4 minute read
By: Lex Morgan
SURRENDER Deserving? Those days when you’ve felt too hopeless, tired and That’s what I believed. This belief caused me to work hard for things that I shouldn’t have needed to and to be too lax in areas that needed my undivided attention. Love, acceptance and approval from others required hard work. Self-love, self-accephelpless to stand, walk, run, and/or crawl, God carried you. Believe that if He did it before, He will do it again. God’s records of honoring His promises and finishing what He starts are flawless. Your journey is not perfect; it doesn’t need to be…keep going. tance, and self-approval needed my undivided attention. Self-sabotage coupled with an outright refusal to believe that I could have joy without a struggle were hefty consequences of this belief.
• Your Corner. Ask yourself, “Who is in my corner and how do they contribute to my healing?” Based on your answers, adjustments may be necessary. Why is my life such a struggle? You own the power to assess and re-assess your This was the burning question that I needed the answer to. I’d been praying for the answer. Sometimes, I’d screamed at God because I didn’t think He was answering fast enough. On one of my many late night “head clearing” drives, I received the answer. Surrender. Now, in that moment, I didn’t know how corner. Your corner loves, supports, guides and honors you. Your corner offers wise counsel. Your corner holds space for you as you experience your emotions without judging you. Your corner holds you accountable and reassures you that you will make it. to process that answer, but I knew it was God. His voice was calming, yet stern. Certain. This had been the voice I’d heard so many times before but, ignored because I was so busy working hard. He speaks to me in a simple language…one I understand.
• Courage. Faith and your corner encourage your courage. Dismantling limiting stories like those I’ve shared is scary. Scary because regardless of how unhealthy the thoughts are, they are familiar and “safe”. We know how to operate with the thoughts; It’d be dishonest of me to pretend as if resistance to often, we surrender to them. We unpack and live in surrender didn’t crop up. I’d been conditioned to the stories and neglect the EXTRODINARY vessels believe that SURRENDER = WEAKNESS. FIGHT. Fight that we really are. Courage is where faith and your for everything; that’s the only way I’d earn anything. corner are critical. What about times when I’d received blessings simply because God approved them? I wouldn’t allow myself to fully receive them without expecting.
• Learn to Love Pieces of Yourself Until Loving the catastrophic event to occur causing me to lose every Full You Is Your Reality. This takes time and blessing that I’d received. How could I surrender practice (like a baby learning to walk). At first, you when doom was lurking around every corner?! How will attempt to stand and fall. You will take a few could I surrender when I needed to stay on-guard at steps and stumble. Over time, your confidence all times?! strengthens and so does your willingness to I don’t know about you but, my mind repeated the surrender. same limiting stories so often and for so long that I adopted the stories as truths; these were just a few of my stories that made surrender seem impossible.
• How? Be gentle and patient with yourself. Everything has a beginning. Identify one thing that “What’s the point in trying, I’ll fail in time.” you love (or like) about yourself. How will you “I don’t finish anything that I start.” nurture that part of yourself? After all, we take care of people and things that we love (or like), right? You “I should be completely healed by now…what’s are no exception. You are the priority. Identify the wrong with me?!” next part of you and repeat this practice. Love is a “Why can’t I be like everyone else?” side-effect of caring for yourself consistently over time. “I’ll never be good enough to meet ‘their’ expectations.” These tools are the framework for a safe & healthy healing environment. When we are safe, we learn to “If I were smarter, I’d have figured this out by now.” trust; we can relinquish control and surrender. Pushing past the point that you’d normally quit. This is how surrender begins to happen. Surrender opens us to the essence of who we really are. Surrender is freedom. Freedom is knowing that we own the power to shift our lives & rewrite our How? I’m so glad you asked! stories. We own the power to release what doesn’t.
• Faith. You have survived 100% of your worst days. honor us. Surrender is power.