CHEDLink The Official Publica on of the Commission on Higher Educa on Caraga Region
Thumbs up for the implementa on of the CHED K to 12 Transi on Program. Photo shows Caraga HEI Presidents and other Officials, DepED ARD Dr. Ramir Uy co, CHED CARAGA Regional Director Maricar R. Casquejo-CESO III, and Mr. Karol Mark Yee Deputy Program Manager of CHED K to 12 Transi on Program.
The CHED Caraga successfully conducted the Regional Conference in K to 12 Transi on Program, which was par cipated in by HEI Presidents and Key Officials, on February 5, 2016 at LJ Mega Conven on Center, Butuan City. Mr. Karol Mark Yee, Deputy Program Manager of CHED K to 12 Transi on Program, as the resource person, presented the updates concerning the prepara ons of the Commission for the K to 12 transi on program. Mr. Yee emphasized the interagency efforts of CHED, DepEd and DOLE. CHED provides development grants, which open op-
portuni es for faculty and staff to upgrade their qualifica ons, while providing income support through scholarship for graduate studies, SHS training packages, and innovaon grants for higher ins tu ons. He also discussed that Department of Educa on has established the “Green Lane” program, which priori zes the hiring of displaced HEI Personnel, matching them in terms of locaon and salary. And DOLE, through its “Adjustment Measures Program”, where displaced employees who do not or cannot transfer to SHS can receive income support, employment facilita on, training and livelihood opportuni es.
Director’s Message
We are pleased to share with you CHED Caraga’s Newsle?er for 2016. Here you will find ar cles on efforts and updates in the implementa on of the various CHED Programs such as the K to 12 Transi on Program, complementa on project of SUCs in Caraga, regional ini a ves on research, Gender and Development, Corporate Social Responsibility, as well as STUFAPs implementa on and success stories of grantees, among other ma?ers. With 55 Higher Educa on Ins tu ons, and with our various partners and stakeholders, we hope this Newsle?er will serve as one of the ways to help you keep connected with CHED Caraga and to find the many opportuni es in which we can work together. We look forward to hearing your stories and ideas for upcoming issues and welcome your ideas and feedback. Please feel free to contact the CHED Caraga Regional Office to find out more informa on on any of our programs. Let us always con nue to Work for God and With God.
THE EDITORIAL STAFF Engr. Ramil A. Sanchez, MPA Alma S. Patron, RSW, LL.B Editors in Chief
CHEDLink is produced by the Commission on Higher Education Caraga Regional Office. Comments and suggestions on the newsletter as well as articles and other manuscripts for consideration in future publications are welcome.
Noeme Rose B. Deluta, CPA, MM Managing Editor Contributors: Julia Felisa C. Mar%nez, Ph.D. Lorenza S. Fuentes, Ph.D. Evangeline E. Daga-ang, DPA Lyra A. Viajar, RN, MN
Contact CHED Caraga at: (Area Code: 085) Telefax No. : RD (085) 342-7765 Tel. Nos. : CEPS (085) 815-3699 Tech./StuFAPs (085) 815-3698 StuFAPS 09120892045 Admin. (085) 816-2408/342-5253 K to 12 PMU 09120893267
Amy C. Saavedra, MSCA Nick Y. Jorillo, CPA Maria Caryl S. Lucino Layout Ar st Maricar R. Casquejo, Ph.D., CESO III Consultant
CHED Caraga on the Internet and Social Media Website: StuFAPs: K to 12 Transition Program: Like Us on Facebook : Follow Us on Twitter @chedcaraga
The CHED Central Office PMU in collabora on with their counterparts in CHED Caraga conducted a Regional Workshop and Informa on Dissemina on on the Nomina ons for Instruc on, Research, and Sectoral Engagement (IRSE) Grants at Big Daddy Hotel and Conven on Center, Butuan City on April 15, 2016. It was a?ended by 77 par cipants coming from the different Higher Educa on Ins tu ons, Public and Private Vice Presidents, and Human Resource Officers across Caraga Region. Three (3) representa ves from the Na onal Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) - Caraga also a?ended the said ac vity. The orienta on was aimed at discussing what IRSE is all about as well as the IRSE Booster Plan Challenge with representa ves from CHED Central Office PMU as speakers namely, Mr. Jus n Edward Modesto III and Ms. Clarisse Gomez, Instruc on Program Officer. It was men oned that under the grant, higher educa on personnel may conduct engagements with CHED approved partners in the form of industry immersion, commissioned research, or extension ac vi es while receiving a monthly grant from CHED. CHED Caraga RD Dr. Maricar R. Casquejo enjoined the HEIs to take this unique opportunity to engage their faculty members to meaningful endeavor such as this.
