Title: Extensive Overview on Project Insight - Road and Rail Construction Projects in AsiaPacific Short Summary Project Insight - Road and Rail Construction Projects in Asia-Pacific Size and Share Published in 2016-08-19 Available for US$ 3950 at Researchmoz.us Description This report details the investment in large-scale road and rail projects in the region based on the projects tracked by Timetrics Construction Intelligence Center (CIC). The projects are at various stages of development from announcement to execution and are in four main categories: railways roads trams and metros and tunnels and bridges.
To Browse a Full Report at: http://www.researchmoz.us/project-insight-road-andrail-construction-projects-in-asia-pacific-report.html
A total of 13 countries in the region are covered in this report and the combined value of projects tracked in these countries stood at US$3.15 trillion as of July 2016. The average value of road and rail projects across over 1,750 projects studied is US$1.8 billion. Railway projects dominate with a combined valued of US$1.41 trillion accounting for 45% of the total US$3.15 trillion. China leads the way in terms of the total value of all sectors with a project pipeline valued at US$1.44 trillion with railways projects having a combined value of US$571.7 billion.
Summary The report provides detailed market analysis information and insights based on over 1750 CIC projects in Asia-Pacific. The report provides detailed metrics on the region's road and rail construction projects (as tracked by the CIC) split by country type and value.
Scope The report provides analysis based on CIC projects showing value by country and top project listings. Top participants for the sector are also shown.
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Reasons To Buy Gain an insight into main drivers of activity and forecasts an understanding of key trends and analysis of main project participants by value by sector enabling clients to target products and services for each type of project. The report provides top project data for types of road and rail construction project with location value stage and start date.
Key Highlights The report details investment in road and rail construction projects in the Asia-Pacific; based on projects tracked by Timetrics Construction Intelligence Center (CIC). In a total of 13 countries the CIC is tracking over 1750 projects at various stages of development from announcement to execution and covers four road and railway categories: railways roads trams and metros and tunnels and bridges. The combined value of the regions road and railway construction projects pipeline stands at US$3.15 trillion with China having the largest pipeline value of US$1.44 trillion followed by India with US$527.9 billion.
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Table of Content 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2. REGIONAL OVERVIEW 3. SECTOR OVERVIEW 3.1. Railways 3.2. Roads 3.3. Trams and Metros 3.4. Tunnels and Bridges 4. KEY OPERATORS 4.1. Contractors 4.2. Consulting Engineers 4.3. Project Owners 5. COUNTRY PROFILE AUSTRALIA 5.1. General Outlook
5.2. Projects Analysis 6. COUNTRY PROFILE CHINA 6.1. General Outlook 6.2. Projects Analysis
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