2016 Dix Angus Ranch Sale Catalog

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� s r e t r g -E a s e Headqua

Selling 47 Yearling Bulls

Private Treaty sale begins March 1, 2016 At the Ranch, Stockton, Kansas


Cody Dix 2595 C Road Stockton, KS 64669 Jeff Dix

Haley Dix

Cody Dix

Greetings Friends and Fellow Cattlemen, We would like to invite you to the ranch to our private treaty sale that begins on March 1, 2016. This year we are offering 47 yearling bulls that have been performance tested and evaluated for breeding soundness. We have taken data on these bulls in all areas including calving, weaning, yearling, scrotal, carcass ultrasound, as well as the height and weight of their dams at weaning time. By taking this data it allows you to know what each bull is capable of doing, and allows us to improve our herd to produce the “Total Package” for our customers. We breed cattle to produce easy calving, rapid growing progeny that exhibit outstanding maternal traits. Structural soundness is of utmost importance as well as the phenotype and docility of each animal produced. In addition to that we feel that they need to have the ability to perform in the feedlot and on the rail, as we implement rate of gain and carcass merit into the herd. You will also find our very best bulls in the “Midland Bull Test” section. These individuals were the standouts within our herd for the 2015 calf crop. The Midland sale will take place on April 8, 2016 at the Midland Bull Test Facility, near Columbus, MT. Please contact us with any questions you may have regarding these bulls. We will be glad to assist you with the delivery of these bulls as well. As we have in the previous three years, we again will be offering 34 yearling bulls and 21 elite registered females in the BJ Angus Sale, Manhattan, Kansas on March 10, 2016. Feel free to contact us regarding this sale as well, or find the complete sale offering at www.bjangus.com. We have done our best to improve our herd in all areas by using proven A.I. sires, embryo transfer, and finding pasture bulls that best match our herd goals. You can find some of our very best females in the “Dix Angus Ranch Donors” section of the book that are being used in our embryo transfer program. You can also find our pasture sires in the “Herd Sires” section. This sale offering includes the first progeny from BJ Program 2201 and Deer Valley X-treme, two sire groups that have done well from day one. In 2015 we found two bulls from the North Country that we not only used in the pasture, but in our A.I. program as well. We are very excited about the things that Hindquarter and Investment have to offer. We will have semen available on these bulls if you are interested in using them in your A.I. program. Upstart is our proven “sleep all night” heifer bull, which is currently at ORIgen bull stud. We would be pleased if you would come out and take a look through this set of bulls and find your future herd bull. The mothers of the bulls are close by and we would be happy to take you out to see them. We stand behind our product and carry a first breeding season guarantee, which you can find on the next page. Give us a call and set up a time to look through these bulls! Cody, Jeff, and Haley Dix

General Information

Private Treaty sale begins March 1, 2016 Selling 47 Yearling Bulls Dix Angus Ranch Bull Guarantee We guarantee that all breeding cattle sold by Dix Angus Ranch are fertile to the best of our knowledge. If at any time during the first breeding season following the sale a bull is injured so as to make them functionally infertile, we will provide you with a satisfactory replacement (if available), or issue you a credit equal to the bull’s purchase price minus the salvage value received for that bull. This guarantee in addition to the Terms and Conditions of the American Angus Association, which also apply. This is not a life insurance policy. We will not replace or give credit for a dead or incapacitated animal resulting from negligence. We would suggest that normal care still needs to be exercised toward these animals and that particularly the yearling bulls not be allowed to get too thin.

Directions to Dix Angus Ranch From Stockton: Travel 9 miles East to Woodston, turn North on Spruce St/ 28 Road (blacktop road), travel 5.7 miles, turn West onto C Road, Travel 1 mile West (rock road), Turn North on 26 Road for 1/4 mile, Dix Angus on the left. From US-36 Highway: At Agra turn South onto CR-529, travel South through Kirwin for 15 miles, turn West onto C Road, travel 1 mile West (rock road), turn North on 26 Road for 1/4 mil, Dix Angus on the left.

Thank you for your interest in Dix Angus Cattle!

Free Delivery to Kansas and bordering states. Midland Bull Test Sale

Contact Information

April 8, 2016

Dix Angus Ranch - Cody Dix 2595 C Road • Stockton, KS 67669 (785) 476-5168 dixangus@gmail.com

Midland Bull Test Facility, Columbus, MT More information at midlandbulltest.com



Private Treaty Yearling Bulls A

A A R Ten X 7008 S A [AMF-CAF-D2F-DDF-M1F-NHF-OHF] Birth Date: 2-9-2007

A A R Ten X 7008 S A

#SAF Fame GDAR Forever Lady 246 #Sitz Alliance 6595 Baldridge Countess 357

D A R Ten X 5016 [DDP]

Birth Date: 2-23-2015 #Mytty In Focus [RDF] AAR Ten X 7008 SA 15719841 #AAR Lady Kelton 5551 #+GAR New Design 5050 BJ 5050 New Design 2137 +17529568 +GAR Retail Product L1216

Bull 18068356 Tattoo: 5016 #SAF Focus of ER CW Mytty Countess 906 I+39 SAV Adaptor 2213 MARB +HSAF Lady Kelton 504B

I+.97 RE I+.76 FAT I-.019 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +5 +1.7 +61 +115 N/A I+19 +28 -33.34 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +52.63 +151.38 74 107 620 117 Our lead-off Ten X son is moderate birth weight, high growth bull that shows great herd sire potential. He is a long spined, deep bodied bull, which walks out with great display of power. Recommended for Cows.


Tattoo: 7008

CW +62 MARB +1.29 RE #BCC Bushwacker 41-93 +.77 SAV Abigale 0451 FAT #Sitz Traveler 8180 -.004 NA Lady Constence 504 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN $W $B +8 +.3 +68 +129 +1.50 +15 +22 +1.90 +87.19 +192.81 Number 1 sire in the Angus breed for registrations in 2015. Offers calving-ease, performance, carcass merit with outstanding $values in an outcross pedigree. Adds $Value in a herd of cattle. #SAF Focus of ER Mytty In Focus [RDF] #13880818 Mytty Countess 906 SAV Adaptor 2213 AAR Lady Kelton 5551 #15151449 +HSAF Lady Kelton 504B


Bull 15719841

#B/R New Design 036 GAR Precision 706 #GAR Retail Product GAR 1407 New Design 1942

D A R Ten X P213

Birth Date: 5-16-2015 #Mytty In Focus [RDF] AAR Ten X 7008 SA 15719841 #AAR Lady Kelton 5551 #+E&B 1680 Precision 1023 Bohi Enamel 8065 +16036853 Enamel 3663 of Dalebanks

Bull 18222917 Tattoo: P213 #SAF Focus of ER CW Mytty Countess 906 I+54 SAV Adaptor 2213 MARB +HSAF Lady Kelton 504B

I+.90 RE I+.77 FAT I+.010 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +5 +1.1 +60 +111 I+.72 I+13 +23 -17.05 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +55.60 +170.12 84 105 634 106 P213 is a natural born calf from our Precision 1023 donor, I065. 1023 is known for his efficiency. As P213 posted a weaning ratio of 106, he is bound to produce more pounds at weaning. Recommended for Cows. #GAR Precision 1680 E&b 6807 Lady Traveler 61 #Bon View New Design 1407 Enamel 1558 of Dalebanks

D A R Ten X 5016 - Lot 1


D A R Complement 5006

Birth Date: 2-21-2015 #Basin Franchise P142 EF Complement 8088 16198796 +EF Everelda Entense 6117 AAR Ten X 7008 SA SandPoint Blackcap Lady 3013 17580792 EXAR Blackcap Lady 1505

Bull 18073904 Tattoo: 5006 #CA Future Direction 5321 CW Basin Chloe 812L I+42 #BR Midland MARB +HF Everelda Entense 869

I+.79 RE I+.49 FAT I+.070 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +8 +1.1 +63 +120 I+1.32 I+16 +24 -22.74 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +57.79 +146.11 80 111 657 102 5006 is the natural calf from our top Ten X donor, 3013. One of the biggest birth to yearling weight spread bulls in the offering. Two maternal brothers will be sold at the BJ Angus sale. Recommended for Heifers. #Mytty In Focus [RDF] #AAR Lady Kelton 5551 #+Rito 6EM3 of 4L1 Emblazon +Exar Blackcap Lady 82032

EF Complement 8088


CED +13

BW -.1

WW +63

YW +117

MILK +27

$W +73.81

Basin Franchise P142 x BR Midland

$B +129.68

SandPoint Blackcap Lady 3013 - Dam of Lot 3.

Private Treaty Yearling Bulls B

S A V Angus Valley 1867 [AMF-CAF-DDF-NHF] Birth Date: 1-5-2011

Bull +17016630

Tattoo: 1867

CW +54 MARB +.70 RE #Bon View Bando 598 +.58 +SAF Royal Lass 1002 FAT #+Leachman Right Time #SAR Prospector May 9124 +.066 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN $W $B +12 +.2 +53 +103 +1.14 +21 +13 -1.41 +33.51 +134.76 One of highest selling bulls in 2012 SAV Bull Sale. He is widely admired and respected for consistent calving ease and early gestation. He is a maternal sire that produces females with great udders. Use Angus Valley to gain maternal power and style.

S A V Angus Valley 1867

D A R Angus Valley P214 - Lot 4

Callaways Miss 1522 - Dam of Lot 4 and 5.

#TC Gridiron 258 SAV Iron Mountain 8066 16115617 SAV Madame Pride 3249 #+SAF 598 Bando 5175 SAV May 2397 #+14140872 SAV May 7238


#+GAR Grid Maker #TC Blackbird 7049 #SAV 8180 Traveler 004 [RDF] SAV Madame Pride 8264

D A R Angus Valley P214

Birth Date: 2-19-2015 Bull +18221995 Tattoo: P214 SAV Iron Mountain 8066 #TC Gridiron 258 CW SAV Angus Valley 1867 SAV Madame Pride 3249 +57 +17016630 #+SAV May 2397 #+SAF 598 Bando 5175 MARB SAV May 7238 +.61 RE #+E&B 1680 Precision 1023 #GAR Precision 1680 +.80 Callaways Miss 1522 E&b 6807 Lady Traveler 61 FAT +16282609 Callaways Miss 1039 #GAR Predestined Callaways Miss 0742 +.022

CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +11 +2.1 +60 +106 +.66 +18 +20 -4.54 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +57.14 +154.97 74 100 710 100 Angus Valley P214 from the great efficiency cow, Callaways Miss 1522, who sold to Cox Ranch in Texas for $11,250 in 2014. This is the thicker made bull of the two brothers. He will produce great females. Full brother to Lot 5. Recommended for Cows.


D A R Angus Valley P215

Birth Date: 2-13-2015 SAV Iron Mountain 8066 SAV Angus Valley 1867 +17016630 #+SAV May 2397 #+E&B 1680 Precision 1023 Callaways Miss 1522 +16282609 Callaways Miss 1039

+.58 RE +.66 FAT -.007 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +10 +1.8 +53 +101 -.32 +6 +19 -4.46 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +43.33 +159.87 82 100 687 100 Angus Valley P215 from the great efficiency cow, Callaways Miss 1522, who sold to Cox Ranch in Texas for $11,250 in 2014. This bull will add frame and power to any calf crop. He has been a standout from day 1. Full brother to Lot 4.


