SEK Real Estate Guide Jan/Feb 2017

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Serving Southeast Kansas for 21Years!


Real Estate Guide SEK

A free LOCAL publication distributed to Parsons, Chanute, Oswego, Altamont, Chetopa, Erie, Thayer, Humboldt, Coffeyville, Caney, Independence, Cherryvale, Edna, Fredonia and Neodesha

January/February, 2017

David Simpson

Larry Marshall

United Country

Chesnutt and Chesnutt

Finley-Maloney Real Estate

Coldwell Banker Wood-Dulohery Real Estate

pg 2

Make sure your agent is a REALTOR Experience A Higher Quality of Service. Buying a house is probably the single most complicated transaction you’ll ever deal with in your life. You need a professional to help you, someone to listen to your questions and guide you through the process. Someone who adheres to a strict code of ethics. So when you’re ready to buy a home, make sure you’re working with a REALTOR. Consider it peace of mind. Sponsored by PARSONS AREA BOARD OF REALTORS


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January/February, 2017

SEK Real Estate Guide

The Real Estate Guide was started in 1994 and served the Parsons/Chanute area. With support from your local realtors and other businesses, we are able to provide you with a full color magazine listing real estate for sale. The Real Estate Guide offers other information such as helpful articles and advertisements from your hometown businesses. We work hard to provide a variety of ads for your viewing pleasure. This publication is free, one per reader. Removal of more than one paper from any distribution point constitutes theft and violators are subject to prosecution. Tampering with our racks is prohibited. The Real Estate Guide is published by RAM Publishing, P.O. Box 823, Parsons, KS 67357. We try our best to present an accurate guide for you, but RAM Publishing and our advertisers are not liable for material printed in error. This issue of The Real Estate Guide is delivered to real estate agencies, banks, grocery stores, restaurants, hotels, chambers of commerce, convenience stores, and other locations in Parsons, Chanute, Oswego, Chetopa, Altamont, Erie, Thayer and Humboldt, Fredonia, Neodesha, Cherryvale, Independence, Coffeyville, Caney and Edna. Don’t forget to check out our website at If you are interested in advertising, please call 620-423-5140 or email

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2424 Main St., Parsons 620-423-3338

Need a Parsons relocation packet? Call the Parsons Chamber of Commerce to have one mailed to you or visit the 24 hour visitor lobby. Parsons Chamber of Commerce 506 Main St., Parsons Phone 620.421.6500 • Fax 620.421.6501

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3128 Dirr, ParsonsMLS# 7816- Great location, 3BR, 1BA, with 1363 sq. ft. Nice size LR & DR, finished area in attic. Large lot, good size yard. $34,500

Jordan Anderson

Consumer Lending Officer Parsons, KS NMLS # 1411024 620-421-4030

3107 Appleton, Parsons- MLS# 7736Cute 3BR, 1½ BA, detached 2 car garage. Large kitchen, living room, dining or family room. $68,000

24005 Meade Rd., ParsonsMLS# 7689- 3BR, 2BA home on 2 acres just outside city limits. Screened in porch, garage 32’x20’ & shop 42’x32’. $90,000

West 24000 Rd., Parsons MLS# 7581- 30 acres just west of Parsons. New fencing on most of the property, also has a pond. Located in USD 506 school district. $75,000

Call Bev for more information today!

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pg 4

Serving Southeast Kansas

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January/February, 2017

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January/February, 2017

Col. Jerry Chesnutt

Serving Southeast Kansas

pg 5

412 Commercial, Oswego, KS 67356 Call us at 620-795-2365 or 1-800-809-2790

Col. Cody Chesnutt

Chesnutt & Chesnutt - Auctioneers - Real Estate Brokers KS/OKLA/MO/ARK - Appraisers Email us at or visit our website at

Oswego - 326 Acres 326 acres--180 in cultivation, 90 in pasture, trees, 1 mile Neosho River frontage, 2 rural water meters. $3250/acre

Oswego- Horsehoe Lake Ranch. Approx. 185 acres, part in cultivation, lake, 1000 pecan trees. $600,000

Oswego- Late model horse barn w/8 outside accessible stalls, concrete central floor, tack room/office area, hay loft & half bath, at southwest corner of Oswego. 40 acres m/l of lush fenced pasture. $132,500

Bixby, OK- New listing- 3BR, 2 bath, 2008 model manufactured home on paved road, 1600 sq ft, central heat/air, small deck. Sits on 3 acres. $99,900

Chetopa-Victorian 2 story home on 4.5 acres with 70 grafted pecan trees, pond, 3 car garage. New oak kitchen. $134,900

Chetopa- One owner 5BR, 2 bath ranch style with full size basement, central heat, saferoom, 2 car attached garage. Two woodburning fireplaces, one upstairs, one down (also full kitchen in basement). 20x40 ft shop. $54,900

Chetopa-2BR home with CH/A, 1 car attached garage and a 1 car detached garage. Fenced yard, large deck. $21,500

Chetopa- Cozy 3BR, 1 bath, one story on corner lots. Half a block of land, all fenced. One car garage, storage shed, barn. $49,900

Chetopa- Remodeling Underway- 3BRs, 2 baths, new roof, new cherry wood cabinets in island kitchen. Deck & 2 car garage. Needs carpet. Bathrooms need finishing, fixtures and doors are on site. Call for info.

