Argentina & Chile Tour
Buenos Aires, Salta, Humahuaca Canyon San Pedro de Atacama Santiago, Torres del Paine Nat Park, El Calafate
Torres del Paine NP
BuenosAiresCaminitoLaBoca SanTelmo9deJulioAvenueRec oletaSaltaHumahuacaCanyon Purmamarca7-ColourHillSanP edrodeAtacamaMoonValleyAt acamaDesertTatyoGeysersSant iagodeChileVi単adelMarValpara isoPuntaArenasMagallanesStra itPuertoNatalesTorresdelpaine NationalParkBalmacedaandSer ranoGlaciersSenoUltimaEspera nzaTierradelFuegoElCalafatePa tagonianSteppePeritoMorenoG laciersUpsalaGlacierOnelliGlac ierSpegazziniGlaciersLosGlacia resNationalParkColonTheatre
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e r a a G c Keplerstr. 13 – D 69226 Nussloch -Germany Phone: 49 – 06224 – 13474 Fax: 06224-13474 E-Mail: Roland Kiemle – General Manager
Begonnen hat alles vor über fünfzig Jahren im kanadischen Cowboy – Eldorado Calgary. Roland & Undine Kiemle haben sich in dieser Westernstadt kennengelernt und geheiratet. In jedem freien Wochende zogen sie hinaus in die naheliegenden Rocky Mountains. Im Sommer mit dem Zelt, im Winter auf die damals noch einsamen Skihütten um Sunshine Valley und Banff. Mit der Zeit wurden die Kreise immer größer. Auf der ursprünglichen Alaska Highway ging es in den fünfziger Jahren mit einen Testfahrzeug der NSU Werke bis nach Fairbanks und zum höchsten Berg Nordamerikas , dem Mt.McKinley. Es folgten Fahrten nach Süden zum Tal des Todes und nach Mexiko. Dazwischen lagen viele Wochenenden mit Trekking, Fischen und Jagen. Goldwaschen in den Bergen der Kordilleren,Bärenbeobachtungen. Die Familie bekam Nachwuchs. Allan wurde in Calgary geboren , Gary in Vancouver. Auch mit den Kindern begann man frühzeitig sie an das Leben in der freien Natur zu gewöhnen. Durch ein gesundheitliches Schicksal wurde die Familie nach Jahren wieder nach Deutschland verschlagen. Und vielleicht war es auch ein Wink des Schicksals. Die Rückkehr nach dem alten Europa und in die aufstrebende Bundesrepublik war gleichzeitig die Geburtsstunde unserer späteren Tätigkeit- man könnte auch Lebenswerk dazu sagen, anderen Menschen unvergleichliche und nicht von der Stange käufliche Naturerlebnisse zu vermitteln. Das kanadische Fremdenverkehrsamt suchte in Deutschland erfahrene Mitarbeiter um den deutschsprachigen Raum für das Riesenland Kanada zu erschliessen. Man versuchte es mit so kitschigen Vorstellungen wie „ Honeymoon an den Niagara Fällen „ oder Städtereisen im Osten und Westen. Wer die kanadischen Städte in den 60iger Jahren gekannt hat, der weiß um die trostlose Städtekultur dieser Zeit. Unser Vorschlag war – Outdoor – sei es mit Mietwagen , Camping oder Wohnmobil. Das galt den den meisten beamteten Angestellten dieser Dienststelle schon zu abenteuerlich. Aber damit war auch das Stichwort gefallen: Abenteuer. An Hand von Dias die man über die Jahre in der Wildnis Kanadas geschossen hatte, musste zuerst mal der Behördenapparat überzeugt werden. Denn die meisten der von Ottawa ausgesandten Beamten hatten keinen Bezug zu Zelt , Lagerfeuer oder gar Bärenbegnungen. Doch der Begriff Abenteuerreisen war damit geboren und wir gaben dieser Art des Reisens gleich einen Werbeslogan: In Kanada ist die Freiheit noch nicht ausverkauft!“ Roland gab seine Arbeit als Mechanical Engineer bei einer amerikanischen Baumschienen –Firma auf und gründete mit der Familie eine eigene Firma dies sich zum damaligen Zeitpunkt nur mit Aktiv-Reisen nach Kanada befasste. „ The Northwest Voyageurs „ war in den sechzig-er Jahren die erste und einzige Firma die Abenteuer Touren nach Kanada veranstaltete. Durch unsere Kunden wurde uns bewusst, wie schwach der Markt für eine gute funktionelle Ausrüstung ausgestattet war. Teilnehmer hatten Schlafsäcke mit dabei die für eine Sommernacht am Gardasee geeignet waren, aber nicht für die kalten Nächte des kanadischen Nordens. Die Begegnung von Gary mit Ulrich Dausien, der aus der Pfadfinder- bewegung stammte, ergaben eine erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit und die Idee für die ersten Ausrüstungsgeschäfte. Ulrich hatte es satt mit der damals von fast allen“Bündischen „ getragenen Ju-Jacken, eine uniformiertes aber nicht funktionelles Kleidunsgstück , dem Unbill der Natur ausgesetzt zu sein. Es entstanden die ersten Entwürfe für praktische Kleidung „ für Draussen „! Mit Gary startete man das erste Ausrüstungsgeschäft in Heidelberg in der Poststrasse unter dem Namen : SINE . SINE war der Fahrtenname von Dausien. Der Erfolg stellte sich