#GAR Precision 1680 E&b 6807 Lady Traveler 61 #GAR Predestined Callaways Miss 0742

D A R Angus Valley P216

Birth Date: 3-2-2015 SAV Iron Mountain 8066 SAV Angus Valley 1867 +17016630 #+SAV May 2397 Gardens Prime Star HB3 DAR CD Flame FC47 HB3 K365 16720922 DAR CD Flammette FC47

Cows finding the best grass after being moved to a new pasture on foggy day.

Bull +18221996 Tattoo: P215 #TC Gridiron 258 CW SAV Madame Pride 3249 +58 #+SAF 598 Bando 5175 MARB SAV May 7238

Bull 18245470 Tattoo: P216 #TC Gridiron 258 CW SAV Madame Pride 3249 +24 #+SAF 598 Bando 5175 MARB SAV May 7238

+.72 RE +.20 FAT +.011 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +10 +.6 +43 +79 +.99 +21 +14 +9.26 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +28.56 +91.36 82 104 585 91 This Angus Valley son is from a daughter of our “Cow Maker” herd sire, Gardens Prime Star HB3. With a $EN in the top 10% of the breed, he will produce very low maintenance offspring that will work for you. Recommended for Heifers. #Gardens Prime Star Green Garden Anna FF3 Gardens SST A169 S1 Molitor Wn Flamette 608-2047


Private Treaty Yearling Bulls Basin Payweight 1682 [AMF-CAF-D2F-DDF-M1F-NHF]


Birth Date: 2-11-2011

Bull +17038724

#Vermilion Payweight J847 Basin Payweight 006S #+15332050 +Basin Lucy 3829 #HARB Pendleton 765 JH 21AR O Lass 7017 15875998 21AR O Lass F24A

CED +8

Basin Payweight 1682


SC +1.14

Payweight 1682 is a calving-ease sire that adds a tremendous amount of muscle, power, and depth to his offspring. Payweights consistently have more base width and outstanding correctness. He carries an outcross pedigree to most mainline sires and ranks in the top 1% of the Angus breed for $W and $B. Use Payweight to make outstanding females. A full sister sold at the 2015 NILE for $210,000.

AAR Windy Ridge 362 AAR Lady Kelton 2170 LD Trifecta 610 Molitor 381 Irene 2026

D A R Double Vision P221

Birth Date: 2-25-2015 #Connealy Reflection Jindra Double Vision 16748826 +Hoff Rachel 8312 405 #+SAF Connection DAR JD Lady I902 16513038 Molitor 411 Lady 773-902

Bull 18245372 Tattoo: P221 #Bon View New Design 878 CW Happy Grill of Conanga 6260 +36 #Hoff Limited Edition SC 594 MARB Hoff Miss Expo SC 4223

+.47 RE +.29 FAT +.010 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +6 +2.1 +52 +97 +.93 +30 +25 -10.95 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +49.96 +125.25 84 106 680 105 A Double Vision son, P221, who will add size and scale as well as pounds at weaning time. P221 has a Docility EPD that ranks him in the top 2% of the breed, for easily handling for any producer. Recommended for Cows. #+SVF Gdar 216 LTD +SAF Royal Queen 5084 LD Traveling Hank 411 Molitor E473 Lady 555-773

D A R Double Vision P222 [DDP]

Birth Date: 2-8-2015 #Connealy Reflection Jindra Double Vision 16748826 +Hoff Rachel 8312 405 #B/R New Design 323-9150 DA Rj Sidney L523 17837589 Green Garden Sidney K300

D A R Payweight P224 - Lot 7


D A R Double Vision P220

Birth Date: 2-15-2015 #Connealy Reflection Jindra Double Vision 16748826 +Hoff Rachel 8312 405 #Gardens Prime Star Dar Pride L531 17154483 HDD Pride 3383

Bull 18245366 Tattoo: P220 #Bon View New Design 878 CW Happy Grill of Conanga 6260 I+40 #Hoff Limited Edition SC 594 MARB Hoff Miss Expo SC 4223

I+.87 RE I+.38 FAT I+.031 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +7 +2.0 +50 +97 I+.61 N/A +25 -17.92 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +39.82 +137.31 80 103 622 96 Another Double Vision bull that will add frame to a set of calves. He’s from a nice Prime Star daughter that has produced 3 progeny with birth ratio of 99 and weaning ratio of 99; as well as 2 progeny with a yearling weight ratio of 102, IMF of 114, and RE of 108. Recommended for Cows. #N Bar Prime Time D806 Green Garden Jilt C242 S1 #CA Future Direction 5321 Molitor 371 Pinky Pride 1333

Jindra Double Vision

Bull 18245364 Tattoo: P222 #Bon View New Design 878 CW Happy Grill of Conanga 6260 I+33 #Hoff Limited Edition SC 594 MARB Hoff Miss Expo SC 4223

I+.93 RE I+.60 FAT I+.024 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +13 +.3 +44 +91 I+.37 N/A +23 -11.35 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +34.47 +127.51 74 95 556 86 P222 is the calving-ease Double Vision bull of this offering. His dam produces calving-ease as well as any other cow in the herd. Recommended for Heifers.


YW +122

Bull 18223820 Tattoo: P224 #Vermilion Payweight J847 CW +Basin Lucy 3829 +35 #HARB Pendleton 765 JH MARB 21AR O Lass F24A

+.33 RE +.46 FAT +.022 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +17 -2.2 +49 +86 +1.06 +25 +21 +1.80 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +55.15 +122.21 68 87 617 96 P224 is the stoutest heifer bull in the pen. He is a moderate framed, soggy made bull that will catch any cattleman’s eye. His 11-year-old, Really Windy 1205, dam has been a great producer for us year after year. Recommended for Heifers.


WW +70

CW +69 MARB +.91 RE #SAV Final Answer 0035 [RDF] +.65 #HARB Black Lady 375 JH FAT #VDAR Legend 1281 +.075 #21AR O Lass A24 DOC MILK $EN $W $B +11 +20 -10.62 +72.67 +191.02 #Vermilion Dateline 7078 Vermilion Lass 7969 #CA Future Direction 5321 Basin Lucy 178E

D A R Payweight P224

Birth Date: 3-2-2015 #+Basin Payweight 006S Basin Payweight 1682 +17038724 21AR O Lass 7017 #AAR Really Windy 1205 CRD Irene 5025 15054588 Molitor 610 Irene 677-9025


BW +.4

Tattoo: 1682

#B/R New Design 323 B/R Ruby of Tiffany 4117 Gardens Surge Green Garden Sidney GE9

CED +9

BW +1.5

WW +67

YW +130

MILK +26

$W +60.21

$B +186.94

Connealy Reflection x Hoff Limited Edition S C 594

Private Treaty Yearling Bulls 11

D A R Capitalist P217

Birth Date: 2-6-2015 Bull 18285720 Tattoo: P217 #SAV Final Answer 0035 [RDF] #Sitz Traveler 8180 CW Connealy Capitalist 028 SAV Emulous 8145 +21 16752262 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 #CRA Bextor 872 5205 608 MARB Prides Trav of Conanga 6499 +.22 RE Connealy Confidence 0100 Connealy Tobin +.78 DAR Irene N819 Becka Gala of Conanga 8281 FAT +17613909 #Molitor 2720 Irene 9025-1047 #Hunts Calculator 2720 Molitor 610 Irene 677-9025 +.059

CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +14 -1.2 +50 +91 +.82 +8 +21 +5.14 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +58.76 +77.67 62 89 660 102 Capitalist P217 is another stout made heifer bull. He stems from one of our favorite cows, Molitor 1047, who has produced 15 females working in our herd. There is a great amount of maternal in the pedigree of this bull. Recommended for Heifers.

D A R Capitalist P217 - Lot 11


D A R Capitalist P218 [DDP]

Birth Date: 3-5-2015 #SAV Final Answer 0035 [RDF] Connealy Capitalist 028 16752262 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 DAR CD Integrity GC47 DAR CD Protet GC47 910 J196 #16587348 Green Garden Protet 910 S1

D A R Capitalist P218 - Lot 12


D A R KB20 Prime Star P252

Birth Date: 3-19-2015 #Gardens Prime Star Gardens Prime Star KB20 16444104 Green Garden Anna FB20 #Hunts Calculator 2720 DAR CD Jilt HA40 15999607 Green Garden Jilt A041 S1

Bull 18222012 Tattoo: P252 #N Bar Prime Time D806 CW Green Garden Jilt C242 S1 I+8 #Gardens Wave MARB Green Garden Anna 8B5 S1

I+.95 RE I+.24 FAT I+.056 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +12 -1.3 +32 +60 I+1.42 I+7 +19 +14.77 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +31.12 +76.47 68 86 611 95 This Prime Star son is a superior calving-ease bull, with double-digit CED, negative BW, and a 68 lb. actual birth weight. His dam has produced 5 progeny with an average birth ratio of 91 and weaning ratio of 103. Heifer Bull Deluxe.


GDAR 711 Computer RR 1148 Ida 720A Gardens Transition 480 S1 Green Garden Jilt 5040 S1

D A R KB20 Prime Star P251

Birth Date: 3-26-2015 #Gardens Prime Star Gardens Prime Star KB20 16444104 Green Garden Anna FB20 JD Daigger 626 DAR JD Bemind G26 FD71 J167 #16595008 JDI Bemindful 3171

Bull 18222011 Tattoo: P251 #N Bar Prime Time D806 CW Green Garden Jilt C242 S1 I+20 #Gardens Wave MARB Green Garden Anna 8B5 S1

I+.88 RE I+.23 FAT I+.042 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +7 +1.4 +33 +68 I+.91 I-1 +21 +6.18 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +25.14 +100.55 84 106 600 93 P251 is a moderate birth weight bull from a cow that has consistently produced good ones. J167 has produced 5 calves with an average weaning ratio of 106. This bull also has a $EN in the top 15% of the breed. Recommended for Cows. #JD Daigger 901 Yon Witch F53 Gardens SST A169 S1 JDI Bemindful 3171

Bull 18285768 Tattoo: P218 #Sitz Traveler 8180 CW SAV Emulous 8145 +23 #CRA Bextor 872 5205 608 MARB Prides Trav of Conanga 6499

+.55 RE +.58 FAT +.085 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +10 +0 +49 +86 +.68 +1 +20 +8.26 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +55.48 +97.95 78 99 683 106 A Capitalist son that is deep sided, good footed, and travels freely. He has a great look and will work good on heifers. Capitalist will be used more heavily in the future of Dix Angus.


#+GAR Integrity Molitor Wn Flamette 608-2047 #Gardens EXT 4137 S2 Green Garden Protet 1109 S1

D A R KB20 Prime Star P253

Birth Date: 3-20-2015 #Gardens Prime Star Gardens Prime Star KB20 16444104 Green Garden Anna FB20 #Connealy Contrast DAR CD Jilt 5210 HA40 J175 16603395 DAR CD Jilt HA40

Bull 18286328 Tattoo: P253 #N Bar Prime Time D806 CW Green Garden Jilt C242 S1 I+18 #Gardens Wave MARB Green Garden Anna 8B5 S1

I+.93 RE I+.38 FAT I+.065 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +12 -1.0 +36 +68 I+1.45 I+9 +18 +11.67 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +32.02 +95.73 74 94 603 93 Prime Star P253 is a sure-fire heifer bull with his double-digit Calving Ease Direct, negative BW EPD, and an actual BW of 74 lbs.


