The Real Estate Guide June/July

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The Real Estate Guide A FREE publication serving Southeast Kansas

Independence, Coffeyville, Neodesha, Edna, Cherryvale, Fredonia, Caney

June/July, 2011

American Homes Realty

Midwest Real Estate

Real Estate Center

Whitetail Properties

United Country Frederick

George Realtors

United Country Real Estate

Page 2

June/July 2011

The Real Estate Guide Don’t Be “Fuelish” With Your Lawn Mower Care

(NAPS)—When it comes to getting the most from a lawn mower or other power equipment, using the wrong blend of fuel or skipping off-season maintenance just won’t cut it. The fuel blends and ethanol percentages that may be right for cars—an ethanol concentration greater than 10 percent— are not recommended for power equipment or marine engines. Also, any fuel blend stored in an unused engine may degrade over time and harm small engines. That’s why, experts say, it’s a good idea for consumers to take lawn mowers and other power products to an authorized dealer at the end of each season. “This is a good way to allow a trained professional to properly dispose of unused fuel and ensure the product is ready for next season,” said Mike Rudolph, senior manager, Honda Engines. Consumers can also use fuel stabilizer when not using an engine for more than 30 days. To learn more, visit the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute at

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The Real Estate Guide of Southeast Kansas

This publication is free, one per reader. Removal of more than one paper from any distribution point constitutes theft and violators are subject to prosecution. The Real Estate Guide is published by RAM Publishing, 2422 Stevens, Parsons, KS 67357. We try our best to present an accurate guide for you, but RAM Publishing and our advertisers are not liable for material printed in error. The Real Estate Guide is delivered to real estate agencies, banks, stores, restaurants, hotels, chamber of commerce, convenience stores, and other locations in Independence, Cherryvale, Coffeyville, South Coffeyville, Caney, Edna, Neodesha, and Fredonia. If you are interested in advertising, please call 620-421-2668 or email us at

Deadline for the AUG/SEPT 2011 issue is Friday, July 22, 2011. © Copyright 2011, RAM Publishing. All rights reserved by RAM Publishing.

American Homes Realty.........................pages 10-11 Commercial 2 Community National Bank and 6 Community State 4 Condon Bank and 13 Diebolt Lumber & 6 Farm Bureau Financial 9 First 14 First National 8 Gateway 4 Gemini 6 George 6 Independence Overhead 4 Jake’s Window 4 Lee’s Cooling & 13 Midwest 14 Midwest Real Estate.............................pages 18-19 M i T i e r ra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p a g e 9 Peoples State 13 Real Estate 5 SCC 9 Steamway Carpet 12 The Auction 4 The 6 United Country Frederick Auction & 3 United Country Real Estate Professionals....pages 16-17 Whitetail 7 X-pressions in 14

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United Country Frederick Auction & Realty 1013 W. 11th Street • Coffeyville, KS

See us online at Email:

Larry Frederick Broker/Auctioneer 620-252-9820

Patti Miller 620-252-8744

Berta Harrald 620-252-8591

Amy Erne 620-331-9606

Carol Rowe 918-230-0836

Nicole Rexwinkle 620-515-2957


Jessica Hensley 620-779-1959

Steve Cornett 620-515-6307

4110 CR 1250, Coffeyville- 4BRs, 2 baths, 2 car garage, fenced 25 acres, 2 stocked ponds, located SW of Coffeyville on blacktop RD! #18559.......................$125,000

2861 W. Northbrook, Coffeyville- This Exquisite Brick/Stone Custom built 3-6BR home has flawless craftsmanship, 3,800 sq ft, 3 car garage, 1.5 acres. Built in 2002. #18965...........................................................................................................................$355,000

320 Acres, Labette County, KS230 acres of productive bottomland on Snow Creek, SE of Coffeyville with balance in timber & creek, excellent hunting. #15007-10245-18........$448,000

602 S. Elm, Coffeyville-Turn of the century 1½ story home located on a beautifully landscaped corner lot, 4BRs, 2 baths, 2 living areas, 1985 sq ft. #19004........................$99,900

1693 CR 3900, Coffeyville- SW corner of Hwy 160 & 3900 (10th St. RD). Perfect for commercial business interest, 4.9 acres w/ paved road frontage on 2 sides. #18370........................$65,000

7 S. Havana Lake Rd., HavanaCompletely remodeled 2BR, 1 bath, 2 living area home located on a 60 acre lake. #17885........................$92,000

1101 W. 3rd, Coffeyville- 2BR, 2 bath, 3 car garage, vinyl siding, CH/A, fenced backyard, 2 storage buildings. #16883........................$44,500

101 Tyler Blvd., Coffeyville- 4BR, 3 bath corner lot, 2 story home 615 W. 5 , Coffeyville- 5BR, 3 located in Tyler Gardens, 2 eatbath, 3 story corner lot home, 2 ing areas, 3 living areas, privacy car garage, storage building. fenced backyard. #17799........................$79,900 #18302........................$157,500 th

412 E. 6th, Caney- Corner of 6th & McGee (Hwy 75), south end of Caney, ideal for commercial business interest, almost an acre. #1 8264........................$130,000

1415 West 1st Street, Coffeyville- A really neat 3BR, 1 bath home with lots of crazy good features, almost all new windows, CH/A, 1,258 sq ft, chain link fenced backyard, deck. #18856..$47,500

302 E. Myrtle, Edna-2BR corner lot home that has been updated, 1 car attached garage. #18392........................$47,000

109 Glenwood, Coffeyville- 2BR, 1 bath bungalow home w/2 living areas, large backyard. #17199........................$33,000

2403 Parkway Ave., Coffeyville2BR, 2 living area Ranch style home is located in very desirable neighborhood, this home is in move-in condition. #18380........................$65,000

3912 CR 2600, Coffeyville- 3BR, 1 bath home, 2 car attached garage located on an acre, on Turkey Farm RD, almost next to 10th St. RD. #16827........................$77,500

712 S. Spruce, Coffeyville-Victorian home is a step in the past, 4BRs, 1½ baths, 2 story home has lots of hardwood floors & oak woodwork. #18930.......$85,000

LOT: 915 N. Lee, Coffeyville 90 x 140 lot, would be wonderful to build that “dream home”. Close to LeClare Park, tennis courts, golf course, Aquatic Center Swimming Pool & etc. #16546 $9,400

for your business & support this year!