The par cipants with CHED Central Office PMU and CHED Caraga Personnel during the Regional Workshop and Informa on Dissemina on on the Nomina on for IRSE Grants
RD Maricar Casquejo and Engr. Ramil A. Sanchez with the approved nominees of Scholarship for Graduate Studies
One hundred nineteen (119) scholars for the First Semester and ninety-one (91) for the Second Semester were approved under the K to 12 Transi on Program Scholarships for Academic Year 2016-2017. Together with the K to 12 Unit of CHED Central Office, the K to 12 Program Management Team of CHED Caraga organized the “Scholar’s Onboarding and Sending Higher Educa on Ins tu ons (SHEIs) Orienta on,” at the Commission on Higher Educa onCaraga Regional Office last June 22, 2016 and December 22, 2016 respec vely, invi ng the approved nominees for a one-day orienta on to tackle updates on the scholarship nomina ons for the Academic Year 2016-2017. The guidelines and procedures were discussed for the benefit of approved scholars and their SHEIs as well as the policies, benefits, and privileges during the whole course of the program. The Scholarships for Graduate Studies for Faculty and Staff is designed to fulfill the following objec ves : (1) Assist in managing the impact of the K to 12 transi on period to labor, (2) Upgrade qualifica ons of HEI personnel during this opportune me , and (3) increase the availability of quality graduate programs. Scholars can go on full- me study to earn Master’s or Doctorate degrees, with scholarship privileges that include tui on cost, s pend, book allowance, and trans-
CHEDCHED-CO CONDUCTS IDIGIDIG-LL ROADSHOW Presidents, campus Directors and representa ves across Caraga Region par cipated in the informa on session. The context and updates concerning the K to 12 Transi on and the Lifelong Learner’s Program and Ins tu onal Development Grants were discussed by Ms. Angeli Syjueco, Senior Communica on Officer and Ms. Danica Valdez, Ins tuonal Grants Officer of the CHEDCO PMU. The par cipants during the Regional Info Sessions on IDIG and Lifelong Learner’s Program.
The Commission on Higher Educa on-Central Office through the K to 12 Program Management Unit conducted Regional Informa on Sessions on Ins tu onal Development and Innova on Grants (IDIG) and Lifelong Learner’s Program on July 21 at the LJ Mega Conven on, Butuan City. FiIy (50) HEI
There are two categories men oned under IDIG namely Ins tu onal Development– that covers projects undertaken by an HEI towards typology; and Ins tu onal Innova on– to enhance academic programs and linkages that hold higher levels of accredita on. The IDIG seeks to strengthen the role of HEIs as providers of quality educa on, as well as catalysts for posi ve change in na onalism, inclusive growth and sustainable development and global compe veness.
NEDA CARAGA SPEARHEADS ORIENTATION ON IRSE GRANTS FOR RDC MEMBERS AND LGUs Government Units (LGUs) last April 26 at Almont Hotel Inland Resort, Butuan City. The primary objec ve of the said orienta on was to give RDC members and LGU representa ves a full grasp of the IRSE Grants as possible partners of Higher Educa on Ins tu ons (HEIs) to conduct studies and research projects.
