Rancho Key Club April Newsletter 2020

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From Your President

Hello Rams! We have officially started the 2020-2021 term. I am super excited, even though our term is not quite starting off on the right foot, it is important that we all unite in this time of need. Your executive board and I are working hard to make sure that we end this school year strong. I’ve been in close contact with other Key Club presidents around the California-Nevada-Hawaii district and I can’t wait to share the ideas I've gained from them with you all. I have also been talking to the CLT’s and they already have some fun projects for us. I miss all of you and I am so excited to get back to serving the community as one big Key Club Family. Serving To Inspire,

Vincent Esconde

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From Your Vice President

Bonjour! If you are not aware, the time has come to get straight to work as our 2020-2021 term has officially started! *crowd roar* Now, you may be wondering how the board and I are planning on working together considering the current situation we’re all in and to that I say that everything is going to turn out perfectly fine, have you ever heard of ZOOM? All jokes aside, we, including the CLTs, are sprouting with new ideas that I think will strike your fancy. Trust me, we are working harder than ever before to succeed in our goals and strive for the best. I believe we can get through this difficult time with your utmost spirit, dedication, and hard work. Remember to look on the bright side and I hope to bring joy to you all.<3 Sincerely Yours,

From Your Secretary

Jazelle Morales ​


Hey Key Club, I’m beyond excited to finally start the new term and I can’t wait for all of you to see what we have in store. I’m working diligently with the help of the board and CLT’s to make sure this term is filled with nothing but fun and exciting events. We’re off to a rocky start with everything that’s going on but I promise not only am I working hard to end the school year off right, but so are my fellow board members. With your help, I know we can accomplish so much and strive for bigger and better goals this term and I can’t wait until we see it come to life! Keep your school spirit high and together we can get through anything :) Soaring with Service,

Lina Abushanab


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From Your Treasurer

Hey my fellow Rams! We have officially begun our 2020-2021 term, which is very exciting! I know it is not the best way to start off the term, but we can get through this hard time if we all work together! I would like to start off by saying thank you all for having patience in us, throughout the craziness that is happening right now! Even though we are stuck in our homes, the board, the CLT’s, and I have been working together to make sure that our term starts off strong! We are coming up with new ideas to begin our term that we really hope you like, trust me, they are so great! All we need is for you all to work with us to accomplish and surpass our goals! I truly can't wait to see your positive spirits as we make this all happen! I miss each and every one of you! Try to stay happy and always look at the positive side of things! <3 With Love,

Elizabeth Godfrey


From Your Historian

Hey Rams! Our new term has finally come upon us and although the present may seem dark and uncertain, it only means that brighter and happier times are bound to happen in the future. With that in mind, communication is essential during these times and with our monthly newsletter, I aim to keep everyone informed and up to date on our projects and upcoming plan. As things are ever so changing, thank you all for being patient with us as we try to work our way around new territory. I’m so proud of all of you for being strong and resilient, especially the CLTs as they are working so hard to try to assemble their committees and meet deadlines even as school is out of session. If you ever need any help or assistance, we’re here for you and you aren’t alone. We’re all in this together and we can only work upwards from here. I truly miss everyone and I wish you all to be in good health, I can’t wait until we can all be together in due time. Thank you again! Serving to Inspire,

Ellanae Manera


From Your Webmaster

Good afternoon, my fellow key clubbers. I’m so excited to be starting the new term as your webmaster. I know it's not the very best way to be starting our term but we still hope to make this upcoming year an amazing year. I’ll be keeping everyone updated through our social media and trying my hardest to keep things looking cute. We are still working very hard as a board to keep things in order and get things prepared for the next school year. And we can’t forget about our CLTs, they're doing amazing creating newsletters and making advertisements for their own committee. I’m so proud of our club! We work our very hardest to make our members and community a happy place. Yours truly,

Chrystal Ortega


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