Advisor & Chronicle

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May 23, 2015 • Vol. 136 No. 20 514 S. Kalamazoo Ave. in Marshall, MI • Phone 269-781-5444 and FAX 269-781-7766 •

In The News: Michigan Week begins with Mayor's Prayer Breakfast As in years past, Marshall's Michigan Week was celebrated throughout this city, recognizing community leaders as Minutemen and encouraging others to also share their time and talents. Marshall Community Foundation director Sherry Anderson delivered the keynote speech May 15 at the 2015 Prayer Breakfast and Judy and Al Byam were honored for their community contributions. See stories throughout issue Michigan Week Heritage Day Minuteman is Merlin Shaver The 2015 Heritage Day Breakfast was held May 19 at the Marshall United Methodist Church to honor the area’s senior citizens and to present the Heritage Day Minuteman Award to this year’s recipient, Merlin Shaver. Co-hosted by the Marshall Historical Society, Maplewood of Marshall, Calhoun County Senior Services, Marshall Area Economic Development Alliance and Marshall Area Chamber of Commerce, the breakfast was prepared by volunteers from the church. Also at the event, Jill Settineri performed a living history portrayal. See story on page 10 Steve Seifert is the 2015 Education Minuteman Award recipient At the Michigan Week Education Day Marshall Public Schools Staff Recognition Reception on May 20, Steve Seifert was named the 2015 Education Day Minuteman. “Through his leadership, MPS joined the world of robotics,” said MPS Superintendent Randy Davis. “His guidance, time and incredible dedication helped the Red Hot Chili Bots team earn the “Rookie All Star” award in 2013 at its first TEAM Robotics state tournament.” See story on page 47 City Council approves two parking spaces for Marshall Carriage Co. At the May 18 Marshall City Council meeting, the council discussed a parking request for two parking spots for Marshall Carriage Co. in the “golden” block of downtown on Michigan Ave. The council unanimously voted to approve a permanent traffic control order for two parking spots for “vehicle for hire” parking in front of Broadway Grille, 107 W. Michigan Ave. “As we move forward, we want to keep the downtown vibrant and keep it that way,” said Brian Mason, owner of Marshall Carriage Co. “I might get some heat from this, you might get some heat too, but we need to figure out what to do to move forward.” See story on page 5


ix internationally known magicians will perform for the public on May 30 at 8 p.m. at the Franke Center for the Arts as part of a three-day 2015 Midwest Magic History Weekend. Pictured from left, top row: Joe Patire, the late Elaine Lund, co-founder of the American Museum of Magic and David Ben. Middle row: Gene Anderson and Mike Caveney. Bottom row: David Charvet and Tim Wright. See story on page 2

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