Serving Southeast Kansas for 21Years!
Real Estate Guide SEK
A free LOCAL publication distributed to Parsons, Chanute, Oswego, Altamont, Chetopa, Erie, Thayer, Humboldt, Coffeyville, Caney, Independence, Cherryvale, Edna, Fredonia and Neodesha
November/December, 2016
Bringle Real Estate
Keller Williams
Larry Marshall
United Country
David Simpson
Midwest Real Estate
Chesnutt and Chesnutt
Finley-Maloney Real Estate
Coldwell Banker Wood-Dulohery Real Estate
pg 2
Sek Real Estate Guide
Advertisers Index American Family 6 A r ve s t B a n k .........................p ag e 1 8 Bank of 9 Bringle Real 7 Brock 21 Cable 18 Chesnutt & 5 Clemens Insurance 16 Coldwell Banker..............pages 22-24 Commercial 20 Community National 6 CPR
November/December, 2016
Crown 4 David Simpson Real 15 Finley-Maloney Real Estate...pages 12-14 FirstOak 10 Frontier Farm 3 Gemini 4 Gold and Silver 21 Home Appliance 21 Home Savings 6 Kansas Secured 9 Keller 17 Labette 15 Larry 19 Lee’s Heating and 8 Midwest Real 3 Olson’s Ace 20 Parsons Chamber of 4 People’s State 15 Peter’s 4 Realty, 18 State 8 Steve’s 16 The 21 United Country Real 11 Vintage Heirloom & 8 Westco Home 16 Wilson County 8
The Real Estate Guide was started in 1994 and served the Parsons/Chanute area. With support from your local realtors and other businesses, we are able to provide you with a full color magazine listing real estate for sale. The Real Estate Guide offers other information such as helpful articles and advertisements from your hometown businesses. We work hard to provide a variety of ads for your viewing pleasure. This publication is free, one per reader. Removal of more than one paper from any distribution point constitutes theft and violators are subject to prosecution. Tampering with our racks is prohibited. The Real Estate Guide is published by RAM Publishing, P.O. Box 823, Parsons, KS 67357. We try our best to present an accurate guide for you, but RAM Publishing and our advertisers are not liable for material printed in error. This issue of The Real Estate Guide is delivered to real estate agencies, banks, grocery stores, restaurants, hotels, chambers of commerce, convenience stores, and other locations in Parsons, Chanute, Oswego, Chetopa, Altamont, Erie, Thayer and Humboldt, Fredonia, Neodesha, Cherryvale, Independence, Coffeyville, Caney and Edna. Don’t forget to check out our website at www. If you are interested in advertising, please call Mandi at 620-423-5140 or email her at or
Deadline for the Jan/Feb, 2017 issue is
Friday, Dec. 16th, 2016 © Copyright 2016, RAM Publishing. All rights reserved by RAM Publishing.
Make sure your agent is a REALTOR Experience A Higher Quality of Service. Buying a house is probably the single most complicated transaction you’ll ever deal with in your life. You need a professional to help you, someone to listen to your questions and guide you through the process. Someone who adheres to a strict code of ethics. So when you’re ready to buy a home, make sure you’re working with a REALTOR. Consider it peace of mind. Sponsored by PARSONS AREA BOARD OF REALTORS
27+ Acres, with creek, trees, near Fall River Dam. $75,000
Diane Hess - 620.205.6567
Newer 2000 sq. ft. home, on 1.7 Acres. $185,000
509 Jefferson, Fredonia- 1200 sq. ft., great affordable commercial building, city incentives. $30,000
1115 Jefferson, Fredonia- 3BR, 2 bath, 1522 sq. ft., fenced yard. MLS #27157 $65,000
119 S. 7th, Fredonia- 3BR, 1 bath, 1541 sq. ft., beautiful wood floors, dining room, basement, must see. MLS #26614 $79,000
909 Lincoln, Neodesha- 3BR, 1.5 bath, 1600 sq. ft., huge yard. MLS #26504 Only $50,000
521 Madison, Fredonia, KS
1216 N. 5th, Neodesha- 2BR,1 bath, great 1300 N. 5th, Neodesha- 3BR, 3 bath, 1698 starter, move-in ready and so cute. sq. ft., family room, extra garage workshop, MLS #27382 $52,500 very nice. MLS #27467 $82,500
rural home financing made easy! • Country or rural community • New construction, existing homes and refinancing • Attractive long-term rates • Quick appraisals, low-to-no fees and cash-back dividends
Jordan Anderson
Consumer Lending Officer Parsons, KS NMLS # 1411024 620-421-4030
How To Help Sick Kids Get Better When Insurance Isn’t Enough (NAPS)—Imagine this: You take your child to the doctor thinking she has an infection. You discover she has a life-altering condition and your health insurance doesn’t cover all the costs. The Bells That’s what happened to Alicia Bell when her daughter Karis was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Says Bell: “There are no vacations from being a parent and there are no vacations from being a parent of a T1D child.” Bell was not only surprised at her daughter’s diagnosis, she was further amazed to find her insurance wouldn’t pay for all the diabetic testing supplies Karis would need. The Problem The Bell family is far from unique. Each year, more and more Americans are forced to choose between paying for lifesaving treatments and for food, housing and utilities. People may cut pills in half, skip meals or housing payments or declare bankruptcy. An estimated 29 million Americans are underinsured and over 60 percent of all bankruptcies in the U.S. are related to medical expenses. In the Bells’ case, Alicia would need to go into serious credit card debt just to pay for her daughter’s diabetes monitoring and testing supplies. An Answer Fortunately, when health insurance is not enough, there is a group that helps close the gap, putting lifechanging medications within reach for thousands of people in need and helping to pay for prescription drug copayments, deductibles and health insurance premiums for critical medical treatments. A HealthWell Foundation Pediatric Assistance grant not only pays for Karis’s supplies—including an insulin monitor, so Karis doesn’t have to have her finger stuck several times a day—it pays the co-insurance for her hospital and clinic visits and will help pay for an insulin pump if and when she needs one. The Foundation An independent 501(c)(3), nonprofit organization, HealthWell has served as a safety net for more than 225,000 underinsured patients. Eligibility is based on the family’s medical, financial and insurance situation. HealthWell’s Pediatric Assistance Fund is specifically designed to provide financial assistance to children 18 years old or younger living with chronic or lifealtering conditions that their families are struggling to treat due to cost when health insurance is not enough. Learn more by visiting pediatric-assistance-fund. What You Can Do You can be a part of the solution with a tax-deductible gift that will enable children to access the life-changing treatment they desperately need. To help, visit www. and click on Ways to Give.
