May 23, 2015 • Vol. 136 No. 20 514 S. Kalamazoo Ave. in Marshall, MI • Phone 269-781-5444 and FAX 269-781-7766 •
In The News: Michigan Week begins with Mayor's Prayer Breakfast As in years past, Marshall's Michigan Week was celebrated throughout this city, recognizing community leaders as Minutemen and encouraging others to also share their time and talents. Marshall Community Foundation director Sherry Anderson delivered the keynote speech May 15 at the 2015 Prayer Breakfast and Judy and Al Byam were honored for their community contributions. See stories throughout issue Michigan Week Heritage Day Minuteman is Merlin Shaver The 2015 Heritage Day Breakfast was held May 19 at the Marshall United Methodist Church to honor the area’s senior citizens and to present the Heritage Day Minuteman Award to this year’s recipient, Merlin Shaver. Co-hosted by the Marshall Historical Society, Maplewood of Marshall, Calhoun County Senior Services, Marshall Area Economic Development Alliance and Marshall Area Chamber of Commerce, the breakfast was prepared by volunteers from the church. Also at the event, Jill Settineri performed a living history portrayal. See story on page 10 Steve Seifert is the 2015 Education Minuteman Award recipient At the Michigan Week Education Day Marshall Public Schools Staff Recognition Reception on May 20, Steve Seifert was named the 2015 Education Day Minuteman. “Through his leadership, MPS joined the world of robotics,” said MPS Superintendent Randy Davis. “His guidance, time and incredible dedication helped the Red Hot Chili Bots team earn the “Rookie All Star” award in 2013 at its first TEAM Robotics state tournament.” See story on page 47 City Council approves two parking spaces for Marshall Carriage Co. At the May 18 Marshall City Council meeting, the council discussed a parking request for two parking spots for Marshall Carriage Co. in the “golden” block of downtown on Michigan Ave. The council unanimously voted to approve a permanent traffic control order for two parking spots for “vehicle for hire” parking in front of Broadway Grille, 107 W. Michigan Ave. “As we move forward, we want to keep the downtown vibrant and keep it that way,” said Brian Mason, owner of Marshall Carriage Co. “I might get some heat from this, you might get some heat too, but we need to figure out what to do to move forward.” See story on page 5
ix internationally known magicians will perform for the public on May 30 at 8 p.m. at the Franke Center for the Arts as part of a three-day 2015 Midwest Magic History Weekend. Pictured from left, top row: Joe Patire, the late Elaine Lund, co-founder of the American Museum of Magic and David Ben. Middle row: Gene Anderson and Mike Caveney. Bottom row: David Charvet and Tim Wright. See story on page 2
Allergies don’t stand a chance. Don’t be sneezin’ this season. -«À } à w > Þ iÀi > ` v À > Þ v ÕÃ] à >Ài Ãi>à > > iÀ} ið - iiâ }] V Õ} } > ` V }iÃÌ >Ài ÕÃÌ > viÜ ÃÞ «Ì à Üi V> iÝ«iÀ i Vi > ÃÕ iÀ° / i à « iÃÌ Ü>Þ Ì w ` > iÀ}Þ Ài iv Ã Ì Õ `iÀÃÌ> ` Ü >Ì Ã V>Õà } Þ ÕÀ ÃÞ «Ì ð À° -Üi `iÀ ëiV > âià `i Ì vÞ } > iÀ}i à > ` «À Û ` } Þ Õ Ü Ì ÃÞ «Ì Ài iv >à µÕ V Þ >à « Ãà L i° v Þ Õ Ì Þ Õ >Þ >Ûi > iÀ} iÃ] Þ Õ ` ½Ì >Ûi Ì ÃÕvviÀ° / iÀi >Ài > Û>À iÌÞ v ÌÀi>Ì i Ì «Ì à >Û> >L i Ì i « > iÛ >Ìi Þ ÕÀ ÃÞ «Ì ð Ûi Õà > V> Ì > i > >«« Ì i Ì° 7i v ÀÜ>À` Ì i « } Þ Õ vii LiÌÌiÀ° Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Marshall Specialty Clinic 203 Winston Dr., Marshall (269) 789-4380 Clinic hours also available at Beadle Lake and Tekonsha locations. David Swender, DO
Columns Let’s not give up the values of faith Editor’s Corner by John Hendler My daughter will be graduating from Marshall High School next week, and last Tuesday was her final day of school. I took a photo of her as she was leaving for school that morning and dutifully posted it to Facebook for all to see. Where does the time go? It seems like only yesterday that I was going into school to have lunch with her a couple times a week when she was in first grade. Speaking of lunch, I made her lunch daily throughout high school. As much as I grumbled about doing it all these years, I knew the day would come when it was the final time I would make her school lunch. Already, I miss doing it. Time marches on. Last week’s last day reminded me of a poem for parents I’ve seen floating around on social media for some time titled The Last Time. It starts off with all the trials and tribulations a parent goes through after the birth of their child and how it seems that all those challenges and struggles will never end. And let’s not forget about all the wonderful things, too. But, they do, in a blink of an eye, it seems. The last part of the poem states: But don’t forget … There is a last time for everything. There will come a