January 31, 2015 • Vol. 136 No. 5 514 S. Kalamazoo Ave. in Marshall, MI • Phone 269-781-5444 and FAX 269-781-7766 • www.advisor-chronicle.com
In The News:
MPS to plan last stage of work from 2010 bond funds Marshall Public Schools has spent more than $43 million from bond issues over the past decade and this summer, the last funds from the 2010 bond issue is expected to be spent on new projects. What that work will be, has yet to be determined. At its Jan. 26 work session, the MPS Board of Education heard from David Martin of architectural firm Kingscott about how the remaining funds of the 2010 bond could be used. See story on page 9
New market manager named for Marshall Area Farmers Market Cathleen “Kitty” Knoll has been hired as the new market manager of the Marshall Area Farmers Market. She is an employee of the city of Marshall, but will work with the market’s eight-member advisory board which was formed by the city on Oct. 20 and charged with the task of investigating ways to expand the market and find a new location for the upcoming season. See story on page 34
Accelerated Physical Therapy to partner with local colleges After years of dreaming and planning, athletic trainer Chuck Middleton of Accelerated Physical Therapy of Marshall will soon begin a partnership with Albion and Olivet colleges to help student athletes. Middleton plans to spend two days a week at Albion and Olivet colleges through a contractual agreement with the schools. “The way it will work is providing physical therapy to athletes identified by the athletic training staff at the college as needing more one-on-one intensive physical therapy,” Middleton said. “Now, they will be able to get that on campus without having to travel.” See story on page 20
Author/artist Patricia Polacco visits Gordon Elementary School Gordon Elementary School hosted author and artist Patricia Polacco on Jan. 22, sponsored by the Gordon School PCO. Polacco met with third, fourth and fifth graders, told stories and encouraged the kids to be kind to one another. Polacco, who had dyslexia as a child, did not learn to read until she was 14. She spoke frankly with the children about what it felt like to be different than others and to feel less than capable about being able to learn. See story on page 22
Eagle Scout to renovate mini-golf course at VA Hospital Eagle Scouts are famous for their community service projects and find inspiration in all sorts of forms. Jeff Richards, 17, a member of Troop 337, is a senior at Marshall High School who regularly travels to the VA Hospital in Fort Custer with his grandfather. For his Eagle Scout project, Richards plans to restore the VA Hospital’s mini-golf course. See story on page 38
Sharing, celebrating MLK’s dream A spirit of collaboration, shared history, and common purpose made the 2015 Martin Luther King Jr. Convocation a true community celebration as Albion community members and Albion College students, faculty, staff, and alumni gathered in the Bohm Theatre Jan. 27, filling the recently reopened downtown venue to capacity, and then some. See story on page 33
FINANCIAL WELLNESS SECTION See inside beginning on page 24
he annual Ice, Wine and Blues Winter Festival returns to downtown Marshall on Friday, Feb. 6. Included in the evening are extended shopping hours, wine tasting, live blues music and ice carvings by John Merucci, top. Sampling some of the featured wines are, center from left, Pam Rudd, gallery manager of EastEnd Studio and Gallery; Joe Caron of Schuler’s Restaurant and Pub; and Patty Williams, executive director of the host organization, The Franke Center for the Arts. The festivities will continue Saturday with a winter blues festival, including Harper, bottom, and dinner at The Franke Center starting at 5 p.m. See story on page 2