LHS Key Club May/June Issue

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Official Newsletter I LHS Key Club I May/June Issue I 2013

Words from your LTG: Hey Key Clubbers, I am so eager to not only be working with Division 28’s club executive boards, but all of the members as well. I want to stop by beach clubs meeting and service events so I can begin serving with all of you at your events. Being LTG is such an amazing experience, being an LTG of Division 28, now that’s an honor. Division 28 is a family and a strong one at that; I don’t have more love for any other group out there. Division 28 has completely swept me off my feet. 28 is such a strong division because of all of you. Being a Key Clubber means having a love for serving others. Not to put on that college application, but because you want to impact the lives of others. This is what makes Key Clubbers so different from the rest; it’s your sincerity and love for others. In Love and Service

Lisa Marie Antonio

Lisa Marie Antonio (425) 985 8014 lisaantonioltg@gmail.com Feel free to call, text, email, or Facebook me with any questions, comments, or concerns.

Content: Page 1….Cover Page 2….Words from your LTG Page 3….Introducing Key Clubbers Page 4….Introducing Key Clubbers Page 5....Showing Appreciation Page 6....Key Events Page 7....Monthly Question

This is your LHS Bulletin Editor writing: I would really love it if you guys could send me picture of past events, ideas for the "Question of the Month" or for a section you would like to be included in the newsletters. I am also willing to do shout outs to other key clubbers and add pictures too. So please feel free to contact me at sweet.1raman@gmail.com. Thanks!

Introducing Key Clubbers: What they were asked:

Lisa Antonio:

Akielly Hu:

1. What are you afraid of or hate?


1. Deathly scared of getting burned alive.

2. What is something you love? 3. What is a secret you haven't told many people?

2. AZAN, just kidding, but seriously 3. I love bubbless soda and Bollywood.

2. LOVE DOGS!!! 3. I didn't have any eyebrow hair until I was 2 years old.

Azan Sarosh:

Emerson Collin:

Brook Afework:

1. Ghosts and Snakes

1. I hate...um I'm not sure.

1. I hate walking home.

2. I love my mommy.

2. I love Indian music. 2. I love Key Club.

3. I couldn't sleep in my room till I was 8yrs. old due to my fear of ghost.

3. I'm very outgoing once you get to know me. (Note: This was filled out by Raman Kaur)

3. I can be very negative and carry a negative perspective. (Note: This was filled out by Raman Kaur)

Introducing Key Clubbers: Kia Vang:

Kelly Le:

William Nguyen :

1. I don't like feet.

1. I don't like people who use others.

1. I fear dying.

2. I love anything jazzy.

2. I love ribs. 2. I love surprises.

3. I have freckles on my neck.

3. I'm dating Bassel Hamieh, former district bulletin editor .

3. I used to be able to suck my toes.

(Note: This was filled out by Raman Kaur)

Charles Heng:

Zack Lui:

Aldrick Cabrera:

1. Holes in my socks.

1. Nothing

2. Chocolate milk.

1. An empty refrigerator.

2. Food

3. Broccolis remind me of mini trees.

2. Miracle wipes 3. I have no secrets... oh wait, I'm a pro at CoD.

3. I lick my lips when my mind is empty.

Showing Appreciation: As an officer, KD was always on top of things and always enthusiastic! We're so lucky to have her in Key Club. She really was born for leadership, and her decision-making and dedication the club were always vital for service events or planning on the board. I think KD is a great example of what it means to be a volunteer- just extremely devoted to serving her community and helping others in need as well as other volunteers. Thank you KD for everything that we do! Can't wait to keep working with you next year! -Akielly Hu

Jello, just kidding KELLY, you are truly an inspiration. You had a jam packed schedule with being an officer in Key Club and ASB but you pulled it off. You used your photography skills to the highest level and captured many great memories that many key clubbers will cherish. You encouraged and helped me campaign during elections. You sat through the Editors workshop with me at DCON so you could give me a few pointers. I'm so thankful for having a friend like you in my life and as a key clubber I couldn't imagine Key Club without you. I remember during DCON you went around photo-bombing random people's pictures and introducing me to many inspiration people. DCON was wonderful for me and the credit goes all to you and I'm sorry for making you dance with Prince Charming ;) \ ~Raman Kaur (Ramona)

Kia, Before leaving to college and heading to UW, I just wanted to tell you how much you have impacted Liberty High School's Key Club. You have been a strong member since freshmen year from being Bulletin Editor to this years Vice President. You have implemented such great ideas and contributed countless hours to make this club the best it can be. You have a bubbly and warm personality that makes everyone love you. Thank you for doing all that you've done for us and the club. I am so fortunate to become good friends with you and I will miss you so much when you leave. Thank you again Kia. Best wishes and have the greatest experience at college! Love Kelly.

Key Dates: Reading Club: Will go on till June 5th. (Thank you to all that went over the school year)

Auction Yard Work: At Fall City on Sunday, June 2nd.

Relay for Life: Friday-Saturday, June 7-8th. (Anyone is welcome even without a team)

Reading Club Recognition: June 11th same place as Reading Club.

Question of the Month Did you Know... That playing video games helps you lucid dream because it helps your brain recognize alternate realities.

Studies show that one average 70% of the time ice from a fast food restaurants is dirtier than a toilet water.

In the 1980's a man with severe OCD shot himself in the head in an attempt to commit suicide. Instead of killing him, the bullet destroyed the part of his brain that as responsible for his OCD, and he went on to become a straight-A college student five years later. The man once known for having the longest beard in the world died when he broke his neck after accidentally stepping on his beard.

Cali is more populated than Canada by about 5 million people.

All the air in potato chips bag we complain about is actually nitrogen and serves a purpose. It preserves the crispiness and provides a cushion during shipping.

All brown eyes are actually blue underneath.

There is a city in Alaska called Unalaska. Bubble wrap was first sold as wall paper.

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