kurzfristig ein, ein Umzug in grössere Räume erfolgte und damit auch eine Namensänderung in ADVENTURE COMPANY. Weitere Filialen folgten in Heidelberg , Mannheim , Freiburg und Heilbronn. Zur selben Zeit suchte man nach einem passenden Namen für die immer grösser werdende Palette der Ausrüstung. Unser, wie auch Ulrichs Faible war der Norden Kanadas und damit konnte man unmöglich an einem der grossen amerikanischen Abenteurer und Schriftsteller Jack London vorbeigehen. Der Fahrtenname von Jack London auf seinen Trampfahrten auf dem Pacific Express war „ Wolfskin“ . Diesen Namen wollte man für die zukünftige Produkte benutzen , wurde aber von Amts wegen nicht anerkannt. Ein Zusatzname musste her. Man nahm der Vornamen von Jack London – und eine der erfolgreichsten „Labels „ in der Outdoorbranche war geboren: Jack Wolfskin ! Gary eröffnete der ersten Jack Wolfskin Store in Deutschland. Zuerst inHeidelberg. Ein zweiter folgte kurz danach in Freiburg. Roland hatte den Abenteuer- Tourismus in Deutschland aus der Taufe gehoben. Zusammen mit Allan war man in der Zwischenzeit auf allen Kontinenten erfolgreich unterwegs mit sogenannten Aktiv-oder Erlebnisreisen . Der Zigarettenkonzern Philip Morris sah in diesen Unternehmungen eine Verwirklichung ihres Werbeslogans von „Freiheit und Abenteuer „! Zusammen mit einem weiteren Partner arbeitete man ein Werbe-Konzept aus , welches fast 25 Jahre zu den erfolgreichsten Werbekampagnen eines Weltkonzerns gehörte: Das „Marlboro – Abenteuer Team „ war geboren. Die jährliche Veranstaltungen des Marlboro Abenteuers wurde seit 1983 durchgeführt . Am Ende waren über 30 Länder daran beteiligt. Die Bewerberzahlen im Jahresdurchschnitt 450 000 Einsendungen. Die Firma „Northwest Voyageurs „ wurde in Adventure Tours umgetauft, da man in der Zwischenzeit global tätig war und die erste Bezeichnung mehr auf die kanadischen Aktivitäten gemünzt waren. Es folgten logistische Aufgaben für Filmproduktionen in den USA. Werbefilme mit den Regisseuren Tony Scott (Top Gun, Beverly Hills Cop 2, Tage des Donners mit Tom Cruise) und Tonys Bruder Riddley Scott (Thelma & Louise, Gladiator) in Utah und Arizona. Ein ganz neuer Zweig hatte sich zu den bisherigen touristischen Angeboten aufgetan. Zusammen mit Elmar Engel, einem weiteren Kanadaexperten, hat Roland mehrere Reisebücher herausgebracht. Handbücher für Abenteuerfreunde und Outdoorenthusiasten. Daneben eine Biografie: „ Vagant der Windrose „ erhältlich bei Adventure Company.Die Geschichte einer Familie von Outdoor-Experten. Bereits im Jahr 2001 verstarb Undine nach einer langen unheilbaren Krankheit. Im Jahre 2009 folgte ihr Allan , der älteste Sohn nach gravierende Fehlern der medizinischen Dilettanten an der Universitätsklinik Heidelberg. Roland hat in der Zwischenzeit sein aktives Berufsleben aufgegeben , ist aber noch ständig unterwegs zwischen Yukon/Alaska und dem südlichen Afrika. Reisen mit ausgesuchten Freunden zu ursprünglichen Zielen stehen heute noch auf der Tagesordnung. Gary ist jetzt die Triebfeder der Familie und setzt mit neuen Aktivitäten das ganze Spektrum vieler Jahre erfolgreicher Unternehmungen mit neuen Ideen in die Tat um. Schon mit 15 Jahren führte er eine Gruppe erwartungsvoller Kanuten 850 Km den Yukon hinunter, eine Fahrt die alles abverlangt und keine Fehler erlaubt. Die Verantwortung tragen für ein rundes Dutzend Erwachsener. Dazu Koch , Scout und aufmunternder Guide, so ein Job prägt den Menschen für den Rest des Lebens. Gary Kiemle blickt auf eine über dreissigjährige Tätigkeit zurück als Unternehmer, Ausrüster, Guide und Veranstalter. Für Roland ist es nach 60 Jahren auf vielen Strassen dieser Welt „ time to say goodbye „!
itinerary DAY 1 - FEBRUARY 23 - BUENOS AIRES Arrival to Ezeiza International Airport and transfer to Hotel Pestana Buenos Aires, a superior 4* hotel, centrally located over 9 the Julio Avenue. Buenos Aires is the capital and largest city of Argentina, and the second-largest metropolitan area in South America, after Greater São Paulo. It is located on the western shore of the estuary of the Río de la Plata, on the continent's southeastern coast. The Greater Buenos Aires conurbation, which also includes several Buenos Aires Province districts, constitutes the third-largest conurbation in Latin America, with a population of around thirteen million. BUENOS AIRES
