19 rue lecuyer saint ouen 93400
e d u c a t i o n 2 01 2 2 01 4
école nationale supérieure d’architecture La Villette graduated with jury’s felicitations in 2014 2009 2 01 2
university of architecture and urbanism ‘Ion Mincu’ license
w o r k s h o p s 2 01 4
urban limits vs. volcanic and ecological risks urbanism + sociology
conception + construction of a cinema/theatre classroom architecture 2 01 3
a walkable city urbanism + architecture
el alto
re-think the development of an informal city urbanism 2 01 2
mixed-use buildings architecture
ateliers de grand paris
07 81 51 63 86
w o r k 2 01 4
junior architect
STUDY cabane @ Grosrouvre concours place publique @ Prague
PLANNING bureaux @ Saint Ouen 2 01 3
architecte assistante
STUDY concours logements+crèche @ Mareil Marly concours bureaux @ Saint Ouen
PLANNING logements @ Mareil Marly logements @ Thorigny 2 01 2
fabrice dusapin
PLANNING bureaux @ Lille
EXECUTION logements @ Nanterre
ADMINISTRATION création book d’agence mise à jour site internet
SO F TWARE indesign photoshop illustrator autocad sketch up revit
l a n g u a g e s romanian english french spanish italian
w o r k 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 4
@ f u s o
d ’ architectures
lesser town square contest one month to develop a public square in Pra g ue, with _ re don ner la pla c e, qui est aujourd’hui o c cup é p ar un grand p arking, au x habitants _ anal yse des usa g es e t de l’ histoire de la pla c e _ cré er une c ontinuité au ni ve au du sol pour me t t re e n valeur l’ archite c ture _ rep e nser le flu x de trafic cabin wor k in progress on a woo d c abin in the woo ds _ a site lo c a te d b e t we e n the woo d s and the plains _ a discre e t prese nc e, with a minimal imp a c t on the e n vironeme nt _ a c ommunic a tion to b e establishe d b e twe e n the interior sp a c es and the na ture + wor k on c onstr uc tion de tails of an offic e building in Saint O ue n _ c onc eption of a g y m in side an of fic e building
Covered passageway to Tržište
Hotel and restaurant
l e s s e r 2 0 1 4
t o w n prague
s q u a r e c z e c h
f u s o
r e p u b l i c
in colaboration with Amaury Vaillant + Vincent Blactot
aerial vie w
Alfons Mucha Lithography «Fair girl» 1897
Divaldo Inspirace Theater
Academy of Performing Arts in Prague
Covered passageway to Tržište Bus stop Bus & taxi road
Holy Trinity Statue Hotel and restaurant
Saint-Nicholas Church
Former Saint-Wenceslas Church
Charles University
Newspaper kiosk Cafe
Flower stand
Former Radetzky Monument
Tram station Malostranské námestí
Taxi stand
Bus stop
Taxi stand
Charles Bridge
proposal plan
Road traffic Cars Bus - Taxi
Terrace restaurant and cafe
Bicycle parking Tramway
Sport events Market
Parking Existing 118 paid zone 46 blue zone 41 reserved 11 taxi
Public lighting Ground lighting
Luminous bollards
47 blue zone
12 taxi 2 bus stop
Outdoor cinema Theater perfomance Concert Terrace restaurant and cafe
Pedestrian Space
Existing 5 500m² - 37%
11 000m² - 74%
Covered passageway
Academy of Performing Arts in Prague
Divaldo Inspirace Theater
Bars & Restaurants
Saint-Nicholas Church
Former Saint-Wenceslas Church
Charles University
Faculty of Maths & Physics
Winter Christmas market
4 4
Creation of the new blue zone parking
Regulation of the two-way street and the tramway zone
Creation of the amphitheater square (Lower Lesser Town Square)
Creation of the church square (Upper Lesser Town Square)
Ice rink
Heating spot New Year’s Eve celebration
Holy Trinity Statue
Newspaper kiosk
Flower stand
Former Radetzky Monument
- Meeting-point
- Listen to music - Read the morning news
- Buy a present - Wait for the tram
3 5
sketches + schemas
c a b i n
f u s o
un terrain entre la foret et la prairie
2 0 1 4
orientation + implantation
5 un terrain entre la foret et la prairie en pente une cabane une zone de nuit + une zone de jour orientation
adapting to the site ’s slope