Oswego-3BR, 1 bath, CH/A, new tile, new Oswego- Two bedrooms, 1 bath, new floating floor, new deck on back. paint, central heat/air. Attached garage and $66,900 fenced back yard. $34,900

Oswego- 2BRs, all new paint, floor joists, carpet and kitchen. $64,900

Oswego- Nearly new mobile home... 3BRs, 2 baths, wood burning fireplace. New 24x30x10 insulated shop building with overhead door, wired for 220. $65,000

Oswego- 2BR, 1 bath, central heat/air, hardwood floors, one car garage and one car carport. Fenced yard, garden spot. $29,900

Chetopa- Downtown 10,000 sq ft commercial building housing a pecan business. New metal roof, CH/A. Call!

Chetopa - Location, location, location! Main highway, downtown, and the only car wash in town. Make offer! $18,000

Oklahoma- 3BR, 38 acres. 3BR, 1 bath home a mile west of Welch on state highway. 2 car carport, city water, storm cellar, two ponds. Metal shop features CH/A, full bath, attic. Taxes-$500. $174,900

Afton, OK -4BR, 2 baths on 3 lots located only two blocks from Grand Lake. Central heat/air, 2 car detached garage and storage buildings. $59,900

Chetopa-New Listing- 3BR, 2 bath home with hardwood floors, and new siding, roof, windows, and doors! CH/A- 4 years old. Fenced yard, 1 car att. garage, and det. garage/work shed. $54,900

Oswego- 2BRs, 1 bath, central heat/air, beautiful colors. $44,900

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pg 8

Parsons Area

January/February, 2017

1720 Broadway • Parsons, KS


Over $50,000 1569 20000 Rd., Parsons

434 Crestview, Parsons

12050 Pratt Rd., Parsons

100 Country Club Lane, Parsons

NEW LISTING First time on the Mar- This lovely home is located on a landscaped

NEW LISTING Attention outdoorsman! Beautiful setting for this 3BR home on the This 3BR, 2 bath home with 30x40 shop, 12x20 storage, bass pond, hay meadow with deer & turkey is located on 38.4 acres. Call today for your appt. $135,000

edge of the golf course. New tile, new paint, new bedroom carpet, wet bar, FP, LR, and FR make this a special buy. #7680 $131,998

1018 S. 29th St., Parsons NEW LISTING Beautiful remodeled home within walking distance to schools. This 3BR, 2 bath home is ready to move in. Everything is new inside and out. Give Julia a call today. $125,000

REDUCED Victorian dream on 5 fenced

lots. Beautiful woodwork & pocket doors, 5 BRs, 2.75 baths, 4 original FPs & bonus finished 3rd floor. Call Julia. #7618 $121,900

1504 Broadway, Parsons Historic 2nd ward home close to schools and park with 3BR, 1.5 bath. Newer roof, all appliances, CH/A, FP system to enclosed sunroom, basement and new windows. #7807 $118,000

3103 Thornton, Parsons Excellent home with 3BRs, 1.75BAs in a great neighborhood. Open floor plan, large kitchen with beautiful original built-ins, newer flooring, French door & deck. Very close to schools. #7493 $115,000

1004 S. 32nd, Parsons Very nice 3BR, 2BA home located close to schools. Corner lot with mature trees adds to the beauty. Large 18x17 master BR with bath and walk-in tub and covered patio! #7787 $89,900

1614 Grand, Parsons Top condition in this lovely 4BR, 2.5BA close to park & schools, beautiful woodwork, vinyl siding & new plumbing, electrical, lots of fresh paint and full equipped kitchen with dual ovens. #7620 $89,500

3801 Main, Parsons Need elbow room? Spread out and enjoy 5BRs, 2.5 baths at the edge of town on 3.4 acres. Oversized laundry, family room, new roof, vinyl siding and much more. #7785 $82,500

NEW LISTING 6BRs, 1.75 bath home

ket! Beautiful 4BR, 2.5 bath home on 4.9 acres. New roof, heat/air, carpet, granite, storm shelter & pool. Attached & detached garages plus large building.#7809 $225,000

