Rancho Bulletin Volume 1 Edition 3

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MAY 2020

Rancho Bulletin Volume 1 Edition 3

Happy May, Rams! I can't believe that we've already arrived to the end of the school year. As school starts to wind down, I urge you to stay in contact. Later in the newsletter, I am happy to announce that we are having a virtual meeting at the end of the month and we strongly encourage members to attend, you won't regret it. Also, if you want to find out the theme for this term's RTC and what Rancho will be, make sure to pay attention to our officer bio section. With that said, I hope you all have an amazing start to the summer! See you later! Serving to inspire,

Ellanae Manera

Rancho HS Historian d28n.rancho.historian@gmail.com



MDR Announcements


KFR Announcements

From Your Officers

District Board



Club Goals


Member Recognition


Next Meeting




Social Media

SPC Announcements

New Remind


RTC Comm Announcements


20 21



From Your President Mabuhay Rams! That’s how we greet people in the Philippines, this month we are celebrating the Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage. As an Asian American myself, I find it important to keep my culture alive even if I'm 7,365 miles away from my home country. During the past month our club managed to still commit acts of service even in current situations, I cannot be more proud of you guys, it certainly shows that no force can stop anyone from serving their home schools, and community. The Executive Board has new club goals for everyone, it’s not only optimistic but attainable as well, I hope that you help our club attain these goals! You may have heard already but I’m more than pleased to announce that the RTC theme for this year is Mario Kart, and Rancho will be Yoshi. Though District Convention was cancelled, I’m pleased to say we have elected our new District Governor, District Secretary and District Treasurer for the 2020-21 term, you will get to meet them in the coming pages. On behalf of the board I thank all of you for being patient with us. Rest assured that this term will be filled with love, passion and service! Inspired to Serve Serving to Inspire,

Vincent Esconde From Your Vice President How’s it goin’ busy bees! I want to start off by thanking members for getting involved in the many service projects that took place this month. It has brought joy to all of those we took time to acknowledge and proved what we, as a club, can accomplish .*wipes away tears* Now, onto serious business. I, as your Vice President, am looking forward to fundraising beyond our borders by partnering up with food/drink businesses. With our proud partnership(s), we will gain the necessary profit to help cover any costs of our dedicated members who aren’t able to pay for events they want to partake in. Another goal I have in mind is broadening our horizons by working alongside other key clubs in our district and other districts in interclub events. It will be a didactic experience and help form new bonds between other passionate key clubbers. Now, when it comes to service you may be asking yourself, “When are we going to go out and do our duty?” Well, it’s going to be a little while until I get back to scheduling “inperson” service events. But I will still do my best on finding events no matter how laborious it may be at this time. On the other hand, we as a board are looking forward to gaining 2,000 hours total. It may seem like a lot but we know it’s totally attainable. I appreciate your commitment and hard work and I hope all is going well! Serving above and beyond,

Jazelle Morales

From Your Secretary Hey Key Clubbers, now that our term has officially started, both the board and the committee have been working tirelessly and endlessly to give you guys the best experiences and make this term a memorable one. We have so many goals we want to accomplish and with the help of you guys we know we can accomplish each and every one of our goals. As secretary my priority for the club are the members. That means member participation, member recruitment, etc. It is our hope to bring in 70 paid members this term and increase the number of members that attend RTC to 45 attendees and 15 to Fall Rally. I want our club to flourish and become even bigger and stronger than it already was. I’m so excited to get more involved with each and every one of you and get as many members as possible to participate in some fun key club events. The board wants to do as much as possible to make everything run smoothly just so all you guys have to do is show up and do your part, hopefully with lots of joy and lots of motivation. I know right now is a difficult time but we won’t let that stop us from serving the community and you guys as well. Serving with Love and Passion,

