SCOPH 2011-2012 Final REPORT
SCOPH Committee
BSSS-Benha SCOPH 2011-2012 Final Report
SCOPH 2011-2012 Final REPORT
National projects: 1) HY5 Campaign 2) World Diabetes Day campaign 3) Smokingologist 4) Safe Liver 5) Healthy Life Style 6) Renal Failure 7) TB 8) Mental Health 9) SCOPH Manual 10) SCOPH Media
Local projects: 1) HBV vaccination 3rd dose 2) Needle Stick Injury NSI
Events attendance: 1) IFMSA-Egypt General Assembly October 2011, Mansoura. 2) IFMSA-International Online WDD meeting November 2011, Skype. 3) IFMSA-Egypt WDD celebration event November, Zagazig. 4) IFMSA-EGYPT 3rd Winter Camp February 2012, Ismailia 5) IFMSA-EGYPT 1st National SCOPH Meeting February 2012, Benha. 6) IFMSA-EGYPT GA May 2012 , El Azhar 7) IFMSA-Egypt No Smoking Conference (Kasr Ainy Faculty) December 2012, Cairo 8) Online WDD International Meeting October 2012. 9) 1st National SCOPHian Iftar in Benha 6th of August 2012 10) 3rd National SCOPH Congress Ismailia 21st & 22nd September 2012
SCOPH 2011-2012 Final REPORT
Nationally Organized Events: 1) 1st National SCOPH meeting 2012 2) 1st National SCOPHian Iftar August 2012
Participation in National teams & Taskforces: 1) SCOPH Bylaws 2012: Amr Gamal Mohamed 2) SCOPH Strategy: Amr Gamal Mohamed 3) 3rd SCOPH Congress: Amr Gamal as head of Scientific team. 4) Almost all national project publication teams: Rami Abdallah Essa
Participation in International sides: 1) HY5 representative in MM12 Ghana 2012: Amr Gamal.
SCOPH 2011-2012 Final REPORT
Hand Hygiene HY-5 project Project Coordinator : Ahmed Tawheed Mowafi
* Aim: Hand hygiene is a term used to cover both hand washing using soap and water, and cleaning hands with waterless or alcohol-based hand sanitizers , the project aimed to increase awareness of the importance and effectiveness of hand hygiene in killing the germs, also it encourages the community population on different age ranges and educational level to wash their hands , Washing your hand is an effective method to minimizes or prevents many diseases and the spread of the diseases . This project aims to reduce the Infection through promoting hand hygiene and increase awareness among the population focusing on school ages group, also to teach the right ways of washing hand and to train and provide the medical students more medical knowledge of hand hygiene and hygiene Topics in general, Always remember wash your hand. with some modification to stress more on the medical and para-medical workers in the hospitals beside the children and the food handlers.
* Time: El Shoban School: 13th October from 9:00 am till 1:00 pm El Salam School: 17th October from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Faculty Survey: from 16th October till 21st October Cavallo Restaurants: 25th October HY5 awareness session & campaign for medical students and health workers in our faculty on 5th of May 2012
* Methodology: Schools; El-Salam Language school and El-Shoban El-Moslmen School - make a random survey among the pupils from age of 8 to 16 years old about hand hygiene, Proper hand washing and healthy obstacles in their schools. - Giving a brief sessions including proper hand washing steps indicated by WHO and the perfect way of Sneezing to ensure that our hands are clean.
SCOPH 2011-2012 Final REPORT Medical Sector; Faculty of Medicine in Benha University - Distribution of our medical survey among random different medical students in their sections and in Whole the faculty area to cover much more samples. - Holding an awareness session and awareness campaign for the medical students , doctors and nurses in the hospital. Restaurants; Cavallo cafĂŠ and restaurant - Delivering the hand washing importance and the proper technique to the food handlers in the restaurant to overcome many diseases transmitted through our hands.
* Target group: Schools; pupils aged from 8 to 16 years old. Faculty; medical students, doctors and nurses Restaurants; Food handlers.
* Messages concerned on: 1) The proper way for hand washing and its 10 steps. 2) The problems and risks of bad hand hygiene. 3) Advantages of proper hand washing.
* Slogans: - save lives ... clean your hand - Our world HY day.
SCOPH 2011-2012 Final REPORT
SCOPH 2011-2012 Final REPORT
SCOPH 2011-2012 Final REPORT
World Diabetes Day Project Coordinator : Ahmed Hany Wahdan
* Aim: World Diabetes Campaign is a project concerning awareness of the simple public people against the dangers of Diabetes and how to avoid it and how to overcome its complications and acting against it.
* Time: Barshoom El Kobra village: 22nd November from 8:00 am till 2:00 pm Asnette village: 25th Novmeber from 10:00 am till 5:00 pm
* Methodology: - We decided to share in ZMSSA celebration event held on 14th of November (the world day of Diabetes). - We finally chose these places to hold our campaign; Barshoom El Kobra Village (public health clinic). Asneete Village (Nahed clinics). Streets wherever we walk. Mosques wherever we pray (we make it on Friday in the greatest pray ever for a huge attended number). - About each village; I-
Barshoom El Kobra village Time: on 16th November from 8:oo am till 5:oo pm. Place: about 2o minutes away from benha by car. Number of team members: 10 Target group: People attended to the clinic as there was Polio vaccination in the same day (we get this benefit), beside the nurses and workers in the clinic at the end of the day. Promotional group: aimed to get the people into the room of awareness and told the people in the village about our campaign.