Is the capital and largest city of
The city of Buenos Aires is neither part of Buenos Aires Province nor Argentina, and the second-largest the Province's capital; rather, it is an autonomous district. In 1880, metropolitan area in South America, after decades of political infighting, Buenos Aires was federalised and removed from Buenos Aires after Greater São Paulo.It`s one of the Province. The city limits were enlarged to include the towns of 20 largest cities in the world. People from Buenos Aires are referred to as Belgrano and Flores; both are now neighborhoods of the city. The porteños (people of the port). It is a 1994 constitutional amendment granted the city autonomy, hence top destination, and is known for its formal name: Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (Autonomous City its European style architecture[ of Buenos Aires). Its citizens first elected a Chief of Government (i.e. and rich cultural life.[ Mayor) in 1996; before, the Mayor was directly appointed by the President of the Republic. By some measures, Buenos Aires is one of the 20 largest cities in the world. It is, along with Mexico City and São Paulo, one of the three Latin American cities considered an 'alpha city' by the study GaWC5. Argentina has the third best quality of life in Latin America. Buenos Aires' quality of life is ranked 81st in the world, with its per capita income among the three highest in the region. It is the most visited city in South America (ahead of Rio de Janeiro) and the second most visited city across Latin America (behind Mexico City). Buenos Aires is a top tourist destination, and is known for its European-style architecture and rich cultural life, with the highest concentration of theatres in the world. Buenos Aires will host the 2018 Summer Youth Olympics. The city is the birthplace of the current pope, Francis (former Archbishop of Buenos Aires), and Queen Máxima of the Netherlands. RENOVATED DOCKSIDE AREA OF PUERTO MADERO, BUENOS AIRES
DAY 2 - FEBRUARY 24: BUENOS AIRES - SALTA After breakfast, free time until transfer to Jorge Newbery local airport to take flight to SALTA. Arrival and transfer to Hotel Casa Real, 4*. Salta is a city in northwestern Argentina and the capital city of the Salta Province. Nicknamed Salta la Linda ("Salta the Beautifull"), Salta has become a major tourist destination due to its old, colonial architecture and the natural scenery of the valleys westward. Attractions in the city proper include the 18th century Cabildo, the neo-classical style Cathedral, and the July 9 central square. The city's museums exhibit a wide range of artifacts and art work from the native civilizations that flourished in the area (Salta is located in the Southernmost region of what was the Inca empire, belonging to the Collasuyu, one of the four areas the empire was divided until the Spanish conquest), as well as from the 16th century Spanish conquest and the colonial and post-colonial periods. Salta is also the starting point of the "Train to the Clouds" (Tren a las nubes), and on the way to red-soiled Cafayate, as well as to other nearby tourist destinations like Humahuaca Canyon in Jujuy Province, declared by Unesco as World Heritage. DAY 3 - FEBRUARY 25: SALTA - HUMAHUACA CANYON - PURMAMARCA After breakfast, free time until transfer to Jorge Newbery local airport to take flight to SALTA. Arrival and transfer to Hotel Casa Real, 4*. After breakfast, we will start the visit to Humahuaca, with charming Andean villages and following the traces of the antique Inca road. Driving north you find the long and narrow Quebrada de Humahuaca (canyon) and its artistic palette of colour splashed on barren hillsides where Quechua peasants scratch a living from irrigated agriculture and scrawny livestock. On the western hillside of the canyon, the village Purmamarca shines with its polychrome “Cerro de los Siete Colores” (Hill of the Seven Colours). With no doubt, the village of Purmamarca is the most remarkable in this area with the chapel under the avocation of Santa