pg 4
Serving Southeast Kansas
Do Your Part. Be SepticSmart! (NAPS)—More than one in five households in the United States depend on septic systems to treat their wastewater. These small systems protect public health, preserve water resources, and maintain economic vitality in a community. During Septic Smart Week, September 19–23, 2016, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and local governments across the country are reminding homeowners of the importance of maintaining their septic systems. The proper care and maintenance of septic systems can help homeowners avoid system backups, which can lead to costly repairs and failures. Having your septic system inspected by a septic service professional is the best way to detect if your system has a leak or backup and is due for repair. To keep septic systems in proper working condition, homeowners can follow these SepticSmart “Top 10 Ways to Be a Good Septic Owner.” 1. Have your system inspected every three years by a qualified professional or according to your state or local health department recommendations. 2. Have your septic tank pumped, when necessary, generally every three to five years. 3. Avoid pouring harsh products (e.g., oils, grease, chemicals, paint, medications) down the drain. 4. Discard nondegradable products (e.g., floss, disposable wipes, cat litter) in the trash instead of flushing them. 5. Keep cars and heavy vehicles parked away from the drainfield and tank. 6. Follow the system manufacturer’s directions when using septic tank cleaners and additives. 7. Repair leaks and use water-efficient WaterSense labeled fixtures and ENERGY STAR certified appliances to avoid overloading the system (and to save water, energy and money). 8. Maintain plants and vegetation near the system to ensure roots do not block drains. 9. Use soaps and detergents that are low-suds, biodegradable, and low in or free of phosphates. 10. Prevent system freezing during cold weather by inspecting and insulating vulnerable systems parts such as the inspection pipe and soil treatment area. In addition to the money you can potentially save by properly maintaining your system, you can also protect the health of your family and neighbors. Household wastewater can contain disease-causing
November/December, 2016
Need a Parsons relocation packet? Call the Parsons Chamber of Commerce to have one mailed to you or visit the 24 hour visitor lobby. Parsons Chamber of Commerce 506 Main St., Parsons Phone 620.421.6500 • Fax 620.421.6501
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bacteria, viruses and toxic chemicals. Leaking, overloaded, or failing systems can cause poorly treated sewage to seep in your yard or groundwater. It can also pollute lakes, rivers, and streams, which can affect the health of animals and people. When your system functions properly, it protects you, those around you, and your environment. For more tips and useful information on how to be SepticSmart, visit
November/December, 2016
Col. Jerry Chesnutt
Serving Southeast Kansas
412 Commercial, Oswego, KS 67356 Call us at 620-795-2365 or 1-800-809-2790
pg 5
Col. Cody Chesnutt
Chesnutt & Chesnutt - Auctioneers - Real Estate Brokers KS/OKLA/MO/ARK - Appraisers Email us at or visit our website at
Oklahoma- New Listing- 15 Acres, all in grass, near Welch, with 2008 doublewide home. FeaChetopa- Three bedroom, two tures include safe roof, pool room, bath home on 40 acres, 24 in 3 decks, storage building. Rural water. Reduced! $109,900 cultivation. $159,900
Chetopa- 2+BRs, 1 bath home with hardwood floor under good carpet. Two car attached garage has two openers. Fenced yard, new roof, appliances stay. Separate 50x30x12 metal building with on overhead and 2 walk-in doors. $57,900
Chetopa- New Listing- 3BR, 1 bath ranch style home features lots of remodeling, 1 car attached garage. $34,900
Chetopa-New Listing- 2BR, 2 bath all brick on corner lots, with 2 car carport. Floating floors. Screened back porch. Storage building. Now Only $58,000
Chetopa- 2BR, 2 bath home with new metal roof, central heat/air, on corner lot across from K-12 school. $34,900
Chetopa- Cozy 3BR, 1 bath, one story on corner lots. Half a block of land, all fenced. One car garage, storage shed, barn. $49,900
Oswego- Late model horse barn w/8 outside accessible stalls, concrete central floor, tack room/ office area, hay loft & half bath, at southwest corner of Oswego. 40 acres m/l of lush fenced pasture. $132,500
Chetopa-New Listing- 3BR, 2 bath home with hardwood floors, and new siding, roof, windows, and doors! CH/A- 4 years old. Fenced yard, 1 car att. garage, and det. garage/work shed. $59,900
Chetopa- 2 or 3BR home with late model carpet, CH/A. Large privacy fence, one car detached garage, and storm shelter! One block from K-12 school. $34,900
Chetopa- Remodeling Underway- 3BRs, 2 baths, new roof, new cherry wood cabinets in island kitchen. Deck & 2 car garage. Needs carpet. Bathrooms need finishing, fixtures and doors are on site. Call for info.
Afton, OK -4BR, 2 baths on 3 lots located only two blocks from Grand Lake. Central heat/air, 2 car detached garage and storage buildings. $59,900
Parsons- 3BR, 1,848 sq ft home in excellent condition, on 4.4 acres. 1 mile to Meadow View. Like new Oswego- 2BR, 1 bath, central carpet, large rooms, basement, 2 heat/air, hardwood floors, one car car carport, paved circle drive, Oswego- 2BRs, 1 bath, central garage and one car carport. Fenced 40x40 metal horse barn, beautiful heat/air, beautiful colors. $44,900 yard, garden spot. $29,900 pasture. $74,900
Chetopa- 3BR, 2 baths, 2 car garage with paved driveway, and fenced back yard. $59,900
Chetopa-2BR home with CH/A, 1 car attached garage and a 1 car detached garage. Fenced yard, large deck. $21,500
Oswego-3BR, 1 bath, CH/A, new tile, new floating floor, new deck on back. $66,900
Chetopa-Victorian 2 story home on 4.5 acres with 70 grafted pecan trees, pond, 3 car garage. New oak kitchen. $134,900
Chetopa- Brand new roof, lots of exquisite woodwork. Sits on 1/4 city block, major highway. $24,900
Oswego- 2BRs, all new paint, floor joists, carpet and kitchen. $64,900
Chetopa- Downtown 10,000 sq ft commercial building housing a pecan business. New metal roof, CH/A. $84,900
Chetopa - Location, location, location! Main highway, downtown, and the only car wash in town. REDUCED $18,000
301 E. Main, Independence
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We want your listings Residential, Land Or Commercial!
627 Walnut, Chetopa MLS# 27135- Beautiful, historic home on a corner lot, wrap around porch, 4BR, 2BA, 2,308SF, CH/A, hardwood floors, fireplaces, remodeled kitchen, deck, 2 car det. garage & 2 car carport. Reduced to $60,000!
201 Woodcliffe Dr., Oswego MLS# 25406- Spacious, well maintained with open living/dining/kitchen, 1812 SF, LR has fireplace w/wood burning insert, kitchen has granite counter-tops, 3BR, 2BA, master BR with on-suite bath, 19’x19’ family room, total electric with heat pump, 2-car att. garage, deck, storage building, 24’x30’ det. garage/shop on 1 +/- acre lot. $115,000
105 Elm St., Chetopa MLS# 27635- 2.9 acres near Neosho River, 2BR, 1 bath, hardwood floors, 1280 SF, CH/A, 1 car attached garage, 12’x14’ shop, plenty of trees and wildlife. $49,900
122 N. Oregon St., Oswego MLS# 27363- Near Riverside park & Neosho Heights Elementary, 3-4BR, 1.5BA, 1,799 SF, CH/A, open area LR, kitchen and den with fireplace, bonus room off kitchen (can be used as bedroom), 2 car attached Oswego, 3BR, 1 bath, with a bonus room, garage, large deck. $80,000 1844 sq. ft. Call for showing. $47,000
222 N. 7th St., Chetopa MLS# 26716- Lovely 3BR, 1.5 baths, 1842 sq. ft., with 2 car attached garage, large rooms, and hardwood floors under carpet. A must see. Reduced to $65,500
1121 North St., Oswego Beautiful home w/character, 4BR, 2BA, 3430 SF. 3CH/A units for zone heating & cooling, large kitchen with hickory cabinetry & granite counter tops, large LR/DR, split level family room w/wood burning fireplace, basement, 3 car garage, privacy fence. $129,900
Have Fun, Stay Safe: Family Safety Tips For Outdoor Fun
(NAPS)—Your kids should move... move around, that is. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that children participate in 60 minutes of physical activity every day. Physical activity on a regular basis, combined with healthy eating habits, will prevent obesity and other diseases. Kids need outdoor play to be active, burn up excess energy and have fun. There are, however, a few steps you can take to protect them from injury. What You Can Do Here are seven simple safety tips from Joan Lawrence, Toy Industry Association’s “Toy Safety Mom,” to help keep your child’s outdoor play as safe as it is fun: 1. Make adult supervision a crucial part of outdoor play. 2. Watch children carefully whenever they’re near water. Kids should never be left alone near swimming pools, beaches, lakes or other bodies of water—even “kiddie” pools—no matter what their ages or swim capabilities. Children under 5 should always be no more than an arm’s length from an adult near water sources. 3. Always keep toys away from unsupervised and high-traffic areas, such as driveways and sidewalks, so they don’t lure a child into a dangerous situation. 4. Ride safely. Make sure your kids wear helmets, knee pads and other protective gear when playing with bikes, trikes, scooters and other ride-on toys. Accidental falls are the No. 1 cause of childhood injury, according to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. 5. Organize and store toys to prevent slips, trips and falls. Designate “parking” spaces for bikes and other ride-on toys and store smaller items, such as skateboards, on shelves. 6. Uninflated balloons and broken balloon pieces can pose a choking hazard. At parties and other festive events, and especially when kids are playing with water balloons, remember to supervise children and throw away any broken latex pieces you find. 7. Be sure to check and follow age guidance on toy packaging. The age grading doesn’t have anything to do with how smart your child is—it’s safety guidance that’s based on the developmental skills and abilities of children at a given age and the specific features of a toy. Learn More You can find further facts and tips about keeping your kids safe and happy from the experts at
pg 8
Serving Southeast Kansas Don’t Wait. Communicate. Make Your Family Emergency Plan Today.
Ensure that everyone in your household downloads the free FEMA app. (NAPS)—The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) urges Americans to take a few simple actions to prepare for a wide array of hazards by developing a family emergency communication plan and downloading the FEMA app. FEMA is encouraging people to take these actions in conjunction with America’s PrepareAthon!SM, a grassroots, community-based campaign for action designed to increase preparedness and resilience. One of the ways to protect your family and prepare for an emergency is to start with good communication. A family emergency communication plan is critical to making sure the entire family knows whom to contact, how to reach each other, and where to meet up in an emergency. Visit and download Be Smart. Take Part: Create Your Family Emergency Communication Plan. Collect the information you need, decide on the places where you will meet in case of an emergency, share the information with your family and practice your plan. In addition: • Create or update a wallet card with emergency numbers and an out-of-town point of contact. Make sure everyone in your family has their own card to carry with them. • Know your community’s plans for evacuation and the evacuation route where you live. Another way to protect your family is to ensure that everyone in your household downloads the FEMA app for disaster resources, weather alerts and safety tips. The app provides a customizable checklist of emergency supplies, tips on how to survive natural and manmade disasters, and weather alerts from the National Weather Service for up to five locations anywhere in the United States. In addition, with the app you can: • Share disaster damage photos on a verified photosharing platform. • Get directions to open shelters and find out where you can talk to FEMA in person. • Receive reminders to check your smoke alarm and replace the batteries. Download the FEMA app for free on the iTunes App Store and Google Play (available in English and Spanish). Visit the America’s PrepareAthon! website at ready. gov/ prepare to download the Be Smart. Take Part: Create Your Family Emergency Communication Plan and visit for more information about the FEMA app.
