Hastings Banner Fair Section

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Livestock sales top $870,000 for 2015 Barry County Fair Poultry sale goes on without birds

Auctioneer Leon Casey acknowledges a bidder with a “Yup” and a wave of his hand toward the auctioneer. by Julie Makarewicz Staff Writer 4-H supporters did it again. They set a new sales record at the Barry County Fair livestock auctions. All livestock sold at the fair this year totaled $870,112. The large animal sale, with swine, sheep and beef animals, brought in $740,660. In addition, the gallon of milk from the supreme champion dairy cow sold for $23,027 for a total of $763,687 at the large animal auction. The small livestock auction of goats, rabbits and chickens brought in $39, 273. Dairy feeder calves are not sold as part of either auction, but instead are sold at a silent auction during the week. The feeder calves sold for $67,152. That brings the grand total of all livestock sales during the 2015 fair to a whopping $870,112. “Our 4-H kids have done very well,” said fair board president Dennis Redman. “The buyers have come out again and really continue supporting the kids. It’s a great fair, and we have great support. It’s amazing.” 4-H members thanked their buyers with handshakes, notes and large signs

throughout the barns acknowledging their buyers. More than 1,000 youths are enrolled in the Barry County 4-H projects and numbers continue to stay strong in most project areas. The large animal sale increased its numbers selling 584 animals for a total of $740,660. That number includes the 85 steers, 95 lambs and 404 pigs sold. Last year, the sheep, swine and beef sale total was $694,466. There were 86 more animals sold this year compared to a year ago, with much of the increase in the swine project. There were 404 pigs sold at fair this year compared to 332 in 2014. Steers and lambs were also up with 85 steers sold this year compared to 79 a year ago, and 95 lambs this year compared to 87 a year ago. Average prices per pound in 2015 for all beef sold was $3.40; swine was $3.12; and lambs was $4.36. The gallon of milk from the supreme dairy cow is shared among all the 4-H dairy participants with the owner of the supreme champion getting a bonus. The 122 donors contributed to the gallon of milk purchase raising $23,027.

The small animal auction Thursday night was a little different than normal without the live birds to sell. Because of the bird ban in effect, no live poultry was allowed at the fair this year. But 4-Hers were still able to sell their birds raised at home. Instead of the live birds at the auction, the 4-H members displayed 8-by-10

Despite a statewide ban on live birds at the fair this year because of the bird flu outbreak, 4-H members were still able to compete in contests and sell their market birds at the auction. Macain Simmons shows buyers a picture of himself with his bird, rather than physically having his bird at the sale. photos of themselves with their birds taken at their homes. The buyers then received those photos and will have the birds delivered after processing. Total small animal sales were $39,273, down from a year ago when the sale totaled $45,825. But the number of small animals sold was also down. This year there were 82 poultry

units sold, 18 rabbit units sold, and 24 goats for a total of 134 units sold. An emotional moment came during the livestock sale when Paden Morris sold his steer. Paden’s mother, Jane Morris, died unexpectedly during fair week. She was a club leader and 4-H supporter for many years and a former Barry County 4-H member. Paden had no idea a

group of community members had gotten together to purchase his steer for $10 per pound as a way of showing support for the Morris family. This just goes to show what community means in Barry County,” said the auctioneer clerk after the sale, which prompted a round of applause by everyone in the show arena.

The large animal auction was well attended and buyers were eager to bid on all the livestock Friday.

2015 Barry County Fair Results— Page 2

Matt Brown sold his grand champion carcass beef to Brown View Acres for $4 per pound. The carcass weighed 679 pounds. Pictured with Matt is Alice Brown of Brown View Acres.

Dylan Kennedy sold his 1,345-pound grand champion steer for $4.25 per pound to Three Brothers Pizza. Pictured with Kennedy are Paul and Mike Ordway of Three Brothers Pizzs. Eighty-five steers were sold during the large animal sale Friday.

Kinsee Lettinga sold her 1,295-pound reserve grand champion steer for $7.25 per pound to Steve and Marjori Velicky Estate. Pictured with Lettinga is Elizabeth Lynema and Steve Velicky.

MacKenzie Chapman sold her supreme champion market gilt, weighing 275 pounds, to Kent Oil and Propane for $4.50 per pound. Pictured with Chapman is Adam Brumm of Kent Oil and Propane. There were 404 hogs sold in the 2015 Barry County Fair auction.

