Serving Southeast Kansas for 18 Years!
Real Estate Guide The
A free LOCAL publication distributed to Parsons, Chanute, Oswego, Erie, Altamont, Chetopa, Thayer & Humboldt
March/April, 2012
Action Real Estate
Abshier Agency
United Country Real Estate
David Simpson Real Estate
Malson Real Estate
Bringle Real Estate
Remax Grand Lake
Finley-Maloney Real Estate
Chesnutt and Chesnutt
Coldwell Banker Wood-Dulohery Real Estate
Advertisers Index A-1 Termite & Pest 6 Abshier 3 Action Real 11 American Family 14 Bank of 20 Bracelets Are 14 Bleacher 17 Bringle Real 17 Brock 21 Bug 2 Cable 21 Chesnutt & 9 Clemens Insurance 17 Coldwell Banker..............pages 22-24 Commercial 4 Community National Bank & 5 Consignment-Affordable 14 Creative 20 David 5 Diebolt Lumber & 10 Farm Bureau Financial 6 Finley-Maloney Real Estate..pages 12-13 Frontier Farm 16 Gallery Custom 14 Gemini Funding 17 Gold & Silver 16 Great Southern 8 Home Savings 6 Labette 16 Malson Real 7 Mi 4 Olson’s Ace 5 Parsons Fine 20 People’s State 21 P et er ’ s C h i ne se . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p ag e 1 7 Realty, 8 Re/Max Grand 19 Standco 14 State 20 18 Steve’s 20 TH 17 United Country Real 15 Vintage Heirloom & 14
Page 2
The Real Estate Guide of Southeast Kansas
The Real Estate Guide was started in 1994 and served the Parsons/Chanute area. With support from your local realtors and other businesses, we are able to provide you with a full color magazine listing real estate for sale. The Real Estate Guide offers other information such as helpful articles and advertisements from your hometown businesses. We work hard to provide a variety of ads for your viewing pleasure. This publication is free, one per reader. Removal of more than one paper from any distribution point constitutes theft and violators are subject to prosecution. Tampering with our racks is prohibited. The Real Estate Guide is published by RAM Publishing, 2422 Stevens, Parsons, KS 67357. We try our best to present an accurate guide for you, but RAM Publishing and our advertisers are not liable for material printed in error. The Real Estate Guide is delivered to real estate agencies, banks, stores, restaurants, hotels, chambers of commerce, convenience stores, and other locations in Independence, Cherryvale, Coffeyville, South Coffeyville, Caney, Edna, Neodesha and Fredonia. Don’t forget to check out our website at www. If you are interested in advertising, please call 620421-2668 or email us at or
Deadline for the May/June issue is Friday, April 20. © Copyright 2012, RAM Publishing. All rights reserved by RAM Publishing.
March/April, 2012
Jeanie Pemberton 29 years • 423-2498
Associate Broker, CRS, GRI
701 Creek, Parsons- Prefer Prairie West? Here’s a lovely 4BR/2BA that’s sure to please. Finished basement with 2 BRs and a media room. Newer roof, new windows, and granite countertops. Lots of tile and updated decor, and a huge back yard. Call to see this one soon. #5959 $138,500
1200 Appleton, Parsons- Immaculate 2BR, 2 bath, that doesn’t need a thing. Updated CH&A, new roof last year, vinyl siding, corner lot. Fully equipped kitchen, quiet edge of town location. Qualifies for any kind of financing you need. Call to see it soon. #6043 $59,900
2820 Washington, Parsons- Charming, well maintained home on a corner lot. Lovely natural woodwork, updated CH&A, basement, 2BRs, plus a partially finished upstairs room. A must see, so call Jeanie! $66,900
March/April, 2012
Arlene Shelton 28 years Sales Associate
We measure our success, one family at a time.
24023 Meade Rd., Parsons-Spectacular country home, just outside Parsons on a paved road. Only 12 years old, this 3-4BR home w/2½ baths, offers secluded location with a small acreage, and lots of trees. Over 2,000 sq. ft., maintenance free exterior, a new roof, and #506 schools. Call Jeanie. #6062 $179,900
2501 Crawford, Parsons- This older 2 story is a step above of what you usually find. It’s had lots of TLC over the years. 4BRs, 1¾ baths, siding, double H/A units, walkup attic, basement, and a det. 2 car garage. Super kitchen with island. Come and see this one, it’s quite charming. #6115 $81,900
Larry Smith 39 years
220 Southern, Parsons- Great opportunity with this 3BR home. Affordable, yet it has CH&A, a good roof, some replacement windows, and attached 2 car garage. Appliances stay, including W&D. #6361 $29,900
3305 Hughes, Parsons-The perfect home for low income, handicapped accessible, or both. Cute six year old home with 3BRs, 1¾ baths, with 1278 sq. ft. Nice floor plan, great condition, and attached two car garage. Call Jeanie to see it! #5561 $98,500
1724 24,000 Rd., Parsons- Great opportunity to own this 5 year old home outside city limits on approx. 2 acres on paved road. Spacious vaulted living area, two generous bedrooms, oversized 1 car garage. Total electric with very low bills. Easy home even for handicapped. Call Jeanie to see it! #5991 $115,900
3010 Dirr, Parsons-You’ll be surprised at the space in this 3BR/2BA home in a choice location. Metal siding, CH&A, a newer roof, good shade trees. Family room could be 4thBR. Quality built, and well maintained. #5671 $65,500
3200 Dirr, Parsons- Gorgeous home with over 2,200 sq. ft. of space. This totally redone 3BR with 1¾ baths, will please even the most particular. Huge privately fenced lot, new exterior paint, and all new interior. All new stainless appliances, and much, much more. Call Jeanie to see it! #5943 $139,900
106 S. Wells, Altamont-Located on a nice quiet street, is this very well maintained 3BR ranch style home, with nearly 1400 sq. ft. of living space. Central H&A, dining room, 12 x 19 kitchen, big 13 x 23 LR, 1½ baths, and 150 x 85 lot with alley access. New roof, att. garage. #6027 $59,500
3104 Partridge, Parsons- Quality neighborhood near schools. Three bedroom, fireplace, attached garage, and a nearly new roof. Lots of possibilities with a little special attention. Call to see it. #6006 $42,500
110 S. 29th, Parsons- Very attractive 2BR home, with 1½ baths. Recently remodeled, two lots, 24x26 newer garage, CH&A and a new roof. Call Jeanie to see this one! #6130 $53,900
3132 Grand, Parsons- Everything like new in this charming 3BR, 1½BA home. Lovely hardwood in LR, new CH&A, all new kitchen, vinyl siding and roof, plus attached carport. Huge upper level bedroom, and much more. #6142 $71,900
2630 Morton, Parsons-Why pay rent, own this good 1BR home on nice quiet corner lot. Features 13x13 LR, 13x12 BR, dining area, nice bath with shower/tub combo, plumbed for washer/dryer. Low property taxes $255.00. Affordably priced. $14,500
Call us for your free market evaluation of your home! Page 3
Tips On How To Survive A Disaster
of er itas t s r Maarga M
Fr e M sh ex Au ica th n en Fo tic od
1201 Main1201 St. N. Penn Main601St. Parsons, Ks Independence, Ks Parsons,620-331-2212 Ks 620-423-1635
620-423-1635 Mon-Thurs 11am-9pm Fri-Sat 11am-9:30pm Sun 11am-7pm
Page 4
(NAPS)—A disaster can happen any time to anyone and the better prepared you are, the better your odds of surviving it. Recently, the news has been filled with stories of tornadoes, earthquakes and floods, all of which have caused enormous destruction and, in some cases, loss of life. It has caused many people to think about survival kits and plans. Making A Plan What should you plan for and what should your survival kit contain? The U.S. Department of Homeland Security encourages people to consult websites such as www. In the event of an emergency, it may be necessary to survive on your own. With that reality in mind, the site has a helpful checklist of items to keep on hand, including: • Water • Nonperishable food • Radio, flashlight and batteries • First aid kit • Whistle • Dust masks • ‑Plastic sheeting and duct tape • ‑Cell phone and charger or inverter. Stay Powered Another key consideration: preparing for a loss of electricity. A home-based survival kit proves its value in an emergency. And that’s also when a residential standby generator can make all the difference, enabling you to stay in your home in comfort and safety. Unlike portable units, a home standby generator is hardwired into your home’s electrical sys tem. Teamed with an automatic transfer switch, the re si dential generator automatically kicks in when it senses a loss of utility power, and it automatically shuts down when utility power is restored. There are several factors to consider in determining the right generator for your home, including square footage, wattage of critical appliances and fuel preference—natural gas or propane. Fortunately, companies such as Cummins Onan can help you select the right generator for your needs. Once you decide on a model, let a professional electrical contractor handle the installation. It’s not a DIY job. For More Information For more information on emergency preparedness in general and standby power in particular, visit There, you will find links to important resources that can help you determine and implement your own plan, as well as helpful videos and eye-opening statistics presented in easy-tounderstand graphic form.