November/December, 2016
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Winter Prep Advice
(NAPS)—Preparing your house for the seasonal closing of windows and doors can be a smart step toward health and energy savings. How? By seeing that your home’s heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) system gets a complete cleaning. This includes replacing the filter and cleaning the ductwork. By removing built-up particulates and contaminants, you improve indoor air quality and maximize system efficiency. According to the United States Department of Energy, HVAC systems account for most of the energy use in a typical home. That’s one reason proper maintenance and cleaning, as suggested by the National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA), can mean an 11 percent energy savings. In addition, dirty systems can contribute to poor indoor air quality and health issues, especially in people with respiratory conditions, autoimmune disorders or certain allergies. Contaminants are pulled into the HVAC system and recirculated some six times a day. The buildup in the ductwork creates continuous exposure that only duct cleaning can address.
Peanuts And Peanut Butter Can Reduce Diabetes Risk
(NAPS)—Enjoying a peanut butter sandwich at lunch or snacking on a handful of peanuts won’t just fill you up. It’ll also reduce your diabetes risk, according to a new Harvard School of Public Health study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology. The study is the first to compare the long-term effects of eating animal protein versus plant protein on type 2 diabetes risk. Over 200,000 participants, followed for 20 years, showed that those who ate diets high in plant protein reduced their type 2 diabetes risk by 9 percent. Alternatively, those who ate diets high in animal protein increased their risk by 13 percent. According to the study, “whole grains, peanuts and peanut butter were the most commonly consumed major food sources of vegetable protein.” In fact, peanuts and peanut butter are among the most popular plant proteins eaten in the United States today. Peanuts contain about eight grams of protein, more than any other nut. They’re also a good source of fiber and essential nutrients. Unlike animal protein, which can be high in cholesterol and saturated fat, peanut protein is cholesterolfree and high in healthy fats. This nutritious package supports heart health, weight management and diabetes prevention. Researchers also looked at peanuts and peanut butter specifically and their effect on diabetes risk. When one serving of peanuts or peanut butter was swapped for one serving of deli meat, diabetes risk decreased by 21 percent. Swapping peanuts for refined grains or potatoes resulted in a 7 to 16 percent diabetes risk reduction. This study provides new evidence that increasing plant protein, particularly peanuts and peanut butter, can greatly improve health, especially when substituted for meats and refined carbohydrates. Since most households already keep peanut butter on hand, incorporating more plant-based eating into your diet can be very easy. Peanut Butter & Strawberry Quesadillas Makes 2 quesadillas 2 (8-inch) whole-wheat flour tortillas 4 tablespoons creamy peanut butter ¹⁄8 teaspoon cinnamon 1 cup strawberries, hulled and sliced Combine the peanut butter and cinnamon in a bowl. Spread half of the peanut butter over the tortilla. Arrange half of the strawberries over half of the tortilla. Fold the top half over the strawberries to form a half circle. Repeat for the second quesadilla. Cook quesadillas in skillet over medium-low heat, turning once, until lightly browned and heated through (6–8 minutes). Transfer to a cutting board, let cool, then cut each into thirds. Learn More For more recipes and health facts, visit www.peanutpower. org.
Kansas Secured Title At Kansas Secured Title you will be welcomed by experienced Title and Closing staff members whose #1 focus is providing “Service Beyond Expectation”.
• Residential Closings and Title Insurance • Commercial Closings and Title Insurance • Escrow Services • 1031/Reverse Exchange Two locations serving Southeast Kansas
Coffeyville Independence th 415 W. 11 118 W. Myrtle Phone: (620) 688-6544 Phone: (620) 331-2800 Fax: (620) 688-6551 Fax: (620) 331-2802
Smart Storage Suggestions For Your Clothes (NAPS)—When the seasons change, there are a few important steps you can take to protect your clothes and save yourself time, trouble and money. Try these tricks: • Make sure clothing is washed and free from stains before you store it. Stains can suddenly appear months later if the fabric is not clean when put away. • Use cold water for rinsing whenever possible. • If the care label recommends dry-cleaning that favorite sweater, take it to the dry cleaner before storing. Not all wool has to be dry-cleaned, however. If the label says “hand wash,” you can use your washing machine’s “hand wash” or “wool” cycle with cool water. Easy-care wool knits can be cleaned on the “wool” or “gentle” cycle of your washer with warm water. When the cycle is finished, dry the clothes on a flat surface away from direct heat or sunlight. • When drying clothes, sort by fabric types. Drying similar fabrics together reduces drying times and ensures even drying. • Don’t waste leftover heat. Try to get the second washload into the dryer while it’s still warm from the first to shorten drying time and save energy. • Don’t overfill the dryer. Air circulation is important for proper drying. Overloaded dryers may have to be run more than once—wasting energy, time and money. • Clean the lint filter before each dryer cycle to maintain proper air circulation and to speed up the drying process. • Before storing your clothes, make sure they’re completely dry. • Don’t store too many in too small a spot. Clothes need room to breathe while in storage. • Fold and stack knits loosely; do not hang them. • Instead of using garment bags, use clean storage boxes or even a suitcase. Keep this advice from the experts at Whirlpool Corporation’s Institute of Home Science in mind when you put your clothes away and you may find it’s almost like getting a whole new wardrobe of fresh, clean clothes when you take them out again the next time the seasons change. Learn More For further facts, tips and even recipes, you can go to
Welcome to FirstOak Bank. We’re here for you. 113 N. Penn Ave and 1801 W. Main Independence, KS
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November/December, 2016
Real Estate Professionals
Chanute-Erie-Ft. Scott-Humboldt
Jeff Ports 620-431-8699
1403 Santa Fe, Chanute
Mandy Collum 620-433-0889
Sharla Ports 620-212-3530
pg 11
Jody Evenson 620-431-8441
2319 W. 3rd Terrace, Chanute3BR, 2.5BA, finished basement, patio, deck, garage. $145,900
515 W. 4th, Chanute- 2BR, 1BA, Fenced yard, Garage $39,900
2301 W. 4th, Chanute- 3BR, 2BA, Fenced yard, Garage, Corner lot $139,900
2108 W. 5th-3BR, 1.7BA, Office, Bonus room, Patio, Garage, Twister safe shelter $169,900
221 E. 9th, Chanute4BR, 4.5BA, basement, covered patio, pool, garage, large corner lot. $189,000
511 E. 14th, Chanute- 3BR, 2BA, Deck, Garage $71,500
1110 W. 35th, Chanute- Retail/ Office bldg., acreage. $499,000
1115 S. Central, Chanute- 3BR, 1 bath. $12,500
1705 S. Central-4BR, 2BA, Deck, Garage, Lg shop, Outbldgs, Extra lots $110,000
1411 S. Edith, Chanute- 3BR, 1.75BA, basement, deck, garage. $64,900
525 S. Evergreen, Chanute2BR, 1BA, Garage $33,000
We need your listings. We have clients actively looking for the following types of properties: *Residential Homes *Deer hunting land *Country Homes *Duck hunting land *Executive Homes *Pasture land *Minerals/Open or Leased *Tillable land
506 W. Main, Chanute-4BR, 1.75BA, Fenced yd, Garage $69,500
1101 N. Plummer, ChanuteAcreage, 4BR, 2.5BA, Bsmt, Covered deck, Garage, Outbldgs $395,000
3802 S. Santa Fe, Chanute319 N. Steuben, Chanute- 4BR, Modern office building w/great 1.75BA, Fenced yd, Garage, floor plan. $215,000 Corner lot $78,000
410 N. Steuben, Chanute3BR, 1.75BA, Fenced yd, Garage, Lg lot $69,900