6 un terrain entre la foret et la prairie
a bit more light
7 un terrain entre la foret et la prairie en pente une cabane une zone de nuit + une zone de jour orientation impact sur l’environnement rapport à la pente une chambre en plus du ciel en plus &
6 un terrain entre la foret et la prairie en pente
7 plus d’espace
ideas f or the interior
9 plus d’espace organiser l’espace interieur trois zones 1 fonction - 1 plateforme
1 6 6
a p p a r t m e n t s 2 0 1 2
f a b r i c e
d u -
graphicwor k on the a g e nc y ’s por tfolio + c onc eption of bookle ts for e a ch proje c t + re touch ing plans and other g raphic eleme nts + up da ting the website + la y ou ting several proje c ts/ c ontests + wor k on the a g e nc y ’s visual ide ntit y - stamp/business c ard s/c orrespondanc e proje c t in exe cu tion - p ar ticip a tion in site me e tings, up da ting the appartments nantere plans, inc or pora tion of the c onstruc tion reg leme nta tions c onc er ning re duc e d mobilit y p e ople , de tails of the p arking ’s ve ntila tion / shops + re nderings, wor k on plans and eleva tions for app ar tme nt / offic e building proje c ts in S t rasbourg and L ille
plan masse
plan masse
166 LOGEMENTS NANTERRE (92) Certification THPE - H&E
Lieu ZAC Seine Arche, Nanterre
Maîtrise d’ouvrage Credit Agricole Immobilier Promotion, Promaffine
Programme 166 logements en accession dont Aménageur EPADESA 70 logements locatifs aidés Calendrier Concours Lauréat 2007 Livraison 2013
Maîtrise d’œuvre Fabrice Dusapin Architecte, Ingerop Conseil & Ingénierie, Mazet & Associés
Mission Complète Shon 13 000 m² Montant des travaux 22 700 000 € HT
FabriceDusapin 9bis, rue René Goscinny, 75013 Paris _ tel + 33 1 44 24 30 30 _ fax + 33 1 58 89 02 48 _ agence@fabricedusapin.fr _ www.fabricedusapin.fr
south elevation
circulation for appartments (to be sold) circulation for social appartments marquise
pmr plans
rendering f or a residential pro ject in strasbourg
u n i v e r s i t y 2 0 0 9 2 0 1 4
m a p p i n g
k i r e m i t h a n e
2 0 1 4 d i p l o m a mersin @ ensaplv paris
PROGRA M 1 c e ntral proje c t (evolu tion sc e narios for the Kiremithane neig hborhoo d )+ 3 sa tel lite proje c ts ( the do cks, the orang e tre e square, le c ommunitar y c e nt re) SITE mer sin - a 4 0km long me diterane an cit y, an industrial por tuar y are a w hich ser ves the e ntire region, a moving cit y c e ntre, an obsession for mo der nit y th e ch osen si te - a walk from sou th to norht, from the se a up to the poor neig hborhoo d s in the nor th, a site b e twe e n the old and the new cit y c e ntre CONSTRAINTS the fa ding tra ditions, the in vasion of g a te d c ommunities and shop ping malls, the pollu tion , the larg e numb er of syrian refug e es CONCEPT star ting with 5 micro-proje c ts (c onc ei ve d during the workshop - novemb er 2013), I have chose n one c e ntral proje c t to b e develop e d (Kiremithane)alongside thre e sa tellite proje c ts _ I have anal yse d 5 differe nt evolu tion sc e narios of this neig hborhoo d, dep e nding on the inter ve ntion ( or la ck of) of differe nt a c tors, b ase d on ur b an and so cial obser va tions
vie w of the site + the 3 satellite pro jects
1 st satellite pro ject - t he d o c k s
2nd satellite pro ject - t he or a n ge t re e s q u a re
3rd satellite pro ject - t he c o mmuni t y c e n t re
the central pro ject - kire mi t h a ne
the central pro ject - at mo s p he re of t he ne i ghb orh o od
wh at h a p p e ns if ... we d on’ t ac t ?
. . . t he de mol i t i on
...’s l umif i c at i on’
... t he c ons t ru c t i on of a ne w s h op p in g m a l l
wh at h a p p e ns if ... t he s tat e ta ke s de c i s i ons ?
. . . t he c ons t ru c t i on of a t oki re s ide n t i a l ne i ghb orh o od
wh at h a p p e ns if ... t he muni c ipa l i t y, t he inh a bi ta n t s, t he n g o s a nd t he a rc hi t e c t s work t o ge t he r ?