#Connealy Danny Boy #Doris of Conanga 669 #Hunts Calculator 2720 Green Garden Jilt A041 S1

D A R HB3 Prime Star P250

Birth Date: 3-4-2015 #Gardens Prime Star Gardens Prime Star HB3 15949404 Green Garden Anna FF3 #Bon View New Design 878 Dar Rita L430 17154422 DAR JD Rita I978

Bull 18356170 Tattoo: P250 #N Bar Prime Time D806 CW Green Garden Jilt C242 S1 I+16 #Stevenson Benchmark N190 MARB Green Garden Anna DB59 S1

I+1.02 RE I+.10 FAT I+.045 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN I+11 I+.4 I+34 I+67 N/A N/A I+22 +3.13 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +28.29 +79.40 76 N/A N/A N/A P250 is the last Prime Star HB3 son we will have to sell. He is a well-balanced bull with good depth and power. Recommend for Heifers. #B/R New Design 036 Bon View Gammer 85 #KCF Bennett Total Green Garden Rita 9078 S1


Private Treaty Yearling Bulls D

R B Tour Of Duty 177 [AMF-CAF-D2F-DDF-M1F-NHF] Birth Date: 1-24-2011

Bull +16984170

Tattoo: 177

CW +67 MARB +.35 RE #Connealy Dateline +.97 #Vermilion Blackbird 5044 FAT #Hoff Hi Flyer SC 7134 -.035 Lady Valedictorian 3SAF CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN $W $B +9 +2.4 +75 +125 +.85 +32 +31 -33.10 +82.42 +168.50 Tour of Duty was one of the hottest bulls in the industry throughout the 2015 breeding season. He is an exceptionally sound structured bull that adds length, depth, and overall performance. These cattle are very smooth designed and attractive to any cattlemen. #Connealy Onward Werner War Party 2417 +16004857 +BAAR USA Lady Jaye 489 #Vermilion Dateline 7078 BA Lady 6807 305 +15679812 +GD Lady Hi Flyer 302

#Connealy Lead On Altune of Conanga 6104 #BAR Ext Traveler 205 Cra Lady Jaye 608 498 S Easy

R B Tour of Duty 177


D A R Tour of Duty P219

Birth Date: 3-2-2015 +Werner War Party 2417 RB Tour Of Duty 177 +16984170 +BA Lady 6807 305 #SS Objective T510 0T26 BJ Objective 0027 +16828213 +BJ Predestined 7077

D A R Tour of Duty P219 - Lot 17


D A R 4925 In Focus P225

Birth Date: 3-9-2015 #Mytty In Focus [RDF] Connealy In Focus 4925 #15491720 Black Cana of Conanga 206 Gardens SST C163 S1 DAR JD Lady H900 15996091 Molitor 473 Lady 758-900

Bull 18222897 Tattoo: P225 #SAF Focus of ER CW Mytty Countess 906 +28 #Millers Bullseye J373 MARB Black Cryse of Conanga 204

+.89 RE +.50 FAT +.023 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +3 +1.0 +48 +81 +1.18 +8 +21 +3.77 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +50.15 +120.24 87 110 635 98 P225 is a big, stout-made bull with extra length of body. He will add capacity to a set of calves. Sired by the high performance, In Focus 4925, and maintains a +$EN. Recommended for Cows.


#SS Traveler 6807 T510 Green Garden Lady 9162 S1 #Molitor Cardinal #Molitor 381 Lady 350-758

Bull 18223778 Tattoo: P219 #Connealy Onward CW +BAAR USA Lady Jaye 489 +48 #Vermilion Dateline 7078 MARB +GD Lady Hi Flyer 302

+.84 RE +.57 FAT -.005 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +1 +3.9 +64 +112 +.62 +22 +29 -27.06 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +58.46 +144.83 92 116 672 104 The lone Tour of Duty son in the offering is also one of the highest growth bulls have as well. Tour of Duty was one of the most widely used sires in the breed last spring. P219 will work great on any set of cows and will add length of body and overall performance to a herd.


#SS Traveler 6807 T510 SS Miss Rita R011 7R8 #GAR Predestined +BJAF Rita 411 1157 FD

D A R N944 Hoover Dam P238

Birth Date: 3-16-2015 Bull 18222002 Tattoo: P238 #Hoover Dam #SydGen CC&7 CW DAR Hoover Dam N944 #Erica of Ellston C124 I+30 17640986 DAR CDPrimroseF310 IE79 K362 Dar CD GB58 Ie79 MARB WK Primrose 5310 I+.81 RE #Connealy Right Answer 746 #SAV Final Answer 0035 [RDF] I+.58 Summitcrest Primrose 1Y10 Happy Dell of Conanga 262 FAT 16964860 Summitcrest Primrose 0W09 #CRA Bextor 872 5205 608 Summitcrest Primrose 0T23 I-.004

CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +9 -.2 +49 +97 I+.98 I+16 +23 -10.59 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +44.93 +121.85 76 97 612 95 P238 is Hoover Dam N944 that is negative birth weight from a really nice Right Answer cow. This is a very nicely put together bull, which moves out smooth and is very correct. Recommend for Heifers.

D A R N944 Hoover Dam P237

Birth Date: 4-3-2015 Bull 18222001 Tattoo: P237 #Hoover Dam #SydGen CC&7 CW DAR Hoover Dam N944 #Erica of Ellston C124 I+34 17640986 DAR CDPrimroseF310 IE79 K362 Dar CD GB58 Ie79 MARB WK Primrose 5310 I+.69 RE #Connealy Contrast #Connealy Danny Boy I+.54 DAR JD Elba ContrastB04 J179 #Doris of Conanga 669 FAT 16603392 Molitor Lady Elba 9040-104 LD Traveling Hank 411 Molitor 7238 Lady 776-9040 I+.007


CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +8 -1.0 +47 +90 I+1.06 I+17 +22 -7.17 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +43.46 +124.15 76 95 627 105 P237 is a Hoover Dam grandson produced by a Contrast dam. He is a true calving ease bull with a negative BW EPD and he logged a 105 weaning ratio. Recommended for Heifers.

Pairs out grazing in summer pasture.

Private Treaty Yearling Bulls E

BJ Program 2201 [DDF] Birth Date: 8-30-2012

BJ Program 2201


HA Future Direction 3540 +HA Blackcap Lady 2782

Tattoo: 2201

#CA Future Direction 5321 +HA 4167 Lady 1013 #Sitz Alliance 6595 #HA Blackcap Lady 5166

D A R 2201 Program P240

Birth Date: 3-22-2015 #HA Program 5652 BJ Program 2201 +17530425 +BJ Objective 8215 8N Upstart 102 DAR Ms Upstart N832 17588559 +BJ Objective 1076

Bull 18222003 Tattoo: P240 HA Future Direction 3540 CW +HA Blackcap Lady 2782 I+27 #SS Objective T510 0T26 MARB +GAR Retail Product 1215

I+.72 RE I+.69 FAT I+.004 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +15 -2.3 +54 +98 N/A N/A +30 -20.61 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +65.37 +113.20 68 96 678 105 P240 is a moderate framed, square hipped, and deep bodied Program 2201 son. His dam; sired by our new ORIgen sire, 8N Upstart 102, posted a weaning ratio of 105 while weaning 61% of her weight. Recommended for Heifers.


Bull +17530425

CW +26 MARB +.66 RE #SS Objective T510 0T26 #SS Traveler 6807 T510 +.80 SS Miss Rita R011 7R8 FAT +GAR Retail Product 1215 #GAR Retail Product -.017 +GAR New Design 601 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN $W $B +15 -1.1 +48 +94 +1.22 +12 +31 -21.18 +54.95 +112.39 This is our first set of bulls to be available from our selection of the top-selling bull in the 2014 BJ Angus Sale. After his first set of calves by natural service on heifer he posted a BW ratio of 97 on 17 progeny. These 2201 sons are true heifer bulls and all have a great look. Don’t miss your first opportunity at one of these great herd sires. HA Program 5652 #15161251 BJ Objective 8215 +16399214

#Sitz Upward 307R CCA Blackcap 803 #SS Objective T510 0T26 +BJ Predestined 7041

D A R 2201 Program P243

Birth Date: 3-4-2015 #HA Program 5652 BJ Program 2201 +17530425 +BJ Objective 8215 Tokach Update 9009 DAR Barbie N853 17640308 Green Garden Barbie B19K

Bull 18222006 Tattoo: P243 HA Future Direction 3540 CW +HA Blackcap Lady 2782 I+27 #SS Objective T510 0T26 MARB +GAR Retail Product 1215

I+.76 RE I+.53 FAT I-.003 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN I+12 I+.4 I+47 I+89 N/A N/A I+28 -14.21 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +49.90 +111.49 70 100 544 100 This calving ease specialist from the Update cow posts a I+12 CED and a 544 lb. weaning weight. His mother is a well-balanced cow with a good udder. Recommended for Heifers. #Sitz Upward 307R Tokach Black Lady 4100 Gardens Tsunami Green Garden Barbie 8B4 S1

D A R 2201 Program P240 - Lot 21


D A R 2201 Program P241

Birth Date: 3-22-2015 Bull 18222004 Tattoo: P241 #HA Program 5652 HA Future Direction 3540 CW BJ Program 2201 +HA Blackcap Lady 2782 I+23 +17530425 +BJ Objective 8215 #SS Objective T510 0T26 MARB +GAR Retail Product 1215 I+.65 RE #Hoover Dam #SydGen CC&7 I+.69 DAR Irene N861 #Erica of Ellston C124 FAT 17800461 DAR CD Irene GB58 F925 J144 DAR JD Confidence GB58 CRD Irene 5025 I-.019

CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +11 -1.2 +43 +85 N/A N/A +26 -11.80 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +42.61 +101.92 72 101 593 92 Program P241, with a pedigree stacked with the Program 2201 x Hoover Dam x GB58, displays great maternal opportunity. He is bound to be an outstanding female producer. With a negative birth weight EPD, he is a heifer bull.


D A R 2201 Program P239

Birth Date: 3-13-2015 #HA Program 5652 BJ Program 2201 +17530425 +BJ Objective 8215 #Connealy Right Answer 746 DAR Irene N838 17799425 DAR CD Irene E242 B047 J125

D A R 2201 Program P239 - Lot 24

Bull 18286327 Tattoo: P239 HA Future Direction 3540 CW +HA Blackcap Lady 2782 +20 #SS Objective T510 0T26 MARB +GAR Retail Product 1215

+.80 RE +.51 FAT +.018 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +12 +.1 +54 +98 +1.02 +14 +30 -19.31 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +62.86 +96.66 68 96 722 112 P239 is the top-performing 2201 son on the first calf crop. Starting out with a modest 68 lb. BW and weaning at 722 lbs. with a ratio of 112, he can do it all. This smooth designed bull stems back to our foundation cow Molitor 1047. Recommended for Heifers. #SAV Final Answer 0035 [RDF] Happy Dell of Conanga 262 #Gardens Prime Star #Molitor 2720 Irene 9025-1047


Private Treaty Yearling Bulls 25

D A R 2201 Program P244

Birth Date: 3-18-2015 #HA Program 5652 BJ Program 2201 +17530425 +BJ Objective 8215 #Connealy Contrast DAR Velda N826 17804063 Dar Velda L437

I+.67 RE I+.52 FAT I+.020 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +11 +0 +50 +94 N/A N/A +29 -22.96 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +49.72 +112.00 62 91 568 107 This is probably the most maternal oriented bull in our offering. Coming from our high-performing Velda cow family; his grandam, L437, posts a WR 3@111 and YR 2@110, while his great-grandam, IF21, posts a WR 6@117 and YR of 109. Recommend for Heifers.