115 S. Steuben, Chanute2BR, 1BA, Great investment property $29,900
210 S. Tennessee, Chanute3BR, 2BA, carport. $83,500
307 S. Western, Chanute- 3BR, 1BA, Enclosed patio, Carport, Garage $39,500
618 S. Western, Chanute4BR, 1.5BA, covered patio. $69,900
627 S. Westview, ChanuteAcreage, 3BR, 4BA, deck, office building, shop, garage. $244,000
La Harpe
719 N. Grant, Chanute- 3BR, 1BA, Deck, Shop, Corner lot $66,500
318 N. Highland, Chanute4BR, 2BA , corner lot. $42,750
1116 N. Santa Fe, ChanuteFormer NuGrille restaurant. $88,000
102 S. Tennessee, Chanute3BR, 1.5BA, Finished basement, Sunroom, Patio, Garage $162,000
1015 Windsor Rd, Chanute3BR, 3.5BA, Office, Fenced yd, Deck, Pool, Lg lot, Bsmt, Garage $349,000
1317 S. Evergreen, Chanute2BR, 1BA, deck, corner double lot. $54,900
1205 S. Highland, Chanute2BR, 1.5BA $31,500
3300 S. Plummer- 8 acres commercial lot. $59,000 3400 S. Plummer- 8 acres commercial lot. $59,000
13298 Hwy 39- 4BR, 3BA, basement, covered deck & patio, garage. $169,000
1407 S. Lincoln, La HarpeAcreage, 3BR, 2BA, Garage, Shop, Fenced $48,950
611 N. 8th, Neodesha- 5BR, 2BR, Basement, Deck, Garage $139,000
1818 S. Santa Fe- Commercial lot, excellent bldg site. $29,500
pg 12
Parsons Area
1720 Broadway • Parsons, KS
November/December, 2016
Over $50,000 434 Crestview, Parsons
100 Country Club Lane, Parsons
This lovely home is located on a landscaped lot with access to the neighborhood pond by a 5 level deck. 3BRs, remodeled baths, new kitchen opens to FR with FP, LR, DR, utility and bonus room. #7596 $139,900
Beautiful setting for this 3BR home on the edge of the golf course. New tile, new paint, new bedroom carpet, wet bar, FP, LR, and FR make this a special buy. #7680 $131,998
Victorian dream on 5 fenced lots. Beautiful woodwork & pocket doors, 5 large BRs, 2.75 baths, 4 original FPs and bonus finished 3rd floor. Call Julia. #7618 $134,900
1504 Broadway, Parsons NEW LISTING Historic 2nd ward home close to schools and park with 3BR, 1.5 bath. Newer roof, all appliances, CH/A, FP system to enclosed sunroom, basement and new windows. $118,000
3103 Thornton, Parsons Excellent home with 3BRs, 1.75BAs in a great neighborhood. Open floor plan, large kitchen with beautiful original built-ins, newer flooring, french door & deck. Very close to schools. #7493 $115,000
3100 Briggs, Parsons Close to schools and playground, this 4BR, 1¾ bath home is waiting for your family. Features include new floors, new privacy fence, attached garage, new windows, and new heat/air. #7681 $93,000
1004 S. 32nd, Parsons
NEW LISTING Very nice 3BR, 2BA home located close to schools. Corner lot with mature trees adds to the beauty. Large 18x17 master BR with bath and walk-in tub and covered patio! #7787 $89,900
807 S. 15th, Parsons 3BR, 1.5 bath open floor plan home. Wood ceilings, fireplace insert on a great 150x150 lot. Home has a 50 year metal roof, new H/A & main bath, includes all appliances plus a freezer. #7755 $83,900
1400 Partridge, Parsons
REDUCED Lots of space for your dollar! 1800 sq ft,
3BRs, 1¾ BAs, and on 3 lots. New kitchen with updated appliances, lots of closet and storage spaces, vinyl siding & nearly new roof. #7387 $79,500
1614 Grand, Parsons
REDUCED Top condition in this lovely 4BR, 2.5BA close to park and schools, beautiful woodwork, vinyl siding and all new plumbing, electrical, lots of fresh paint and full equipped kitchen with dual ovens. #7620 $89,500
3801 Main, Parsons
NEW LISTING Need elbow room? Spread out and
enjoy 5BRs, 2.5BAs, at the edge of town on 3.4 acres. Oversized laundry, family room, new roof, vinyl siding and much more. Call Jeanie! #7785 $82,500
1510 Broadway, Parsons
NEW LISTING Beautiful 5BRs, 2 bath home w/wrap around porch, a new kitchen, large LR, FR, sun room, beautiful entry, 2FP, basement and walk up attic. $79,000
1516 Belmont, Parsons
110 E. 2nd, Mound Valley NEW LISTING Remodeled brick home on a large lot. This home has an open floor plan, new kitchen, two new baths, deck, attached and detached 2 car garages. Call Julia for a private tour! #7775 $84,900
2805 Elm Ave., Parsons Imagine yourself in the country but within the city limits. 3BRs, 2 BA home, kitchen with bar and dining area. Amazing shop 42x30 makes this a special deal! #7664 $80,000
711 S. 34th, Parsons GREAT location for this 3BR, 1.5 bath home. The dining room has been used as a 4th BR, the wall can be removed to enlarge dining area and has attached one car garage. #7663 $64,900
Keith Maloney 820-4531
Julia Finley, GRI 820-4047
Celiece Dhooghe 620-423-4257
Over $50,000 3010 Dirr, Parsons NEW LISTING Affordable with a choice location & 3BRs, 1¾ baths. Steel siding, newer roof, CH/A, & a FR or 4thBR. Some hardwood showing & more under carpets, all in neutral decor. $62,900
2711 Osage, Parsons
1110 Sunset, Oswego Nice lifestyle on quiet street with 3BR, 1BA home. This ranch has been well cared for, updated interior, good roof, good exterior paint and fenced back yard. All new bath also added. #7741 $56,900
421 N. 18th Street, Parsons
REDUCED Two lots of outside fun in REDUCED Remodeled 2BR, 1BA home. this 3BR, 2 bath home. The kitchen will make any cook happy & lots of space in the large great room. Det. 24x24 garage makes this a special buy. #7704 $49,000
Freshly painted, new doors, kitchen w/granite, stove, tile entry, bath w/tile shower and flooring, carpet, double paned windows, CH/A & sewer lines. #7722 $48,995
3110 Morton, Parsons 1711 Clark, Parsons Enjoy the evenings on your front porch! 3BR, 1BA, newer wiring, roof, CH/A & plumbing, fenced yard. #7252 $42,500
COMING SOON Four bedroom, 1
bath home close to High School. Updated kitchen includes new counter top, back splash, flooring and paint. Give Celiece a call for more details! $39,500
Jeanie Pemberton 620-423-2498
Under $50,000
2731 Clark, Parsons
2715 Pine, Parsons
REDUCED Owners have remodeled this REDUCED This 3BR, 2 full bath home
3BR, 2 bath home. New paint downstairs, features nice kitchen, great family room, new plumbing, electrical, hot water tank, separate dining room, large master bedroom $49,000 newer roof & H/A. #7548 $49,900 all on an oversized lot. #7705
2631 Appleton, Parsons
1424 Broadway, Parsons
REDUCED Historic 2nd ward home. REDUCED Make extra income from this Plenty of space for family in this 4BR, 2.5 bath home w/hardwood floors, curved stairway, 2 ornamental FPs, w/deck and in ground pool. #7706 $45,000
home with apartment over garage. This 3BR, 1.5 bath home has LR, DR, utility room, fenced in yard all on a spacious corner lot. #7707 $45,000
3160 Belmont, Parsons NEW LISTING Perfect winter project for the right person. CH/A, 4BRs, 2 bath home with new metal roof in 2015 and detached 2 car garage. #7788 $32,500
NEW LISTING Excellent pricing for
2619 Crawford, Parsons
this home. Great updated kitchen with island bar and all appliances. 3BRs, 1 bath, CH/A plus carport and one car garage. #7777 $29,750
1206 Chess, Parsons Hurry this nice starter home or investment property won’t last long at this price! This 3BR, 1 bath home, extra large utility room and attached garage. #7679 $20,500
2419 Grand, Parsons Cozy 2BR, 1 bath, cheaper than rent. Lots of items already replaced! New electrical, new plumbing, siding, all new windows & a good roof. #7604 $20,000
Visit our website: Visit Email:
1924 Morgan, Parsons
REDUCED Great investment or starter
home. Solid home with 2BRs, 1 bath with some updates. 5 lots with 250” of frontage. #7638 $19,750
...tell your friends about us!
Scan these QR codes with your smartphone to see our listings.
Julia Finley
Celiece Dhooghe
Keith Maloney
pg 14
Parsons Area
November/December, 2016
1720 Broadway • Parsons, KS
Commercial Properties 3330 Main Street, Parsons This very successful business has a huge customer base. Currently operating turn key with immediate income. Excellent facility and parking. 285’ of Main Street frontage. Call Keith today! #6850 $280,000
1729 S. 21st, Parsons Excellent 8,000 sq. ft. service center for trucks & heavy machinery. 4 drive through service bays with one work pit. Truck washing bay. One loading dock. 1,000 sq. ft. office space all in excellent condition. #5992 Call for price.
