FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 2025
82 Highland Road
Crawford, NE 69339
The best in Quality and Service
It is with great pleasure to invite you to our 29thAnnual Performance Bull Sale! It is hard to believe this is our 29th bull sale in Crawford - time does really fly by. First and most importantly, we would like to thank all our past buyers and your interest in our cattle. We do appreciate that very much and welcome everyone to take a look for the first time. We are excited to offer this outstanding group of bulls. We have six new sire groups leading off with the Jameson and Craftsman sons. We have a huge selection of heifer bulls with Saluda, Statesman and calving ease Crossfire, who continues to amaze us as his daughters mature into great cows. What fun times we are in with the cattle market. When we receive some moisture this spring and sell these calves this fall it could be another record breaking year. We have decided to offer our sale Online with Northern Livestock Video Market. All the bulls will be videoed and should be ready for viewing aroundApril 1st. You will have two opportunities to bid Online - Northern Video or Cattle USA. Please reach out to us if you have any questions about bidding Online. We enjoy this business and have always demanded our cattle being raised in a practical manner and perform for our buyers. The bulls do not receive creep feed and are weaned in late September and started on feed. We take great pride in good cattle and quality service to our customers. We appreciate your past interest and please feel free to ask for any additional information. We also welcome you to the ranch any time. The bulls will be at Crawford Livestock Market on Wednesday,April 9th. Please come take an early look on Thursday afternoon in Crawford - we will have light snacks & drinks available. Acomplimentary lunch will start at 11:00AM on sale day. We look forward to seeing you there!
Sincerely, Sellman Ranch
Crawford Livestock Market ~ Crawford, NE Sale Day Phone: 308.665.2220
Complimentary Lunch at 11:00 AM Sale Time 1:00 PM (MST) Butch
GUARANTEE: All bulls purchased over $3500 are guaranteed through the 1st breeding season against injury. (Breeding season is the 90 day period following first turnout of the bulls). We also offer our Sellman customer appreciation guarantee. We expect these cattle to work right. We do appreciate your confidence in our program and will always try to cooperate on any problems that may arise.
S 1, 2025
OPTION 1 ~ Take your bulls home on sale day and recieve a $100 discount per head.
OPTION 2 ~ Delivery - We will deliver your bulls starting the week after the sale.
OPTION 3 ~ Leave your bulls at the ranch until ready to turn out, but YOU must pick them up by May 1, 2025
HERD HEALTH: All bulls are either pedigree or blood tested free of AM, CA and NH. Bulls tested for DD are marked on pedigree. All bulls have been DNA tested with Angus GS for enhanced EPDs and parentage. All bulls will have passed a fertility test by Dr. Kesterson ~ Alliance, NE. Scrotal measurements were taken on February 25, 2025 and are actual measurements.
RETAINED INTEREST: Sellman Ranch will retain semen interest on marked bulls. The bulls will be collected immediately following the sale and then delivered to the buyer at no expense.
5 Bulls ~ 5% Discount 10 Bulls ~ 10% Discount
For the Desktop:
1. It is best to use the Google Chrome web browser.
2. Pre-Register at least one day prior to the sale.
3. Go to bid.northernlivestockvideo.com and click “Get Approved to Bid”.
4. Doing this will prompt you to create an account, after which you will fill out a bidder approval application.
5. Once Approved, an email will be sent to the email account provided, please click the link in that email to activate your account and a buyer number will be provided.
6. On sale day (after approval), visit www.northernlivestockvideo.com to view and bid!
For the Mobile:
Use your mobile devise to download the Northern App and follow the above steps to get approved.
There is an instructional video on how to register to bid on our website, www.northernlivestockvideo.com
For technical assistance with Internet Viewing and Bidding Questions, call Sam Fraser 406-860-0590.
Anyone wanting to use the Northern Livestock phone bank to bid must pre-register and have a bid number to bid on the phone. To register with NLVA call 866-616-5035 Before Sale Day.
View the Online CATALOG and VIDEO CLIP of each BULL selling at www.northernlivestockvideo.com
Bidders who are successful in making purchases will be contacted following the sale to make payment and delivery arrangements.
Northern Livestock’s Sale Day Bid Line: 1-406-245-0889.
Each auction approves it own buyers, no buyers are approved by Cattle USA. This is done for your privacy and security. Your buyer’s information is kept private and is only released to the auction you choose. In order to buy at an auction you will need to submit your contact information to each auction you wish to buy from.
2) Push the submit button next to the auction you wish to be approved at. The first time you do this, a form will pop up for you to fill out your contact information. Fill out your information then push the button at the bottom of the form to continue.
3) You have now sent your information to that auction. The auction will now be able to find you in their database and approve you to buy.