Rancho Bulletin Volume 1 Edition 14

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APRIL 2021

Rancho Bulletin Volume 1 Edition 14

Rancho High School Key Club 1900 Searles Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89101

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3 - April Calendar 4 - From Your Officers 7 - SP Committee Announcements 8 - MDR Committee Announcements 12 - KFR Committee Announcements 14 - RTC Committee Announcements 16 - Articles and Visuals 18 - Contacts 19 - Social Media

april 2021 Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. 1 4 11 18 25









7 14 21 28

8 15 22 29

4/7 - Club Board Meeting 4/18 - Senior Night

2 9 16 23 30

Sat. 3 10 17 24

c a l e n d a

4/19 - General Meeting 4/21 - Executive Board Meeting 4/23 - Banquet


From Your President

Greetings Key Clubbers! I cannot believe that this will be the last time that I will be addressing you all in our newsletter. Let me begin this final address to tell you all that it has been my honor and pleasure to have served as your President. This term was filled with so many challenges, but despite those challenges we all managed to come together and serve our home, school and community. Being your President has taught me so much, all of you made me realize that I am more than capable of being a leader, this position has made me step out my comfort zone and grow as a person. And for that, I would like to thank all of you for taking a chance on me to lead this club to success. This term may not be what we envisioned, but regardless we all stepped up to the plate to serve a community that is in dire need of help. Key Club has taught me many things in life, but the most important lesson of all is that Key Club has made me realize that we are all capable of changing the world. As a candidate, I ran on a vision of inspiration. I said that I ran for this position because “I was inspired by many student leaders to serve, and if elected it is my hope to inspire others to serve as well”. It is my hope that at some point during this year, I have inspired people to serve and give back to our community. As we close this term, I want all of you to reflect on your time in Key Club. Whether you are a first year member or a fourth year member, I hope that you look back in your Key Club years as a time of advocacy and activism. Remember to speak up for what you believe in, and never be afraid to use your voice because that one small voice may become a ripple effect for change. I would like to take this time and thank the Executive Board, the Club Leadership Team and our Advisors for serving alongside me and never giving up even when all hope is lost. Once again Key Clubbers, thank you for allowing me to be your President and thank you for sticking with me during these difficult moments. I am more than excited to see what all of you are going to be doing next term, I am confident that the next Executive Board will lead this club to new heights. As always, thank you for serving our home school and community and for the last time...

Inspired to Serve Serving to Inspire,

Vincent Esconde

From Your Vice President Well, believe it or not, but this my final statement to you all as we get ready to wrap up an unforgettable term with a glorious ending, and to be frank, I am going to miss the times we have spent as a key club family. It has been my greatest pleasure to have served each and every one of you and to have led you all down the golden path of success and leadership. When looking back at my accomplishments as a leader, I remember my freshman self: a hesitant individual who was fearful of coming out of my comfort zone, especially going as far as to holding an officer position for one of the most active and, in my opinion, prestigious clubs in the school. Now, here I am, addressing you all in my final statement, detailing my profound amazement of how you busy bees kept up with our shenanigans. This term was one of the most challenging terms to have ever happened in Key Club as these unprecedented times brought forth personal hardships that have all affected us one way or another. With the spiraling uncertainty in the air, my board, CLTs, and I worked to the max in building our key club spirit and familial bond. And boy, were we successful! We had the biggest turnout in member retention and member engagement which made my e-board and I overjoyed. You guys have truly made my term worth all the work as you all supported us and cheered us on with the radiating spirit you all possess. And let’s not forget the amount of patience you all have; you all deserve a trophy for the patience you all demonstrated. Because of your qualities, you have all grown to embody the key club core values of leadership, inclusiveness, character building, and caring, and I couldn’t be more proud of each and every one of you for developing into the leaders of our future. Remember that without you, Key Club wouldn’t be what it is today. Your astounding influence on service left lasting impressions on those you have lent a helping hand to and hopefully, that would never stop. Our big day (the banquet) is almost near, so I’ll save the rest of my discourse until then. With that said, we can officially say we have made it towards the finish line of our 2020-2021 officer term and I couldn’t have done it without you. I only hope for the best of luck to you all and for more memories to be shared in the coming years. Peace, love and thank you.

