Holland Peak Ranch | Fay Ranches

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Mr . Cruz , As you approach the next chapter on your respec t i ve j ourney and begin the proces s of s e---l l ing your proper ty , we are grateful for your cons iderat ion of Fay Ranches as your luxury rea l es tate broker . Fay Ranches continues i t s longstanding dedi cation to our cliente l e through a thoughtful and successful market ing pl an that has been continuous ly refined for over 28 years . We are committed to keeping ahead of the market by embracing new technologies and staying informed on the changing landscape of medi a convergence . Our marketing strategy wi l l enabl e a l l digi tal marketing mater i a l s such as photos , video , blogs , and pa id searches. Each campaign wi l l be s trategi ca l ly set up for success wi th the use of the following keywords : luxury ranch, dude ranch, hunting proper ty, horse proper ty , corporate retreat , gues t ranch, hunting retreat, ranch retreat, and recreational ranch. Hol l and Peak Ranch i s truly a unique property that combines the benef i t s of a serene sett ing , a myr i ad of outdoor activi t i es and the comforts of modern l iving. We are confident that we are the most qualified to market your property. Thank you for providing us the opportunity.

Image sourced from HollandPeakRanch.com

WHY FAY RANCHES? • Our c l ients te l l us that our peopl e , our knowl edge of the market , our knowl edge of the product , and the resources we provide coast to coast he lp them make the best dec i s ions through the process are some of the di fferent iators that have been valuabl e to them over the years . • The qual i ty of c l ients and assets we represent demand we be the best at what we do . To be a broker at Fay, you are he ld to a higher standard. We are not general i st , transactional real estate agents . We are spec ial i sts in the farm, ranch, luxury, and recreat ional market . Nothing e l se . Thi s i s what we do and we be l ieve we are the best at i t . • Our near ly 30 years of spec ial izat ion in the farm, ranch, and recreat ional space means that you are plugged into an organically generated database of 65,000+ individual s that are interested in purchas ing land such as yours . In addi t ion, we play we l l wi th other brokers , expanding the buyer pool even more . Simply put , we cast a very wide net, as i t re lates to bringing in buyers . • A main dr iver for our success in se l l ing land i s our wi l l ingness to reinvest revenue into areas that benefit our sellers. Our propr ietary Land Investor magazine would be an example . Our investment in the r ight tal ent and the r ight resources ensures we are present ing our propert ies as the best in c lass asset that they are , to our expanding database and the marketplace as a whol e . What we do from a market ing perspect ive , you cannot get anywhere e l se . • We don’t get paid if we don't sale your ranch. Whi l e our cul ture i s very team or iented, we do maintain an “eat what you ki l l ” phi losophy . We be l ieve thi s mental i ty dr ives a higher work ethi c for our c l ients than other mode l s that you may see . • We understand that selling your property is a personal decision and therefor every decision is treated with the upmost quality of communication and respect.

Image sourced from HollandPeakRanch.com

FAY LISTING AND SALES INFORMATION Fay Ranches ACTIVE or Under Contract* Listings 10,000 acres or $10million and greater

SOLD Transactions 10,000 acres or $10m and greater


Listing your property for sale should be an easy and effective process. We’ve outlined below the steps we’ll take to get your property placed in all of our marketing channels quickly and effectively. • On or before May 15, 2021 o Listing Agreement executed. • May 15-31 o Due diligence on ranch completed, maps, leases, listing title commitment, water rights, building

info, hunting info etc.

• May 15-31 o Complete text for brochure and web, gather photos from sellers of wildlife, family gatherings,

and hunting photos.

• June 1-7 o Professional photographer and videographer on site (weather permitting). • June 7-15 o Add photos and finish brochure and web page, video completed and available for review, sellers

review period of marketing and any changes needed.

• June 20 o Launch the new listing on Fay Ranches website o Introduced with a dedicated e-blast to Fay Ranches 65k + email subscribers. The listing will appear

on the “Featured Listings" of the Fay Ranches home page and also on the Montana page. Both landing pages have shown an averaged increase of 46% in traffic compared to Jan-May 2020. o Holland Peak Ranch will also be scheduled on Republic Ranches' e-blast schedule, reaching targeted high-end brokers, investors, and landowners in Texas and the Southeast. • Fay Ranches will conduct a "whisper campaign" prior to the property going live. The Sellers will provide

enough pictures for Fay Ranches to circulate throughout our brokerage's select internal network, along with the pertinent information drafted for the brochure and marketing materials.

The following information is Confidential. Please do not share with 3rd parties.

Image sourced from HollandPeakRanch.com


Issuu Cover Display | Mobile and Desktop

The building of your property's brochure will focus on educating and engaging potential buyers. These brochure inquiries automatically generate leads for our brokers, which are incredibly important to them. Our brokers follow up with these potential buyers with tenacity and persistence.


• Link Clicks • Average Read Time

This information is Confidential. Please do not share with 3rd parties.

• Impressions • Viewer Downloads

WEB SITE BUIL D SEO focused landing pages present your property in a profess ional way: 25 image gal l ery, qui ck facts , video, and three CTA's providing the opportuni ty to download the brochure .


