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Business model
Business model Ramudden’s business model
Our aim is to make sure that everyone comes home safe and well every day. That is why we help clients to create safe work sites and ensure that sustainability, resource efficiency and compliance are integrated into every project.
Expertise in planning and designing safe work sites, as well as work site services such as establishment, supervision and site security.
Training employees and customers in order to increase compliance and run safe, efficient projects. Products
Hiring everything needed for a safe work site: equipment, vehicles and machinery.
The value we add
• Safety. We enhance safety in every project thanks to expertise and new solutions, including the digitalisation of roadworks. • Efficiency. We streamline the project from the planning stage onwards, increasing the utilisation rate and extending the life of the equipment in order to make deliverables more efficient and cost-effective for customers. • Compliance. We ensure compliance with regulations related to work site safety and the environment. • Sustainability. We contribute to a circular economy, safeguard the health and safety of our employees and support the communities in which we operate.