Global diaper market report: 2014 edition

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Title: Global Diaper Market Report : Worldwide Market Size, Share, Trend, Analysis, Growth and Research Report 2014 Edition Short Summary Global Diaper Market Report: 2014 Edition Size and Share Published in 2015-01-09 Available for US$ 800 at Description The word “Hygiene� has come from the name of the Greek goddess of health, Hygieia. Hygiene is an age old concept associated with the field of medicine, personal and professional care practices and involves daily routine. Depending upon a number of parameters, hygiene can be categorized into types such as hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene, food hygiene, laundry hygiene, medical hygiene at home, personal hygiene, excessive body hygiene, culinary hygiene and personal hygiene services. In the present context, the hygiene market is covered in terms of baby diapers and adult incontinence products. Diapers are classified into two types: disposable diapers and cloth diapers. Cloth diapers are further segmented into nine types namely; flat diaper, prefolds diaper, fitted diaper, contours diaper, shaped diaper, tie-up diaper, pocket diaper, all-in-one diaper and all-in two diaper. Adult diapers and adult absorbent briefs are the chief products of the adult incontinence product segment. The key factors which are anticipated to drive diaper market include rising healthcare expenditure, increasing urban population, improving living and hygiene standards, acceleration global aging population, among others. Some of the noteworthy developments of this industry include wet diaper buzzer, launch of fluff less diapers, and focus on ecofriendly products, among others. However, the growth of respective industry is hindered by the barrier for pricing dynamics, social and economic barriers and negative impact on environment.

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This report offers a comprehensive analysis of the global diaper industry, along with an indepth study of the regional market including the US, China, Brazil, Europe, Japan, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand and India. Furthermore, market dynamics such as key trends and development; and challenges are analyzed in depth. On the contention front, the global diapers market is reined by major players namely, Procter and Gamble, Kimberly-Clark Corporation, SCA and Hengan International. The competitive landscape of the respective market, along with the company profiles of the leading players are also discussed in detail. By combining SPSS Inc.’s data integration and analysis capabilities with our relevant findings, we have predicted the future growth of the market. We employed various significant variables that have an impact on this industry and created regression models with SPSS Base to determine the future direction of the industry. Before deploying the regression model, the relationship between several independent or predictor variables and

the dependent variable was analyzed using standard SPSS output, including charts, tables and tests.

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Table of Content 1. Overview 1.1 Types of Diapers 1.1.1 Cloth Diapers 1.1.2 Disposable Diapers 1.2 Usage of Diapers 2. Hygiene & Diaper Market Analysis 2.1 Global Hygiene Market Market Overview Market Segmentation Developed vs. Emerging Markets 2.2 Global Diaper Market Market Value Market Growth by Segments 2.2.1 Baby Diaper Market Market Value Market Volume 2.2.2 Adult Incontinence Market Market Value Market Volume

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