June 13, 2015 • Vol. 136 No. 22 514 S. Kalamazoo Ave. in Marshall, MI • Phone 269-781-5444 and FAX 269-781-7766 • www.advisor-chronicle.com
In The News: Many turn out to support Marshall teacher who lost job due to budget cuts The Community Room at Marshall Middle School was full with many standing in the hallway outside for the June 8 Marshall Public Schools Board of Education work session. Many of those in attendance had come to support Marshall Middle School choir teacher Ian Bäby, who was one of four teachers (and eight staff overall) laid off due to budget cuts. The MPS Board of Education met May 26 and approved the layoffs in a special session regarding the budget and the need to cut approximately $660,000 for the upcoming fiscal year. See story on page 5
Marshall awarded nearly $700,000 for Cronin development The Michigan Economic Development Corporation announced in a June 4 press release that three projects, including the J.H. Cronin Building development project in Marshall, were approved for incentives by the Michigan Strategic Fund to support its expansions in the state. Marshall was awarded a $381,071 Community Development Block Grant to be used for correcting structural issues and eliminating blighted conditions on both the interior and exterior of the building. The city also received a grant from the Michigan State Housing Development Authority for $295,769 for the residential component of the project. See story on page 6 Chamber Board dissolved by large margin On June 4, by an overwhelming margin, 84 of 103 Marshall Area Chamber of Commerce members voted in support of dissolving the Chamber Board. “It was very positive that so many Chamber members came out to vote,” said Director of Small Business and Chamber Operations Keith Kehlbeck. “Support for transition was significant. I think that bodes well for moving forward in many positive ways in Marshall. We look forward to continuing to provide services that the Chamber has always provided, under MAEDA.” See story on page 9 First phase of Calhoun County Trail is now a reality On June 6, the Calhoun County Trailway Alliance and Calhoun County Parks and Recreation ceremonially opened the first phase of the Calhoun County Trail for use by the public. The 5.28 mile crushed gravel trail begins at Raymond Rd. and E. Emmett St. in Emmett Twp., travels through the Ott Biological Preserve, crosses Michigan Ave. in front of the Calhoun County Medical Care Facility, turns south into Kimball Pines and continues southeast to the entrance of Historic Bridge Park. See story on page 38
lthough the 2015 Calhoun County Fair doesn’t open until mid-August, volunteers are already working to prepare the fairgrounds for the annual event. Included on the list of “spaces to be readied” is Floral Hall, now nearly fully-restored. While the Covered Arena and other sites will be used for animal shows and auctions, Floral Hall will house non-livestock exhibits including fine arts, needlework, horticulture, culinary arts and other entries created by both youth and adults. The deadline to participate is July 8. A blue ribbon awaits. See story on page 2