time when you will feed your baby for the very last time. They will fall asleep on you after a long day And it will be the last time you ever hold your sleeping child. One day you will carry them on your hip then set them down, And never pick them up that way again. You will scrub their hair in the bath one night And from that day on they will want to bathe alone. They will hold your hand to cross the road, Then never reach for it again. They will creep into your room at midnight for cuddles, And it will be the last night you ever wake to this. One afternoon you will sing “the wheels on the bus”and do all the actions, Then never sing them that song again. They will kiss you goodbye at the school gate, The next day they will ask to walk to the gate alone. You will read a final bedtime story and wipe your last dirty face. They will run to you with arms raised for the very last time. The thing is, you won’t even know it’s the last time Until there are no more times. And even then, it will take you a while to realize. And here I am, blubbering over not making anymore school lunches. It’s always the little things that make the biggest difference, isn’t it? Until next week, may the good news be yours. P.S. For those wondering, I did hear from my fourth grade teacher Mr. Garlitz (who remembered me!) last week and he’s loving his life as a great grandfather in Florida.
DEADLINE: Submit letters to the Editor Wedn nesday by NOON to for following Saturday publication of the ad-visor&chronicle
By FRED JACOBS Publisher and CEO, J-Ad Graphics I’m not ready to give up on the importance religion can play in one’s life. I’m also not ready to concede any ground to believers in the notion that there’s nothing in which to believe. Atheists have been around for decades, and I will forever defend their right to choose their beliefs. However, in recent years the atheism movement has become more visible, more vocal and better organized, especially online where it’s been able to grow its ranks. At a recent rally in Washington, D.C., more than 20,000 attendees converged on the national mall to enjoy music, listen to speakers and hang out. I understand people’s right not to participate in a certain religion, but proverbial red flags start flying when non-believers become organized and campaign against those of us who are believers and who are nurturing the values of faith in generations just beginning to experience life. A report issued last week by the Pew Research Center identified an already-disturbing inertia in America in regard to practicing faith. “There’s evidence of a gradual decline in religious commitment in the U.S. public as a whole,” stated
the report, which went on say the number of people who don’t identify with any religion has become a growing trend in recent years. The Pew Research Center survey on ‘Religion and Public Life’ asked Americans whether having “more people who are not religious” is a good thing, a bad thing or doesn’t matter for American society. Many more people said it was bad than good, but, still, about 40 percent said it doesn’t make much of a difference. Members of all major religious groups have voiced concerns over the decline and the impact it will have on our country and society as a whole. With the rise of organized atheism, I worry that we will lose sight of the richness, balance and the peace that religious faith can place in our lives. I’m not an expert on the issue, but I believe religion helps us define who we are and what we do in our lives — it helps us follow standards as a Golden Rule we live by. Looking back at our country’s history, religion has always played a major role in the kind of people we were and the role we allowed government to play in our lives. “The form of religion in a state is fashioned after the form of the government,” said Aristotle. In recent years, we’ve seen evidence of how the
growth of atheism has influenced society in the United States, but also in the Middle East were groups like alQaeda and ISIS promote a movement away from Christianity to Islamic extremism. How does that impact the United States, though? I think you can draw a parallel with groups like ISIS and how the Third Reich in Germany allowed a leader with no moral foundation to come to power, a leader who led his country to a war that eventually reduced his country to ashes and shame. Hitler’s speeches were filled with hope — he challenged people to love their neighbors, care for the poor and sick and take a stand against violence. Yet he was the “nastiest, most hate-filled, almost wickedest man in history,” says Ray Comfort, author of Hitler, God and the Bible. “To say that Hitler was a Christian is to be tremendously ignorant, or to be disingenuous,” said Comfort. As Hitler grew more powerful, his religious tolerance disappeared, and he tried to replace Christianity with a new “Reich Church,” a religion in which there was no god but himself. Today, the radical views of violent Islam pose a threat to our nation and to the world that could impact our way of life and everything for which we stand. It begs the question, ‘What
