Interaction story - buying an engagement ring

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To buy an engagement ring for fiancé


Jewelry retail is by and large a loosely organized industry in India, where this narrative is set. Small traditional jewelry shops or high-end stores dominate the landscape, with nothing in between for the middle-income metropolitan man with a taste for western trends. The notion of jewelry shopping is associated with stress for the typical male for several reasons. The desire to please the partner is both a motivation and a source of stress due to limited knowledge of jewelry in general and uncertainty of the fiancé’s personal preferences. This is amplified by the lack of good advice at a typical store, on what works for a woman. The store experience amplifies stress further, due to stories of low-grade humiliation at the hands of the sales staff. Finally, lack of visibility on affordability directly impacts the self esteem of the man, leading to conservative behavior in-store. In this environment the protagonist decides to purchase an ring. After a brief interaction with a retail jewelry store, he decides to attempt a high-end store along with his fiancé, with some initial concern. However, to their surprise, the experience is a warm, friendly, seamless one. He finally settles for a ring slightly higher than his original budget, but with an experience he will return to and recommend to others. With this experience as the point of departure, how can we create a higher-order experience ? Can we transport some of the insights to smaller jewelry retail stores ?

Trigger 1:

It is the evening of November 21, 2008 in Bangalore. Ravi (35) receives a call is. He is to be married one month from now. Two friends, one his and one Kavita’s (fiancé, 31) call to tell him “’re planning to propose aren’t you ? You know she’ll never let you forget it if you don’t!”. He hadn’t thought about it till then. His mind is flooded with questions ? What does an engagement ring look like? Can I afford it ? What store should I go to ? What is Kavita’s ring size ? How long does it take to get one ? Can it be got off the shelf or do I need to order it ? He realizes he needs help. Ravi has less than 2 weeks to find the right store, the right ring and close the deal. Budget : Rs.18,000. What happens next ? Here is the first-person journey :


Springboard archetype, without ending


I.STORY – THE JOURNEY The Journey2 :

Beat : Exploration, Evening, weekday Tata Tanishq has been advertising their range of retail jewelery at affordable prices on television. That seems a good place to start. I remember driving by the Tanishq store on Dickenson Road, off M.G Road. [Photo] Beat: Investigation, Morning, Saturday I drive to Tanishq along with Kavita. I decide its safer to ruin the surprise than to get a ring that doesn’t fit or she doesn’t like. The valet service is efficient and friendly. The drivers are dressed in white. The place looks ornate and impressive, like Mughal temple façades. But the advertisements emphasis “everyday diamonds” so it feels less intimidating to enter. Beat: Tanishq – first glance Entering through the doorway with glass cases and selected jewelry pieces, I see the main floor with a circular seating arrangement with the sales staff in the well. Beyond that is a smaller section, possibly privacy for high value purchases. Several customers are seated around, usually with some distance to each other. The customers look somewhat disinterested. [Photo] Beat: Tanishq – Sales staff interaction I walk up to a free agent in the well. He is pleasant, young, mid 20’s and dressed in a simple, clean trouser and shirt uniform. We’ve already decided we’re looking for platinum. [Dialogue] : Does Tanishq have a platinum collection ? Yes, and I am asked to sit while the agent fetches it. The collection has a mix of different styles. Nothing that we connect with immediately. Is there anything in a minimal style ? Some searching across 2-3 trays and we located 2 rings which are perfect. However the sizes, after measured using the size keys, are too big Can they be altered ? No, they’re imported. But a new ring of the right size can be made-to-order How long will it take ? 4 -6 weeks. There is also a 10% discount on the rings. Net price : Rs.18,000 It’ll take too long. Makes no sense to continue. I take the ring style, size, price and


