Ramapo College 2023 Yearbook

Page 17



“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory”
- Dr Seuss
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams”
-Eleanor Roosevelt

you can dream you can do it”

- Walt Disney
“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”
-Albert Einstein
“Don’t go through life, grow through life.”
- Eric Butterworth
“Whether you succeed or not is irrelevant, there is no such thing. Making your unknown known is the important thing.”
– Georgia O’Keeffe
“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.”
- Vincent Van Gogh
“It always seems impossible until its done.”
-Nelson Mandela -Nelson

Administration & Faculty



Bold, Be Kind & Be Good Teammates.


Message from the President Class

of 2023

Dear Class of 2023 Graduate,

Congratulations on your graduation! Your tenure as a student has shaped our community and your success as an alumnus will shape our legacy!

As you embark on the next chapter of your life, take stock of all you have overcome and achieved, and continue to Be Bold, Be Kind and Be Good Teammates.

Be Bold and step outside of your comfort zone. Nobel Laureate Andre Gide reminds us that we “cannot discover new oceans unless” we have “the courage to lose sight of the shore.” Go out and discover new oceans, and be sure to introduce their wonders to others.

Your experiences at Ramapo have provided you with the necessary tools to be bold and ethical leaders, to problem-solve, and to collaborate. Share those talents with others but when doing so, always Be Kind, be humble, and acknowledge that our learning as contributing members of society is a constant.

I have learned that Roadrunners labor together well, with kindness in their hearts, whether it be on the field, in the classroom, or in the very popular group study rooms at our Learning Commons. Continue to lead with empathy and Be Good Teammates by not just listening to perspectives different than your own but by seeking them out and amplifying them when necessary.

On behalf of your faculty and staff, please know that it brings us tremendous joy when you return to us to share your successes and your challenges. Do stay in touch. We look forward to continuing to be a part of your journey.



Mission Element Team


Vice President for Fiscal Health

Learning, and Growth

Inclusion, and Compliance


the Board of Trustees

Policy, Research and Governance

Executive Director of the RCNJ Foundation

Vice President for Student Well-being

A. Williams-Goldstein, Ed.D.

School of Business Anisfield

values—academic excellence, professionalism, learning by doing, diversity, integrity, social responsibility, global awareness and continuous improvement—are manifest in our teaching, research, and service to the College and community.

De Ed Petkus

The Anisfield School of Business provides comprehensive learning experiences in the business disciplines and in the human skills necessary for a rewarding life and career. Our students approach their business studies from both a macro and micro perspective; they develop both rational and emotional intelligence; they develop both analytical and creative skills; and they learn to balance profitability with sustainability. In addition to a strong foundation in the business disciplines, the Anisfield School of Business provides a strong liberal arts and interdisciplinary foundation to broaden the student’s perspective and intellectual abilities.

In the spring of 2006, the original Ramapo College School of Administration and Business was renamed the Anisfield School of Business in recognition of the generous gifts of the Anisfield family. Since 2010, the Anisfield School of Business has been accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. AACSB accreditation ensures that we are fulfilling our mission: to provide students with a strong educational foundation for a lifetime of learning and for career achievement as responsible contributors and leaders, within a supportive learning environment where engaged faculty bridge theory and practice. AACSB accreditation also ensures that our core

The School offers seven undergraduate majors: B.S. in Accounting, B.S. in Marketing, B.S. in Finance, B.S. in Management, B.A. in Economics, B.S. in Information Technology Management, and B.A. in International Business. The school offers minors in Accounting, Economics, Information Technology Management, International Business, Sports Management, Human Resource Management, Business Analytics, and Entrepreneurship. At the graduate level, the Anisfield School of Business offers a “4+1” B.S. to M.S. in Accounting and a “4+1” Flex MBA Program for undergraduate business majors, in which students complete both their undergraduate and graduate degrees in just five years.

Academic advisement, career guidance, and professional development are integrated throughout a student’s years at Ramapo College. The ASB Cahill Career Development Center assists students in finding internships and co-ops during their undergraduate experience, and relevant full-time employment—the first step in building fulfilling careers—upon graduation. The Career Center also administers our Career Pathways Program (required for graduation), which provides students with skills/ interests assessment, resume preparation, and interviewing skill development.

Outside of the classroom, our students are heavily involved in major-specific clubs, as well as Alpha Kappa Psi (co-ed business fraternity), ENACTUS (social entrepreneurship organization), the Roadrunner Financial Group Student Investment Club, the Entrepreneurship Club, the Fashion Marketing Club, and three professionally-oriented honor societies: Beta Gamma Sigma, Omicron Delta Epsilon, and Beta Alpha Psi.



Rikki Abzug

Desislava Budeva

Timothy Burns

Juan Cabrera

Tiffany Chiu

Christina Chung

Constance Crawford

Tufan Ekici

Susan Eisner

Yuan Gao

George Gonpu

Timothy Haase

Mary Ellen O’Grady Harvey

Eric Haye

Jason Hecht

Teresa Hutchins

Billy Jones

Yongbum Kim

Stephen Larson

Changhee Lee

Huiping Li

Patti Mandel

Romulo Magnaye

Fariba Nosrati

Rick Nunez

Ed Pettit

Thierry Rakotobe-Joel

Tammi Redd

Wilson Rose

Murray Sabrin

Cherie Sherman

Sridevi Shivarajan

Mark Skowronski

Malavika Sundararajan

Gladys Torres-Baumgarten

Aaron Van Klyton

Nikhil Varma

Alexander Vengerov

James Woodley

Xiaoyu Wu

Kathryn Yeaton

Kathryn Zeno


Contemporary Arts School of

guest directors and designers, or to inspire our students as artists in residence. Because of our small class sizes, these top-notch faculty are able to mentor students closely and help them realize their artistic and professional potential and goals.

De a n Ken Goldstein

For over 40 years, The School of Contemporary Arts has been an interdisciplinary arts program committed to providing students with an outstanding education in the visual, performing, and communication arts with a strong emphasis on the Ramapo College pillars: interdisciplinary curriculum, international education, intercultural understanding and experiential learning opportunities. The School, which is inherently interdisciplinary in its structure and its goals, recognizes the interconnectedness of the arts in contemporary society, and encourages students to develop and communicate ideas in multiple media. Excellent instruction in the visual, communication, theatrical, and musical arts takes place in small studio, lab, seminar, and discussion settings, as well as through activities outside the classroom environment. Practical experience, public presentation, and reflection are integrated into the educational process in many ways, such as through required Internships, theater production, musical performance and recording, visual arts production and exhibition, and the production and viewing of video, film, and design.