Page 4

June/July, 2011

The Real Estate Guide Home Improvement Checklist:

• FHA 203K (purchase loan) • FHA 203Ks (purchase/refinance loan) • VA loans • USDA loans • Conventional Financing

Call Jeff Dahlgren at


Gateway Mortgage Group is a National Mortgage Banker based out of Tulsa, Ok specializing in the FHA 184 Native American Loan Program. The FHA 184 is a lown down payment (2.25%) with no monthly mortgage insurance and credit scores down to 560.

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See us on Facebook @ The Auction House

Do you have too much stuff?!? Let us deal with the stress.


1414 W. 11th Street Coffeyville, KS

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Page 5

Real Estate Center

Clayton & Clara Farlow 533 N. Penn Ave. Independence, KS (620) 331-7550 Clayton Farlow Broker/Owner

609 W. Beech, Independence This ranchette has 2 bedrooms, 2 baths. CH/A. Attached garage. #8050 $54,900

1571 N. 21st, Independence A ready to move into home. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. CH/A. 1 acre M/L. #8038 $79,000

Becky Lyons 600 Madison Fredonia, KS (620) 378-2202

823 W. Oak, Independence Nice large floor plan. 3 or 4 BRs, 2 baths. 2 fireplaces, CH/A and family room has vaulted ceilings. #8049 $66,900

212 W. Laurel, Independence Independence-This cozy 2 BR 1920 and 1922 W. Main, home has 1.5 baths. CH/A. Independence- Great highway Great investment. This 3 BR, 2 Fenced yard w/screened pa- frontage with other businesses bath home is presently a duplex. CH/A, 2 kitchens. #8068 tio. 2 car att. garage. Close to near. Great for retail. #7995 schools. #7941 $69,000 $26,000 $290,000

1116 Cement Rd., Fredonia 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths. CH/A. Large lot. 2 car detached garage. #8054 $134,000

17802 Inman Rd., Fredonia3BR home. Great for small family. Det. garage. 3 plus acres M/L. #8059 $75,000

717 N. 8th, Neodesha-Cute 2 or 3 BR home. Some new updates. 3 porches, 2 car detached garage. #8055 $25,000

16153 Douglas Rd., Fredonia3BRs, 2 baths. CH/A. Back deck. 2 car carport. 40 plus acres M/L. #8060 $195,000

1785 58 Rd., Independence Split level home with 3 BRs, 2.5 baths. CH/A. Privacy fenced backyard w/deck. 2 car att garage and carport. #7983 $89,500

1217 N. 6th, Neodesha Comfortable layout to this 3BR home. CH/A. Nice deck in front. Close to swim park. Neodesha. #8063 $78,500

1002 Grant, Neodesha-3BRs, 1ž baths. New thermo-pane windows. Decks on front and back. #8035 $45,000

604 N. 9th, Fredonia-3BRs, 2 baths. Most appliances stay. CH/A. Covered patio. 2 car det. garage. #8053 $66,000

Audrey Thompson 509 Main Neodesha, KS (620) 325-5090

1847 Brookside Dr., Independence-3BR home with CH/A. 2 car detached garage. 1 acre M/L. #8041 $65,000

1130 Main, Altoona-3BRs, 1½ baths. CH/A. W.B. fireplace. Deck and pool in back. Detached garage. #8047 $65,000

1217 N. 6th, Neodesha-3BR home with CH/A. Close to schools and swimming park. #8063 $78,500

233 S. 15th, Fredonia-3BRs, 2 baths. CH/A. Enclosed patio. 2 car att. garage. #8072 $114,600

Page 6

June/July, 2011

The Real Estate Guide

• Conventional mortgages • VA, FHA, RD loans available • Great Rates • Local Servicing Convenient Locations To Serve You • 25 locations in 21 cities across 10 counties. Visit our website at

Independence 125 N. Penn 331-3100

Coffeyville 901 W. 11th 251-9400

Caney 501 E. 4th 879-5500

Edna 100 Delaware 922-3294

Cherryvale 333 W. Main 336-2145

Infinity Complete Pool Kit 7” Top Ledge - 51/2” Uprights Hot-Dipped Galvanized Steel Ledge Covers Designed to Complement the Bottom Plate - One Piece Made of Durable Resin Superior & Bottom Steel Wall Channel 25 Years Limited Warranty - 2 Years at 100%

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100% USDA, FHA, Conventional Financing LOW LOW Rates!! Call now to qualify. 720 Maple St. P.O. Box 1443 Coffeyville, KS 67337 2661 Nebraska Rd., LaHarpe, 5 mi. E of Iola to LaHarpe & Hwy. 54 Jct. then 1 mi. S and 1/4 E.

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Page 7

160 Acres Montgomery County - Diverse Property - 160 m/l, 54 acres tillable, 13 acres in CRP. Remainder in meadow, brush, timber, and creek. Excellent soils Class II, neighboring properties available also.