March/April, 2012
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(620) 423-0314 330 N. 16th • Parsons, KS
Brenda Schultz
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Connie Bussman
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A Community Bank Atmosphere with the Power to Serve the Communities of Southeast and Southcentral Kansas. 25 locations in 21 cities, across 10 counties. Visit our website for a location near you -
Houses For Rent 620-820-1639 New Listings Needed! Ours have been SELLING!
26031 Pratt Road David Simpson 421-3251 CELL 820-1639 Bev Browne 423-9170
Simpson Real Estate can show and sell any property on the Parsons Area Multiple Listing
2718 Main, Parsons-Move in ready 4BR, walk in closets, 1½ bath, hardwood floor, wood deck, garage w/workshop. Need to see. Call now! #6105 $89,000
1309 S. 37th, Parsons-Property features 80’x40’ pole barn on .90 acres. #6055 $28,000
245 E. 6th St., Labette City-1½ acres, 3BR, 2BA, CH/A, vinyl windows, wood deck, Westar Electric, rural water, barn shop, paved road, fenced for stock. Call David 820-1639 or Bev 423-9170. #6156 $62,500
1410 N. 26th, Parsons- 2BR, large bath w/ washer & dryer, CH, in very good condition on 3 lots, 24’x32’ 2 car garage w/ cement floor. New carpet. #6017 $35,000
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Page 5
Window Coverings And Child Safety: What Parents Need To Know
We’ve been making home loans since our bank was chartered in 1886. Many things may have changed over the years, but not our commitment to you. Let us help you achieve your dream of buying a new home. 214 N Lincoln PO Box 467 Chanute, KS 66720 620-431-1100
Tom King
620-431-4800 PCL 6347
608 N. Evergreen
Chanute, KS 66720
We’ve been making home loans since our bank was chartered in 1886. Many things may have changed over the years, but not our commitment to you. Let us help you achieve your dream of buying a new home. 214 N Lincoln PO Box 467 Chanute, KS 66720 620-431-1100
Page 6
(NAPS)—While checking off items on that home childproofing list, remember to check your window areas. Access to windows and dangling window covering cords can pose a serious safety hazard to children and small pets. “While nothing replaces the watchful eye of a loving parent or caregiver, there are precautions that can be taken to reduce the risk of injury around window areas,” said Tracy Christman, vice president of Budget Blinds Vendor Alliance. She offers some tips to help: • When decorating the nursery, set up furniture—such as cribs, changing tables and toy chests—away from window areas so that they cannot be used to access window We’ve been making homefurniture loans since our from bank the window treatment cords. Placing away was chartered in 1886. area also minimizes the risk of the child accidentally falling Many an things maywindow have changed over the years, through open and reduces the risk of injury but not our commitment from broken glass if the windowtoisyou. shattered. • Choose cordless window coverings. The Window Let us help you achieve your dream Covering Safety Council recommends cordless window of buying a new home. treatments in homes where children are present, including grandparents’214 homes and child care467 locations. N Lincoln PO Box “There are three ways toKSgo66720 cordless—choose inherently Chanute, 620-431-1100 cord-free products, choose cordless operating products or motorize your window coverings,” said Christman. Shutters and roller shades with spring roller operation are cord-free by design. The spring roller allows homeowners to raise and lower roller shades by gently pulling on the bottom hem. Cordless cellular shades eliminate lift cords and conceal the internal cords from curious tots, which makes them a great option for homes where children are present. The demand for motorized window treatments has increased in recent years. Motorization is not only convenient, but it enhances safety by eliminating the need for lift cords on your window treatment, as seen on Signature Illusions. “Motorization is a wonderful option for homes where children and loans homes someone with We’ve are beenpresent making home sincewhere our bank special needs was lives. Budget Blinds is proud to partner with chartered in 1886. Somfy Systems to make homes safer and more inviting Many things may have changed over the years, than ever,”but said Christman. not our commitment to you. The experts at independently owned and operated Let us help you achieve dream Budget Blinds franchises can your explain all the features of buying a new each window ofcovering andhome. offer recommendations to help you make an informed decision about your window 214 N Lincoln PO Box 467 coverings purchase. Chanute, KS 66720 For more information and window treatment safety 620-431-1100 tips, visit or call (800) 5196298.
March/April, 2012
(620) 431-3210
Buying?? Selling?? Professional, Friendly Service
817 W. Main Chanute, KS 66720
Our Customers are #1 - since 1975!
Dee Bondan Owner/Broker/Realtor Cell: 212-8174
We can help you with any home for sale in our area! There’s more homes than we can fit on this page give us a call!
Rosemary Greenwood Realtor Cell: 433-0051
520 E. 49th, Chanute-Reduced! This home is surrounded by a gorgeous setting w/pond and 5 acres, 3BRs & an office, 1 full BA, ¾BA & ½BA, deck overlooking pond, central vac system, 40x60 shed, 30x35 garage, pond has channel cat and bass!..................$325,000
21120 Lakewood Lane, ChanuteGorgeous country setting featuring lake view! 4BR, 3½BA utility room w/storage, office w/french doors, FR has wet bar & wine cooler, gas FP, nice deck, some new windows, 3 stall garage. Great family home!....$259,900
1210 W. 5th, Chanute-Nice brick front porch with full basement! 3BR, 2.5BA, rear entry garage, master bedroom, partial finished basement, slate entry, 2 fireplaces! Must see!......................$172,000
1734 Georgia Rd, Chanute-4BR, 3BA country home on paved road. Stained glass windows, skylights, pool, 2 greenhouses, spot for a garden, chicken house, fenced area for animals............$169,000
1111 N. Rutter, Chanute-1 YR HOME WARRANTY! 23x23 LR, 3 zone audio system. Sprinkler system. MBA with shower and heated commode/bidet. Large closets. New A/C unit in 2011. MUST SEE!.................$143,500
219 S. Westview, Chanute- This 4BR, 2 BA home features kitchen w/breakfast bar and lots of cabinets, cabinets in MBR & MABA, nice privacy fenced yard w/patio & above ground pool, corner lot, great family home in great neighborhood!........................$138,500
601 N. Grant, Chanute-Beautiful brick family home, 3BR, 1.5BA, formal DR, tile entry w/ french doors to LR, sunroom, nice kitchen, nice office, courtyard area in back, covered patio, basement........................$139,900
21190 Lakewood Place, ChanuteNice home 4BR, 2.5BA, in gorgeous setting close to town! Breakfast bar, large bay window in LR, 2 woodburning FPs, finished basement w/wet bar, new carpet, sheetrock, & ceiling tiles. Must see home!............$134,000
24973 Irving Road, Chanute3BR, 1.5BA house on 1 acre in country. Plus 3BR, 2BA manufactured home in excellent condition. Perfect for mother-in-law setting. ......................................$128,000
302 S. Larson, Chanute- Very nice newly remodeled 3BR, 2BA home on corner lot. New exterior paint, new privacy fence, floating floor in LR & DR, new concrete patios & 2 new small decks....$109,900
300 E. 42 nd, Chanute-This secluded property on 2 acres has 3BR, 2BA, kitchen open to dining area, double att. garage. Nice home!...................$115,000