role does the decline of religion play in our lives, and will a growing atheist movement turn into something more than just an idea for social change?’ Consider the recent events across our country of uncontrolled rage and violence. They should give us the sense that our culture is lacking in any kind of spiritual connection, a commitment that offers us some direction in our daily lives. “One of the greatest advantages of prayer is that it transcends all religions and can be practiced by everyone, everywhere,” said Mother Teresa, one of the 20th century’s most important religious figures. To those seeking guidance on their spiritual paths, Mother Teresa has been a strong influence for people of all faiths. Her name and what she stood for throughout her life served as a beacon for most Christians. Having grown up in West Michigan, I find it critical that our beliefs and religious commitments may be under attack by those who have no moral compass and no spiritual connection to a higher power. Even though there have always been non-believers, today’s focus now seems to be on discrediting those who believe in a Supreme Being.
Continues to next page...
Law that helps people...Recycling plastic By GEORGE M. STRANDER Ingram County Court Administrator and Probate Register
Fifth in a series. In past articles, we have discussed Michigan’s Bottle Bill, a container deposit law with the nationally comparatively high deposit and return amount per container of 10 cents. It should come as no surprise that Michigan has high rates (over 90 percent) of recycling these returnables. You may be surprised, however, to learn that Michigan is not very good at recycling other reusable products – e.g., metals, plastics, glass and paper. Our state’s overall residential recycling rate is below 15 percent, last among all Great Lakes states and one of the lowest in the country. Michigan’s poor showing on recycling has gotten the attention of lawmakers. Gov. Rick Snyder has put together a Recycling Plan of Action (see this on the Department of Environmental Quality website) and recently convened a Recycling Summit.
In this article, I will introduce one type of non-deposit-based recycling product – plastics. I will start with a discussion of the range of plastics that can be recycled. Resin Identification Codes: We all have seen the triangles on the bottom of plastic containers formed by three bending arrows with a number (from one to seven) in the center. These are resin identification codes and were developed in 1988 by the Society of the Plastics Industry. Each RIC number identifies a different chemical composition of the plastic. Here is a list of each of the seven RICs with its chemical composition and some typical items made with that type of plastic. 1: Polyethylene terephthalate is a clear, tough plastic; used to make microwavable food trays, bottles for salad dressing, soft drinks, water. 2: High-density polyethylene is hard to semi-flexible; used to make bottles for household cleaners and shampoo, milk jugs, yogurt tubs, buckets, rigid agriculture pipe, crates, grocery bags. 3: Vinyl (V or PVC – polyvinyl chorlide) is a strong, tough substance; used to make cooking oil and mouthwash bottles, clear food packaging (like meat wrap), some cosmetic containers, elec-
trical conduit, plumbing pipes and fittings, roof sheeting, garden hose, shoe soles, cable sheathing, window frames. 4: Low-density polyethylene is a soft, flexible, waxy and translucent plastic; used to make bread bags, squeezable bottles, cling wrap, garbage and drycleaning bags, irrigation tubing, some components of carpet, clothing and furniture. 5: Polypropylene is a hard, flexible substance with a waxy surface; used to make medicine and syrup bottles, cereal liners, packing tape, chip bags and drinking straws. 6: Polystyrene is a clear, glassy, rigid, opaque, semi-tough substance; in expanded form is what we call styrofoam; used to make disposable cups and plates, egg cartons, take-out containers, CD cases, plastic silverware, low-cost brittle toys, foamed polystyrene cups, protective packaging. 7: Other polycarbonates are a catchall category for plastics that do not fit in above; used to make baby bottles, water cooler bottles, car parts. Next Time: In the next article, I will continue the discussion of plastic recycling. One of the things I will cover is into what type of new product each type of plastic is recycled.