D A R 2201 Program P244 - Lot 25


D A R 2201 Program P245 [DDP]

Birth Date: 3-15-2015 #HA Program 5652 BJ Program 2201 +17530425 +BJ Objective 8215 #Connealy Contrast DAR Lady N825 17793304 Dar Lady L427

Bull 18327085 Tattoo: P245 HA Future Direction 3540 CW +HA Blackcap Lady 2782 I+25 #SS Objective T510 0T26 MARB +GAR Retail Product 1215 #Connealy Danny Boy #Doris of Conanga 669 DAR CD 1407 GB47 DAR JD Lady I902

I+.62 RE I+.51 FAT I+.015 $EN -9.73 RATIO 91

CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK +11 +0 +42 +82 N/A N/A +25 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW +38.32 +99.91 64 93 480 Another calving-ease bull sired by 2201. His dam, N825, sired by Connealy Contrast, ensures a multi-generation light birth weight package. Recommended for Heifers.


D A R 2201 Program P259

Birth Date: 4-1-2015 #HA Program 5652 BJ Program 2201 +17530425 +BJ Objective 8215 Connealy Consensus 7229 DAR Estelle N869 17617004 CRD Estelle 5215

Bull 18327084 Tattoo: P244 HA Future Direction 3540 CW +HA Blackcap Lady 2782 I+29 #SS Objective T510 0T26 MARB +GAR Retail Product 1215


#Connealy Danny Boy #Doris of Conanga 669 #Gardens Prime Star #DAR JD Velda IF21

D A R 2201 Program P242

Birth Date: 3-18-2015 #HA Program 5652 BJ Program 2201 +17530425 +BJ Objective 8215 #Hoover Dam DAR Rita N864 17800462 DAR JD Rita I978

Bull 18222005 Tattoo: P242 HA Future Direction 3540 CW +HA Blackcap Lady 2782 I+26 #SS Objective T510 0T26 MARB +GAR Retail Product 1215

I+.71 RE I+.75 FAT I-.014 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +14 -1.6 +41 +82 N/A N/A +25 -8.75 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +40.10 +110.19 64 91 560 87 P242 is the true sleep all night heifer bull while he ranks in the top 3% of the breed for CED and 4% for BW. He was produced by a nice Hoover Dam cow. Recommended for Heifers. #SydGen CC&7 #Erica of Ellston C124 #KCF Bennett Total Green Garden Rita 9078 S1

Bull 18320379 Tattoo: P259 HA Future Direction 3540 CW +HA Blackcap Lady 2782 I+26 #SS Objective T510 0T26 MARB +GAR Retail Product 1215

I+.63 RE I+.53 FAT I+.035 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +9 +.4 +48 +88 N/A N/A +24 -11.34 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +44.04 +101.35 68 100 492 93 P259 is one of the younger bulls in our offering, but he has a lot of good things to offer. His dam, sired by the great Consensus 7229, is a very prolific cow. Recommended for Heifers. Connealy Consensus Blue Lilly of Conanga 16 #Larks Canyon 74D4 CRD Estelle 23

D A R Estelle N869 - Dam of Lot 28.


D A R 2201 Program P257

Birth Date: 3-21-2015 #HA Program 5652 BJ Program 2201 +17530425 +BJ Objective 8215 Connealy Consensus 7229 DAR Lucy N867 17801451 Summitcrest Lucy X021


Bull 18320378 Tattoo: P257 HA Future Direction 3540 CW +HA Blackcap Lady 2782 I+31 #SS Objective T510 0T26 MARB +GAR Retail Product 1215

I+.89 RE I+.60 FAT I+.008 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +10 +.3 +47 +89 I+1.07 I+12 +25 -11.40 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +45.02 +127.15 64 95 482 91 As this bull ranks in the top 15% of the breed for CED and 25% for BW, while having 2201 x Consensus 7229 for a pedigree, P257 is stacked with maternal and calving-ease. Recommended for Heifers. Connealy Consensus Blue Lilly of Conanga 16 Summitcrest Tenderline Summitcrest Lucy U139


D A R 2201 Program P258 [DDP]

Birth Date: 3-19-2015 Bull 18320380 Tattoo: P258 #HA Program 5652 HA Future Direction 3540 CW BJ Program 2201 +HA Blackcap Lady 2782 I+27 +17530425 +BJ Objective 8215 #SS Objective T510 0T26 MARB +GAR Retail Product 1215 I+.63 RE #Hoover Dam #SydGen CC&7 I+.71 DAR Chloe N840 #Erica of Ellston C124 FAT 17617005 DAR CD Chloe C422 8373 K357 WK Midland 8373 JD Missy Chloe 2422 I-.018

CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +11 +0 +48 +90 N/A N/A +26 -15.73 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +45.59 +111.25 70 103 514 97 This Program 2201 son, is another one that is combined with a Hoover Dam mother. His +0 BW EPD and double-digit CED, makes him a heifer bull.

Private Treaty Yearling Bulls 31

D A R Update P226 [DDP-M1P-OHP]

Birth Date: 3-11-2015 #Sitz Upward 307R Tokach Update 9009 16458143 Tokach Black Lady 4100 Bairds Nearly Windy 241 Bairds Eileen Q48 15276468 Bairds Eileen M42

+.73 RE +.36 FAT +.033 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +8 +2.2 +52 +97 +1.86 +1 +25 -7.51 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +53.06 +123.59 88 113 622 96 A long spined, deep bodied, and heavy muscled bull that will add extra pounds on the weaning scale and eye appeal to any set of calves. The 11-year-old dam of P226 has done a really nice job in our program. Recommended for Cows.

D A R Update P226 - Lot 31


D A R 3200 Update P256 [DDP]

Birth Date: 3-17-2015 Tokach Update 9009 BJ DAR Update 3200 17660507 #Green Garden Bonnie 138K #+GAR New Design 5050 BJ 5050 New Design 2130 +17529566 +GAR Retail Product L1216

Bull 18320377 Tattoo: P256 #Sitz Upward 307R CW Tokach Black Lady 4100 I+28 #Gardens Prime Star MARB #Green Garden Bonnie C139 S1

I+.56 RE I+.53 FAT I-.002 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +5 +2.7 +51 +96 N/A I+13 +29 -24.54 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +42.82 +109.05 76 109 553 104 Update P256 is an eye appealing bull with added body and muscle. His 5050 dam adds maternal and docility to the package. Recommended for Cows.


Bull 18245312 Tattoo: P226 #Connealy Onward CW Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M +40 #Vermilion Dateline 7078 MARB #Tokach Black Lady 0737

#B/R New Design 036 GAR Precision 706 #GAR Retail Product GAR 1407 New Design 1942


#AAR Really Windy 1205 Bairds Heather Pride J70 Abbeys Ambush 4356 Bairds Blkcp Eileen Hupnl 91

D A R Upshot P254 [DDP]

Birth Date: 3-11-2015 Bull 18244847 Tattoo: P254 #Sitz Upward 307R #Connealy Onward CW EXAR Upshot 0562B Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M +37 16541214 #+EXAR Barbara T020 #Isu Imaging Q 9111 MARB LCC Mc Henry Barbar MG382 +.91 RE HCC 1407 New Design 4004 #Bon View New Design 1407 +1.05 Molitor 4004 Barbell475-9475 HCCCT Burgess K014 FAT 16512039 #Molitor 5321 Barbell2073-475 #CA Future Direction 5321 Molitor 0423 Barbel 868-2073 +.041

CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +14 +.1 +47 +89 +.95 +12 +28 -6.94 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +57.72 +131.18 86 109 644 100 P254 is the lone EXAR Upshot son in this offering raised by our 9475 cow. His dam was our selection from the 2010 Molitor Angus Ranch Sale and was the top-selling female. Recommended for Cows.

ACF Bismarck 0027 [DDF] Birth Date: 1-27-2010

Bull 16675110

Tattoo: 0027

CW +24 MARB +.62 RE #Bon View New Design 1407 +.59 Exar June C 3577 FAT #SAF Choice Plus +.009 FSU Queen Jill 468 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN $W $B +0 +2.6 +68 +113 +1.26 +5 +25 -15.57 +71.47 +113.26 Bismarck K027 has been a herd sire at Dix Angus for 4 years. He doesn’t fit the light birth weight portion of our program, but has been our “pounds added” bull at weaning time. When you look at these sons of K027 you will find added frame and heavy muscled cattle. #+GAR Grid Maker SAV Bismarck 5682 [RDF] #+15109865 SAV Abigale 0451 #EXAR 263C VAR Queen Jill 8098 15967355 FSU Queen Jill 121

#GDAR Traveler 044 GAR Precision 2536 #Schoenes Fix It 826 SAV Abigale 6062

D A R K027 Bismarck P249 - Lot 34


D A R K027 Bismarck P249

Birth Date: 3-22-2015 #+SAV Bismarck 5682 [RDF] ACF Bismarck 0027 16675110 VAR Queen Jill 8098 JDI New Design 208-5902 DAR JD Velda IF21 #16507828 Bairds Velda Q22

Prime Star HB3 making his way to his cows after being turned out.

Bull 18222010 #+GAR Grid Maker SAV Abigale 0451 #EXAR 263C FSU Queen Jill 121

Tattoo: P249

CW +29 MARB +.22 RE #Bon View New Design 208 +.20 Molitor 411 Lady 773-902 FAT #AAR Really Windy 1205 Wards Velda 164 +.018 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN -5 +2.9 +66 +113 +1.48 -7 +28 -19.28 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +71.02 +103.53 94 119 797 123 Bismarck P249 was the highest weaning calf in the entire herd this year. His Dam, Velda IF21, has been producing standouts every year. P249’s three maternal sisters all produced bull calves this year that made the trip to Midland Bull Test. Recommended for Cows.


Private Treaty Yearling Bulls 35

D A R K027 Bismarck P255

Birth Date: 3-6-2015 #+SAV Bismarck 5682 [RDF] ACF Bismarck 0027 16675110 VAR Queen Jill 8098 #GAR Ultimate Hedgewood Rita 030 +16718578 +Hedgewood Rita 521

Bull 18222014 #+GAR Grid Maker SAV Abigale 0451 #EXAR 263C FSU Queen Jill 121

Tattoo: 5151

CW I+28 MARB I+.69 RE #SS Objective T510 0T26 I+.52 +GAR Load Up 1314 FAT #N Bar Emulation EXT +Hedgewood Rita 3100 of CC I-.001 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN I+5 I+2.3 I+54 I+100 I+.71 I+2 I+20 -6.29 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +44.11 +114.89 84 106 603 93 Bismarck P255 is a growth standout amongst the group. He is a powerfully made individual that has tremendous length of body. Recommended for Cows.