300 N. 8th St., Indy
3400 Main, Parsons
NEW LISTING Excellent Commercial
REDUCED Magnificent multi-level Opportunity. Building has 2,902 sq. ft. restaurant ideally located in convenient downtown location. 2 bars, banquet hall, outdoor terrace with fountain and excellent parking. Call Julia today! #7248 $189,900
with over 31,000 sq. ft. of parking area. Currently leased until 1/1/17. Exceptional pricing, give Keith a call today for details. $125,000
Land for Sale 107 E. Main, Parsons
REDUCED Wonderful brick commer-
cial property located on approx. 1 acre currently has been set up for a dentist office with operatories, reception and business office. Call Julia for appointment. $89,900
1727 Cedar Ridge Rd., Parsons Wonderful quiet neighborhood! Large building lot with 30 x 50 storage building w/overhead door. Gas & water are available. Electric meter set for a house & storage building w/ electricity. #5472 $39,900
Gabriel Ave., Parsons Wonderful building site on corner location. It is rare to find 2.4 available in town in such a nice area. #7719 $28,000
407 N. 15th, Parsons Two building lots on an open corner location. Give Julia a call for more details! #7674 $5,000
Impress Holiday Guests With A Stylish Home Refresh
(NAPS)—If you have guests coming for the holidays, there’s still time to whip your home into shape with smart buys and DIY projects that can instantly turn routine guest areas into stylish, inviting spaces. Bath Savvy Refresh your vanity: In small spaces like guest bathrooms, simple changes can make a big impact. Easy swaps of hardware and fixtures may be all you need to set the stage for an eye-popping makeover. Swap out your faucet, fixtures and hardware with champagne bronze or aged brass materials for a timeless look, and then contrast with a fresh coat of paint. If you’re unsure about trying new colors, form a neutral backdrop with creamy wall paint like Valspar Signature Irish Cream along with porcelain tile and a quartz countertop, allowing your fixtures to pop. Don’t be intimidated if you’re doing it yourself. Countertops, like allen + roth’s quartz vanity top, come ready to install with predrilled faucet holes and attached undermount sinks. Squeaky clean: Showers and toilets impact more than just the functionality of your bathroom— they can also add an element of sophistication. To add privacy and style, look first at the shower enclosure. A coated glass panel door will obscure views without blocking light. Got a tub? A new shower curtain and matching accessories will do the trick. For a time-saving upgrade that guests will love, install American Standard’s new ActiClean self-cleaning toilet, available at Lowe’s. This new toilet takes the stress out of hosting guests by removing stains from inside the bowl while cleaning more than twice the amount of dirt than conventional toilets. Finishing touches: Did you know you can install a dimmer switch in less than an hour? Give your bath a warm glow while helping overnight guests easily locate the bathroom during their stay. Finally, help guests find everything they need, and keep them out of your cabinets, with a basket packed with soaps, shampoos, scrubs and more. New Life For Your Living Room Color your mood: Warm spaces and soft textures beckon guests to relax during the holidays. To make your living room inviting, try a winterinspired paint color like dusty rose, deep purples or frosty gray that draw inspiration from powdery snow and cashmere sweaters. Complement paint with soft lighting by adding a pair of wall-mount arm sconces that can easily be installed with a cordless drill and basic hand tools. Fresh flooring: Give your space a face-lift with floating laminate floors. These floors have the same great look as hardwood and are easy to install (see step-by-step instructions at You won’t even need adhesive, nails or staples. For an instant new look, select an area rug by playing with shapes, colors and pattern to pull your room together. To determine which size rug is best for your living room, lay a bedsheet folded to that size on the floor, so you can get an idea of the area it will cover. Spread holiday cheer: Find the focal point in your living room and decorate around it, like framing a fireplace with pre-lit Christmas trees or draping the mantel with garland. Add soft lighting by placing LED candles around the room—you don’t have to light them, blow them out or worry about dripping wax. Complete the look by adding minitrees and a sparkling wreath to create a festive feel. For more ideas for getting your home ready for the holidays, visit
Bev Browne 423-9170
Kiowa Road, Parsons- MLS# 7735- 80.6 acres, beautiful stocked pond, 30x36 metal pole barn with lean-to, 30 acres fenced pasture, 37 acres crops, 13 acres CRP Quail Buffer Zone. $240,000
David Simpson 820-1639
26031 Pratt Road, Parsons 620-421-3251
West 24000 Rd., Parsons - MLS# 7581- 30 acres just west of Parsons. New fencing on most of the property, also has a pond. Located in USD 506 school district. $75,000
24080B Finney Road, Dennis- MLS# 7780Beautiful country setting for 4BR, 2BA home, 2280 sq. ft., open kitchen, dining room, large LR, great master suite. Large decks, 30’x32’ detached garage. Approx. 1.75 acres m/l. $102,000
24080 Finney Road, Dennis- MLS# 7782- Great 3BR, 1BA rural home, large LR & utility room, kitchen/dining area. Fenced yard, covered patio, 24’x26’ detached garage. Approx. 1.25 acres m/l. $46,000
24005 Meade Rd., ParsonsMLS# 7689- 3BR, 2BA home on 2 acres just outside city limits. Screened in porch, garage 32’x20’ & shop 42’x32’. $90,000
3107 Appleton, Parsons- MLS# 7736- Cute 3BR, 1½ BA, detached 2 car garage. Large kitchen, living room, dining or family room. $68,000
3533 Belmont., Parsons- MLS# 7734- Nice 3BR, 2BA on 7 city lots on edge of town. Newer vinyl siding, 30x30 shop building. $60,000
2821 Chess, Parsons- MLS# 7746- 3BR, 1BA on corner lot, over 1700 sq ft. Vinyl siding & fenced yard. $27,000
Call Bev for more information today!
Heat Pump Or Furnace—What’s The Best Choice For Your Home?
(NAPS)—Most homes that require heat rely on furnaces or heat pumps to circulate warm air throughout the house. Knowing which piece of equipment is right for your home isn’t always easy. The experts at the York brand of Johnson Controls suggest you consider the following questions before making a decision: What is the difference between a heat pump and a furnace? Unlike furnaces, which burn fuel to create heat, a heat pump removes heat from the air outside your home and transfers it inside. In the summer, the process reverses as the heat pump removes heat from the air inside your home and transfers it outside, cooling your home without the need for a separate air-conditioning system. How do you measure the efficiency of a heat pump and a furnace? The efficiency of a heat pump is indicated by the unit’s heating seasonal performance factor (HSPF), while the annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE) measures the efficiency of a gas furnace. The higher the HSPF or AFUE, the more efficient the unit and the less fuel it requires to heat your house. Can heat pumps and furnaces operate effectively in any climate? A heat pump will heat your home more affordably than a furnace if you live in an area where the temperature rarely dips below 30 degrees. As temperatures drop below 30 degrees, the heat pump must work harder to extract heat and its efficiency decreases as a result. In this case, a furnace is probably a better choice, because it can operate in any climate. What equipment do the systems require? A heat pump usually consists of an indoor and an outdoor unit to heat and cool a house, while a furnace consists of a single indoor unit that generates heat. If cooling is required, the home comfort system that uses a furnace also requires separate indoor and outdoor cooling units.
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pg 16
Parsons and all the surround area “Find what you need to furnish your home at WESTCO.”
202 S. 21st, Parsons
November/December, 2016
Put A Great New Face On Your Fireplace (NAPS)—Here’s a hot tip from decorating experts: A small change can have a big effect on the look of a room. For example, consider refacing your fireplace. It’s as easy to do as changing your kitchen countertops—and with today’s natural thin stone veneers, it’s also cost effective. That’s because when you’re looking for materials that are beautiful, durable and versatile, natural thin stone veneer can be a surprisingly affordable choice, which can even help to raise the resale value of your home. From the Pyramids to the Parthenon, natural stone has long provided aspirational design and durability. Now, natural thin stone veneer can be cut from 100 percent natural quarried stone… so even a thin slice offers some of the same durability, low maintenance and aesthetic qualities of the thicker version. In addition, natural thin stone veneer is widely available.
INSURANCE AGENCY Serving Kansas Since 1985
Because of its reduced weight, natural thin stone veneer is extremely versatile. It requires no additional foundation support and installs, often easily, over existing rigid materials such as brick and concrete block, turning a small remodeling project into one with impressive design results. Ninety-degree angles that can be cut from full-thickness stones are used in corner applications, concealing the true thickness of the stone. The overall cost-effective result is a unique fireplace that looks like a traditional full-thickness installation. Natural thin stone veneer is available in a multitude of
• HEALTHstone types, including limestone, granite, bluestone,
sandstone and quartzite, and is available in a wide variety of styles, textures, cuts and colors, making it easy • COMMERCIAL to integrate into existing design schemes from modern to traditional.
What’s more, unlike its man-made counterparts, natural thin stone veneer doesn’t fade in color, so your fireplace will maintain its lasting beauty.