201 S. 32nd, Parsons NEW LISTING Hurry to be the first to see this completely remodeled 3BR, 2BA, home on a corner lot. Granite counter tops are just the beginning. Partial basement & workshop/garage are a bonus. #7817 $93,900

110 E. 2nd, Mound Valley Remodeled brick home on a large lot. This home has an open floor plan, new kitchen, two new baths, deck, attached and detached 2 car garages. Call Julia for a private tour! #7775 $84,900

1510 Broadway, Parsons Beautiful 5BRs, 2 bath home w/wrap around porch, a new kitchen, large LR, FR, sun room, beautiful entry, 2FP, basement and walk up attic. #7808 $79,000

lot with access to the neighborhood pond by a 5 level deck. 3BRs, remodeled baths, new kitchen opens to FR with FP, LR, DR, utility & bonus room. #7596 $139,900

1516 Belmont, Parsons

1230 Morgan, Parsons

NEW LISTING Motivated Seller!

This 2 story has large BRs, the master has oversized closet & built-ins. Attractive neighborhood close to park. Det. oversized one car garage. #7826 $80,000

2819 Clark, Parsons

3100 Briggs, Parsons

REDUCED Close to schools and playground, this 4BR, 1¾ bath home is waiting for your family. Features include new floors, new privacy fence, attached garage, new windows, and new heat/air. #7681 $87,000

1400 Partridge, Parsons

with nice sized rooms. Updated plumbing & electrical. 6 yr old roof, new air conditioner condenser, 2 lots with detached garage, storage building and play house. #7813 $82,500

Lots of space for your dollar! 1800 sq ft, 3BRs, 1¾ BAs, and on 3 lots. New kitchen with updated appliances, lots of closet and storage spaces, vinyl siding & nearly new roof. #7387 $79,500

2224 Crawford, Parsons NEW LISTING Brick building has been converted to a single family home, but could easily be apartments. Newer sewer & new roof in 09. #7829 $70,000

Affordable with a choice location & 3BRs, 1¾ baths. Steel siding, newer roof, CH/A, & a FR or 4thBR. Some hardwood showing & more under carpets, all in neutral decor. #7792 $62,900

3010 Dirr, Parsons

Julia Finley, GRI 820-4047

Celiece Dhooghe 620-423-4257

Keith Maloney 820-4531

Jeanie Pemberton 620-423-2498

Jennifer Hurst 620-423-0222

Under $50,000 3116 Chess, Parsons

COMING SOON Great family home

in quiet neighborhood. This 3BR, 2 bath with 2 living areas is all on a large lot. Call for details.

421 N. 18th Street, Parsons Completely remodeled 2BR, 1BA home. Freshly painted, new doors, kitchen w/granite, stove, tile entry, bath w/tile shower and flooring, carpet, double paned windows, CH/A & sewer lines. #7722 $48,995

2731 Clark, Parsons Owners have remodeled this 3BR, 2 bath home. New paint downstairs, new plumbing, electrical, hot water tank, newer roof & H/A. #7548 $49,900

310 N. 30th, Parsons

NEW LISTING Cozy 3BR, 1 bath home

in lovely neighborhood. Updated interior, vinyl siding, and newer roof. Nice shaded yard and one car garage. #7842 $48,900

3110 Morton, Parsons 1711 Clark, Parsons Enjoy the evenings on your front porch! 3BR, 1BA, newer wiring, roof, CH/A & plumbing, fenced yard. #7252 $42,500

1206 Chess, Parsons Great investment property or starter home. Three bedrooms, 1 bath with large utility room and attached garage on large corner lot. #7679 $20,500

NEW LISTING This 4BR, 1 bath home

is close to High School. Updated kitchen includes new counter top, back splash, flooring and paint. Give Celiece a call for a private tour. #7828 $39,500

1924 Morgan, Parsons Great investment or starter home. Solid home needs some TLC, has 2BRs, 1 bath with some updates. 5 lots with 250� of frontage. #7638 $19,750

Visit our website: Visit Email:

2711 Osage, Parsons

2715 Pine, Parsons This 3BR, 2 full bath home features nice kitchen, great family room, separate dining room, large master bedroom all on an oversized lot. #7705 $49,000

Two lots of outside fun in this 3BR, 2 bath home. The kitchen will make any cook happy & lots of space in the large great room. Det. 24x24 garage makes this a special buy. #7704 $49,000

1424 Broadway, Parsons Historic 2nd ward home. Plenty of space for family in this 4BR, 2.5 bath home w/ hardwood floors, curved stairway, 2 ornamental FPs, w/deck and in ground pool. #7706 $45,000