Knowledge transfer archetype


I.STORY – THE JOURNEY thank him for his time. We’ll return in case we don’t find a suitable ring anywhere else Beat : Krishnaiah Chetty & Sons – first glance I drive and think.. On a weekend trip to the library along with Kavita, I run into a large billboard of Krishnaiah Chetty & Sons outside their flagship store. I’m unshaven, in jeans and a t-shirt, but running out of time, so we decide to enter. Kavita is casually dressed. Very impressive store. Raised driveway, so the car seems to arrive on a stage. Huge brass front doors, polished brass umbrella holder, sand-stone construction. Invisible point lights. Looks expensive. [Photo] Beat – Valet, Krishnaiah Chetty & Sons I don’t see any valet, so I drive to the entrance. Gives me the chance to drive-by. At the turn in I see the valet waiting in the invisible corner dressed in crisp white and friendly. I hand over the keys and enter. No guards. The huge doors open automatically and silently. Very impressive. [Photo] Beat – Guest Relations, Ground Floor, Krishnaiah Chetty & Sons On the other side of the door are 3 guest relations officers, dressed in deep maroon jackets and black trousers or saris of the same combination. Corporate colors. They seem to have genuine warmth and smiles, in spite of my unshaven appearance. The floor is large and dimensioned to feel like the entrance to a palatial home. I see and an escalator rising up in the distance and warm wood furniture in a green matte finish. Invisible lights highlighting jewelry pieces gives the place a sleek feeling. The first officer (man, late 20’s, fair) welcomes me and asks me how I am with a warm smile. That makes me feel comfortable. We talk about what I’m looking for. Platinum rings. This is the platinum and diamond store. There is a second store on Commercial street dedicated to gold jewelry. The first floor has more. He walks with me to the elevator and all the way till the end. Pleasant surprise ,since I expected him to direct me and move on. He walks me to a free customer relations officer and days she will help me find what I’m looking for. Departs. Beat: First floor, Krishnaiah Chetty & Sons The first impression is that of walking into and old English living room. There are what appears to be solid wood writing desks spaced far apart. Not more that five or six. Each desk has a customer representative sitting behind it with a stylish leather and wood table lamp. Two well made wooden chairs per table. The distance between desks creates the impression of privacy. The wall are lined with wooden showcases, with hidden point lights bringing the artifact into sharp focus. The showcases seem like the kind you would keep in a luxurious home. The articles inside arranged in some meaningful order. Within reach from each desk on the representative’s side are


I.STORY – THE JOURNEY shelves containing inventory. The doors to shelves are RFID activated. The sensors are not visible when the door opens. No safe in sight. The overall tone is dark matte green and grey, with soft lighting for the floor and point lighting for the jewelry, giving the place and air of understated luxury. [Photo] Beat : Customer Relationship Officer, Krishnaiah Chetty & Sons – Sharon, female, 28-30 Sharon comes across as warm with a genuine smile. My jeans and t-shirt outfit is clearly out of place with the environment, but she seems to take no notice of my appearance. This makes me relax further. She seems genuinely interested. We speak for a few minutes about what I’m looking for and why. She asks me if I’m looking for anything in particular. I respond with my personal style preference. Minimal, well made. She thinks for a second and while maintaining contact with me slides back and reaches for 1-2 trays of rings. Trays are velvet clad with one holder per ring. A second leather tray for separating the ones I like is present on the table. Small recessed drawers on my side of the desk for keeping my existing ring are now visible. A nice thoughtful touch. I look through the two trays. Sharon observes carefully. I pick out one or two close to the ones I like. One with minimal diamonds, one with diamonds being the centre focus of the ring. She comments on me having excellent taste. That makes me smile and encourages me to keep looking. She brings out one more tray. This contains a smaller selected list. I see the one I like immediately. But now I’m undecided if Kavita will like my minimal style or the more diamond focused one. “Diamonds are a girls best friend” comes to mind. Kavita is leaning towards the diamond-centric one, but I’m concerned about whether I can afford it. Beat : Tea break, Sharon’s desk, first floor, Krishnaiah Chetty & Sons While I’m deciding, a service personnel arrives asking if we would like tea of coffee. I state coffee. It is presented promptly. Over coffee Sharon and me converse about her and my background. I understand a little more about the history of this place. This is the family home of KC & Sons. They’re jewelers to the royal family of Mysore. She comes from a call centre background and has been a counselor before that. That explains the quick assessment of my personal style. She shares personal life instances when asked. I feel a genuineness in her conversation. The break ends. Beat : Decision time, Sharon’s desk, first floor, Krishnaiah Chetty & Sons I ask Sharon for her advice in Kavita’s presence. She says the one I picked is more daily wear, the other is more special occasion. It matches what I was thinking. I feel no pressure to go for the more expensive ring. This builds trust in her advice. I tell her I’m looking for something affordable. She suggests going for the ring I picked. I finally settle for the ring I picked, with help from Sharon. Kavita loved both, but was undecided, so this helps her close. I realize, I haven’t checked the price yet. We