Letters Buy bricks to help build the Veterans Memorial Wall To the Editor: We would like to finish our Veterans Memorial Wall this year. Please stop and check out our memorial across from the Brooks Memorial
Fountain. We need to sell 40 bricks to fill our spaces. If you would like to add a veteran’s name to a brick, please call Merlin Shaver at 269-986-9177
for details. Thank you. Merlin Shaver, Marshall
MARSHALL OFFICE 210 W. Michigan Ave.
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A BREWER FARMS STEAL! Owner willing to provide $3000 at closing to buyer to replace flooring. Huge Owners’ suite, fresh paint, vaulted ceilings in the large living room w/ eating area, galley kitchen, spacious laundry room just off the kitchen, screened porch and more! Tons of storage and no outdoor maintenance worries - leave the lawn care and snow shoveling to the grounds crew! Monthly fee includes exterior maintenance, water/wastewater, mowing/landscaping, snow shoveling and trash. This is a great deal! Call today to set up a tour!
LEISURE CONDO LIVING IN BUILDING D. Come enjoy the condo way of life where there is no mowing, snow removal, or outside maintenance. Association fee includes all of this, plus trash, water & sewer. This 2 BR/ 2 BA condo is a 2nd floor unit featuring beautiful cathedral ceilings & wood floors. This location is quiet, as no one lives above you. Living room opens to a 3 Seasons porch; large Owners bedroom w/a sitting area, 2 large closets & its own bath. All stainless steel appliances included. Perfect place for anyone downsizing or for snowbirds. Call for a tour – you won’t regret it!
382 Boyer Court, Marshall
360 Butler Court, Marshall
IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY AVAILABLE!!! This 2BR/2 BA - 2nd floor condo features cathedral ceilings, large master bedroom w/sitting area, 2 large closets & private bath. 2nd BR is spacious w/large closet & bath. Plus, nice sized linen closet, 3 Seasons room w/slider windows, and all appliances included. Condo Assoc monthly fees include water, sewer, trash, snow removal & mowing. SELLER WILL PAY CLOSING COSTS, $1000 PAINTING ALLOWANCE & HAVE CARPETS CLEANED PRIOR TO CLOSING. Don’t miss out on this one – call today for a tour!
MAGNIFICENT BREWER FARMS CONDO WITH DINING ALCOVE. This unit is stunning with unique features. Beautiful wood laminate floors, built in bookshelf in alcove, newer appliances, vaulted ceiling w/fans, large master suite w/plenty of closet space, bath with shower, second bath with tub/shower and nice screen porch with Southern exposure. Central air, parking in front of building as well as detached enclosed garage. Plus, no outdoor maintenance worries - leave the lawn care and snow shoveling to the grounds crew! Call today for a tour - this is a great condo!!
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EXQUISITE 2 BR/ 2 FULL BA CONDO. This condo features an 8 x 11 alcove that you may use as a formal dining area; Great room features cathedral ceilings that open onto the 3 Seasons screened in porch - a wonderful private addition for summer living. Kitchen includes all appliances. The Owners’ bedroom is large and includes a sitting area, a wall of closets, & a private bath w/low threshold shower. 2nd BR also has a full bath. Laundry room w/shelving for storage & washer/dryer included. A deep 1 stall garage w/additional storage. Leave the outdoor maintenance to the grounds crew! Call for a tour today!
STUNNING CUSTOM BUILT ALLEN EDWIN CONTEMPORARY. Move-in ready! Featuring an office/den nestled behind French doors, formal living & large formal dining rooms, stainless steel appliances, wood floors, gas fireplace in family/great room. Includes all audio/visual equipment. Hot Spring Hot Tub on back patio overlooks semi private back yard. Home offers 3 BRs w/generous closets & a generous Owner en-suite w/ heated tile floor bathroom & large walk in closet. Front load washer & dryer included. Basement is studded, insulated & ready for you to make it your own. Plus, storage galore! Call to set up a personal tour of this beautiful home!
