Rancho Review Volume 2 Edition 12

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TABLE OF CONTENTS April Calendar From Your Officers New Executive Board Articals & Visuals Contacts Social Media







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04/01 - Service Week 04/04 - General Meeting 04/21 - Executive Board Meeting

04/25 - General Meeting 04/26 - North DCM/Banquet

My fellow Key Clubbers, It has been my honor and pleasure to have served as your President. You all have grown into great leaders and pushed out of your comfort zone. To the Executive Board, I am thankful for each and every one of you as this term wouldn't have been possible without you all. Working together to create new projects and entertaining events has allowed me to see you all grow into truly remarkable individuals. A club doesn’t just run on simply one person, but it becomes successful with many, and having 6 of us allowed us to work efficiently and effectively. I could have not accomplished this term without any of you and my hope is that we maintain in contact with each other and never lose this bond From our first e-board meeting together planning our first general meeting to our last e-board meeting to planning this banquet it had been a great journey. Members, this club would not exist without each one of you. After the beginning of the year, there was a decline in members however you all still stuck with the key club and helped bring back members. I hope as the years go you all take something away from the key club and maintain your spirit. From cleaning up trash around our school, to working at the magical forest it has been wonderful working with you all. To the next Executive Board, I hope you are ready for this journey. It’s your turn now to keep the legacy that this Executive Board and past Executive Board have created. Stay creative and remember to always go for what you believe in. Ms. Brownridge, thank you for sticking with our board and not giving up on us and I know I nag you to death with my questions and list of things to do but I appreciate all your hard work and this club wouldn't be possible without you. Again it has been an honor of mine to serve you, and as I part ways with Key Club I would like to thank all of you for giving me the chance to be your President and thank you for sticking with me till the end. And for the final time...

Reaching for Service All Around,

Hello bee-uties! Congratulations to the new board!!! I’m beyond excited for the new board to experience what it's like serving their community on a different level than just a general member. This month I’ve been working on training the new treasurer. It's a bittersweet feeling, I'm very excited for the board and ready to see them fix and become better leaders than what we were these past year, have them learn from our mistakes. But on the other hand I'm nostalgic, I will miss the opportunity I had to help so many wonderful people. I will always remember the wonderful term we had and hope nothing but the best for the new executive board!

Serving for the World,

Nathalia Melendez

Nuhamine Moges

Mabuhay Key Clubbers! My term serving as your Historian has finally come to end and I will be passing this role to your new Historian Elect. Thank you so much for everything you all have given to this club especially seeing the growth we had through out the entire year. It means so much that all of you stuck around till the end even if events were cancelled but that always brought new opportunities for us to experiment with. For me, this position as your Historian sure has given me experience what it's like to lead a family especially with the rest of our Executive Board. To the other five officers, I am so proud that we made it through the year seeing from all the success we brought to this club. From this entire year, my favorite part was when we all got to volunteer together at the Magical Forest. The scenery made it come together while we were serving at stations to bring everyone joy. Other than that, gathering in Ms. Brownridge's room was so fun especially the most recent Banquet we had together. Lastly, I'd like to thank Ms. Brownridge as our amazing advisor and her commitment towards this club and all the events that she has helped out with which overall made a big impact towards our success this year. Although it is bittersweet to fond over all the memories we made together this year, thank you all for being a part of them. As your Historian, I'll be signing out but who knows what's to come... I'll see you all next year ;)

Serving to Bring Melodies Together,

Melyka Tanyag

Meet Your New

Executive Board

Melyka Tanyag, President Elect

Katia Gutierrez Perez, Vice President Elect

Jose Vasquez, Treasurer Elect

Fernanda Cruz, Historian Elect

Jean Guenivere Reyes, Secretary Elect

Honarata EsperanzaDrinks, Webmaster Elect

Articles & Visuals Aloha Banquet, April 29 This get together would be the last time our club would meet with each other for this term. This banquet was Aloha themed where people got to dress up like they were going to the beach and leis were being passed out while we had some food for everyone. Before everyone got to enjoy the fun activities we had planned in this meeting, all of our Executive Boards got to say their farewell speeches and awards were passed out who were all nominated by our Advisor Ms. Brownridge and our Executive Board. It was then time to award our Officer Elects a certificate and the Executive Board would officially pass down their roles to them. After that, everyone got to enjoy the food and socialize with everyone and it ended off with a game of Pie-tionary. This was basically a game of pictionary game between the old and new Executive Board and who ever lost would be pied in the face. The new Executive Board won and as a result, Melyka Tanyag and Nathalia Melendez were pied in the face. Overall, this get together with all the members was a bittersweet moment but everyone had fun. This event was a good way to end this term before this school year offically ended with exams

CONTACTS President: Nuhamine Moges d28n.rancho.pres@gmail.com (702)513-4903

Vice President: Joseline Samaniego d28n.rancho.vp@gmail.com (951)505-0139



Lubnaa Omer d28n.rancho.secretary@gmail.com

Nathalia Melendez d28n.rancho.treasurer@gmail.com



Historian: Melyka Tanyag

Webmaster: Vicente Chavez





Faculty: Ms. Ellen Brownridge browne7@nv.ccsd.net (702)799-1000

Region: Ms. Hanna Santee wagnehl@nv.ccsd.net (702)799-0950

Kiwanis: Mr. Pete Falger pfalger2000@cox.net (702)286-8303

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