The School’s faculty are dedicated teachers, nationally known for their artistic and professional achievements and scholarly work. In addition to the full-time faculty, the school attracts many working artists and media professionals to teach as adjunct faculty, serve as

The School of Contemporary Arts offers five majors: Communication Arts (with concentrations in Digital Filmmaking, Global Communication and Media, Journalism, Visual Communication Design, and Writing), Music (with concentrations in: Music Industry, Music Performance, Music Production, and Music Studies), Theater (with concentrations in: Acting, Directing/Stage Management, Design/ Technical Theater, and Theater Studies), Visual Arts (with concentrations in: Art History, Drawing and Painting, Sculpture, Electronic Art and Animation, and Photography), and Contemporary Arts Contract Major (an interdisciplinary major that enables students to develop individualized programs that correspond to their special interests and career goals).

The School is housed in the Angelica and Russ Berrie Center for Performing and Visual Arts, featuring theater, music, and visual arts spaces, and in C and H buildings, which provide a television studio and the Les Paul recording studio, digital imaging and writing labs, an editing lab, a field production classroom, and private editing suites. Additionally, the School occupies a free-standing sculpture studio complex. Students benefit from the professional performing arts programming on campus which includes music, dance, and theater performances in the Sharp Theater, and from the visual arts exhibitions in the college Art Galleries, which focus on contemporary art in changing exhibitions, and which feature one of the foremost collections of works from the Americas and the Caribbean in the permanent collection. Additionally, students participate across campus in extracurricular activities including those connected to specific CA Programs.

The curriculum across CA emphasizes an understanding of the traditions of the past while exploring new means of storytelling, expression, media, and communication. Students are encouraged to move freely across the disciplines of the school to more fully experience the creative process and to build upon knowledge gained in areas outside their majors. And, of course, students take full advantage of the campus’s proximity to New York City with its unlimited opportunities in the arts and media.



Marta Bautis

Bonnie Blake

Mack Brandon

Rachel Budin

Peter Campbell

Regina Clark

Gilad Cohen

Austin Blake Conlee

Satarupa Dasgupta

Meredith Davis

Yolanda del Amo

Kelly Dolak

Renata Gangemi

Marc Gidal

Zach Layton

Ann LePore

Rebecca Leung

Jonathan Lipkin

Lisa Lutter

Lawrence Mascia

Nakia Matthias

Ben Neill

David Oh

John Peffer

Christopher Reali

Neel Scott

Ruma Sen

Jackie Skrzynski

Sarah Stackhouse

Maria Vail

Terra Vandergaw

Joel Weissman


imaginative dimensions of human existence.

Faculty members’ teaching, service, and scholarly or creative achievement combine to help students develop their powers of reasoning, speaking, writing, and creativity, thus equipping them for the challenges of contemporary life. The School’s faculty members are dedicated to teaching and scholarship, have traveled extensively and studied abroad, and have backgrounds

cross-cultural understanding and give them the intellectual and practical foundation to become successful in their careers and further studies. Thousands of students have graduated from HGS and its predecessors and have pursued careers in law, consulting, management, government, journalism, publishing, community organizing, public policy, marketing, public relations, teaching, cyber security, international education and other fields.



Roark Atkinson

Todd Barnes

Lisa Cassidy

Eric Castellanos

Dean Chen

David Colman

Eric Daffron

Rosetta D’Angelo

Neriko Doerr

Paul Elovitz

Val Flenga

Monika Giacoppe

Tae Kwak

Iraida Lopez

Sam Mustafa

Hassan Nejad

Stephen Rice

Michael Riff

Rebecca Root

Natalia Santamaria-Laorden

Victoria Sciancalepore

Edward Shannon

Hugh Sheehy




Susan Hangen

James Hoch

Indya Jackson

Karl Johnson

Pinar Kayaalp

Yvette Kisor

Sara Koenig

Ira Spar

Paula Straile-Costa

Stacie Taranto

Jeremy Teigen

Michael Unger

Marta Vides-Saade

Lisa Williams


School of

Social Science and Human Services

Dr. Virginia Gonsalves-Domond (PSYC), Alliterative Animals: A to Z. Dorrance Publishing Co.

Dr. David Gurney (LAWS), “The need for standards and certification for investigative genetic genealogy, and a notice of action” in Forensic Science International, Vol. 341.

Dr. Peter Heinze (PSYC), The theoretical validation of the Dynamic Model of Psychopathy (DMP): Toward a reformulation of the construct, assessment, and treatment of psychopathic traits. Psychoanalytic Psychology.

Dr. Elvira Katić (TE), Exploring Contortions of the Authentic: Voodoo in New Orleans. Southern Semiotic Review, 13(ii), 5- 30. DOI: 10.33234/ssr.13.2.

Dr. Kristin Kenneavy (SOCI), Social Research Methods: Sociology in Action. Sage Publishing.

S. Lorenz

Services (SSHS) enrolls its degree and certification programs. We have 55 full-time faculty and 50 part-time instructors who serve 7 majors, 10 minors, including the Teacher Education Program, a Master of Science in Contemporary Instructional Design, a Master of Arts in Educational Leadership, a Master in Special Education, and a Master of Social Work program.

To understand society and culture, a historical understanding rooted in critical thinking and social inquiry is necessary. SSHS provides social awareness and experiential learning to develop students who are aiming to effect social change, address societal inequity, and properly distinguish between fact and fiction. Students who graduate from a major with SSHS are able to foster social, statistical, andecological literacy.

Dr. Martha Ecker (SOCI), The Militant Minority: Lessons from the Metropolitan Union of Postal Clerks: 1937-1962.” Forthcoming.

Dr. Emily Leskinen (SOSC), Effects of message framing on cervical cancer screening knowledge and intentions related to primary HPV testing. Cancer Prevention Research, 14(9), 839-844.

Dr. Colleen Martinez (SWRK) Latrice’s Story. In J.L.M. McCoyd, J.M. Koller & C.A. Walter (Eds.) Grief and Loss Across the Lifespan (pp.71-75). Springer.

Dr. John McTighe (SWRK), “Implementing Interventions” in Integrated Social Work Practice. Cognella Press.

Dr. Jim Morley (PSYC), “Phenomenological Psychology and Qualitative Research” Phenomenology and Cognitive Science.

Dr. Liat Shklarski (SWRK), A Contemporary Approach to Clinical Supervision: The Supervisee Perspective. Routledge.

Dr. Kathleen Ray (SWRK), “Learning from clinical practice: challenges in assessing change in participation in deployed veterans with medically unexplained symptoms. Health and Social Work.

Dr. Stephanie Sarabia (SWRK), Policy transfer model: Can the U.S. borrow from Portugal’s successful drug policy? Urban Social Work, 5(3), 227-242.