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“At 37 weeks pregnant, I experienced a sudden, sharp pain that put me in the emergency room. It was such a scary time. And, being from the east side of the state, I had no support system. No friends or family. Even my husband was out of town. To make matters worse, tests showed that my uterus had ruptured and I needed an emergency C-section. I was terrified, but the wonderful people at Bronson Battle Creek cared for me like I was family. My nurse stayed with me even after her shift ended. She told me she was my support system now, and I shouldn’t worry about a thing. I’m eternally grateful for the doctors who delivered my beautiful baby and saved my life. And for all those who were so good to me and stayed by my side.” Jeanetta Fitzgerald, Battle Creek, Michigan, March 28, 2014
When one person shares their positivity, we all share in it. To share how Bronson Positivity has impacted your life, or to watch a video of Jeanetta’s story, visit
Senior Living
H E A LT H & W E L L N E S S Music
Great Food
H E A LT H & W E L L N E S S V E N D O R S Contact Mercedies Angus to become a vendor or for more information: 269-441-9273
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Her legacy continues at The Oaks.
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Senior Living
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Senior Day-Calhoun Co. Fair August 19, 2015
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CALL 211 ON ANY PHONE OR 269-565-4159
Dr. Chadwick’s Retirement Open House Friday, May 29th, 2015, Noon to 3pm 203 NE Capital Ave., Battle Creek, MI “I will be retiring from the practice of dermatology. My office at 203 Capital Ave. NE will close on May 29th, 2015. I regret that I will no longer be your physician and will cherish the relationships we’ve maintained over 35 years.�
Dermatology and Skin Surgery Center 7070 E. Drive North, Battle Creek, MI 49014 Telephone: 269-660-1670 “There are multiple providers at this location and I am confident that you will receive great care. Please call 269-660-1670 to schedule your next appointment at your convenience.� “Thank you for allowing me to be your physician, and thank you Battle Creek.� “No gifts please�
THANK YOU A special thank you to our sponsors, vendors and volunteers for attending and supporting the annual Oaklawn Hospitality Classic & Health Fair.
Hospitality Classic Sponsors
Health Fair Vendors
Eaton Corporation
First Tee of Battle Creek
Calhoun County Health Department
Nutrition Source
Quality Engraving
Marshall Retailers
Fountain Clinic
Pepsi Co.
Holistic Care & Wellness
Save A Lot Food Stores
Marshall Farmers Market
Chemical Bank
Regina Beattie Massage
City of Marshall
Senior Services of Calhoun County
Marshall Historical Society
Lou Chmura Orthodontics
Marshall Area Ambulance Authority
State Farm Insurance
Third Annual Get Your Colon Rollin’ 5K Run/Walk
Troup Electronics Flash Sanitation Boy Scouts Troop 337 O’Leary Water Care Marshall Disposal
The Calhoun County Cancer Control Coalition is organizing the Third Annual Get Your Colon Rollin’ 5K run/walk. This Colon Cancer Awareness run/walk will be held on June 6, 2015 at Bailey Park. Register on line at ( or call Jean at 269-720-2339 for more information. T-shirts are guaranteed to everyone that registers by May 24. No-shows will not receive a T-shirt and will be distributed to race day registrants following the race on a first come-first serve basis. Day of race, registration starts at 7:00am and will end promptly at 8:45am. The Calhoun County Cancer Control Coalition (5C) is a group of individuals and organizations working together to reduce the cancer burden in Calhoun County through community collaboration. Please join us in our efforts to spread the word about getting screened for colorectal cancer.
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The drive for five begins May 26 for MHS soccer Four-time district champs host Northwest in tournament opener The Marshall High School girls varsity soccer team begins its quest for the school’s fifth consecutive district title on May 26 when Marshall hosts Northwest at 6:30 p.m. Marshall, the regular season Interstate 8 Athletic Conference champions, saw its 10-game winning streak snapped at home on May 20 in a 1-0 loss to Western in the I-8 tournament final. The loss was the Redhawks’ first since April 18 as the team’s overall record dropped to 11-3-2. In the league tournament semi-final on May 18, Marshall defeated Pennfield 3-0 on goals by Sara Townsend, Anyah Preston and Gabby Hoffman. Abbey Ufkes had two assists, while Shannon Hicks and Taylor Horn had one assist each. Goalkeepers Macy O’Dell and Jill Konkle combined for the shutout.
photos by John Hendler
Taryn Long attempts a shot in the closing moments versus Western on May 20.