15540 Ford Road, ChanuteCharming country home on 5 acres. 42’x60’ Morton building with two 10’ doors, insulation and concrete floor. Storm shelter! Well and rural water. Mineral rights. All new wiring in ‘03. Vinyl siding, metal roof. Jacuzzi tub in bath. Eat-in kitchen....$99,900
1109 S. Allen, Chanute-Family home in good location. Large LR with fireplace plus large DR or FR. 3BRs, 2BA includes master bath, double attached garage, fenced patio area....................$99,500
103 W. 26th, Chanute-Very well maintained 3BR, 2BA home, tile entry, covered patio, large LR & FR, pellet stove & FP. Ready to move in. Great location!...$79,500
204 S. Main, Yates Center-Former clinic/doctor’s office is in excellent condition and priced $45k below appraisal! 2 newer heating and air units, 2 hotwater heaters. Dumpster included.........$69,000
514 S. Evergreen, Chanute-4BR home with natural woodwork. Large laundry room with half bath downstairs. Balcony on second floor! Stairway to partially floored attic. Lots of storage.......$68,500
201 W. 2nd, Chanute-Cute home has more room that it looks! New interior paint and carpet. Corner lot. Large FR (22x18). Screened in patio. Basement. Laundry room. Washer/dryer stay. $63,900
East 28th St, Chanute-Commercial Land - 3.7 acres on 28th St. (Located south of Wal-Mart and east of El Pueblito Restaurant).................................$42,500
132 Scotsman North Rd., Buffalo2BR, 1BA home on Wilson County Lake! LR & BRs have HW floors, kitchen & BA have vinyl. Guest house w/heat and air. Garage w/workshop, lg. carport and storage shed...................$45,900
530 S. Grant, Chanute- Cute home on large lot on quiet street. Porch/ deck on front. Large deck for grilling in back. New roof with complete tearoff in 2009. CH&A. Laundry room. Extra large BA. Priced to sell!..................$29,000
701 W. Walnut, Chanute-2BR, 1BA home with new kitchen floor, hardwood floors upstairs, large living room & dining room, large corner lot, CH/A is 3 yrs old. Garage & workshop..............$27,000
501 Sycamore, Humboldt-Reduced! Gorgeous log home on one acre in town! 3 oversized bedrooms, 2 full baths, fireplace, large garage with large shop area, big garden and beautiful landscaping! HOME WARRANTY!...............................$125,000
1110 N. Tennessee, Chanute-Must see! Extra large LR w/brick FP. Sprinkler system, 2 car att. garage with cabinets, shelving and pull down attic access. Kitchen open to DR with sliding door to screened in patio. Steel shed w/concrete floor. Roof 2005. CH&A. $92,000
1306 West Main, Chanute-Move in Ready! Cute and updated 2BR, 1BA, new carpet, new CH/A, utility room, attached garage, fenced yard!...............................$59,500
March/April, 2012
722 S. Highland, Chanute-EXCLUSIVE LISTING-Historical home with oak and pine floors, 5 FPs, lg LR, formal DR, parlor, 5BR, 3BA, leaded and stained glass windows...............$149,000
Page 7
Bathroom Staging On A Budget (NAPS)—While the real estate market remains a challenge for those looking to sell, some simple staging and remodeling tips can help make your home more attractive to prospective buyers. Bathrooms can sell houses but not if they are lackluster and out of date. While it can be easy to spend five figures on a complete remodel, there are less expensive ways to give your bathroom a fresh new look. For example, a little paint, some fresh flowers and new shower fixtures can take your bathroom from outdated to outstanding. Here are a few tips to help: • If you can’t afford to replace outdated wallpaper, work with the colors you already have. Buy some matching towels or a new shower curtain to coordinate the look. • If you can paint, it’s an easy weekend project that will brighten the space. Go for lighter colors; white is a classic. • Clear off the counters. This is especially important in a smaller bathroom to create the illusion of more space. • Clean the bathroom thoroughly. Make sure everything sparkles. • Styles change, so if possible, update your shower fixtures. Finding fixtures in styles that fit your decor doesn’t have to break your budget. For example, Speakman offers modern and traditional collections in a variety of finishes. The Neo Collection adds bold style for a modern look, while the graceful curvature of the hardware in the Alexandria C o l l e c t i o n helps create a luxurious feel. The distinctive details of the Caspian Collection offer an unconventional, modern touch and the Rainier Collection delivers a unique square design so bold it can update any traditionally styled bathroom. Stylish and innovative valves, designer faucets and accessories can be obtained to cost effectively coordinate your remodeling efforts. • Add a touch of luxury. Scented candles, spa accessories and rolled towels can help create the sense of a spa. • Add a plant or a bouquet of flowers for a burst of color. For more information, visit www.
Page 8
March/April, 2012
412 Commercial, Oswego, KS 67356
Col. Jerry Chesnutt
Call us today at 620-795-2365 or 1-800-809-2790
Col. Cody Chesnutt
Chesnutt & Chesnutt - Auctioneers - Real Estate Brokers KS/OKLA/MO/ARK - Appraisers Email us at or visit our website at
Chetopa-Retail Business- 2 story brick building with one car attached garage, 2BR living quarters upstairs. Excellent location on major highway. $75,000
Chetopa- Commercial/Light Industry 40’x90’ insulated metal clad building with major highway frontage. OH heaters, fluorescent lights, several 220 volt outlets, 3 phase electric. $45,000
Grove/Jay/Zena OK-3BR/2 bath home sits on approx 2 acres, w/17 acres and building Oswego- 2 story home. Newly renoacross road. Grand lake minutes away! 2 vated interior. Garage, corner lots, close car carport. Rural water. Reduced! $90,000 to downtown. Now just $31,900
Chetopa- Three bedrooms, two baths, sitting on 10 lots! Includes 30x30 metal shop Chetopa-2 story, 3BRs upstairs, one down. building. $49,900 Reduced! $19,900
Oswego-Income Producing Duplex. $25,000
Oswego-2BR home.
*********AUCTION********* Saturday, March 17th, 11:00 am
Oswego- One bedroom cottage. Currently producing rental income. $22,500
Oswego-Two bedroom single story on nice lots with fenced back yard. New insulated windows. Attached garage. $24,900
Bartlett - 85 acres. All in pasture...85+ acres on US Highway 166, with good metal barn and city water! $2,500/Acre
March 17th, 11:00 am- Auction1st St. & Maple St., Mae Lessly Community Center, Chetopa. TRACT #1. 153 acres, 1½ miles northeast of the Neosho River bridge at Chetopa. TRACT #2. 67 acres, M/L, 1 mile north of 4000 Road & 59 Hwy north of Chetopa.
Oswego-Lots of room! 4 or 5BR, 2 bath, 28x75’ doublewide, 1997 model, on large lots. CH&A, wood burning FP with insert. Also 30x40 3 car garage, fully wired, plumbed for bath. $89,900
Craig Co., OK 80 Acres All in grass, with big pond! $1,600/acre
Oswego- Nice 2BR, single story with CH/A, attached garage. Corner lots, good carpet. All appliances included! $21,500
Oswego-Approx four yr old 4800 sq ft home on 5 acres. 3BRs, 2BAs upstairs, 1BR, 1BA downstairs in basement. Island Oswego-2BR, 1½BA, approx 1600 sq ft, kitchen, stove refrig., microwave with home. Att. 2 car garage. Nice deck. new metal roof, central heat. $175,000 Reduced! $20,000
Craig Co., OK 3 Acres Fenced, rural water, 3-phase electric available. $15,000
OswegoResidential LotDesirable 75’ wide lot on Iowa Street. $1,500
Your listings wanted! Our job is to find buyers for your property, and that’s exactly what we do. We have sold thousands of acres plus countless properties. Call us today at 1-800-809-2790 for a free consultation!
