2015 Pine Park Sale Catalogue

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Lot 4-TKYJ201 Lot 3-TKYJ204

Lot 34-PX1J29 Lot 12-TKYJ278

Lot 37-PXJ31E

Lot 43-PXJ95E


On property sale at ‘Pine Park’, Tuesday 14th April 11.30am. Bulls available for viewing prior to the sale by appointment or on Sunday 12th April 12.30‐ 3pm.

On offer: 30 Black Angus Bulls 5 Red Angus Bulls 15 Charolais Bulls

Sale will be conducted using Helmsman Auction System with sale bulls penned on display. Buyers must register prior to the sale. Sale is operated by Roberts Ltd. Rebate of 3% to outside agents introducing buyers in writing prior to sale and settling within 7 days of invoice. Email or fax must be received prior to sale day. Please bring this catalogue to the sale with you. Further details please contact: Selling Agent: Heath Dobson: 0409 176 228 Tim Woodham‐(Roberts Ltd Stud stock) Samantha Dobson: 0417 321 831 P: 0418 323 425 E: dobson@pinepark.com.au www.pinepark.com.au Ph: (03) 6393 1330

SALE CATALOGUE DISCLAIMER: Every care has been taken when compiling this catalogue to ensure the accuracy of information supplied, but no responsibility is accepted for any errors which may have occurred. DNA PATERNITY VERIFICATION: It is a requirement of Angus Australia that all bulls used to sire calves for registration in the Angus Australia Herd Book Register, Red Angus Register or Angus Performance Register must have been DNA paternity verified if they are born in or after the ‘Y’ year (2003). Buyers intending to use bulls listed in this catalogue to produce calves to be registered in these registers should obtain DNA paternity verification on those bulls before they are used for breeding.

Getting There:


INVITATION Welcome to the Cream of the Crop Sale 2015 catalogue and we would like to invite you to attend our sale on Tuesday 14th April at 11.30am. For the first time in Pine Park history we will be offering you a line up of Black Angus bulls, a new chapter we are incredibly excited about, not only to be offering you these bulls but to be part of the Angus breed with its history and longevity such a big part of the Tasmanian beef industry. Twelve months ago 4 semi‐loads of cows and calves rolled into Pine Park and ‘proud as punch’ we put these cows and calves into the front few paddocks of the farm, against the road for everyone to see what we had bought! It didn’t take long for word to spread that the Dobson’s had just bought the Woodbourn Spring calving cow herd and progeny, and were increasing their seedstock operation. Pine Park is well known for providing terminal sires in the form of Charolais and Charolais composite sires, however with the purchase of the Angus herd we are now able to offer a self‐replacing option as well. Pine Park are now one of the few, fully registered and performance recorded seedstock producers in Tasmania where beef producers can go to the 1 provider to get both their Self‐Replacing and Terminal sires. What does this mean for you? The importance of having Angus (black or red) as a cow herd base is paramount to maintaining efficiency in cow production. British bred cows provide commercial viability in terms of feed conversion efficiencies, lower mature body weights, whilst maintaining adequate condition and high fertility. Through the addition of the Black Angus into our operation we now have the ability to complete our seedstock offering and provide you with both a Self‐Replacing option to ensure female replacements and a Terminal sire option to maximise production of these females. We recognise the attributes of straight bred angus herds and through the Tasmanian Feedlot, JBS Swift and Greenham Tasmania, their associated angus branding labels have provided Tasmanian Angus producers with great marketing opportunities for our livestock. Outside of these markets targetted at straightbred black angus cattle, there are a mutlitude of options for Charolais infused calves with these same processors. These calves present enromous hybrid vigour through using complimenting Angus and Charolais genetics and these calves will turn off at a faster rate or higher weight on grass than straightbred cattle. The main benefit of using a Charolais bull over your Angus cow is you will see similar if not same prices paid for the heifer portion of the calf drop as the steers. The bulls we have on offer have been run as a single group since weaning. The bulls have been grown out on grass and we are offering you the ‘Cream of our Crop’. We have used the top bulls as yearlings and they are featured in the sale offering. We would invite you to view our bulls either before the sale or on sale day and would like to thank all those people that continue to support us. To our clients, we thank you for your continued patronage and through your feedback we continue to breed bulls that suit your markets. To the Wallace family, we thank you for giving us the opportunity to purchase a great line of cattle that has complimented our current program. To the Woodbourn clients, we hope to have your support as we continue to provide you with the great Woodbourn genetics and service you are accustomed to. Heath, Samantha, Holly & Harriett Dobson