Lisa Durdowski stops Pennfield’s Kayler Beech.
Abbey Ufkes recorded two assists versus Pennfield in the Redhawks 3-0 win on May 18.
Sara Heidenreich gets past Pennfield’s Montana Rench
Marshall baseball beats Western, Williamston The Marshall High School varsity baseball team, behind the pitching of Drew Devine, right, shutout Western 6-0 on May 19. Devine went 6 2/3 innings, allowing four hits and striking out five. Scott Reagle went 3-4 driving in two. On May 20, Alex Walton pitched six innings and got the win in a 10-4 decision versus Williamston. Walton also had two hits from the plate as did Mitch Blank. Trevor Greenwood was 3-4 with an RBI. Kyle Veich was also 2-4 with an RBI. Tyler Weck, far right, sliding into third versus Western, went 2-4 with an RBI. photos by John Hendler
Five Marshall athletes qualify for state track and field
photos by John Hendler
Chris Thomas passes the baton to Forrest Jackson in the 4 X 200-meter relay during the Interstate 8 league meet on May 19. The team of Thomas, Jackson, Bryce Blanchard, far right, and Jaylin Alexander, below left, qualified for the state meet at the May 15 regional by placing second with a time of 1:32.2. Blanchard also qualified for the 300-meter hurdles and 200-meters and Thomas qualified for state in the long jump finishing third at th regional with a distance of 20’ 10 3/4”. On the girls side, Cortazia Wilson, below center, was the lone Marshall girl to qualify for state, winning the long jump at regional with a distance of 16’ 9 1/2”
Ally Johnson set the Marshall freshman pole vault record and the second best height in school history at the I-8 meet on May 19, clearing 8’ 9” Zoey Zacharski hands off to Cassandra Barlow earlier this season. In the 4 X 400 relay at the league meet, the team of Barlow, Zacharski, Jessica Vorst and Taylor Horn were fourth with a time of 4:33.57.
Alena Graves, seen here earlier in the season, was 17th at the league meet in the discus with a throw of 64’ 7”.
The 2015 Oaklawn Hospitality Classic
Setting a good example for healthy living, fruits and vegetables lead the pack at the start of the Mile Fun Run on May 16.
Mitchell Klingler of Coldwater was the winner of the both the men’s 10K and 5K.
Abby Longhurst, formerly of Marshall, was the women’s 10K winner.
Kevin Rayner of Kalamazoo and Abbey Ufkes of Marshall battle to the finish in the 5K. Following the 5K, Ufkes was the overall winner of the Mile Fun Run.
Jenny Robinaon of Ft. Wayne, Ind. was the women’s 5K winner.
Nine-year-old Lindsay Malone of Marshall approches the finish of the 5K.
James Bigelow of Union City was second overall in the Mile Fun Run.
MHS swimmers recognized for academic achievement
Seven Marshall High School senior swimmers have been recognized as Academic All Americans for graduating with at least 3.75 grade point average. Back row from left: Maddie Rayner, Nina Hendler, Brooklyn Tobias and Anna Sitar. Front row: Levi Graves, Tyler Horn and Josh Turner.
The Marshall High School girls swimming team had the top team GPA in the state for Division 3 with a 3.85 average.
MHS senior Brooke Mason to play collegiate volleyball at Alma
Marshall High School senior volleyball player Brooke Mason, seated, right, signs to attend Alma College during a ceremony May 15. Seated next to Mason is Alma admissions represenattive Carrie Frame. Standing from left: Former MHS volleyball coach John Miller and Brookeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s parents, Zach and Jusy Mason.
Girls on The Run takes part in Hospitality Classic
Prior to the Oaklawn Hospitality Classic on May 16, members of Girls on The Run posed for this team photo.
Marshall Swim Club opens summer season May 26
The Marshall High School boys swimming team was fifth overall in the state for Division 3 with a team GPA of 3.64.
