The Iguazu Falls Guide, by RipioTurismo

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From Editor to the Reader After 15 years working on incoming tourism, we decided to make a guide for our clients. But it´s not just a guide. It´s a tool to help you in the process of your booking decision, to choose this hotel better than the other one, or choosing this activity instead the other one. You will find here, a list of activities to do in Iguazu and the area of the incredible falls; with total lenght, available days of operation, meals included, seasons, and guide language. You will fiind also location and a brief description of the hotels we suggest for the area. Any advice is welcome of course, you can contact me to ramiro@ Would be a pleasure for us to receive your comments. Thank you,

Lic. Ramiro Rodriguez Sales & Marketing Manager










Iguazu Falls





Puerto Madryn

El Calafate

Is Malvinas


The incredible Iguazu Falls, Iguazú Falls, or Iguaçu Falls, are waterfalls of the Iguazu River on the border of the Argentine province of Misiones and the Brazilian state of Paraná. The falls divide the river into the upper and lower Iguazu. The Iguazu River rises near the city of Curitiba. For most of its course, the river flows through Brazil, however, most of the falls are on the Argentine side. Below its confluence with the San Antonio River, the Iguazu River forms the boundary between Argentina and Brazil. The name "Iguazu" comes from the Guarani or Tupi words "y", meaning "water", and "ûasú "[wasu], meaning "big". Legend has it that a deity planned to marry a beautiful woman named Naipí, who fled with her mortal lover Tarobá in a canoe. In a rage, the deity sliced the river, creating the waterfalls and condemning the lovers to an eternal fall. The first European to record the existence of the falls was the Spanish conquistador Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca in 1541. Iguazu Falls are located where the Iguazu River tumbles over the edge of the Paraná Plateau, 23 kilometres (14 mi) upriver from the Iguazu's confluence with the Paraná River. Numerous islands along the 2.7-kilometre-long (1.7 mi) edge divide the falls into many separate waterfalls and cataracts, varying between 60 to 82 metres (197 to 269 ft) high. The number of these smaller waterfalls fluctuates from 150 to 300, depending on the water level. Approximately half of the river's flow falls into a long and narrow chasm called the Devil's Throat (Garganta del Diablo in Spanish or Garganta do Diabo in Portuguese). The Devil's Throat is U-shaped, 82 metres high, 150 m wide, and 700 m long (269×492×2,297 ft). Placenames have been given also to many other smaller falls, such as San Martín Falls, Bossetti Falls, and many others.

Welcome to

Iguazu Falls

Iguazu Falls, located in the border between Argen- cesa Underground River, Indonesia’s Komodo Natina and Brazil, is one of the most incredible places tional Park, and the Table Mountain. in the world. In 2013, UNESCO awarded Iguassu National Park Numerous islands along the 2.7-kilometre-long (1.7 once again for its Exceptional Universal Value, being mi) edge divide the falls into many separate water- a site of such extraordinary cultural and natural vafalls and cataracts, varying between 60 to 82 metres lue transcending national borders, a site of value for (197 to 269 ft) high. The number of these smaller humanity’s present and future generations. waterfalls fluctuates from 150 to 300, depending on the water level. Approximately half of the river’s flow Amazing isn’t it? Are you ready to enjoy Iguazu Falls, falls into a long and narrow chasm called the Devil’s the magic of Nature? Throat (Garganta del Diablo in Spanish) The Devil’s Throat is U-shaped, 82 metres high, 150 m wide, and 700 m long (269×492×2,297 ft). Placenames have been given also to many other smaller falls, such as San Martín Falls, Bossetti Falls, and many others. In November 11, 2011, Iguassu Falls were chosen one of the World’s Natural Wonders in a global poll organized by the Swiss Foundation New Seven Wonders, an honor shared with other destinations: The Amazon, Ha Long Bay, Jeju Islands, Puerto Prin-

IGUAZU NATIONAL PARK, THE ARGENTINEAN SIDE OF THE FALLS Iguazu Falls from Argentina side offers many trails and circuits to enjoy different waterfalls and the jungle. Iguazu Falls Argentina Side is one of the most visited national parks in the country. Located only 1.15 hs, in a direct flight from Buenos Aires, the incedible Iguazu Falls, were declared by Unesco as a World Heritage, and recently, declared as one of the new 7-wonders of nature. Please find some information about different trails you can enjoy during your visit to the Iguazu National Park in Argentina. UPPER CIRCUIT It begins two hundred meters from The Rainforest Train Cataratas Station and along its way visitors can enjoy a panoramic view of the semicircular chain that begins at Dos Hermanas Waterfalls, going through Chico, Ramírez, Bosetti, Adán y Eva, and Bernabé Méndez Waterfalls, ending at Mbiguá Waterfall lookout as a first stop. It is characterized by having its trails set on top of the waterfalls edge, which allows a vertical view from the top, something really electrifying. It has places to rest, which makes the tour a source of

energy and relax in contact with water. After Mbiguá Waterfall lookout, the gangway crosses the Superior Iguazú River to reach the edge of the second largest fall of this beautiful system: the San Martin Waterfall. This balcony has the best and widest panoramic view of the whole Iguazu Falls from Argentina side: you will be able to see the Hotel Das Cataratas and the elevators on the Brazilian side, and the Sheraton Hotel, the Old Water Tank Tower, the balconies of Upper and Lower trails, the San Martin island and the gangway to Devil’s Throat on the argentinian side. To exit this circuit, the gangway runs snaking back through islets in the Upper Iguazú delta, to finaly reach Cataratas Station. UPPER CIRCUIT: DETAILS Length: 1.750 meters long (1913 yards) Accessibility: high Difficulty: none, without stairs Estimated time of visit: two hours aprox. Access to this trail is allowed until 05:00pm. Restroom and bar: 50 meters away from the exit of the Circuit, at Cataratas Train Station.



Footbridges go into the forest foliage to where Dos Hermanas, Chico and Ramírez Waterfalls falling waters break and to the end of this part of the Circuit, where visitors can enjoy the bottom of the great water wall of Bosetti Waterfall.

Length: 1,700 meters long (1,859 yards) Accessibility: medium Difficulty: access without stairs up to Bosetti Waterfall and Iguazú canyon lookout. Estimated time of visit: an hour and 45 minutes Access to this trail is allowed until 05pm Restrooms and Bar: at Dos Hermanas Square, just at the Circuit entrance.

On the way out of this waterfall, 20 meters away, there is an access to the quay from where visitors can board a boat to San Martín Island. The Circuit goes on along the border of the Iguazú River opposite to the island, and visitors will marvel at its beaches and cliffs. The second part of the Lower Circuit ends at the lookout on top of where this branch of river meets the Iguazú canyon, and the impressive Devil’s Throat and its typical mist can be seen at the far. Up to here, all the visited locations are 100% accessible. The third and last parts of the Circuit, which lead back to Dos Hermanas Square, have stairs and go through the Lower Iguazú shore where Alvar Núñez, Elenita, and Lanusse steep waterfalls can be enjoyed.