Perfformance R Recording • All sale stock have performance recorded data d submitted with the relevvant breed s societies. • Traits observved are: birrth weight,, 200, 400 day weeights, scro otal measurrement, EM MA, IMF, fat and do ocility. • Blaack angus b bulls have b been structturally assessed byy accredited d assessor,, Roger Evvans, using the BeeefClass Strructural Asssessment crriteria. Hea alth & Nutrrition • Heerd carries a a Beef Onlyy status • Saale bulls havve been ear notched a and tested free of Pesti Virus. • Saale bulls have h been drenched with Vettmec Injjectible 5/3//15 and giveen a Multim min injectiblee. • Saale bulls havve been vacccinated with Ultravacc 5 in 1 a and given th heir booster 1/4/14 • No o sale bulls have had th heir feet trim mmed Gua arantee

• Bu ulls will be s sold as ferttile and cap pable of nattural service. b sold. Any • We guaranteee the fertility of all bulls n animal m must be made m withiin 6 claaim on an mo onths of saale date an nd accompanied by a a vet certificate. If the bull iis at fault we w will rep place with a bull off the equal value or cre edit at the next bu ull sale, less the bulls’ s alvage valu ue. Delivery • Pin ne Park will pay sea freight on n all sale bulls b traavelling to o King & & Flinderss Island and Me elbourne. • We will endeeavor to en nsure a speedy deliverry of yo our bulls aftter the salee. As thesse bulls are our pride and joy all due ccare is takken during this d, however buyers are responsiblee for traansit period the insurancee of animals against injury or deeath fro om the fall of the ham mmer. Buye ers may wissh to inssure their bull purchase with theirr own insureer. • If you are wiishing exprress deliverry of your bulls b yo ou would be b encourag ged to arraange your own carrier.


• All lots are so old subject t to the Term m & Conditio ons as attacched at the back of thiss catalogue e. of cattle aree available S Sunday 12tth April from m 12.30pm m to 3.00pm m, or by prio or arrangem ment • Insspections o with Heath D Dobson on m mobile 0409 9 176 228. • Deelivery conccessions aree available. All instructtions are to o be given in n writing ussing the Buyyers Instrucction Sliip at the back of this caatalogue. • All due care i s taken durring the tran nsit period of bulls purrchased, ho owever buyers are resp ponsible forr the inssurance of a animals agaainst death or injury fro om the com mpletion of the sale. • In the event o of delivery b being madee or possesssion obtained by the p purchaser prior to the p payment off the pu urchase, mo oney or anyy cheque givven on acco ount of sam me, the purcchaser shall hold the s stock as trustee on nly for the vvendor. • Pin ne Park rettains all sem men and marketing m riights of all bulls sold unless by o other arrangements made m beetween the purchaser a and the ven ndor. • Caattle are reegistered with w Angus Australia, Charolais Society of Australia or Red Angus Societty of Au ustralia. Pu urchases made by members requ uiring transfer must bee outlined o on buyers i instruction slip. Transfer fees are the ressponsibility of the vend dor. • Pleease take c care when c comparing b breedplan f figures. It i s not possib ble to comp pare the bre eedplan figures fro om one breeed to anotther. You c can howeveer compare e the visual appearancce and raw data as all sale


bulls have been run as 1 management group. Pine Park Bull Scanning Results 12/1/2014‐Raw Data Please note bulls have been mostly run as 1 management group since weaning. Bulls with * next to them were Show Bulls and rejoined the main group in October and bulls with a + are bulls that we used and were scanned the day they were removed from their joining mobs.

Lot # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Angus TKYJ22 TKYJ214 + TKYJ204 TKYJ201 TKYJ259 TKYJ273 TKYJ243 TKYJ226 TKYJ262 TKYJ215 TKYJ299 TKYJ278 TKYJ213 TKYJ296 TKYJ231 TKYJ277 TKYJ211 TKYJ225 TKYJ229 TKYJ267 TKYJ258 TKYJ59 TKYJ228 TKYJ245 TKYJ282 TKYJ253 TKYJ298 TKYJ255 TKYJ283 TKYJ266