This summer, Marshall Swim Club coached by Dave Karns and Steven Weaver will be joining Albion Swim Club, combining teams as in the past, to offer swimmers additional opportunities to attend practices and better accommodate their schedules. The season begins on Tuesday, May 26 from 45 p.m. at the Marshall High School Pool. Complete schedules of practices and events will be available on Tuesday. Those interested in participating in the summer swim club but unable to
attend practice on Tuesday due to conflicts with a spring sport, contact Coach Weaver at Registration forms can be found online at Click the community tab in the middle of the page which will then take users to Swim Club page which will also feature schedules for each swim group.
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ad-visor&chronicle â&#x20AC;&#x201C; May 23, 2015 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Page 55
2007 Dodge Ram 2500 4x4
2010 Chevy Equinox LT
2010 Dodge Challenger
2011 Ram 1500 Quad Cab
2008 Dodge Ram 1500 Quad Cab 4x4
2012 Chrysler 200 Limited
Cummins Diesel, Mega Cab, Priced Way Below Retail,
AWD, Sunroof, Rearview Camera.
Only 11k Miles, Moonroof, Rallye Package.
SLT, 4x4, Only 41k Miles, Tow Package. Stock
Big Horn Trim, Tow Package, New Tires,
Moonroof, Heated Leather, Remote Start.
Towing Machine. Stock #11714B
Stock #11940A
Stock #11981A
20â&#x20AC;? Wheels. Stock #11892A
Sale Pending
14,200* or $222* mo
22,795* or $357* mo
23,000* or $360* mo
16,900* or $265* mo
Stock #P3801
14,500* or $227* mo
2014 Ford Focus
2013 Chrysler 200 Touring
2012 Ford Taurus SHO
2013 Chevy Malibu LT
2013 Dodge Ram 1500 Express
2012 Chevy Equinox LS
Only 10k Miles, One Owner, Premium Sound.
Only 25k Miles, 31 MPG Hwy., Alloy Wheels.
Moonroof, Navigation, LOADED & CLEAN!
ONSTAR, 34 MPG Hwy., New Body Style.
Three To Choose From! 4x4, Crew Cab, Hemi
AWD, Aluminum Wheels, Great Gas Mileage.
15,997* or $250* mo
Stock #11784A
Stock #P3716
Stock #P3809
12,900* or $202* mo
23,895* or $375* mo
Stock #P3770
and Low Miles! Stock #P3786
14,900* or $233* mo
28,500* or $444* mo
Priced To Move! Stock #P3789
16,500* or $259* mo
2009 Dodge Grand Caravan SE
2011 Ford Crown Victoria LX
2011 Chrysler 300 C
2013 Dodge Avenger SE
2014 Dodge Journey SXT
2013 Ford Taurus Limited
3rd Row Seat, Aluminum Wheels,
Leather Seating, Aluminum Wheels, V-8, Non-Smoker.
AWD, V-8 Hemi, Panaramic Sunroof, One Owner,
18â&#x20AC;? Chrome Wheels, 4 Speed Automatic,
3rd Row Seat, Rear Heat and Air, Power Seat.
One Owner, Heated Leather Seats, Aluminum Wheels,
Quad Bucket Seats. Stock #P3761B
Stock #P3715A
Sound Group. Stock #11892A
Non-Smoker. Stock #P3697A
Stock #P3759
12,804* or 199* mo $
23,900* or $375* mo
12,900* or $202* mo
18,500* or $289* mo
Back-up Camera. Stock #P3802
18,500* or $289* mo
2012 Ford Fusion SE
2013 Ford Focus SE
2012 Buick Enclave
2013 Dodge Durango Citadel
2012 Ford Edge Limited
2012 Dodge Ram 1500 Laramie
Only 42k Miles! Aluminum Wheels, 33 MPG Hwy.,
Superb Conditon, Leather Interior, Premium
New Tires, Premium Sound, One Owner, 3rd Row Seat.
AWD, Hemi, One Owner, Moonroof,
AWD, Panaramic Moonroof, One Owner, Only 25k Miles!