Because custom or one-of-a-kind products often come a hefty price tag, homeowners are generally • RV with unwilling to splurge on renovations. However, because 401 N. 16th stone is a natural, nonmanufactured product, no two Parsons, KS 67357 • MOTORCYCLE pieces are exactly alike—offering a custom look every LIFEOffice • (620) HEALTH • (620) COMMERCIAL 421-9999 Fax 421-0274 time. Natural thin stone veneer makes this opportunity Monday - Friday 8am-6pm • BOAT one step more convenient, as it gives you the customAUTO • HOME • FARM made look in a most cost-efficient application.
RV • MOTORCYCLE • BOAT 401 N. 16th Parsons, Kansas 67357 620-421-9999
Mon-Fri 8-5
For those who are eco conscious, natural thin stone veneer offers many sustainable attributes. It is also virtually maintenance-free, which will allow you to spend less time worrying and more time enjoying your “new” fireplace with family and friends.
Joni Gaertner
(620) 778-3469 NG NDI
1003 E. 10th, CherryvaleThis nice 2 story home f e a t u re s 3 - 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, living room, family room, kitchen, fireplace, porch and 2.6 acres. #7795 $85,000
Anita Donnelly
(620) 330-0812
(620) 205-9420
4512 N. Penn, Indy- Open floor plan, 3BRs, 2 baths, CH/A, carport, large deck, sheds. #26745 $59,900
923 W. Main, Cherryvale- Well maintained ranch style, 3BRs, 1 bath, storage shed and patio. Extra lot. #27468 $68,000
1018 E. 7th St., Altamont- Great location! Close to school!! Ranch style home, 3BRs, 2 baths with beautiful tile, walk-in showers, LR, kitchen, solid oak doors and trim, det. garage, covered patio. #7525 $105,500 3132 Washington, Parsons- Remodeled 3BR, 1¾ bath home, new interior paint, trim, flooring, roof and more. 30’x16’9 MBR, open LR & DR large BA, screened in porch, 12’x13’ deck, garage & privacy fenced yard. #7692 $89,900 1508 Grand Ave., ParsonsClassic 2 story home in historic neighborhood in Parsons! 4BRs, 1.5 baths, large living room, and dining room, 2 car detached garage. #7657 $59,900 2518 Belmont, ParsonsCharming 2BR home with lots of beautiful woodwork. 2BRs, 1 bath, large LR, kitchen, utility room, privacy fenced back yard, vinyl siding, upgraded Trane CH&A unit, and 5 new vinyl clad windows in the last few years. #7530 $49,900
703 N. 10th, Indy- 4BR, 2 bath home. Many updates, remodeled kitchen, formal dining room, det. garage. #26553 $75,000
69120 E. 252 Rd., Wyandotte, OK- 2BR, 1 bath, reconstruction in 08, appliances included. #27434 $79,500
720 E. 4th, CherryvaleWell maintained with 4BR, 2 bath, deck, covered porch, det. 2 car garage. #27040 $83,900
300 W. 5200 St., Cherryvale- Remodeled open floor plan on 4.6 acres, 3BR, 2BA, office/storage room. #27004 $138,000
1783 E. 5th St., Cherryvale- 2BR, 2 bath home, 8.36 acres, beautiful kitchen, move in ready, nice deck off back. #26941 $157,000
1282 W. 530th Ave., McCune- Ranch style country home setting on 2.5 acres. 4BRs, 1¾ bath, living room, kitchen & dining room combo, front & back deck, storage building with electric, utility building, storage building with storm cellar. #7631 $59,900
Serving Southeast Kansas!!
504 N. 13th St., IndependenceGreat home f o r 1 s t t im e buyer or investment property. Fenced back yard and partial basement. #26973 $39,900
1943 Bronco Rd., SedanOpen floor plan, 66.4 acres, 2BRs, 1.75 baths, det. garage, shop, outbuildings, pond, creek, pasture, hay meadow. #27600 $243,000
606 N. 15th St., IndependenceGreat 1st home or investment property. 1½ story, 4BR, 1½ bath, 4thBR could be a play area upstairs. #27036 $19,000
1319 W. Laurel, IndependenceCute 2BR bungalow, large living room and small sun room would make a nice home office. #27030 $24,000
1024 N. Pennsylvania, Independence- Nice 3BR, 1 bath home with partial basement and detached garage with carport. Fenced back yard. #27022 $49,000
1101 N. 13th St., Independence- Great first home or investment property. 3BRs, 1 bath with large back yard. #27029 $22,000
63722 E. 240 Rd., Grove, OK- Lakefront cabinet, beautiful lake view, 2BRs, 1.5 baths, boat dock and deck. #27433 $169,900
Rd 18, Sedan-Ideal seting for hunting, lots of wildlife, timber, 3 ponds, creek, pasture. Great building site. #27625 $560,000
1740 SE Washington Blvd. Bartlesville, OK 74006, 918-766-0001 2202 S. Main St. Grove, OK 74344 918-786-SOLD
305 Westminster, Independence- Cute 2BR bungalow, great for 1st time buyer or would make a g re a t i n v e s t ment property. New roof 2015. #26799 $24,900
Licensed in KS and OK!
pg 18
Serving Southeast Kansas
November/December, 2016
HOME LOANS WITH LOCAL SERVICE Arvest retains the servicing of 99% of the home loans we make, giving you peace of mind that you won’t suddenly be dealing with an unknown mortgage servicing company. You can also make payments at any branch location, over the phone, or even online. If you're considering buying a home, give me a call today! Kelly Gilliland Mortgage Loan Banker 301 W 4th, Caney (918) 337-4341 office (918) 397-4617 mobile
NMLS# 645892 Fee assessed to non-Arvest checking accounts for online and telephone payments.
Member FDIC
Larry Marshall Auction & Realty
413 N. 6th, Fredonia
Larry Marshall - Broker
Website: Email:
Rita Voth........... 620-636-0223
Mark Garrettson...620-433-2561
1217 Edgemoor, Fredonia- 3BR, 2 938 N. 14th, Fredonia- 3BR, 1½ bath, bath, 1566 sq. ft., CH&A, deck, fenced new CH&A, 1,806 sq. ft., detached 2 yard, 2 storage buildings, attached 2 car garage, RV parking. $98,000 car garage. $95,900
1002 Madison, Fredonia- 4BR, 2 bath, 2132 sq ft, remodeled large kitchen, 2 fireplaces, new windows, attached 2 car garage. $120,000
302 N. 17th, Fredonia-3BR, 2 bath, 1684 sq. ft., CH, wood burning fireplace with heatalator. Attached 2 car garage, nice corner lot. $108,000
227 E. 11th, Chanute- 5BR, 2 bath, CH&A, 1,152 sq. ft., includes detached 1 car garage w/1 BR apartment, CH& WA. $78,500
522 N. 8th, Fredonia- 2BR, 1 bath, 330 N. 19th, Fredonia- 3BR, 2BA, 113 S. 8th, Fredonia- 3BR, 2 bath, CH&A, 1,360 sq. ft., detached 2 car CH&A, 1,092 sq. ft., attached 1 car 1,869 sq. ft., 2 car garage w/shop. garage. $77,500 garage. $76,000 $72,500
326 N. 20th, Fredonia- 3BR, 2 bath, CH&A, 1,224 sq. ft., attached 2 car garage. $68,000
706 N. 10th, Fredonia- 3BR, 2 1/4 BA, 1807 sq. ft., CH&A down, wood burning FP. Detached 1 car garage. $67,500
816 N. 8th, Neodesha- 2BR, 1 bath, CH&A, 1,072 sq. ft., thermal pane windows, fenced yard w/deck, 10’x20’ storage building. $63,500
814 Jefferson, Fredonia- 2BR, 1 bath, 884 sq. ft., remodeled, wood privacy fence. $59,900
425 W. State St, Erie- 3BR, 1BA, CH&A, 1,144 sq. ft., lots of shade. Price reduced to $45,000
917 Quincy, Fredonia- 3BR, 1½ bath, 1908 sq. ft., CH&A, woodburning FP, detached 1 car garage. $41,500
322 S. 3rd, Neodesha- 2BR, 1 bath, CH&A, 1,144 sq. ft., large wheelchair ramp, large yard, detached 1 car garage w/carport. $32,500
425 Acres Greenwood/Wilson Co. Line- All native grass and timber, good pond water, all fenced. Call for details.
240 Acres, Montgomery Co. Land- 80 acres w/2 ponds and creek, fenced, grass land w/some trees and timber160 acres pasture w/some trees and timber, 2 ponds, creek, 2 wells. Excellent hunting area.
150 Acres on US 75 Hwy, Altoona- All fenced, rural water, ponds w/springs, hwy and blacktop, access on 2 sides, call for details.
1641 N. 15th St., Fredonia- Commercial property, approx. 29,000 sq. ft., concrete floor, overhead crane, exceptionally nice, w/high clearance easy access to Hwy 400. Call for details.
