CHEDLink The Official Publica on of the Commission on Higher Educa on Caraga Region
Thumbs up for the implementa on of the CHED K to 12 Transi on Program. Photo shows Caraga HEI Presidents and other Officials, DepED ARD Dr. Ramir Uy co, CHED CARAGA Regional Director Maricar R. Casquejo-CESO III, and Mr. Karol Mark Yee Deputy Program Manager of CHED K to 12 Transi on Program.
The CHED Caraga successfully conducted the Regional Conference in K to 12 Transi on Program, which was par cipated in by HEI Presidents and Key Officials, on February 5, 2016 at LJ Mega Conven on Center, Butuan City. Mr. Karol Mark Yee, Deputy Program Manager of CHED K to 12 Transi on Program, as the resource person, presented the updates concerning the prepara ons of the Commission for the K to 12 transi on program. Mr. Yee emphasized the interagency efforts of CHED, DepEd and DOLE. CHED provides development grants, which open op-
portuni es for faculty and staff to upgrade their qualifica ons, while providing income support through scholarship for graduate studies, SHS training packages, and innovaon grants for higher ins tu ons. He also discussed that Department of Educa on has established the “Green Lane” program, which priori zes the hiring of displaced HEI Personnel, matching them in terms of locaon and salary. And DOLE, through its “Adjustment Measures Program”, where displaced employees who do not or cannot transfer to SHS can receive income support, employment facilita on, training and livelihood opportuni es.