Saturday, February 28, 2015 Published by J-Ad Graphics, Inc. Phone (269) 945-9554 1351 North M-43 Highway • Hastings, MI 49058-0188
hornapple Manor resident Joyce McQuern can attest to the therapeutic value of having a dog as a friend. When Bandit, a certified Therapy Dog International ambassador, arrives for a visit to a local hospital, care facility or public community event, he lifts spirits. Studies by Therapy Dog International show a correlation between pets and human emotional health. Holding or petting an animal, according to the study, can lower blood pressure, relieve strain and tension and draw a person out of loneliness and depression. That’s Bandit’s job and one he pursues with his partner, Ranger, and owner Bill Houghtaling. For more on the canines’ contributions to happiness in Barry County, look inside.