From le7 to right : Mylah Faye Aurora B. Cariño, CESO IV, Director of NEDA Caraga; Maricar R. Casquejo, CESO III, Director IV of CHED Caraga; and Mr. Kevin Ross D. Nera, CHED-PMU
In line with the con nued partnership between the Commission on Higher Educa on of Caraga and the Na onal Economic and Development Authority in this Region towards ensuring a successful transi on towards K to 12, par cularly the implementa on of Instruc on, Research and Sectoral Engagement (IRSE) Grants, NEDA Caraga spearheaded an Orienta on on the IRSE Grants for the Regional Development Council (RDC) Member Agencies and Local
The NEDA Caraga Regional Director and RDC Vice Chairperson, Mylah Faye Aurora B. Cariño, welcomed the 59 par cipants from 47 various Agencies and LGUs across the region. To disseminate well the informa on on IRSE Grants, Mr. Kevin Ross D. Nera from CHED Central Office served as Resource Speaker. The Sectoral Engagement Grants are designed to assist in managing the impact of the K to 12 transi on period to labor, align classroom instruc on with exis ng industry prac ces, and contribute technical exper se of higher educa on personnel to the pursuit of regional & na onal development.
MINDANAOMINDANAO-WIDE INFORMATION INFORMATION SESSION ON SCHOLARSHIPS FOR GRADUATE STUDIES ABROAD ABROAD The Commission on Higher Educa on conducted a Mindanao-Wide Informa on Session on Scholarships for Graduate Studies Abroad on November 15 at Greenleaf Hotel, General Santos City, par cipated by Vice Presidents and Chancellors for Academic Affairs and Human Resource Personnel from Higher Educa on Ins tu ons of Regions IX, X, XI, XII, Caraga, and ARMM. The event aimed to deepen and expand the promo on The Technical Staff of CHED Caraga together with the speakof scholarship opportuni es offered by the Commission ers from CHED CO and the personnel from CHEDRO XII durand its partners for qualified faculty and staff during the ing the Mindanao-Wide Informa on Session on Scholarships K to 12 transi on period. These scholarship opportunifor Graduate Studies Abroad es serve two purposes: (1) to address the adverse impact of the full implementa on of the K to 12 to HEI Fulbright, United Board, and Newton-CHED PhD Scholarpersonnel, and (2) to enhance the quality and relevance ships. Scholarships for graduate studies abroad expose of higher educa on by inves ng in HEI faculty and staff. higher educa on faculty and staff to exper se and training in emerging disciplines that are s ll in the ini al Among the scholarships discussed during the session stages of development locally. It also paves the way for includes the Commission’s Par al Support Grant for leadership in specific sectors, both in the academe and Foreign Studies, Australian Awards, CHED-PhilFrance, in the prac ce of par cular specializa ons.
K TO 12 PROCESS EVALUATION EVALUATION AND POLICY WORKSHOP The CHED Caraga K to 12 Project Technical Staff par cipated in the Process Evalua on and Policy Workshop on the K to 12 Transi on Program at Mallberry Suites Business Hotel, Cagayan de Oro City on November 23-25, 2016. The ac vity aimed to evaluate the internal processes and policies of the en re K to 12 PMU in order to come up with a more responsive policy framework, which can be used in the succeeding years. Specifically, the process evalua on aimed to iden fy key services, products, and processes of the PMU; to iden fy root causes of problems and determine strategies for interven on; and to provide inputs to streamlining ini a ves in order to ensure improved service-delivery to stakeholders. The workshop has three parts, namely: mapping , understanding, and streamlining processes. The outputs of the par cipants includes process architectures, problem trees, SWOL analyses, suggested policy amendments, and cost benefit analyses among others.