SCOPH 2011-2012 Final REPORT Awareness group: Illustrated the disease (Causes- clinical pictures- complications- lines of treatment- prevention of complications- deletion of any dilemma about the disease). II-
Asneete Village Time: 18th November Friday from 1o:oo am till 5:oo pm. Place: Kafr Shokr Road 1o minutes away from Benha. Number of the team: 30. Target Group: People attended to the clinic aged from 15 till 80 years old. Implementation: We went to the village before the campaign by about 5 days and made publication about the campaign there. Awareness group: Illustrated the disease (Causes- clinical pictures- complications- lines of treatment- prevention of complications- deletion of any dilemma about the disease). Promotional group: aimed to get the people in the village into the clinic of awareness and told the people in the village about our campaign. Glucose testing group: Measured the random glucose level to the people (we made sub group from them covered the village streets and houses also). Neurological examination group: Examined the peripheral sensations and the reflexes for the people. Blood Pressure group: Measured the blood pressure for the people.
Streets We covered many streets among different places to get the awareness message to as much as possible to the people if they can’t get us. Beside making Subgroup for blood glucose testing for the people.
SCOPH 2011-2012 Final REPORT
Mosques As we can get the benefit of reaching the huge muslim number specially in Gom’aa Pray on Friday in a big well known mousque, we reached about 300 prayers there. Beside making the awareness in different prays also.
* Target group: Public people aged from 15 till 80 years old
* Messages concerned on: 1) Early symptoms of Diabetes 2) Complications of Diabetes 3) Treatment and prevention of Diabetes 4) Simple Examinations
* Slogans: "Let's make it in Blue "Egypt free of Diabetes�
* Outcome: Number of Health educated persons (estimated Number)
Villages (500) Mosques (350) Streets (150) Total (1000)
* Challenges & Obstacles - Needed more fund for the flayers and the materials used in blood glucose testing. - Our country conditions in difficult dealing with many public clinics without previous knowing.
* Comments & Suggestions - We should prepare for this project earlier the next year. - It was better to make limited national events to concentrate more on public campaigns.
SCOPH 2011-2012 Final REPORT
SCOPH 2011-2012 Final REPORT
Smokingologist Project Coordinator : Amr
Gamal Mohamed
* Aim: Smokingologist is a project covering both medical students, staff and public. The project aimed to increase awareness of the danger and effectiveness of smoking in killing lives; also it encourages the community population on different age ranges and educational level to stop smoking by different ways and attitudes. This project aims to reduce smoking among our small community passing to all public through promoting healthy life and increase awareness among the population about smoking dangers focusing on different ages group, also to teach the right ways of stoppage of smoking, Always remember smoking kills our lives; so leave it and gain yourself..
* Time: - Attendance of No smoking conference in Kasr Ainy Faculty, Cairo with Supervision of WHO. - Waiting newer updates for establishing this event in our faculty as the Deadline is still available and we can do it. - Having a deal with the managerial office in our faculty to have our hospital free of smoking beside putting the non-smoking signs in different places in the hospital starting from 25th of May. - Attendance of the non Smoking TNT - Attendance of the non smoking - Holding an awareness campaign in Meet Kenana village near Benha in the youth center there.
* Target group: Medical students – Medical doctors - Public
* Messages concerned on: 1) The proper way for stoppage of smoking. 2) The problems and risks of smoking. 3) Advantages of proper health without smoking.
SCOPH 2011-2012 Final REPORT
SCOPH 2011-2012 Final REPORT
SCOPH 2011-2012 Final REPORT
Safe Liver “Hepatitis� Project Coordinator : Ahmed Hany Wahdan
& Mohamed Ashraf Ahmed * Aim: It aims to save our precious organ in our body which is our liver, we here in this project aimed to protect our colleagues as medical students, doctors and paramedical workers from getting infected by that virus which only needs one infected blood drop which is easy in our hospitals. We also aimed to raise the public awareness about that problem in Egypt.
* Time: - Attendance of a national hepatitis workshop in the National Hepatic, Shebin El Koom 2012. - Registration for vaccination in the faculty hall May 2012 - 1st Dose HBv vaccination May 2012 - 2nd Dose HBV vaccination June 2012 - 3rd Dose is planned to be in December 2012
* Target group: - Medial Students and Doctors - Paramedical workers - Public
* Messages concerned on: 1) The proper way to protect yourself from HBV infection. 2) The problems and risks of HBV. 3) Advantages of vaccination process.
SCOPH 2011-2012 Final REPORT
SCOPH 2011-2012 Final REPORT
Healthy Life Style Project Coordinator : Ahmed
Hany Wahdan
* Aim: Aiming to have better healthy life style among our population we organize this project to start by the young children in the schools to teach them the proper healthy life style and the advantages of the healthy balanced nutrition in a different visits. Plus taking care by the elder people by a national celebration concerning a visit to them and spending the day in a sportive way together.