In all the areas of evaluation – teaching, scholarship, and community service – the School of Social Science and Human Services is furthering the mission of the College.



Emily Abbey

Erin Augis

Robert Becklen

Kristine Bersch

Michael Bitz

Carol Bowman

Jacqueline Braun

Timmesha Butler

Joseph Cataliotti

Brian Chinni

Naseem Choudhury

Cardacia Davis

Desiree DuBose

Martha Ecker

Michael Edelstein

Jeffrey Ellsworth

Eileen Klein

Sharon Leathers

Emily Leskinen

Kim Lorber

Henri ColleenLustiger-Thaler


JamesMcTighe Morley


Julie Norflus-Good

Eva Ogens



Maya Poran

Kathleen Ray

Paul Reck

Christian Reich




David Gurney

Peter Heinz

Melody MelindaHyppolite Inzani

Shaziela Ishak

Ellen Kaiden

Elvira Katic

Kristin Seon-MiKenneavy Kim


Mia Serban

Liat Shklarski

Tilahun Sineshaw

Mary Starke

Alex Urbiel

Ashwani Vasishth

Leah Warner

Behzad Yaghmaian


School of

Theoretical and Applied Science

the sciences and mathematics in depth from multidisciplinary perspectives and within the broader contexts of the liberal arts and global understanding. All of our classrooms, teaching laboratories, and research spaces have been completely renovated and we have the newly constructed Adler Center for Nursing Excellence. We have the most up-to-date teaching and research equipment that is available.

De Edward I. Saiff

The School of Theoretical and Applied Science has been a part of Ramapo College since it admitted its first class in 1971. Since its inception TAS has been committed to excellence in teaching, research, and service in the sciences and mathematics, and has sought to prepare its graduates, not only for professional and academic careers, but to be scientifically literate citizens and lifelong learners in an increasingly complex and ever-changing technological culture.

The School’s curricula are comprehensive in scope, including those designed to promote scientific and mathematical understanding among nonscience majors across the College. TAS offers 13 undergraduate majors,10 minors, a 4+1 toward a masters in Data Science, Computer Science and Applied Mathematics as well as graduate programs in Nursing. All our academic programs are structured to meet the requirements of national accreditation standards as well as the needs of the contemporary marketplace and community. All students learn

The School of Theoretical and Applied Science places a strong emphasis on teaching, practice, and public service. It encourages faculty/student collaborative research as a continuing course of study. Its faculty and graduates continue to serve as rich resources for governmental agencies, academic institutions, and private research facilities in promoting the public good and educational excellence.



