February 28, 2015 • Vol. 136 No. 9 514 S. Kalamazoo Ave. in Marshall, MI • Phone 269-781-5444 and FAX 269-781-7766 • www.advisor-chronicle.com
In The News: MPS board approves sale of refunding bonds
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The Marshall Public Schools Board of Education approved the successful sale of its 2015 refunding bonds in the amount of $22.4 million at its Feb. 23 business session. The bonds will be used for the purpose of refunding a portion of the school district’s outstanding 2005 refunding bonds, 2010 school building and site bonds, Series B and to pay the costs of issuing the bonds. The 2015 refunding bonds reduce the school district interest expense approximately $4.8 million for the taxpayers and will occur through lower debt payments over the next 18 years. See story on page 2
MAEDA invites residents to help build community The Marshall Area Economic Development Alliance invites all Marshall business, community leaders and area residents to participate in the development of the greater Marshall area by attending the next MAEDA Community Board meeting on March 11 at 7:30 a.m. at the Public Service Building. Attendees can expect to see updates on the Marshall Chamber status and a review of the structure, legalities and financial aspects of organization. The board will also present the working committees of MAEDA and ask residents for their participation on these committees: Chamber/Small Business, Jobs: Attraction and Retention, Organizational Sustainability, and Tourism. See story on page 7
Homer School Board sets first round of interviews for new superintendent The Homer School Board has invited six candidates to interview for the position of superintendent. The invitations were extended near the end of a special board meeting Feb. 24 with consultant Gary Rider. During the meeting, Rider presented 26 applicants to the board. The board reviewed their resumes, and then Rider facilitated the process to narrow the field to those the board wanted to invite to interview. See story on page 23
Local Revenue Sharing Board distributes $5 million to benefit local communities The Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi, owners of FireKeepers Casino Hotel in Battle Creek, announced Feb. 13 that its sixth payment to the state of Michigan is nearly $15.4 million and its sixth payment to the FireKeepers Local Revenue Sharing Board is over $5 million. This brings the total amount received by the state of Michigan to $73.4 million and $26.9 million by the Local Revenue Sharing Board and creates a combined contribution which exceeds $100 million since FireKeepers Casino Hotel opened in Aug. 2009. See story on page 14
Strains of music in Albion this week Albion's nightlife gets more colorful with Blues at the Bohm making its debut Monday, March 2, from 7 -10 p.m. in the city’s newly-restored Bohm Theatre. The inaugural program features the band Pogo ey and the Blue Haze and solo artist Christina Ybarra. An open jam session closes out the evening. On Friday, the Bohm is again the site of music in downtown Albion. Beginning at 7:30 p.m. that evening, the majestic performance hall will be filled with the music of The Rhythm Society. This free concert is part of the annual Swingin’ at the Shell series. See stories on pages 30 & 31
he 2015 Marshall-Redhawk Elementary Carnival will be held Saturday, March 7 at Walters Elementary School from 1-4 p.m. Games, an auction, raffles and refreshments will all be part of an afternoon of fundraising fun for Walters, Hughes and Gordon Elementary schools. The proceeds assist with such things as field trips, supplies and equipment for classrooms, holiday assemblies, and additional library resources. Pictured from left, standing, are Hughes School students Evan Hazen, Mariana Bethel, Jordan Hathorne and Nicole Ladd, front. See story on page 18