Advisor & Chronicle

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April 18, 2015 • Vol. 136 No. 15 514 S. Kalamazoo Ave. in Marshall, MI • Phone 269-781-5444 and FAX 269-781-7766 •

In The News: Crossroads Church and Ministries becomes part of regional human trafficking task force Human trafficking can occur in situations of forced labor such as domestic servitude, factory or agriculture work or sex trafficking. Crossroads Church and Ministries in Marshall was recently selected to be one of eight Michigan Regional Human Trafficking Task Forces to educate and inform community law enforcement, those involved in social services and those in business about the ever growing problem of human trafficking. Jennifer Fopma, executive director of SAFE Place in Battle Creek, who has been a part of a statewide Michigan Human Trafficking Task Force for several years, worked with Crossroads’ Pastor Clare Loughrige to help the church become the location for a regional task force. See story on page 36

David Newman growing strong March 20 was a day that changed an Eckford Twp. family’s life forever. But the tragedy of 12-year-old David Newman being hit by a truck while approaching his school bus hasn’t shaken the faith of his family. “I will never be able to change that day, no matter how many times I’ve thought I could,” said Angie BeckerNewman, David’s mother. “To watch our David struggle for his life took away a part of my soul that I feel will never return.” But thanks to the doctors, prayers and the community’s support, the Newman family is now watching their son grow stronger every day. “David is doing remarkably well, despite all of his traumatic injuries,” Newman said. “He never ceases to amaze us each and every day.” See story on page 44

Marshall City Council gives city manager high marks The Marshall City Council recently completed City Manager Tom Tarkiewicz’s evaluation, scoring him 2.5 out of 3 on results and 3 out of 3 on competencies. “I was pleased with the council’s evaluation of my performance,” Tarkiewicz said following the evaluation. Based on the review, the council noted that Tarkiewicz’s salary should be adjusted upward as part of the budget process in June, which will be decided based on input from the council on the specific amount to take effect July 1. See story on page 9

Kathleen Oerther honored by Marshall Exchange Club The National Exchange Club believes that significant volunteer efforts should not go unnoticed. The club’s longest-running project, the Book of Golden Deeds Award, recognizes those who give endless hours of their time and talents toward making their communities better places to live. On April 13, the Marshall group presented the honor to Kathleen Oerther. See story on page 16


lways ready to serve the communities that support them, offerings at local libraries extend beyond books, CDs and technical assistance. Libraries have become places patrons count on to provide interesting programs - ones that are educational and recreational. Leading the idea team at the Marshall District Library are front, from left, Kelly Dykwell and Lisa Howell. Back, Diane Hamlin, Jen Wrzesinski and Melanie Crawford. On a beautiful spring day, the group relies on the courtyard statue for inspiration, a 2002 gift from the Marshall Area Garden Club. See story on page 2

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