotherhood as we: Explore traditional customs and learn altogether new ones Pick up ideas to bring back to our own Seder at home Enjoy a less traditional Passover meal Share stories of past Seders and Passover holidays Strengthen bonds Use the context of the holiday to discuss what it means to be a
grandfather, a father, a grandson or a son, and Jewish, today Pre-registration required. Please call the Temple Sinai office to let us know the number of adults and students attending. Hevra students can earn points for participation in the Seder. All other religious school students earn one family workshop credit.
Free to All
Brotherhood Participates in CANstruction
For his efforts, SORTY gave Larry Krasnoff a special award for “Most CANtankerous” for his attention to detail, insistence on perfection and structural correctness for the submission.
Brotherhood member Larry Krasnoff, a registered architect, recently served as technical advisor to SORTY, for its participation in the Long Island CANstruction competition. CANstruction is a competition of professional architects and engineers, and school groups, using food cans to create imaginative structures with a common theme of “reducing hunger.” For its efforts, SORTY received the award for “Best CANfiguration” for its interpretive design of a “Bowl of Matzah Ball Soup – The Jewish Solution to Hunger.” The structure used food cans collected during the Temple Yom Kippur food drive this year and other cans that were contributed.
Usher Volunteers Needed We always need volunteers to help usher, one of the most important services our volunteers provide. Greet your fellow congregants and help maintain decorum in our Sanctuary. Just a few weekends a year would make a significant contribution. Please call (516-621-6800) or email the Temple office at: templeoffice@mysinai.org and we will have one of the Ushering Committee chairs get in touch with you.
Temple Sinai Comes to Boca Raton for our Florida Luncheon All are welcome to join Rabbi Michael White, President David Schwartz and Executive Director Ethel Liebeskind Wednesday, February 13, 2013 at 12:00 Noon
Fleming’s Bistro (Will be open for lunch just for us!) 6060 SW 18th Street, Boca Raton, FL 33433
Temple Sinai members (present and past), their families and friends are invited and encouraged to attend. Cost: $30 per person includes House Salad, choice of Chicken, Fish or Pasta and Dessert. Call Phyllis in the Temple office (516-621-6800) for reservations.
Temple Sinai Florida Luncheon Wednesday, February 13, 2013 in Boca Raton, Florida Name(s) __________________________________________ Florida Phone No. ____________________ Florida Address ________________________________________________________________________ Please make reservations for _____ people @ $30 per person = $ _______ (Check payable to: Temple Sinai) No need to select your meal now. Lunch choices will be taken by wait staff at the Bistro. Please return this form along with your check payable to Temple Sinai to be received by February 7, 2013 to: Temple Sinai, 425 Roslyn Road, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 Attn: Florida Luncheon
Heading For the Sun?? Do you plan to enjoy the sun for the winter? If so, please fill out this form and return it to the Temple office. Name: ________________________________________ Winter Phone No:___________________ Winter Address: _____________________________________________________________________ Date Arriving: ____________________ Date Returning to New York: ______________________ Please call us upon your return at 516-621-6800. If you do not, your mail will continue to travel to the sun even though you are here.
A Rabbi's Interfaith Experience
Rabbi Andrew Gordon
Friday, March 15 at 7:45 pm Shabbat Service More and more of our families now include a non-Jewish family member or loved one who has chosen to become a Jew-by-choice. At our annual Interfaith Shabbat, Rabbi Andrew Gordon will share some of the experiences of his own life; specifically those around interfaith issues. Like many of us, Rabbi Gordon has been touched by the journeys those closest to him have taken, to become Jews-by-choice. He will share some of these moments and will also address some of his experiences around holidays, life cycles and family gatherings. Sponsored by the Interfaith Outreach Committee.
Social Action Committee Upcoming Events Mitzvah Milestones
We are sponsoring Mitzvah Tables during the religious school Milestone Service’s Oneg.
February 1 The sixth graders will be showcasing their mitzvah projects. Birthday in a Box In coordination with TANS (Tikkun Alliance of the North Shore) Social Action and SORTY will provide Birthdays in a Box to residents at MOMMA’S House who are celebrating a birthday during the month of February. February 25 In coordination with TANS, we will be collecting whole grain cereal or oatmeal during the Purim carnival.