March/April, 2012
Page 9
2661 Nebraska Rd., LaHarpe, KS
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802 W. Main • Chanute, KS 66720
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1115 S. Central, Chanute-Great starter home or investment!! 2 or 3BR, LR, DR, single garage. Great area! $19,500
112 N. Lincoln, Chanute-Large commercial building. Has office area & large work shop area. Wall heater & wood stove. $29,900
1302 Osage, Humboldt Vacant lot with good single stall garage. Great place to build a new home!! $12,500
227 N. Cedar, Moran-Commercial building turned into residential living. Lots of storage. $26,500
1001 W. Main, Chanute-Corner lot, gorgeous woodwork! Builtins, storage, basement. $79,900
1610 W. Main, Chanute-4BR, 2.5BA. 3 buildings including a 1500 sq. ft. insulated shop building w/2 overhead doors. $166,000
1022 S. Tennessee, Chanute-Large LR, FR with FP, DR attached to kitchen with bar. Updated kitchen with lg pantry, 4BR & office/ playroom. Patio, double carport with storage. $140,500
1018 S. Forest, Chanute-2BR, 1BA fixer upper. New roof in 20 10. $9,500
1106 S. Henry, Chanute-Newly constructed! Utility room is also a safe room. Very well insulated, 12” tornado resistant walls. MBR w/spacious MBA. $79,900
604 New York, Humboldt-3BR, 307 N. Grant, Chanute-Gorgeous 1 bath, fenced yard, garage. Sold 2 story, 3BRs. Utility, 2 baths, “as is”. REDUCED! $11,900 backyard w/hot tub. $134,500
817 S. Malcolm, Chanute-Large LR, eat-in kitchen. Jacuzzi tub in upstairs bathroom. $46,000
401 N. Steuben, Chanute-3BR, 1 512 S. Santa Fe, Chanute-Nice enclosed front porch. Open LR/DR bath, CH/A, 3 car garage. $37,500 floor plan. 2BR, 1 bath. $24,000
21980 Greenwood Rd., Chanute-Nicely remodeled, open floor plan with the kitchen open to a large FR with FP. Newly installed MBR and MBA. Attached double garage, deck. $219,000
1409 W. Main, Chanute-3BR, 1 bath, CH/A, utility room, storage shed, carport. $25,000
707 N. Highland, Chanute-Warehouse with 2 overhead doors, new roof in 2008, CH/A plus a shop heater. Includes utility building with 2 sliding doors. Also a loading dock. 5450 sq. ft. $49,900
124 S. Western, Chanute-Full basement w/large FR, woodburning stove, utility room, and third bedroom. Double garage. $47,000
419 S. Steuben, Chanute-Nice family home, large living room, 1BR downstairs, 3 up. $58,000
417 W. 5th, Chanute-REDUCED! Spacious family home. Being sold “as is”. $61,300
1105 N. Lee, Chanute-Wood floors in LR, DR and BR. Spacious utility room. Large double lot and detached garage. $21,000
903 Hickory, Gas-3BR, ranch style home with lots of living space. Dining room, living room, master BR has half bath. Nice corner lot, attached garage. $59,900
1106 W. Elm, Chanute-Updated 3BR ranch style home, double attached garage, large backyard. $77,000
1506 S. Ashby, Chanute-Ranch style house on large, oversized lot. Eat-in kitchen, vinyl siding, CH/A, and covered deck. $54,000
8070 Hwy 39, Chanute-Warehouse with living quarters. 2220 sq. ft. shop with overhead doors. Living area has a nice kitchen, also 2BRs, 2½ baths, utility room and LR. Lots of storage. $89,900
642 S. Malcolm-Brand new CH&A unit. New kitchen flooring. 2BR home in a quiet neighborhood, mostly hardwood floors, 36x24 garage. $49,500
1028 S. Lafayette, Chanute-2BR, 1 bath, loft, new roof in ‘07, 418 W. Sixth, Chanute-3BRs, 1 CH/A, and garage. $39,900 bath. Being sold “as is”. $37,900
112 S. Kansas, Chanute-CUTE as can be!! New CH/A, new interior paint and carpet. 2BRs, 1 bath. Fenced in yard, single garage and carport. $39,900
111 N. Steuben, Chanute-Great family home, nice neighborhood. 3BRs, 1.5 baths. Being sold “as is”. $79,900
March/April, 2012
323 W. 6th, Chanute-Remodeled and updated 3BR, 1.75 baths. Master suite with master bath. Nice kitchen with open dining area. Fenced back yard. $76,500
7740 220th Rd., Chanute Close to town, large LR, spacious kitchen, 3BRs, attached garage. $165,000
Page 11
Visit our website: Visit Email:
1720 Broadway Parsons, KS 620-423-3535
Under $50,000
Why pay rent when you can own your home. This 2 bedroom, 1 bath house needs some TLC to make a home. #5850 $4,900
1530 Wilson, Parsons REMODEL SPECIAL! 3BR, 1 bath home on corner lot with large upstairs BR. Priced to allow you to do updating to make this a great starter home or investment property. Property is ready for you to get started. #5809 $9,500
1909 Gabriel, Parsons
303 S. 27th, Parsons Great investment property! 2BR, 1BA home with large LR, nice sized kitchen and separate utility room. Home is on a deep lot and has a carport. #6141 $25,000
1631 Clark, Parsons
Great rental opportunity or starter home. Owners have painted, put on new roof and new AC, all appliances will stay. #5966 $27,000
3000 Broadway, Parsons Great starter home! Needs some TLC, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, large living/dining room, 2 car garage on large corner lot. Priced to sell. $10,000
213 E. 6th, Oswego GREAT STARTER HOME!!! 2BR, 1bath, new CH/A, new carpet and flooring, 1 car attached garage and a large backyard w/wood privacy fence. #5855 $29,900
Land Listings 3320 Main, Parsons Wonderful commercial opportunity on Main St. Lots of possibilities exist for this 30,250 sq. ft. property with excellent visibility. It is PRICED TO SELL. #5891 $15,900
Updated carpet and paint. This 2BR home has spacious rooms, and an extra lot to go with it. Hardwood floors under carpet, lots of kitchen cabinets. #6169 $24,900
1021 4th St., Oswego Spacious 2BR home located on a corner lot. This well maintained home features a large eat-in kitchen, oversized living areas, garage and utility room. #6124 $39,900
1002 N. 21st, Parsons You will be surprised at the space inside this well maintained home. A full basement, large living and spacious oversized fenced lot with attached garage makes this home a special buy. #6007 $45,000
19060 Gray Road, Dennis Approx. 188 acres, excellent
PRICE REDUCED! pasture land with large pond. 1388 21000 Rd., Parsons 1727 Cedar Ridge Rd., Two producing gas wells 3.9 acres across from MeadParsons-WONDERFUL included in purchase price. West owview School that would property line is Forestry Fish and BUILDING SITE! Large make a wonderful building (215 x 290) building lot with Game property. Paved road 2.5 miles from Big Hill Lake. From site. Owners would consider a 30 x 50 storage building selling 2 additional acres, all with overhead door. Sewer, Dennis, 4.5 miles south on Gray Road. Property on West side of on a paved road. gas and water area available the road, ½ mile north of 19000 #5792 $16,900 and Gray. $304,000 for the lot. #5472 $49,900
Commercial Properties
2100 Crawford, Parsons Commercial office and warehouse area. Newer roof, new demand hot water heater. 1122 Main St., Parsons Lots of potential for commercial or resi- Excellent commercial building, great Main Street location and is already currently dential storage. $63,000 #6000 $25,500 rented!!
2323 Main, Parsons FOR SALE OR LEASE-Excellent professional building on a great Main St location. Has 3 large professional offices and 7 assistant offices, mail room, break room w/kitchen, greeting area. #5565 $139,900
Page 12 12 Page
801 Central, Parsons PRICE REDUCED! NEWLY RENOVATED-Church with fellowship hall, classrooms and office areas. Park area for congregation outings. Priced below appraised value. #5929 $143,000
1203 Clark, Parsons
213 N. 27th, Parsons This 2BR, 1 bath home is in a nice neighborhood close to Middle School. Some remodeling has been done with room to expand upstairs. #5798 $22,000
720 E. Main, Parsons EXCELLENT location served the community for many years. Turn key opportunity for a restaurant entrepreneur. Newer walk in freezer, ice machine, appliances, warmers, smoker, more. #5196 $70,000
2410 Main, Parsons At $28 per sq ft, you can’t come close to this investment opportunity! Beautiful office complex with exceptional Main Street parking and 5100 sq ft lot behind. Building has 7,122 sq ft. #5143 $199,900
400 Main, Parsons RESTAURANT FOR LEASEExcellent Opportunity! Restaurant has had high traffic in the past. 120 seating capacity. Separate meeting rooms available. Located at a hotel for a solid customer base. Call Keith. Very accommodating lease arrangements. #5730 LEASE
1712 Main, Parsons Commercial opportunity on Main in renovated downtown area. This attractive building could house two or three offices or optional upstairs living space. $135,000