156 Acres Montgomery County - Prime Hunting 156 Acres m/l, 18.38 tillable, 24 acres CRP, 55 in pasture, remaining in Timber, Brush, and creek. Additional 60 acres, 44 tillable available as well. Utilities on side. Ready for a home or cabin.

85 Acres Montgomery County - Great Place to Build a New Home. 85 acres m/l, 26 acres tillable, more available; balance in warm season pasture, ponds/water and timber. Electric onsite, water nearby. Property sits on Labette/Montgomery.

160 Acres Labette County - Good Hunting with a return. 160 acres m/l, 190 tillable, balance in native meadows and cedar and plum thickets. One pond a wet season draw. Just North of Edna, KS.

147 Acres Labette County - Hunter’s Paradise - 147 acres m/l, 30 acres tillable, 62 acres WRP, balance in mature timber, 2 waterfowl ponds, 1 small pond, warm season meadows, creek bottoms and cedar thickets. Utilities near.

320 Acres Labette County - Excellent Recreational or Investment Property - 223 tillable, acres year round creek; mature Timber. Good gravel access along 3 sides of the property.

160 Acres Cherokee County - Prime Investment or Home Site - 95 acres tillable, 20 native meadow. Large Timber, 1 nice pond, Hwy 166 Frontage. Just 20 minutes from Joplin, MO. 10 miles from Columbus, KS.

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June/July, 2011

The Real Estate Guide

Spring and summer is a great time to start looking for that home you have always dreamed about, well stop dreaming and start doing. • • • •

Convential Mortgages VA, FHA, RD Loans available Competitive Interest Rates Local Loan Servicing

113 N. Penn Ave • Independence, KS See us online at

At First National Bank, we take the time to help answer all the questions you have about buying a home and help you on your way to purchasing that new home. Come see one of our mortgage professionals for all your home loan needs.


First National Bank, Your Family Owned and Operated, Home Town Bank

Could Your Yard Use An Intervention? (NAPS)—Are you struggling with a problem lawn and yard? Are the weeds growing but the grass isn’t? Maybe you’re embarrassed by patchy grass and an overgrown landscape. If so, it may be time for a yard care intervention, and a chance to grow your confidence and a better-looking lawn and landscape. This spring and summer, the Briggs & Stratton Yard Doctor will roll up his sleeves and help homeowners confront their yard care demons, bringing three of America’s neediest yards back into their neighborhoods’ good graces. Yard Doctor Trey Rogers and his team will spend a day providing advice and hands-on help to transform the winning homeowners’ yards into points of pride. In addition to a yard makeover, the winners will receive new lawn care equipment and $1,500 in landscape cash. To enter, visit www. Homeowners can apply for an intervention for themselves or (with permission) they can call out a neighbor, family member or friend in need of help. Each “application” should explain the yard care problems faced and why an intervention is needed, using either a short video or up to four photos to show the yard. One yard will be selected each month from May through July by online voting. Runners-up each month receive cool Yard Smarts gear and a signed copy of the Yard Doctor’s book on growing the perfect lawn. Rogers, who has helped homeowners across the country bring their yards back under control, has the following tips: • Eliminate yard clutter. Pick up and put away kids’ bicycles, balls, lawn furniture, garbage cans and other clutter.

• Mow correctly for a lush lawn. When you mow, cut only one-third of the height of the lawn to encourage strong roots. Cutting too short stresses the lawn, creating an environment ideal for weed growth and disease. • Be sure to trim. Mowing your lawn without trimming is like getting half a haircut. String trim around flowerbeds, sidewalks and decks. • Eliminate overgrowth. Trim back or replace overgrown bushes and trees that overwhelm the front of your house. • Add a focal point. Every home should have a focal point, such as a front door painted in a contrasting color to the home or a landscape feature, such as a beautiful tree, flowerbed or curving pathway to your door. The intervention is sponsored by Briggs & Stratton, the largest maker of gasoline engines for a variety of yard care equipment. The company’s educational web- site, www., provides expert advice and information on topics related to yard care and yard care equipment.

Visit our website at

SCC Mortgage

Make Your Paint Job Look Better And Last Longer

(NAPS)—Now that the weather’s turned cooler and you’re spending more time indoors, there’s no better time to paint. It’s one of the easiest and least expensive ways to change the look of your home. It’s also a project that even the most inexperienced do-it-yourselfer can do with confidence—and with thousands of colors from which to choose, it’s the perfect way to express your unique style and personality at a fraction of the cost of other home improvement projects. Yet even experienced do-it-yourselfers sometimes neglect the first and most important step in achieving the perfect paint job. Professional painters know that the key to a beautiful paint job isn’t buying the most expensive paint. They know that one coat of primer and one coat of paint will give them a better, longer-lasting paint job than two coats of paint. That’s why they prime first, then paint. Here are just some of the benefits of priming before you paint: • Priming saves you time and money. Primers are formulated to seal the surface—and when the surface is sealed, you use less paint. No more multiple coats of paint to get an even, consistent finish if you tint with a quality primer like Zinsser Bulls Eye 1-2-3®. One coat of primer and one coat of paint is usually all you need for a beautiful paint job. Just ask the paint desk to tint your primer toward the color of your paint. It’s that simple. And since a gallon of primer is less expensive than a gallon of paint, you’ll save money, too. • Priming makes paint colors richer. Primers hide previous colors—even the darkest blues and deepest reds— and prevent them from showing through and changing the color of your paint. Your paint colors will be more vibrant and beautiful if you prime first. • Primers block stains. Most stains—water stains, crayon and marker, lipstick or nicotine—will bleed right through paint. This is where primers earn their reputation: They seal in stains and prevent them from ruining your paint job. New advanced-technology water-based primers such as Bulls Eye 1-2-3® PLUS take the guesswork out of primer selection because they seal all stains—even water stains—so you start your paint job with a clean canvas. • You can paint anything if you prime first. If you’ve ever tried to paint a slick surface like vinyl or plastic with paint alone, chances are it just didn’t stick. Primers are formulated to have tenacious adhesion to all surfaces, so you can paint anything—even ceramic tile and Formica cabinets—when you use a primer as your first coat. • Primers make your paint job last longer. Primers prevent common paint problems such as cracking, peeling and blistering and your paint will retain its original color longer, so you’ll have to paint less often. For more helpful tips for a professional-quality paint job or for home improvement project ideas, visit