COMING SOON April 14 Race for Remembrance Social Action is going to have a race (run/walk) to commemorate the Holocaust. More information will be coming…… Interested in volunteering contact Wendy Rubin at wlrubin@gmail.com Community Garden We are in the process of cultivating Temple Sinai’s own Community Garden. The community garden is co-sponsored with the Nursery School Green committee and the Empty Nesters. If you are a gardener and would like to help us out, please contact Rachel Shapiro at Rachel.h.shapiro@gmail.com. May 5 Mitzvah Day Contact Rabbi Gordon with any Mitzvah project ideas.
March 8 Mitzvah Milestones The fourth graders will be bagging cookies and decorating the bags for the Seventh Grade class to take to the HUC soup kitchen.
Sandwich Making at Fifth Grade Mitzvah Milestone
If you move, change your phone number or your email address, please notify the Temple Sinai office at 516-621-6800 or Email: TempleOffice@mysinai.org
Sinai in the City: 4th Annual Chanukah By Scott D. Reich Party Another Success On December 11, 2012, Sinai in the City, Temple Sinai's young professionals group, hosted its fourth annual Chanukah party in Manhattan, where almost 50 young Temple members gathered with Rabbi White to socialize and celebrate the holiday. The event was held at The Globe, a popular venue in the eastside Gramercy area, where the group served tasty appetizers and drinks. About halfway through the party, Rabbi White led a beautiful menorah-lighting ceremony in which the attendees joined in singing the prayers, and there was a special warmth in the room that was appreciated by all. Bari Keller, a member of Sinai in the City’s executive committee, graciously spearheaded the planning of the party and helped orchestrate the evening’s success. The celebration coincided with the culmination of a holiday toy drive in which Sinai in the City collected dozens of toys for children impacted by Hurricane Sandy. Sinai in the City is proud of its continued efforts to assist the local community. The annual toy drive has been conducted
concurrently with the Chanukah party every year since the group's inception. What made this event extra special was the inclusion of a group of young adults from Temple Beth Israel in Port Washington, who wanted to be included in the party after hearing about the success of Sinai in the City's initiatives. This marked the first time Sinai in the City included members of another synagogue in its programming and is the beginning of a longer-term effort to partner with other local synagogues to expand the group's reach. Enthusiasm for the group continues to run high - new people attend each event and then bring their friends to the next one. (The events are free!) Sinai in the City remains a very warm, welcoming and fun group that is always looking for new friends and new ideas. Do you have an idea for an event? Do you want to get involved, or do you know someone who might like to join us? Please contact the Temple office at (516) 6216800 - we'd love to hear from you!
Parenting Caregiving Marital Concerns Separation/Divorce Bereavement Geriatric Care Cancer Wellness Career Legal Financial
A caring place to turn to find support and guidance during life changes and challenges. Contact Partners In Caring for counseling, support groups or general information and referral services. Our warm line is staffed by caring and professional social workers. A Seder For Mingling Singles
Join us to celebrate the upcoming Passover holiday. Share in a lively discussion and a festive dinner. Co-facilitated by PIC Social Worker and Rabbi. Thursday, March 14, 7:15 pm. Sid Jacobson JCC. Fee $36.00/PIC affiliated synagogue or JCC members $25. Advance registration required Teach Your Children Well: Parenting for Authentic Success Dr. Madeline Levine, The New York Times bestselling author of “The Price of Privilege” and psychologist presents her research exploding the myths that good grades, high test scores and college acceptances define parenting. An inspiring and informative presentation for parents and educators. Sid Jacobson
JCC. Monday, March 18, 7:30 pm. Free to the community. RSVP required at www.sjjcc.org/pic Follow-Up Parenting Workshop Facilitated by PIC Social Workers. Thursday, March 21, 2013 at 10:00 am and 7:30 pm. Sid Jacobson JCC. Free. RSVP required to 484-1545 X196 Empty Chair at the Seder A workshop offering guidance and support on how to participate in the Passover Seder when affected by loss or a significant change in family. Co-facilitated by PIC Social Worker and Rabbi. Tuesday, March 19, 7:30 pm. Call 484-1545 X196 for more information.
Partners In Caring Staff Susan Broxmeyer, LCSW, ACSW, PIC Social Work Supervisor Audrey J. Bernstein, LMSW Randy Hight, LMSW Margy Ringelheim, LMSW
CALL 516.484.1545, ext. 196 www.sjjcc.org/PIC Phone calls are always free and confidential. Most services are offered at minimal or no cost to synagogue members.
