April 2013 Key Newsletter

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Official Newsletter I LHS Key Club I April Issue I 2013

Words From Your New Division 28 LTG Hey Key Clubbers! I hope you all had, or are having, an amazing time during your spring break! I’m so honored to be serving as 28’s next LTG, and helping anyone who needs questions answered. I’m excited to start planning the upcoming April DCM movie night, and working with the presidents to increase not only membership but active membership. You guys truly inspire me with your warmth and compassion for not only Key Club but helping people in general. I hope that this next year our Division will get even closer and more active and show the Pacific Northwest Key Club District why 28 truly dominates! I know this year is going to be full of memories I will never forget, especially because it’s with my Key Club family. Just remember if you need anything don’t hesitate to call! In Love and Service

Lisa Marie Antonio

Lisa Marie Antonio (425) 985 8014 lisaantonioltg@gmail.com Feel free to call, text, email, or Facebook me with any questions, comments, or concerns.

Content: Page 1….Cover Page 2…Words from the LTG Page3…..DCON Review Page 4….Officer Intro Page 5....Officer Intro Page 6....Key Dates Page 7....Monthly Question


Officer Introductions

Hi Key Clubbers! My name is Akielly Hu, your incoming President. Thank you for your outstanding commitment and hard work this year. From Cycle the Wave, Salmon Days, UNICEF, MORP, Campus Clean-ups, Care Packages, Children's Hospital Cards, and (of course) Reading Club, just to name a few, we have contributed a TON of service back to our school and community. It's you guys who made it happen! Your dedication inspires those around you (including me) to get out of the house, volunteer, and realize the importance of actively supporting your community. If you ever need to ask questions or have any ideas or input, feel free to talk to me or any of your other Key Club officers. You guys are awesome. Now let's get this Key Club year off to a great start!

Heyyy Key Clubbers! My name is Azan Sarosh, and I am your 2013-2014 Vice President! As your Vice President my duty is to know Key Club inside and out and the duties of each officer and member and to assist the president in any way possible, I also have to be able to lead our club along with other club officers. As I take position for VP, my main goal is to bring Key Clubbers closer together and to have us be one big happy family. I want to make our club more known to our division, and have us participate in many more service projects so we will always be in action. Lets make the most out of this year, and the best out of the next! GO KEY CLUB!!

Hello there, Key Clubbers! I'm Emerson Collin and as the Liberty Key Club incoming Secretary, I am responsible for organizing every member’s hours. This past year, our Key Club amassed over 1,000 hours of community service. Because Key Club’s mission is community service, the secretary’s most important job is to organize all event and meeting attendance so that records are accurate and individual members are held less accountable; this means that the only duty of Key Club members is participation. For this upcoming year, we want to encourage more general participation in Key Club and promote a greater interaction between members and the officers. Since the new Key Club calendar year has already taken effect, as of April 1st, I will be sending out emails at the beginning of each month with an update on accumulated yearlong hours. If you have any concerns about hours that I have you down for, please don’t hesitate to contact me!

Officer Introductions

Hi Key Clubbers, I am Brook Afework, incoming Treasurer for Liberty High School. Last year I had joined Key Club simply for my high school transcript and my cousin used to be in Key Club as well. During my first year in Key Club I never participated in any volunteer work or in the club itself. But then one day I volunteered for Reading Club at a local church and it only lasted for one hour so I thought this could be a simple way to gain volunteer hours for college. Within one hour I felt much joy and happy as I read many books and played with elementary/ middle school students. This made me understand what Key Club is really about and I hoped to wish to play a part in Key Club by becoming a treasurer. I want Key Club to become known throughout Liberty High School and become more active by creating more opportunity for others to participate and become more involved in. I want to have fundraisers for Project Educate/Eliminate by partnering up with local stores, increasing awareness, or having public speakers. I can’t wait to work with the exciting, crazy, and outgoing board members and I hope we all can meet our goals next year!

Key Clubbers! As most of you already know, I'm Kia Vang and I am the outgoing Vice President for our club! I have been in Key Club since my sophomore year and I joined when there was barely 20 people in the club, which is amazing since we now have over 120 members! Key Club has made such a huge impact in my life and I love giving back to the community! I have done great things through this club and it has given me so many opportunities to meet others who enjoy doing the same thing I do. I hope you all have an eventful and amazing 20132014 year and do great things because you are all bright and fantastic Key Clubbers! YAY Much love, Kia Vang.

Hello Liberty Key Clubbers! My name is Kelly Le. As my term as Editor(outgoing) is coming to an end, I would like to say that I have enjoyed every moment of it. Even though it sucked waking up 20 minutes earlier on a Tuesday, it is so worth it because I get to be gather in a room full of passionate leaders! I hope that I have served you to the best of my abilities! After all, this has been the biggest amount of key clubbers ever. I know that your new editor Raman Kaur will do a great job! Thank you for being so kind to me and can't wait for another year!

Key Dates April DCM: Friday, April 10th (Time: 6pm-9:30pm) Keep Issaquah Beautiful: Saturday, April 20th (Time: 9am-3pm) Kiwanis Auction: Friday, April 26th (Time: 6pm-11pm) Campus Clean-Up: Thursday, May 9th (After School) Last Meeting: Tuesday, May 21st Relay for Life: Friday-Saturday, June 7-8th

Question of the Month What's Your Favorite Pick-Up Line??? If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put 'U' and 'I' together.

Do you have a band aid....? I scrapped my knee falling for you.

Do I know you? Cause you look just like my next girlfriend.

Do you have a pair of chains in your purse...Cuz I'm a slave for you.

Can I tie your shoes? Cause I don't want you falling for anyone else!

Is your father Lil Caesar? Cause you look Hot 'n Ready.

Miss can you empty your pockets?.... I think you stole my heart.

Can I have your picture so I can show Santa what I want for Christmas?

If you were a book you'd be what they call FINE print

Are you a parking ticket...? Cuz you got fine written all over!

If I were a stop light, I'd turn red every time you passed by, just so I could stare at you a bit longer.

If you were a booger I'd pick you first.

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