2015 Barry County Fair— Page 3

Jonah Hilton sold his 282-pound champion barrow for $4.50 per pound to Caledonia Farmers Elevator. Claire Tap of Caledonia Farmers Elevator is pictured with Hilton.

Caledonia Farmers Elevator purchased the reserve champion gilt from Abigail Wright for $3.50 per pound. The hog weighed 247 pounds. Pictured with Wright is Greg Zuver of Caledonia Farmers Elevator.

Nutech Seed purchased the reserve champion barrow from Mason Lettinga for $13 per pound. The hog weighed 276 pounds. Pictured with Lettinga is Nutech representative Ron Walkington. The supreme champion ewe, shown by Jack Geukes, sold for $12 per pound to Greenstone Farm Credit. The ewe weighed 132 pounds. Pictured with Geukes are Tony Barcroft and Aaron Hartman from Greenstone Farm Credit. Ninety-five lambs were sold at the 2015 Barry County Fair auction Friday.

Fifty-seven feeder dairy feeder calves were sold at silent auction during fair week for a total of $67,152.

The gallon of milk from the supreme dairy cow, shown by Mason Lettinga, was sold for $23,027 from 122 donors. The money from the gallon of sale milk is divided among all of the dairy 4-H members with the grand champion owner getting a bonus amount.

Jack Geukes sold his champion lamb carcass to Caledonia Farmers Elevator for $6 per pound. The carcass was 71 pounds. Pictured with Geukes is Greg Zuver.

Charlie Mattice purchased the reserve champion ewe for $5.75 per pound at the Barry County livestock auction Friday. The ewe was shown by Megan Morawski and weighed 141 pounds.

Macy Anderson sold her champion wether for $7 a pound to Chapple Realty at Friday’s auction. The wether weighed 143 pounds. Pictured with Anderson are Drew and Karen Chapple.

Claire Benham sold her reserve champion wether at the Barry County Fair for $8 per pound to Dr. Scott Bloom. The wether weighed 137 pounds.

Mason Lettinga sold his champion swine carcass to Kalmbach Feeds for $14 per pound. The carcass weighed 173 pounds. Pictured with Lettinga is Daryl Trefil of Kalmbach Feeds.

Lila Jibson sold her champion pen of three roaster rabbits to Caledonia Farmers Elevator for $350.

Elizabeth Langshaw sold her reserve champion roaster rabbit to The Feed Bag for $350.

Mike Furman Farms purchased the grand champion market goat from Tori Woodwyk for $600.

Elizabeth Langshaw sold her grand champion pen of three fryer rabbits to supporters of Ellie Langshaw for $1,025.

Kyle Schmitt sold his reserve champion pen of three fryer rabbits to State Rep. Mike Callton for $275.

A quart of milk from Trenton Dutcher’s grand champion dairy goat sold at the auction for $723 to Farm Bureau Insurance, Parks Agency The reserve champion goat, owned by Dalenna Montague, was sold at the Barry County Fair auction for $350 to H&L Livestock Transport.

Emily Casarez sold her grand champion roaster rabbit to County Clerk Pam Palmer for $400.

Claire Harris sold her reserve champion single fryer rabbit for $300 to State Rep. Mike Callton.

Emily Casarez sold her single fryer rabbit to Paws and Claws for $500.

The grand champion dozen eggs owned by Amanda Ray was sold for $350 to State Rep. Mike Callton.

2015 Barry County Fair Results— Page 6

Beef showmanship awards earned Taking top honors in the beef showmanship contest were (from left) Cailin Redman, novice; Dylan Kennedy, senior; and Ethan Dunn, junior. Not available for the photo was Noah Hilton, intermediate.

Champion homegrown animals Earning honors for the top homegrown beef project was Austin Pillars with the champion homegrown steer. Alli Pickard was honored for showing the supreme champion heifer.

Intermediate show of champions The intermediate division showmanship champions competed for the title of overall supreme showman at the Barry County Fair 2015. Earning the top honor was Alesha Schaefer representing the dog project. Reserve show of champion winner was Kaylyn Beard from the poultry project. Pictured (front row, from left) are Baily Fancher from horses, Beard, Schaefer, and Emily Mitchell from rabbits, (back) Noah Hilton from beef, Trenton Dutcher from goats, Lauren Myers from swine, Hannah Wright from sheep, Claire Jafri from dairy, and Sara Robinson from cavies.