Serving Magically Alongside You,

Jazelle Morales

From Your Secretary The moment we have all been dreading :( It’s going to be hard writing my last ever section of the newsletter but it will be a nice little reflection moment. As I take a look at the past few years and recollect the experiences and memories I gained from Key Club, the main take away from it has been the many valuable lessons I’ve learned. From dedication, commitment, leadership, to most importantly what it means to do something bigger than yourself and help those in need. There is one main thing that I’ve learned throughout these two years and that is how much I yearn to be a part of something bigger and better. Volunteering isn’t just a means of gaining hours required from you or a task you only do because “you have to” which is what I perceived it as before. I now look at It as a way to help anyone and everyone around the world and it is driven by people who want to make a change each and every day. It was like yesterday that I attended my first service event, helping Three Square package lunches for the homeless. It wasn’t until then when I realized how big of a change one human could do when we all work together for an important cause. That day at the end of our volunteer work they announced to us that we had packaged over 3,000 lunches for the homeless. I was in complete awe when I heard that number and it brought me a feeling of such joy and satisfaction knowing me, a tiny human in this big world, alongside other tiny humans could do so much for those in need. From there on out I have always promised myself to lend a hand and take chances in life even if I don’t think they will do much in the world because it will in fact impact at least one person which in return will cause a ripple effect of good deeds passed on by one another, helping 100 times the amount of people that you sought out to help. No matter how little we think we are, each one of us has a purpose and we can always collaborate together to accomplish something greater and much much bigger than us. I will forever cherish the moments I created and carry the message Key Club heavily embodies, to care for one another, which is now my way of life. I say this in hopes it will spark at least one of you to do more and leave my term with encouragement and hope. I know the future of this club is in good hands and I can’t wait for you guys to experience some of the same feelings and memories I have.

Serving with Love and Passion,


From Your Treasurer

Hey, my fellow Key Clubbers! Wow, it is officially my last time saying this in a newsletter :( for the past few months, it has been a countdown until our last newsletter, and let's just say this moment has unfortunately come, but it's not just going to be a sad and bitter moment, it's also going to be filled with love and eagerness! Let me start by saying thank you. Thank you for giving me the honor of being your club’s Treasurer! It has truly been one of the best high school experiences so far. When I flashback to the beginning of my Key Club career, I have come to the realization that I have gained not only a new family that I can come to but also new lessons that I am able to take along with me after high school. With this club, I have learned how to be a leader, what spirit really means, and especially I have learned the true meaning of service! Now let's look back at the beginning of the term. Immediately when we began this term, there were a lot of challenges that we had to overcome, due to the pandemic. However, despite the difficulties we surpassed, our club made it through strong while learning new valuable lessons. This was all thanks to each and every one of you because even though it was not the year that we wanted, you all continued to dedicate your time and selves to this club and to service. This was one of the best things that I noticed this term, your dedication, and love for service! The fact that you all stayed by our sides throughout our whole journey, really shows how amazing and inspiring you are :) There is one thing I do regret throughout these 4 years of high school. I regret not joining Key Club sooner! I never realized that this club could hold such a huge impact on my life and in my heart. Little did I know that a little club, like us, could really change the world and I am so proud that I have been able to be a part of every moment for the last two years! I want to make a promise to you all and to myself. I promise that I will take these values and lessons that Key Club has taught me and use them in my everyday life. I promise that I will continue to help those in need and serve my community each day and I hope that you all do the same! Please do not forget that you all hold a special place in the true meaning of Key Club and a special place in my heart! I will always cherish the memories that we made together, but it is time to make some new memories. Your new and amazing 20212022 board will do such a great job this upcoming term, and I believe that you are all in great hands. I hope you all continue to make some amazing memories that will last a lifetime! Thank you for everything and always stay safe! Love you all <3 and for the last time...please remember to always look on the positive sides of things:)

