March 31, 2012 • Vol. 133 No. 13 514 S. Kalamazoo Ave. in Marshall, MI • Phone 269-781-5444 and FAX 269-781-7766 •
In The News:
Fraud affects more than 60 people in Calhoun County; residents share their stories Preliminary reports show that last week, in excess of 60 people in Calhoun County had fraudulent charges posted on their debit and credit cards. The Marshall Police Department and Calhoun County Office of the Sheriff are investigating these reports. “All these are, are thugs sitting behind a computer stealing information from hard working Americans,” said CCSO Det. Steve Hinkley. “We are working hard, but this is something that isn’t going to be solved tomorrow; it will be a pretty complex investigation.” See story on page 25
MPS superintendent addresses racial incident During the March 26 Marshall Public Schools Board of Education business meeting, Superintendent Dr. Randy Davis addressed an incident that had occurred at the Calhoun Area Career Center in Battle Creek in February that directly involved one Marshall High School student and indirectly involved two other Marshall students. On Feb. 13, CACC staff were alerted that a Marshall student, who had a string of rawhide hanging from his rearview mirror in the shape of a noose, allegedly shook it at a group of African-American students from Battle Creek Central. See story on page 18
Non-profits, legislators gather to discuss local issues Elected officials from around Calhoun County – from Homer to Athens – to Albion to Marshall – gathered at Burnham Brook Center in Battle Creek on March 23 with state and federal officials and a variety of non-profit organizations to communicate about issues facing families. “This is all about developing relationships, in particular, developing relationships between the non profit and the legislative sector,” said Greater Battle Creek United Way CEO Chris Sargent. See story on page 44
Get connected with ‘Volunteer Marshall’ In an effort to bring non-profits and volunteers together, Marshall Main Street has partnered with HandsOn Battle Creek to offer an online approach for volunteer opportunities. “People who are interested in supporting the community can use this tool sitting home in their pajamas and nonprofits can find a whole new bank of volunteers ready to help them,” said Marshall Main Street Intern Patricia Rayl. Non-profits or volunteers interested in getting involved, can visit See story on page 61
Author Ruth McNally Barshaw visits Gordon School Ruth McNally Barshaw of Lansing, author of four Ellie McDoodle books, visited Gordon Elementary School last week, chock full of ideas on how to encourage creative writing in her youthful audiences. "If you mix enough different people you know into a character, they won’t recognize themselves,” she said. Barshaw is a life-long writer and artist, has worked in the advertising field, illustrated for newspapers and has won numerous essay contests. See story on page 38
Spring sports season underway Marshall High School’s baseball, soccer, softball and tennis teams were all in action last week as the 2012 spring sports season got underway. See sports section
Living Healthy, Living Well T
he 2012 Marshall Area Senior Health Fair, to be held April 5 at Marshall Middle School, is a time to discover what hometown services are designed specifically for Calhoun County seniors, their families and caregivers. With more than 50 exhibitors scheduled, seniors can meet with people representing independent housing, legal and guardianship services, home health care, financial and long term care planning, nursing facilities, Medicare benefits counseling, transportation, home delivered meals, home repair and more. Above, Liz Huggett of Marshall gets her blood pressure checked by Shepelle Clement from Magnum Care of Albion. Similar testing will be available at the health fair. See story on page 36