RipioTurismo´s Mission, Vision & Values

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South America is a dream RipioTurismo´s mission, vision and values

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Our Mission & Vision

Mission To provide memorable travel experiences in South America satisfying the needs of our clients and always exceeding their expectations. Vision To become the leading incoming operator in South America, providing the best possible services, with the highest quality and responsibility

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About us Our world is a dream, and South America is the garden of this incredible world. Our continent offers colorful landscapes, unique cultral heritage, excellent gastronomy, wonderful hotels, and warm people. Our company offers a wide variety of tours to enjoy the best of Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia and Paraguay. We worked for 15 years to choose best hotels and local partners in each destination, and offer the best service, ever. We manage FIT´s and groups, traditional travellers and people looking for adventure activities, tours for +50 people with luxury resorts, and more. We´re specialists in cruises in Patagonia. Some expedition cruises to visit Cape Horn, the southern glaciers and fjords, lakes and mountains; or the most exciting cruises in Amazonas, and Galapagos Islands, to enjoy incredible fauna. We have a special area to receive your music groups: Choirs, Orchestras, Bands. We work with our Music Manager to offer the best performing tours for your groups. If you work with schools, contact us, we have a special area to receive groups of students . Many High Schools and Universities visit South America to learn more about spanish language and contact local students. We can arrange also services for Soccer, Hockey, and Rugby Teams. We have contact with many local clubs in South America to arrange a very nice trip and play your favourite sport visiting our continent. You will find special printable guides and tours, to offer the best information for your clients. These catalogues and guides are also available for your electronic device, and can be downloaded. Work with us, let us know how we can help you. We can personalize our catalogues with your logo and company information. Be part of our offer with our help. Try us, we can handle complicated queries rapidly, and once you are here we can provide continuing support and assistance during your stay. Our renovated websites provide you all the information you need to research the destination, with different hotels, interactive maps about cities, excursions, interactive itineraries, and more. Remember, our world is a dream. Enjoy it with RipioTurismo!

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What we can offer. Our Catalogues We have a wide offer, including the most important countries in South America: Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru and Paraguay. We have many tours combining different destinations that are widely accepted by the international tourism, and declared as main attractions: Machu Picchu, Cusco and Titicaca Lake in Peru, Galapagos Islands in Ecuador, the Amazonas, Rio de Janeiro, Pantanal, Salvador de Bahia, Fernando de Noronha in Brazil, Torres del Paine National Park, San Pedro de Atacama, Cape Horn, Santiago de Chile, in Chile, and Buenos Aires, Iguazu Falls, Ushuaia, El Calafate, Bariloche, Mendoza, Salta, Puerto Madryn in Argentina. We have more than 250 combinations, so we prepared different catalogues where clients can check our offer:

Our General Catalogue, with up to 500 pages, and more than 250 tours, is the most complete collection of trips you can dream. We have many, many combinations for individual travellers and groups, with at least 4 and up to 7 choices of hotel categories. This catalogue contains trips for all destinations in South America, and also options for cruises. For clients looking for an especific country or destination, we have catalogues for Argentina; Chile; Peru, Ecuador & Bolivia, and a special catalogue with combined tours to visit different countries. And we´re an specialized tour operator in cruises in South America, so we have a catalogue with great expedition cruises in Patagonia, to enjoy the Cape Horn, or navigate southern fjords and glaciers; or navigate lakes with excellent gastronomy aboard; or visit the incredible fauna in Galapagos Islands, or enjoy the green world of Amazonas. Our General Catalogue contains We also have a manual for different Music Groups, like orchestras, choirs, bands who travel around the world to perform and enjoy their passion. We have a Music Manager that will be in touch with directors, to arrange every single detail, to offer the best possibleexperience. We guarantee that. Our Catalogue for Schools, High Schools, Universities and Clubs offer great options for Educational & Sport Programs. With more than 10 years working with students groups, we can guarantee many interesting options: Culture & History, Music & Art, Language Programs, Sport Performances, Volunteering programs, and more.

more than 250 programs to enjoy best destinations in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador and Paraguay. We have many, many options for you.

We know that printed catalogues are important, but today our world is connected by internet, and new technologies are a great tool to help us to offer our products. These catalogues, are also available for your computer and electronic devices, like tables or smartphones. In the following page, you will find a QR code to access directly to them, from your tablet, or smartphone.

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QR Zone access our catalogues from your smartphone or tablet Access our complete catalogue of tours and modular tours to visit Argentina, Available in our website, or you can download your epub version for ebooks. Just scan the code below.

If you`re interested in Chile only. It`s your catalogue. Find a wide variety of tours and modular programs to visit Chile. Available in our website, or you can download your epub version for ebooks. Just scan the code below.

wide variety of tours to combine Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Brazil, Peru Bolivia and Ecuador. Available in our website, or you can download your epub version for ebooks. Just scan the code below.