Ali Al-Juboori

Stephen Anderson

Rena Bacon

Paramjeet Bagga

Amanda Beecher

Stefan Becker

Caroline Brisson

Daniela Buna

Kathleen Burke

Sarah Carberry

Jay Carreon

Patrick Mattis

Donovan McFeron Emer



Robert Mentore

Carrie Miller

Victor Miller

William Mitchell

Joost Monen

Kaneeze Odgers




Sourav Dutta

Alice Park

Cristina Perez

Emma Rainforth



Marie Flatekval

Donna Flynn

Shanta Franks

Frank Farrell

Scott Frees

James Gillespie

Amy Sailer




Ashley LorraineStuart


Giovanni Viglino

Eric Wiener




Amruth Kumar

Natalie Lemanski

Catalin Martin

Yan Xu



Christopher Abraham Emily Abreu Jillian Adams Kate Aeschliman Ayala Ahdoot Julia Ahern Alexis Aiello Janeah Alexander Steven Allegretta Jordan Almanzar Courtney Alonzo Taima Alsalahat Gabriela Alvarez Michael Alvarez
Veronika Alvarez Alyssa Ampalayohan Aviel Andes Geri Andrea Jaime Anglin Chris Argudo Javier Argudo Montoya Ahsan Arju Oni Asante Erin Auld Victoria Badore Kaitlin Balasaygun Kyle Barbosa Brittney Barbuto Karina Barrios Alyssa Bartalotta Christian Bautista
Gabriella Bayate Hailey Bedell Joseph Bellani Jessica Bemke Justin Bendezu Leah Berlinger Rose Bimbi Jason Bischak Mikayla Bivona Timothy Bladek Christian Blanco Holly Blumenberg Kyle Bodnarchuk Valery Bognar Alexander Bonadeo Isabella Bonilla
Angela Borg Brianna Boxwell Andrew Brackenbury Emily Brackenbury Alanna Branco Kelly Brennan Lauren Brennan Michelle Buckley Jasmine Buggs Kiersten Burke Amy Butcher Allison Caban Magen Cabrera Millie Cabrera Bridget Cahill Lauren Calabrese
Samuel Calabrese Melanie Calle Erica Calugay Sharese Carlisle Alex Carpanini Charlene Carreon John Carroll Anthony Carullo Andrew Casey Rachele Castella Mackenzie Castle Michael Castro Amanda Cavaliere Crystal Ceballos Karyssa Cendana Nicole Cerasi
Andre Chalileh Faith Chang Shannon Charvat Deborah Chica Emily Chludzinski Rebekah Choi Kristina Cioffi Danielle Clark Madeline Clark Grisely Cleto Lee Cohen Brian Colucci Victoria Columna Kira Constantine Dean Cooper Chloe Cornacchiulo
Abbey Mae Corpuz Ryan Cortese Catherine Costa Emma Cowap Jason Cuba Daniel Currier Brianna Curto Ally Da Costa Alexander Dacuba Edward Dahdah Bobby D’Angelo Jessica Dapper-Campagnola Nicholas David Emma Davis Caroline Debel Anastasia Deftalinskij
Nicole De Joie Evelyn Del Duca Steven Delli Venneri Katelynn Delmonte Erin Demmer Kayla DeRosa Niklas Desantis Matthew Devito Rianna Di Jesus Danielle Di Pentima Josbely Diaz Jack Digirolamo Victoria Docherty
Thomas Dolan Hailey Drake Ashley Duran Kanella Eby Juliana Edelman Adina Edwards Rayyan ElDana Claudia Eligur Alexander Engel Mary Farrell Anthony Feldman Alexa Femiano Brian Fernandez Judilis Fernandez Justin Fernandez Linda Fernandez Lisbeth Fernandez Antigua Joseph Ferreri Brianna Figueroa
Grace Filkin Kellianne Finck Angelina Fischkelta Colin Fish Margaret Fitzgerald Amanda Flannery Gabriella Fonseca Caitlin Ford Nicolette Forero Jeffrey Foster Abigail Fox Adam Foye Amanda Frace Emma Gaglione Vinicio Galarza
Samantha Gallo Gabriela Galloza-Flores Allissa Gail Gamil Ryan Garaffa Briana Garcia James Garthaffner Kylie Gautier Evamarie Gentile Jasmine Geralds Arden Gerszberg Amanda Giampaglia Emma Gibson Anthony Giglio Brianna Gleason Jenna Gleason Melody Gleason
Ashley Gomez Briana Ivette Gomez Gabriella Gomez Alexander Gonzalez Brianna Gonzalez Michelle Gonzalez Alexis Goslin Jake Gould Matthew Granvil Alexandria Gray Kelly Greenstein Isabella Gregory Andrew Greitz Renae Grippo Zachary Groysman Samantha Gruber Tyler Guadagno
Jessica Guccione Francheska Guinto Seema Gurung Destiny Guzman Renee Hales Sarah Hamilton Doha Hamouda Kenneth Hardy Vernice Harewood Gabriella Harte Morgan Hartz Izabela Hasandjekic Keila Haskins Edward Hayes Jordan Heine Brandon Hemmer
Taylor Hemmer Madeline Hendl Emily Herman Emily Highers Brian Hill Nicholas Hoff Austin Holden Jennifer Holland Kristina Hollosi Jeffrey Horn Karla Hoyos-Hernandez Spencer Hughes Kerry Hunter Joseph Hurlburt Syed-Hamza Hussaini Christopher Husted
Christine Huysers Cailey Ievolella Evan Imbriano Mattison Indomenico Alexa Inturrisi Nicholas Ippolito Maureen Isaac Matthew Ivanicki Lara Jaber Lucas Jacomes Angelie Jaipersaud Michelle Jakubowska Elena Jara Williams Dean Jigarjian Denisse Jimenez
Marisol Jimenez Patricia Jimenez Michael Joa Tijanay Johnson Ty’Yanna Johnson Alexis Jones Samantha Jones Elizabeth Joseph Alexa Juchniewicz Grace Judith Mark Juenemann Tenzin Kalsang Demitria Karadimas Troy Karaty Aayush Karki Surakshya Karki Ibrahim Katib
Shanna Katzenback Kaitlyn Kaufman Patrick Kelly Mary Claire Kelty Amna Khan Liela Khatib Priscilla Kim Richard Kimble Bobby Kirshtein Alison Kleinert Veronica Klenk Sunny Ko Adelisa Kolenovic Amelisa Kolenovic Natalia Kolodziej Emily Kong
Aimee Kossowski Taylor Koster Alana Krag Stephen Krause Jared Krick Nicholas Kruger Nikola Kubacka Zaven Kubat Brendan Kuhn Hima Kurian Madison Kwok Lauren Lacey Nathan LaDuke Michael Lalomia Nicole LaMagra Gabriella Lambiase
Andrew LaMonica Anna Latini Justin Lavorini Theodore Leakas Eun Bi Lee Olivia Lee Charlotte Levine Amanda Levitzke Nicholas Licini Jiany Lindsey David Linetski Sadie Link Ana Lisanin Hailey Liz Olivia Lobrow
Felicia Lodge Jessica Longo Bryant Lopez David Lopez Joceline Lopez Katherine Lovecchio Shane Lovell Ciara Luciano Rachelle Ludder David Lutchko David Lyu Sandra Macias Lucy Mackenzie Brianna Magnotta Wendell Magusara Rachel Mahon Eric Manke
Courtney Mares Julianna Margadonna Allison Markowski Laura Marquez Ellena Marra Elizabeth Martinez Faustino Martinez Janis Martinez Colleen Mason Nicole Massola Ryan Mathew Daniel Matin Samantha Matin Brian McEvoy Denis McGarry Karia McNeil
Jamie McNicholas Kurt McPeek Alexis Medel Kaya Medina Samantha Medina Morgan Meeh Brianny Mejia Emily Melvin Nisa Memeti Leyla Merhi Matthew Micka Francesca Migliore Gillian Miller Justin Miller Veronika Miller Daniella Milligan
Nicole Misterek Paolo Miyashiro Bedoya Richard Mizzoni Amanda Modelfino Ronia Mohamed Ryan Moini Jazmin Molina Patrick Monahan Danielle Montalvan Grace Montecalvo Nathalia Moral Anthony Moran Meghan Murphy Trisha Naawu Ashley Nafash Ritik Naik
Joseph Nakonechny Dante Nasisi Joshua Navarro Luis Navarro Kayla Negron Kat Nekrassova Alyssa Nelson Juliana Newell Moira Ng Kim Nguyen Bridget Nichols Robert Nierenberg Sean Nieves Saki Nishikori Pamela Nova
Clare Nugent Mya Olive Sarah Orellana Ana Pajuelo Emma Palamidis Makayla Palm Sophia Panageas Celine Panis-Pardo Angelica Papadatos Armand Partis Elle Pascal Nicole Pecora Sebastian Pelaez Emilianny Peralta Phil Peralta Angelina Perez
Isabella Perez Riley Petrella Kayla Phan Isabel Pierone Mia Pigaro Adam Piro Toni Pisacane Matthew Pluzsik Grzegorz Podczerwinski Michael Podmokly Brianna Ponce Marc Porpora Dave Prashar Chantel Pridgen Kathleen Prior Emma Psemeneki
Taylor Quinn Noe Ramirez Brittany Ramos Jeannie Ramos Ali Rana Andre Rapoport Tanya Reddy Emely Regino Angelina Reyes Julio Reyes Michael Reyes Alisbel Reynoso-Quezada Emily Ricciardi David Ripinsky Edward Ritchie Kathleen Riva Olivia Rocca
Amber Rodriguez Nathalee Rodriguez Merytel Rodriguez Valdez Victoria Rolfes Samantha Ross Merissa Runfeldt Jayne Ryan Brianna Salas Diego Salazar Vasquez Grace Saltalamacchia Emily Sampaio Crystal Sanchez Francesca Sapiga Brooke Savercool Samantha Savercool Connor Savoca
Emily Scharon Brian Schmid Jacob Schmidt Christopher Sciuto Victoria Sepero Sarah Severini Ayesha Shaikh Mia Shaw Tenzin Sherpa Leslie Sierra Salvatore Sileo Nick Silvoy Arif Simsek Christian Aila Sinag Danielle Sinisi Sabrina Mae Sison
Bryan Smith Matthew Smith Dominick Smoljan Caitlin Snellen Samantha Soldan Aidan Soldiviero Fabio Spataro Sarah Spivak Tiffany Spizzo Thiago Stallhbaum Jenna Stolker Kylie Suarez Brianna Sullo Dawn Sy Mark Tahan Matthew Tandurella
Tyler Tarabocchia Alexis Tetto Emma Thompson Mariam Tinawi Nazli Tiyaloglu Britney Tomasella Max Tominovich Ania Torigian Jonathan Torres Kemberly Torres Madison Torsiello Mariah Christine Tovar Andrea Townsend Ariana Trabucco Skylar Trela Samantha Tricarico
Yazlyn Trinidad Charlene Trippeda Joseph Tumminia Lindsay Tyrrell Mateo Urrego Jason Vaccarella Sylvana Valencia Joseph Valenti Jenna Valvano Dillon Van Duyne Lauren Vandegrift Allison Varga Elizabeth Vazquez Grace Velarde Hannah Velarde
Emma Veleber Angela Veleski Angelo Veleski Jared Veloso Amanda Ventre Grace Venuto Gabriella Viterbo Morgan Wahler Nicholas Waldron Nicholas Wallace Kelly Walters Lailah Watson Sheneda Watson Kayla Weisen Devon Wells Macie Werynski Colin Westerkamp
Courtney White Kaitlyn White Sophie White Joseph Wiafe Megan Wilhelm Amanda Williams Jahquan Williams Olivia Wills Rachel Wilson Kristen Windram Matthew Wisneski Emma Wodzanowski Megan Woods Stephen Woods Thomas Woods Paige Woodward
David Yanovsky Katherine Yarussi Tuana Yildirim Jakub Zak Catherin Zapata Katherine Zarember Dean Zindaki Samantha Zinni Drew Zoppi Nicholas Zorrilla
Congratulations Class of 2023! 64
Shane Zurbach