635 Monroe, Fredonia- 2,200 sq ft of commercial space on the square in Fredonia. $24,000
pg 20
Parsons and all the surround area
November/December, 2016
Five Tips To Prepare Your Children For Success In School (NAPS)—One of the best things you can do for your children is to make sure they attend school every day. After all, we want our kids to have the best possible chance of doing well in school and achieving their dreams. But getting a child to school isn’t always easy. While some absences are understandable, it’s important to understand the impact of each absence. Although most parents understand the importance of getting their child to school every day, many believe that missing three or more days of school each month won’t make a difference. In reality, as early as elementary school, students who miss just two school days per month are more likely to fall behind in school, and less likely to graduate from high school. Even when the absences are excused or understandable, absences add up. Students who miss just two days of school each month end up missing 18 school days, or 10 percent of the school days in a year. By following these five simple tips, you can help ensure your child attends school every day. Attending school every day puts your child on the path toward success in school and in life. What to Do: 1. Keep track of how many days of school your child has missed. 2. Figure out why your child is absent from school. Is your child dealing with a chronic illness such as asthma? Is he being bullied or struggling at school? Is she staying home to help care for a family member? Serving SEK since 1956 Serving Your SEK since 1956 Serving SEK since #1 Store for:1956
Your #1 Store For: Store Plumbing #1 for: Your #1 Store for: •Your Plumbing Plumbing Plumbing Electrical • Electrical Electrical Electrical Paint Paint Paint • Paint Hardware Hardware Hardware • Hardware &Lawn & Garden Garden Lawn & Garden Lawn & Garden Gifts • Lawn Gifts Gifts House wares House wares • Gifts House wares th • 200 House th wares N. 18 200 St. N. 18 St. th
200 N. 18 KsSt. 67357 Parsons, KsParsons, 67357 (620)421-2210 (620)421-2210 Parsons, Ks 67357 (620)421-2210
200 N. 18 St. Parsons, KS 67357 (620) 421-2210 th
3. Ask teachers and community leaders for advice and specific resources. Reach out to other parents, too, to ask for help and share tips. 4. Consider enrolling your child in a mentoring or an afterschool program. When kids work with mentors, they learn about the importance of attending school every day. With an additional support system in place, kids learn strategies to address their day-to-day challenges. Similarly, when kids get involved in afterschool programs, they are more likely to feel connected to their school communities and are less likely to be absent. 5. Visit for information on the impact of absences and resources to help prevent them in the future. On the website, you’ll learn how to help children who are struggling in school, being bullied, managing chronic illness or dealing with mental health challenges. Additionally, the site also provides parents with resources to assist with caregiving, housing and food challenges.
November/December, 2016 Parsons and all the surrounding area pg 21 Seven Safety Tips For Protecting Your Child 2 East Main (NAPS)—According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Chanute Commission, some 70,000 children under age 5 are injured every year by common household products and toys—but yours don’t have to be among them. Here are seven ways to keep infants and toddlers safer: 1. Cook safely. Never leave food unattended on the stove. Turn pot handles so curious toddlers can’t reach them. 2. Set your water heater to 120° F or lower. Infants and small children may not be able to get away from water that’s too hot.
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3. Use home safety devices, such as guards on windows above ground level, stair gates and guardrails. 4. Keep medicines, cleaning products and other toxic substances where children can’t see or reach them. 5. Make sure children are properly buckled up. With a 90 percent misuse rate for installing car seats and boosters, parents should visit a car seat inspection station in their area to learn how to properly install and use them. 6. Always check the age label on toys. Small parts—whether from toys, pieces of food such as hot dogs or grapes, or anything else—can become a choking risk for children who have small throats and tend to put things in their mouths. 7. Check window coverings for exposed or dangling cords, which can pose a strangulation hazard to infants and young children.
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Parents with young children should replace their corded window coverings with the many cordless products. To assist the consumer, the Window Covering Manufacturers Association (WCMA) created the Best for Kids certification program. For their products to be eligible for certification as safe for homes with small children, manufacturers must meet specified program criteria and submit their window coverings to a designated thirdparty testing laboratory. Throughout the year and particularly during October, which is National Window Covering Safety Month, parents are urged to maximize window cord safety by taking these three steps: • Install only cordless window coverings or those with inaccessible cords. Replace window blinds, corded shades and draperies with those that are cordless or have inaccessible cords. Look for the Best for Kids label. • Move all cribs, beds, furniture and toys away from windows and window cords of any kind, preferably to another wall. • When window cords are present, keep them out of sight and reach by shortening or tying them up and away. Learn More For further facts on window cord safety, visit www.
620-331-0235 or 620-332-HELP (4357) • • • •
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Serving Southeast Kansas Since 1990
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Parsons and all the surround area
November/December, 2016
WOOD-DULOHERY REAL ESTATE 1725 Washington, Parsons 620-421-6840 Burress Addition 28 lots in new housing addition near High School in Erie. Utilities available. #7535 $4,000 each lot 2711 Corning, Parsons200x214 building lot with 5 year tax rebate program. #7713 $4,000
Land For Sale 2417 Clark, Parsons50x150 vacant lot for sale. City utilities are available. #7540 $4,500
1613 Belmont, Parsons50x120 vacant lot in business district. City utilities available. #7764 $15,460
615-619 N. 16th, Parsons100’x100’ vacant lot. Great location on 16th street. #7328 $14,900
Cedar Ridge Road, Parsons1.16 acre lot in Country Estates Addition. Utilities available. Building restrictions apply. #7258 $29,900
901 N. 16th, ParsonsCommercial lot off Hwy 59 in Parsons city limits. Zoned C3. Utilities available. #7730 $29,900
1612 Broadway, Parsons55x120 lot w/det garage in business district. Zoned C-3. Utilities avail #7765 $47,681
2332 11,500 Road, Oswego37 acres w/horse barn near Oswego. Zoned residential. #7686 $132,500 Prime commercial property located near Hwy 400 bypass and Hwy 59. Restrictions apply. Call Bob for more details.
Commercial Properties 1301 Corporate Dr., Parsons11,258 sq ft building with 1,458 sq ft office space, 2 overhead doors plus 2 loading docks. #7272 $80,000
806 S. Central, Parsons- Commercial building with office, warehouse, storage & loading dock. #7563 $124,500
2530 Morgan, Parsons- Comm. building w/reception area, offices, kitchenette, bathrooms, large open area & loading dock. #7678 $189,000
2607 Jothi Ave, Parsons- 26,250 sq ft building in Wayne Moran Industrial Park. All city utilities. 1617 Felix, Parsons- Handyman 2504 Dirr, Parsons- 3BR, 1BA w/ special! Only $7,500 for this 2BR, carport, detached garage & fenced 3,151 sq ft office space. #7786 back yard. #7760 $15,000 #7273 $375,000 1BA home on 2 lots.