Rosa de Lima and its melancholic aspect due to the native style of building with mud. Further north, at an elevation of 2,461m in a side valley, Tilcara features PURMAMARCA a classic Andean Pucará (a fortification). From there, you enjoy views of the Quebrada de Humahuaca in several directions. The seven color hill it´s located Nearly 3000m above sea level, Humahuaca is the largest settlement between Jujuy and the Bolivian border with a large Quechua Indian population and a very interesting craft market. During the entire excursion, the landscape is so colourful that it will remain in your mind forever. After visiting the Humahuaca Canyon, we will stop in Purmamarca to overnight and continue next day with the cross to Chile.
in Purmamarca, a town placed in the northwestern province of Jujuy. This natural wonder Is basically the result of a complex geological history and its different colorful layers are the result of marine sediments that where placed at this area by tectonic movements 600 million years ago
DAY 4 - FEBRUARY 26: PURMAMARCA - SAN PEDRO DE ATACAMA After breakfast, check out at our hotel to start driving to cross the border. We will cross the Paso de Jama, from Argentina to Chile. Located 349 kilometres from San Salvador de Jujuy, you will find the International Border crossing of the Jama Pass. Leaving Purmamarca, crossing the area of Patacal, you enter the Salar, which will take you through this Pass into northern Chile. It can be crossed during any season of the year. It is located in the Altiplano or Puna highland plateau area, with particular characteristics and great similarities to its Peruvian- Bolivian counterpart. Set in the Andes, Jama is a highland plateau with an average height of over 3000 m.a.s.l. Daytime temperatures will reach up to 30 °C, while at night temperatures will tend to drop very low, even below freezing point in winter. There are often also b winds in the area. There is a border police delegation to control the border traffic to Chile and the Pacific Ocean. The crossing Paso de Jama was officially inaugurated in 1991. Most of the road from San Salvador de Jujuy to Jama, including the occasional down slopes, is uphill. We recommend an early start, to better use the daylight hours.
itinerary Arrival to San Pedro de Atacama and transfer to Hotel Terrantai 4* - 3 nights of accommodation with breakfast. DAY 5 - FEBRUARY 27: SAN PEDRO DE ATACAMA After breakfast, we will start visit to one of the m ain attactions in the area: The Moon Valley
MOON VALLEY full moon nights, the valley It is one of the most visited places in San Pedro and it is located at also presents an indescribable 17 kilometers of San Pedro's downtown, in the Cordillera de la Sal aspect, plenary of majesty and (Salt mountains) area, is an interesting area with stones and sand silence, coldly beautiful and imposing. formations that per millenia the floods and the winds have given it It presents diverse saline outcrops that seem true sculptures also of a a series of colors and texture to the desert, it presents an great variety of caverns. In this place extraordinary attractive by its similarity with the moon surface and a geologic spectacle of great beauty the natural coliseo of great dimensions. From a great dune is possible can be observed, in special in the to appreciate the wonderful and surprising surroundings of this zone. evening and daybreak. Set of landscapes of incomparable beauty and that resemble a fragment of the moon landscape. This wonderful natural phenomenon, is due to the encounter of the Atacama desert with the Andes mountain range, which is produced by smooth slope changes, conformed by cones of rollings originating of the mountain bankruptcy. The Moon Valley has dry lakes, in where the salt composition of these covers with a beautiful white mantle; escarpments of all green, blue, red, yellow colors surprising with the most diverse and surprising forms and which the sun makes vary its tones in thousand different forms during the day, specially in the twilight hours that reaches its best beauty. Declared sanctuary of the nature by its great natural beauty and strange moon appearance to which must its name. Every year is visited by hundreds of tourists for being one of the knowest places in Chile.