Jennifer Holland Thank You!

Yearbook Club Editor

THANK YOU, JENNIFER, for your leadership, creativity and dedication to Yearbook Club.

Best wishes to you on all of your future endeavors!

Congratulations on your graduation!

THANK YOU, SHANNON, for your creativity and dedication to Yearbook Club. Enjoy the journey and keep your positivity! Congratulations on your graduation! ’23 A SPECIAL SHOUT OUT TO OUR YEARBOOK SENIORS
Charvat THANK YOU!
Club Designer 66

THANK YOU, LISBETH, for your creativity and time dedicated to Yearbook Club.

Best wishes on your future journey, stay curious and sassy. Congratulations on your graduation!

Lisbeth Fernandez THANK YOU!






Senior Spotlight

Women’s Basketball

Bridget Cahill – #2

Women’s Cross Country and Track & Field

Brooke Savercool Senior Spotlight


Senior Spotlight

Colleen Farrell - #3

Victoria Docherty – #16

Field Hockey

Tori Waschek – #28

Maggie Farrell – #10

Maria Tovar – #1

Katie Yarussi – #8

Emily Ricciardi – #23

Gabbi Gomez – #24

Clare Nugent – #22

Lucy MacKenzie – #19

Macie Wernyski – #13

#19 #22
#3 74
#13 #24 #16

Women’s Lacrosse

Senior Spotlight

Colleen Mason - #17

Brianna Curto - #12

Emma Cowap - #24

Kathleen Riva - #16



#17 #12 #16

Senior Spotlight

Lauren Vladyka – #3

Carla Goodwin – #9

Makayla Palm – #24

Sam Ingannamorte - #2

Jessica Guccione – #22

Ally Horianopoulos – #7

Emma Conlan - #0


#3 #0 #24 #22 #2


Senior Spotlight

Nicole Cerasi – #5

Alexis Corras – #31

Jaclyn Monaco – #12

Anna Messina – #44

Women’s Swimming

Senior Spotlight

Kaitlin Balasaygun

Amy Butcher

Katie Riva

Alexa Pappas


Women’s Tennis

#3 #12

Women’s Volleyball

Senior Spotlight

Diana Matasker – #7

Stephanie Ross – #1

Jenna Stolker – #3

Caleigh Golabek – #12





Senior Spotlight

Matt Carvillano #34

Jason Cuba #3

Justin Garthaffner #44

Tyler Guadago #23



Men’s Basketball


Men’s Cross Country and Track & Field


Senior Spotlight:

Cheickna Traore

Kenyon Fenderson

Ben Straebler

Jason Mercado

Jared Krick


Men’s Soccer

Senior Spotlight

Nebi Ademi – #25

Dorant Bokshi – #8

Mark Buckel – #11

Andrew Greitz – #29

Peyton Jones – #6

Brian McEvoy – #19

Ron Mendez – #13

Thiago Stallbaum - #24

Mateo Urrego – #22

Matt Wilcox – #00

#29 #19 #22

Men’s Swimming Senior Spotlight


Men’s Tennis

Kenny ElliottMatthew Doran
Senior Spotlight

Men’s Volleyball

#8 #5


Senior Spotlight

Conor Charlow #12

Jack DiGirolamo #8

Andrew Finnegan #2


Simon Moeller #13

Sean Nieves #5



Clubs, Orgs, & Greek Life


Clubs and Organizations

» 1Step

» A Moment of Magic

» Accounting Club

» Active Minds

» American Cancer Society

» American Sign Language Club

» Animation Production Club

» Armenian Students Association

» Association of Latinos Moving Ahead

» Beekeeping Club

» Biology Club

» Black Student Union

» Brothers Making a Difference

» Chabad Club

» College Programming Board

» College Progressives

» College Republicans

» Culinary and Pastry Skills Club

» Debate Club

» Democracy Matters

» Disney Club

» Dumbledore’s Army

» Ebony Women for Social Change (EWSC)

» Enactus

» Engineering Physics Club

» Fashion Club

» Filipino American Student Association

» Future Teachers at Ramapo

» Garden Club

» Geek and Nerd Culture

» Hiking Club

» Hillel

» Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF)

» International Student Organization (ISO)

» Italian Club

» Literature Club

» MadHealthy

» Marketing Club

» Math Club

» Model UN

» Muslim Student Association (MSA)


» National Society of Leadership and Success

» Newman Catholic @ Ramapo

» Nursing Student Organization (NSO)

» Organization of Latino Unity (OLU)

» Philosophy Club

» Podcast Club

» Pre-Med/ Pre-Health Club

» Psychology Affiliation

» RallyCap Sports

» Ramapo Choral

» Ramapo College Dance Company

» Ramapo Esports

» Ramapo LEAD

» Ramapo Music Club

» Ramapo News

» Ramapo Pride

» Ramapo Smash Club

» Ramapo Sports Club

» RCNJ Birding

» RCNJ Cosmetics


» Roadrunner Financial Group

» Roadrunner Pep Band

» Social Work Club

» South Asian Club

» Spanish Club

» Student Government Association (SGA)

» Students of Caribbean Ancestry (SOCA)

» Sunrise RCNJ

» United Asian Association (UAA)

» Visual Artists Society (VAS)

» Women in Business


» Yearbook Club

» Yoga Club

» Young Life


Greek Life

College Panhellenic Council (CPH):

Alpha Omicron Pi

Alpha Sigma Alpha

Delta Phi Epsilon

Sigma Delta Tau

Sigma Sigma Sigma

Theta Phi Alpha

Interfraternity Council (IFC):

Alpha Phi Delta

Alpha Sigma Phi

Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity, Inc.