Serving For the World,

Elizabeth Godfrey

From Your Historian

Hey Rams! Can you believe it's already the end of the term? I still remember making my first newsletter and writing my bio for the first time like it was yesterday. Time flies so fast! At the beginning of this term, I was worried about how we would overcome the challenges ahead of us because this term was like no other. Although it may not have been what we were anticipating, we as a club still managed to jump over every hurdle and be able to come out successful in the end. We did it!! Throughout this year and the last, being an officer and being in Key Club in general has taught me so much and I've done things that I never thought I'd be able to do. For that, I'm eternally grateful for this wonderful opportunity to serve as your historian. The time I spent in this club is without a doubt priceless because of everything I learned about Kiwanis, about leadership, and about myself. Every meeting, every service project, every social, and every other moment we spent together was something that I'll take with me moving forward. Not to mention, every step of the way, the Club Board worked so hard to make those moments happen. Behind the scenes, they put in so much time and effort to make our club the best it can be no matter what problems we run into. It was such an honor to work alongside such hardworking and determined individuals and to call ourselves a team. As our time as a Club Board winds down, that's not to say that this is the end. This is the start of a new beginning with an amazing team of elects that will take this club to even greater heights. I can't wait to see what new ideas and plans are in store for next term! I have full confidence that the next generation of our club will continue to make our club the best it can be. We still have so much potential, and I'm excited to see what becomes of it. For the final time, thank you so much for this opportunity!

Serving to Infinity and Beyond,

Ellanae Manera

From Your Webmaster

Hey Key Clubbers! Can you believe this is already the end of our term. I’m still having a hard time processing it, but I know that we are leaving this club in great hands. The first thing I’d like to say is thank you so much for letting me be our club's webmaster, and a special thank you to our previous President for electing me for this position. This year has taught me so much about leadership and responsibility, and I’ll never forget about it. When I think back to when I started the term I was a very different person who was shy and scared to ask questions, but this year changed that. This year pushed me out of my comfort zone and made me become more independent. I remember that we were all so excited when we were appointed our position that we just jumped right into planning future events. But when the pandemic hit, we all kind of lost hope but our amazing president kept being positive. He is always pushing for the what ifs. When it came closer to school we took a large initiative to make things work and we created a plan. We always tried to keep moving forward to make this year feel no different because we all deserved to have something a little normal during this pandemic. This club has become my normal, the members are family to me even if I don’t know them that well. But i wouldn’t feel like this if it wasn’t for the board by my side. We have all pushed one another to become the best we know we can be. I am truly so thankful for being a part of an amazing club and an amazing board.

Soaring with Service,

Chrystal Ortega

ARTICLES & VISUALS By Webmaster Elect Vicente Chavez

Prior to Quarantine, 2020 Before Covid-19 became a serious issue, our club's board wanted to start off right by creating new positions so more members could hold leadership titles. We created four CLT (Club Leadership Team) that were appointed to people who were interviewed and delegated by the board. The four positions included: Service Project Committee (SPC), RTC Committee (RTC COM), Kiwanis Family Relations (KFR), and Member Development and Relation (MDR). Each committee's duty is to have monthly meetings and create flyers to be added to our monthly Newsletter. In continuation with this, our new club executive board would like to start interviewing to find some recruits for the upcoming year.

Summer Recap 2020 As a part of our Service and Relations Chair, their main responsibility is to create monthly events for ourmembers. Melika Cummings first service project to tackle was the Eliminate Project. This event brought awareness to maternal/neonatal tetanus (MNT), and it required members to take a bite out of a lime/lemon and say they support the Eliminate Project. To find everyone’s submissions, check out our Instagram (@rancho.kc.lv). Another amazing event our service chair, Melika, put together was the summer of safety event where members provided safety tips on how to have a fun and safe summer! As summer came to end, our school wanted to welcome the upcoming freshmen. They created a virtual freshmen orientation on August 21st that allows freshmen to get a feel of high school and be able to see all the different types of clubs. Once people joined, we discussed our mission in Key Club and the meaning of service. We encouraged the freshman aka our future key clubbers, to join the Remind and to follow our Instagram for updates. By the end, we had about 1520 people show up. That might not seem like a lot but we had the biggest turn out compared to the other clubs at Rancho High School. We are beyond grateful for getting to know the incoming freshmen who would happen to be dedicated key club members in the near future.