DAY 6 - FEBRUARY 28 - SAN PEDRO DE ATACAMA After breakfast, we will continue our visit to Atacama Desert. This day, we will visit the incredible Salt Flat Scattered throughout the Altiplano and Inter-Andean Depression, salt flats such as the Salar de Atacama near San Pedro de Atacama are one of Northern Chile's most singular geographic features. Perfectly flat and apparently endless, these shimmering white salares provide habitat for dozens of bird species, including three varieties of flamingos. DAY 7 - MARCH 01 - SAN PEDRO DE ATACAMA - SANTIAGO DE CHILE After breakfast, transfer to Calama Airport to take flight to Santiago de Chile. Arrival to Santiago de Chile International Airport and transfer to Hotel Bonaparte 4* - 3 nights of accommodation with breakfast. Santiago also Santiago de Chile, is the capital of Chile and the center of its largest conurbation. It is located in the country's central valley, at an elevation of 520 m (1,706 ft) above mean sea level. Founded in 1541, Santiago has been the capital city since colonial times. The city has a downtown core of 19th century neoclassical architecture and winding side-streets, dotted by art deco, neogothic, and other styles. Santiago's cityscape is shaped by several stand-alone hills and the fastflowing Mapocho River, lined by parks such as Parque Forestal. Mountains of the Andes chain can be seen from most points in the city. These mountains contribute to a considerable smog problem, particularly during winter. The city outskirts are surrounded by vineyards, and Santiago is within a few hours of both the mountains and the Pacific Ocean. Santiago's steady economic growth over the past few decades has transformed it into a modern metropolis. The city is now home to growing theater and restaurant scenes, extensive suburban development, dozens of shopping centers, and a rising skyline, including the tallest building in Latin America, the Gran Torre Santiago. It includes several major universities, and has developed a modern transportation infrastructure, including a free flow toll-based, partly underground urban freeway system and the Metro de Santiago, South America's most extensive subway system. Santiago is the cultural, political and financial center of Chile and is home to the regional headquarters of many multinational corporations. The Chilean executive and judicial powers are located in Santiago, but Congress meets in nearby Valparaíso. Santiago is named after the biblical figure James, son of Zebedee (Sant Iago = Saint Iacob = Saint Jacob = Saint James). DAY 8 - MARCH 02- SANTIAGO DE CHILE After breakfast, we will start the visit the the capital city. City tour in Santiago visiting the main tourist attractions, such as, old district, San Francisco church built between 1572 and 1618. Government Palace, Main square, Central Post office, Santa Lucía Hill founded in 1541, majesticly located in the center of the city. Finally we will visit the most modern district in the city. DAY 9 - MARCH 03- VIÑA DEL MAR AND VALPARAISO After breakfast, we will start the visit to Viña del Mar and Valparaiso. We begin the route from your hotel, in a trip of 120 kilometers to the Pacific Ocean. Here we will apreciate the great variety of the landscape of Curacaví Valley to follow until Casablanca Valley known mainly by the great production of white wine Sauvignon Blanc among others. Arriving to Valparaíso (Main port of our country), recently declared Cultural Humanity Patrimony by UNESCO. We will be supraised by its houses in the hills it makes Valparaíso a very beautiful city: We shall visit the main atractives of the city: Victoria square, Sotomayor square, Glorias Navales Monument, 21 de Mayo Boulevard; (we will follow up to the viewing point to apreciate this wonderful port, one of the most important of our country); we also walk among its hills in its differents elevators, (1883-1902) to be in contact with the port enviroment. We follow the trip until Viña Del Mar, known like Garden city. In this place we see the flower match, Casino and Reñaca; place where we will stop to lunch; after that we will make a short walk by the beach. Arriving to Santiago, by coastal way we will show and visit Quinta Vergara, place known due to International Song Festival. Come back to Santiago finishing in your hotel.