1729 S. 21st, Parsons Excellent 8,000 sq. ft. service center for trucks and heavy machinery. Four drive through service bays. One with work pit. Drive through truck washing bay, plus 1,000 sq. ft. office space. Great access and parking.#5992 $250,000
March/April, March/April, 2012 2012
Keith Maloney 820-4531
Julia Finley, GRI 820-4047
3008 Johnson Rd., Parsons GREAT NEIGHBORHOOD! Beautiful 6BR, 3.5 bath executive home. Large kitchen w/island and eating area. 27x24 FR, 1BR, 1BA in basement. New screen on att. porch. New roof in ‘09. #6091 $239,000
Over $50,000
1106 21000 Rd., Parsons COUNTRY LIVING! Beautiful country home is situated on 12.2 acres overlooking a pond! Approx. 3000 sq. ft. living space, 4-5BRs, living room with FP and cedar ceiling, 3.5 baths, a large kitchen and an att 2 car garage plus a 24x40 det. garage/shop. #5958 $199,000
22007 S. Hwy 59, Parsons THOUSANDS BELOW APPRAISAL! 4BR, 3BA, stocked pond, barn & corral for horses or cattle, new workshop, 12 acres, safe room, full basement w/beautiful hardwood floors, solar room for early planting & more. This is an exceptional BUY! #5419 $199,000
511 Cedar Cove, Parsons Get ready for family fun with 6BR, large remodeled kitchen for entertaining, formal DR, great room with FP and a beautiful swimming pool. The master bed & bath has a huge walk-in closet, granite and jet tub. STEP INSIDE! You’ll be shocked at how large this home is with full finished basement. #5355 $179,900
612 Custer Rd., Parsons PRICE REDUCED! This 3BR, 2½ bath home has a remodeled kitchen & baths. Basement could be used as a 4thBR or rec room. Great room has a FP, 2 car att garage & fenced yard. Newer siding, H/A & roof. Call for your appt! #5674 $127,900
1730 24000 Road, Parsons Beautiful 4BR home on approx. 2.5 acres, 1.5 bath and 3096 sq. ft. commercial grade shop building. Great opportunity for a home and commercial or personal business. Vaulted ceiling master bedroom, jacuzzi tub in large vaulted bath. Very nice home in quiet area with blacktop. #6170 $182,900
Dave Garard 332-9150
Diana Garard 332-9150
3414 Clark, Parsons QUIET STREET! This home features 3BRs, 1¾ bath, new privacy fence, new roof, gorgeous landscaping, fireplace, 2 car garage with work area and storage building. All appliances stay including washer and dryer and a double oven. #6003 $125,000
1424 4th Street, Oswego Wonderful 3-4BR corner lot home, updated with new plumbing and electrical. Large custom kitchen, huge 21x16 living room. Large utility room with walk-in closet and lots of storage. Covered deck, fenced in back yard with 36x32 shop. $114,500
201 Maplecrest, Parsons NEW GRANITE- Well kept home sitting on one acre lot in quiet neighborhood. This 3 bedroom, 1¾ bath home has had several updates including new granite in kitchen. All appliances stay including washer and dryer. $2,000 carpet allowance to buyer. #5942 $114,000
304 6th Street, Oswego This home has been completely remodeled and rewired with 2 separate heating and a/c units. The home has a great family kitchen with 4BRs, and 2 very large bathrooms. Home is ready to move in and enjoy for a lifetime. #5998 $109,900
1503 Linwood, Parsons JUST LIKE NEW! This 4BR, 2 full bath home has had every surface beautifully redone. All new kitchen and baths and all new appliances will stay. New roof and fenced back yard! #5657 $74,900
March/April, 2012
1328 26000 Rd., Parsons 9.8 acres with pond. This 3BR, 2 bath home has a large eat-in kitchen with built in appliances. Huge master bedroom with 2 walk-in closets, 2 car garage and barn. You won’t want to miss this special home on the edge of town. #6168 $96,500
3111 Briggs, Parsons
NEW PAINT AND ROOF-Well maintained home with 3BRs and 1¾ baths in quiet neighborhood close to schools. Open floor plan good for families or entertaining. All appliances stay including washer and dryer. #5869 $80,500
421 S. Grant, Erie NEWLY REMODELED 3BR home with a large bathroom with an extra large eat-in kitchen. Home has a 2 car detached garage as well as a metal outbuilding. Looking for a workshop, this is the home for you. #5785 $69,500
2214 Crawford, Parsons Updated family home, 2 yr old, newer CH&A, updated electrical, new thermopane windows. Large lot w/privacy fence, 2BR up w/full bath & 1 down. Furnace, hot water tank in basement. #6126 $69,500
3008 Stevens, Parsons Nice neighborhood! Great family home! Original woodwork and open floor plan. 4BR and partial basement, garage, new roof, and CA, and a large fenced yard. #6033 $65,900
Page 13
Bracelets Are Us
111 E. Main, Chanute • 432-9919 We are the “Queen of Bling” Southeast Kansas’ coolest, trendiest, hippest, most fun boutique specializing in the latest chic and unique fashion, shoes and accessories. Our selection has something for everyone.
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The Real Estate Guide of Southeast Kansas is on facebook. Be sure to ‘Like’ our page! Also, be sure to check out our website: www.sekrealest at e g u i d e . c o m where you can browse the current issue and previous issue.
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March/April, 2012
Real Estate Professionals
Jeff Ports 620-431-8699
Sharla Ports 620-212-3530
Marge Snyder 620-330-6900
1403 Santa Fe, Chanute
Jody Evenson 620-431-8441
Mandy Collum 620-433-0889
Paul Brazil 620-432-4027
Melissa Stanley 620-228-3277
408 W. 5th, Chanute Impressive renovation, brick, 3BR, 2BA. $79,500
919 S. Central, Chanute Investment Property, 2BR, 1BA, garage. $29,500
1109 N. Garfield, Chanute 3BR, 2BA, decks, fenced yard, triple garage. $85,900
205 N. Washington, Chanute 2BR, 1BA, sunroom, carport. $48,500
810 S. Wilson, Chanute 4BR, 1.5BA, finished basement, covered patio, garage. $65,000
221 W. 11th, Chanute 2BR, 2BA, office, garage. $73,500
823 S. Highland, Chanute 3BR, 1.5BA, fenced yard, garage, corner lot. $113,500
1301 N. Kansas, Chanute 4BR, 1BA, CH/A. $19,900
214 S. Kansas, Chanute 2BR, 1BA, screened front porch, deck, garage. $19,500
1320 S. Plummer, Chanute 3BR, 1.75BA, garage, fenced yard, corner lot. $72,500
919 N. Washington, Chanute 3BR, 2BA, deck, garage, corner lot. $79,900
915 S. Washington, Chanute Remodeled 3BR, 1BA, garage. $41,900
915 W. Ash, Chanute Large Commercial building, shop, warehouse, office space. $225,000
1507 S. Evergreen, Chanute 1BR, 1BA, carport. $28,900
105 N. Forest, Chanute 4BR, 1.5BA, basement, deck, patio, fenced yard. $112,000
29 W. Main, Chanute Commercial building, retail or office space, storage. $99,950
115 S. Kansas, Chanute 3BR, 1BA, fenced yard. $35,500
210 S. Tennessee, Chanute 3BR, 2BA, carport. $98,000
712 S. Grant, Chanute 1708 S. Edith, Chanute 2BR, 1BA, fenced yard, double 2BR, 1BA, basement, extra lot. $16,900 lot. $27,900
1029 S. Santa Fe, Chanute Commercial building, former restaurant, high traffic location, 150 front feet. $79,500
905 S. Windsor, Chanute 3BR, 2.75BA, patio, garage, carport. $189,700
1302 W. 7th, Chanute 4BR, 2.75BA, office, garage, large lot. $142,500
14825 180th Rd., Erie Acreage, 4BR, 1.75BA, large outbuilding. $65,500
423 N. 6th, Fredonia 2 story commercial building on square, CH/A. $25,000
330 N. Main, Erie Former Residential Facility $115,000
236 E. Franklin, Moran 2BR, 1.75BA, sunroom, deck, fenced back yard, large shed. $69,000
March/April, 2012
20367 1700 Road, Altoona Acreage, 3-4BR, 2BA, garage, shop, outbuildings. $105,000
13625 US 59 Hwy, Erie 18 acres m/l, cabin w/lake. $73,000
1900 S. Plummer, Chanute Acreage, 5BR, 2.75BA, sunroom, patio, pool, garage. $199,900
205 E. 1st, Moran 2BR, 3/4BA, sunroom, garage, shop. $29,500
802 Bridge, Humboldt Commercial building on square. CH/A. $29,900
2400 & Connecticut Rd, Humboldt - Acreage, good hunting and fishing. $67,500
US Hwy 169 & Chetopa St. Commercial buildings, Hwy frontage, High traffic. $48,500
10735 US 169 Hwy, Thayer Acreage, 4BR, 2BA, covered porch, horse barn. $105,000
Page 15
Using Your Roof To Make A Design Statement
Real Estate Loans To Meet Your Needs • Competitive Rates/Flexible Terms • New Construction • Purchase • Refinancing
Contact One Of Our Loan Specialists…
Trenton Gorman 2121 Main Parsons 421-2265
Barbara Shouse 2121 Main Parsons 421-2265
Jon Reel 2121 Main Parsons 421-2265
Tina Arb 4th & Huston Altamont 784-5311
Carla Bebb 4th & Huston Altamont 784-5311 • (800) 711-1823 Member FDIC
We do FFL Transfers
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Talk to the leader in ag lending about financing options with flexible terms and competitive rates.