Lina Abushanab From Your Treasurer Hey my fellow Rams! Since we have finally begun our term, the board and all of the committees have been working extremely hard to start this year off great! We have created many goals that we know we can achieve as long as we have you by our side to accomplish and even surpass them! As the treasurer of this amazing club, my duty is to keep track of the collection and disbursement of the club money, as well as coming up with fundraisers. So I have created a club annual budget so that we can always keep track of what is coming in and out of our funds. I have been thinking about ways we can fundraise during the summer, hopefully, and fundraisers for the school year. Our goals for the term are to raise about $600 for Pediatric Trauma Program, to raise $300 for Children’s Miracle Network, to make sure we have $400 for the club and member benefits, hold at least one fundraiser a month, and there are so many more. With your help, I know that our club will succeed our goals and flourish into a stronger, yet already amazing club! I can’t wait to begin all of the exciting things the board has planned. And I truly can't wait to see your positive spirits as we make this all happen! I miss each and every one of you! Try to stay happy and always look at the positive side of things! Serving with Heart and Dedication,

Elizabeth Godfrey


From Your Historian Hey Rams! As May is already in motion, I wanted to remind you that as we progress into summer, I encourage you all to stay up to date with our current projects and plans by checking in with the monthly newsletter. If you're reading this, you're already a step ahead of the game! Having more members checking in on this is one of our club goals that pertain to marketing. Although I compiled a short, summarized list later, to get the gist, some of our goals this term and upcoming school year is to really get our club out there through various methods of advertising. You can help accomplish this yourself just by bringing a friend or two every meeting to introduce them to Key Club! There are endless possibilities and opportunities to get our lovely club more exposure, and it's so easy that anyone and everyone can do it! With your help, we can begin to build our club to achieve bigger and better accomplishments. Until next time! Serving to Inspire,

Ellanae Manera

From Your Webmaster Hey my fellow Key Clubbers !! I can’t believe it's already May, time flies by so fast. I know some of us have been working hard and studying for AP exams, and I just want to say good luck to everyone and I believe in you. On the other hand, our executive board has been keeping in contact and making due to our situation. This is why one of our goals as a club is to maintain strong communication between our board and CLT’s. It’s my pleasure to announce that we officially have our own club website which I’ve been updating as we continue. As a club, we also need to be communicating because we want to make sure all members feel involved, by making sure we post on our social media on what’s coming up, such as DCMs. Communication is KEY because it ensures that our goals are achieved. I am willing to try my hardest for this club and make sure we stay in contact. Soaring with Service,

Chrystal Ortega


Meet Your New District Executive Board! Governor: Daniel Min Secretary: Grace Yim

Treasurer: Yena Suh 7

Join Join the the new new Remind! Remind! Text

@rhskc2021 to



The current Remind will only remain active until May 25th!

Club Goals

The club will accomplish 2,000 service hours. Have at least 70 paid members

To hold at least 3 service events each month To hold at lease 1 service project each month

As a board, we decided upon our club goals, here's a summary of what we came up with! Raise $600 for Pediatric Trauma Programs Raise $300 for Children's Miracle Network

Increase awareness and club publicity Introduce a "rewards system" to market CNH











Member Recognition

Member of the Month: Maria Landaverde Service Bee of the Month: Lu Vo Most Spirit of the Month: Andrea Zirnic


: g n i t e e M  l a Virtu MONDAY, MAY 25TH Join us for our first ever virtual meeting! We have fun events and games so that we can stay in touch and have fun, even at home!


COntacts: Club Officers:

President: Vincent Esconde d28n.rancho.pres@gmail.com (714)494-3708

Vice President: Jazelle Morales d28n.rancho.vp@gmail.com (702)326-1054

Secretary: Lina Abushanab

Treasurer: Elizabeth Godfrey



Historian: Ellanae Manera

Webmaster: Chrystal Ortega







Club Leadership Team: Service Project Chair: Melika Cummings

RTC Chair: Matthew Flores



Member Development & Relations Chair:

Kiwanis Family & Relations Chair:





Nazeerah Omer

Hoda Abushanab (702)807-2697

Faculty: Ms. Ellen Brownridge browne7@nv.ccsd.net (702)799-1000



Region: Ms. Hanna Santee wagnehl@nv.ccsd.net (702)799-0950

Kiwanis: Mr. Pete Falger pfalger2000@cox.net (702)286-8303


Social media: Twitter: @rhs-kc

Facebook: Rancho Key Club Instagram: @rancho.kc.lv

Snapchat: rancho.keyclub


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