The gangway leading to the balcony that faces the The tour to reach the lookout balcony of the majes- waterfall is just over a kilometer in length, is safe tic Devil’s Throat allows visitors to approach a few and quiet, either on wheelchair or by walking, due meters from the most important and mighty water- to the absence of obstacles and its absolutely flat fall of the Iguazu Falls from Argentina side, whose character. image has traveled all around the world, similar to a The end of the tour, at the balcony, gives us a magiant funnel that swallows the planet. gical and unique moment, staring at a huge wall of The itinerary begins about 1,100 meters before the water over 80 meters high, located on the border of monumental fall, after getting off the Ecological Argentina and the sister Republic of Brazil. Jungle Train at Devil’s Throat Station, which was designed with the purpose of generating the least The folding system of gangways was designed to possible environmental impact. preserve them from being damaged due to an important increase in the flow of Iguazu River. There, you can begin enjoying the environment that In normal circumstances, when the river is low, the the Iguazu River and its small islands offer, actually a railings are raised and the gangways allow the peorefuge of countless and picturesque deep blue jays. ple get to the Balcony of the Devil’s Throat.

When the river increases its flow, railings are fold to DEVIL´S THROAT: DETAILS allow the flow to pass through, by reducing the resistance, and thereby also enabling to pass a trunk Length: 2.200 meters long (1913 yards) Accessibility: high floating above. Difficulty: none, without stairs. And if the river level is very high, the flow velocity Estimated time of visit: two hours. increases, and that is the moment when the gan- Access to this trail is allowed until 05:00pm. gways detach themselves, to avoid compromising Restroom and bar: 20 meters away from the exit of the concrete structure. Once the flow is down again, the Circuit. all the structure is reset. When this process eventually occurs, access is not enabled for people, but the Iguazu National Park never closes its doors, and those who are visiting us, can come to enjoy the splendor that acquire the rest of the falls when the river rises, due to an unusual majesty that can only be appreciated in opportunities like these. This system of gangways and security, proposed and approved by the National Parks Administration was possible because of the replacement of all the old wood gangways by these current ones, characterized by an ecological architectural development, and specially designed for for structural piles safeguard, preventing the circuit being closed long periods of time, as occured decades before.

MACUCO AND ARRECHEA TRAIL This trail has the name of a bird of the South American partridge family, a brown bird bigger than a chicken. The access to the Macuco Trail is allowed from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM, and it should be completed during daylight. The thickness of the surrounding environment makes it hard to see the fauna, which is why all the senses must be sharpened. Visitor should walk carefully and look for animal tracks and watch the colorful variety of insects. Luckily, caí monkeys can be spotted as this is their natural habitat. They live on trees, are restless and very curious. They move in groups of no more than 20 individuals. They eat fruits, and the forest has everything they need. It is advised that visitors should not approach them or feed them, and simple watch their natural behavior without interfering. Along this path, there are six interpretation stations that help visitors understand some of all the area rich biodiversity. The Macuco Trail ends at the edge of the Iguazú

canyon. Thousands of years ago, the Falls were located at this point, and gradually moved backwards to their current location. Nowadays, their old location has been taken up by many streams that flow into the Iguazú River, such as the Arrechea Stream, which has an amazing, paradisaical 20 meters high (65.62 ft) cascade before the end. MACUCO TRAIL AND ARRECHEA TRAIL: DETAILS Length: 7,000 meters there and back (7,655 yards) Accessibility: wild path, without transports. Difficulty: low in the first 3,200 meters (3,499 yards), high in the following 200 meters (218 yards), and medium in the final 100 meters (109 yards). Final destination: Arrechea Stream waterfall and pool. Estimated time of visit: 3 hours Restrooms and bar: only at the beginning, at the Rainforest Ecological Train Central Station.


where the access to the Upper and Lower Circuits is located and visitors can board the boat to San Martín Island.

The Rainforest Ecological Train was designed and built for transporting tourists in the Cataratas Area It ends at the Devil’s Throat Train Station, where of the Iguazú National Park. the 1,100 meters long (1,203 yards) footbridge beIt runs on liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), which does gins and leads across the Upper Iguazú River to the not pollute the environment and has clean combus- lookout from which this wonderfull waterfall can be tion, leaving no solid waste. It travels at 18 km/h (12 seen. mph) maximum, and has barely no noise impact. TRAIN OF THE JUNGLE: DETAILS Exclusively designed for the Iguazú National Park by the English company Alan Keef Limited (expert on Rail Length: 3,700 meters long (4,046 yards) leisure locomotives, supplier of other parks in Asia Accessibility: high and Europe), it adapts to the climate special charac- Difficulty: access without stairs at each station, acteristics, the surrounding thick vegetation, and it cess to each wagon at ground level, places available for wheelchairs at each wagon. preserves the area. Restrooms and bar: at each station. It is not fully enclosed so that its 250 passengers can Estimated time of visit: have direct contact with the environment and ex- First train from Central Station to Devil’s Throat Staperience a journey into the forest, its sounds, scents tion 08:30 Last train from Central Station to Devil’s Throat Staand wetness. tion 16:00 It starts at Central Train Station, very close to the Last train from Cataratas Station to Devil’s Throat services and shop areas, and where the access to Station 16:15 Macuco Trail is located. From there, groups depart Last train from Cataratas Station to Central Station every 15 or 20 minutes, depending on demand. 17:45 Cataratas Train Station is the intermediate stop,


The Green Tail is an alternative connection to the Rainforest Train, to and from the way to the Upper It is a plain trail, with no difficulties, that begins a and Lower Circuits. few meters away from the information area, very close to the Services area and the Rainforest Ecological Train Central Station. GREEN TRAIL: DETAILS It extends over 655 meters, is 100% accessible, and Length: 655 meters long (716 yards) ends at the pedestrian access to Cataratas Train Sta- Accessibility: high tion platform. Difficulty: none, without stairs Estimated time of visit: half an hour Restrooms and Bar: at the Central Station, almost at the beginning of the trail, or at the end of Cataratas Train Station.

This is an enjoyable walk through a paranaese rainforest wetland and visitors can get in contact with a wide range plant species, whose related information is available along the way. Birds can also be seen, and coatis and caĂ­ monkeys can be found in the area.

IGUAZU NATIONAL PARK: THE BRAZILIAN SIDE tine side. They are composed of a variable number of falls ranging between 150 and 270 meters, accorOF THE FALLS ding to the river water volume. The falls have names With one of of the most spectacular waterfalls in the like Floriano, Deodoro, Benjamin Constant, but the world, the Iguazu National Park, in Paraná, Bazil, was most famous is the Devil’s Throat. the second Brazilian National Park to be created in The Iguassu Parana rocks were originated from vol1939. canic processes – called volcanism cracks that occuIt’s part of the largest remaining Atlantic Forest of rred in the region between approximately 165 120 southern Brazil. Protects a rich biodiversity, consis- million years. ting of representative species of the Brazilian fauna and flora, some of which are threatened with Together with the Iguazú National Park in Argentina, extinction, such as jaguar (Pantheraonca), puma the park includes the most biological continuous (Puma concolor), broad-snouted caiman (Caiman- important South-Central South America, with over latirostris), purple parrot (vinacea Amazona), harpy 600 hectares of protected areas and other 400 000 eagle (Harpy harpyja) peroba pink (Aspidosperma- in even primeval forests. polyneutron) ariticum (Rolliniasalicifolia), araucaria (Araucariaaugustifolia), as well as many other species of great value and scientific interest. The park protects the entire basin of Floriano river, an affluent of the Iguaçu River. This significant biological variability and the unique landscape of awesome waterfalls, made the Iguazu National Park the first Brazil Conservation Unit to be established as a World Natural Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1986. The Iguaçu Falls extend a semicircular front of 2,700 meters long. The view is amazing. 800 meters are on the Brazilian side and 1,900 meters on the Argen-

The Iguazu Falls from Brazil side is an example of integration between conservation and sustainable use of natural resources. PARQUE NACIONAL DO IGUACU Opening Timmings The park is open daily from 9h to 17h .