Swine showmanship honors awarded The top swine showmen were honored after Tuesday’s day-long hog show. Pictured (from left) are Jonah Hilton, novice; Mason Lettinga, senior; Lauren Myers, intermediate; and Rachel Feldpausch, junior.

Livestock fashion show winners announced The 4-H livestock fashion show is a fun contest allowing members to use their creativity to dress up their animals in costume. Winners this year are pictured (from left) Jessica Hulst with her dairy animal going to the beach, Emilee Lorenz with a Santa rabbit, Taylor Sims with her goat and rabbit promoting eating more beef, and the overall top winner Olivia Oger dressed as a trash can and her dog as a recycling bin.

2015 Barry County Fair— Page 7

Poultry showmanship winners get awards Even though they didn’t have live birds to show, the 4-H poultry contestants were judged on their ability to answer questions about birds, and go through the proper steps to show a life-like bird. Honors were given to several young showman. Pictured (front row, from left) are Kathleen Ahearn, second place junior; Sarah Ogden, third place junior; Adrianna Beard, first place junior; Kaylyn Beard, first place intermediate; (back) Merle Simmons III, third place senior; Isaac Evans, second place intermediate; Eli Evans, second place senior; Katelyn Ogden, third place intermediate; and Megan Thomas, first place senior.

Cat showmanship honors announced Taking top honors in the 4-H cat showmanship contest are (from left) Adam Lewis, senior showman; Trinity Lorenz, novice showman; and Taylor Sims, junior showman.

Sheep showmanship honors earned by 4-Hers Top sheep showmanship honors were awarded after Monday night’s show. Pictured (from left) are Megan Morawski, senior showman; Hannah Wright, intermediate; Jack Geukes, junior; and Alli Pickard, novice.

Best cat in the 4-H show

Senior show of champions

Taylor Sims showed the supreme champion cat at the 4-H fair. She also won honors for best female cat and best male cat.

The senior division showmanship winners from 11 different species shown during the fair week competed showing all 11 species to determine the overall showmanship champion for the fair. Taking the top honor for 2015 was Miah Grassmid. Reserve was won by Mason Lettinga. Pictured (front row, from left) are Megan Thomas representing poultry, Macey Merwin from horses, Lettinga from swine, Grassmid from dogs, Emily Casarez from cavies, (back row) Brynn Bolo from goats, Austin Haywood from dairy, Mike Brown from beef, Adam Lewis from cats, Ellie Langshaw from rabbits, and Megan Morawski from sheep. The senior showmanship contest was decided by one point in a very close competition.

2015 Barry County Fair Results— Page 8

Top cavy showmen honored Mystery cooking contest winners

The top cavy showmen at the Barry County Fair were honored after Sunday’s contest. Pictured (front row, from left) are Payton Levett, novice champion; Emily Casarez, senior and overall champion; Sara Robinson, intermediate and reserve overall champion; Cade Wright, intermediate reserve champion, (back) Reagan Rhodes, novice reserve champion; Taylor Sims, junior champion; Samantha Mitchell, senior reserve champion.

A new challenge was added this year to the 4-H live cooking contest. Contestants in the Mystery Basket cooking challenge did not know what ingredients they would be provided and their baskets included one big surprise — Sour Patch Kids Candy — which had to be incorporated into the meal. Taking honors in this contest were (from left) Joy Garno, first; Isaac Evans, second; Eli Evans, fourth; and Emily Shepard, third.

Rabbit showmanship honors awarded The top rabbit showmanship honors were earned by the following 4-H members (from left) Trinity Lorenz, reserve junior champion; Amanda Ringewold, champion junior; Ellie Langshaw, senior champion and overall champion; and Claire Harris, senior reserve champion and reserve overall champion.

Dog agility class winners The dog agility class takes a lot of work and patience. 4-H members taking honors in the difficult dog agility course were (front from left) Zoey Grassmid, Ethan Vander Loon, Olivia Oger, (back) Alesha Schaefer, Miah Grassmid, Macain Simmons and Morgan Simmons.

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Best horses at halter The top showman for horses at halter in the Barry County Fair are Ashlynn Hunt (left) as reserve champion and Austin Van Velsen as the champion.