The Project Technical Staff of the K to 12 Program Management Units in Mindanao together with the speakers from the Central Office, PAFPs from Regions XI and XII, and the Regional Directors of CHEDRO IX and X
The workshop hoped to enhance regional PMUs capability in delivering a coordinated and organized implementa on of various scholarships and grants under the K to 12 Transi on.
Director Napoleon B. Imperial with RD Maricar Casquejo of CHED Caraga, officials from SUCs and representa ves of DOST, NEDA and DBM
Dr. Casquejo with Caraga DSWD Director Minda Brigoli and PAGE Officials
Created on February 27, 2014, the Local Task Force (LTF) for the Restructuring of Public Higher Educa on Ins tu ons (RPHEIs) is now chaired by the Regional Director of CHED Caraga, Dr. Maricar R. Casquejo, and co-chaired by Dr. Anthony Penaso, CSU President, and PASUC Caraga Chair. The members of the LTF are the Regional Director of DBM, the Regional Director of NEDA, and the respec ve Presidents of the four State Universi es and Colleges of Caraga.
The CHED Caraga and the Philippine Associa on of Graduate Educa on (PAGE) – Caraga successfully conducted the Regional Congress on Higher Educa on Research on March 12, 2016 at Balanghai Hotel, Butuan City.
On September 9, Deputy Execu ve Director Napoleon B. Imperial met the Presidents and representa ves of the four SUCs and representa ves of Caraga Public HEIs, namely: Philippine Normal University – Mindanao, University of Southeastern Philippines – Bislig and Hinatuan Southern College. Representa ves of NEDA – Caraga, DBM Caraga and DOST – Caraga were also present. Director Imperial commented on the proposal en tled “The Whole is Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts: Ra onaliza on towards Complementa on of Public Higher Educa on Ins tu ons in Caraga Region”. LTF Caraga Chair Dr. Casquejo emphasized the need to maximize the efforts of the four SUCs involved in coopera on with CHED Caraga, and clarified that the region was not for structural amalgama on but the ini a ve was instead labeled as “complementa on”, which encompasses the 1st and 2nd stages of amalgama on.
The Research Congress was par cipated by the Deans/ Heads/Coordinators of Graduate Educa on Programs, Research Directors/Coordinators of HEIs, Faculty Members and Graduate Educa on Students currently on Thesis/Disserta on Wri ng, and Graduates of Masters/Doctorate Degrees. The 2016 Regional Congress on Higher Educa on Research generally addresses the issue on research produc vity of faculty members and graduate educaon students in Caraga Region. This joint ini a ve of PAGE and CHED aims to address challenges evident in the results of monitoring and evalua on conducted by the CHED Caraga Technical Staff. The Congress was also a?ended by DSWD Caraga with Regional Director Minda Brigoli who presented the research agenda. Part of PAGE’s objec ve is to encourage and promote the produc on and dissemina on of func onal researches; making the library, research facili es and resources reciprocally available.
Various ac vi es as regards the implementa on of the Student Financial Assistance Programs were conducted by the Commission on Higher Educa on—Caraga Regional Office in partnership with different stakeholders, some of which are featured in this sec on.
CHED CARAGA CONDUCTS ORIENTATION ON CHED STUFAPs AND INTRO TO GENDER AND DEVELOPMENT AMONG CHED GRANTEES The CHEDRO Caraga conducted the Orienta on on CHED StuFAPs and Intro to Gender and Development among CHED grantees under Student Financial Assistance Programs on December 21, 2016 at the Func on Hall of CHED Caraga, Butuan City.