2631 Appleton, Parsons Make extra income from this home with apartment over garage. This 3BR, 1.5 bath home has LR, DR, utility room, fenced in yard all on a spacious corner lot. #7707 $45,000

2622 Gabriel, Parsons NEW LISTING Must see this spacious home. Needs a little work but this home features large living spaces, an updated kitchen and sun porch. Call today to see this property. $29,900

2619 Crawford, Parsons

NEW LISTING Excellent pricing for

this home. Great updated kitchen with island bar and all appliances. 3BRs, 1 bath, CH/A plus carport and one car garage. #7777 $29,750

Land for Sale

1727 Cedar Ridge Rd., Parsons Wonderful quiet neighborhood! Large building lot with 30 x 50 storage building w/overhead door. Gas & water are available. Electric meter set for a house & storage building w/ electricity. #5472 $29,900

Gabriel Ave., Parsons Wonderful building site on corner location. It is rare to find 2.4 available in town in such a nice area. #7719 $28,000 407 N. 15th, Parsons Two building lots on an open corner location. Give Julia a call for more details! #7674 $5,000

Scan these QR codes with your smartphone to see our listings.

Julia Finley

Keith Maloney

pg 10

Parsons Area

1720 Broadway • Parsons, KS

January/February, 2017


Commercial Properties

3330 Main Street, Parsons This very successful business has a huge customer base. Currently operating turn key with immediate income. Excellent facility and parking. 285’ of Main Street frontage. Call Keith today! #6850 $280,000

2323 Main, Parsons

1729 S. 21st, Parsons Excellent 8,000 sq. ft. service center for trucks & heavy machinery. 4 drive through service bays with one work pit. Truck washing bay. One loading dock. 1,000 sq. ft. office space all in excellent condition. #5992 Call for price.

3400 Main, Parsons

NEW LISTING Great Main Street Professional Office.

Good signage, excellent parking. Building has 3 executive offices, 7 exam/assist. offices. mail room, break room with kitchen and large greeting area. $129,900

Excellent Commercial Opportunity. Building has 2,902 sq. ft. with over 31,000 sq. ft. of parking area. Currently leased until 1/1/17. Exceptional pricing, give Keith a call today for details. #7794 $125,000

Welcome to FirstOak Bank. We’re here for you. 113 N. Penn Ave and 1801 W. Main Independence, KS

300 N. 8th St., Indy REDUCED Magnificent multi-level restaurant ideally located in convenient downtown location. 2 bars, banquet hall, outdoor terrace with fountain and excellent parking. Call Julia today! #7248 $189,900

107 E. Main, Parsons Wonderful brick commercial property located on approx. 1 acre currently has been set up for a dentist office with operatories, reception and business office. #7595 $89,900


At FirstOak Bank, we take the time to help answer all the questions you have about buying a home and help you on your way to purchasing that new home. Come see one of our mortgage professionals for all your home loan needs.

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January/February, 2017

Chanute-Erie-Ft. Scott-Humboldt

Jeff Ports 620-431-8699

Mandy Collum 620-433-0889

Sharla Ports 620-212-3530


1403 Santa Fe, Chanute


pg 11

Jody Evenson 620-431-8441

425 W. 5th, Chanute-2BR, 1.5BA, Bsmt, Garage $69,900

2108 W. 5th-3BR, 1.7BA, Office, Bonus room, Patio, Garage, Twister safe shelter $169,900

511 E. 14th, Chanute- 3BR, 2BA, Deck, Garage $71,500

301 N. Central, Chanute1BR, 1BA $29,900

1708 S. Edith, Chanute- 2BR, 1BA, fenced yard, double lot. $16,000

1811 S. Edith, Chanute2BR, 1BA $18,000

401 N. Forest, Chanute-4BR, 1.5BA, Garage $59,000

902 N. Forest, Chanute- 3BR, 1BA, cellar, garage, fenced, large corner lot. $57,500

101 S. Grant, Chanute-Commercial bldg., Great location $29,500

806 S. Grant, Chanute-2BR, 1BA, Bsmt, Fenced yd, Garage $29,000

318 N. Highland, Chanute4BR, 2BA , corner lot. $38,570

620 S. Kansas, Chanute- 3BR, 2BA, covered porch, storage shed. $84,900

1029 S. Santa Fe, ChanuteRemodeled office building, high traffic, lots of parking. $105,000

We need your listings. We have clients actively looking for the following types of properties: *Residential Homes *Deer hunting land *Country Homes *Duck hunting land *Executive Homes *Pasture land *Minerals/Open or Leased *Tillable land