2005 Harding Drive Parsons, KS 67357
Page 16
(800) 741-2990
(NAPS)—A great way to add curb appeal to your home is to start at the top—with the most styleappropriate roof. Besides protecting your home from the elements, the right roof should complement your exterior design scheme. Not sure what kind of roof suits your home? Here are a few suggestions from the experts at GAF: • French Country: For these homes, the extensive use of stone and other masonry products incorporates various accent colors. Therefore, many different types of shingles and colors look good with this type of home. Camelot® Lifetime Designer Shingles, with their slate-like design, add another dimension of style to the roof while still maintaining the integrity of the overall architecture. For an affordable luxury option, consider Camelot II, which has the same type of look as Camelot but at a lower cost. The sleek lines of Slateline® shingles also work well with the French Country style. • Georgian: GAF’s slate-look shingles, such as Camelot, or the sculpted tabs of Country Mansion® shingles are recommended. Typically, a more muted gray or black design best matches the red brick fronts. • Colonial: Colonial-style homes have a very square and more symmetrical look to them, so the slate-look family of shingles is the best fit. Grand Slate™ and Slateline shingles provide the look of slate at a very affordable price. • Tudor: With their steep- pitched roofs, Tudor homes are great for showing off an elegant roof style. They tend to have muted tones on the front facade accented with brown or gray cross-gables. Camelot and Slateline shingles are both good choices for Tudorstyle homes. • Craftsman: The Craftsman style looks great with wood shakelook shingles in earth tones, such as gray, green or brown. Good bets are Timberline® shingles, a popular wood-shake look, or Grand Sequoia® and Grand Canyon™ shingles, which have a rugged wood-shake and ultradimensional look. • Mediterranean and Italianate: These ornate architectural homes are typically sided with stucco. Roof color choices are warmer browns and terra-cotta hues, as well as some dark grays. The slate/tile look of Camelot shingles in San Gabriel complements this architectural style well. Grand Sequoia and Grand Canyon shingles, with their warm color palettes, also make a good match. • Ranch houses: Ranch-style homes are characterized by their one-story design with very low-pitched roofs and spread-out floor plans. Grand Sequoia shingles provide a distinct dimensional look to the roof, while Grand Canyon shingles offer an ultradimensional version of the premium wood-shake option. Timberline is also a good choice. For more information, consult the Roof Wizard tab at
March/April, 2012
Susan Bringle (620) 795-2781 Tom Bringle (620) 795-2781
819 5th Street • Oswego, KS 67356 Phone 620-795-2781 • Fax 620-577-4575 Email: Website: Toll Free No. (866) 714-5352 Collegiate Apparel Area School Kansas & Gifts T’s and Hoodies Souvenirs Custom Screen Printing & Embroidery M-F 9 to 6 Sat. 9 to 5 Thurs. 9 to 7
421-6771 1730 Main, Parsons
15 N. Vermont, Oswego MLS #5901 - Beautiful, newly built home on 4.1 acres near the edge of Oswego. This 1653 SF, 3BR, 1¾BA has an open floor plan for living room, dining, and kitchen all with hardwood floors, custom hardwood staircase and gas fireplace, with custom built Twin Oaks kitchen cabinets and granite counter-top island. Energy efficient windows, master bedroom with 2 walk-in closets, window seat and master bath. So many’s a must see. $198,000
“We Sell To Serve Again”
2115 Washington, Parsons 421-8700 STORE HOURS 7:30am - 5:00pm Monday thru Friday 8:00am - Noon Saturday
1604 W 3rd St., Oswego 808 1st Street, Oswego MLS #5898 - Ranch home, 2-3BR, 1BA, 1040 MLS #6019 - Move-in ready 2BR, 1BA, 966 SF, SF, new energy efficient windows, new back attached carport, new vinyl siding and Anderdoor and electrical breaker box. 1 car attached sen windows, includes appliances. garage, on 150’x50’ lot. Includes 3 yr old re$39,500 frigerator and range/oven. $15,900
Serving Kansas Since 1985
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Sun-Thurs 11:00am-9:00pm Friday-Sat 11:00am-10:00pm
2424 Main St., Parsons 620-423-3338
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March/April, 2012
401 N. 16th Parsons, KS 67357
LIFEOffice • (620) HEALTH • (620) COMMERCIAL 421-9999 Fax 421-0274 Monday - Friday 8am-6pm
RV • MOTORCYCLE • BOAT 401 N. 16th Parsons, Kansas 67357 620-421-9999
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Page 17
1-800-750-4832 Carpet Manufacturers Recommend Hot Water Extraction The only method that effectively cleans carpeting is called hot water extraction. Some people call this steam cleaning, but the truth is it doesn't use any steam. It is really hot water. Shaw Industries, the world's largest carpet manufacturer, recommends hot water extraction exclusively. www.shawfloors. com/FloorCare/CarpetCare/CarpetOverallCleaning.asp We Use Hot Water Extraction Our large truck-mounted hot water unit cleans much better than small, hand held units because it: Heats the water to a higher temperature. Higher temperature means less chemical and agitation is necessary, resulting in a cleaner and softer carpet. Carpets will last longer too! • Shoots the cleaning solution into the carpet at higher pressures. This high water pressure breaks loose dirt particles enabling better dirt removal • Our strong rinse extraction draws out the water and dirt with high suction. This step helps to remove residue! (We do not over-wet the carpet or pad.) The results? A clean, healthy carpet! A Dirty Carpet Is Not Healthy If you have not had your carpet cleaned in the past six months, your carpet could be full of bacteria, fungus, chemicals, dust, food particles, germs, pollen, grease, gravel, pet stains, soot, tar, plus residue from toxic air pollution, car exhaust and tobacco smoke . . . not to mention creepy dust mites and critters that live, hide and breed in your carpeting. It is enough to make you sick. Relieve Health Problems If you have allergies, asthma, emphysema, or other breathing problems---one major source of your problem could be the things in your carpet. Call your doctor and ask about the possibilities. Let us see if we can help, too.
Parsons..............620-421-9024 Independence...620-331-3997 Coffeyville.........620-251-2577 Neodesha..........620-325-3303 Fredonia............620-378-4836 Chanute.............620-431-4832 Pittsburg............620-231-1890
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Visit our website at The best carpet cleaning companies are those that have been certified by the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification, known as the IICRC. A carpet cleaning company cannot buy this certification. The carpet cleaner must earn the certification through study, experience and the successful completion of formal, written examinations. Cleaners who are certified by the IICRC have, in effect, earned a degree in carpet cleaning. Jerry Stover is a Master Certified Technician with IICRC and all our technicians are involved in continual education training programs.
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Grand Lake • 2330 S. Main • Grove, OK (918) 786-9888
6025 CR 5700, Cherryvale-New Listing! Ranch style manufactured home on 4.8 acres on paved road. 4BRs, 2BAs, LR, FR w/FP, garden tub in MBA, 30x35 workshop, & close to Cherryvale. #6165 $85,500
703 N. Lincoln, Erie-Price Reduced!! Features 3BRs, 2 baths, rock fireplace, LR, DR, large lot, deck, and full unfinished basement. #5469 $69,500
2518 Belmont, Parsons- Nice home w/lovely woodwork. 2BRs, 1BA, LR, kitchen, utility room, garage, nice patio & privacy fenced backyard. #6067 $54,900
1409 Wilson, Parsons- Remodeled w/beautiful kitchen cabinets, tile, carpet, new bathroom, paint, electric, plumbing, ceiling fans. #6044 $36,500
2305 Broadway, Parsons- Lovely 2 story family home features 3BRs, 1½ baths, LR w/decorative FP, DR, FR, nice kitchen and utility room. #5996 $51,900
2711 Osage Ave., ParsonsHome sits on 2 lots with extra 3 lots on corner of Pine, with detached 24x24 garage, 2 car carport, and 3 other storage buildings. Needs floor repair and TLC. #6073 $20,000
2700 Frisco, Parsons 8 lots w/old warehouse building, great building site for 3 to 4 homes or duplexes. #6052 $16,900 208 Elm, Altamont Oversized lot w/utilities available in a nice neighborhood. #6072 $4,000
611 N. 26th St., Parsons #5950 $9,000 619 N. 26th St., Parsons #5655 $8,500 3128 Corning, Parsons #5953 $11,500 2314 Crawford, Parsons #5947 $16,900 2024 Grand, Parsons #5946 $8,500 2523 Clark, Parsons #5949 $7,500 2701 Northern Blvd., Parsons #5853 $8,500
127 N. 13th, Chetopa-Nice large corner lot home with 2BRs, 2 3008 Dirr, Parsons- 3BR bunga- BAs, LR, formal DR, kitchen low, 1 bath, living room, family and sun porch. 1 car attached room, patio, detached garage. garage and nice garden. MLS# 19716 $39,900 MLS# 20031 $40,000
1011 E. 4th, Altamont-This is a great open floor plan ranch style home, 3BRs, 1.5 baths, LR, large fenced yard with storage shed. MLS# 19821 $49,900
1301 S. 26 th, Parsons- Great ranch style home, 3BR, 1 bath, LR, eat-in kitchen, large deck, fenced yard, att. 1 car garage, det. garage/shop. MLS# 19799 $49,900
417 S. Olive, Cherryvale-Nice home, move in ready. 3BRs, 1.5 baths, great kitchen with lots of cabinets, pantry with pull out drawers, carport, garage/shop, dog kennel. Short drive to Big Hill Lake. MLS# 20114 $55,000
412 Linden Ct., IndependenceRemodeled kitchen, new cabinets and corian countertops, eating bar, new tile floors, dining area, 3BRs, 2 full BAs, large master suite with MBA w/jacuzzi tub and separate shower. MLS# 19512 $109,900
1124 30 Dr., Parsons-Beautiful brick home in a well maintained neighborhood. 4BRs, 3 baths, LR, FR with FP, formal DR, sunroom, and 2 car detached garage. MLS# 19884 $139,900
5035 N. Penn., IndependenceGreat home for entertaining, 4BRs, 2.5 baths, LR, formal DR, den, FR with FP, some hardwood floors, kitchen has beautiful brick floors and lots of cabinets, patio, gazebo, 2 car garage, 2 sheds. MLS# 19723 $217,000
1272 Hwy 54, Yates CenterGreat investment property. Storage units on 3.8 acres with highway frontage. Exterior lights, electricity and wiring available for sign. MLS# 19506 $125,000
215 N. 27 , Parsons-3BRs, 1 bath, LR w/wood stove, kitchen, spiral staircase, fenced in backyard and det. garage w/ workshop. #6053 $28,000 th
1504 Maple, Chetopa- 2-3BR, open floor plan, living room, remodeled kitchen, fireplace, large patio, deck and gazebo. MLS# 19525 $94,900
2805 Main, Parsons- Close to school!! New carpet throughout, 3BRs, 1 bath, kitchen, carport, and nice storage building. #5634 $24,500
March/April, 2012
Page 19
Angel Robinson Hair Stylist/Nail Tech 620-421-1275 115 S. 18 , Parsons Mon-Fri Sat by appt. th
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Quick Approval Your Loan Will Not Be Sold Exceptional Customer Service Minimal Closing Costs No Appraisal Fees Competitive Rates 1230 E. Main, Parsons, KS
Convenient branch located inside Wal-Mart
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3 Biggest Lighting Mistakes
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(NAPS)—Homeowners don’t have to be in the dark when it comes to avoiding common lighting mistakes. Here are several examples and tips on how to avoid them: • Not installing landscape lighting. With the proper lighting, your home can look even more dramatic at night than during the daytime, have greater security and increase its value. • Choosing the wrongsized lighting fixtures. Take the width of the room, add it to the length of the room, turn that measurement from feet to inches—that is a good approximation of how wide the fixture should be. Also, make sure the bottom of your dining room fixture is 30” off the table. • Not using a dimmer. Lighting controls have several advantages over on/off switches—starting with savings. A $20 dimmer pays for itself within the first year. Videos detailing these and other common mistakes—and how to avoid them—are available on the Capitol Lighting website at www.1800lighting. com/mistakes.