Eighteen kilometers before joining the Paraná River, the Iguaçu overcomes a ground unevenness and plunges in drops of up to 80 meters high, reaching a width of 2780 meters. Its geological formation dates from about 150 million years, but the formation of the landform of the falls began about 200 thousand years.

The Iguaçu river measures 1200 meters wide above It can be visited throughout the year, with the mon- the falls. Below is a close up to 65 m channel. The ths of lower flow of visitors is June and July due to total width of the Falls in Brazil is approximately 800 the winter and the lower temperatures. m and on the Argentine side of 1,900m. The height of the falls ranging from 40 to 80 mts. The average flow of the river is around 1,500 m3 per second, ranging from 500 m3/s in dry seasons to 8,500 m3 /s in full. The largest volume of water occurs between the months of October to March. There are 19 major jumps, five of them on the Brazilian side (Floriano, Deodoro and Benjamin Constant, Santa Maria and Union) and the other on the Argentine side. The arrangement of heels, with most of them on the Argentinean side and facing The waterfalls are formed by the falls of Iguaçu Ri- Brazil, provides the best view for those who observe the scenery from Brazil. ver, which in Tupi-Guarani means “big water”.

BLACK PIT TRAIL Remember the way that the Indians of the region used to circumvent the Iguaçu Falls. The Black Pit Trail or Trilha do Poço Preto in portuguewe, can be defined today as an Ecological Safari. There are 9 km that can be made walking, biking or in an electric car. The trail is carried out with bilingual guides who talk about the Iguaçu National Park flora and fauna.

done by the rapids, passing the Island of the Parrots, where the rising and setting of the sun happen flocks of thousands of parrots. You can choose to land at the Port Bananeiras or Porto Canoas. Remember to wear comfortable clothes, do not forget mineral water, sunscreen and insect repellent.

It starts in a catwalk suspended 320 meters in the Duration – Depending on weather conditions the heart of the National Park. During the visit, can be tour average is 4 hours seen beautiful native species of the park. A small journey through the Iguaçu falls forest continue. Now, in a suspension bridge that leads to a rough track of 500 meters, passes through a bunker 10 meters high, and up there a spectacular panoramic view of the forest. Noteworthy is the Alligator Pond, which concentrates great diversity of aquatic animals. Now it’s time to enjoy the Iguaçu River, with a navigation on a motor boat at the top of the river, through the Taquaras Archipelago, with the option to ride in ducks and snorkeling, for observation of aquatic vegetation. Be careful to do not miss any detail, the return is

TRAIL OF BANANEIRAS The Trail of Bananeiras consists of a trail of approximately 1.5 km, which can be done on foot or in electric vehicle. On the way, duty curious sight will small ponds where birds are found in water and lush vegetation habits. Nature lovers will still vibrate with the species of native flora and fauna of the Iguaรงu National Park. The tour also combines navigation in motor boats at the top of the Iguaรงu River, reaching the Black Well pier and visiting a bunker 10 meters high, with observation of Alligator Pond, rich in aquatic fauna. A next stop is the archipelago Island of Taquaras.

Returning to Bananeiras pier there is the option of paddling inflatable kayaks (ducks), which provide a good opportunity to see several species of animals and native plants. The tour takes place under the supervision of expert guides who will explaindetails of natural life in the Iguaรงu National Park. Remember to wear comfortable clothes, do not forget mineral water, sunscreen and insect repellent. Duration: 2:30 a.m. minutes

WEATHER IN IGUAZU FALLS The Iguazú National Park features an area of the Paranaense Rainforest ecoregion, also called Alto Paraná Atlantic Forests, and has the greatest biodiversity of the country.

The climate is tropical highland with dry season. Average temperatures range from 24 °C (75 °F) in summer to 14 °C (57 °F) in winter. Rainfalls are of 1,800 mm, mostly in summer.


terproof bag, so you can prevent your camera, lens, passport, and any other document, or item from Please note, what to bring for your trip to Iguazu. getting wet! It´s very important if you´re taking any Here, you will find some tips, about want to consi- of the boat navigations available in the area. Realise der before your packing, for your trip to the incredi- that no matter what, you are going to get soaked. And It’s fantastic!. ble Iguazu Falls. Comfortable Shoes: There are several trails, to it´s Sunglasses: Again, it´s important during summer, to good to bring comfortable shoes, and if possible prevents effects of prolonged exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Protect your eyes with sunglases. closed-toe athletic, or some type of hiking shoes. Sunscreen: Remember you will visit the north area of Argentina (south of Brazil), and during summer, the sun can be intense. Carry your sunscreen protector with you.

Memory Cards, or memory Hard Drive. You will visit an incredible place, so we can guarantee you’ll be taking hundreds of photos and you’ll want to make sure you can bring all your photos back to home.

Wide Angle Lens and Telephoto Lens. Very useful for expansive landscape photos, especially for a waterfall as wide as Iguazu Falls. And, if you’re a wildlife Insect Repellant: It´s important, as it´s subtropical lover, you’ll want telephoto lens to take photos of jungle area, and there are some mosquitoes and in- wild animals (there are parrots, toucans, and many other birds, coaties, monkeys, and even snakes or sects in the area. Prevent biting with a repellant. jaguars). Clothing: Wear a bathing suit and/or light clothing that you won’t mind getting wet. Some people bring a raincoat or waterproof jacket. Depending of the weather and the season, a good idea would be to wear long sleeve and long pants as an additional protection against sunburn and mosquito bites. Hat: It´s also a good idea, to protect your head from the sun

Remember to bring a towel, and some clothes for possible changes. The place is very wet. Carry a wa-

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Iguazu Falls Check activities available in Iguazu Falls. We have many activities to offer, in a wonderful destination. You will find in the following pages, details, lenght, difficulty, etc for each activity available.

Upper Circuit

IGR 001 – IGUAZU FALLS ARGENTINEAN SIDE Enjoy the incredible show of Nature, Iguazu Falls in three different amazing circuits! Iguazú National Park, located on the extreme northeastern region of Argentina, about 1600 km from Buenos Aires where bird songs are heard in a 1000 different ways. Sacred land for the guaraní nation. Land of enchantment and leyend. Declared world wide heritage by the UNESCO, the Iguazú Falls consists in 275 falls (most of them are on the Argentinean side) some of them up to 80 meters high turning this into a fantastic landscape, making it one of the magical quietness of the jungle and water `s clatter. You can do the fallowing trails: Lower Circuit, Upper Circuit, Devil’s Throat, Macuco Trail, Yacaratía Trail, San Martín Island. Full day trip This trip lasts about 5 to 8 hours. English Speaking Guide

Add the Aventura Nautica or the Gran Aventura to your visit to the falls. It´s an amazing experience.