itinerary DAY 10 - MARCH 04: SANTIAGO - PUNTA ARENAS - PUERTO NATALES After breakfast, transfer to Santiago de Chile Airport to take flight to Punta Arenas. Arrival and transfer to Puerto Natales. Check-in Hotel Costaustralis 4* - 3 nights of accommodation with breakfast. Puerto Natales is a city in Chilean Patagonia. It is the capital of both the commune of Natales and the province of Última Esperanza, one of the four provinces that make up the Magallanes and Antartica Chilena Region in the southernmost part of Chile. Puerto Natales is the only city in the province it is located 247 km (153 mi) lying northwest of Punta Arenas. It is the final passenger port of call for the Navimag ferry sailing from Puerto Montt into the Señoret Channel as well as the primary transit point for travellers to Torres del Paine National Park, Chile. It is located at the opening of Última Esperanza Sound and was originally inhabited by the Kawésqar or Alacaluf people and the Aoniken or Tehuelche people. The first European to discover the city was Juan Ladrillero, a sailor who was looking for the Strait of Magellan, in 1557. The city was later settled by European immigrants, primarily Germans, British, including English, Welsh and Scots, Croats, Greeks, Italians and Spaniards. It was then settled by Chilean people, with a substantial number coming from the island of Chiloé, all attracted by the sheep breeding industry. The city was formally founded under the government of Ramón Barros Luco on May 31, 1911. Nowadays, one of its most important industries is tourism although the cattle and aquaculture industries are also significant.
DAY 11 - MARCH 05: TORRES DEL PAINE NATIONAL PARK After breakfast, we will start our visit to the park. This national park covers 181.000 hectares on the Seno de Ultima Esperanza (Last Hope Inlet). The park is located 150 kilometers from Puerto Natales.
PUNTA ARENAS Located on the north shore of the Strait of Magellan, Punta Arenas was originally established in 1848 as a tiny penal colony. During the remainder of the 1800's Punta Arenas grew in size and importance due to the increasing maritime traffic and trade destined to the the west coast of both South and North America.
There are many hiking paths that cross widely differing types of terrain, such as pampas and thick Magellanic forests, and run along lakes with huge glaciers and icebergs. The park is surrounded by huge, craggy mountains, including the famous Cuernos del Paine (Paine Horns).
Torres del Paine National Park was declared Reservation of the Biosphere and it`s an scenario of natural beauty. The most important places to visit are Laguna Amarga (Bitter lagoon) from where you will be been able to appreciate the imposing Torres del Paine, Lago Sarmiento (Sarmiento Lake), Lago Nordenskjöld (Nordenskjöld Lake), Lago Pehoe (Pehoe Lake), Salto Chico (Small Waterfall), Salto Grande (Big Waterfall), Lake and Glacier Grey (Grey Glacier and Lake) and the Administrative Office of CONAF in Río Serrano (Serrano River).
DAY 12 - MARCH 06: BALMACEDA AND SERRANO GLACIERS After breakfast, we will start another great excursion in the area. The visit to Balmaceda and Serrano Glaciers. Visiting them means admiring a majestic place almost never touched by men. The only access to this zone is by sailing through the Seno de Última Esperanza (Last Hope Sound). The 2,035 meter Balmaceda mountain is part of the Bernardo O'Higgins National Park. Travelling to Balmaceda is a pleasure. The journey starts at Puerto Natales pier, going through forests of coigües, canelos, lengas, ñires, chilcos and calafates, and discovering sea wolves, cormorants, quetru ducks, condors and seagulls. When going along the coast, the ship gets closer to sea wolves colonies to finally reach the mountain. There is the Balmaceda glacier, where huge pieces of ice detach falling into the fjord waters and the Serrano glacier, located in the north where you can arrive by land next to a small lagoon formed by the de-icing activity. The return trip starts around 2:30 PM and it includes one stop at the Perales estancia, where passengers have the chance to enjoy a delicious typical regional lunch. Around 5:30 PM, the tour returns to Puerto Natales.