CHEDCO Office of Student and Development Services staff together with CHED Caraga STUFAP personnel during the conduct of STUFAP Monitoring
On October 12-13 2016, the CHED Office on Student CHEDCO OSDS staff together with CHED Caraga and STUFAP Development (OSDS), personnelServices during the conductrepresented of STUFAP by Ms. Grace Pedrajas Monitoring and Ms. Be?y Maglanoc, conducted a monitoring on Student Financial Assistance Programs (StuFAPs), SAFE for SR, PGMA HELP, and Study Now Pay Later (SNPLP) program. During the two-day ac vity, the status and u liza on of funds for the Student Financial Assistance Programs (StuFAP), Iskolar ng Bayan (INB), Study Now, Pay Later Program (SNPLP) and the ins tu onal loans namely, SAFE for SR and PGMA HELP were among the topics discussed. Father Saturnino Urios University and Caraga State University, the big schools in the Region were also monitored on their implementa on of the StuFAPs and other ins tu onal loan programs. During the post-conference, favorable findings were made by the CHED Office on Student and Development Services Team for be?er implementa on of the said programs.
The orienta on was set to convey to student grantees the policies, guidelines and procedures of the CMO 13 Series of 2014, Study Now Pay Later Program and the overview on the basics of Gender and Development which is mely to bring consciousness on increasing cases of violence occurring in school campuses. Dr. Maricar R. Casquejo, Director IV of CHED Caraga led the ac vity together with the StuFAPs Unit. In her inspira onal message, the Director emphasized to the students that becoming one of the grantees is a privilege, a responsibility and obliga on to self because not everyone gets the chance to have it. Moreover, various issues and concerns were also addressed.
The STUFAPs grantees
I have been working as a Supervisor in BP for almost three years now and part of my responsibility is to coach, mentor, and help my team improve performance, behavior, and most importantly, to help them succeed. Aiming and reaching success or to be successful is not an easy road to take. You need to go through a lo of fallbacks, struggles, and challenges before finally achieving it. Change is hard to admit, but it is killing us especially if we are geRng used to our schedules and teammates; however it is inevitable and that is something we need to adapt 8 | CHEDLINK
and accept. I can s ll remember the day when I was tasked to handle the first ever weekend shiI with two different teams, two different schedules and is composed of 15 people with different personali es. At first, I had a hard me managing it but I didn’t stop trying, learning, and growing because I embraced the challenge and it never bothered me to do the best that I can to take care of my people and teammates. Hard work, determina on and clarity of purpose took me to a new level. The perseverance I learnt when I was s ll a CHED scholar greatly contributed to the person I am today.
Success is not built on success. It’s built on failure. It’s built on frustra on. Some mes it’s built on catastrophe.” – Sumner Redstone. A HELPING HAND By Anthony Chan O. Ariola
When I graduated in my secondary level of education, I already set my mind to just stop and just look for means of livelihood that would help provide the daily needs of my family since we don’t have enough funds to support my aspiration of becoming a professional teacher. But there was never a single day that I did not pray for a helping hand that would come and let me achieve my heart’s desire; and truly my unending prayer was heard and I was given a chance to be referred by a professor to be one of the grantees of CHED Financial Assistance Program. And that was the time when a glimpse of light was rayed to my path of carrying out my dream to actuality and was so thankful for the rare chance of being a scholar of CHED. It was not an easy journey and indeed the scholarship truly helped me and my family. I graduated with a degree in Biology, and now working in BPO while saving for my Masters degree study. Without a doubt, a way to craft a better future is to set goals and aspirations, for definitely a helping hand would come our way which will serve as an instrument to acquire what we desire for. Trust and surrender to our needs though will make us weak but the struggle will eventually make us a strong person . That’s how CHED’s Student Financial Assistance Program helped me reach personal success.