Page 9

100% financing available to those who qualify! Conventional, VA, FHA, Rural Development, Manufactured Homes...and we even have Homepath programs available.

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Page 10

June/July, 2011

The Real Estate Guide

620-251-HOME (4663)

1307 W. 11th Street Coffeyville, KS

Our listings change daily. Visit our website for updates on property listed.

Broker Carla LeLaCheur 620-252-8924

Agent Dean LeLaCheur 620-515-4747

410 Westwood Dr., Coffeyville $129,900 Ready to move in with updated kitchen, baths and basement. MLS #18582

1610 CR 4000, Bartlett - $559,000 Here is your dream home on 155 acres (mol). Custom built with all the upgrades including full basement. MLS #18393

1504 Catalina, Coffeyville - $37,950 Nice location close to park & walking track. 3BR, 2 bath. MLS #18528

2202 West 4th, Coffeyville - $36,100 Nice location next to Community Elementary School. MLS #18257

2407 Parkway Ave., Coffeyville $39,000 Two bedroom home located on beautiful, shaded, tree-lined street. MLS #17867

106 East John, Coffeyville - $129,900 Enjoy real estate tax rebate. New construction, open floor plan, beautiful cabinets. MLS #18489

506 S. Elm, Coffeyville - $65,000 Spacious Victorian. Can be 6 bedrooms, 2 bath. Wonderful front porch. MLS #18488

1106 W. 9th, Coffeyville - $43,400 Victorian features one bedroom and full bath downstairs. Three bedrooms and ž bath upstairs. Nice deck on back of the house. MLS #18770

308 Lemon Street, Dearing - $79,900 Nice 4 bedroom, 2 bath manufactured home on large lot. Seller will assist with closing costs. MLS #18389

108 East John, Coffeyville - $139,600 Be the first to own this open living new construction home and enjoy real estate tax rebate. MLS #17636

4399 CR 2800, Coffeyville - $220,000 Secluded location between Coffeyville and Independence, completely remodeled inside. 4 bedroom on 10 acres (mol) with shop and apartment. MLS #18508

2304 Prairie Lane, Coffeyville $199,900 Great curb appeal on large lot. 3BR, 2 bath, lots of storage and granite countertops. Custom built, one owner. MLS #18929

1206 North Cline Road, Coffeyville - $298,000 Three bedroom, 2.5 bath, office, two living spaces. 2 car garage on 3.5 acres (mol). MLS #17173

2083 CR 3500 - $169,900 This has it all, creek, hay meadow, 4BR, 2 bath, 30 x 40 shop west of Coffeyville and south of Independence located on 33.5 acres (mol). MLS #18940

423 Delaware St., Edna - $23,800 Nice 1½ story with 2 bedrooms, one bath. MLS #18285

110 W. Martin, Coffeyville - $31,800 Large 4 bedroom, 2 bath with newer kitchen. MLS #18503

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Page 11

560 South County Road, South Coffeyville, OK - $114,000 Ranch style home, over 4,000 sq. ft. located on 10 acres (mol). MLS #18342

1409 Cortez, Coffeyville - $153,900 Great location close to park, spacious 4 bedroom, 2 bath, two living areas. Privacy fenced yard. MLS #18946

1604 West 6th, Coffeyville - $28,900 Recently remodeled and ready to own. MLS #18071

2277 CR 4100, Coffeyville - $65,000 Looking for country life? Located on 10 acres (mol). MLS #17992

1202 West 6th, Coffeyville - $39,900 Corner lot, wonderful large rooms, high ceilings and original oak hardwood floors. MLS #18121

1216 Stark, Coffeyville - $69,900 3 bedroom, 2 bath like new manufactured home on 4.5 acres (mol) with a pond and garage. MLS #18639

5569 CR 1800, Coffeyville - $42,500 Great place for hunting! Small acreage with lots of trees located on paved road. MLS #18317

1527 Old Willow, Coffeyville $108,000 Custom built 3 bedrooms, 2 baths 2004 Manufactured Home with two living areas. Located on an acre lot. MLS #19199

110 Meadow Lane, Coffeyville $129,900 Lots of living space in this home. Quiet living in the rural sub division. Possible Rental. MLS #18360

112 East John, Coffeyville - $129,900 New construction, beautiful stick built ranch home. Enjoy real estate tax rebate. MLS #17099

5308 CR 1440, Coffeyville - $239,500 Lots of upgrades to this large country home located on over 10 acres (mol). MLS #17701

1306 South Elm, Coffeyville $250,000 Industrial or Commercial building. Located on 2 acres (mol). MLS #18219

Rent to Own

409 South Highland Road, Coffeyville - $129,900 A must see inside, 5 bedroom, 3 baths, 2550 sq.ft. quality home with huge master bedroom and bath. MLS #18545

117 George Blvd, Coffeyville - $99,900 Custom built one owner home. 3.6 acres (mol). MLS #18947

403 Centennial, Coffeyville - $110,000 4 bedroom, 3 bath, over 2,500 sq. ft. You choose the carpet, $5,000 redecorating allowance. MLS #19019