4x4, Crew Cab, One Owner, Heated Leather
One Owner. Stock #P3799
Sound, Aluminum Wheels. Stock #P3797
Stock #P3793
Chrome Wheels. Stock #P3795
Premium Sound. Stock #P3796
13,500* or $211* mo
2012 Ford Mustang V6 Premium Premium Sound, Aluminum Wheels, Bucket Seats,
16,700* or $260* mo
2014 Chevy Cruze LTZ Turbo Charged, Aluminum Wheels, Heated Leather Seats, Only 12k Miles! Stock #P3782
16,900* or $265* mo
12,900* or $202* mo
21,900* or $343* mo
31,800* or $495* mo
26,500* or $415* mo
Seats, Premium Sound. Stock #11935A
30,900* or $484* mo
2012 Ford Explorer XLT
2011 Dodge Journey Mainstreet
2013 Buick Regal Turbo Charged
2014 Chevy Impala LS
Heated Leather, 3rd Row, Navigation.
One Owner, Alloy Wheels, Superb Condition, Dual A/C.
One Owner, Heated Leather Seats, Aluminum
31 MPG Hwy., Only 18k Miles! Priced To Move!
One Owner, Heated Leather Seats,
Stock #P3665A
Stock #P3732A
Wheels. Stock #P3781
Stock #P3783
Superb Condition, Priced To Move! Stock #P3780
Excellant Condition. Stock #P3706A
25,800* or $404* mo
15,900* or $249* mo
19,400* or $304* mo
2014 Chevy Cruze LT NOW ONLY
15,200* or $238* mo
2011 Ford Fusion SEL
2010 Dodge Journey R/T
2011 Chevy Traverse LT
2011 Buick LaCrosse CXS
Only 34k Miles, Dual Zone Temp. Control,
AWD, 3rd Row Seat, Moonroof, Heated Leather
2013 Dodge Durango Crew
Very Nice, 3rd Row Seating, Aluminum Wheels,
One Owner, Sunroof, Leather Seats, Alloy Wheels,
Only 30k Miles, Heated Leather Seats, 3rd Row Seating,
Power Seat. Stock #P3798
Seats, Premium Sound. Stock #P3764
Trailer Hitch. Stock #11850A
Premium Sound. Stock #P3765
13,900* or $218* mo
16,400* or $257* mo
17,750* or $276* mo
18,500* or $288* mo
Aluminum Wheels. Stock #11893A
24,500* or $384* mo
2011 GMC Terrain SLE
2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee
2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee
2011 Nissan Murano S
2012 Jeep Liberty Sport
2011 Dodge Ram 1500 ST
AWD, One Owner, Back Up Camera,
Bought Here New, Heated Leather, Alloys.
Leather Seats, Remote Start, UConnect Phone.
AWD, Privacy Glass, Aluminum Wheels, Non-Smoker,
4x4, One Owner, Aluminum Wheels, Very Nice!
4x4, Hemi, Trailer Tow, Running Boards,
Aluminum Wheels. Stock #P3768
Stock #11741A
Stock #P3776
Very Nice! Stock #P3754
Three To Choose From! Stock #P3741
16,900* or $265* mo
23,800* or $373* mo
23,900* or $374* mo
15,900* or $249* mo
15,297* or $239* mo
Superb Condition. Stock #P3763
22,700* or $355* mo
What you get with every purchase only at Cole in Marshall! 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo
2013 Ford Mustang GT Premium
2013 Dodge Dart Limited
2012 Jeep Liberty Sport
4x4, One Owner, Dual Zone A/C, Only 33k Miles!
Only 3k Miles, Candy Red, Racing Stripes,
Sunroof, Leather, Navi, Low Miles, One Owner,
Moonroof, Tow Pkg., 4x4.
Stock P3726
Heated Leather, Shaker Audio System. Stock #P3738
Back Up Camera. Stock #P3760
23,500* or $368* mo
29,988* or $469* mo
17,700* or $277* mo
Stock #P3698A
17,200* or $269* mo
â&#x20AC;˘ 2 FREE Oil Changes â&#x20AC;˘ 2 FREE Tire Rotations â&#x20AC;˘ 2 FREE Inspections â&#x20AC;˘ Full Tank of Gas â&#x20AC;˘ Car Fax Report â&#x20AC;˘ Outstanding Service
HT C BHCÄŞ C q ÄŞ ĸ`.< Ă&#x201E;TBĹ&#x2039; `e ĪŠ `+eVZĪŠ %V.ĪŠ Ä&#x17D;ĂŠĹ?Ĺ&#x2039; Z `ÄŞ Ä&#x17D;ĂŠĹ&#x2014;
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