April 25, 2015 • Vol. 136 No. 16 514 S. Kalamazoo Ave. in Marshall, MI • Phone 269-781-5444 and FAX 269-781-7766 • www.advisor-chronicle.com
In The News: Local shooters honor coach Larry Arbogast with memorial shoot May 2 On Nov. 24, when Larry Arbogast died unexpectedly from a heart attack at age 66, the members of the Fudd Dusters Shotgun Sporting Team and Marshall High School Clay Target Club were left feeling like they had lost a good friend. To remember Arbogast, on May 2, club members and local law enforcement, fire departments and community members will come together at the Bellevue Conservation Club. See story on page 46 ‘James RC Hazel Jr. Foundation’ formed; park planned A desire to put 27-acres of undeveloped, riverfront property in Emmett Twp. to good use, coupled with one man’s desire to honor and memorialize one of Battle Creek’s most prominent, modern day supporters has led to the formation of a new charitable foundation, the James RC Hazel Jr. Foundation. See story on page 20 May 2 bowling event to raise funds for Angelcheeks Foundation When Neisha Hart and Brad Barks went to wake their daughter on Jan. 9, they found that Brimley wasn’t breathing. The following week, they had to do what no parent ever wants to do - plan their daughter’s funeral. Thanks to help from Angelcheeks Foundation, they were able to memorialize their daughter. Now, the couple wants to give back to the foundation with a bowling fundraiser on May 2, so another family can be helped in the future. See story on page 18 SAS recognizes community volunteers at annual dinner Sexual Assault Services of Calhoun County/Bronson Battle Creek held its 19th Annual Community and Volunteer Recognition Dinner on April 15 where it recognized those who have supported survivors of sexual assault. “What an amazing community we have that all these people, from all these disciplines, come together to recognize that sexual violence is not okay,” said SAS Program Manager Joyce Siegel. “Our hope is that some day in the future we won’t see sexual violence in numbers we have today.” See story on page 10
it Wingle, at the wheel, of Wolverine Sealcoating, pulls into Willie’s Auto Shop with Audrey Dean, seated, director of Kids ‘N’ Stuff Children’s Museum in Albion. Rachael Wingle of the Shop Rat Foundation inspects the vehicle assisted by, back, from left, Adam Miller and James Oulch, also from Wolverine. A ribbon cutting at the shop takes place Friday, April 30. See story on page 2 and see this week’s car care section in the center of this issue