IGR 002 – IGUAZU FALLS BRAZILIAN SIDE Enjoy a unique panoramic view of the Iguazu Falls on the Brazilian Side One of the most beautiful ecological reserves of the planet. The Iguazú falls star an unforgettable scenery. The Iguaçu National Park keeps the spectacular panoramic view of the 275 falls. From the viewing points, the visitor can appreciate in all its splendour and from different angles the majesty of the falling waters. A huge balcony to appreciate them in all their splendor, integrated with a rainbow and butterfly multicolor show. Half Day Trip This trip lasts two hours and a half. English Speaking Guides Check VISA requirements to enter to Brazil IGR 003 – JESUIT RUINS OF SAN IGNACIO MINI & WANDA MINES Visit one of the most important Jesuit ruins in the area: San Ignacio Mini San Ignacio, on the National Route Nº12, 63 Km from the capital of Misiones, Posadas, and 237 Km from the Iguazú falls, you can find the SAN IGNACIO RUINS, declared by the UNESCO world wide heritage. A true historical monument

located over 8 hectares has overcome 450 years of existence. Entering the mission, the visitor can reconstruct a silent and majestic surrounding, how the Jesuits and Indian coexisteed. More than 3.950 guaraní Indians settled in these reductions, many of them seeking shelter and protection from slavery supporters. Whoever walks through the ruins, will sight cottages for the single (far away from the ones destined to families) and the town council. On the other side of the square, forming a single landscape you can find the work shops, the classroom, the mission’s dormitories, the kitchen and the dining room. And last of all, like a symbol of their evangelistic mission (the church) where you still can appreciate the hundred year old graves to understand the significance and historical importance. First of all you will access a walk through an interpretative circuit that will flashback you back to the XVII century with different rooms that tell the history of the conqueror’s arrival. The culture and Guaraní religion even scale models of haw this place was like. History, legends and nature magically woven to remind us a chapter of our beginnings. This trip last 10 hours including the visit to the Wanda mines. Full day trip English Speaking Guide

did you know?

The Iguazu Falls are arranged in a way that resembles a reversed letter “J”. The border between Brazil and Argentina runs through the Devil’s Throat. On the right bank is the Brazilian territory, which has just over 20% of the jumps of these falls, and the left side jumps are Argentine, which make up almost 80% of the falls.

IGR 004 - WANDA SEMI PRECIOUS STONE MINES AND GREEN TEA PLANTATIONS A very nice half day trip to know more about semi precious stone mines Located 40 km from Puerto Iguazú on National Route N°12, Wanda city offers a unique attraction which are the semi precious stone mines, the only ones you can find under an open sky. Agates, quartz, crystal rocks, amethyst and topazes are extracted from these mines, surrounded by huge pine, tea and green tea plantations that constitute the main regional economy.

did you know?

San Ignacio Miní was one of the many missions founded in 1632 by the Jesuits in what the Spanish called the Province of Paraguay in the Americas during the Spanish colonial period. It is located near present-day San Ignacio

IGR 005 - ITAIPU HYDROELECTRIC DAM The most important hydroelectric dam of the world joining Brazil and Paraguay. Also called “The engineering giant”. It’s able to produce 12.600.000 KW. It has been declared one of the seven wonders of the modern world by the American Association of Civil Engineering. The balcony from which you can appreciate the drain where more that 62.000 cubic meters a second flows, and the main viewpoint that makes you have an idea of this construction’s magnificence which about eight thousand meters wide and one hundred ninety six meters high. You have the opportunity to visit the eco- museum and its Biological Shelter. This trip last an hour and a half Half Day Trip English Speaking Guide Check visa requirements to enter to Brazil IGR 006 – BIRDS PARK Learn more about incredible birds of the jungle This 16, 5 hectare park counts on more than 500 birds of 165 different species raised in freedom, and a huge green house full of guacamayos. The tourist that enjoys interacting with nature can access. Tree shelters of 630 square meters that

allow you direct contact whit the birds. This park is located 300 mts from the access to the Iguaçu National Park and 12 km. from downtown Foz. This park also works on the preservation and breeeding of endangered species. This trip lasts 1 hour. Half Day Trip English Speaking Guides Check visa requirements to enter to Brazil

IGR 007 - GUIRA OGA (Bird House) A good visit to learn more about species of birds in Misiones Province Their mayor concern is to avoid the extinction of different species of birds of the misiones jungle promoting the preservation of different species in its habitat and recovery of wounded ones. The final goal is the reincorporation of the specie in its natural environment. Half Day Trip English Speaking Guide

IGR 008 - YRIAPU INDIAN RESERVATION An amazing experience through the jungle that keep you in touch with the ancestral inhabitant of this land. Discover lasting customs in the time. Meet the natives who know how to live in harmony with the nature. Trap in the jungle, endless customs, handcrafts and guaraní culture you can find in this native community. Walk around the village, learn about medicinal plants, fishing and hunting techniques, ritual songs and the Guaraní culture.

IGR 011 - JUNGLE SAFARI A 20 km ride through the Yacaratía trail, located in the National Park area. This ride in done in vehicles 4 x 4 specially prepared for you take photographs and film comfortably, making different stops and walks. It lasts about 2 hours. Half Day Trip English Speaking Guides

Half Day Trip English Speaking Guides

IGR 009 - FORTIN M´BORORE INDIAN RESERVATION A fascinating trip, a journey to the heart of the Indian culture Under Misiones skin flows Guaraní blood and the jungle guards the treasure of its culture. A fascinating trip, a journey to the heart of the Indian culture. Cross the MBOCAÍ river, walk around an open path in the thick jungle, get to know their hunting techniques, their plants used for medical purpose and their ritual songs. This trip lasts 2 hours.

IGR 010 -JOURNEYS THROUGHT THE WATER Air, sun and the vivid energy of the river. An unforgettable trip passing under the Tancredo Neves bridge, that join our country whit Brazil, till the confluence between of Iguazú and Paraná rivers. The Argentinean, Brazilian and Paraguayan borders united in a unique and extraordinary landscape. This trip lasts an hour.

IGR 012 - CASCADE SAFARI A 4 km excursion through the park’s reservation on the famous Yacaratía trail by 4 by 4 open vehicles. During the excursion you stop on main sites where specialized guides will explain them to you. At last you do 800 meters walk through a trail till you reach a fall whit a natural pool. You come back by truck. It lasts about 2 hours. Half Day Trip English Speaking Guides IGR 013 - IGUAZU FOREST Enjoy different eco adventures like Canopying, Trekking, Rappel… Circuit “Corredor Verde” (Green Corridor) with light-trucks penetrating the heart of the jungle where you’ll be able to enjoy the sights of gigantic trees, palm hearts and breathing ferns. You’ll captured by the eco adventures like-. Canopying, trekking and rappelling, from gigantic trees. We leave/return from Puerto Iguazú in Catamaran ship and or motor boats on the rivers Iguazú y Paraná (25 km). This last 4 hours approximately The excursion to Iguazú Forest is a special program developed for the discovery of ecotourism and adventure tourism, where the activities offer the visitor first hand contact with nature.

did you know?

The falls are shared by the Iguazú National Park (Argentina) and Iguaçu National Park (Brazil). The two parks were designated UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 1984 and 1987, respectively

The excursion takes 4 hours, includes bilingual in english guide and the activities developed are: light trekking, rappelling and canopying. The vehicles are adjusted to allow a close up look of the jungle. The Site: It is situated at 7 km from Puerto Iguazu City and 15 km from the Iguazu Falls, on the shores of the Parana river, international border between Argentina and Paraguay. Activities developed: Canopying: The platforms are set on the top of the highest trees, and the adventurer slides from one tree to the next hanging with harnesses from a strong steel cable. This is the canopying, a new form of enjoying nature with airborne adrenalin as the main character The platforms heights vary from 15 to 25 meters along 800 meters of thrill. Hiking the jungle: Following trails though the jungle, recognizing species of the flora (strangling trees, parasite plants, tilandsias, orchids, palms, etc) and fauna. The circuit is 900 meters long.