“Calling All Empty Nesters”
Let's get a table at Temple Sinai for the Second Night Seder AND
Let's make the weekend in Montauk an Empty-Nester Jewish Journey.....sign up and call or email... Are you interested in HOSTING an event? Do you have an idea for a small “Empty Nesters” gathering? Temple Sinai will supply the dessert and beverage---you will supply the discussion and warmth! There are at least 500 Temple families ...with children no longer living at home......either you are a “new” nester or have more years under your belt.....Let's keep the Temple community bonded. RSVP Leslie Lewit Milner at 484-5218 or email LeslieLM.sinai@gmail.com.
The ONLY Judaica Shop You Will Ever Need
YOUR JUDAICA SUPERSTORE Gifts to Celebrate All Your Simchas and For Special Gift-Giving Holidays, Bar/Bat Mitzvah,Wedding, New Baby & More “BEST PRICES IN TOWN” HOURS: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 3:00 pm-5:00 pm Tuesday 11:00 am-1:00 pm Other Times By Appointment - Volunteers Needed Call Lori Yaspan at 314-2141 Support the Temple Through Your Purchases
Donations to Clergy Discretionary and Other Funds A donation to any of the clergy discretionary funds requires a separate check. For each of these donations, please make check payable to Temple Sinai of Roslyn with the specific discretionary fund written in the check memo line: Rabbi Michael White’s Discretionary Fund Rabbi Andrew Gordon’s Discretionary Fund Cantor Sergei Schwartz’s Discretionary Fund Donations to any other funds can be combined in one check made payable to Temple Sinai of Roslyn. Please remember that if you use a company or similar type check your name should appears on the check so we can properly credit your account.
Life Cycle Distribution Information Our Temple family shares good periods and bad. We want all who choose to rejoice in life’s bounty or help others bear their losses to have an opportunity to do so. Please let us know if you would like to receive life cycle information via email by notifying the Temple office at: templeoffice@mysinai.org
Temple Sinai Needs YOU!!! On Thursday, June 20, we’re having our 2nd Annual Temple Sinai’s Got Talent evening. If you performed last year or would like to join the fabulously gifted group who did, please contact Cantor Sergei Schwartz at: cantorsergeischwartz@gmail.com
A Holocaust Survivor and Liberator Stand Together at Miami Lakes Graduation by: Anna Edgerton, The Miami Herald “The students were spellbound,” Eichelbaum said, adding that the personal stories helped humanize the photographs the teens had seen in their history books. Teaching the Holocaust has been required in the state of Florida since 1994, and South Florida has the third-highest concentration of Holocaust survivors in the United States.
Julius Eisenstein, left, celebrates after receiving his honorary high school degree with Alberto M. Carvalho, center, Superintendent of Miami-Dade County Public Schools, and George Katzman, right, U.S. Army WWII vet who liberated Dachau, where Eisenstein was imprisoned. Eisenstein, a 92-year-old Holocaust survivor, received an honorary high school degree at the 10th commencement of Miami Lakes Educational Center at U.S. Century Bank Arena at FIU Thursday, June 7, 2012. More than 70 years after World War II and the Holocaust destroyed his life and education, Julius Eisenstein finally received his high-school diploma. Dressed in a white cap and gown to match the teenage graduates of Miami Lakes Educational Center, the 92-year -old survivor of Auschwitz and Dachau was awarded an honorary diploma on Thursday at the basketball arena at Florida International University in West Miami-Dade. Joining him on stage, wearing the very same uniform he wore in WWII, was George Katzman, the now 94-yearold veteran who helped liberate the concentration camp in Dachau, Germany. “We have here today the liberator and the liberated, two souls joined by history,” said Miami-Dade Schools Superintendent Alberto Carvalho in an emotional tribute to the two heroes of the Greatest Generation. In his advice to the graduating seniors, Carvalho offered this advice: “This is the example you are to live up to.” The Class of 2012 first met the soldier and the survivor in 2009 when the two men, who both live in Hallandale Beach, came to speak at the school as part of a documentary that was filmed by teacher Neil Eichelbaum. That was the first time that Eisenstein had met one of the American soldiers who liberated the Dachau concentration camp where he was a prisoner.