Tau Kappa Epsilon

Professional Fraternity Council (PFC):

Alpha Kappa Psi

Alpha Phi Omega

Phi Alpha Delta

United Cultural Greek Council (UCGC):

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

Chi Upsilon Sigma National Latin Sorority, Inc.

Lambda Tau Omega Sorority, Inc. **

Mu Sigma Upsilon Sorority, Inc.

Psi Sigma Phi Multicultural Fraternity, Inc.

Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. **

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc

** Denotes a provisional chapter


Global Roadrunners


Global Roadrunner


RCNJ: Fieldwork in Human & Social Services

Summer 2022


I am grateful for the experience of studying abroad in the Basque Country in Spain. Aside from being a great learning opportunity for my field of interest in mental health, I had a lot of fun with the other Ramapo students on the trip.

I also loved traveling to for classes, whether we healthcare facilities for the Human Services course or cafes and food markets for the Culture and Gastronomy course.

Neighborhood of Neguri Local

Bilbao, Spain 122


First day of classes at Deusto university

HikingatSanJuan deGaztelugatxe

Mercado de la Ribera for the class on Cultura gastronómica en España.



Arcadia in London

London, England

Spring 2022

Posing on Abbey Road with Pushing a cart at Platform 9 3⁄4 on a visit to Universal Studios.


Global Roadrunner


Studying abroad has been the coolest experience of my life. I've gotten the chance to explore London, and have even been able

Standing outside of the theatre before seeing “Six” on West End. Sitting outside of the Louvre Museum with friends on a trip to Paris. Standing outside of the Brandenburg gate with my brother on a trip to Germany.

London, England Global Roadrunner

Visiting Buckingham Palace the day after Queen Elizabeth II passed away. Thousands of people had the same idea.


I was lucky enough to study abroad for the Fall 2022 semester in London, England. I learned loads about history from visiting historical sites such as the Tower of London and attending the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II.

I had the opportunity to visit Scotland, Germany, and the Netherlands during my time abroad. This experience helped me appreciate life to a greater extent. I will always cherish the valuable skills and knowledge obtained from living in Europe for five months.

Spent Christmas in Germany meeting the locals and touring the Christmas Markets.



Arcadia in London

London, England

Fall 2022

Seeing the highlands in Scotland was so breathtaking I felt like I was in a

Social Media


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Top comments




134 @ramaporocks










» Ramapo opens with 1,186 students

» The Media Center is now in operation

» The basketball team is formed

» The first College Senate meeting is held on November 2

» The College newspaper, The Paper, begins printing

1970 1971
» Ramapo College of New Jersey founded as a premier Liberal Arts Institution. » George T. Potter inaugurated as the College’s first president

» Radio Club begins broadcasting

» High school students are permitted take classes at Ramapo

» The cross country team is now running

» Ice hockey team is formed

» Tuition and fees are $739

» The Paper is renamed Horizons

» First campus residence hall is completed

» Assembly approves a business major

» Ramapo holds its first graduation with 138 graduates

» Varsity soccer begins its first season

» Physical Education building opens

» The Women’s Center opens

» Science building opens

» Ramapo’s yearbook, The Arch, and literary magazine, Trillium, begin printing

» Ramapo’s 5th anniversary

1973 1974

» Women’s basketball team captures division title

» Physical Education building is recipient of Architectural Award of Excellence from AmericanInstitute of Steel Construction

» New library reopens after two years of construction

1975 1976
» Environmental Studies is now a major
» Ramapo accredited by Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools

» Ramapo Reports expands

» Library opens new typing room 25 cents for each 15 minutes of use

» Archery team wins New Jersey State Collegiate Outdoor Championship

» Women’s sports program expands include softball

» Club volleyball team is formed

» Student Life building is completed

» Bookstore moves location to increase in size and location

» Ramapo’s pub reopens in new location

» Ramapo’s 10th anniversary

» Ramapo receives award from Boston Society of Architects for the design of the library

» Newspaper changes its name to Ramapo Horizons, but changes it back to Horizons, later in the year

» Cooperative Education program founded

1979 1980


» Golf team wins New Jersey State College Athletic Conference Golf Championship

» New mailroom built in academic buildings

» 14 students selected as being among the country’s most outstanding campus leaders

» Bus transportation to NYC becomes available to students

» Golf team is the NCAA Division III Champion and is recognized in Trenton

» Ice hockey is back at Ramapo after a year absence

1982 1983

» Ramapo students are awarded “Best Delegation” at 29th annual Harvard University’s United Nations

» Planned Parenthood Clinic comes to Ramapo

» Board of Trustees approved plans for construction of a new, $5.2 million residence hall


» Ramapo Campus Ministry opens

» Baseball team captures the NCAA Division III

» Semester abroad program begins

» Board of Trustees passes a four three credit change in the credit system

» The Computer Center is now updated with Prime System and IBM computers

» Ramapo’s 15th anniversary

» Ramapo selects a new president, Dr. Robert A. Scott

» Computer Center reopens after major upgrade

» The varsity softball team sets a new record for the most wins in a season at Ramapo

» Student Advisory Board formed

» Pine Hall opens

» Ramapo signs agreement to assist Newark’s West Side High School in an effort to help students realize their full potential and to assist them in making decisions about higher education

» Ramapo welcomes its newest team, Track and Field

» UN Club wins seven awards at Old Dominion University in Virginia


» Women’s Center re-opens

» Women’s tennis wins the Women’s Intercollegiate Athletic Conference title

» Board of Trustees approves a proposal for a new 4.5 million dollar residence hall

» Recycling becomes mandatory at Ramapo

» New Child Care Center is in development

» Graduate students are coming to Ramapo, in conjunction with Rutgers University


» A new computer system, Academic Index, is installed, allowing student to search for articles

» The Birch Mansion begins three and a half year renovation

» Linden Hall is now named

» Enrollment hits an all-time high with 4,259 students

» Ramapo’s 20th anniversary

1987 1988

» Linden Hall and an expansion of the Student Center are now complete

» Ramapo offers seven summer Study Abroad programs

» All academic buildings undergo renovations

» Ramapo now offers Masters of Science in Management degree from N.J.I.T.