D A R K027 Bismarck P255 - Lot 35


D A R K027 Bismarck P223


D A R K027 Bismarck P247


D A R K027 Bismarck P248

Birth Date: 3-16-2015 #+SAV Bismarck 5682 [RDF] ACF Bismarck 0027 16675110 VAR Queen Jill 8098 Gardens StarTime Green Garden Gina K202 16504472 Green Garden Gina 9269 S1

D A R K027 Bismarck P246

Birth Date: 3-23-2015 #+SAV Bismarck 5682 [RDF] ACF Bismarck 0027 16675110 VAR Queen Jill 8098 #Mytty In Focus [RDF] Stucky Zara 9332 +16525731 Circle S Zara 2082

Bull 18222007 #+GAR Grid Maker SAV Abigale 0451 #EXAR 263C FSU Queen Jill 121

Tattoo: P246

CW I+23 MARB I+.64 RE #SAF Focus of ER I+.49 Mytty Countess 906 FAT #CA Future Direction 5321 Circle S Zara 9116 I+.011 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +9 -.5 +56 +96 I+1.24 I+13 +24 -13.53 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +57.44 +98.19 72 91 660 102 A negative birth weight bull by Bismarck K027! His dam, 9332, is a high volume Mytty In Focus daughter. Recommended for Heifers.

Birth Date: 3-29-2015 #+SAV Bismarck 5682 [RDF] ACF Bismarck 0027 16675110 VAR Queen Jill 8098 DAR JD Confidence GB58 DAR CD Chloe IC22 GB58 K368 16721044 #DAR CD Missy Chloe IC22

8N Upstart 102 in summer pasture.

Bull 18222008 #+GAR Grid Maker SAV Abigale 0451 #EXAR 263C FSU Queen Jill 121

Tattoo: P247

CW I+24 MARB I+.71 RE Woodhill Confidence I+.20 Green Garden Blackcap B158 FAT #N Bar Prime Time D806 JD Missy Chloe 2422 I+.015 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +5 +1.5 +56 +96 I+1.17 I+9 +20 -5.61 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +51.22 +107.65 86 109 616 95 P247 is a modest birth weight Bismarck grandson with good weaning and yearling growth. His dam is sired by our “cow-maker” herd sire GB58. Recommended for Cows.

Birth Date: 4-4-2015 #+SAV Bismarck 5682 [RDF] ACF Bismarck 0027 16675110 VAR Queen Jill 8098 JD Daigger 626 DAR HD Effie G26 F11 J177 16587349 Bairds Blackcap Effie Q00


Tattoo: P223

CW +26 MARB +.70 RE #Gardens Prime Star +.40 Green Garden Ella D258 S1 FAT #Summitcrest Scotch Cap 0B45 Green Garden Gina 2268 S2 +.040 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN -1 +3.5 +51 +94 +1.14 -12 +20 -1.80 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +38.79 +116.87 92 116 678 105 Bismarck P223 is a great bull for a set of cows. He is bound to produce heavier weaning weight offspring as his weaning ratio was 105 amongst his contemporaries. Recommended for Cows.

D A R K027 Bismarck P223 - Lot 36


Bull 18283447 #+GAR Grid Maker SAV Abigale 0451 #EXAR 263C FSU Queen Jill 121

Bull 18222009 #+GAR Grid Maker SAV Abigale 0451 #EXAR 263C FSU Queen Jill 121

Tattoo: P248

CW I+19 MARB I+.60 RE #JD Daigger 901 I+.27 Yon Witch F53 FAT #AAR Really Windy 1205 Wards Blackcap Effie 3212 I+.028 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +4 +.5 +50 +90 I+1.09 I+7 +26 -13.35 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +50.66 +87.77 82 103 581 97 Bismarck P248 stems back to the Q11 cow, we bought from Bairds Angus in Montana in 2005. This cow family has produced a lot of good bulls over the years. Recommended for Cows.

Private Treaty Yearling Bulls G

EXAR Denver 2002B [AMF-CAF-DDF-NHF] Birth Date: 1-1-2012

Bull 17160560

EXAR Denver 2002B


Tattoo: 2002B

CW +56 MARB +.87 RE #Bon View New Design 1407 +.93 Exar June C 3577 FAT #+GAR Expectation 4915 +.072 BR Royal Lass 7036-19 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN $W $B +10 +2.6 +73 +125 +.99 +5 +43 -58.31 +83.26 +172.13 Denver is a known for his rapid growth. The Denver offspring are deep middled with great shape of rib. He is one of top bulls in the breed for RADG and puts power and muscle into his offspring. #Sitz Upward 307R EXAR Upshot 0562B 16541214 #+EXAR Barbara T020 #EXAR 263C Exar Royal Lass 1067 +15595275 BR Royal Lass 19-132

#Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M #Isu Imaging Q 9111 LCC Mc Henry Barbar MG382

D A R Denver P229

Birth Date: 3-5-2015 Bull +18283450 Tattoo: P229 EXAR Upshot 0562B #Sitz Upward 307R CW EXAR Denver 2002B #+EXAR Barbara T020 +35 17160560 +Exar Royal Lass 1067 #EXAR 263C MARB BR Royal Lass 19-132 +.72 RE #GAR Retail Product #GAR Precision 1680 +.94 Daltons Rita 911 +GAR Ext 4927 FAT +16448371 +Daltons RITA4296OFHP1200 MF #Summitcrest High Prime 0H29 +GAR New Design 1200 +.016

CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +5 +2.0 +57 +95 +.57 +9 +32 -18.09 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +70.20 +133.19 77 100 679 100 P229 is our lead-off Denver bull from the Rita 911 cow. Moderate birth weight with rapid early growth is the highlight of these brothers. P229 is our favorite of the Denver group, with depth of body and good muscle shape you will find him too. Recommended for Cows.

Daltons Rita 911 - Dam of Lots 40, 42, 43, 44.


D A R Denver P232

Birth Date: 3-3-2015 EXAR Upshot 0562B EXAR Denver 2002B 17160560 +Exar Royal Lass 1067 #+GAR New Design 5050 BJ 5050 New Design 9162 +16681392 +BJ 1i2 Rito 6115

Bull +18287423 Tattoo: P232 #Sitz Upward 307R CW #+EXAR Barbara T020 +40 #EXAR 263C MARB BR Royal Lass 19-132

+1.05 RE +.84 FAT +.024 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +8 +2.1 +59 +110 +.90 +15 +32 -25.66 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +65.77 +158.07 78 100 518 100 P232 is from the New Design 9162 cow. He excels in RADG as he ranks in the top 1%. This Denver son also offers as much carcass merit as any other bull in the offering and he ranks in the top 4% for $B value. Recommended for Cows. #B/R New Design 036 GAR Precision 706 #+Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 +GAR 1407 New Design 942

D A R Denver P229 - Lot 40

Contact Jeff for all of your forage harvesting needs. (785) 476-5030.


D A R Denver P227

Birth Date: 2-24-2015 Bull +18320119 Tattoo: P227 EXAR Upshot 0562B #Sitz Upward 307R CW EXAR Denver 2002B #+EXAR Barbara T020 +36 17160560 +Exar Royal Lass 1067 #EXAR 263C MARB BR Royal Lass 19-132 +.63 RE #GAR Retail Product #GAR Precision 1680 +.96 Daltons Rita 911 +GAR Ext 4927 FAT +16448371 +Daltons RITA4296OFHP1200 MF #Summitcrest High Prime 0H29 +GAR New Design 1200 +.039

CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +6 +1.9 +59 +99 +.14 +0 +32 -24.58 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +67.55 +130.13 68 100 616 100 Denver P227 is a soggy middled, square hipped bull that is loaded with muscle. Full Brother to Lots 40, 43, and 44. These bulls are a great package for moderate birth.


Private Treaty Yearling Bulls 43

D A R Denver P228

Birth Date: 3-4-2015 Bull +18283449 Tattoo: P228 EXAR Upshot 0562B #Sitz Upward 307R CW EXAR Denver 2002B #+EXAR Barbara T020 +32 17160560 +Exar Royal Lass 1067 #EXAR 263C MARB BR Royal Lass 19-132 +.65 RE #GAR Retail Product #GAR Precision 1680 +.97 Daltons Rita 911 +GAR Ext 4927 FAT +16448371 +Daltons RITA4296OFHP1200 MF #Summitcrest High Prime 0H29 +GAR New Design 1200 +.019

CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +7 +1.7 +53 +90 +.64 +6 +32 -22.83 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +59.49 +121.82 74 100 623 100 This is another Denver son from the Rita 911 donor cow. He is a smooth designed bull that walks freely off of both ends. He will add base width and pounds. Full brother to Lots 40, 42, and 44. Recommended for Cows.

D A R Denver P230 - Lot 44


D A R Denver P230

Birth Date: 3-1-2015 Bull +18283451 Tattoo: P230 EXAR Upshot 0562B #Sitz Upward 307R CW EXAR Denver 2002B #+EXAR Barbara T020 +34 17160560 +Exar Royal Lass 1067 #EXAR 263C MARB BR Royal Lass 19-132 +.80 RE #GAR Retail Product #GAR Precision 1680 +.89 Daltons Rita 911 +GAR Ext 4927 FAT +16448371 +Daltons RITA4296OFHP1200 MF #Summitcrest High Prime 0H29 +GAR New Design 1200 +.035

CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +8 +1.7 +59 +97 +.27 +8 +33 -29.59 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +65.81 +127.95 72 100 632 100 P230 produced by embryo transfer from the 911 cow and Denver. Full brother to Lots 40, 42, 43. His dam, Rita 911, was used in our ET program and has some very nice females in the production cow herd. Recommended for Cows.

Deer Valley X-Treme 2731


Deer Valley X-Treme 2731 Birth Date: 9-12-2012

Bull 17509228

Tattoo: 2731

CW +51 MARB +1.09 RE #SS Traveler 6807 T510 +.74 SS Miss Rita R011 7R8 FAT #B/R Destination 727-928 +.004 +GAR Precision 4519 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN $W $B +7 +.6 +64 +116 +.58 -4 +25 -16.42 +69.36 +168.50 This is the first set of X-Treme 2731 calves to be offered for sale. They are smooth designed, light birth weight calves that grow fast. He also adds outstanding carcass merit to the package. #Mytty In Focus [RDF] AAR Ten X 7008 SA 15719841 #AAR Lady Kelton 5551 #SS Objective T510 0T26 Deer Valley Blackcap 8760 #+16252290 +Three Trees Blackcap 5132


#SAF Focus of ER Mytty Countess 906 SAV Adaptor 2213 +HSAF Lady Kelton 504B

D A R X-Treme P233

Birth Date: 3-25-2015 AAR Ten X 7008 SA Deer Valley X-Treme 2731 17509228 #+Deer Valley Blackcap 8760 #Hoover Dam DAR Gina M731 17464422 Green Garden Gina K202

Bull 18221997 Tattoo: P233 #Mytty In Focus [RDF] CW #AAR Lady Kelton 5551 I+37 #SS Objective T510 0T26 MARB +Three Trees Blackcap 5132

I+.98 RE I+.71 FAT I+.008 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +12 -1.2 +47 +95 N/A N/A +21 -6.03 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +42.26 +140.51 66 87 581 90 X-Treme P233 is a calving ease bull that is out of a moderate frame Hoover Dam mother. Double-digit CED and negative BW EPD runs him to the top of the list of the heifer bulls in our offering. Recommended for Heifers.