P8 fat 4 4 5 8 2 6 5 5 4 6 3 7 4 4 6 4 5 6 7 4 4 6 6 4 3 5 4 5 4 4

Rib Fat EMA IMF Lot # Red Angus 3 91 4.6 32 PX1J47 3 84 4.9 33 PX1J39 + 4 93 5.7 34 PX1J29 6 95 5.9 35 PX1J62 2 82 2.9 4 90 4 Charolais 4 80 4.5 36 PXJ63E * 3 92 4.2 37 PXJ31E 3 82 3.5 38 PXJ34E * 4 87 4 39 PXJ96E + 3 86 3.7 40 PXJ99E 5 69 5 41 PXJ80E 3 75 4.5 42 PXJ46E 4 80 4.6 43 PXJ95E 5 90 5.8 44 PXJ43E 3 101 3.8 45 PXJ121E 4 91 3.7 46 PXJ91E 4 88 5.1 47 PXJ51E 5 93 5.4 48 PXJ123E 4 82 5.6 49 PXJ73E 3 94 4.6 50 PXJ92E 4 86 5.3 5 94 4.6 3 92 4.8 3 88 3 4 105 4.6 3 82 4.2 3 90 4.5 4 87 3.6 3 80 4.4

P8 fat 4 2 3 3 5 5 5 2 4 2 3 4 2 3 3 4 2 3 4

Rib Fat 3 2 3 3 4 4 4 2 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3

EMA 89 101 102 95 124 117 114 108 114 117 112 103 92 93 102 96 96 102 92

IMF 3.9 2.9 2.8 3.9 3.4 3.7 3.5 3.3 3.8 2.1 3.7 2.6 2.4 2.8 1.8 3.2 2.8 1.7 3.6

The e Dob bson Family F y at Pin ne Par rk An ngus, Char rolais s & Re ed Angus U & re Use ecomm mend th he

R Range o products to of o find ou ut the Effect E tive wayy to pro otect & Identify Yo our Her rd or Fl lock At an $Af fforda able $P Price W With pro ompt de elivery Give us a call

1800 0 243 3683 Dir rect fr rom Fa actory to Fa armer r

www.ch hemvet..com.au u

Austral lian Owne ed & manu ufactured d

UNDERSTANDING ESTIMATED BREEDING VALUES (EBV’s) CALVING EASE TRAITS Calving Ease (DIR): estimate of genetic differences among animals in the ability of their calves from 2 year old heifers to be born unassisted. Higher, more +ive, Calving Ease (DIR) EBVs are more favourable. Calving Ease (DTRS): estimates of genetic differences among animals in the ability of their 2 year old daughters to calve without assistance. Higher, more +ive, Calving Ease (DTRS) EBVs are more favourable. Gestation Length: estimate of genetic differences among animals in the number of days from the date of conception until the calf birth date. Lower, or more ‐ive, Gestation Length EBVs are generally more favourable. Birth Wt: estimate of genetic differences between animals in kg of calf birth weight. Calf birth weight is the biggest contributing factor causing calving difficulty in heifers. While low Birth Wt EBVs are favoured for calving ease they are also often associated with lower growth potential. Small, or moderate, Birth Wt EBVs are more favourable. FERTILITY TRAITS Days to Calving (DC): estimate of genetic differences among in female fertility, expressed as the number of days from the start of the joining period until subsequent calving. Females with shorter DC EBVs tend to commence cycling earlier after calving and conceive earlier in the joining period. They also tend to attain puberty at a younger age as heifers. Lower, or more ‐ive, Days to Calving EBVs are more favourable. Scrotal Size: estimate of the genetic differences among animals in scrotal circumference at 400 days of age. Increased scrotal size is associated with increased semen production in bulls, and earlier age at puberty of bull and heifer progeny. Larger, or more +ive, Scrotal Size EBVs are more favourable. GROWTH TRAITS 200‐Day Wt: estimate of the genetic differences among animals in weight at 200 days of age. This is a measure of an animal’s early growth to weaning. It is an important trait for breeders turning off animals as vealers or weaners. 400‐Day Wt: estimate of the genetic differences among animals in weight at 400 days of age. This is an important trait for breeders turning off animals as yearlings. 600‐Day Wt: estimate of the genetic differences among animals in live‐ weight at 600 days of age. This is an important trait for breeders targeting the production of animals suited for heavy weight grass finished or grain fed market MATERNAL TRAITS Milk: estimate of the genetic differences among animals in milk production potential, expressed through variation in calf growth performance. Larger, more +ive, or moderate, Milk EBVs can be more favourable, depending on the environment. Mature Cow Wt: estimate of the genetic differences among animals in cow weight at 5 years of age. CARCASE TRAITS Carcase Wt: estimate of the genetic differences among animals in hot standard carcase weight at 750 days of age. Larger, more +ive, Carcase Weight EBVs are more favourable. EMA: estimate of the genetic differences among animals in eye muscle area (cm2) at the 12/13th rib site on a 400kg carcase. Larger, more +ive, EMA EBVs are generally more favourable. Rib Fat: estimate of the genetic differences among animals in fat depth (mm) at the 12/13th rib site, measures on a 400kg carcase. More positive