2015 Barry County Fair— Page 9

Goat showmanship winner State horse delegates 4-H horse state delegates and alternates were selected at the Barry County Fair. Pictured are (front row, from left) Kylee Mead, state delegate; Kathleen Hummer, alternate; Macey Merwin, delegate; Cassidy Pooers, alternate (back Tyler VanVelsen, delegate; Gaby Rodriguez, delegate; Erin Dowdle, delegate; Kelsey Prosch-Jensen, delegate; Kaci Hodge, delegate; Shelby Boers, alternate; Hannah Blakely, delegate. (Not available for the photo were delegates Michelle McDowell, Breanna Larson, Kambree Mead, Rose Kuperus, Skyler Campbell, Hannah Jorin-Horning, Austin VanVelsen and alternates Abby McKeever, Abby Girrbach, Miranda Armstrong, Sierra Brandon, Makayla VanderBand, Lexi Wansten, Jessica Hughes, Anika Scheltema and Elizabeth Coe.)

Trenton Dutcher earned the intermediate goat showmanship honor after Monday’s goat show at the Barry County Fair.

Dairy showmanship honors awarded The dairy showmanship honors were earned by 4-H members after the dairy show Thursday. Pictured (from left) are Austin Haywood, senior; Kaitlyn Baker, junior; and Claire Jafri, intermediate.

Top non-livestock projects Non-livestock honors went to several 4-H members in a variety of projects. Pictured are (front, from left) Garrett Zuver, Jenea Petter, Anika Hulst, Morgan Simmons, Emily Roe, Andrea Wheeler, (back) Amanda Ray, Isaac Evans, Grayson Tebo, Josey Nickels, Grace Nickels, Carter Stahl, Kelsey Campbell and Erik Zimmerman

2015 Barry County Fair Results— Page 10

Young Clovers have projects judged Saturday

Dog showmanship winners

Several Young Clovers had their non-livestock projects judged at the fair. The Young Clovers are children age 5 to 9 who are not yet old enough to participate in the regular 4-H contests. Pictured are (from left) Heather Shakespeare, Charlotte Dykstra, Lovey Meeker, Maguire Simmons and Christian Boniface.

Taking top honors in the 4-H dog showmanship contest are (front, from left) Zoey Grassmid, reserve junior; Adrianna Beard, reserve junior novice; Olivia Oger, junior champion (back) Austin Van Velsen, senior champion; Alesha Schaefer, intermediate champion; and Miah Grassmid, reserve senior showman.

Honors and awards for non-livestock projects

Dairy feeder showmanship honored Dairy feeder showmanship honors were awarded to Hunter Fenton, senior; Grace Reurink, intermediate; and Kayla Masselink, junior.

Honors and awards were given out Saturday morning in the non-livestock judging. 4-Hers competed in photography, cooking, sewing, woods, livestock record-keeping and a variety of crafts. Pictured are top winners (front row, from left) Ellie Vandefifer, Amanda Ringewold, Julianna VanMeter, Lucas VanMeter, (back) Kyle Makarewicz, Hunter Fenton, Pyper Fenton, Joe Neudeck and Emily Arne.

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2015 Barry County Fair— Page 11

Young Clovers add non-livestock projects to fair

Outstanding 4-H Leader of the Year

The future looks bright for 4-H in Barry County with a large number of Young Clovers showing their non-livestock projects at the fair Saturday, July 18. Pictured (front, from left) are Maelea Martin, Lizzy Stoneburner, Lillian Lester, Elsie Haight, A.J. Lorenz, Tanner-Lynn Fulayter, (back) Colten Denton, Maggie Martin, Emma Geukes, Kaylie Cross, Anneka DeKam, Lucy Lester and Logan Kerby.

Vance Hoskins, general leader for the Barry Good Critters and Crafts 4-H Club based in Middleville, was honored as the 2015 Outstanding 4-H Leader of the Year. Hoskins has been working with the program for 19 years and his club is one of the largest in the county with members in nearly every project area.

Non-livestock project winners Several 4-H members took home honors in the non-livestock project areas. Pictured with either best of show or honorable mention awards are (front, from left) Anna Bassett, Lacey Briggs, Juliann Meeker, Kaci Hodge, Erin Dowdle, Madelyn Heany, (back) Grace Curtis, Brie Stamfler, Lexi Sawyer, Lindsay Meeker, Alissa Deal, Jaymee Kars, Valentina Arias, Grace Green, Sydney Carfine, Kathleen Hummer and Marisa Kronenwetter.

Dairy feeder champions selected The dairy feeder champions were selected Thursday. Pictured are Hunter Fenton owning the reserve champion feeder calf and Erika Hulst showing the champion calf.

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2015 Barry County Fair Results— Page 12

4-H talent show winners named Emily Casarez (middle) won the best of show at the 4-H talent show contest. Juliann Meeker (right) and Ryan Mackeller both earned outstanding honors.

