February 21, 2015 • Vol. 136 No. 8 514 S. Kalamazoo Ave. in Marshall, MI • Phone 269-781-5444 and FAX 269-781-7766 • www.advisor-chronicle.com
In The News:
City of Marshall sues local residents, business owners Last week, the city of Marshall filed a complaint with the 37th District Court to recoup $7,576 in fees for temporary fixes to a downtown structure as well as asking the court for a judgement for permanent repairs, which could cost more than $70,000. Wharry Engineering informed the city that the property (111, 113 and 115 E. Michigan Ave.) was in dangerous condition and in imminent danger of collapse due to the condition of the roof structure, roof joists and ceiling joists on the third floor, according to the court complaint. “The city is required to take protective action when there is a danger to health or safety under the International Property Maintenance Code,” said Director of Community Services Natalie Dean. The city is asking the court to place liens on the properties until the work has been repaid in full. See story on page 36
Place your bids!
State superintendent visits Marshall High School The cooperative agreement between Marshall Public Schools and Albion Public Schools in 2013 made local headlines. But, word quickly spread throughout the state about the venture, including to the office of State Superintendent Michael Flanagan. On Feb. 18, Flanagan paid a visit to Marshall High School to have lunch with some students, parents, teachers and school board members and to hear and see firsthand how the partnership is going. “I really appreciate Albion and Marshall taking the lead,” said Flanagan. “Most districts don’t even think about these things because they are not bold enough.” See story on page 26
First woman director takes the helm at Calhoun County Fairgrounds Megan Harvey of Marshall is the first woman director and the youngest director, at age 28, of the Calhoun County Fairgrounds. Harvey, who has been the assistant director for the past three years, accepted the position of executive director on Feb. 16 after the Calhoun County Agricultural & Industrial Society Board unanimously voted to promote her. “I think it’s really neat that they are putting their trust in me,” Harvey said. CCAIS Board President Doug Wildt said Harvey was the most qualified person the board interviewed. “She is the right person for the job,” he said. “She brings all of her knowledge from being involved with the fair for so long (since age 8) and knows the mechanics of the fairgrounds better than anybody. And it’s amazing what she can get done in only a few short months. She knows what she’s doing.” See story on page 44
Exchange Club honors local law enforcement On Feb. 9, the Marshall Exchange Club held its Officer of the Year program, honoring three local law enforcement members for their “unselfish dedication and loyalty to service.” The Officer of the Year recipients are Marshall Police Department Officer Matthew Potter, Calhoun County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Chris Young and Michigan State Police Trooper Matthew McLalin. “I cannot thank you enough for having this program,” said MPD Director of Public Safety Jim Schwartz. “It might not seem like a big deal for these 20 minutes or so that you allow us, but for us it lasts a lifetime.” See story on page 18
aklawn Hospital’s 25th Annual Benefit Auction will start at 6 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 28, in the ballroom of FireKeepers Casino Hotel. Checking the auction’s online catalog are, from left, Co-chair Lowell Weaver of the Medalist Golf Club, Chair Catherine Yates of Chemical Bank and Acquisitions Chair Ryan Traver of BluFish Consulting. Even the laptop they're shown using — a Lenovo Yoga laptop/tablet — will be a sought-after raffle item during the event. See story on page 2