itinerary DAY 13 - MARCH 07 : PUERTO NATALES - EL CALAFATE After breakfast, transfer crossing the border, to arrive to El Calafate, in Argentina. El Calafate is the gate to the incredible Perito Moreno Glacier and many glaciers in the area. Check in Hotel Unique Luxury Patagonia 4* - 2 nights of accommodation with breakfast PERITO MORENO GLACIER DAY 14 - MARCH 08 : EL CALAFATE The Perito Moreno Glacier is one of After breakfast, we will start the visit to Perito Moreno Glacier. only three Patagonian glaciers that is This excursion is the most spectacular and unforgettable excursion growing. The reason remains debated in all Patagonia. At the beginning of the tour, you will skirt Bay by glaciologists. The terminus of the Redonda of Lake Argentino as well as have the chance to see Perito Moreno Glacier is 5 kilometres (3 mi) wide, with an average height of Solitaire Island. 74 m (240 ft) above the surface of You will go through the Patagonia valley with its natural the water of Lake Argentino, in environment of species such as guanacos, ostriches, foxes, etc. Argentina. It has a total ice depth of 170 metres (558 ft).
Afterwards you will enjoy many interesting spots: Cerro Comision o De Los Elefantes, river Centinela, Cerro Frias (guanacos site), many Patagonian farmhouses and, across the Mitre river you will get into National Park Los Glaciares.
Then, you will go 35 km along the coast of of Lake Argentino’s Rico Branch, among vegetation of incredible trees such as ùires, lengas, notros and cherry trees. At Curva de Los Suspiros you will get the first panoramic view of Glacier Perito Moreno. An ice cloak, or glacial cap, covers this Protected Area of 600,000 hectares. Among the 356 glaciers, the Perito Moreno is the most outstanding one, having a front of 5 km long and a height of over 60 meters above the level of the water.
Known worldwide because of its process of fractures, the front of the glacier closes the running of the waters of Brazo Rico when it approaches the coast. This produces a kind of pond where the water goes up 20 meters over the level, creating the filtration that ends up in the fracture. But show is never-ending. You can watch the detachment of ice blocks of different sizes from a short distance, hear the roaring they produce, and then watch them turned into wonderful floating icebergs. In 1981 UNESCO declared National Park Los Glaciares a World Heritage Site. As optional activity, you can enjoy the minitrekking. The tour begins at the Bay Harbor “Bajo de las Sombras�, sited 22 km from The Glaciers National Park entrance and 8 km from the Glacier. There you go on board in order to reach the opposite coast of Peninsula de Magallanes, crossing the Rico Branch of Argentine Lake. The sailing time is about twenty minutes. Specialized guides take the group(approximately 20 people) along a coast path that leads to the southern margin of the glacier after a 30 minutes trip. There, helped by experts, metallic nails in shoes are put, necessary to walk on ice. Also, the basic technique to use them is explained and a speech about glacier origin, regional flora and fauna is given. From there, you begin to climb towards the glacier slowly, walking for about two hours, stopping occasionally just to take some pictures. LOS GLACIARES NATIONAL PARK Return to the hotel. Dinner and Overnight. DAY 15- MARCH 09: EL CALAFATE - BUENOS AIRES After breakfast, free time until transfer to El Calafate Airport. Flight to Buenos Aires. Arrival to J. Newbery Airport and transfer to our hotel, the Hotel Pestana Buenos Aires 4* superior. 3 nights of accommodation with breakfast. Rest of the day free to walk the city.
