1 minute read
Decay Arlette Gindi ‘22
DecayArlette Gindi
Your old flowerpot hits the floor with a deafening crash. Dirty guts of a plant long gone scatter across the wooden floor of my apartment like ashes. As the sun filters through the soil, I see your face light up once again. The tightly coiled curls you’d twist through your fingers bounce towards me smiling. Sand spreads over our toes as we walk together along the beach, too entranced by each other to notice the tide slowly inching towards us. How could you leave me here all alone? How could you leave me here glued to the floor of my apartment, clawing at piles of dirt like they’re gold? The air is getting heavier and my skin starts to feel too small for my bones. My knees curl in towards my chest, pulling up with them the dirt from the pot that you left behind.