Raluca Mitarca's work

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CREATURES We are all made of the same stuff. Somewhere inside there’s that spark of life, manifesting itself in many many forms. The bricks and mortar are the same, the combinations endless. The little bubbles that create us have layers upon layers of different elements, creating a wonderful array of creatures. The basics though, are the same.

MUSHROOM OF LIFE We are created from nothing, a place down below that gets organized from the ground up, from unseen places. We eventually take shape and bathe in sunlight, only to become a link in the transformation of other iterations of ourselves. Today is the day of the worm!

LIFE CYCLE The world grows and consumes itself in the end, within the normal cycle of life. Only some of us feel disconnected and have no idea what place they hold in this equation.

5TH DIMENSION STUDY We live in a fractal world, influencing ourselves iteration after iteration. Our free will and conscience [the red line] moves through time, frame after frame. Each frame is an iteration, the time moves forward, creating more and more information and detail. We have a choice on where to go from here. From point zero. Depending on the route, the universe provides alternatives and we are free to choose. But the choice is, in itself, limited.

SHORTCUT Chronologically, we move upward. We are at the top of our perceived timeline. At first there were waves, then molecules and structure, then the geometry got complicated on the way. We have built ourselves with these building blocks. But being up there, we forgot our roots, we forgot where we came from. With the help of science we slowly search these roots, understanding them along the way. The shortcut takes us straight to the bottom of things, feel them but not really understand them.

I AM EVERYTHING We may look different on the outside, but we are constantly connected and are the same pattern.

BIG BANG At every scale, the pattern and the structure is similar. Solar systems to planets, to atoms. What do you see?


EXPLAINING ATTRACTION The more similar the attraction bubbles are, the more attraction there is. Well, maybe not the bubbles themselves, but the combination of bubbles that match? Or should they be complementary to eachother? What does complementary mean? Either way, it’s awesome when it happens.

CREATIVE MINDS ARE RARELY TIDY ...and there’s stuff everywhere! From unfinished ideas, tools of trade, multitasking, cats and just the right music. I think it looks like a giant room of colored balls that kids love to swim in. It’s really fun in there.

EVE From the apple, to mother of two.

THE FOUR TEMPERAMENTS Meet Thinker, Narcissus, Emo Kid and Angry Guy. Four little ones that live under your skin and have practical uses for their skill in the real life, outside.

SAD Just being a bit melodramatic.

INSOMNIA When sleep deprived, your conscious mind starts to get closer to the sea of unconscious thoughts, that are usually there, but filtered. Oh and when that filter is gone.... It’s like that time when you’re half asleep and your mind starts to wonder. But during the day. And all the time. And you can’t really make it shut up. The more deprived you are, the better you listen to them and the louder they become.

WATER TIME SHOWER What better time to be a woman.

BEAUTIFY The nymphs used to do that [so I’ve been told].

COGS They keep turning while I picked up smoking.

INNER CHILD No matter where you look, it’s still there, visible.


13 - BUCOVINA Some trip I took that revolved around no.13

2 - GREECE Some trip I took that revolved around no.2

4 - MY GRANDMOTHER’S GARDEN With the piano, the cats, and all the fruit I used to pick from trees

7 - YEARS OF ARCHITECTURE Party, party, but we have work to do and places to see!

8 - LOOP OF PROCRASTINATION Where love is king and coffee brews, photographs are taken and everything spins around and around.


MOONGAZING If you’d only look around once in a while

TOSHY TENTACLE Meet the friendly but shy tentacle monster

THE SINGER [or the star] Who knew the moon would turn out to be a spaceship...


This is me using my powers for making the world a better place.

OCTO LOGO Different uses for many hands. Logo for a creative bunch

VENTI TRIPS Logo for a tourism app


For an amazing marketing agency

EVO BIKES My favorite bike shop

CALVADOS LOGO For a wooden furniture design shop.


BOWLING MINIGAME Educational minigame for younger kids. By selecting the tool, the right character and the proper fuel, you can strike down the bowling pins.

CAR MINIGAME Carry the package safely on the way home. Part of a physics lesson, kids had to control the acceleration and braking so the package does not fall off, while avoiding crossing red lights, bumping into other cars and potholes along the way.

PIRATE DOG MINIGAME The Pirate Captain must solve math puzzles so he can reach the chest of juicy tasty bones!

INERTIA TOWN MINIGAME Physics lesson: what happens when you suddenly stop a bus? What happens when cars take sharp turns to avoid other cars? And even better, what happens to the dust in that carpet?


SEOCUPCAKE BUSINESSCARD ILLUSTRATIONS Inspired from reality, with snappy outfits!

TEQUILA WORM LIKES DIVERSITY Illustrations for a website, these being the different sections and activities.


COLORING ROMANIA A book that serves a double role: teaches Romanian georaphy and also how to use that coloring box on the table.

PS: also a music lover.

So this was me. So thanks for viewing!


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