March/April, 2012
Brighten Your Bathroom In A Weekend (NAPS)—If you’re looking for a fun makeover project, the easiest room to redecorate may be your bathroom. It’s a small space, so giving it a fresh look makes for a great weekend project. It’s also the room most likely to need a makeover, as this high-traffic area is prone to stains caused by moisture from your shower and bath, as well as makeup and grooming products. By adding a fresh coat of paint, bathrooms can be transformed quickly and affordably. The natural place to start is by deciding on a color scheme. You may want to begin by selecting various color swatches or paint samples from the store or using online color coordination tools. Once you have the paint samples in hand, try them on the wall and note how they look during different times of the day. Erika Woelfel, director of color at Behr Paints, suggests you note how colors reflect the light. The bathroom is the first place you look at yourself every day, which is why she favors pink for bathrooms. “Peach, apricot and salmon pinks provide a warm, rosy background glow. They’re great to use in dressing or vanity areas as they enhance skin tones for daily grooming,” said Woelfel. “We all want to put our best foot forward each morning and color can help.” To keep it fresh, use white for the trim and fluffy white towels. Here are a few color schemes and themes to try: Keep It Classic: If your sense of style leans toward more traditional tastes, a classic bathroom may suit your aesthetic needs. Consider a light minty green, an ethereal white and a downy white, then accent with soft pops of color. Choose an eclectic collection of light fixtures and hardware. Make a Bold Statement: Go for all-out glamour with walls in aubergine, eggplant and lilac. Add black trim and onyx tiles to the floor. Brighten with white towels and linens. Go Tranquil: Use the soft colors of nature to whisk you away. Pale spring green walls and luminous gray-green tiles evoke grass, while cloud-white accents, potted plants and natural wood add to the ambience. Dress the Room with Fabric: Fabric can add depth and texture to a design scheme. Fabric considerations include matching or coordinating shower curtains and window treatments, as well as colorful towels. To make towels even more distinctive, add ribbon banding for trim. Get a Handle on It: Sometimes, a room’s look is all in the details. If there are cabinets or drawers in your room, one easy way to spruce things up is to change the handles. A variety of decorative drawer pulls and handles can be incorporated into a decorating scheme. Follow up with glasses, trays and other accessories that fit into your scheme. And don’t be afraid to paint built-ins. Here are a few tips to help with your weekend bathroom makeover: • Use an online program like ColorSmart by Behr to select, match and coordinate color. You can also save your selections to a workbook and buy samples online at • Pick up smaller brushes to reach corners, baseboards and hard-toreach places and a roller for larger surface spaces. • Be sure to pick up tape and paper to cover fixtures, mirrors and countertops to keep those elements free of paint and keep clean-up easy. • Choose a paint that is well suited for bathrooms, like Behr Premium Plus Ultra Interior in a Semi-Gloss or Satin Enamel finish, available exclusively at The Home Depot. This paint and primer in one is great for bathrooms, with an easy-to-clean, durable, mildew resistant finish that helps protect against moisture and stains and provides improved hiding in fewer coats for a quicker re-do. For more information and inspiration ideas, visit Behr’s new blog penned by Woelfel at You may also “like” the paint company at and follow it at www.
March/April, 2012
2229 Broadway, Parsons Some restrictions apply.
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WOOD-DULOHERY REAL ESTATE 1725 Washington Suzanne Wood Janice Dulohery Carol Bush Everett Shrum Sherry Harrell Don Mattox Theresa Karleskint 423-7515 305-8918 717-1717 244-5297 423-9242 423-9252 423-9802 620-421-6840
Commercial Properties
115 N. 16th, Parsons-Retail, duplex or family residence in high traffic area. Commercial zoned. Includes 3 tracts. #6120 $325,000
2100 Commerce, Parsons-Commercial bldg of Hwy 59 w/9,375 702 W. State, Erie-Remodeled 1390 sq. ft. professional building sq. ft. & CH/A. #6077 $259,000 w/paved parking. #5742 $54,900
Land For Sale
615-619 N. 16 , Parsons 100’x100’ vacant lot. Great location on 16th street. #5994 $48,000 th
2530 Morgan, Parsons-14,000 sq ft building w/office area, manufacturing/warehouse area & loading dock. Zone I-1. #6075 $145,000
Oak St., Mound Valley 10 vacant lots on hard surface road. City utilities available. #6131 $12,500
Cedar Ridge Rd., Parsons 1811-1817 Main, Parsons 10 acres w/utilities available. Comm. lot. #5605 $48,500 Bldg restriction. #5670 $44,900 24000 & Queens, Parsons 42+ acres off paved road. Utili2100 3225 Rd., Waysideties avail. Will split acreage. 80 acres of fenced, pasture #6104 $158,068 land w/3 ponds. #4702 $99,000
3330 Broadway, Parsons-27,000 sq. ft. building w/office space, kitchen, rec area & housing capability. #6116 $399,000
Cedar Ridge Rd, Parsons 1.45 acre building site. Paved road, utilities & building restrictions. #5524 $37,500 Land-Deer Trail, Parsons Oversized lot in newer subdivision. City utilities avail. #5885 $17,500
$21,000 - $54,500 Properties
2510 Grand-Cute 2BA, 1BA w/new roof, insulation & floor 1516 Gabriel, Parsons-2BR with coverings. updated flooring, kitchen and bath. #5665 $24,500 #5964 $27,500
3610 Gabriel #234, Parsons-1BR, 1BA condo. Kitchen appliances stay. #6160 $21,000
314 N. 17th, Parsons-Solid 3BR, 2BA w/hardwood floors. Extra lot 2426 Dirr, Parsons-2 bedroom, 1 bath with lots of updates. & utility building. $29,900 #6138 $27,900 #6102
309 Stone, Parsons-3BR, 2BA w/porch, deck, attached garage, metal siding & fenced yard. #5980 $33,500
2705 Clark, Parsons-2BR, 1BA w/vinyl siding, CH/A & attached garage w/shop. #6023 $39,000
151 NW 63rd, Columbus-Three bedroom, two bath with new carpet, appliances, two decks & two sheds. #5485 $39,900
1414 Wilson, Parsons-Updated 2420 Crawford, Parsons-Remod2731 Clark, Parsons-3BR, 1.75BA 3BR, 1BA in family neighbor- eled 3BR, 2BA w/vinyl windows w/detached garage & CH/A. hood. & siding & covered porch. #5986 $36,900 #6082 $38,800 #5549 $38,900
102 E. 8th, Labette-3BR, 1BA on 5.3 acres. 2 outbuildings and pond. #6128 $41,800
806 S. Central, Parsons-Commercial building w/office, warehouse, storage & loading dock. #6054 $135,000
2617 Morgan, Parsons-3BR, 2BA 1723 Morgan, Parsons-3BR, 2BA w/new floor coverings, 2 decks & 1507 Linwood-2BR, 1BA w/new 415 N. Webster, Erie-3BR, 1.5BA windows/siding, updated kitchen w/deck, storm shelter & det. gaw/hardwood floors, CH/A and gravel drive. $49,500 rage on large lot. #6069 $54,500 detached garage. #5638 $42,500 #5603 $44,900 & workshop. #6137