#SydGen CC&7 #Erica of Ellston C124 Gardens StarTime Green Garden Gina 9269 S1


D A R X-Treme P235

Birth Date: 3-1-2015 AAR Ten X 7008 SA Deer Valley X-Treme 2731 17509228 #+Deer Valley Blackcap 8760 #GAR Ultimate DAR Erica M752 17464427 DAR CD Erica ID08

Bull 18221999 Tattoo: P235 #Mytty In Focus [RDF] CW #AAR Lady Kelton 5551 +32 #SS Objective T510 0T26 MARB +Three Trees Blackcap 5132

+.96 RE +.56 FAT +.010 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +11 -.7 +49 +95 +.10 -11 +21 +3.35 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +54.41 +127.20 74 97 631 98 X-Treme P235 is a look-a-like to his sire. This is a very smooth shouldered bull. He has double-digit CED and a negative BW EPD. Recommended for Heifers.


#SS Objective T510 0T26 +GAR Load Up 1314 JDI New Design 208-5902 JD Erica 3308

D A R X-Treme P236

Birth Date: 4-3-2015 Bull 18222000 Tattoo: P236 AAR Ten X 7008 SA #Mytty In Focus [RDF] CW Deer Valley X-Treme 2731 #AAR Lady Kelton 5551 I+34 17509228 #+Deer Valley Blackcap 8760 #SS Objective T510 0T26 MARB +Three Trees Blackcap 5132 I+1.08 RE #Gardens Prime Star #N Bar Prime Time D806 I+.49 Dar Irene L526 Green Garden Jilt C242 S1 FAT 17154484 #Molitor 2720 Irene 9025-1047 #Hunts Calculator 2720 Molitor 610 Irene 677-9025 I+.043

CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +1 +2.9 +49 +91 I+.95 I+6 +22 -6.08 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +38.62 +131.86 84 106 549 92 X-Treme P236 is a younger bull in the pen that you don’t want to overlook. He is out of one of the stoutest made cows in the herd, L526, which is last natural born calf from the great Molitor 1047 cow. Recommended for Cows.

Midland Bull Test A A R Ten X 7008 S A [AMF-CAF-D2F-DDF-M1F-NHF-OHF]


Birth Date: 2-9-2007

Bull 15719841

Tattoo: 7008

CW +62 MARB +1.29 RE #BCC Bushwacker 41-93 +.77 SAV Abigale 0451 FAT #Sitz Traveler 8180 -.004 NA Lady Constence 504 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN $W $B +8 +.3 +68 +129 +1.50 +15 +22 +1.90 +87.19 +192.81 Number 1 sire in the Angus breed for registrations in 2015. Offers calving-ease, performance, carcass merit with outstanding $values in an outcross pedigree. Adds $Value in a herd of cattle. #SAF Focus of ER Mytty In Focus [RDF] #13880818 Mytty Countess 906 SAV Adaptor 2213 AAR Lady Kelton 5551 #15151449 +HSAF Lady Kelton 504B


#SAF Fame GDAR Forever Lady 246 #Sitz Alliance 6595 Baldridge Countess 357

D A R Ten X P200

Birth Date: 2-7-2015 #Mytty In Focus [RDF] AAR Ten X 7008 SA 15719841 #AAR Lady Kelton 5551 #Connealy Right Answer 746 Summitcrest Blackbird 17Y9 16966088 Summitcrest Blackbird 08u9

Bull 18222906 Tattoo: P200 #SAF Focus of ER CW Mytty Countess 906 +44 SAV Adaptor 2213 MARB +HSAF Lady Kelton 504B

+.98 RE +.46 FAT -.003 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +11 -1.5 +65 +117 +1.02 +20 +23 -6.34 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +79.40 +152.61 73 94 702 109 Ten X P200 is a very stout made bull that was produced from a moderate framed cow. His dam, Summitcrest Blackbird 17Y9, was one of our top selections from the Summitcrest Dispersion. P200 is sound structured and very eye appealing. His EPDs rank him in the top 1% of the breed for $W; 3% for YW; 4% for WW; 5% for BW, and 15% for CED. #SAV Final Answer 0035 [RDF] Happy Dell of Conanga 262 #GAR Predestined Loup River Blackbird 14P7

A A R Ten X 7008 S A


D A R Ten X P201

Birth Date: 2-10-2015 #Mytty In Focus [RDF] AAR Ten X 7008 SA 15719841 #AAR Lady Kelton 5551 #Gardens Prime Star Dar Velda L437 17154479 #DAR JD Velda IF21

+1.01 RE +.45 FAT +.039 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +2 +2.1 +67 +126 +1.34 +15 +30 -26.30 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +73.93 +169.07 84 108 778 120 This Ten X son, P201, is the highest growth numbered bull ever raised at Dix Angus. He comes from the Velda cow family which has produced outstanding bulls and females for many generations. His weaning ratio of 120 just begins to tell the story of his growth potential. He ranks in the top 1% of the breed for YW, RADG, $F; 2% for WW, $W, and $B.



D A R 999 Emblaze P203

Birth Date: 2-5-2015 Bull 18221451 Tattoo: P203 #+OCC Emblazon 854E #DHD Traveler 6807 CW LD Emblazon 999 Dixie Erica of CH 1019 +45 16665803 #+SH Forever Lady 3124 5118 #+Rito 1I1 of 2536 Rito 6I6 MARB +Toebben Forever Lady 3124 +.61 RE EXAR Upshot 0562B #Sitz Upward 307R +1.04 DAR Ms Upshot N842 #+EXAR Barbara T020 FAT +17613885 +44 Ms New Design 8051 #SS Objective T510 0T26 +GAR 1407 New Design L194 +.043

CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +17 -2.7 +63 +112 +.56 +13 +23 -6.24 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +77.79 +145.71 60 86 737 114 Emblaze P203 has always been a favorite since he was a baby. His dam did a great job on her first calf weaning off 63% of her weight with a ratio of 114. It will be hard to find this much calving-ease, growth, and carcass merit in an Emblazon pedigree anywhere. P203 ranks in the top 1% of the breed for CED, BW, $W; 5% for YW; and 10% for WW and $B value.

#N Bar Prime Time D806 Green Garden Jilt C242 S1 JDI New Design 208-5902 Bairds Velda Q22

D A R Ten X P202

Birth Date: 1-15-2015 #Mytty In Focus [RDF] AAR Ten X 7008 SA 15719841 #AAR Lady Kelton 5551 EXAR Upshot 0562B DAR Ms Upshot N842 +17613885 +44 Ms New Design 8051

D A R Ms Upshot N842 - Dam of Lots 702 and 703.

Bull 18222904 Tattoo: P201 #SAF Focus of ER CW Mytty Countess 906 +52 SAV Adaptor 2213 MARB +HSAF Lady Kelton 504B

Bull +18222868 Tattoo: P202 #SAF Focus of ER CW Mytty Countess 906 +46 SAV Adaptor 2213 MARB +HSAF Lady Kelton 504B

+1.10 RE +.82 FAT -.010 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +14 -1.0 +61 +115 +1.21 +13 +28 -17.72 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +73.36 +151.37 76 100 627 100 Ten X P202 is an ET calf from the young D A R Ms Upshot N842, who is already making waves. N842 had her first calf with outstanding ratios: BR@86, WR@114. P202 also has to two flush brothers selling in the BJ Angus Sale in March. He ranks in the top 2% for $W; 3% for CED, YW; 10% for BW, WW, $B. #Sitz Upward 307R #+EXAR Barbara T020 #SS Objective T510 0T26 +GAR 1407 New Design L194

SELLING Friday, April 8, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. (MST) Midland Bull Test Facility, Columbus, MT 13

Midland Bull Test LD Emblazon 999 [AMF-CAF-D2F-DDF-M1F-NHF]


Birth Date: 9-15-2009

#DHD Traveler 6807 OCC Emblazon 854E #+12514348 Dixie Erica of CH 1019 #+Rito 1I1 of 2536 Rito 6I6 SH Forever Lady 3124 5118 #+15352394 +Toebben Forever Lady 3124

CED +12

D A R 999 Emblaze P204

Birth Date: 2-7-2015 Bull 18229886 Tattoo: P204 #+OCC Emblazon 854E #DHD Traveler 6807 CW LD Emblazon 999 Dixie Erica of CH 1019 +32 16665803 #+SH Forever Lady 3124 5118 #+Rito 1I1 of 2536 Rito 6I6 MARB +Toebben Forever Lady 3124 +.78 RE #Hoover Dam #SydGen CC&7 +.80 DAR Estelle N862 #Erica of Ellston C124 FAT 17800464 DAR JD Estelle HF15 Woodhill Confidence CRD Estelle 5215 +.032

CED +14 $W +66.84

BW -2.0

WW +54

$B +138.71

YW +94 ACT BW 62

SC +.09 RATIO 89

DOC MILK +17 +18 ADJ. WW 678

$EN +12.94 RATIO 105

This Emblazon 999 son is a superior calving-ease prospect. A smooth fronted bull that is constructed with both length and depth of body. With ratios of 86 for birth and 105 for weaning it gives him the edge in a light birth to growth spread bull. He ranks in the top 2% for DMI; 3% for CED, BW; 5% for $W; 10% for $EN; 15% for RE and $B.


D A R 1682 Payweight P206

Birth Date: 3-9-2015 #+Basin Payweight 006S Basin Payweight 1682 +17038724 21AR O Lass 7017 #Sitz Upward 307R Hedgewood Rita 135 +17328195 +Hedgewood Rita 707

CED +10 $W +69.94

BW -.4

WW +62

$B +165.30

YW +113 ACT BW 72

WW +70

YW +122

SC +.10

CW +51 MARB +.65 RE #Rito 6I6 of 4B20 6807 +1.06 GAR Precision 2536 FAT #B/R New Design 323 +.039 +Toebben Forever Lady 150H DOC MILK $EN $W $B +17 +16 -3.00 +69.67 +174.96

D A R 999 Emblaze P205


Birth Date: 2-8-2015 Bull 18229887 Tattoo: P205 #+OCC Emblazon 854E #DHD Traveler 6807 CW LD Emblazon 999 Dixie Erica of CH 1019 +40 16665803 #+SH Forever Lady 3124 5118 #+Rito 1I1 of 2536 Rito 6I6 MARB +Toebben Forever Lady 3124 +.71 RE Connealy Consensus 7229 Connealy Consensus +.69 DAR Velda N863 Blue Lilly of Conanga 16 FAT 17793312 #DAR JD Velda IF21 JDI New Design 208-5902 Bairds Velda Q22 +.051

CED +12 $W +72.08

BW -1.5

WW +60

$B +142.66

YW +108 ACT BW 70

SC +.19 RATIO 99

DOC MILK +19 +20 ADJ. WW 680

$EN +3.06 RATIO 105

P205 is produced by one of the Velda IF21 daughters, a cow family that simply performs at the top every year. This 999 son will catch the eye with his length/depth of body, attractive design and his Angus look. He ranks in the top 3% for $W; 5% for BW; 10% for CED, YW, $B; 15% for WW.

