May 30, 2015 • Vol. 136 No. 21 514 S. Kalamazoo Ave. in Marshall, MI • Phone 269-781-5444 and FAX 269-781-7766 •
In The News: Vote to dissolve Chamber Board will be June 4 On June 4, 275 eligible Marshall Area Chamber of Commerce members will have the opportunity to vote during a special meeting on the dissolving of the Chamber Board and merging its functions with the Marshall Area Economic Development Alliance. “On behalf of the Chamber Board, I urge all members to come out on June 4 to vote on this important procedural step,” said Chamber Board Chairman Vic Potter. “We would like as many members as possible to join us at 8 a.m. (where there will be Chamber and MAEDA Board members to answer questions), but the balloting will continue throughout the day until 5 p.m.”
See story on page 26 MPS Board approves layoffs amid budget crunch Based on enrollment projections for fiscal year 2015-16, Marshall Public Schools anticipates laying off eight employees, according to Business Operations Director Becky Jones. The MPS Board of Education met May 26 and approved the layoffs in a special session regarding the budget and the need to cut approximately $660,000 for the upcoming fiscal year. Of the eight employees expected to be laid off, four are teachers. The teacher positions affected by the layoff are special education, secondary math, secondary business and secondary music.
See story on page 23 Elizabeth Carey is new president and CEO of Starr Commonwealth Starr Commonwealth has appointed Elizabeth Carey as its new president and CEO, replacing Dr. Martin Mitchell, who announced his retirement plans in January after 45 years of service to Starr. Carey becomes Starr’s fifth president in its 102year history. Carey has served Starr as chief strategy officer for the last five years and will begin the transition to her new position as president and CEO on June 1 with Mitchell working closely with her on the transition during the summer before serving Starr in an advisory capacity until his retirement in January 2016.
See story on page 20 J&L Manufacturing receives Minuteman Award On May 21, J&L Manufacturing of Marshall received the Commerce Day Minuteman Award during the annual Michigan Week Manufacturers Appreciation Mixer. “We are very, very honored to be chosen for this award,” said Jim Dominique, CEO of J&L Manufacturing. J&L, a family-owned steel fabrication plant, located at 1507 George Brown Dr. in Marshall, has seen three expansions in the last three years and has increased its employees 50 percent and sales by 100 percent.
See story on page 11
oday, May 30, Marshall High School will hold its graduation ceremony with 204 expected graduates. This issue features MHS’ Top 10 Academic Seniors. Back row from left: Connor Hoffman, Bradon Longman and Megan DeBrabander. Middle row: Sara Heidenreich, Nina Hendler and Samantha Price. Front row: Braden Thompson, Brooklyn Tobias, Tristan Tobias and Lilia Fingas. See story on page 2