IGR 015 - NAUTICAL ADVENTURE (AVENTURA NAUTICA) Enjoy a unique boat navigation to see the Devil´s Throat from the river! In semi-rigid boats you can access the Devil’s Throat Canyon, where you will feel baptized by the mist, getting near the most important Argentinean falls and enjoying a wonderful view of the Brazilian falls. It lasts 12 minutes IGR 16 - ECO RIDE An incredible navigation in the delta, in rubber boats! A 3 km navigation though the Iguazú river’s delta, in rubber boats where you can find intimacy whit nature in an overwhelming quietness, as you observe the flora and fauna in its pure state. It last 30 minutes approximately IGR 17 - IGUAZU HORSEBACK RIDING A horseback riding in the area of the Iguazu Falls A unforgettable ride, that will show you how to get in touch with nature and meet our native Indian villages and its customs. Half Day Visit English Speaking Guides

Wet Rappelling: Under close supervision of the instructors, wearing climbing gear, we do the wet rappell down a 14 meters fall or dry rappel down a 20 meters tall cliff. A powerful experience to enjoy and tell your friends!! IGR 014 - GREAT ADVENTURE (GRAN AVENTURA) A great combination of eco-trucks, trekking and rafting boats to see Devil´s Throat from the river! An 8 km trip in eco-trucks, going though the Yacaratía trail to Macuco port, where you board special rafting boats surrounding the falls till you arrive to the Devil’s Throat Canyon. A fascinating experience,receiving the baptism of the legendary falls. This trip lasts one hour approximately

IGR 18 - FULL MOON WALKING Enjoy the falls, under the moonlight… Each month, during e nights the full moon rises over the Devil’s Throat. Poems and serenade’s inspirations. The full moon lights up the waters whit its magical glow. An unforgettable walk,to meditate and enjoy the mystical landscape. This trip lasts an hour and a half English Speaking Guides

The Aventura Nautica is a unique experience to see the Devil´s Throat from the river. The Gran Aventura include also a trekking and a ride in 4WD

IGR 19 - HELICOPTER RIDES An helicopter ride to enjoy the incredible falls from the air The possibility of enjoying the falls from a high distance and to take the best panoramic photographs of a privileged wonder of the world landscape. This trip last 12 minutes English Speaking Guides

IGUAZU FALLS Iguazu Falls are located where the Iguazu River tumbles over the edge of the Paraná Plateau, 23 kilometres (14 mi) upriver from the Iguazu's confluence with the Paraná River. Numerous islands along the 2.7-kilometre-long (1.7 mi) edge divide the falls into many separate waterfalls and cataracts, varying between 60 to 82 metres (197 to 269 ft) high. The number of these smaller waterfalls fluctuates from 150 to 300, depending on the water level. Approximately half of the river's flow falls into a long and narrow chasm called the Devil's Throat (Garganta del Diablo in Spanish or Garganta do Diabo in Portuguese). The Devil's Throat is U-shaped, 82 metres high, 150 m wide, and 700 m long (269×492×2,297 ft). Placenames have been given also to many other smaller falls, such as San Martín Falls, Bossetti Falls, and many others.

IGR 20 - IGUAZU CANYON Enjoy different adventure activities at the National Park on the Brazilian side. You can enjoy a variety of activities such as rafting, rappel, climbing, canopying, cascading and tireless. An opportunity to live unique sensations on giant tree tops, on trail though the jungle or in contact with the falls. This trip lasts depending on what activity you choose. English Speaking Guides Half Day Trip Check VISA requirements to enter to Brazil

point A unique place in the world, where 3 countries are separated by 2 rivers. Half Day Trip English Speaking Guide

IGR 21 - MACUCO SAFARI An unforgettable jeep adventure in the jungle Jeep adventure through out the jungle till the arrival to the MACUCO cascade whit a privileged view of birds, animals and orchids. During 30 minutes special boats allow you to row gently down the stream. Waterfalls-a thousand vivid emotions a minute Half day trip English Speaking Guides Check VISA requirements to enter to Brazil

IGR 24 - CITY TOUR PUERTO IGUAZU, ARGENTINA A short overview of the city located close to the falls Name that comes from the guaraní language meaning “big water”. A colorful city located on the banks of the Paraná and Iguazú rivers. The quietness of the place and the kindness of the people surely will make the visitors feel like home. It has a population of 40.000 people.

did you know? IGR 22 - LA ARIPUCA Aripuca is the name that the guaraní Indians gave to a trap made with sticks that they used to catch small birds. the visitor may be enraptured with a huge image of this trap. Making this place unique and amazing option for eco-tourism lovers because with 17 meters high, the Aripuca is built with 28 logs the weigh between 20 to 40 tones each representing all native trees. Destined to promote nature and preserve the jungle. This trip lasts 1 hour English Speaking Guides IGR 23 - THREE FRONTIER LANDMARK An historical frontier landmark surrounded by an awesome landscape Surrounded by an attractive and fascinating landscape you can find the city of Iguazú, secure and quiet, embraced by the Paraná rivers that join their waters in presence of the three frontier’s landmark. A white and light blue obelisk that marks Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay’s territorial limits. Panoramic view of the Iguazú and Paraná river’s meeting

Iguazu National Park in Argentina offers up to 8 km of trails to enjoy the falls in three different circuits: Upper Circuit, Lower Circuit and Trail to the Devil´s Throat

IGR 25 – CITY TOUR FOZ DO IGUAZU, BRAZIL A visit to Foz do Iguaçu, on the Brazilian side. Land of all lands with a wide variety of cultures, races and religions. That can be admired in beautiful typical constructions such as the San Juan Bautista Cathedral, the Arabian Mosque an.d the Buda temple ( the largest in south America with 108 statues lined towards the sunset) It has a population of 350.000 people. IGR 26 – CITY TOUR CIUDAD DEL ESTE, PARAGUAY A visit to this border city in Paraguay One of the youngest cities in Paraguay with a rapid growing thanks to the trade, involving the friendship bridge that communicates Brazil with Paraguay. It’s the greatest shopping center of the 3 frontiers, where you can find merchandise of all parts of the world. It has a population of 80.000 people.

40 NATIONAL ROUTE P U R E P A T A G O N I A Start a wonderful trip along 40 national route, to enjoy the real and pure Patagonia. Overnight in Estancias, discover awesome landscapes and take unforgettable photos. Enjoy 40 National Route and Pure Patagonia with RipioTurismo

available in our catalogues

your incoming tour operator for South America

SUGGESTED HOTELS IN PUERTO IGUAZU PANORAMIC HOTEL A great first class hotel, with excellent services and awesome views of the river

ESTURION HOTEL Very nice superior hotel in Puerto Iguazu, with great pool, tennis courts, and gardens

JARDIN DEL IGUAZU Good budget tourist hotel, centrally located in Puerto Iguazu


SAINT GEORGE Good superior and traditional hotel centrally located in Puerto Iguazu

Excellent first class jungle hotel, located in the middle of Yriapu jungle. Great services.

SHERATON IGUAZU RESTAURANTS & SERVICES You will find here, restaurant snaks, and bathrooms

An excellent option, the only hotel located in the Naional Park. Only few steps from the main trails to enjoy the falls. Excellent services, great spa services, and good gastronomy. AVENTURA NAUTICA A real baptism, in boats to reach the falls

ENTRANCE This is the entrance to the National Park, and the Visitor Centre. There are some cafes there, and bathrooms

SAN MARTIN ISLAND A great place to enjoy some soft adventure activities


BRAZILIAN VIEW 1200 mts trail on the brazilian side to enjoy a panoramic view of the falls

DEVIL´S THROAT An amazing show of nature in these incredible falls.