626 S. Katy, Chanute6BR, 2.75BA, finished basement, deck, pool, fenced yard, garage. $144,900

611 W. Main, Chanute- 3BR, 1.5BA, deck, fenced yard, garage. $63,500

1216 W. Main, ChanuteSkyline Motel, 16 units + 3BR residence, Garage $150,000

La Harpe

1407 S. Lincoln, La HarpeAcreage, 3BR, 2BA, Garage, Shop, Fenced $45,000

1101 N. Plummer, ChanuteAcreage, 4BR, 2.5BA, Bsmt, Covered deck, Garage, Outbldgs $395,000

102 S. Tennessee, Chanute3802 S. Santa Fe, Chanute319 N. Steuben, Chanute- 4BR, 3BR, 1.5BA, Finished baseModern office building w/great 1.75BA, Fenced yd, Garage, ment, Sunroom, Patio, Garage 1129 S. Washington, Chanutefloor plan. $207,000 Corner lot $78,000 2BR, 1BA, fenced yard. $47,500 $159,500


Erie 627 S. Westview, ChanuteAcreage, 3BR, 4BA, deck, office building, shop, garage. $244,000

416 Hillside, Chanute- 2BR, 2BA, patio, garage. $132,900

1015 Windsor Rd, Chanute3BR, 3.5BA, Office, Fenced yd, Deck, Pool, Lg lot, Bsmt, Garage $329,000

222 W. Wilson, Erie- 3BR, 1.75 BA, covered patio, garage, outbuilding, corner lot. $89,900


611 N. 8th, Neodesha- 5BR, 2BR, Basement, Deck, Garage $139,000

515 Main, Neodesha- Open & operating hardwood store. $180,000

14905 120th Rd., Erie- Acreage, 6BR, 3.75BA, finished basement, patio, deck, pond. $599,000

Yates Center 201 & 203 W. Mary, Yates Center-Former convenience store, high traffic location $29,000

330 Briarwood, Iola- 3BR, 2BA, garage, double lot. $163,500 33 W. 4th-6 vacant lots, zoned commercial. $12,500 201 E. 28th- Acreage, commercial building site. $45,000 1705 S. Highland- Vacant lot. $2,900 2500 S. Santa Fe-Acreage, Commercial Tract, Great location $199,000

pg 12

Parsons Area

January/February, 2017 “Find what you need to furnish your home at WESTCO.”

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Larry Marshall Auction & Realty

413 N. 6th, Fredonia


Larry Marshall - Broker


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Rita Voth........... 620-636-0223

Mark Garrettson...620-433-2561

310 S. 15th, Fredonia- 3BR, 2 bath, 1740 sq. ft., CH&A, screened porch, fenced yard, studio building, attached 2 car garage. $159,900

10670 Jade Road, Fredonia- 3BR, 1½ bath, 1236 sq. ft. w/full basement, CH&A, 20x32 detached garage and attached garage. $143,000

1002 Madison, Fredonia- 4BR, 2 bath, 2132 sq ft, remodeled large kitchen, 2 fireplaces, new windows, attached 2 car garage. $120,000

308 N. 18th, Fredonia- 3BR, 2 bath, 1268 sq. ft., CH&A, fenced yard, 10x12 storage shed, attached 1 car garage. $89,900

1217 Edgemoor, Fredonia- 3BR, 2 bath, 1566 sq. ft., CH&A, deck, fenced yard, 2 storage buildings, attached 2 car garage. $95,900

227 E. 11th, Chanute- 5BR, 2 bath, CH&A, 1,152 sq. ft., includes detached 522 N. 8th, Fredonia- 2BR, 1 bath, 1 car garage w/1 BR apartment, CH& CH&A, 1,360 sq. ft., detached 2 car $77,500 WA. $78,500 garage.

330 N. 19th, Fredonia- 3BR, 2BA, CH&A, 1,092 sq. ft., attached 1 car garage. $76,000

133 S. 8th, Fredonia- 3BR, 2 bath, 1,869 sq. ft., 2 car garage w/shop. $69,900

326 N. 20th, Fredonia- 3BR, 2 bath, CH&A, 1,224 sq. ft., new roof, attached 2 car garage. $68,000

706 N. 10th, Fredonia- 3BR, 2 1/4 BA, 1807 sq. ft., CH&A down, wood burning FP. Detached 1 car garage. $67,500

816 N. 8th, Neodesha- 2BR, 1 bath, 814 Jefferson, Fredonia- 2BR, 1 bath, CH&A, 1,072 sq. ft., thermal pane 884 sq. ft., remodeled, wood privacy windows, fenced yard w/deck, 10’x20’ fence. $59,900 storage building. $58,000

917 Quincy, Fredonia- 3BR, 1½ bath, 1908 sq. ft., CH&A, woodburning FP, detached 1 car garage. $41,500

2515 5th St., Coyville- 3BR, 2 bath, 1854 sq. ft., detached storage shed. $35,000

150 Acres on US 75 Hwy, Altoona- All fenced, rural water, ponds w/springs, hwy and blacktop, access on 2 sides, call for details.