1908 West 7th, Coffeyville - $37,900 One bedroom up and two bedrooms down. CH&A. Possible owner financing subject to buyer approval and down payment. Agent Owner. MLS #19023

Rent to Own

2047 South 17th, Independence - $89,900 Enjoy country living close to town. 1.8 acres (mol). Extensively remodeled. MLS #18990

819 Lincoln, Coffeyville - $37,500 Nice 3BR with detached garage. Walk to Jr. High & High School. Possible owner financing subject to buyer approval & down payment. Agent Owner. MLS #19121

1221 West 1st Street, Coffeyville $49,900 2BR, CH/A, 2 garages, new paint and carpet. Possible owner financing subject to buyer approval and down payment. Agent Owner. MLS #19021

305 North Edgewood, Coffeyville $114,250 Much larger than it appearsover 2,000 sq. ft., with 3 BRs, 2 baths, LR, DR, game room and covered patio. One Year Home Warranty. MLS #19032

Rent to Own

Page 12

June/July, 2011

The Real Estate Guide

Call For a Free Carpet Evaluation! 1-800-750-4832

The Most Thorough Cleaning Ever, Guaranteed! MYTHS ABOUT CARPET CLEANING 1. You should wait as long as possible before cleaning your carpet. NO! Dirt is like sandpaper, and every time you step on your carpet you grind that dirt into the fibers of your carpet... causing it to wear out faster. True, vacuuming every 2-3 days helps. But it only removes dry soils, and 30% of soil is sticky. Therefore, vacuuming has it’s limit. 2. The only reason to clean carpet is to get the dirt out. NO! As you probably know, outdoor air contains pollens, fungus, bacteria, air pollution, cigarette smoke, car exhaust and hundreds of other chemicals. When you and your family members come into your home, you carry these things on your skin, clothing and shoes. Not surprisingly, all these chemicals, pollens and bacteria wind up - you guessed it - in your carpet. 3. One method of carpet cleaning is as good as another. NO WAY! Hot water extraction, also referred to as steam cleaning, is required by many of the world’s carpet manufacturers. Why? The truck mount extraction removes the greatest amount of soil. The high water temperature resets the fiber memory, giving you that spring in your carpet. It produces faster soil breakdown requiring less cleaning chemical. This technique also leaves no harmful residue, enabling the carpet to stay clean longer. The carpet dries in hours, not days. 4. Having the right equipment is all a company needs to clean your carpets properly. NOT TRUE! Many companies own hot water cleaners - but a large number of employees don’t know how to use them. You probably know someone who bought the newest computer on the market - but never learned how to use it correctly. The same is true with carpet cleaning machines. The company may own good equipment, (or worse, old equipment) but the employees may not know how to use it correctly.

One Free Room of Carpet Cleaning up to 200 sq ft for new clients STEAMWAY Carpet Care & Restorations Specializing In: • Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning • Air Duct Cleaning and Deodorizing • Mold Inspection and Removal • Fire, Smoke and Water Damage Restoration

Independence.....620-331-3997 Coffeyville...........620-251-2577 Neodesha............620-325-3303 Fredonia..............620-378-4836 Parsons...............620-421-9024 Chanute..............620-431-4832 Iola.....................620-365-8454 Pittsburg...........620-231-1890

Visit our website at The best carpet cleaning companies are those that have been certified by the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification, known as the IICRC. A carpet cleaning company cannot buy this certification. The carpet cleaner must earn the certification through study, experience and the successful completion of formal, written examinations. Cleaners who are certified by the IICRC have, in effect, earned a degree in carpet cleaning. Jerry Stover is a Master Certified Technician with IICRC and all our technicians are involved in continual educational training programs.

Visit our website at

Page 13

How To Protect Your Home From Power Outages

(NAPS)—Every year, millions of homes lose power for hours— or even days—at a time. Being prepared is the best defense for such energy emergencies—and for many homeowners, that means investing in a standby generator. While virtually all homeowners can benefit from having a standby generator, it is especially important in homes with elderly residents or young children, for home businesses, and for travelers who are not home to deal with the often damaging consequences of a power outage. Adding a home generator can be easy. A standby generator is installed outside the home, much like an air conditioner. It runs on propane or natural gas and hooks up to existing gas lines. “Generators can be retrofitted into existing homes and new home construction can be prewired,” said Ed Del Grande, a three-time master pipefitter, plumber and contractor and a home improvement expert on and the DIY Network. Standby generators, such as those from Kohler, turn on automatically when the power goes off. A transfer switch automatically monitors utility power and transfers the electrical load to the generator if power is lost (usually within 10 seconds). The generator can power critical appliances and systems in your home, including lights, furnaces, air conditioners, refrigerators, sump pumps, home security systems and office equipment. Permanent standby generators are different from portable generators, which are designed for worksites. There’s no need to fill them up with gasoline every few hours or change the oil and they have no exposed engine parts. Permanent standby generators are also better suited to delicate electronics such as computers or TVs. Since they range from 8 to 125 kilowatts, it’s important to choose a standby generator that meets your lifestyle and needs. If you simply want to power a few key appliances/loads, an 8- to 20-kilowatt generator may serve you well. If you want to keep your whole house powered up, a larger generator is required. To determine what size you need, contact a local generator dealer or licensed electrical contractor familiar with standby generators. A professional can help you determine the right size for your needs. He or she will also help with the following: • Pulling appropriate permits • Adhering to local ordinances • Assessing your flood risks • Compliance with noise and electrical codes • Professional installation and service. When shopping for a standby generator, Del Grande encourages people to consider the following qualities: • Look for a standby generator that comes with a commercialgrade engine providing clean, consistent power and one that can handle heavy loads. • Make sure you purchase a generator that comes with a minimum five-year warranty. • Don’t forget about appearance. A generator sits outside your home, so look for a unit with a bold, clean look that’s corrosionresistant. For more information about residential standby power, visit