Bull 18223811 Tattoo: P206 #Vermilion Payweight J847 CW +Basin Lucy 3829 +59 #HARB Pendleton 765 JH MARB 21AR O Lass F24A #Connealy Onward Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M #Mytty In Focus [RDF] +Hedgewood Rita 3944 of CC

SC +1.14 RATIO 92

DOC MILK +7 +25 ADJ. WW 710

+.84 RE +.65 FAT +.062 $EN -14.04 RATIO 110

The biggest spread son from the popular ABS Global sire, Basin Payweight 1682, from a powerfully made, high volume Upward daughter. P206 is a very stout designed bull with a good foot under him. This is a calving-ease prospect that will make them grow when they hit the ground. He ranks in the top 2% for $B; 4% for $W; 5% for YW; 10% for WW; 15% for CED, BW.

Hedgewood Rita 135 - Dam of Lot 706.

Basin Payweight 1682 [AMF-CAF-D2F-DDF-M1F-NHF]


Birth Date: 2-11-2011

#Vermilion Payweight J847 Basin Payweight 006S #+15332050 +Basin Lucy 3829 #HARB Pendleton 765 JH 21AR O Lass 7017 15875998 21AR O Lass F24A

CED +8

Basin Payweight 1682


Tattoo: 999

#QAS Traveler 23-4 #Bemindful Maid DHD 0807 #PBC 707 1M F0203 Dixie Erica of CH 615

999 is an outstanding curve-bender, which was introduced to us by Molitor Angus of Zenda, KS. He makes nice patterned, calving-ease cattle with first class performance and carcass merit. Our First Daughters are now coming into production with perfect udders. 999 was used heavily in 2015 at DAR and will continue to be used in the future. Don’t miss your opportunity at these great sons.

L D Emblazon 999


BW +.3

Bull 16665803

BW +.4

WW +70

YW +122

SC +1.14

Bull +17038724

Tattoo: 1682

CW +69 MARB +.91 RE #SAV Final Answer 0035 [RDF] +.65 #HARB Black Lady 375 JH FAT #VDAR Legend 1281 +.075 #21AR O Lass A24 DOC MILK $EN $W $B +11 +20 -10.62 +72.67 +191.02 #Vermilion Dateline 7078 Vermilion Lass 7969 #CA Future Direction 5321 Basin Lucy 178E

Payweight 1682 is a calving-ease sire that adds a tremendous amount of muscle, power, and depth to his offspring. Payweights consistently have more base width and outstanding correctness. He carries an outcross pedigree to most mainline sires and ranks in the top 1% of the Angus breed for $W and $B. Use Payweight to make outstanding females. A full sister sold at the 2015 NILE for $210,000.

Midland Bull Test 707

D A R 1682 Payweight P207

Birth Date: 3-11-2015 #+Basin Payweight 006S Basin Payweight 1682 +17038724 21AR O Lass 7017 #Connealy Contrast DAR HD Althea 5210 HB98 J172 #16603519 DAR HD Althea HB98

Bull 18223814 Tattoo: P207 #Vermilion Payweight J847 CW +Basin Lucy 3829 +51 #HARB Pendleton 765 JH MARB 21AR O Lass F24A

+.78 RE +.46 FAT +.041 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +8 +.2 +62 +103 +1.55 +22 +23 -5.51 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +72.19 +157.45 77 97 729 113 Payweight P207 is a neat designed bull with added muscle. He is thick over top and wide from behind. His Pathfinder Dam, by Connealy Contrast, has always had one of the top calves each year. You will get calving-ease, growth, muscle, and maternal all in one package.


#Connealy Danny Boy #Doris of Conanga 669 #AAR Really Windy 1205 Bairds Althea L98


Birth Date: 3-11-2015 #+Basin Payweight 006S Basin Payweight 1682 +17038724 21AR O Lass 7017 #SAV Final Answer 0035 [RDF] Deer Valley Pride 9480 #16354581 Pride of RR 5331

+.45 RE +.59 FAT +.077 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +7 -.2 +60 +102 +.98 +9 +23 -7.21 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +67.65 +137.26 82 104 720 111 An outstanding Payweight 1682 son, produced by a Pathfinder Dam. P208 has the look of all the 1682 bulls; big boned, deep bodied, stout hipped, thick ended, and smooth fronted. He is a free moving bull that has a lot to be desired. #Sitz Traveler 8180 SAV Emulous 8145 #+HA Image Maker 0415 Pride of RR 3818

Bull 18213375 Tattoo: P209 #Sitz Upward 307R CW #+EXAR Barbara T020 +30 #EXAR 263C MARB BR Royal Lass 19-132

+.75 RE +1.01 FAT +.044 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +8 +1.3 +59 +99 +.47 -1 +33 -20.75 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +75.84 +122.89 86 110 715 111 Denver P209 is the natural calf from the second generation donor cow, Rita 107. He is a long bodied bull with nice rib shape and muscle. Two maternal ET brothers, sired by Deer Valley All In, will sell in March at the BJ Angus Sale. #+GAR Grid Maker SAV Abigale 0451 #GAR Retail Product +Daltons RITA4296OFHP1200 MF

BW +1.5

WW +67

YW +130

D A R Double Vision P210

Birth Date: 2-7-2015 #Connealy Reflection Jindra Double Vision 16748826 +Hoff Rachel 8312 405 Styles Upgrade J59 DAR Velda M724 18068613 #DAR JD Velda IF21

MILK +26

$W +60.21

$B +186.94

Connealy Reflection x Hoff Limited Edition S C 594

D A R Capitalist P211

Birth Date: 1-23-2015 #SAV Final Answer 0035 [RDF] Connealy Capitalist 028 16752262 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 Kesslers Frontman R001 DAR Althea N846 17793307 DAR HD Althea HB98

Hedgewood Rita 107 - Dam of Lot 709.


Jindra Double Vision


Bull 18223816 Tattoo: P208 #Vermilion Payweight J847 CW +Basin Lucy 3829 +48 #HARB Pendleton 765 JH MARB 21AR O Lass F24A

D A R Denver P209

Birth Date: 3-26-2015 EXAR Upshot 0562B EXAR Denver 2002B 17160560 +Exar Royal Lass 1067 #+SAV Bismarck 5682 [RDF] Hedgewood Rita 107 17614383 +Daltons Rita 911

CED +9

D A R 1682 Payweight P208

Bull 18213376 Tattoo: P210 #Bon View New Design 878 CW Happy Grill of Conanga 6260 +51 #Hoff Limited Edition SC 594 MARB Hoff Miss Expo SC 4223

+.47 RE +.48 FAT +.022 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +8 +.8 +60 +114 +1.53 +21 +29 -27.19 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +61.69 +153.84 80 105 732 113 This bull, sired by the Genex bull Jindra Double Vision, is a larger scaled individual. His dam is a moderate framed female from the Velda IF21 cow that has done great things for our program. P210 is a big footed bull with added length and frame. His EPDs rank him in the top 3% for RADG; 4% for YW; 5% for CW, $B; 10% for $W, and 15% for WW. #Sitz Upward 307R Plainview Lassie 71B JDI New Design 208-5902 Bairds Velda Q22

Connealy Capitalist 028

Bull 18220181 Tattoo: P211 #Sitz Traveler 8180 CW SAV Emulous 8145 +29 #CRA Bextor 872 5205 608 MARB Prides Trav of Conanga 6499

+.36 RE +.88 FAT +.054 CED BW WW YW SC DOC MILK $EN +14 -2.2 +65 +107 +1.09 +1 +23 -.21 $W $B ACT BW RATIO ADJ. WW RATIO +86.60 +105.42 58 84 752 116 The cattleman’s kind of bull is what Capitalist P211 best exhibits. A sound made bull that is stout from any angle. Probably the biggest hipped bull in the group this year and started out at a modest 58 lb. birth weight. His EPDs rank him in the top 1% for $W; 2% for BW; 3% for CED; 4% for BW; and 10% for YW. #Connealy Front Page 0228 Kesslers Bell 0024 #AAR Really Windy 1205 Bairds Althea L98

CED +10

BW -.2

WW +64

YW +110

MILK +15

$W +62.83

$B +104.72

S A V Final Answer 0035 x C R A Bextor 872 5205 608


American Angus Association® Selection Tools Expected Progeny Difference (EPD), is the prediction of how future progeny of each animal are expected to perform relative to the progeny of other animals listed in the database. EPDs are expressed in units of measure for the trait, plus or minus. Interim EPDs may appear on young animals when their performance has yet to be incorporated into the American Angus Association National Cattle Evaluation (NCE) procedures. This EPD will be preceded by an “I”, and may or may not include the animal’s own performance record for a particular trait, depending on its availability, appropriate contemporary grouping, or data edits needed for NCE. Accuracy (ACC), is the reliability that can be placed on the EPD. An accuracy of close to 1.0 indicates higher reliability. Accuracy is impacted by the number of progeny and ancestral records included in the analysis. GROWTH Calving Ease Direct (CED), is expressed as a difference in percentage of unassisted births, with a higher value indicating greater calving ease in first- calf heifers. It predicts the average difference in ease with which a sire’s calves will be born when he is bred to first-calf heifers. Birth Weight EPD (BW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit birth weight to his progeny compared to that of other sires. Weaning Weight EPD (WW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit weaning growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires. Residual Average Daily Gain (RADG), feed efficiency expressed in pounds per day, is a predictor of a sire’s genetic ability for postweaning gain in future progeny compared to that of other sires, given a constant amount of feed consumed. Yearling Weight EPD (YW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit yearling growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires. Yearling Height EPD (YH), is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit yearling height, expressed in inches, compared to the that of other sires. Scrotal Circumference EPD (SC), expressed in centimeters, is a predictor of the difference in transmitting ability for scrotal size compared to that of other sires. Docility (DOC), is expressed as a difference in yearling cattle temperament, with a higher value indicating more favorable docility. It predicts the average difference of progeny from a sire in comparison with another sire’s calves. MATERNAL Heifer Pregnancy (HP), is a selection tool to increase the probability or chance of a sire’s daughters becoming pregnant as first–calf heifers during a normal breeding season. A higher EPD is the more favorable direction, and the EPD is reported in percentage units. Calving Ease Maternal (CEM), is expressed as a difference in percentage of unassisted births with a higher value indicating greater calving ease in first-calf daughters. It predicts the average ease with which a sire’s daughters will calve as first-calf heifers when compared to daughters of other sires. Maternal Milk EPD (Milk), is a predictor of a sire’s genetic merit for milk and mothering ability as expressed in his daughters compared to daughters of other sires. In other words, it is that part of a calf’s weaning weight attributed to milk and mothering ability. Mature Weight EPD (MW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of the difference in mature weight of daughters of a sire compared to the daughters of other sires. Mature Height EPD (MH), expressed in inches, is a predictor of the difference in mature height of a sire’s daughters compared to daughters of other sires.


