Hastings Reminder

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Saturday, February 14, 2015 Published by J-Ad Graphics, Inc. Phone (269) 945-9554 1351 North M-43 Highway • Hastings, MI 49058-0188

ompetition all through their school years never dimmed the love of Lynnette DeGroote and Chris Wingeier for each other. As back-andforth rivals for the first-chair trumpet position in the Thornapple Kellogg school bands, opponents in class elections, adversaries for leading dramatic roles and as competitors for academic ranking in which they finished high school tied with the same grade point average, the pair always celebrated the success of the other. Now, after 29 years of marriage, the Wingeiers have seen Valentine’s Day get even bigger in their family. Each of the couple’s two children married a high school sweetheart and Lynnette’s parents are still showing how it’s done after marrying as high school sweethearts more than 50 years ago. Look inside to see how generations of a Barry County family celebrate a Valentine’s Day for which their commitments stand as a testament to their love for each other and their God.

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