THE ENDURANCE OF HOPE: A CHED SCHOLARS’ STORY OF SUCCESS By Jess Anthony S. Atup I joined different student organiza ons and became the Editor-in-Chief of our university student publica on. I led a number of campus journalism workshops in elementary and ter ary schools and consistently made it to the top 10 University Dean’s list. But these academic successes did not bring me to places; it was the Diploma I earned through CHED’s financial help. Taken with IBM Chief Procurement Officer and well-known Global Supply Chain Leader, John Paterson
I can s ll clearly recall the devasta ng feeling of not being able to go to the university I want, because it was just financially impossible, and no ma?er how I convince my parents to take chances and allow me to study in Mindanao State University under a school grant, their quick reply was, “we cannot afford to send you a peso when you study outside Butuan City.” I kept an open mind; we had to share meals to get by when I was in high school. My parents knew it was not just feasible; and all I had was courage. But every cloud has a silver lining and it came through CHED’s Regional Scholarship. AIer passing the Na onal Qualifying Examina on, CHED’s Regional Scholarship allowed me to study in any school within the Caraga Region. It was for me and for my parents an answered prayer. I get to go to school without leaving my family behind. My hope was given a be?er spark. I took up Bachelor of Science in Commerce Major in Accoun ng Management at Fr. Saturnino Urios University (FSUU) and accepted the nomina on of the other scholars to become the President of the CHED-Scholars Organiza on when I was a freshman. I leI the student organiza on a legacy by draIing the Cons tu on and by Laws and enlis ng our org to the University’s League of Campus Organiza ons. The CHED-Scholarship unlike other grants was forgiving; it only asked me to pass every subject. Because of this I was able to focus on learning rather than keeping grades.
AIer college, I have worked for two of the best companies in the world— IBM, Inc. and Expert Global Solu ons, Inc. My resume may look promising because I graduated Summa Cum Laude, recipient of Journalism Award and Most Outstanding Accountancy student award, s ll I took pride that I was a CHED scholar and it has made all the difference. It is vivid in my memory the me when I was being interviewed by IBM for a posi on in their Integrated General and Services Supply Chain organiza on. I confidently claimed that I have a solid proof of my dedica on at work— I was a consistent scholar and it translated to a number of humble achievements during my college years. The scholarship was my tes mony. I have seen my fellow CHED-Scholars labored to finish college; we labored to be future-ready— we shared a common pride- we were CHED scholars. I am living a be?er life today with my family. I have worked with the best people in the Philippines, Asia and U.S. and I have earned my brand as a Strategic Sourcing Professional and Procurement Project Lead. While real success cannot be measured, I take pride of the journey that made me who I am today. Ten years ago I kept a hope; today I am faithfully living my dream.
If you have less in life, getting a college education is a hope more than a dream. It was for me an extremely frail hope ten years ago. -Jess Anthony
The Commission on Higher Educa on-Caraga Regional Office has collaborated with the ITE Department Facul es of College of Engineering and Informa on Technology (CEIT) of the Caraga State University-Main Campus, being the Region’s Center of Development for Informa on Technology Educa on. They have successfully developed and implemented the CHED Caraga Cer fica on, Authen ca on and Verifica on Informa on System, which is part of the Office’s business process streamlining that is meant to improve service provision and intensify ac on to clientele’s CAV requests for local purposes. The system development spanned over two months, and became opera onal on July 4, through the efforts done by Mr. Mark Phil B. Pacot, MSIT, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Program Head and Project Leader; Mr. Junrie B. Ma as, MIT and Database Administrator and Mr. Rife, Computer Science Student and Project Staff being the system developers and Ms. Revelyn P. Brina, Records Officer of the Commission for providing complete data on Enrolment and Promo onal Reports from year 2008 to 2016. From the original three working days to process CAV request, it is now automa cally processed provided that the client is a graduate within the 2008-2016 bracket, for only records of the said years were migrated to the system at the mean me. The reques ng party can wait, thus elimina ng the inconvenience or the hassles of making follow-ups. Through this regional ini a ve and its subsequent full implementa on, this significantly improve efficiency, increased produc vity, and customer sa sfac on.
