Hastings Reminder

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Saturday, March 7, 2015 Published by J-Ad Graphics, Inc. Phone (269) 945-9554 1351 North M-43 Highway • Hastings, MI 49058-0188

usicians, like most people, have been through romantic break-ups and make-ups. Musicians, though, never forget them. A couple dozen of Barry County’s finest will be telling the stories of this year’s “Break-Up and Make-Up” concert theme in the ninth annual Mary Youngs Scholarship Fund event Saturday, March 14, at the First United Methodist Church of Hastings. Gene Greenfield (clockwise, from top left) who still works part-time as a Rutland Charter Township treasurer, never left music after he discovered it in high school. Melinda Smalley, a Hastings elementary music teacher, still performs professionally but has as deep a love for passing music on to students. Steve Steward sold his high school baritone to buy his first guitar, much to his band-director father’s chagrin, but to the good fortune of all who get to hear him perform today. Mike Callton was spellbound when he heard his first blues harmonica. Almost 50 years later, he’s still enthralled by the music it makes. All will be performing in Saturday’s concert to honor the memory of the late Mary Youngs and raise more money for music scholarships in her name. For the story of Saturday’s concert and the amazing friend music has been to the musicians shown here, look inside.

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