In 1981 it was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, the national park, created in 1937, is the second largest in Argentina. Its name refers to the giant ice cap in the Andes range that feeds 47 large glaciers, of which only 13 flow towards the Atlantic Ocean
itinerary DAY 16 - MARCH 10 : BUENOS AIRES After breakfast we will start a city tour to visit the best of Buenos Aires, highlighting many of the important landmarks and buildings in the city, as well as it various neighborhoods, including La Boca, San Telmo, La Recoleta and Palermo. During our tour we will explore the Colonial Center including, Plaza de Mayo, the Cabildo, Casa Rosada, the Cathedral, the Obelisk, the Congress, the Government House and the wide 9 de Julio Avenue, as well as the Puerto Madero Riverfront. During our city tour, we will also take a guided tour of the Colon Theater, one of Buenos Aires finest attractions. Buenos Aires's golden age of prosperity gave birth to this luxurious opera house, which has hosted Luciano Pavarotti, Julio Bocca, Maria Callas, Plácido Domingo, Arturo Toscanini, and Igor Stravinsky. The project took close to 80 years to complete, but the result is spectacular. The majestic building, completed in 1908, combines a variety of European styles, from the Ionic and Corinthian capitals and French stained-glass pieces in the main entrance to the Italian marble staircase and French furniture, chandeliers, and vases in the Golden Hall. In the main theater, which seats 2,500 in orchestra seats, stalls, boxes, and four rises, an enormous chandelier hangs from the domed ceiling painted by Raúl Soldi. The theatre's acoustics are world-renowned.
Is the capital and largest city of Argentina, and the second-largest metropolitan area in South America, after Greater São Paulo.It`s one of the 20 largest cities in the world. People from Buenos Aires are referred to as porteños (people of the port). It is a top destination, and is known for its European style architecture[ and rich cultural life.[
Return to the hotel and free afternoon. In the evening, we will enjoy a wonderful Dinner Tango Show in one of the most famous tango houses of Buenos Aires: La Ventana
for people interested in dance, tango lessons are available before dinner. After show, transfer back to the hotel. Overnight. DAY 17 - MARCH 11: BUENOS AIRES After breakfast, we will start a full day visit to another excellent attraction in Buenos Aires. A visit to a typical estancia or farm in the Pampas with “Asado� or barbecue, horses, folkloric music and more. By the end of the last century, Mr. francisco Kelly , an Argentine citizen of irish descendance named his land Santa Susana as a homage to his wife, Susana Caffrey. The ranch is located in the district of Campana , Buenos Aires province, and near the town of Los Cardales. It actually occupies an area of 1200 Hectares (2965 acres) mainly dedicated to agricultural activities, and ,since around 24 years ago, it has also been exploites as a tourism resort, either at national or at international levels. We receive visitors Tuesday through Sunday every day of the year. The strolls in typical one-horse carriages called "sulkys", or just riding on horse-back, will show the visitors the enchantment of the Argentine land, the beautiful landscape, its growing crops, and let them feel the incomparable wild aroma in the air. The field day culminates with an exhibition and mix-up of matched-together horse herds (tropillas), and then autochtonous horseback sport called "carreras de sortijas" (ring-races), all of which show the remarkable dominion excerted by gaucho upon his horses. DAY 18 - MARCH 12: BUENOS AIRES After breakfast, free time until transfer to Ezeiza Int Airport to take flight back to home.
Buenos Aires
your hotels
Carlos Pellegrini, 877 - C1009ABQ Buenos Aires Phone: +(54) 1152391000 Phone: +(54) 1152391141
Bartolomè Mitre 669, Salta Phone +54 0387 421-2200
S. P. de Atacama Calle Tocopilla 411 San Pedro de Atacama, Chile Phone +54 55 2 851045
Santiago Mar del Plata 2171, Santiago de Chile Phone +56 227 96 6900
Puerto Natales Pedro Montt 262 - Puerto Natales, Chile Phone +56 61 241 2000
El Calafate Calle 998 - El Calafate, Santa Cruz, Argentina +54 2902 491777
BuenosAiresCaminitoLaBoca SanTelmo9deJulioAvenueRec oletaSaltaHumahuacaCanyon Purmamarca7-ColourHillSanP edrodeAtacamaMoonValleyAt acamaDesertTatyoGeysersSant iagodeChileViñadelMarValpara isoPuntaArenasMagallanesStra itPuertoNatalesTorresdelpaine NationalParkBalmacedaandSer ranoGlaciersSenoUltimaEspera nzaTierradelFuegoElCalafatePa tagonianSteppePeritoMorenoG laciersUpsalaGlacierOnelliGlac ierSpegazziniGlaciersLosGlacia resNationalParkColonTheatre Keplerstr. 13 – D 69226 Nussloch -Germany Phone: 49 – 06224 – 13474 Fax: 06224-13474 E-Mail: Roland Kiemle – General Manager