1 minute read
Saturday, April 15, 2023
12:30 p.m. CST ... at the ranch, Morgan, Texas
Sale Location
W4 Ranch-Steele Creek Headquarters, located on FM 927 between Lakeside Village and Morgan in Bosque County, Texas or 4 miles east of Morgan from Hwy. 174.
Hillsboro, Texas, 29 miles from the ranch
Sale Headquarters: Ramada Inn (254) 582-3493 or (877) 200-3392
Other lodging at Comfort Inn, (254) 582-3338
Holiday Inn Express, (254) 582-0220
Also in Clifton, 20 miles from ranch
Best Western, (254) 675-8999
Air Travel
Dallas/Fort Worth Airport is serviced by most major airlines and is 90 miles from ranch. Waco Airport is located just 40 minutes from ranch. We have a private FAA approved airstrip located on the ranch that can accommodate most all private planes. W4 Ranch airstrip’s new location identifier for the landing facility is 84TE.
A 75’ wide x 4,500’ long asphalt runway. Call (254) 635-4444 for shuttle to sale barn.
Sale Day Phone
(254) 635-4444 – Phone bids welcomed
Sale Manager
Tom Johnson 440 FM 246 • Wortham, Texas 76693 (903) 599-2403 or (817) 291-5121
......................................... (254) 396-2785
Joe Walker (817) 965-4560 or office
Joey Walker (817) 395-2228
Bidding/Buying Online
Sale will be broadcast live on SuperiorLivestock.com
Call 817/422-2117 to register.
See page 51 for details on viewing/bidding/buying.
Col. Doak Lambert
Sale Staff
Hereford World Colton Pratz
Texas Hereford
Terms of Sale
Terms of sale are CASH, to be paid in full at the conclusion of the sale. We will be glad to consider special terms if arrangements are made prior to the sale date. Contact Tom Johnson.
Sale Conditions
Each animal will be sold to the highest bidder with the auctioneer settling any disputes as to bids. Each animal will become the property of the buyer as soon as sold.
All cattle are guaranteed to be breeders; all females having been examined safe in calf will be considered as proven breeders. Any bull subsequently found to be a non-breeder may be returned in good condition and with our permission within six months of the sale date. We reserve the right to try any reported non-breeder for six months and if we cannot confirm the animal as a breeder will refund the purchase price.
Herd Health
Individual health certificates for interstate shipment will be furnished on all sale cattle. All test-age cattle will have been tested negative for Brucellosis. All the cattle have been vaccinated for 7-Way Blackleg, Lepto and wormed. Mark Jackson, DVM serves as our herd veterinarian.
EPDs in this catalog were obtained on March 7, 2023.
Connect with our website Note
All persons attending the sale do so at their own risk. W4 Ranch nor any person connected with the sale assumes liability, legal or otherwise, for any accidents which may occur.