823 N. 26th, Parsons- 3BR, 1BA w/large back porch & 2 car carport. Priced right at $19,900. #7709
3113 Grand, Parsons- 2BR 1BA w/hardwood floors and attached garage for only $23,900. #7761
702 W. State, Erie- Remodeled 1390 sq. ft. professional building, NEW roof with paved parking. #7213 $54,900
2325 Main, Parsons- 1,600 sq. ft. Commercial building on Main Street. Nice corner lot w/paved, off street parking. #7727 $62,000
$7,500 - $35,000 Properties
1304 Appleton, Parsons- 2BR, 1BA w/LR, DR, updated bath, fenced yard, detached garage & partial basement. #7668 $24,900
3300 Grand, Parsons- 2BR, 2BA mobile home on rented lot. Appliances and shed included in sale. #7500 $28,500
414 N. 24th, Parsons- 2BR, 1BA w/LR, DR, kitchen, utility room, back deck & 2 car garage. #7739 $28,900
2331 Crawford, Parsons- 3BR, 1BA w/welcoming front porch, large kitchen, fenced yard, garage w/workshop & carport. #7675 $29,900
422 Plum, Chetopa- 3BR, 2BA on oversized lot in great location! House needs some TLC. #7652 $29,900
1205 Kimball, Parsons- 2BR, 1BA w/new windows, newer roof/guttering, CH/A, hardwood floors & appliances. #7766 $29,900
1510 Thornton, Parsons-Updated kitchen in 2BR, 1BA home, utility room and 2 car det. garage w/new roof. #7749 $31,900
1617 Dirr, Parsons- Charming 2BR home with newer roof & wiring, appliances, detached garage & carport. #7790 $32,900
3128 Grand Ave., Parsons- 2BR, 1BA w/updated bath, CH/A, appliances, fenced yard & storage building. #7743 $34,900
2730 Crawford, Parsons- Neat & clean 2BR home. Nice kitchen w/ appliances, fenced yard & det. garage. #7505 $35,000
November/December, 2016
WOOD-DULOHERY REAL ESTATE 1725 Washington, Parsons 620-421-6840
Parsons and all the surrounding area
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Suzanne Wood..............................................423-9242 J a n i c e D u l o h e r y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 3 - 9 2 5 2 Carol Bush..............................................423-9802 Everett Shrum..................................244-5297 Sherry Harrell....................................717-1717 Theresa Karleskint.............................................423-7515 Kylie Smith....................................................820-3623 Bret Middleswart................................249-9999
$35,812 - $69,000 Properties
317 S. Delaware, Edna- 3BR, 2BA ranch home w/attached garage. Place offers on #7763 $35,812
1115 S. 15th, Parsons- 2BR, 1BA w/new roof, wiring & CH/A, attached garage & fenced yard. #7742 $36,500
433 N. Grant, Erie- 3BR, 1BA w/ nice front porch, some new windows, metal roof, detached garage & carport. #7748 $39,000
3140 Corning, Parsons- 1BR, 1BA w/appliances, attached garage, fenced yard, deck & lovely landscaping. #7783 $39,900
1401 Chess Ave, Parsons- 3BR, 1BA w/appliances, CH/A, basement, 2 car detached garage & extra lot. #7756 $43,900
2626 Crawford, Parsons- 2BR, 1BA w/new windows, plumbing, cabinets & bath, CH/A, deck & detached garage. #7646 $44,900
3027 Main, Parsons- 2BR, 2BA w/hardwood floors, hutch, appliances, garage, carport & fenced yard. #7534 $45,000
1516 Stevens, Parsons- 3BR,1BA bungalow w/spacious living room, 20345 Ottawa Rd., Erie- 3BR, dining room, kitchen and detached 1BA on 9.4 acres. Submit offers garage. #7793 $49,500 to #7754 $49,800
27 Willow Drive, Parsons- Spacious 4-5BR, 2BA w/attached garage, storm shelter, privacy fenced yard & shed. #7682 $49,900
2918 Broadway, Parsons- Duplex for sale! 2BR, 1BA w/attached 1 car garages in center. #7758 $49,900
2224-2226 Belmont, Parsons3BR, 1BA w/partial basement, fenced yard, carport, 30x40 shop & 8x10 utility bldg. #7574 $49,900
514 S. Wells, Altamont- Cute 2BR, 1BA on large corner lot w/ vinyl siding & metal roof. #7740 $52,000
115 S. 27th, Parsons- 3BR, 2BA w/back deck & carport. Submit offers to #7768 $55,500
519 N. Grant, Erie- 3BR, 1.5BA w/dry basement, covered patio, 1 car garage, shed & fenced yard. #7547 $59,900
300 E. 3rd, Altamont- 2BR, 1.5BA, w/LR, FR, kitchen w/ island, deck, attached garage, carport & utility shed. #7699 $59,900
112 Hillcrest, Oswego- 3BR, 2BA w/attached garage & large yard. Handicap accessible. Needs some TLC. #7670 $60,000
715 S. Michigan, Oswego- 4BR, 2BA on a shady lot w/newer windows, siding, downstairs flooring & interior paint. #7769 $60,900
1218 Appleton, Parsons- 7BR, 2BA w/det garage & extra lot. Close to park & schools. #7767 $64,900
2630 Crawford, Parsons- 3BR, 2BA w/vinyl siding, new windows & guttering, newer roof, 2 car detached garage & fenced yard. #7762 $64,900
2921 Broadway, Parsons- 2BR, 1BA w/large kitchen w/appliances, CH/A, partial basement, shed & garage apartment. #7759 $64,900
1606 Broadway, Parsons- 4BR, 3BA w/natural woodwork, pocket doors, pool, fenced yard & detached garage. #7738 $67,500
3001 Morton Ave., Parsons- 3BR, 1.5BA on large lot w/newer roof, covered patio, attached garage & privacy fenced back yard. #7697 $68,500
105 N. Webster, Erie- 4BR, 1BA w/wrap around porch, LR, DR, kitchen, CH/A, detached garage & fenced yard. #7729 $69,000
812 7th, Altamont- 3BR, 2.5BA w/ LR, FR, utility room, deck, 2 car detached garage & carport. #7752 $42,499
CALL COLDWELL BANKER • • • 421-6840 • • • 1725 Washington • • •
pg 24
Parsons and all the surrounding area
WOOD-DULOHERY REAL ESTATE 1725 Washington, Parsons 620-421-6840
Suzanne Wood 423-9242
Janice Dulohery 423-9252
Carol Bush 423-9802
November/December, 2016
Everett Shrum 244-5297
Sherry Harrell 717-1717
Theresa Karleskint 423-7515
Kylie Smith 820-3623
$69,900 - $219,900 Properties
2409 Thornton, Parsons- 5BR, 3BA w/new flooring, doors, trim, countertops, fixtures plus a FR and fenced yard. #7745 $69,900
2425 Belmont, Parsons- 4BR, 2BA w/hardwood floors, granite in kitchen, newer CH/A, partial basement & fenced yard. #7720 $69,900
2718 Main, Parsons- 4BR, 1.5BA w/original hardwood floors & woodwork, basement, deck, fenced yard & detached garage. #7683 $69,900
615-617 N. 5th, Chetopa- 2-3BRs, 1BA w/new flooring, fireplace, enclosed porch, detached barn/garage PLUS more. #7524 $69,900
904 Ohio, Oswego- 4BR, 2BA w/stone front, fireplace, CH/A & attached garage. Sits on nice large lot. #7781 $74,900
416 S. 32nd, Parsons- Very well maintained 3BR/1BA home w/ large screened porch, 2 car detached garage. #7703 $74,900
1303 11,000 Rd., Altamont- 4BR, 2BA on 4.45 acres w/new 50x40 building & 32x60 shed. #7733 $80,500
2200 Broadway, Parsons- Great Opportunity with this 6,073 sq. ft. building w/updated kitchen & baths & vacant lot. #7502 $89,000
1505 Grand, Parsons- Historic 3 story home w/4-5BRs, 2.5BA, newer kitchen w/island & granite & 2 car garage. #7565 $89,900
1406 Grand, Parsons- 4BR, 2.5BA w/hardwood floors, new kitchen, newer CH/A, partial basement, shed & landscaped yard. #7659 $89,900
615 S. 15th, Parsons- Spacious 3BR, 2BA w/stain glass, hardwood floors & lots of storage. Close to park & school. #7791 $92,000
1707 S. 29th, Parsons- 3BR, 2BA w/new roof, pella windows & granite counters, fireplace, deck & attached garage. #7632 $92,900
835 26,000 Rd., Parsons- 4BR, 1BA w/hardwood floors, natural woodwork, storm shelter, outbuildings & 2 ponds on 10 acres. #7710 $112,500
13 Illinois St., Oswego- 3BR, 2BA w/vinyl siding, screened porch, detached garage w/shop, patio & lots of trees. #7770 $118,500
1430 Morgan, Parsons- 4BR, 2.5BA, Victorian w/new exterior paint, 4 fireplaces, natural woodwork, porch, deck, basement & detached garage. #7691 $119,900
305 E. Canville, Erie- 3BR, 2BA w/LR, FR, w/fireplace, kitchen w/ appliances, safe room, 2 decks & 2 det. garages. #7635 $119,000
605 Willowbrook, Parsons4BR, 2BA split level w/LR, FR, screened in patio, deck, shed & partially fenced yard. #7753 $125,000
3318 Clark, Parsons- 3BR, 2.5BA w/open floor plan, granite counters, patio area, concrete siding & 2 car garage. #7784 $135,000
1026 S. 35th, Parsons- 3BR, 2BA on 2.84 acres w/porch, deck, covered patio/deck & 3 car det. garage. #7789 $142,500
603 Willowbrook, Parsons- 2BR, 2BA w/new carpet, paint, newer kitchen w/appliances & sunroom overlooking the pond. #7771 $149,900
Coming Soon- Newly remodeled 3BR, 2.5BA w/double sided fireplace, open floor plan, new siding & windows. $152,500
804 S. 29th, Parsons- 3-4BR, 3BA w/LR, FR, new kitchen w/granite & appliances, deck & storm shelter. #7645 $189,900
502 Maplecrest Dr., Parsons- 4BR, 2.5BA w/LR, FR, full basement w/ FR & wet bar, sun room & 2 car garage on corner lot. #7728 $199,900
1715 Morgan, Parsons- Historic 6BR, 5BA w/hardwood floors, natural woodwork, 5 fireplaces, new kitchen & det. garage. #7492 $214,900
429 Crestview, Parsons- 4-5BR, 3BA w/FR, w/fireplace, kitchen w/granite, full basement, screened porch & fenced yard. #7510 $219,900
CALL COLDWELL BANKER • • • 421-6840 • • • 1725 Washington • • •