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Page 14

June/July, 2011

The Real Estate Guide

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115 N. 16th • Parsons, KS • 67357 Geo S Eisele Thurs & Fri 620.330.5200 11am-6pm Saturday 9am-2pm 620-605-9224

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Page 15

GEORGE REALTORS 1411 W. 8th, Coffeyville, KS

Selling Real Estate in Coffeyville and Montgomery County for over “49 Years”

(620) 251-4687

404 N. Maple St., CoffeyvilleThis cozy warm home is move-in ready and cute as can be. Fresh paint, new kitchen counter tops, new storm door and all new carpet. CH&A. Huge fenced in back yard. Nice corner lot with new garage door. $39,900

818 W. 4th, Coffeyville- Well maintained home. 3BR, 1.5 baths, fenced yard, attached carport. Newer carpets and vinyl floor coverings. Kitchen with eating area. Family room area off of kitchen with eating bar. Centrally located in Coffeyville. $48,000

1406 Meadow, CoffeyvilleSurrounded by wooded area on 1.9 acres. 2BR, 1 full & ¾ bath, kitchen, living room, dining and bonus room upstairs and 2BR, ½ bath, utility room, family room with beautiful fireplace downstairs. Full basement. $54,900

604 Waverly Way, Coffeyville Enjoy cooking in this efficient kitchen. Large fenced in back yard. Glassed window-wall in the living room brings the outdoors inside. 1.5 baths, 2 eating areas. Large walk in closet in master bedroom. $59,750

3523 Legionville Ln, Coffeyville- What a view!! Living room has woodburning fireplace. Kitchen and master BR have built in pantries. Two large living areas plus 2 dining areas. $89,900

207 El Paso, Coffeyville- Great home for family living, huge FR with built-in office area, LR with fireplace. Three nice size BRs. Large kitchen. Built-in glass hutch. Large utility room. 1½ baths. Tons of closet space. Double garage & shed. $92,500

1414 W. 2 nd , CoffeyvilleAcross from hospital on 2 shaded lots. NEW ROOF!!! 3 bedrooms, 2 living areas, formal front LR with gas log fireplace. Kitchen stove remains, double attached garage, lots of storage throughout and large wood storage building on the extra lot. $95,000

912 W. 5th, Coffeyville- Fantastic curb appeal and perfect for the midsize to large family. 4BRs with office and full bath upstairs. Large living, dining, kitchen, full bath and laundry room downstairs. Double-entry staircase (very rare). $98,000

2301 Parkway, CoffeyvilleComplete overhaul on this home on 1.6 acres. Main floor includes kitchen, dining, living, 3 bedrooms and full bath. Finished basement includes 2 bedrooms, 3/4 bath, laundry, living area, and recreation room. Updated breaker box, thermal tilt-in windows, central air. $105,900

3407 W. 4th, Coffeyville- Spacious ranch style home. Huge step down living room with fireplace. Step up to a large formal dining room. Knotty pine den. Three large bedrooms. Eat-in kitchen area. Nice patio area. Double att. garage. $111,900

409 Tyler Blvd., CoffeyvilleHome has recently had a complete make over. New tile Foyer, new carpet in family & living rooms and all bedrooms. Family room has attractive brick wall with gas/woodburning fireplace. Fresh paint throughout inside. Fenced in backyard. $119,500

305 Centennial, CoffeyvilleThis has been a well loved home. Neutral tone carpets. Formal living/dining rooms. Family room with fireplace. Kitchen has eating area plus desk area. 2½ bathrooms with 3 bedrooms. Large backyard with a beautiful shade tree. Double car garage with storage. $130,000

902 McBean Ln, Coffeyville- A little bit of country that’s close to town. A great home on 1.7 acres, to roam or to garden on. It has it’s own bridge to cross while looking at the country setting. 1.5 story, 3BRs, 2 baths, plus a bonus room. $138,500

2510 Parkway Ave., Coffeyville- Lease with Option To Buy! Lease for $1000 per month. All brick home on a large corner lot. Carpets, wood and tile floors. Fireplace, kitchen has been remodeled, patio for outdoor entertaining, and 2 car attached garage. $150,000

1403 Columbus Ave., Coffeyville- 3 bedroom, 1 full and ¾ bath with foyer, large formal living and dining rooms, oversized family room, enclosed sunroom with sliding doors to deck/yard. 2 car garage and garage/workshop. Large fenced in yard with play house. $159,900

1251 CR 4700, CoffeyvilleStunning! That will be your reaction when you enter this beautifully remodeled Century plus home. 4BR, 2BA. Beautiful woodwork throughout with spiral staircase. 3 fireplaces. $165,000

4704 CR 2630, CoffeyvilleScenic settings and great location! Fireplace in living room, large pantry, secluded master bedroom with full bath. Upstairs loft over living room. New CH&A. Total electric, patio, storage shed and 30x24 building. $180,000

2996 W. Northbrook, Coffeyville- Situated on 4.9 acres along a creek. Crown molding, pella windows, spacious rooms, lots of storage. French doors off the kitchen lead to an inground pool & patio. $450,000

505 S. Highland, CoffeyvilleVery cute ranchette close to Community Elementary School. Newer CH/A, hardwood floors and large back yard. Detached single car garage. Very clean and a great starter home. $39,900