Nice catch Grace Curtis of the Hill-n-Dale 4-H Club makes a nice catch as she uses a plastic cup to snag water balloons tossed at her by teammates in the Great 4-H Race Saturday at the Barry County Fair. Teams were sent on a scavenger hunt across the fairgrounds, then had to compete in a series of challenges, including the balloon toss and catch, a water bucket challenge, digging for pieces of plastic straws in a bed of wood shavings, and racing with a greased watermelon.

Small animal sale well attended Despite not having any live birds to sale, the small animal sale was well attended as buyers purchased rabbits, goats and poultry projects Thursday.

Outstanding and best of show winners 4-H members brought in several craft and non-livestock projects. Pictured are best of show and honor award winners (front row, from left) Shawna Stoneburner, Tierney Lester, Brian Johnson, Chloe DeKam, Lauren Lebeck, Isabel Maguffee, (back) Breanna Lavender, Samantha Lutke, Victoria Lutke, Emily Shepard, Kathleen Ahearn, Lexie Wansten, McKayla Lester, Shaina Beare and Rachel Feldpausch.

Fine arts and other non-livestock winners Non-livestock projects were judged Saturday, July 18. Taking top honors were (front, from left) Lucas Van Meter, Kaitlynn Devriendt, Baily Fancher, Kaylyn Beard, Makayla Casarez, Megan Vander Meer, (back) Kyle Schmitt, Adrianna Hoffman, Carol Shakespeare, Kennedy Newberry, Joy Garno, Ellie Langshaw, Claire Harris, Blake Harris and Mikayla Warner.

2015 Barry County Fair— Page 13

Honors abound for non-livestock projects Something to crow about Colton Guy of Lake Odessa finds some shade under the wings of a giant chicken stationed outside the poultry barn at the Barry County Fair. Although there were no live birds in the barn this year as a way to prevent a bird flu outbreak, there were plenty of educational projects made by the 4-H members, crafts and activities for visitors, and even a chance to enjoy a barnyard movie night.

The non-livestock projects, including livestock notebooks, were judged Saturday. Bringing home the top honors in several categories are (front, from left) Jon Nash, Michaela Wachowski, Erika Calhoun, Eli Evans, Calvin Stampfler, Megan VanderMeer, (back) Olivia Lutke, Paige Hubert, Isaac Shepard, Madison McGill, Sarah Ogden, Kaitlyn Lipscomb, Noah Kronenwetter and Jonathon VanderMeer.

Sewing and culinary arts winners Taking Best of Show or honorable mention honors in the 4-H sewing and culinary arts categories are (front, from left) Daisy Kerby, Alison Mater, Adrianna Beard, Erica Cairns, Dayna Curtis, Hope Kronenwetter, (back) Quin Dykstra, Whitney Martin, Alli Pickard, Emilee Lorenz, Lauren Ringewold, Trinity Lorenz, Madi Wollaston and Mikayla Hubert.

Balloons float over fairgrounds Guests watch as the third of three hot-air balloons is inflated Friday night, preparing to glide over the fairgrounds and head southeast toward Hastings.

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2015 Barry County Fair Results— Page 14

A ‘pig’ welcome to the fair

Horses on parade at fair

A new competition was announced this year for 4-H clubs to decorate hay bales and put them on display throughout the fairgrounds. This pink pig created by the Generations Livestock Club welcomed visitors to the livestock barns.

Members of the 4-H horse club parade their horses around the fairgrounds. Many wore patriotic attire, and the two lead horse riders carried flags.

Proud to be a farmer at the county fair Many volunteers at the Taste of Barry County wear shirts created by Michigan Farm Bureau. On the back is the beginning of the essay by Paul Harvey, “And on the eighth day, God created the farmer ...”

I PLEDGE: my Head to clearer thinking, my Heart to greater loyalty, my Hands to larger service, & my Health to better living for my club, my community, my country and my world.

2015 Barry County Fair— Page 15

Another outstanding fair week comes to an end

An estimated 37,000 to 39,000 visitors attended the 163rd Barry County Fair, taking in the sights and sounds of the livestock shows, grandstand attractions, free entertainment, and midway rides. 4-H members showed livestock throughout the week and enjoyed another year of making memories at the fair. Ideal weather conditions helped keep the livestock and visitors comfortable. Planning is already stating for the 164th Barry County Fair that will be July 16 to 23, 2016.

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