CHEDRO Staff during the Month Long Celebra on of Women’s Month CHED Caraga par cipated in the various inter-agency ac vi es conducted in rela on to Gender and Development. Selected personnel a?ends in the series of ac vi es such as the Advocacy Walk on March 1 and Kalandrakas on March 8 at Balanghai Hotel Conven on Center. CHED Caraga also took part in celebra on of the World Day against Human Trafficking on July 29 with the theme, “Ituloy ang Laban Kontra Human Trafficking”. The Regional Inter-Agency Council against Trafficking – Violence against Women and Children (RIACAT-VAWC), which is composed of government agencies and partner stakeholders from the different sectors lined up ac vi es for the said celebra on to include Oratorical Contest and On-the-Spot Poster Making Contest with cash prizes and giI cer ficates to be given to the winners.
Director Maricar R. Casquejo, (Second row; third from the le7) together with the par cipants and the resource speakers Remedios Ignacio-Rikken and Cris Anthony Gonzales
The Commission on Higher Educa on – Caraga Region through its commitment on a Gender Fair Higher Educa on hosted the Gender Sensi vity Training using Crea ve Pedagogy last September 29-October 1, 2016 at DoRe’s Place Hotel and Restaurant, Butuan City. It was par cipated by the personnel from the four CHEDROs namely CHEDRO X, XI, XII and Caraga with former Chairperson of the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW), Remedios Ignacio-Rikken and Cris Anthony Gonzales of PETA as resource speakers. Key points discussed includes economic, social, poli cal, cultural a?ributes and responsibili es associated with one’s gender. The Gender Sensi vity Training is an introduc on of the concept of Gender and Development. It is an awareness advocacy that eventually paves way to Gender Mainstreaming on the Commission on Higher Educa on’s services.
PARTICIPATION TO TREE PLANTING ACTIVITY AND URIAN GK BUILD To contribute to the goal of transla ng the tenets of environmental protec on and sustainable development into a tangible reality, ten personnel coming from CHED Caraga par cipated in the Tree Plan ng Ac vity, which was spearheaded by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources Caraga last June 24 at Taguibo Watershed, Brgy. Pianing, Butuan City. The said event was one of the highlights of this year’s Environment Month Celebra on, in commemora on of Arbor Day – a holiday observed in many countries in which individuals and groups plant and nurture trees. CHED Caraga joined the Father Saturnino Urios University (FSUU) on September 10, 2016 in their tradi on of Urian GK Build as part of their 115th Founda on Anniversary celebra on. The CHED staff par cipated in the construc on of two new houses in GK Village, Barangay Mahay, Butuan City. The two houses for two families gave them new home and new life in their GK Community . FSUU had been a partner of the Gawad Kalinga in building homes
INVOLVEMENT ON COASTAL CLEAN UP CHED Caraga joined the Clean-up Day spearheaded by the Civil Service Commission and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources at Masao Resort, Butuan City on September 16, 2016. It was par cipated by government officials and employees who picked up trashes and planted mangroves in line with the month-long celebra on of the 116th Anniversary of the Philippine Civil Service. The event was also in celebra on of the Interna onal Coastal Clean-up (ICC) Day on the third week of September pursuant to Presiden al Proclama on No. 470, series of 2003. All government offices have been enjoined to par cipate in the province-wide ac vity.
CHED CARAGA EMPLOYEES EMPLOYEES VISIT HOME FOR THE GIRLS Bearing in mind the message of the song, Give Love on Christmas Day, the personnel of the Commission on Higher Educa on – Caraga Regional Office visited the Department of Social Welfare and Development’s Home for the Girls at Brgy. Bonbon, Butuan City on December 20, 2016. The ac vity was aimed at fulfilling social responsibility towards one of its stakeholders, which in this case, is a group of less fortunate girls residing in a home away from their real families. The Home for the Girls houses vic ms of abandonment and sexual abuse, who are primarily in need of shelter, care, love, and security from the state. The employees of CHED Caraga, headed by Dr. Maricar R. Casquejo, CESO III, made a concerted effort to prepare giIs deemed useful and necessary for the children, teenagers, and adults residing at the Home for the Girls.