Saturday, June 6, 2015 Published by J-Ad Graphics, Inc. Phone (269) 945-9554 1351 North M-43 Highway • Hastings, MI 49058-0188
he fifth annual Buttermilk Jamboree again will pay tribute to the heritage of American folk music with its three-day celebration June 12 to 14. The event will bring local and international musicians, crafts and art therapy to the Circle Pines Center, promoting ideas that have defined its presence since the late 1930s. Instrumental in coordinating the festival is the planning committee, which includes (front row, from left) Tom VanHammen, Patrick Irving (back) Kat VanHammen, Scott Waddel, Maiya Merrick, Danielle LaJoye, Lee Holdridge, Rachel Zegerius, Emilie Anderson and Ron Knutson. To learn more about the festival, see story inside.