CALL COLDWELL BANKER • • • 421-6840 • • • 1725 Washington • • •
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March/April, 2012
$56,900 - $96,000 Properties 2931 Chess, Parsons-2BR, 2BA w/new roof & siding, newer windows, det. garage & carport. #6087 $56,900
3137 Corning, Parsons-Remodeled 2BR, 1BA w/screened patio & fenced yard, new roof. #6068 $58,500
210 Main, Galesburg-Remodeled 3BR, 1BA w/hardwood floors, newer roof & det. garage. #6136 $59,000
2731 Stevens, Parsons-3BR, 2BA w/att. garage, fenced yard & utility building. #6147 $59,900
1606 Broadway, Parsons-3BR, 1.5BA w/natural woodwork, newer carpet, deck, pool & detached garage. #5737 $59,900
2630 Crawford, Parsons-3BR, 1105 Cherry, Chetopa-4BR, 2BA 2BA w/updated kitchen, vinyl siding, new roof & det. garage. w/new kitchen & bath. $64,900 #6127 $64,500 #6122
723 Baldwin, Cherryvale-Mobile home w/fireplace, kitchen appliances, 4BR & 2BA. #6076 $69,900
1018 S. 29th, Parsons-3BR, 1BA w/newer roof & kitchen, CH/A, vinyl siding & attached garage. #6078 $69,900
307 E. Canville, Erie-2BR, 1BA w/new kitchen, CH/A, deck & attached garage on corner lot. #5981 $70,000
3123 Main, Parsons-3BR, 2BA w/newer kitchen & baths, large rooms, attached garage, deck and storage building. #6024 $73,900
321 Nebraska, Oswego-3BR, 1.5BA w/att. garage, CH/A & vinyl siding. #6143 $74,000
201 W. Girard, Erie-3BR, 2BA w/ new CH/A, large kitchen & att. carport w/storage. #5936 $75,900
3001 Morton, Parsons-3BR, 1.5BA w/large kitchen, covered patio 7 fenced yard. #5935 $76,000
417 S. Lincoln, Erie-2BR, 1BA on large corner lot with detached garage. #5871 $77,500
637 Indiana, Oswego-MOTIVATED SELLER! 4BR, 2BA w/newer kitchen, vinyl siding, det. garage, large yard & storage building. #5993 $78,000
2224 Belmont, Parsons-Remodeled 3BR, 1BA w/detached 3 car garage with 2 carports. #5438 $79,000
113 Riverview, Oswego-4BR, 3BA on large lot. Lots of improvements. #6132 $79,500
3120 Chess, Parsons-3BR, 2BA w/hardwood floors, new windows, large fenced yard + 1 yr HW. #5933 $79,900
14051 Ness Road, Altamont-3BR, 2BA on 7 acres. Hardwood floors, det. garage & utility shed. #5957 $86,900
1577 20000 Rd., Parsons-3BR, 2BA w/new roof & covered deck. On 6+ acres. #6167 $87,000
111 S. Elm, Altamont-3BR, 2BA w/newer windows, CH/A & tile counters, nice deck. #6034 $87,900
403 S. Virginia, Altamont-3BR, 2BA w/open floor plan & vinyl siding. Close to school. #6166 $89,000
1125 Morgan, Parsons-3BR, 2BA with FR with fireplace and fenced yard. Near park & College. #6036 $89,900
620 S. 15th, Parsons-3BR, 1BA w/2 fireplaces, oak cabinets, basement, new roof & fenced yard. #5647 $92,900
217 W. 3rd, Erie-4BR, 2BA w/ fireplace, basement, att. garage & det. garage. #5166 $93,500
218 Chestnut, Galesburg-3BR, 1BA w/hardwood floors, det. ga- 103 Steuben, Erie-3BR, 2BA w/2 rage, guest house & storm shelter. car garage, CH/A & vinyl siding. $96,000 #6135 $95,500 #6144
1207 S. 32nd, Parsons-2BR, 1BA w/new roof, windows, siding & 3429 Gabriel, Parsons-3BR, 2BA w/att. garage and large lot. CH/A. $59,900 #6133 $59,500 #6039
CALL COLDWELL BANKER • • • 421-6840 • • • 1725 Washington • • •
March/April, 2012
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105 Steuben, Erie-3BR, 2BA w/2 car garage, CH/A & vinyl siding. #6145 $98,000
WOOD-DULOHERY REAL ESTATE 1725 Washington 620-421-6840
Suzanne Wood..........423-9242 Janice Dulohery........423-9252 Carol Bush.............423-9802 Everett Shrum..........244-5297 Sherry Harrell...........717-1717 Don Mattox............305-8918 Theresa Karleskint.....423-7515
222 Kay Lane, Parsons-3BR, 2BA w/ducted fireplace, screened porch, att. garage & fenced yard. #5176 $98,000
$98,000 - $350,000 Properties 1008 S. 29th, Parsons-3BR, 2BA w/updated kitchen, deck, att. garage & fenced yard. #5977 $98,900
405 N. 18th, Parsons-5BR, 3BA w/det. workshop, patio w/outdoor kitchen & privacy fence. #6114 $99,500
3009 Johnston Road, Parsons4BR, 1.75BA w/new windows & siding, 2 fireplaces & large yard. #6110 $99,900
14135 90th, Erie-Remodeled 2BR, 2BA on 5 acres w/screened porch, deck & det. garage. #6095 $99,900
3219 Hughes, Parsons-4BR, 2BA w/fireplace, finished basement, large det. garage & playhouse on large lot. #6125 $99,900
309 Highland, Parsons-Updated 3BR, 2BA w/fireplace, hardwood floors & deck on large lot. #6129 $112,900
3103 Thornton, Parsons-3BR, 2BA w/new flooring, french doors, large deck & vinyl siding. #6002 $118,000
106 W. 7th, Altamont-3BR, 2BA with detached garage with shop & carport, shop and barn. 3.2 acres with pond. #6031 $129,000
3318 Clark, Parsons-3BR, 2.5BA w/open floor plan, concrete siding & att. garage. #6079 $129,500
6874 NW 70 th, McCune-2BR, 2BA on 20.5 acres. 30x40 shop/ garage. Storm shelter. #6080 $129,900
1625 Grand, Parsons-4BR, 4BA w/wrap around porch. Large kitchen w/pantry, island & wine rack, patio & det. garage. #6112 $135,000
613 Custer, Parsons-4BR, 2.5BA w/fireplace, full basement, storage, 2 car garage & fenced yard. #5673 $135,000
3015 Johnston Rd., Parsons-5BR, 2BA w/finished basement, deck & fenced yard. #6117 $144,900
1700 Cedar Ridge Rd., Parsons4BR, 3.5BA with LR, FR, unfinished basement, in ground pool with deck and 2 car garage. #6113 $149,900
21078 Hwy 59, Parsons-4BR, 3.5BA on 3.8 acres. Deck, det. garage, pool, workshop & barn. #6134 $154,900
16091 Ness Rd., Altamont-4BR, 3BA on 12.5 acres. Fireplace, full basement & screened in porch. #5812 $229,000
13185 120th Rd., Erie-4BR, 3BA with 2 fireplaces, garage with office, deck, pool & outbuildings on 5 acres. #5694 $350,000
9700 Hwy 59, Erie-Bi-level, 4BRs, 3 baths, LR, FR, 2 car garage, 3 level deck w/hot tub on 5.9 acres. #6005 $155,500
301 S. 33rd, Parsons-4BR, 3.5BA on 1.24 acres w/stone fireplace and finished basement. #5864 $163,000
17850 10 th Rd., Parsons-4BR, 2BA home on 13.8 acres w/pond & outbuildings. Renovated in 2007. #5731 $189,900
8 Woodcliffe Drive, Oswego3BR, 2BA home on 14.6 acres. Newer roof, vinyl siding, horse barns, utility buildings and so much more overlooking the bluff. #5896 $220,000
928 N. Butler, Erie-3BR, 2.5BA with LR, FR, office, covered patio & attached garage. #6159 $249,000
1743 24000 Rd., Parsons-4200 sq. ft. home, finished basement, pool, 40x60 building on 5 acres. Up to 86 acres avail.! #6103 $299,678
1358 26000 Rd., Parsons-4BR, 2.5BA on 12 acres. New kitchen, baths, appliances & flooring. Pool & det. garage. #5835 $339,000
18071 S. Hwy 59, Parsons-5BR, 3BA on 15.5 acres w/2 fireplaces, loft, full finished basement, covered deck & attached garage. #6029 $345,000
CALL COLDWELL BANKER • • • 421-6840 • • • 1725 Washington • • •
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March/April, 2012