612 S. Willow St., CoffeyvilleHome has gorgeous woodwork throughout in fantastic condition. Spacious living, dining, kitchen, mud room and ½ bath downstairs. Painted exterior, well cared for home in great historic neighborhood. $79,500

Carol Mangan, Broker..........620-515-4687 Marjean Hendryx.................620-515-7939 Rhonda Grossi.....................620-515-3276 Judy Moore..........................620-252-8103 David George.......................620-252-6505

Susan Buzard....................620-870-9258 Linda Patton......................620-870-1030 Kim Mangan......................620-688-1026 Tony Grossi.......................620-252-8601

See additional property listings online at

Page 16

June/July, 2011

The Real Estate Guide

INDEPENDENCE • 115 N. Penn • 331-6700 CHANUTE • 1403 Santa Fe • 431-7253 PARSONS • 1719 Corning • 423-3800

Joni Gaertner Broker, ABR, GRI, CRS- 620-330-0812

Marge Snyder 620-330-6900

Jeff Ports 620-431-8699

Sharla Ports 620-212-3530


106 W. 1st St., Coffeyville 2BR, 1BA. $45,000

100 S. McGee St., Caney Drive-in Restaurant $165,000

113 W. Laurel, Independence Retail location. $45,000

Veva Schwatken 620-332-7795

Amber Gregory 620-330-1367

Rick Mott 620-331-9729

Jason Mendoza 620-205-6986


4343 CR 3000, Coffeyville 3BR, 2BA, 9 acres. $121,000

215 W. Front St., Cherryvale 3BR, 1bath $65,900

305 S. East Walnut, Cherryvale 3BR, 1.75BA. $123,000

118 W. Front St., Cherryvale Grain Elevator $50,000

221 W. Main, Sedan Established restaurant. $75,000

224 N. Penn., Independence Located downtown. $110,000

2021 W. Main, Independence Established bar and grill. $195,000

502 Wisconsin, Neodesha Duplex. $52,000

124 Neosho, Cherryvale Large commercial building. $60,000

Commercial Listings

Lots for Sale

Elk City

Elm Ave. #7, Altamont $7,500 Elm Ave. #11, Altamont $7,500 Third St., Altamont $9,000 Deer Trail #4, Independence $10,000 20000 Rd., Cherryvale 55 acres $96,250

5651 CR 2100, Elk City 3BR, 2BA, 2.7 acres. $82,500

5875 CR 2300, Elk City 6BR, 3BA, 41 acres. $195,000

1023 E. Walnut, Independence3BR, 1.5 bath. $50,250

19000 Rd., Cherryvale 70 acres $140,000

Visit our website at Independence

Page 17

324 Earl, Independence 3BR, 2BA. $39,900

209 S. 14th, Independence 2BR, 1BA. $44,500

1209 N. 8th, Independence 3BR, 1.5BA. $49,000

920 W. Pine, Independence 2BR, 2.5BA. $56,000

705 N. 9th, Independence 3BR, 1BA. $55,000

1024 N. Penn., Independence 3BR, 1BA. $58,500

713 N. 13th St., Independence 3BR, 2BA. $62,000

1020 ½ E. Main, Independence 2BR, 2BA. $69,900

660 Tower Dr., Independence 3BR, 1.75BA. $89,000

3214 Hillcrest, Independence 3BR, 2BA. $89,900

2361 S. 10th St., Independence 3BR, 2BA, 1.2 acres. $89,900

116 W. Oak, Independence 3BR, 1.75BA. $92,000

2415 N. 8th, Independence 3BR, 1.75BA. $89,000

318 N. 4th St., Independence 3BR, 2.5BA. $112,500

412 Linden Ct., Independence 3BR, 2BA. $115,000

4546 CR 6000, Independence 4BR, 3BA, 3.4 acres. $120,000

2401 Kelly Ln., Independence 3BR, 2BA. $125,000

220 E. Cottonwood, Independence 4BR, 2BA. $125,000

1391 S. 17th, Independence 3BR, 2BA. $129,900

1301 Oakhurst, Independence 3BR, 2.5BA, 1 acre. $139,500

1215 N. Park Blvd., Independence 4BR, 2.75BA. $149,500

1305 Birdie Dr., Independence 3BR, 2.5BA. $155,000

400 S. 4th St., Independence 5BR, 2.5BA. $159,900

2905 Royal Ct., Independence 4BR, 5BA. $339,900

Page 18

June/July, 2011

The Real Estate Guide

For All Your Real Estate Needs Call Jackie Freisberg

Barb Cook

Midwest Real Estate

Looking to buy or sell? Put my expertise to work for you!

309 W. 11th Suite C, Coffeyville Office (620) 251-4140 Cell (620) 252-9451 Website:


115 E. Main, Independence Office (620) 331-3350 Cell (918) 440-4582 Website:

101 E. 2nd, Caney MLS# 18995 $65,000

117 E. Rose, Caney MLS# 18238 $115,000

11 N. Havana Lake Rd., Havana MLS# 18982 $120,000

202 W. 2nd, Caney MLS# 18451 $40,000

Julie Eisele, Broker/Owner

201 S. 4th, Independence MLS# 18848 $165,000

1114 N. 12th, Independence MLS# 18553 $69,500

Put A Great Agent To Work For You!!