a s e rie of p ubl i c a nd p ri vat e mi c ro mod ul e s t o re s ta r t t he lo c a l e c on o my
e l
r i o
s e c o
2 0 1 3 el alto b o l i v i a @ ensaplv paris
PROGRA M ur b an de nsific a tion stra teg y + 5 0 app ar tme nts + a public e quipme nt SITE an e ntirell y infor mal cit y, developp e d around the inter na tional airpor t of L a Paz , on the A l tiplano ( 4200m d ’ al titude), with a ver y dr y and rough clima te CONSTRAINTS the c lima te, the pover t y, the lo c al building te ch niques and t ra ditions CONCEPT de nsif y the b anks of Rio Se c o, a ri ver tha t crosses the cit y from nor th to sou th _ cre a te a ne twor k of public pla c es in order to de c ong est the cit y c e nt re found on the e aster n ex tremit y of the cit y (the limit b e twe e n the two cities, El Al to and L a Paz , a g e og raphic al and so cial limit - 500m of al titude b e twe e n the two) _ take a dvanta g e of the c eme nt fa c tor y in sou ther n El A l to to cre a te prefabric a te d li ving units _ propose a mi xe d -use public func tion for an ab andone d fa c tor y close to the uni versit y (municip al librar y / p ar t y room)
the e x isting situation
the urban pro ject
projet villes d’amerique latine_el alto_christian pedelahore/varini
doNNer la rue a ses habitaNts
uN Nouvel esPace Public Pour les ecoles 3
uN Nouvel esPace Public Pour les ecoles
doNNer la rue a ses habitaNts
2 2
3 3
5 5
desa raluca_erasmus_20121620
projet villes d’amerique latine_el alto_christian pedelahore/varinia taboada_2012-2013_ensaplv
desa raluca_erasmus_20121620
projet villes d’amerique latine_el alto_christian pedelahore/varinia taboada_2012-2013_ensaplv
desa raluca_erasmus_20121620
projet villes d’amerique latine_el alto_christian pedelahore/varinia taboada_2012-2013_ensaplv 2
the proposed activities on the river ’s bank s
night image of the reconversed factory
desa raluca_erasmus_20121620
projet villes d’amerique latine_el alto_christian pedelahore/varinia taboada_2012-2013_ensaplv
atmosphere on the river bank s
desa raluca_erasmus_20121620
projet villes d’amerique latine_el alto_christian pedelahore/varinia taboada_2012-2013_ensaplv
t h i s i s n o t a c i n e m a c e c i n ’ EST PAS UN CIN é M A 2 0 1 3 B I Z E R T E TUNISI a @ ensaplv paris
PROGRA M transfor m a classroom of the fre nch highschool ‘ Farha t Ha che d ’ in a the a t re/cin e ma room _ 50 stude nts _ 3 da ys of c onc eption _ 10 da ys of building SITE the for mer festi vities room of the highschool, situa te d on the first floor, op e ning toward s a larg e ter ra c e CONSTRAINTS a budg e t of 10.000 euros (including the vide o/ audio systems) _ difficul ties of finding ma terials ( roundtrips to Tunis ever y da y ) CONCEPT using repurpose d ma terials (old chairs for the me tallic st ruc ture + woo de n p ale ts) for most of the c lassroom (the se a ting) and working with the existing st ruc ture of the classroom _ signaliz a tion of the classroom (light, p ainting, y ellow e nt ranc e p a villion )
the building site
the organisation of the building site
the inspiration - the roof tops of tunsian cities
pallettes _ mode d’emploi x1
x 12
x 21 x 12
30 min
1. 2. fixer sur la 2eme latte
3. 6.
building site f ly er - how to ma ke chairs out of wooden palets f or dummies
day 1 before removing the flooring ..and the old chairs ..and pretty much everything building the 1st chair prototype
day 10 finishing up the seating the matresses arrive putting the curtains last touches
h o u s i n g 2 0 1 2
bucharest r o m a n i a @ u A U I M B U C A R E S T
PROGRA M 50 ap p ar teme nts + shops SITE a site in the p eripher y of Bucharest, situa te d b e twe e n thre e are as - a for mer indust rial are a ( train fa c tor y) + a reside ntial neighborhoo d + c ommunist housing units CONSTRAINTS re c oncile these thre e are as, propose an al ter na ti ve to the so-c alle d ‘ ma tch box’ ap p ar tme nts of the c ommunist era, cre a te a transition b e t we e n the public and pri va te sp a c e CONCEPT big c oncre te houses, as a sy nthesis of the ur b an anal ysis _ the g round floor c on sists of duplexes, e a ch with its own g arde n , which op e n toward s semi -public squares. T he blo ck is delimite d by the veg e talise d ve ntila tion holes of the p arking under ne a th . On the e aster n p ar t of the site, a librar y op e ns towards the boulevard
ground floor plan
eastern elevation
terrace / elevation details
k i n d e r g a r t e n 2 0 1 2 bucharest r o m a n i a @ u A U I M B U C h A R E S T
PROGRA M a kinderg ar te n - re c eption + a dministra tion offic es + g y m + c afe teria + kitche n + 2 c lassrooms / a g e group + pla y are a (the hallwa y + the c our t yard s) SITE a site in the c e ntral are a of Bucharest, op e ne d towards t wo st re e ts, surrounde d by historic al buildings ( houses + app ar tme nt blo cks ) CONSTRAINTS the laws of p a trimonial prote c tion do not allow a heig ht g re a ter than 1 floor w hich c an c ause a difficul t y in cre a ting a visual link with the surrounding buildings CONCEPT line ar volumes which op e n towards the two stre e ts, g e nera ting interior and ex terior pla yground s _ this c onfig ura tion allowe d the cre a tion of several c our t yard s with differe nt func tions _ the interior sp a c es, with its larg e window and interior c our t yard s g i ve the impression of b eing ou tside
eastern elevation