March 28, 2015 • Vol. 136 No. 12 514 S. Kalamazoo Ave. in Marshall, MI • Phone 269-781-5444 and FAX 269-781-7766 •
In The News: Marshall student recovering after being struck by vehicle David Newman, the 12-year-old Eckford Twp. boy and Marshall Middle School student who was hit by a vehicle while he was crossing the road to board a school bus March 20, remains in serious condition. Marshall Public Schools Superintendent Randy Davis commended his staff for its work the day of the accident in assisting the bus driver and the students on the bus. Last week, an outpouring of support helped raise close to $20,000 to help pay for Newman’s medical bills. See story on page 22 Albion superintendent urges parents to bring their children back For the first time in recent memory, the enrollment at Albion Public Schools for the current school year did not decline from the year prior. Actually, the number increased slightly, reversing a trend that eventually led to building closures including the closing of Albion High School two years ago. On March 25 in the Albion Community School library, Albion Superintendent Jerri-Lynn Williams-Harper held a roundtable discussion to highlight the positive changes that have occurred in the school district for K-8 students. Williams-Harper made a direct appeal to parents of Albion school-age children to bring their children back to Albion and how it can make a difference for the school district: “Bring your students here and demand what it is you want,” she said. “Parents are the driving force for their child’s education, so don’t do it somewhere else.” See story on page 28 Missionaries return from Bulgaria and Australia Emily and Laura Peterson, Marshall’s Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints members, are not only sisters, but were also sister missionaries on 18-month assignments abroad: Emily in Bulgaria and Laura in Australia.They’ve followed in their parents’ footsteps as missionaries. Their mother Alice Peterson served in Thailand and their father Brad Peterson served in Korea. See story on page 20 Volunteers care for the environment Calhoun County is waking up to spring. Trees are being planted, parks are undergoing restoration efforts, the quality of area water is being tested and volunteers are working to preserve and enhance Mother Earth. The first Stewardship Day for 2015 will be held at Ketchum Park on March 29 and volunteers are still needed. Learn about this event and many more in this week’s edition. See stories throughout issue
uty, Honor, Country is the motto of the United States Military Academy at West Point, N.Y. With one of the lowest acceptance rates for college and universities at just 9 percent, admission to West Point is no easy feat. That makes the story of Marshall siblings Sammi and Devin Price that more impressive. Sammi, a Marshall High School senior, will report in late June, while Devin, a 2014 MHS graduate, is completing his first year as a cadet. See story on page 2