SHERATON IGUAZU RESORT & SPA (SUPERIOR) It´s the only hotel located inside the park, so you can visit the falls just few steps from your lobby! Sheraton Iguazú Spa & Resort is the only hotel located inside the Iguazú National Park with spectacular views of the Iguazú Falls. Its impressive Seda Pool & Spa, with outdoor tents and spacious Zen areas, invites to relax and nurture in a fully energetic atmosphere ROOMS: Superior Room Jungle View Recently refurnished and updated, the Superior room has a King bed or 2 single beds room with Jungle View. It is equipped with individually controlled air conditioning, High Speed Internet Access, the exclusive Sheraton Sweet Sleeper® Bed, private balcony and much more. It´s a non smoking room. Superior Room Falls View Recently refurnished and updated, the Superior room has a King bed or 2 single beds room with Falls View. It is equipped with individually controlled air conditioning, High Speed Internet Access, the exclusive Sheraton Sweet Sleeper® Bed, private balcony and much more. It´s a non smoking room. Premier Suite Newly refurbished, the Premier Suite has 1 king bed and falls views with a private balcony with table and chairs to enjoy Iguazu Falls. SPA Our spectacular new SEDA Pool & Spa features a variety of treatment options in five indoor boxes, four outdoor tents, one internal box for couples, and a Vichy shower. Additionally, we offer a spacious Zen relaxing room, salon, sauna, steam room, and a large hot water whirlpool for therapeutic treatments. Additional recreational facilities include a modern, fully-equipped gym, children’s pool, and adult pool with a

pool bar. A tennis court, complete with lights, is also available. Our business center meets the needs of business travelers, providing comfort and privacy in modern surroundings. Facilities include a meeting room, two works stations for notebooks, and four stations equipped with PCs, photocopier, broadband, and wireless High Speed Internet Access. Stay connected to what’s important to you with our lobby “connection destination,” the Link@Sheraton experienced with Microsoft. Easily connect by logging onto our new workstations, fully equipped with TV capabilities and the latest tools to keep you productive on the road. Or connect through your laptop with complimentary wireless Internet access anywhere in the lobby or through data port connections. Also available: • Printing with • Light food and beverages Check in: 12:00 PM

Check out: 10:00 AM

BUSINESS SERVICES 24-Hour Business Center Link@Sheraton experienced with Microsoft Get Rewarded Currency Exchange FAMILY ACTIVITIES & SERVICES Childcare Service GUEST SERVICES Tour Desk Information Travel Agency 24-Hour Front Desk Medical Services Available Wheelchair Access Smoke Detectors Luggage Storage Safe Deposit Boxes 100% Non-Smoking Rooms and Facilities Laundry Service LOI SUITES IGUAZU (FIRST) A magnificent 5-star hotel immersed in Iryapu subtropical forest. Amazing! A magnificent 5-star hotel immersed in Iryapú subtropical forest, just 15 minutes from the Iguazu Falls, 20 minutes from the airport and 5 minutes from Puerto Iguazu. Built keeping the maximum respect towards nature, while preserving native vegetation, Loi Suites Iguazú is surrounded by magnificent trees and impressive wildlife.

RECREATION & ENTERTAINMENT Outdoor Pool Tennis Sheraton Fitness SEDA Pool & Spa Indoor Heated Treatment Pool (spa usage only) Whirlpool SHOPPING Shopping Available TRANSPORTATION Parking Facilities (Complimentary) Airport Transportation (Limited) Car Rental Service INTERNET ACCESS Free internet is available to all SPG Members when booking on Starwood websites, mobile sites and SPG apps. Benefits vary by membership level. Learn more Wired High Speed Internet Access in Guest Rooms by Request 15 USD per day Wireless High Speed Internet Access in Business Center 15 USD per day Wireless High Speed Internet Access in Lobby 15 USD per day Some of the services and facilities above may not be available on a 24-hour basis or without advance request. Fees on certain facilities/services may apply

Comfortable facilities Internet Restaurants, swimming pool with an open bar Lobby featuring a bar Business center Outdoor heated pool Gym Children’s playroom Parking (uncovered) 24-hour Medical assistance Laundry (for a surcharge) SPA facilities

HOTEL PANORAMIC (FIRST) The Panoramic Grand is located on a hill overlooking the Three Frontier landmark, just 15 minutes away from the Iguazu Falls and two blocks away from the town of Puerto Iguazu. This venue was built in the fifties by reknown arquitect Alejandro Bustillo, declared historical heritage by the local authorities. The Hotel was remodeled and features 91 rooms decorated in a contemporary minimalist style, keeping the original facade. The Panoramic provides a wide variety of services: Doña Flor Restaurant, Cafe Veranda, Meeting rooms, Fitness centre, Spa, swimming pool with stunning views, Roman bath (hot tub), Casino with slot machines, electronic roulettes and tables. A unique view from the hilltop of the confluence of rivers Parana and Iguazu - natural boundaries of Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay make the Panoramic Grand an ideal place to relax and enjoy.

and delight with our majestic view of the rivers Parana and Iguazu. Rooms: Our Standard rooms offers: King or Twin Size Beds TV LCD Minibarr WiFi 25m2 Beautiful artificial cascade view Safe box Alarm click HOTEL ESTURION (SUPERIOR) A very nice 4-star hotel, located close to three frontier landmark Rooms at Hotel Esturion have a discrete decoration in soft tones and some have views overlooking the Iguazú river. Equiped with Minibar, Air conditioning Heat and Cold, Safety box. The Hotel has 124 rooms with a capacity of 280 guests Buffet Breakfast is a daily service from 07:00 am to 10:00 am Continental Breakfast can be taken between 10:00 am to 12:00 am

GASTRONOMY Doña Flor Restaurant Doña Flor is the main restaurant, located on the ground floor. Seating for 70 guests. With a view of a beautiful artificial casacde, we welcome and encourage our guests to enjoy a barbecue or “Parrilla dinner”. Breakfast room Located on the ground floor,you may enjoy our marvelous views of the Parana and Iguazu rivers through our ample windows ; we offer a buffet with a wide variety of choices, including celiac diets, from 6:30 to 10:30 am. Veranda Cafe and Galeria We offer a delicious coffee, tea and snacks, overlooking the majestic view. Enjoy our afternoon tea with delicious home made treats. Lobby Bar We offer a wide variety of classic and signature cocktails and coffee bar. La Terracita Located next to the swimming pool area, where on certain dates you may enjoy a traditional Argentinean asado

Services »Swimming Pool »Wifi »5 different room types »Spa »Quincho & Chill Out »Lounge and Parlors »Walks and Gardens »Parking with Surveillance »Tennis court »Breakfast area »Business Center »Laundry »24/7 Front Desk

Swimming Pool Located in a privileged area with spectacular views of the Iguazu river Snack Bar service. Schedules:from 10:00 am to 21:00 pm Relax Apepu Relax and enjoy our facilities in our Spa located on the ground floor of the hotel. » Sauna & Relax room » Hot Stones » Anti-Stress treatment » Choco Therapy

