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Welcome to the 2023 Spring Edition of our Bull & Female Sale!
We would like to invite you to join us at the ranch on Saturday, April 15, 2023 for our annual spring sale starting at 12:30 pm. The cattle will be on display for viewing by Thursday morning or call us to come by earlier.
We saw a strong demand for our genetics last fall in our sale— even in severe drought conditions. Here we are six months out and we are receiving some moisture. The experts say the drought is receding and we can expect moisture. The industry experts are also saying that the stars are aligning for record calf prices and continued strong demand for beef, while the cattle inventory is at a historic 60-year low. It’s going to take time to rebuild our numbers--creating a supply and demand issue that will favor cow calf producers.
Once again, we feel we have some of our best bulls to offer to you in this sale. We take great pride and allocate substantial resources to bring you high quality bulls. No matter the breed your cow herd is, we feel our bulls can work for you and your operation. Our offering is strong—80 bulls strong.
All of the females we are selling are first calf heifers with their whole production life ahead of them and they can put you in the driver’s seat for the next few years. Ours have generations of production backing them and these are the kind you need to rebuild your herd with and produce the calves that could be the highest valued of your lifetime—if you listen to the experts.
We are also featuring four bulls—Lots 1, 2, 4, and 21 and ask that you pay considerable attention to the genetic value they offer.
Make plans to join us at 11:00 a.m. on sale day for lunch sponsored by Bar None Country Store, Mike Jones. The sale will begin promptly at 12:30 p.m.. If you can’t be there in person, please get registered with Superior Livestock and join us online.

I want to personally thank the entire W4 crew and their families for their tireless dedication and drive to make the program work here at the ranch. We would also like to thank our customers for their continued support. Customer service and satisfaction is a core value for us, so let us know how we can help you!

Jeff Chaffin Manager 254/396-2785
Schedule of Events