As an assignment, students wrote letters to their principal, asking him to give Eisenstein an honorary high school diploma to make up for the education he never completed. Eichelbaum, the teacher who made the documentary, said that hundreds of letters poured in, and arrangements were made to award a special diploma to the survivor who had made such a strong impression on this year’s senior class when they were freshmen. The result was an emotional graduation ceremony on Thursday. When Eisenstein received his degree, students cheered. Parents dabbed their eyes. The crowd gave a standing ovation to the elderly man who had survived so much. Then Carvalho, the school superintendent, called the liberator up on the stage and joined hands with both men, one in his soldier’s uniform, the other in his first cap and gown. Graduating senior Sarah Castellanos, 17, said that hearing the two men’s stories when she was a freshman “was like watching living history.” After the ceremony, Katzman said that he never liked to talk about his experience until a few years ago when he heard someone claim that the Holocaust didn’t happen. “I was so angry, I took out my pictures right then and showed them to my family,” he said. “I’ve seen what hatred can do.” As Eisenstein rolled up his sleeve to show his identification tattoo to the school superintendent who presented him with the diploma, he said that he was “overwhelmed” by the honor he received from the school district. He has made sharing his experience part of his mission, explaining how important it is to tell his story to younger generations. “When I saw all those people going to the gas chambers, I told myself, if I am able to survive this, I will tell this story until the last breath in my body.”
We Give Thanks A full list of all donations appears in the copy of the Newsletter you receive in the mail. Please go to page 23 for the balance of this issue.
A full list of all donations appears in the copy of the Newsletter you receive in the mail. This issue continues below
Congratulations and Condolences Congratulations to:
Lynn & Michael Wolf on the engagement of their son Matthew & Erica Bossen Lauren & David Burns on the birth of their daughter Scarlett Paige Burns David Blatte on his engagement to Brooke Gelb Barbara & Lawrence Blatte on the engagement of their son David & Brooke Gelb Amy Braunstein on the engagement of her brother David Blatte & Brooke Gelb Marlene & Dr. Leonard Freeman on the engagement of their daughter Joy & Dr. Drew Freilich Dr. Eric Freeman on the engagement of his sister Joy & Dr. Drew Freilich Mindy & Richard Horowitz on the marriage of their son Lee & Jenna Lazar
Condolences to:
Craig Lackow on the loss of his father Murray Lackow Sandy Tankoos on the loss of her aunt Rose Zuckerman Jason Lazar on the loss of his mother Estele Lazar Steven Hason on the loss of his father Martin Hason Raymond Aboody on the loss of his father Avram Aboody Jonathan Rothschild on the loss of his mother Ilse Rothschild Marvin Bader on the loss of his father David Bader Linda Melnick on the loss of her father Sol Fishman Jonathan Rothschild on the loss of his father
Max Rothschild Debra Schutzer-Litt on the loss of her brother Michael Robert
We record with sorrow the death of Temple Member: Dr. Joel Pasnik With deepest sympathy to his family. May his memory be for a blessing We remember in loving tribute: Sandra Delson Fine Myron Fishkind Whose names have been inscribed on our memorial tablet.
Support Merchants Who Support Temple Sinai
Jeffrey Krugman
KRUGMAN & KRUGMAN INSURANCE The Policy We Offer Is Service Tel: (516) 437-9700
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Orthodontics for Children and Adults
Your Ad Could Be Here Your Ad Could Be Here
Temple Sinai’s own “exclusive” on-site caterer, V&Z Caterers, has created one of the most elegant and exquisite Wedding, Bar/Bat Mitzvah and Party facilities on Long Island. For any Temple Sinai members, family and friends who are contemplating a Wedding, Bar/Bat Mitzvah or party in the future, we invite you to contact Mary Venier at 516-484-4300 to arrange for a consultation.
Advertise Your Business While Supporting Temple Sinai
Advertising will give you the opportunity to let your fellow congregants know about your business and services. All ads are business card size only and will be run in the March through August Scribes and Newsletters (a total of 6 Issues). The prorated cost of each ad is $425 for the 6 issues. Please complete the form below, enclose a clean copy of your business card or business card size advertisement, and return it with your check in the amount of $425, payable to Temple Sinai by February 11, 2013..
Scribe Advertising Space Request Name:___________________________________ Phone:___________________________ Company/Business Name:_____________________________________________________ Type of Business:____________________________________________________________ _____ I would like to start advertising in The Scribe. My ad is attached. Please return this form with a clean copy of your business card or business card size ad along with your check payable to Temple Sinai in the amount of $425, by February 11, 2013, to: Temple Sinai, Scribe Editor, 425 Roslyn Road, Roslyn Heights, NY 11577
Dates and times are current as of January 23, 2013 and are subject to change. Calendars will be updated on a regular basis. Please call the Temple at the following numbers if you have any questions: Religious School 516-621-8016, Nursery School 516-621-8708, Temple Main Office 516-621-6800.