1641 N. 15th St., Fredonia- Commercial property, approx. 29,000 sq. ft., concrete floor, overhead crane, exceptionally nice, w/high clearance easy access to Hwy 400. Call for details.

635 Monroe, Fredonia- 2,200 sq ft of commercial space on the square in Fredonia. $24,000

322 S. 3rd, Neodesha- 2BR, 1 bath, CH&A, 1,144 sq. ft., large wheelchair ramp, large yard, detached 1 car garage w/carport. $29,500

302 N. 17th, Fredonia-3BR, 2 bath, 1684 sq. ft., CH, wood burning fireplace with heatalator. Attached 2 car garage, nice corner lot. $108,000

pg 14

Parsons and all the surround area

WOOD-DULOHERY REAL ESTATE 1725 Washington, Parsons 620-421-6840 1326 Thornton, Parsons Vacant lot in nice neighborhood on paved street and utilities available. #7404 $3,500

January/February, 2017

Land For Sale

1612 Broadway, Parsons55x120 lot w/det garage in business district. Zoned C-3. Utilities available. #7765 $47,681

615-619 N. 16th, Parsons100’x100’ vacant lot. Great location on 16th street. #7328 $14,900

1613 Belmont, Parsons50x120 vacant lot in business district. City utilities available. #7764 $15,460

East Main, Parsons Excellent building site for your new home! All city utilities available. #7819 $15,000

901 N. 16th, ParsonsCommercial lot off Hwy 59 in Parsons city limits. Zoned C3. Utilities available. #7730 $29,900

Prime commercial property located near Hwy 400 bypass and Hwy 59. Restrictions apply. Call Bob for more details.

2325 Main, Parsons- 1,600 sq. ft. Commercial building on Main Street. Nice corner lot w/paved, off street parking. #7727 $55,000

1301 Corporate Dr., Parsons11,258 sq ft building with 1,458 sq ft office space, 2 overhead doors plus 2 loading docks. #7272 $80,000

806 S. Central, Parsons- Commercial building with office, warehouse, storage & loading dock. #7563 $124,500

2607 Jothi Ave, Parsons- 26,250 sq ft building in Wayne Moran Industrial Park. All city utilities. 3,151 sq ft office space. #7273 $375,000

823 N. 26th, Parsons- 3BR, 1BA 1617 Felix, Parsons- Handyman w/large back porch & 2 car carspecial! Only $5,900 for this 2BR, port. Priced right at $19,900. 1BA home on 2 lots. #7786 #7709

1229 Kimball, Parsons- 2BR, 1BA w/2 living area, thermal windows, fenced yard & low utilities. #7834 $21,900

2311 Crawford, Parsons- 3BR, 2BA w/open staircase, hardwood floors, natural woodwork & 1 room basement. #7840 $23,500

1304 Appleton, Parsons- 2BR, 1BA w/LR, DR, updated bath, fenced yard, detached garage & partial basement. #7668 $24,900

3300 Grand, Parsons- 2BR, 2BA mobile home on rented lot. Appliances and shed included in sale. #7500 $28,500

414 N. 24th, Parsons- 2BR, 1BA w/LR, DR, kitchen, utility room, back deck & 2 car garage. #7739 $28,900

2406 Washington, Parsons- New roof, carpet & interior paint in this 615 S. 23rd, Parsons- 3BR, 1BA 2BR, 1BA w/att garage, CH/A & w/hardwood floors & CH/A. Sits fenced yard. #7593 $29,000 on large corner lot. #7430 $29,900

2711 Corning, Parsons200x214 building lot with 5 year tax rebate program. #7713 $4,000

Burress Addition 28 lots in new housing addition near High School in Erie. Utilities available. #7535 $4,000 each lot

Commercial Properties

702 W. State, Erie- Remodeled 1390 sq. ft. professional building, NEW roof with paved parking. #7213 $49,900

$5,900 - $29,900 Properties

1016 N. 9th, Independence- This 2BR, 1BA home would make a great starter home or rental property. #7823 $24,900

Winter Prep Advice

(NAPS)—Preparing your house for the seasonal closing of windows and doors can be a smart step toward health and energy savings. How? By seeing that your home’s heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) system gets a complete cleaning. This includes replacing the filter and cleaning the ductwork. By removing built-up particulates and contaminants, you improve indoor air quality and maximize system efficiency. According to the United States Department of Energy, HVAC systems account for most of the energy use in a typical home. That’s one reason proper maintenance and cleaning, as suggested by the National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA), can mean an 11 percent energy savings. In addition, dirty systems can contribute to poor indoor air quality and health issues, especially in people with respiratory conditions, autoimmune disorders or certain allergies. Contaminants are pulled into the HVAC system and recirculated some six times a day. The buildup in the ductwork creates continuous exposure that only duct cleaning can address. Further facts and tips are at The locator there can help you find nearby NADCA-certified professionals. NADCA members adhere to a standard that ensures a quality cleaning.