* Time: Attendance of National celebration of HLS Alexandria April 2012 Schools visits were as:
SCOPH 2011-2012 Final REPORT
* Methodology:
* Target group: Schools; pupils aged from 8 to 16 years old. Elder people in sporting club
* Messages concerned on: 1) The proper way to get healthy life style. 2) The problems and risks of bad nutritional system. 3) Advantages of balanced healthy nutrition.
SCOPH 2011-2012 Final REPORT
SCOPH 2011-2012 Final REPORT
Renal Failure Campaign Project Coordinator : Fatma
Hassan Khawaga
* Aim: Spread the awareness among the public about the risks and the problems of the renal failure disease and how to avoid it and control it. We also wanted to stress on the psychiatric part in supporting the renal failure patients by their visits and collecting some money for them from the volunteers in the marathon specified for the renal failure awareness spread among Benha university.
* Time: - Attendance of Renal failure National Workshop in Ghoniem center Mansoura in January 2012. - Renal Failure celebration Marathon for all faculties in Benha university for about 5 km ended by a celebration March 2012. - Public awareness within the marathon. - Renal Failure campaign in our faculty. - Collection of donation for the renal patients and their visits.
* Target group: - Public - Medical students - university students - Patients for psychological support
SCOPH 2011-2012 Final REPORT
SCOPH 2011-2012 Final REPORT
TB Campaign Project Coordinator : Ahmed Magdy
* Aim: Keep the low rates of TB incidence among people and prevent this infection by increasing the awareness among youth and children.
* Time: - Attendance of TB National Workshop - Awareness Campaign in Meet Kenana village - Awareness among children and youth in Benha Sporting club
* Target group: Youth Children Adults
* Messages concerned on: 1) The proper way for early detection of TB. 2) The problems and risks of TB infection.
SCOPH 2011-2012 Final REPORT
Mental Health Campaign Project Coordinator : Shaimaa Ragab
* Aim: Serving and supporting the mentally affected patients by visiting them and being beside them in many of their celebrations and making them part of our huge society. Beside removal of any dilemma concerning this point among public and to make them share in all activities of population as a normal part of Egyptians.
* Time: - Attendance of Mental Health Workshop in Pre-GA Mansoura - Attendance of Mental Health Celebration in the mental and psychaitiric hospital in Abbasya 6th of April 2012.
* Target group: Mental patients: supporting them Public: removal of dilemma
* Messages concerned on: 1) The mentally affected patient is a normal patient. 2) The problems and risks of their removal from society.
SCOPH 2011-2012 Final REPORT
SCOPH 2011-2012 Final REPORT
SCOPH Manual Project Coordinator : Hend El Shafie
* Aim: Collection of all activities, projects and partners of SCOPH committee locally and nationally to facilitate the handing over process at the end of each term and to ensure of continuity of the committee forever.
SCOPH Media Project Coordinator : Rami Abdallah Eissa
* Aim: Having a corporate identity within IFMSA-EGYPT and to facilitate the work of the national coordinators. Beside having members a national teams to raise their skills especially in designation process.
SCOPH 2011-2012 Final REPORT
HBV Vaccination 3rd dose Project Coordinator : Whole SCOPH team
* Aim: Protection of medical students, doctors and paramedical personnel from infection by HBV as they are the most predisposed group for infection.
* Methodology: It was preceded by HBV awareness campaign and it was done with VACSERA as the source of the vaccination.
* Steps: - 1st step: Registration of attending people from 16th to 30th April 2011. - 2nd step: 1st HBV vaccination dosage on 9th, 10th and 11th Mai 2011. - 3rd step: 2nd HBV vaccination dosage on 14th and 15th June 2011. - 4th step: 3rd HBV vaccination dosage which will be held on November 2011.
* Target group: Medical students – Medical doctors – Paramedical workers.
* Messages concerned on: 1) The proper way for avoiding infection by vaccination. 2) Advantages of proper vaccination against HBV.
SCOPH 2011-2012 Final REPORT
Needle Stick Injury NSI Project Coordinator : Amr Gamal M.
* Aim: Another national campaign aiming to solve a lot of problems facing many doctors and patients on usage of syringes as transmitted blood infections as HBV and HCV…etc. Another aim was to make cooperation with SCORA team to make more harmony between all BSSSians, by adding awareness against HIV (AIDS).
* Time: - Postponed to February month due to Ahmed Harara celebration and exams.
* Target group: Medical students – Medical doctors – Paramedical workers.
* Messages concerned on: 1) The proper way for avoiding infection. 2) The problems and risks of HBV, HCV and HIV. 3) Advantages of proper technique to deal with syringes.
SCOPH 2011-2012 Final REPORT
Special Thanks for all the work team who shared us in raising our committee projects high
Thanks for all SCOPHEROs Thanks for all participating non SCOPHEROs Presented by:
Amr Gamal Mohamed BSSS-LPO 2010-2012
Mohamed Ashraf BSSS-Acting LPO May 2012