» Largest enrollment at Ramapo, with 4,408 students

1991 1992

» Football team eliminated due to budget cuts

» Ramapo College Television Network begins

» Ramapo offers new winter study abroad program in Czech Republic

» Ramapo now offers a new graduate degree program in Liberal Arts

» Ramapo’s 25th anniversary

1993 1994 1995

» All four Ramapo Vice Presidents are women

» Center for Computing and Information Services adds over 100 new computers

» Library opens new periodicals section

» J. Lee’s is given its new name


» New Jersey Nets makes Ramapo their practice facility for 1996-97 season

» Ramapo’s first Master’s Degree class graduates

» Center for Interreligious Understanding opens

» Student ID cards are now used improve campus security

1997 1998

» Barren’s lists Ramapo among “very competitive” colleges in the U.S.

» U.S. News and World Report ranks Ramapo third in “Most Selective” category among Public Liberal Arts Colleges in the north


» The Berrie Center for Performing and Visual Arts opens

» Construction of a new residence hall named Oak Hall begins

» Ramapo’s 30th anniversary

1999 2000

» Ramapo joins the National Student Exchange Program

» Expansion to the Pavilion and new Maple Hall are now complete

» Ramapo, in conjunction with UMCMJ, offers Master of Science in Nursing

» Dr. Rodney Smith inaugurated as third president of Ramapo


» The Village is opened

» Ramapo College becomes first in New Jersey and among the first in country to offer a Bioinformatics major

» Construction begins on new $23.5 million residence hall, The Overlook

» The Sports and Recreation Center is named in honor of Senator Bill Bradley

» Ramapo unveils field hockey as a new

» Australia announced as newest study abroad destination

» Spanish major now offered

» Sculpting is now offered at Ramapo

» U.S. News ranks Ramapo College number one among Public Comprehensive Colleges in the north

» Ramapo’s 35th Anniversary


» Dr. Peter P. Mercer is appointed the fourth president of Ramapo

» Ramapo Graduate Program celebrates 10th anniversary

» Bradley Center opens to the public

» The Atrium opens

» Dr. Peter P. Mercer is inaugurated as president of Ramapo College

» Construction of Anisfield School of Business begins 2007

» The Anisfield School of Business opens

» Construction begins on College Park Apartments

» Ramapo’s emergency alert message system is created

2005 2006

» The Sharp Sustainability Education Center and the Salameno Spiritual Center near completion

» The Sharp Sustainability Education Center is completed

» Gender neutral housing is approved

» Ramapo receives grant for Holocaust Center

» Ramapo joins Twitter

» Ramapo’s 40th anniversary

» $2 million is donated to new nursing facility

» Ramapo ranked among 100 most affordable colleges

2009 2010

» Student Center is renovated

» Ramapo launches new “Pushing

» Boundaries” brand

» Center for Academic Success becomes Center for Reading and Writing

» Graduation moved off campus for the first time in Ramapo’s history Izod Center

2011 2012

» Study Abroad expands to Argentina

» Construction begins on Adler Center for Nursing Excellence

» The Trillium is now available online

» Pre-Licensing Real Estate and Broker courses now available

» Men’s basketball captures NJAC Championship title

» New Zipcar service offered to students


» Big Sean raps to sold out crowd at Bradley Center

» Ramapo hosts its first on-campus 5k Run with Color

» College introduces WiFi across entire campus

» Immediate Decision Day no longer an option for first-year students

» Gender-inclusive bathrooms to be included in Adler Center for Nursing Excellence

» Food Studies minor now offered

» Ice Hockey returns to Ramapo as a club sport

» Ramapo’s 45th anniversary

» WRPR back

» Ramapo begins courses

» USDA gr garden

» Classes begin in Adler Center for Nursing Excellence

» Credit and debit cards now accepted in dining halls

» Ramapo College receives a new recording studio from Les

» Adler Ca Excellence

» New study abroad trip is offered Cusco, Peru

» Ramapo College Chorale goes on a week long cruise tour of Cuba, performing along the way


» Ramapo Men’s Basketball team wins NJAC Championship with a half-court buzzer beater

» Ramapo Chorale goes perform at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (K.N.U.S.T.)

» Roukema Center introduces a study abroad program to Cuba

» College Choice ranks Ramapo College as the third-best college in New Jersey, and best public college in New Jersey

» Birch Tree Inn finishes renovations

» Office of Violence Prevention opens

» Peer Facilitation Program celebrates

» The Music Program launches their own record label Ramix Recordings

» Dunkin’ opens in the Adler Center for Nursing Excellence

» Renovations on the CPAs and Padovano College Commons are complete

» Women’s Center celebrates 45 years

2017 2018 2019

» » » »
celebration begins


» Class of 2020 celebrates socially distant commencement ceremonies after COVID-19 delay

» Ramapo switches to virtual instruction with limited in person classes due to COVID-19

» Sports cancelled for the Fall 2020 season due to COVID-19

» Ramapo College of New Jersey announces the name of its newest building on campus: The Peter P. Mercer Learning Commons

» Ramapo ranked among the nation’s top 100 Public Colleges for Return on Investment

» Dr. Cindy R. Jebb is appointed as the 5th President of Ramapo

» The Berrie Cen film series titled, “Bringing Home Berrie”

2021 2022

» Ramapo College launches on-campus COVID-19 testing, a Care Manager program, and mental wellness support

» Classes return

» Common Grounds Cafe in the Learning Commons soft opening

» Brenda “Sue” Fulton, first class of admitted women at West Point, keynote speaker Diversity Convocation



» Dr. Cindy R. Jebb is inaugurated as president of Ramapo College

» RCNJ is featured in The College Tour on Amazon Prime

» Recognized again as ALL IN Most Engaged Campuses for College Student Voting

» Investigative Genetic Genealogy Center Launches

» Multiculural Center opens doors to all

» First-Generation Student Center opens

» Club Sports expands to include Ramapo ESports


Grad Send-Off


Adam Foye

From the Family of Adam Foye:

Congratulations on your graduation! We are so proud of you.

We hope you enjoy your career in computer software engineering!

Many thanks to all the great faculty and staff at Ramapo College throughout the years.

“WE did it!”



You dreamed big, worked hard, and now you’ve finally achieved your goal of graduating from college. It feels like yesterday that we dropped you off for the start of your freshman year. In the last 4 years we have watched you grow into the amazing woman you are today. As this chapter closes, know that you have made us so proud of all your accomplishments at Ramapo College, and we know you will continue to do the same in the years to come.

Behind you all your memories, before you all your dreams, around you all who love you, within you all you need. Never stop dreaming and never lose your ambitious spirit.