New School Year, 2020-21 With the school year beginning, the board had to plan our very first meeting! We decided to make big changes to how the school year was going to turn. We would only have one meeting a month and still have them on Mondays. So for our first meeting of the year, we planned it to be on August 31st. We were all so glad to see our members, whom we have missed over summer break and so happy to see all the new members. We started off the meet by introducing ourselves and then we jumped right into what’s coming up. At the time we had a Bingo Night Fundraiser and our MDR chair was planning a social. We didn’t want the meeting to feel unappealing to members who want to engage with us. So we created a time where individuals could talk about their day, how they felt, or what’s been going on in their lives. This time was called Tea Time. After a few people shared we played a Kahoot to conclude our meeting. The Kahoot was about the Executive board, CLTs, our club division and region, CNH, and other aspects of Key Club. Whoever won the Kahoot would win a $20 gift card of their choice provided by our President, Vincent Esconde. That concluded our very first meeting, having a total of 88 attendees which was beyond our goal. Continuing on to September 25th, our MDR Chair, Hoda Abushanab, hosted the Rancho Got Talent show, giving members a chance to show off their special talents. The contestants and their talents go as follows: Claire Pormento’s cover of the song idontwannabeyouanymore by Billie Eilish, Taren Wilson’s demonstration of her speedy drawing skills, Hannah Kwan’s performance of Bach Fugue No. 15 in G Major on the piano, and more! All contestants put on a great performance for our audience as it showcased their spectacular talents, and it left the executive board with a tough decision to make when deciding on the winner. After a thorough discussion, the board decided to name Hannah Kwan our Rancho Got Talent show winner! The prize she won was a donation of $20 to a charity of her choice. The talent show ended with a round of applause dedicated to the winner and our participants who took the time out of their day to showcase their special talents. In addition, our winter banquet occurred in December of 2020, To celebrate our club’s accomplishments and to acknowledge our hardworking service bees. Our MDR chairwoman, Hoda Abushanab, had a lot on her plate when trying to bring our members a day packed with excitement and joy! Upon the special day, we came across technical difficulties that hindered the event, but despite the sudden issue, we rescheduled the event for the Friday of the same week. Our club members’ patience and dedication made it so we were able to carry out our longawaited event and honored the following awardees: Most Spirit Award- Vicente Chavez Service Bee of the Month Award- Julissa Araiza-Contreras December Member of the Month- Nuhamine Moges Outstanding Member Award- Alva Yukee Distinguished Member Award- Lizeth Sandoval E-board Shoutout Award- Jehann Alcantara Winner of the Free Rice competition- Caleb Hone After recognizing these members for their hard work, we inducted the new members by renewing their key club pledge. Afterwards we proceeded to enjoy the rest of the event by playing games. The board thanked and congratulated our outstanding members, for making our club such an amazing group. We as a club are more than grateful to have you work alongside the board in putting together a fantastic video featuring former key club members, our Lieutenant Governor Mari, and shocking us with messages from our CNH District Governor, Secretary, and Treasurer. Overall, was an amazing event that raised spirit and appreciation and ended the year on a great note!

COntacts: Club Officers: President: Vincent Esconde d28n.rancho.pres@gmail.com (714)494-3708

Vice President: Jazelle Morales d28n.rancho.vp@gmail.com (702)326-1054

Secretary: Lina Abushanab

Treasurer: Elizabeth Godfrey



Historian: Ellanae Manera

Webmaster: Chrystal Ortega







Club Leadership Team: Service Project Chair: Melika Cummings

RTC Chair: Matthew Flores



Member Development & Relations Chair:

Kiwanis Family & Relations Chair:





Nevaeh Selner

Hoda Abushanab (702)807-2697

Faculty: Ms. Ellen Brownridge browne7@nv.ccsd.net (702)799-1000



Region: Ms. Hanna Santee wagnehl@nv.ccsd.net (702)799-0950

Kiwanis: Mr. Pete Falger pfalger2000@cox.net (702)286-8303

Social media: Twitter: @rhs-kc

Facebook: Rancho Key Club

Instagram: @rancho.kc.lv Website: ranchokeyclub.wixsite.com/ran cho-keyclub-lv

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