I.STORY – THE JOURNEY discuss prices. A little above my original budget, but I’m willing to stretch it, given it’s the perfect ring. I see the price tag with several numbers and ask her what they mean. She explain the transparent pricing system where the cost build-up and the profit margin in visible. Also the worksmith’s initials, the object serial number and whether or not the piece can be modified. I give her Kavita’s ring size from the Tanishq experience. She confirms the ring can be adjusted to her size. A first wave of relief. I ask her how long it will take. She checks on the phone with someone. Apparently it’s the worksmith. Two weeks. Kavita is excited. I confirm we’d like to purchase it but we’d like the option to try a few other places. There is no annoyance on Sharon’s face. She agrees that we should. She writes down the ring details and the approximate price on a present pad in a leather dispenser. I file it in my wallet. Beat : The walk of aspiration, second floor, Krishnaiah Chetty & Sons Sharon suggests walking us around the place, to see what is on display. The sequence of the jewelry is done by history of the object, as well as the kind of stone used. She is knowledgeable about jewelry techniques and notable names in the field. She suggests Kavita try some pieces on. Her face lights up. \We are shown the private rooms for high value purchases. The walk continues. We are led down the escalator. The guest relations officers wave and smile while we depart. The valet brings the car around promptly. [Photo] -1 week time intervalBeat : 2nd Customer Relations Officer- Vivek, 28-32, first floor, Krishnaiah Chetty & Sons I return after a week by myself. I’m shown the way to the first floor. On the escalator the officer asks me if I’ve been here before. I mention that I have and that I met Sharon. He nods. On the floor, Sharon is not around. I am asked to wait. In less than what feels like minute, the officer comes back with another customer relations officer, Vivek. Sharon is with another guest, but Vivek will help me with whatever I need. Vivek has the same sincerity that Sharon did, so I’m at ease almost immediately. He remembers me coming in last week with my fiancé. I’m pleasantly surprised and feel welcome. Apparently the customer relations officers share work experiences often. There seems to be no obvious competition between them. That relaxes me, since I can expect a similar experience like the one I had last with Sharon. Beat : Payment @ Vivek, first floor, Krishnaiah Chetty & Sons I present the note from the last experience to Vivek across his desk. Vivek takes a minute to locate the ring, within reach of his desk. He is in plain sight. We check once more that the ring style matches what I had selected. I state I’d like to purchase this in a smaller size. He confirms 2 weeks delivery time as discussed with Sharon. I ask him if he prefers cash, cheque or card. Whatever I prefer. This builds trust since I


I.STORY – THE JOURNEY expected him to lean towards cash. I realize later that he has made a silent assessment of trustworthiness before replying. I ask about the exact billing amount. He mentions that the exact price may vary since the price of precious metal is frozen on the day on manufacture. However, the variation will be small. We close the deal. He needs some details for the invoice. Name, Address, Number. It’s a vanilla Oracle CRM solution running from a flat screen PC, used as a data entry tool. No customized software solution for high-end retail. The store in general is very technology savvy with digital photo frames and RFID. I write a cheque for Rs 24,000 and hand it over. He thanks me and smiles. He briefly departs and returns with the invoice. It is printed on heavy gauge ivory paper in landscape format, with the Krishnaiah Chetty & Sons crest top centre. The invoice looks far more elegant this way. I thank him and leave. I’m guided on the way out with the valet getting the car promptly. Beat : Delivery Call, Work I receive a call at work on my cell phone. The speaker confirms that she is speaking to me and if this is a good time to talk. I confirm. She states that my ring is ready and I may stop by any time convenient to me. I decide to come over on a Saturday Beat : Pick-Up, Nidhi (Supervisor ), Ground Floor, Krishnaiah Chetty & Sons I’m greeted at the ground floor by another female officer in who seems to be doing the rounds. She appears to be middle management by her manner, but not visibly indicated on her name tag or any other symbol. She smiles and asks if I’m looking for something in particular. I mention I’m here to collect my ring. This time trust is immediate. She guides me personally to what I recall was Sharon’s desk. Obviously desks are shared between colleagues. She fetches the ring in a few minutes in a small, leather ring box and mentions that she has a small surprise for me. I’m anticipating to pay more. She says the making charges we less than expected due to currency fluctuations. She returns approximately Rs.3000. I’m very impressed. This never happens I mention to her. She smiles and acknowledges. She wishes me all the best. I turn to leave. I’m waved out. Valet brings car around. The End.


I.STORY – THE JOURNEY Springboard3 :

This is an unusually happy ending. And this is with limited or no software mediation. How can software mediated experiences take this experience to the next level ? What can we offer which makes the use of software mediated experiences something the customer loves and the store cannot do without ? The majority of the experiences end with definite stress and feeling of insecurity. Eliminating the fear will cause a significant emotional shift for customers . How can we create software mediated experiences for stores which the budget customer absolutely loves ?


Springboard archetype ending


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