Only cruises here, from cruises to Cape Horn and Fjords in Patagonia, to incredible cruises to Amazonas or Galapagos Islands. Available in our website, or you can download your epub version for ebooks. Just scan the code below.


Our catalogue for Brazil is very complete. Find a wide variety of tours and modular programs to visit Chile. Available in our website, or you can download your epub version for ebooks. Just scan the code below.

Do you love intense adventure, like hard trekking; and dream with the the most amazing explorations and expeditions in South America? Well, it´s your catalogue, with many options for your next adventure in our incredible continent.

Check our catalogue for Peru, to enjoy tours to Machu Picchu and more. Find a wide variety of tours and modular programs to visit Chile. Available in our website, or you can download your epub version for ebooks. Just scan the code below.

Are you director in a choir, jazz band, orchestra? and do you want to enjoy visiting different countries and perform with your music group? Well, our Music Manager will help you to arrange the best performing program. Check our catalogue and see some good options...

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Travel Agents Work with us Our travel agents around the world are our partners. Our marketing team will personalize our catalogues of tours with your logo and company information to be published in your website, and offer our services, tours, hotels, etc. And it´s free, what do you think? One more thing for you. Be part of our marketing campaign, share our mailings in facebook, twitter, pinterest, or any other social net. Again, with your logo and company information. And again, it´s free. We want to work with you. Do you want to work with us?




Can you see the hotel? It´s part of the landscape... Tierra Patagonia, offers 5-star services, open bar, awesome views to the towers, incredible activities, exquisite gastronomy... what are you waiting for? Enjoy Tierra Patagonia with RipioTurismo


no, it´s Skorpios III a wonderful cruise to southern fjords and glaciers in Patagonia





Let us suggest this wonderful hotel, located in Avenida Alvear, one of the most exclusive areas of Buenos Aires. The Alvear Palace Hotel, one of the Leading Hotels of the World. Enjoy Buenos Aires, in the best place with In the mountain, in Palace the middle theRipioTurismo forest, in front of the lake Alvear Hotelofand Listen to the wind, watch the stars, feel the trees. Patagonia Camp is a deluxe camping with all what you need! S A N Enjoy Patagonia Camp with RipioTurismo


available in our catalogues


Let us suggest this wonderful hotel, located in Avenida Alvear, one of theincoming your most exclusive areas of Buenos Aires. The Alvear Palace Hotel, one of the Leading Hotels of the World. Enjoy Buenos Aires, in the best place with Alvear Palace Hotel and RipioTurismo



A T A C A M A ,


One of the most incredible places in the earth, to watch stars, San Pedro de Atacama, gate to incredible expolorations to the Atacama Desert. and Tierra Patagonia one of the most exclusive hotels in the area. Excellent service, great gastronomy, wonderful guides, what else? Enjoy Tierra Atacama with RipioTurismo

available in our catalogues

tour operator for South America



R O A D ,


The Marble Caves or Marble Cathedral is an unusual geological formation located at the centre of General Carrera Lake. It is a group of caverns, columns and tunnels formed in monoliths of marble. The Marble Caves have been formed by wave action over the last 6,200 years. Amazing right? Enjoy Carretera Austral with RipioTurismo

available in our catalogues

available in our catalogues your incoming tour operator for South America

your incoming tour operator for South America

available in our catalogues

available in our catalogues

your incoming tour operator for South America your incoming tour operator for South America

your incoming tour operator for South America

Our renovated website

Tours in Patagonia Soft adventure in Patagonia Cruises in Patagonia Patagonia Camp Tierra Patagonia

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We have a new, renovated and beautiful website, that allows you to search many options in South America. Just type the place you dream to visit, and our website will show you our best options. Very intuitive, and available for your computer, tablet or smartphone, our website is an important tool to arrange your trip to South America.

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Who are our clients? We´re an incoming tour operator in South America, but we receive clients from around the world. But there are some countries that leads our ranking of tourist. We want to increase the number of visits from these countries and add new markets to our portfolio. As you can see, english speaking people leads the ranking, so all our guides are english speaking guides. Anyway, our company can provide also german, italian, french, danish, apanese, chinese guides when it´s necessary. We have experience with typical charasteristic of each traveller profile, depending the country and area from they visit us, so we can guarantee best service for each group or individual travellers. Take a look to our travellers ranking... Travellers received from other Suiza Origen de Turistas

Japon Alemania Canada


Suecia India Australia Reino Unido EEUU 0






More action We keep walking, and therefore we have decided to assist, to the next World Travel Market in London in November 2-5. Our company will be waiting, to show and explain you all the alternatives we have to offer great and unique services in South America for your clients. See you there!



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Contact us Try us. Just contact our sales area and check our services

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