Open: every day, booking required. • Dry Sauna After a long day relax in this sauna. Open: every day, booking required. • Play Room Located in the garden, it is the ideal place to do something different and have fun! Open: every day from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. • Wireless Internet Access Hotel Saint George provides free high speed wireless internet to all its guests. • Gift Shop At our gift shop in the lobby you will be able to find regional and local items. Doña María Restaurant It offers a relaxed, warm and lively atmosphere, with a terrace and balcony overlooking Cordoba Avenue. Every night you can enjoy buffet dinner with a wide range of options including a Cold and Regional Food Buffet, a Pastas Buffet and a Grill for you to choose. It also offers a varied a la carte menu which includes both international and regional cuisine. HOTEL JARDIN DEL IGUAZU (TOURIST)

HOTEL SAINT GEORGE (TOURIST SUPERIOR) A very good 4-star standard hotel, located in the centre of Puerto Iguazu Located in the heart of Puerto Iguazú ¬- 17 km away from the most beautiful nature setting: the Iguazu Falls, 19 km away from the Iguazú Falls International Airport (Argentina), and minutes away from the Tancredo Neves International Bridge - Hotel Saint George offers a warm and unforgettable stay. Rooms Rooms at Hotel Saint George are comfortable, spacious, bright and well-equipped so that you can enjoy an excellent stay. All of them are non-smoking rooms. Services Hotel Saint George, with its wide variety of services and facilities, is the perfect choice for those looking for good service in a comfortable and warm hotel located in the heart of Puerto Iguazú. • Adults and children swimming pools There are two swimming pools surrounded by local vegetation, one for adults and one for children, for our guests to relax and rest. Open: every day from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. • Equilibrium Body & Health This space was designed for our guests to relax and enjoy the different treatments and massage options according to their needs. Contact us!

A very nice option if you´re looking for a tourist category hotel Featuring a garden with a swimming pool, and a jacuzzy, Hotel Jardin del Iguazu offers rooms with LCD TV, and breakfast, in central area of Puerto Iguazu, main gate to visit the incredible Iguazu Falls, magic of nature. Jardin del Iguazu Hotel have large windows overlooking the inner terrace. All of them have air conditioning. A buffet breakfast is served daily. Drinks from the bar can be enjoyed in the garden. Restaurants in the city centre are only 150 m away. Guests can unwind on the sun loungers by the pool, make use of the hydromassage tub or request a relaxing massage session. The 24-hour front desk can secure shuttles to Cataratas del Iguazu Airport, which is 19 km away. Hotel Jardin del Iguazu is located only 200 mts from the Bus Station, and only and 1.1 km from Foz do Iguaçu, on the Brazilian side.

top destinations SALTA













Argentina is the eighth-largest country in the world, and the second after Brazil in South America. It´s one of the most varied landscapes in the world, with big cities (Buenos Aires, Cordoba, Rosario), Patagonian Steppe with glaciers, mountains, forests and lakes in the south; subtropical rainforests in the northeast; colourful dry areas in the northwest, and the flat plains of the Pampas in the centre






tipping Taxis: Round Up Restaurants: 10% Tour Guides: 10-15% Porterage: 2 pesos per bag

national flag

when to go Buenos Aires, Iguazu and Mendoza, all the year. Patagonia, better from September to April Northwest, from May to September 9

top destinations SALTA













Tipical “Asado” or barbecue is may be the most tipical meal in Argentina. But in some areas you will find “Empanadas”, “Tamales”, “Locro”. In Patagonia, an exquisite “Cordero Patagonico”, (roasted lamb). The “Dulce de Leche” is the favourite sweet, and of course the Malbec Wine, and the local “Mate” are the preferred drinks.

Spanish is the official language, but english is widely speaked in hotels and some restaurants


tango Local dance and music is the Tango. A famous rhythm, that can be enjoyed in Buenos Aires. There are many shows in the city. The argentinean icon of the Tango is Carlos Gardel

documents Check if VISA if is required to enter to Argentina. US, Australian and Canadian citizens have to pay a reciprocity fee before arrival (payment in internet)

local currency


Local currency is the Peso. You can exchange it in airports, and local “Casas de Cambio”. US Dollars and credit cards like American Express, Visa and Master Card are widely accepted.

Argentina offers many places to be visited, but would like to suggest three: Buenos Aires the capital city, rich in culture, music, gastronomy, museums, etc. Do not forget to drink a malbec and taste the argentinean “Bife de Chorizo”; and two natural places, unique in the world: Iguazu Falls, one of the new-7 wonders of Nature by Unesco, and the incredible Perito Moreno Glacier in Patagonia. In the next page, we 11 show some of our most suggested tours in Argentina

the “must-see”

Suggested tours The following, is a small list of our most suggested tours to visit Argentina only, or combined with other interesting points in South America.








BASED IN PATAGONIA This is a tour based in the most important atractives of the Argentinean Patagonia. Usually arranged in a 12-15 day tour, the program combines a visit to Buenos Aires, the capital city with Puerto Madryn, where you can enjoy some of the most incredible sealife, with whales and penguins, then Ushuaia and the magic of the End of the World, gate to cruises to Cape Horn or Antarctica; then continue to El Calafate, a small city from where you can start one of the most incredible visits in the area: Perito Moreno Glacier and Los Glaciares National Park; and finally the incredible landscapes of lakes and mountains you will find in Bariloche. Best season: from September/October to March/April. Please check sealife seasons. During our winter, some interesting snow activities can be enjoyed in Cerro Catedral (Bariloche) and Cerro Castor (Ushuaia), but main season is our spring/ summer season.








BASED IN THE HIGHLIGHTS For people looking for a short visit to Argentina, with a range of 7-10 days, this option is great. Combines a visit to Buenos Aires, where you can enjoy Tango, gastronomy, shopping, culture, music, futbol, museums, and more... Then, you will visit two of the most important highlights in Argentina and South America: El Calafate, and the incredible Perito Moreno Glacier, in Los Glaciares National Park, a unique show of nature, declared by Unesco, a natural world heritage; and Iguazu Falls, declared recently one of the New 7 Wonders of Nature, and also Unesco World Heritage. You will enjoy the incredible magic of nature, and our great capital city. A perfect combination if you have less days. Best Season: Spring / Summer. May be from September to April, but of course, Buenos Aires and Iguazu Falls are great to be visited all the year, so if you do not mind low temperatures (you will find in El Calafate), it´s a tour to be enjoyed all the year.









Best Season: All the year! Sometimes, people visit Patagonia during our spring and summer season, and made a second visit during our fall / winter (may to August) to the attractions in the north.










BASED IN THE NORTH AREA This is a tour based in the most important atractives of the Argentinean North, and of course Buenos Aires as starting point. Usually arranged in a 10-12 day tour, the program combines a visit to Buenos Aires, the capital city with the visit to the wine country and Mendoza area. This is a unique chance to taste the exquisite and unique Argentinean Malbec, visiting any of the wineries and vineyards in the area. Later, in Salta you will enjoy a combination of culture and incredible colorful lanscapes: Humahuaca Canyon (Unesco World Heritage) with the famous 7-color hill in Purmamarca, the incredible Train to the Clouds, the Valles Calchaquies, and great local gastronomy and folkloric music of the north. Finally, the magic of nature: Iguazu Falls, one of the new 7-wonders of Nature and Unesco World Heritage. The Parque Nacional Iguazu, offers up to 8 km of trails to enjoy this incredible place in South America.