We wish you all the success, love, and happiness the world has to offer. We can’t wait to see the places you’ll go from here.

The sky is the limit, so spread your wings and soar.

All Our Love Always,

Mom, Dad and Gianna

Angelina Perez

Nicholas David Emily Ricciardi

Dear Nick,

We are so proud of you and this significant accomplishment! It feels like we have been waiting a very long time for this moment- but you did it! We wish you all the success, love, and happiness in the world!

Love, Mom, Pop & family

We are so incredibly proud of you and all of your accomplishments. You remained positive, resilient and kept your bright, heart-warming smile through all 4 years. We can’t wait to see what life brings you and what you will bring to this world.


Thiago Stallhbaum

Congratulations dear son Thiago! We couldn’t be more proud of you and your accomplishments. I know t hi s is a very proud moment for you,all the hard work and long nights of studying have finally paid off.We have watched you grow into an amazing,loving and caring young men . With your determination,skills,talent and dedication the sky is the limit. This is the beginning of a new chapter in your life. You can do absolutely anything you set

Your heart and mind to. Always remember that you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem,smarter than you think and loved more than you’ll ever know. Wishing you all the success, love and happiness the world has to offer as you carve

Your own path through life. Congratulations on being a graduate! I know this is just of many great accomplishments to come. Love you forever and always!

Mommy, Daddy and your sisters Fabiana and Gabriela


Tijanay Johnson


We are sooo proud of you and all of your accomplishments.

Over the years we watched how committed, passionate and dedicated you were with each and every assignment.

Always concerned about it being completed on time and giving it your best.

Today we want to congratulate you and on this successful journey! You’re awesome and we love you dearly. We wish you all the best in all of your future endeavors.

With Love, Mrs. Jones, Abi, Abdullah, An-Nisa, Zainab & Zair


Tijanay Johnson

Hey Big Sis, I am so proud of you for going through these last couple years with your head held high. You have set the standard for me to surpass and uphold. You are one of the people I look up to. I might not tell you this but I mean it. You are the person I look to for guidance. You are my other half. I LOVE YOU and CONGRATULATIONS for reaching this milestone.

Watching you dance down the aisle at your PreK graduation. Now it’s your college

graduation. Thank God for allowing me to share this moment with you. It’s a wonderful BLESSING to see how much you have grown. KEEP MOVING UP!!! I’LL ALWAYS LOVE AND CHERISH YOU.









Olivia Wills

Dear Olivia,

Congratulations on this amazing accomplishment! Over the last four years you have shown so much hard work and dedication. It has brought us so much pride to watch you grow into the woman you are today. We know you have found what you are meant to do and we know, as Nana would say, you’re going to be “a great little nurse.” We have no doubt you’ll prove her right and continue to make us all proud. Keep that beautiful smile on your face and never doubt yourself. We can’t wait to see all that life has in store for you because we know you will do amazing things.

Love you always and forever,

Mom, Dad, Gregory, and Connor


Holly Blumenberg

Dear Holly,

Your hard work, determination, and courage to take your own path are skills that will benefit you your whole life. So excited to see where God leads you next.

In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:6

Love, Mom, Dad and Luke

Madeline Clark

From the preschool “graduate” to the young woman about to officially transition to adulthood. Words cannot express how proud we are of what you have accomplished. You’ve only just begun.

We love you more!

Mom, Dad, Olivia and Tobey


Hailey Drake


Words cannot express how proud we are of you and your accomplishments. Congratulations on Latin Honors, making the Dean’s list since freshman year, and being President of RCTV and AYO. You’re a great student, leader, sister, and daughter. You’re truly our dream come true.


Mom, D, and Mia


Richard Mizzoni


We are so proud of all you have accomplished these past four years. We know you will continue to achieve great things. Stay true to yourself and reach high.



Francesca Migliore

Frankie, we are so very proud of you. Keep reaching for the stars! We can’t wait to see your next chapter. Always remember to keep smiling and enjoy all that life has to offer. You got this and we are here to support you always.

Love, Mom, Dad and Alex

Chantel Pridgen

CHANTEL, Congratulations! Our beautiful Princess. We are so proud of you. Through your hard work and perseverance you are a college graduate. Even through a pandemic you kept going, even when you wanted to quit. This is an amazing accomplishment. Much success in your future endeavors.

Love, Mom and Dad


Nazli Tiyaloglu

To our Naz,

We love you so much and are so proud of everything you’ve accomplished. You are passionate, hardworking, a role model, and more. Have fun in law school, you’ll be the best lawyer!


Anne, Tara, and Alice :)

Rachel Wilson

Dear Rachel, Take a bow!

You’re responsible for your high achievement today. We are so proud of the dedicated, passionate, kindhearted, creative and confident young woman you are. Follow your dreams, stay sweet, stay fierce & most importantly be you.

Love, Mom, Dad, Jacob & Adam


Jenna and Brianna Gleason

To our beauties

Jenna and Brianna, You are the most kind, generous, beautiful souls and we are so proud of the strong, intelligent, determined women you are. You fill our home with so much joy, love and laughter. You are our rays of sunshine, overflowing with positivity and faith.

As you go forward in life try to remember that you can’t always choose the music life plays for you, but you can choose how you dance to it.

May God bless, protect and guide you on the next chapter of your journey. We love you more than you can imagine and we are so thankful that you are OURS.

Dad and Mom


Evamarie Gentile



Beautiful Daughter Evamarie, Words cannot describe how proud we are of you! Hard work always pays off! You have an amazing future ahead. Shine bright like the Diamond you are and never lose that Sparkle that makes you Shine. We love you with all of our hearts.

Love, Mommy, Daddy, Michael & Poppy


Yearbook Editor

Jennifer Holland ’23

Yearbook Designers

Shannon Charvat ’23

Lisbeth Fernandez Antigua ’23

Yearbook Photographer

Sarah Luckenback ’26

Additional Photography

Carolyn Herring

Alexandra Modafferi

Paolo Miyashiro Bedoya ’23

Kimberly Ventresca ’25

Official Senior Portrait Photographer

Lors Photography

Advisor Emeritus

Anthony T. Padovano

Advisor, Consultant & Creative Design Consultant

Janelle Ferraro ’14


Rick Brown | Director of the Center for Student Involvement

Eddie Seavers | Associate Director of the Center for Student Involvement

Amanda Riehl | Assistant Director of Student Involvement

Kathryn Lamanna | Assistant Director of International Education / NSE Coordinator

Rachel L. Pinton ’01 | Director of Sports Information / Marketing / Planning

Kate Levin ’05 | Assistant Director of Sports Information / Marketing / Planning

A thank you to the students who submitted personal photos to make this Yearbook special.


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