February 2013
11:00 am Book Group 4:00 pm Junior Choir 6:30 pm Shabbat Service/ / Birthday Blessings/Grade 6 Milestone
9:00 am Morning Minyan 10:00 am Chazak Program 10:30 am Tot Shabbat
6:00 pm Teen Choir 6:30 pm Beginning Hebrew 6:40 pm 11 &12th grade 6:40 pm Grade 7 6:45-7:30 pm Cantor Rehearsal 8:15 pm Board of Trustees Meeting
6:40 pm Grades 8-10 7:00 pm Grade 5 Family Program
6:00 pm STTF 7:00 pm Grade 5 Family Program
10:30 am Bar Mitzvah Service: Jake Bogan 11:30 Advanced Hebrew 12:30 Beginning Hebrew 7:00 pm SORTY Board 7:30 pm Brotherhood Movie Night “The Frisco Kid” 7:30 pm Nursery School Committee Meeting
9:30 am FOF General Meeting 11:00 am Mussar Study with Rabbi Gordon 4:00 pm Junior Choir 6:30 pm Shabbat Service/ Temple Band
9:00 am Morning Minyan 9:00 am Hevra 7:00 pm Twilight Service Bat Mitzvah: Bailey Kaplan
12 Lincoln’s Birthday
14 Valentine’s Day
6:00 pm Teen Choir 6:30 pm Beginning Hebrew 6:40 pm Grade 7 7:30 pm Scotch & Sacred Text
10:00 am Rabbi White’s Adult Ed Class 6:40 pm Grades 8 –10
6:00 pm STTF 6:15 pm Madrichim
11:30 Advanced Hebrew 12:30 Beginning Hebrew 7:00 pm Generation Equality
7:45 pm Shabbat Service/ Birthday Blessings
9:00 am Morning Minyan
18 President’s Day
22 Washington’s Birthday
23 Erev Purim
Building Closed
10:00 am-2:00 pm Nursery School Mini Camp 8:00 pm Brotherhood Monthly Meeting NFTY Convention in LA returns
10:00 am-2:00 pm Nursery School Mini Camp
10:00 am-2:00 pm Nursery School Mini Camp
7:45 pm Shabbat Service
9:00 am Morning Minyan
24 Purim
11:00 am—1:00 pm Chazak Drop-Off
4:30 pm Kesher 5:00 pm Hevra & Purim Carnival 6:30 pm 9-12th grade 7:00 pm Megillah Reading and Purim Shpiel with Junior Choir
No Hebrew High
NFTY Convention in LA Florida Luncheon
11:30 Advanced Hebrew 12:30 Beginning Hebrew 7:00 pm Generation Equality 7:30 pm FOF/Brotherhood/ Caring Committee Meeting
February Service Schedule
Friday, February 1
6:30 pm Shabbat Service/Birthday Blessings/ Sixth Grade Milestone Service
Saturday, February 2
9:00 am Morning Minyan 10:00 am Chazak Service
Thursday, February 7
10:30 am Bar Mitzvah Service Bar Mitzvah: Jake Bogan
Friday, February 8
6:30 pm Shabbat Service/Temple Band
Saturday, February 9
9:00 am Morning Minyan 7:00 pm Twilight Service Bat Mitzvah: Bailey Kaplan
Friday, February 15
7:45 pm Shabbat Service/Birthday Blessings
Saturday, February 16
9:00 am Morning Minyan
Friday, February 22
7:45 pm Shabbat Service
Temple Sinai’s Exclusive Caterer V & Z Caterers 516-484-4300
Saturday, February 23
9:00 am Morning Minyan
Monday, February 25
7:00 pm Megillah Reading and Purim Shpiel with Junior Choir
Direct Phone Numbers (Calling Direct Saves You Time) Nursery School 516-621-8708 Religious School 516-621-8016 Main Office 516-621-6800 Fax 516-625-6020
School Cancellation Information If Roslyn Public School classes are cancelled due to inclement weather, Temple Sinai Religious School will automatically be cancelled for that day. If it becomes necessary to cancel Religious School during the day because of inclement weather, we will try to make the decision as early in the day as possible. Religious School cancellations will be announced on the following TV/radio Stations:
News 12 Long Island (Cablevision) WINS (AM 1010) WCBS (AM 880) and posted on the Temple Sinai website:
www.mysinai.org Or call the Temple Sinai Religious School office at: 516-621-8016 Weather-related postponements and cancellations related to other activities are also posted on the Temple Sinai website.