A COMPLETE VISIT TO ARGENTINA If you have three weeks, we can suggest to make this incredible full trip to visit the best of Argentina. It´s a complete program, visiting Buenos Aires, the capital city; a great visit to Patagonia: Whales and Sealife in Penisula Valdes, magic of the end of the world in Ushuaia, incredible glaciers and lakes in El Calafate and Los Glaciares National Park; beatiful lakes, forests and mountains in Bariloche; then taste the routes of the wine and the High Andes in Mendoza. Remember to visit the Aconcagua Park! Salta, with local culture, gastronomy and colorful lanscapes, and finally Iguazu, the incredible magic of nature in the argentinean northwest. A complete tour with a wide variety of options and activities to do. Best Season: From September to April. It´s the best season for Patagonia, so we suggest to take this visit during our spring/summer.








BRASIL San Pedro de Atacama








Buenos Aires


What to do: * City Tour * Tango Shows * Visit to Farm in the Pampas

BARILOCHE Puerto Varas

TRELEW Puerto Madryn

Puerto Madryn What to do: * Peninsula Valdes * Whales * Penguins in Punta Tombo * Gaiman: Welsh Colony Torres del Paine


El Calafate What to do: * Perito Moreno Glacier * Boat Navigation in Los Glaciares National Park * Minitrekking over glacier * Cross to Torres del Paine Nat Park

Malvinas Islands USHUAIA


Salta What to do: * City Tour * Humahuaca Canyon * Cafayate Wine Area * Cachi & Calchaquies Valleys

Iguazu Falls What to do: * Iguazu National Park (Arg. Side) * Iguazu National Park (Bra. Side) * Activities in the jungle

Posadas What to do: * Visit to San Ignacio Mini Ruins, one of the most important jesuit ruins in the area

Cordoba What to do: * City Tour * Visit to Jesuit Estancias * Villa Carlos Paz

Mendoza What to do: * City Tour * Wine Tours * Visit to Vineyards and Wineries * Visit to the High Andes * Aconcagua Mount

Bariloche What to do: * Nahuel Huapi Nat. Park * Los Arrayanes Nat. Park * Tronador Mount & Alerces Falls * San Martin de los Andes & 7 lake circuit

Malvinas Islands

Ushuaia What to do: * Tierra del Fuego Nat. Park * Beagle Channel Navigation * Cerro Castor Ski Resort * Train of the End of the World * Cruises to Antarctica & Cape Horn

What to do: * Puerto Argentino * Battlefields * Argentine Cemetery * Wildlife watching


Weather in Argentina Please find useful information about the weather in each destination WEATHER IN BUENOS AIRES AREA Summer (middle december to middle march) hot weather during the day, very hot at noon and in the early afternoon; balmy nights.



Autumn (middle march to middle june) In early autumn the weather is hot at noon and in the early afternoon; mornings and pleasant evenings. The nights are cool to cold , and at the end of the season the days are cool and nights are cold. Winter (middle june to middle september) moderate cold weather during the day , very cold nights . Spring (middle september to middle december) nice time during the day , cold nights.

Weather in Buenos Aires & the Pampas 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Jan





max av temp (celcius)





min av, temp (celcius)




rain (mm)

WEATHER IN SALTA & NORTHWEST Summer (middle dec to middle march) hot at noon and in the early afternoon time ; mornings and pleasant evenings ; nice cool nights



Autumn (middle march to middle june) nice weather during the day ; fresh cold nights Winter (middle june to middle september) nice at noon and in the early afternoon time ; cool during the day , cold nights. Spring (middle september to middle december) nice weather during the day; fresh cold nights

Weather in Salta 250 200 150 100 50 0 1




5 Series1



Autumn (middle march to middle june) Nice weather during the day; fresh cold nights Winter (middle june to middle september) Nice at noon and in the early afternoon time; cool during the day , cold nights. Spring (middle september to middle december) Very hot at noon and in the early afternoon time; mornings and pleasant evenings; nice cool nights

Winter (middle june to middle september) Very cold weather, with very intense cold at night (minimum average temperature below 0 ° C ) . BARILOCHE


Spring (middle september to middle december) Moderate cold weather during the day , very cold nights .








200 150 100 50 0 Jan




Autumn (middle march to middle june) Moderate cold weather during the day , very cold nights .

8 Series3




max av temp (celcius)

Summer (middle dec to middle march) Nice at noon and in the early afternoon time ; cool during the day , cold nights.


Weather in Iguazu Falls


Summer (middle dec to middle march) Very hot weather for 24 hours a day, due to temperatures and / or very high humidities

6 Series2





min av, temp (celcius)

rain (mm)

Weather in Bariloche 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 -20






max av temp (celcius)




min av, temp (celcius)




rain (mm)


VISITING ARGENTINA WEATHER IN EL CALAFATE & GLACIERS AREA Summer (middle december to middle march) cool days , cold nights. Autumn (middle march to middle june) Moderate cold weather during the day , very cold nights . Winter (middle June to middle September) Very cold weather, with intense cold at night (minimum average temperature below 0 ° C ) . Spring (middle September to middle December) Moderate cold weather during the day , very cold nights .

Weather in El Calafate 25 20 15 10 5 0 Jan













-5 max av temp (celcius)

min av, temp (celcius)

rain (mm)



Autumn (middle march to middle june) very cold weather, with intense cold at night (minimum average temperature below 0 ° C ) .


Winter (middle june to middle september) Intense cold weather intense cold at night (minimum temperature below 0 ° C ).


Weather in Ushuaia

Summer (middle dec to middle march) Moderate cold weather during the day , very cold nights .

Spring (middle september to middle december) Moderate cold weather during the day , very cold nights .


40 30 20 10 0 -10






max av temp (celcius)





min av, temp (celcius)




rain (mm)


Weather in Mendoza & Wine country



Summer (middle december to middle march) Very hot at noon and in the early afternoon time ; mornings and pleasant evenings ; nice cool nights


Autumn (middle march to middle june) Nice weather during the day ; fresh cold nights




Winter (middle june to middle september) Cool days , cold nights. Spring (middle september to middle december) Nice weather during the day; fresh cold nights

30 20 10 0 Jan





max av (celcius)

WEATHER IN PUERTO MADRYN & PENINSULA VALDES Summer (middle dec to middle march) Hot at noon and in the early afternoon time ; mornings and pleasant evenings ; nice to cool nights.





min av. (celcius)





rain (mm)

Weather in Puerto Madryn & Peninsula Valdes 35 30

Autumn (middle march to middle june) Cold days, cold nights


Winter (middle june to middle september) Moderate cold weather during the day; very cold nights


Spring (middle september to middle december) Nice weather during the day; cool to cold nights



10 5 0 Jan





max av temp (celcius)




min av, temp (celcius)





rain (mm)



IGUAZU FALLS PARAGUAY SALTA POSADAS 1:50 hour flight 1:40 hour flight

1:25 hour flight


1:50 hour flight


1:25 hour flight




1:55 hour flight

1:40 hour flight

2:00 hour flight 2:20 hour flight

BARILOCHE Puerto Varas

TRELEW Puerto Madryn

1:45 hour flight

2:13 hour flight Torres del Paine


Malvinas Islands

1:20 hour flight USHUAIA




Designed by Nuevas Ideas: RipioTurismo, Incoming Tour Operator South America Av. Scalabrini Ortiz 215 - 3rd B, C1414DNC - Buenos Aires +5411 4855 4684

Esta publicacion se terminรณ de editar el dia 22 de Abril de 2016

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