January/February, 2017

WOOD-DULOHERY REAL ESTATE 1725 Washington, Parsons 620-421-6840

Parsons and all the surrounding area

pg 15

Suzanne Wood..............................................423-9242 J a n i c e D u l o h e r y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 3 - 9 2 5 2 Carol Bush..............................................423-9802 Everett Shrum..................................244-5297 Sherry Harrell....................................717-1717 Theresa Karleskint.............................................423-7515 Kylie Smith....................................................820-3623 Bret Middleswart................................249-9999

$30,000 - $69,900 Properties

1600 Washington, Parsons- 4BR, 2BA w/original woodwork & hardwood floors, open staircase & ornamental fireplace. #7821 $30,000

1617 Dirr, Parsons- Charming 2BR home with newer roof & wiring, appliances, detached garage & carport. #7790 $32,900

3128 Grand Ave., Parsons- 2BR, 1BA w/updated bath, CH/A, ap- 3123 Washington, Parsons- 3-4 pliances, fenced yard & storage large BR, 1 bath, udated kitchen, $35,500 building. #7743 $34,900 LR, FR. #7398

433 N. Grant, Erie- 3BR, 1BA w/ nice front porch, some new windows, metal roof, detached garage & carport. #7748 $39,000

1206 Grand, Parsons- 3BR, 1BA w/central heat and air, carport & utility shed. Located across from Forest Park! #7844 $39,900

3140 Corning, Parsons- 1BR, 1BA w/appliances, attached garage, fenced yard, deck & lovely landscaping. #7783 $39,900

1715 Kennedy, Parsons- 2BR, 1BA w/kitchen appliances, new vinyl siding, new windows, new porch & deck. #7825 $40,000

1516 Stevens, Parsons- 3BR,1BA bungalow w/spacious living room, dining room, kitchen and detached garage. #7793 $44,900

2626 Crawford, Parsons- 2BR, 1BA w/new windows, plumbing, cabinets & bath, CH/A, deck & detached garage. #7646 $44,900

2224-2226 Belmont, Parsons3BR, 1BA w/partial basement, 20345 Ottawa Rd., Erie- 3BR, fenced yard, carport, 30x40 shop 1BA on 9.4 acres. Submit offers & 8x10 utility bldg. $49,900 to #7754 $46,300 #7574

27 Willow Drive, Parsons- Spacious 4-5BR, 2BA w/attached garage, storm shelter, privacy fenced yard & shed. #7682 $49,900

1218 Appleton, Parsons- 7BR, 2BA w/det garage & extra lot. Close to park & schools. #7767 $49,900

112 Hillcrest, Oswego- 3BR, 2BA w/attached garage & large yard. Handicap accessible. Needs some TLC. #7670 $55,000

300 E. 3rd, Altamont- 2BR, 1.5BA, w/LR, FR, kitchen w/ island, deck, attached garage, carport & utility shed. #7699 $59,900

715 S. Michigan, Oswego- 4BR, 2BA on a shady lot w/newer windows, siding, downstairs flooring & interior paint. #7769 $60,900

2506 Corning, Parsons- Handicap accessible 4BR, 2BA home with detached garage, privacy fenced yard & deck. #7843 $64,900

2630 Crawford, Parsons- 3BR, 2BA w/vinyl siding, new windows & guttering, newer roof, 2 car detached garage & fenced yard. #7762 $64,900

2921 Broadway, Parsons- 2BR, 1BA w/large kitchen w/appliances, CH/A, partial basement, shed & garage apartment. #7759 $64,900

1606 Broadway, Parsons- 4BR, 3BA w/natural woodwork, pocket doors, pool, fenced yard & detached garage. #7738 $67,500

3001 Morton Ave., Parsons- 3BR, 1.5BA on large lot w/newer roof, covered patio, attached garage & privacy fenced back yard. #7697 $68,500

105 N. Webster, Erie- 4BR, 1BA w/wrap around porch, LR, DR, kitchen, CH/A, detached garage & fenced yard. #7729 $69,000

2718 Main, Parsons- 4BR, 1.5BA w/original hardwood floors & woodwork, basement, deck, fenced yard & detached garage. #7683 $69,900

2425 Belmont, Parsons- 4BR, 2BA w/hardwood floors, granite in kitchen, newer CH/A, partial basement & fenced yard. #7827 $69,900