Cow Energy Value ($EN), expressed in dollars savings per cow per year, assesses differences in cow energy requirements as an expected dollar savings difference in daughters of sires. A larger value is more favorable when comparing two animals (more dollars saved on feed energy expenses). Components for computing the cow $EN savings difference include lactation energy requirements and energy costs associated with differences in mature cow size. CARCASS The genetic evaluation produces a single set of EPDs for carcass weight, marbling score, Ribeye area and fat thickness. The units of measure are in carcass trait format and analyzed on an age-constant basis. Carcass Weight EPD (CW), expressed in pounds is a predictor of the differences in hot carcass weight of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires. Marbling EPD (Marb), expressed as a fraction of the difference in USDA marbling score of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires. Ribeye Area EPD (RE), expressed in square inches, is a predictor of the difference in ribeye area of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires. Fat Thickness EPD (Fat), expressed in inches, is a predictor of the differences in external fat thickness at the 12th rib (as measured between the 12th and 13th ribs) of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires. $VALUE INDEXES $Value indexes, are multi-trait selection indexes to assist beef producers by adding simplicity to genetic selection decisions. $Values are reported in dollars per head, where a higher value is more favorable. The $Value is an estimate of how future progeny of each sire are expected to perform, on average, compared to progeny of other sires in the database if the sires were randomly mated to cows and if calves were exposed to the same environment. Weaned Calf Value ($W), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for pre- weaning merit. $W includes both revenue and cost adjustments associated with differences in birth weight, weaning direct growth, maternal milk, and mature cow size. Feedlot Value ($F), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for postweaning merit compared to progeny of other sires. Grid Value ($G), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for carcass grid merit compared to progeny of other sires. Quality Grade ($QG) represents the quality grade segment of the economic advantage found in $G. $QG is intended for the specialized user wanting to place more emphasis on improving quality grade. The carcass marbling (Marb) EPD, which is influenced by carcass marbling scores and ultrasound percent intramuscular fat (% IMF) measurements, contribute to $QG. Yield Grade ($YG) $YG represents the yield grade segment of the economic advantage found in $G. $YG is intended for the specialized user wanting to place more emphasis on red meat yield. It provides a multi-trait approach to encompass ribeye, fat thickness and weight into an economic value for red meat yield. $G combines both $QG and $YG, and may be the best carcass decision tool for focusing on quality and red meat yield simultaneously. Beef Value ($B), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for postweaning and carcass value compared to progeny of other sires.


Dix Angus Ranch Herd Sires HARB Hindquarter 473 JH Birth Date: 2-14-2014

Bull 18033745

• Dix Angus Ranch selection from 2015 Midland Bull Test, Harrison Angus Ranch. • Sired by the 2012, $50,000 top-selling bull at Midland Bull Test, HARB Stur-D 191 JH. • His Pathfinder Dam is a maternal sister to Genex bull, HARB Denali 788 JH. • His dam and her 5 maternal sisters have posted an impressive weaning ratio of 105 on 23 progeny. • A TRUE OUTCROSS PEDIGREE. • 1st calves are coming this spring.

Tattoo: 473

HARB Stur-D 191 JH - Sire of Hindquarter. Fairview Angus Ranch, Melville, MT

CED +13

BW -1.2

WW +56

YW +93


Milk +33

Act. BW Ratio Adj. WW Ratio Adj. YW Ratio 73 91 819 117 1270 109

$W $B Adj. SC +66.19 +116.54 N/A

HARB Stur-D 191 JH x Connealy Onward x HARB Cincha 829 Owned with

Harrison Angus Ranch, Boyd, MT

HARB Princess Vel 980 JH - Dam of Hindquarter. Harrison Angus Ranch, Boyd MT

Semen Available through Dix Angus Ranch.

8N Upstart 102 Birth Date: 1-7-2011

CED +15

BW -2.8

WW +54

Bull 16984021

YW +98

SC +1.41

Milk +29

• Upstart is a no-hole super calving-ease bull who offers balanced multi-trait EPD profile. • His first daughters are in production and they are perfect uddered and he sires moderate framed thick ended calves. • A true sleep all night heifer bull that offers growth, fertility, and carcass in a moderate framed package. • Dix Angus Ranch Selection from 2012 Midland Bull Test, Aiton Angus Ranch.

Tattoo: 102X

Act. BW Ratio Adj. WW Ratio Adj. YW Ratio 76 89 761 121 1139 100

$W $B Adj. SC +72.53 +125.82 40.17

Sitz Upward 307R x SAV Final Answer 0035 [RDF] x GAR Retail Product Owned with

Aiton Angus, Harlowton, MT

Semen Available through ORIgen Beef, Huntley, MT

D A R Upshot N929 - Son of Upstart. Muir Farms, Stockton, KS


Dix Angus Ranch Herd Sires Deer Valley Coal Train 41157 Birth Date: 1-25-2014

CED +7

BW +.6

WW +70

Bull 18030488

YW +125

SC +1.26

Milk +28

• Coal Train is the newest addition to our herd sire battery. He was chosen from the Deer Valley Farms Fall 2015 Bull Sale. • Calving Ease with extreme growth and maternal excellence in this son of the $170,000 Boyd Signature 1014. • Coal Train’s dam is a tremendously deep bodied Final Answer daughter produced from one of the top Boyd New Day 8005 daughters in the land. • He not only exhibits outstanding phenotype, but he also ranks in the top 1% of the Angus breed WW, YW, $W, and $F; top 15% for RE EPD, and top 20% for $B and Milk EPD.

Tattoo: 41157

Act. BW Ratio Adj. WW Ratio Adj. YW Ratio 55 85 811 106 1445 108

$W $B Adj. SC +80.10 +135.48 38.31

Boyd Signature 1014 x SAV Final Answer 0035 [RDF] x Boyd New Day 8005 Semen Available through

Boyd Signature 1014 -

Sire of Coal Train.

Dix Angus Ranch.

Deer Valley X-Treme 2731 Birth Date: 9-12-2012

Bull 17509228

• Dix Angus Ranch selection from the 2013 Deer Valley Farms. • His first calves have been lower birth weight that projected with BW ratio of 98. • A Ten X son that has eye appeal and ranks in the top 2% of the Angus breed for $B; 3% for Marb, $QG; 10% WW, YW, CW, $W, $F; 15% for RE EPD. • The highest carcass merit sire at Dix Angus. • 1st progeny sell in this offering.

Tattoo: 2731

Deer Valley Blackcap 8760 - Dam of X-Treme.

CED +7

BW +.6

WW +64

YW +116

SC +.58

Milk +25

Act. BW Ratio Adj. WW Ratio Adj. YW Ratio 72 101 816 112 1179 104

$W $B Adj. SC +69.36 +168.50 36.54

AAR Ten X 7008 SA x SS Objective T510 0T26 x B/R Destination 727-928 18

AAR Ten X 7008 SA - Sire of X-Treme.

Dix Angus Ranch Herd Sires Sitz Investment 648B Birth Date: 1-28-2014

CED +10

BW -.1

WW +66

Bull 17758536

YW +119

SC +.94

Milk +28

• Investment was the Dix Angus Ranch selection from the 2015 Sitz Angus Ranch Spring Bull Sale. • A long sided, deep sided calving-ease bull. • Dam’s Production: 3 calves @ BWR98, WWR-103, IMF-107. • His first calves are coming this spring.

Tattoo: 648B

Act. BW Ratio Adj. WW Ratio Adj. YW Ratio 77 90 836 108 1364 108

$W $B Adj. SC +81.44 +132.21 36.60

Sitz Investment 660Z x Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6 x OCC Great Plains 943G Semen Available through

Sitz Investment 660Z - Sire of Sitz

Investment 648B.

Dix Angus Ranch.

BJ Program 2201 [DDF] Birth Date: 8-30-2012

Bull +17530425

• Top-selling bull from the 2014 BJ Angus Sale. • A long sided, deep bodied calving-ease sire with an excellent maternal background. • His dam, BJ Objective 8215, has produced more than $200K worth of progeny for BJ Angus. • He was the top-performing bull in the Fall 2012 bull crop at BJ Angus. • 1st sons selling in this offering.

Tattoo: 2201

BJ Objective 8215 - Dam of BJ

Program 2201.

CED +15

BW -1.1

WW +48

YW +94

SC +1.22

Milk +31

Act. BW Ratio Adj. WW Ratio Adj. YW Ratio 72 100 843 100 1451 100

$W $B Adj. SC +54.95 +112.39 38.83

HA Program 5652 x SS Objective T510 0T26 x GAR Retail Product Owned with

BJ Angus, Manhattan, KS

D A R 2201 Program P240 - Son

selling as Lot 21.


Dix Angus Ranch Donors D A R Ms Upshot N842 [DDF]

D A R Ms Upgrade N834

CED +14

BW -.4

WW +62

YW +116

SC +.64

MILK +29

$W $B +74.40 +140.93

CED +14

Styles Upgrade J59 x BJ Objective 8212

BW +.2

WW +48

YW +86

SC -.33

MILK +12

$W +40.55

$B +88.55

SandPoint Blackcap Lady 3013

BW +.3

WW +68

YW +126

SC +.75

MILK +30

$W $B +75.24 +115.53

CED +12

SC +1.70

MILK +21

BW +1.2

WW +51

YW +93

SC +.77

MILK +30

$W +66.41

$B +98.06

EXAR Upshot 0562B x Basin Miss Rita 9675

Riverbend Rita X677

$W $B +71.19 +164.35

AAR Ten X 7008 SA x EXAR Blackcap Lady 1505


YW +103

Deer Valley Miss Rita 3292 [DDF]

Connealy Capitalist 028 x Hedgewood Rita 521

CED +7

WW +57

EXAR Upshot 0562B x 44 Ms New Design 8051

Hedgewood Rita 301

CED +10

BW -1.6

CED +0

BW +2.2

WW +53

YW +95

SC +.27

MILK +34

$W $B +55.08 +140.44

Summitcrest Complete 1P55 [RDF] x Riverbend Rita 3047

Dix Angus Ranch New Additions Deer Valley Blackcap 51291

CED +7

BW +1.2

WW +63

YW +115

SC +.11

Riverbend Lucy 426

MILK +23

$W $B +62.42 +150.26

Plattemere Weigh Up K360 x Rita 1I94 of 2536 Rito 6I6 Our selection from the 2015 Deer Valley Farms, Focused on the Future Female Sale. Rita 1I97 and Rita 1I98, full sisters to the dam of 51291, 1I97 sold 1/2 interest for $400,000, a world record-value in 2008 and later resold 1/2 interest for $500,000 to value her at $1 million. 1I98 sold for $153,000 in 2004 Wehrmann Sale, then later resold for a $500,000 valuation and currently working at Woodside Farms in VA.

CED +6

BW +.4

WW +64

YW +103

SC +1.02

MILK +26

$W $B +79.99 +141.63

Riverbend Peerless 0016 x Riverbend Lucy Z1165 Our selection from the 2015 Hedgewood Prairie sale, Enterprise, KS. Coming from the great Lucy family, stemming back to the great Basin Lucy 178E, the $600,000 value cow.


March 10, 2016 ∞ Manhattan, KS Dix Angus Ranch will be selling 34 bulls and 21 females with BJ Angus Total Sale offering: 69 Fall Bulls, 48 Yearling Bulls, 74 Elite Registered Females

Cody Dix 2595 C Road Stockton, KS 64669



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