10-12 Property Facts

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T HE FA Y RA N CH E S DA T A BA S E One of Fay Ranches’ trademarks over the past 25+ years is executing a marketing strategy that sets us apart in the industry promoting clients’ properties and utilizing all available media resources.

NEWSLETTER STATISTICS • 65,000+ Subscribers • Frequency: ~120/year • 50% increase in subscribers

annually • Click Through Rate: 20%

This information is Confidential. Please do not share with 3rd parties.

S T R AT EG IC P AR T N E R S H IPS In 2014, Fay Ranches formed a strategic alliance with Texas-based Republic Ranches. This significantly increased the reach of both of these powerful land brokerages. Republic Ranches is the only land brokerage company that covers the entirety of Texas and Oklahoma, providing an immediate portal for Fay Ranches into the coveted market of Texas land investors. Clients benefit from Fay Ranches and Republic Ranches’ cross-marketing strategy that has dramatically increased the exposure of each of our exclusive listings to a much larger and highly qualified audience. Fay Ranches gained a significant footing in the Northeast market as well after forging a similar alliance with Boston-based LandVest, the premier brokerage of significant land assets in the Northeast. Clients in this market also benefit from a cross-marketing strategy for print and digital, providing significant additional exposure for exclusive listings.

• Referrals • Cross-marketing platforms • Land Investor magazine

This information is Confidential. Please do not share with 3rd parties.

LAND INVESTOR MAGAZINE Fay Ranches and Republic Ranches are pleased to present our valued clients and friends with a complimentary subscription to Land Investor magazine, the ultimate coffee table book. This informative publication features stunning photography and expert opinions and advice on buying property, successful land investment, sustainable land management, ranch life, and sporting pursuits.

Holland Peak Ranch will be published in the respective region and strategically mailed to over 65K landowners, investors, and other high-end land agents across the country.

SOCIAL MEDIA OUR SOCI AL MEDI A OUTLETS over 1,000,000 enagements in 2020



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S O CI AL MET R IC S • AVG. POST ENGAGEMENT, 60 likes, ~4 shares • YTD VIDEO VIEWS: 1.1M ~10% Avergage monthly growth rate • Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube produce the majority ofthe social leads

This information is Confidential. Please do not share with 3rd parties.

SEARCH ENGINE ADVERTISING Fay Ranches uses Google and Bing as digital advertising platforms, primarily to run geofencing campaigns, which fall under the umbrella of cost per click campaigns (CPC). These ads appear on search engines in the form of display ads and search ads.

Top 5 Website Traffic Sources DI SP L AY A D S • Google/ Organic • Google/CPC • E-Blast • Direct Display ads are either designed by HQ, or generated and optimized by Google’s algorithm. These ads display based on the demographic Links or geographic information specified. Geofencing ads will appear • YouTube when someone enters the targeted area. Retargeting campaigns focus on users who have previously visited the Fay Ranches website.


Buyer Campaign

Listing Campagin

Search ads are shown when someone searches for selected targeted phrases, such as “Fay Ranches” or “Montana land for sale.” These appear at the very top of the search results. This information is Confidential. Please do not share with 3rd parties.

DIGITAL MARKETING All listings on the Fay website push to third-party sites within 24 hours of the published date. All feeds have unique property landing pages in which provides leads back to the Fay Ranches database.

Once published, each property marketed by Fay Ranches appears on the following sites:


Image sourced from HollandPeakRanch.com

F r e que n t ly Ask e d Que st ion s •

Do you currently have buyers that would be interested? How many? o Absolute ly . As you would expect , wi th over 28 years of target ing aff luent buyers of luxury, farm, ranch, and recreat ional properties we have bui l t an extens ive c l iente l e . To that end, John and our other brokers have dialogue wi th numerous new and returning c l ients every day, di scuss ing new and exist ing opportunit ies .

How often will you give me a progress report on your sales efforts? o

We wi l l update you as often as there i s act ivi ty on the ranch. We wi l l send you an emai l or cal l you before each showing . I f there are lul l s in act ivi ty, we are happy to contact you weekly or monthly to strategize and give you an update on the market . We wi l l al so provide l i st ing act ivi ty reports that wi ll inc lude analyt i cs around brochure downloads , page views from our webs i te and other re l evant informat ion spec i f i c to your property.

• How many (total buyers) are you currently representing? o Thi s i s di ff i cul t to quant i fy . However , we can te l l you that at the t ime of thi s response we have 58 act ive l i st ings in Montana alone on our webs i te . Some of these are brand new to the market , others are in negot iat ion, and a handful have gone under contract wi thin the last coupl e of weeks . Each of these propert ies are unique and have a varying s ize of buyer pool as a resul t , but they al l have a buyer . The buyer may emerge qui ckly, or i t could take several candidates to see the property before the r ight one comes along . The important point of cons iderat ion i s the breadth and depth of our database of potent ial buyers , our re lat ionships wi th others in thi s space and the work ethi c inst i l l ed wi thin our f i rm. Al l of thi s dr ives us to work wi th as many buyers as needed to achieve the goal of se l l ing your propert ies . • Please provide your proposal contract with fees. o Fay Ranches charges 6% and we do 2 year l i st ings


This information is Confidential. Please do not share with 3rd parties.

406.586.4001 • 395 Gallatin Park Dr. FAYRANCHES.COM

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