CALL COLDWELL BANKER • • • 421-6840 • • • 1725 Washington • • •

pg 16

Parsons and all the surrounding area

WOOD-DULOHERY REAL ESTATE 1725 Washington, Parsons 620-421-6840

Suzanne Wood 423-9242

Janice Dulohery 423-9252

Carol Bush 423-9802

January/February, 2017

Everett Shrum 244-5297

Sherry Harrell 717-1717

Theresa Karleskint 423-7515

Kylie Smith 820-3623

$69,900 - $340,000 Properties

2409 Thornton, Parsons- 5BR, 3BA w/new flooring, doors, trim, countertops, fixtures plus a FR and fenced yard. #7745 $69,900

416 S. 32nd, Parsons- Very well maintained 3BR/1BA home w/ large screened porch, 2 car detached garage. #7703 $74,900

904 Ohio, Oswego- 4BR, 2BA w/stone front, fireplace, CH/A & attached garage. Sits on nice large lot. #7781 $74,900

808 N. Main, St. Paul- 4BR, 2BA w/FR, LR w/fireplace & nice kitchen on large lot. Home needs some TLC. #7841 $79,500

811 Jefferson, St. Paul- 3BR, 1.5BA w/eat in kitchen, FR, living room w/fireplace, above ground pool, deck & sheds. #7805 $81,500

1019 S. 32nd, Parsons- 4BR, 2BA home w/detached garage w/utility shed all with electricity. #7822 $85,000

530 Webster Ct., Erie- Updated 3BR, 1.5BA, w/back deck, fire pit, large yard, CH/A & storage shed. #7837 $89,000

615 S. 15th, Parsons- Spacious 3BR, 2BA w/stain glass, hardwood floors & lots of storage. Close to park & school. #7791 $92,000

3119 Briggs, Parsons- 3BR, 2BA w/fresh interior paint, den, utility room w/pantry & attic storage in garage. #7796 $92,500

3300 Hughes, Parsons- 3BR, 2BA w/kitchen appliances, back deck & privacy fenced back yard. Quiet location. #7801 $99,500

3400 Dirr, Parsons- 4BR, 2BA w/ newer roof, floor coverings, sewer line & hot water tank. Sits on a 1 acre lot. #7667 $99,500

1219 Morgan, Parsons- Updated 4-5BR, 2BA, w/hardwood floors, spacious rooms, deck, fenced back yard & shed. #7824 $116,900

203 N. Butler, Erie- 3BR, 2BA, nice kitchen w/built-ins & appliances, covered patio & tornado shelter in garage. #7797 $124,500

605 Willowbrook, Parsons4BR, 2BA split level w/LR, FR, screened in patio, deck, shed & partially fenced yard. #7753 $125,000

701 Creek, Parsons- Updated 3-4BR, 2BA w/LR, FR, appliances, new deck, full finished basement & fenced yard. #7835 $142,000

1026 S. 35th, Parsons- 3BR, 2BA on 2.84 acres w/porch, deck, covered patio/deck & 3 car det. garage. #7789 $142,500

603 Willowbrook, Parsons- 2BR, 2BA w/new carpet, paint, newer kitchen w/appliances & sunroom overlooking the pond. #7771 $149,900

615 Cherokee- Newly remodeled 3BR, 2.5BA w/double sided fireplace, open floor plan, new siding & windows. #7799 $152,500

313 N. 49th, Parsons- 3BR, 2BA w/ front & back porches, patio & circle drive. 6.9 acres w/large shed & pond. #7802 $159,000

417 Parkway, Parsons- Large 4BR, 2BA w/granite, new stainless steel appliances, tornado shelter & landscaping. #7804 $179,900

440 N. Crestview, Parsons- 3BR, 2.5BA, w/LR, FR, DR, utility room & screened in porch w/view of the pond. #7820 $194,900

502 Maplecrest Dr., Parsons- 4BR, 2.5BA w/LR, FR, full basement w/ FR & wet bar, sun room & 2 car garage on corner lot. #7728 $199,900

1715 Morgan, Parsons- Historic 6BR, 5BA w/hardwood floors, natural woodwork, 5 fireplaces, new kitchen & det. garage. #7492 $214,900

429 Crestview, Parsons- 4-5BR, 3BA w/FR, w/fireplace, kitchen w/granite, full basement, screened porch & fenced yard. #7510 $219,900

18665 130th, Erie- 3BR, 2BA home on 15 acres w/a 75x50 heated building w/3BR, 1.5BA hunting lodge, a 50x50 horse barn & pond. #7806 $340,000

CALL COLDWELL BANKER • • • 421-6840 • • • 1725 Washington • • •

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