(+ive), or more negative (‐ive), Rib Fat EBVs may be more favourable, depending on your breeding goals. Rump Fat: estimate of genetic differences among animals in fat depth at the P8 rump site on a standard 400kg carcase. More positive (+ive), or more negative (‐ive), Rib Fat EBVs may be more favourable, depending on your breeding goals. IMF%: estimate of genetic differences among animals in percentage intra‐ muscular fat (marbling) in a 400kg carcase. EFFICIENCY TRAITS Net Feed Intake (NFI): estimate of the genetic differences between animals in efficiency. NFI is measured either post weaning (NFI‐P), in young bulls and heifers, fed at around 300 days of age, or in steers fed at around 560 days of age (NFI‐ F). Lower, more negative (–ive) NFI EBVs are more favourable. TEMPERAMENT TRAITS Docility: estimate of genetic differences between animals in temperament. Docility EBVs are expressed as differences in the percentage of progeny that will be scored with acceptable temperament (ie. either "docile" or "restless"). Higher Docility EBVs are more favourable. $INDEX VALUES Angus Breeding: estimates the genetic differences between animals in net profitability per cow, joined in a typical commercial self‐replacing herd using Angus bulls. This selection index is not specific to a particular production system or market end‐point, but identifies animals that will improve overall profitability in the majority of commercial grass and grain finishing beef production systems. The index is particularly suited to commercial producers who sell progeny into different markets, or to seedstock producers supplying bulls to commercial clients who produce for a range of different production systems and market end points. Domestic: estimates the genetic differences between animals in net profitability per cow joined in a commercial selfreplacing herd targeting the domestic supermarket trade, with progeny finished using either grass, grass supplemented by grain or grain finishing systems. Heavy Grain: estimates the genetic differences between animals in net profitability per cow joined in a commercial selfreplacing herd targeting pasture grown steers with a 200 day feedlot finishing period for the grain fed high quality, highly marbled markets. Heavy Grass: estimates the genetic differences between animals in net profitability per cow joined in a commercial selfreplacing herd targeting pasture finished heavy steers. TRAITS OBSERVED Indicates the traits that have been recorded for a particular animal and are contributing to the EBVs that have been calculated. These will appear directly below the table displaying the animals EBVs. UNDERSTANDING ACCURACIES The accuracy associated with an EBV gives an indication of its reliability, and the likely extent of its possible change as more information becomes available. As more data becomes available on animals (or its progeny, or relatives) then the accuracy of its EBVs for particular traits will increase. Accuracies are influenced by the heritability of traits and the genetic associations existing between them. For lowly heritable traits, more information is required to achieve a similar accuracy to that of highly heritable traits. Accuracies are expressed as percentages. The higher the percentage, the greater the chance that the EBV is a close estimate of the animal’s true genetic merit, and the less likelihood that the EBV will change as more information becomes available

BUYERS INSTRUCTION SLIP Purchaser’s Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Trading Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone No: ___________________________ Mobile Number: ________________________ Email: ____________________________________ PIC No: ________________________________ Contact Person: _________________________________________________________________________ Delivery Required:


Freeze Brand Bulls:


If No, Name & Phone number of carrier:_____________________________________________________ Delivery Address: _______________________________________________________________________ Lot(s) Purchased: ________________________________________________________________________ Transfer to Breed Society Y/N

Society Prefix/Ident: ______________________________________

Special Delivery Instructions: ______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Buyer: ______________________________________________________________________


Lot 5-TKYJ259

Lot 33-PX1J39

Lot 7-TKYJ243 Lot 42-PXJ46E

Lot 18-TKYJ225

Lot 44-PXJ43E

Lot 24-TKYJ245

Lot 31-PX1H128

Lot 36-PXJ63E

50 Bulls Tuesday 14th April 11.30 Auction pinepark.com.au

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