Val DeFever

110 Southern Hills Dr., Coffeyville MLS# 17997 $149,900

3541 Hwy 166, Coffeyville MLS# 18673 $149,500

204 S. Edgewood, Coffeyville MLS# 18828 $83,900

702 Keith Blvd, Coffeyville MLS# 18696 $71,500

427 Sinclair, Independence MLS# 18951 $76,500

910 Crescent Dr., Independence MLS# 18954 $83,000

409 N. 4th, Independence MLS# 18570 $58,900

2540 Shady Lane, Independence MLS# 18744 $195,000

Julie Eisele, Broker/Owner

211 E. Rose, Caney MLS# 18998 $80,000

301 S. Penn, Independence MLS# 18452 $95,000


115 E. Main, Independence Office (620) 331-3350 Cell (620) 313-0003 Website: Julie Eisele, Broker/Owner

Charlotte Muse Let Me Help You With All Your Real Estate Needs.

115 E. Main, Independence Office: (620) 331-3350 Cell: (620) 331-9690 Website: Julie Eisele, Broker/Owner

Visit our website at

Two Locations to Better Serve You

309 W. 11th Suite C Coffeyville, KS 67337 (620) 251-4140

115 E. Main Independence, KS 67301 (620) 331-3350

Moving Southeast Kansas For Over 30 Years

Page 19

Agents Names & Numbers: Julie Eisele Broker/Owner - 332-7605 Charlotte Muse - 331-9690 Lyle Springer - 332-3928 David Butler - (620) 429-7460 Jackie Freisberg - (918) 440-4582 Val DeFever - (620) 313-0003

Beth Chaney - 331-9195 DiAnne Lemon - 331-9494 Barbara Cook - 252-9451 Alicia Hall - 870-4944 Steve Aemisegger - 330-0503 Jim Thomas - 252-0966 Jay Thomas - 515-5298

5136 N. 3950 St., Independence 3 bedrooms, 2 baths MLS# 18278 $99,000

501 E. Myrtle, Independence 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths MLS# 18138 $74,500

1779 Overlook, Independence 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths MLS# 18862 $154,900

707 N. 10th, Independence 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths MLS# 18279 $69,900

306 Crestview Dr., Independence 3 bedrooms, 1.75 baths MLS# 17451 $104,500

201 S. 4th, Independence 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths MLS# 18848 $165,000

207 Rajah, Independence 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths MLS# 17354 $73,500

201 S. 9th, Independence 3 bedrooms, 1.75 baths MLS# 18083 $49,900

223 Ohio, Neodesha 3 bedrooms, 1 bath MLS# 18280 $68,000

6263 CR 3300, Neodesha 3BRs, 1.75 baths on 19 acres MLS# 18922 $130,000

509 S. Overlook, Coffeyville 3 bedrooms, 1 bath MLS# 18987 $39,900

807 S. Overlook, Coffeyville 2 bedrooms, 1 bath MLS# 18605 $52,000

205 Evergreen, Coffeyville 2 bedrooms, 1.5 baths MLS# 18918 $47,500

2473 CR 3900, Coffeyville 4 BRs, 4 baths on 152 acres MLS# 17706

414 S. Ohio, Coffeyville 3 bedrooms, 2 baths MLS# 18242 $110,000

1587 CR 1425, Caney 4 BRs, 2.5 baths on 6.3 acres MLS# 17790 $185,000

404 S. State, Caney 4BRs, 2 baths MLS# 19037 $29,900

209 W. 1st, Caney 3 bedrooms, 2 baths MLS# 18992 $104,000

408 N. Wood, Caney 2 bedrooms, 1 bath MLS# 17679 $35,000

6229 CR 5100, Cherryvale 3 BRs, 3 baths on 19 acres MLS# 17933 $174,500

610 N. McGee, Caney Established Business MLS# 17821 $90,000

324 E. Miami, Edna 3 bedrooms, 2 baths MLS# 18362 $72,500

313 Labette, Edna 3 bedrooms, 1 bath MLS# 18725 $62,500

406 N. 24th, Independence Multi-use property MLS# 13838 $59,000

South Coffeyville, OK Great opportunity MLS# 18985 $55,000

Page 20

Visit our website at

GEORGE REALTORS 1411 W. 8th, Coffeyville, KS

(620) 251-4687

Visit our website at 2 Locations To Serve You

115 E. Main, Independence (620)331-3350 309 W. 11th, Suite C, Coffeyville (620)251-4140

60 acres Lenapah, OK MLS# 19007 $105,000

Building lot available on W. Third, Coffeyville Agent Owned MLS# 13434 $8,500

248 acres Coffeyville MLS# 18602 $992,000

115 acres Neodesha area MLS# 18479 $184,000

160 acres Fredonia area MLS# 18378 $215,000

Julie Eisele, Broker/Owner

Real Estate Center

Clayton & Clara Farlow 533 N. Penn Ave. Independence, KS Clayton Farlow Broker/Owner (620) 331-7550

INDEPENDENCE 115 N. Penn 331-6700

501 Gump Blvd, Coffeyville - 3BR, 1BA. $34,900

Land: Great for hunting! Settler Rd., Fall River 360 acres. $549,000

Becky Lyons 600 Madison Fredonia, KS (620) 378-2202

Commercial: Duplex 601 N. 8th, Independence 3BR, 1BA each. $45,999

Audrey Thompson 509 Main Neodesha, KS (620) 325-5090

1105 N. State, Caney 3BR, 1.5BA. $52,000

18200 Jackson, Chanute 3BR, 2.75BA, 22 acres. $230,000


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Zed Goodwin • 620-870-1982

Zane Goodwin • 918-510-8883

It’s online! See it in color at! Check out our website where you can browse current issues and past issues of both of our Real Estate Guides serving Independence, Coffeyville, Cherryvale, Caney, Neodesha, Fredonia Edna & Parsons, Chanute, Oswego, Altamont, Erie, Humbolt, Thayer. Don’t forget to find us on Facebook!

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